Пример #1
        public ActionResult Registration(Models.RegisterviewModel model)
                //step 23 and step 24 checking in COI table.
                DboCredentialOrganizationInfo user = _context.DboCredentialOrganizationInfo.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Vchr128EMailDomain == Utility.GetUserNameFromEmail(model.Email, true) && m.BAllowEmailAssociation == true && m.BAllowSelfRegistration == true);

                if (user != null)
                    //checking Organizatioanl CredentiID credential table whether the user is enalbled or not.
                    DboCredential dbCre = _context.DboCredential.SingleOrDefault(m => m.BintId == user.BintCredentialId && m.BEnabled == true);
                    if (dbCre != null)
                        //check if the user already exists in dbcren
                        if (_context.DboCredential.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Vchr32Name == model.UserName) != null)
                            ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = "User Name already exists ,Please choose other name";
                            //step 25 send validation email.
                            string token = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                            var    url   = string.Format("{0}://{1}/{2}{3}", Request.Scheme, Request.Host, "Account/Index/?token=", token);

                            new BusinessLayer(_context).SaveEmailVerification(model.Email, token);
                            new BusinessLayer(_context).CreateNewInactiveUserCredential(model);

                            new AuthMessageSender().SendEmail(model.Email, "subject", "body message <a href=" + url + ">click here</a>");
                            return(RedirectToAction("EmailConfirmation", "Account", new { token = token }));
                        ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = "You are not a valid user";
                    ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = "You are not a valid user";
            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = ex.Message;

Пример #2
        public IActionResult VerifyEmail(RegisterviewModel model, string token)
            DboEmailVerification dbEmv = _context.DboEmailVerification.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Vchr250Token == token && m.BEnabled == true);

            if (dbEmv != null)
                string username   = model.UserName;
                byte[] password   = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(model.Password);
                string domainName = Utility.GetUserNameFromEmail(dbEmv.Nvch128Email, true);
                TempData["UserName"] = username;
                LoginViewModel mode1 = new LoginViewModel {
                    Email = dbEmv.Nvch128Email

                DboCredentialOrganizationInfo user = _context.DboCredentialOrganizationInfo.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Vchr128EMailDomain == domainName && m.BAllowEmailAssociation == true && m.BAllowSelfRegistration == true);
                //validate whether user record exists
                DboCredential dbCr = _context.DboCredential.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Vchr32Name == model.UserName && m.Bin64PasswordHash == password && m.BEnabled == false);
                if (dbCr != null)
                    //step 6 creating user records.
                    new BusinessLayer(_context).CreateNormalUserCredential(username, user.BintCredentialId);
                    TempData["UserName"] = username;
                    dbEmv.BEnabled = false;
                    return(RedirectToAction(nameof(CredentialsController.ManageCredentials), "Credentials", new { debug = "" }));
                    ViewData["ErroMessage"] = "User doenst not exists";
                //step 10 Access Denied.
                return(RedirectToAction(nameof(AccountController.AccessDenied), "Account", new { debug = "" }));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //step 1 user hits the site
        public IActionResult Index()
            //step 11 check whether user using self registration link.
            if (HttpContext.Request.Query["token"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                string token = HttpContext.Request.Query["token"].ToString();
                //step 13
                return(RedirectToAction("VerifyEmail", "Account", new { token = token }));
                //return  this.VerifyEmail(email);
                //step 2 checking user is in our network.
                string logusr = User.Identity.Name;
                //string logusr = User.Identity.Name;

                WindowsIdentity loggedInUser = HttpContext.User.Identity as WindowsIdentity;

                //if (loggedInUser?.User?.AccountDomainSid?.Value == "S-1-5-21-2610387755-854405893-26240035430")
                //string sid = _context.DboSystemConfiguration.SingleOrDefault(m => m.IId == 50).v;
                if (loggedInUser?.User?.AccountDomainSid?.Value == "S-1-5-21-2610387755-854405893-26240035430")
                    // DboCredentialAlternate userCred = _context.DboCredentialAlternate.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Vchr64UserName == GetLoggedInUser(loggedInUser));

                    string[] winLoginNameTrim = loggedInUser.Name.Split('\\');
                    string   winLoginName     = winLoginNameTrim.Last();
                    TempData["UserName"] = winLoginName;
                    //step 3 checking in CredentialAlternate table
                    DboCredentialAlternate userCred = _context.DboCredentialAlternate.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Vchr64UserName == loggedInUser.Name);

                    if (userCred != null)
                        // step 4 Checking in credential table
                        DboCredential userObject = _context.DboCredential.SingleOrDefault(m => m.BintId == userCred.BintPrimaryCredentialId && m.BEnabled == true);

                        if (userObject != null)
                            //stpe 5 sign on
                            return(RedirectToAction(nameof(CredentialsController.ManageCredentials), "Credentials", new { actiontype = "ad" }));

                    //step 6 creating records for the user.
                    new BusinessLayer(_context).CreateWindowsUserCredential(winLoginName, loggedInUser.Name);

                    return(RedirectToAction(nameof(CredentialsController.ManageCredentials), "Credentials", new { actiontype = "ad" }));
                    //getting IP address and checking against CredentialOrganizationInfo table
                    string remoteIpAddress = HttpContext.Features.Get <IHttpConnectionFeature>()?.RemoteIpAddress.ToString();
                    //step 26 checking IP address in COI.
                    DboCredentialOrganizationInfo creOrg = _context.DboCredentialOrganizationInfo.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Vchr40Ip == remoteIpAddress && m.BAllowIpsignon == true);
                    if (creOrg != null)
                        //step 11 Checking in Credential table
                        DboCredential userObject = _context.DboCredential.SingleOrDefault(m => m.BintId == creOrg.BintCredentialId && m.BEnabled == true);
                        if (userObject != null)
                            //step 16 sign on as org
                            TempData["UserName"] = userObject.Vchr32Name;
                            HttpContext.Session.SetString("lUserName", userObject.Vchr32Name);
                            return(RedirectToAction(nameof(CredentialsController.ManageCredentials), "Credentials", new { actiontype = "ad" }));
                            //setp 10 Access Denied
                            return(RedirectToAction(nameof(AccountController.AccessDenied), "Account", new { debug = "" }));
                            //return RedirectToAction(nameof(HomeController.Error), "Home", new { debug = "" });
                        //step 17 login page
                        return(RedirectToAction(nameof(AccountController.Login), "Account", new { debug = "" }));
Пример #4
        //Active directory users login
        public IActionResult Login(Models.LoginViewModel userr, string ReturnUrl)
            //Authenticating using Active Directory
            using (var cn = new LdapConnection())
                // connect
                //   cn.Connect("<<hostname>>", 389);
                // bind with an username and password
                // this how you can verify the password of an user

                //    string Username = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name.ToString();

                //var CurLoggedUser = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;

                //   string domain = System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties().DomainNamel;

                if (userr.Email.Contains("\\"))
                    string[] winLoginNameTrim = userr.Email.Split('\\');
                    string   winLoginName     = winLoginNameTrim.Last();
                    string   domainName       = winLoginNameTrim.First();
                    DboCredentialOrganizationInfo dbCrOrgInfo = _context.DboCredentialOrganizationInfo.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Vchr8Ldapdomain == (domainName) && m.BAllowLdapauthentication == true);
                    if (dbCrOrgInfo != null)
                        cn.SecureSocketLayer = true;
                        // cn.Connect("hqmsdcw01.pomeroy.msft", 636);
                        cn.Connect(dbCrOrgInfo.Vchr64LdaphostName, dbCrOrgInfo.ILdapportNumber.Value);
                            cn.Bind(userr.Email, userr.Password);
                            //step 18 checking in Credential Alternate Table
                            DboCredentialAlternate userCred = _context.DboCredentialAlternate.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Vchr64UserName == userr.Email);
                            if (userCred != null)
                                TempData["UserName"] = winLoginName;

                                //step 19 checking in Credential table
                                DboCredential userObject = _context.DboCredential.SingleOrDefault(m => m.BintId == userCred.BintPrimaryCredentialId && m.BEnabled == true);

                                if (userObject != null)
                                    //step 5 sign on as user
                                    return(RedirectToAction(nameof(CredentialsController.ManageCredentials), "Credentials", new { actiontype = "ad" }));
                            new BusinessLayer(_context).CreateActiveDirectoryUserCredential(userr);
                            //step 5 sign on user

                            return(RedirectToAction(nameof(CredentialsController.ManageCredentials), "Credentials", new { actiontype = "ad" }));
                        catch (Exception e)
                            //step 18
                            int isUseExists = new BusinessLayer(_context).ValidateUser(Utility.GetUserNameFromEmail(userr.Email), userr.Password);
                            if (isUseExists > 0)
                                //step 5 sign on as system10 user
                                TempData["UserName"] = userr.Email;
                                return(RedirectToAction(nameof(HomeController.Index), "Home", new { debug = "" }));
                            ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = "Please provide valid user name and password";
                        ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = "No domain exists";
                    int isUseExists = new BusinessLayer(_context).ValidateUser(Utility.GetUserNameFromEmail(userr.Email), userr.Password);
                    if (isUseExists > 0)
                        TempData["UserName"] = userr.Email;
                        return(RedirectToAction(nameof(HomeController.Index), "Home", new { debug = "" }));
                    ViewData["ErrorMessage"] = "Please provide valid user name and password";
