Пример #1
        public void TestMachine()
            var sm = new SimpleStateMachine <State>(strict: false);

                enterHandler: oldState => Debug.Log("Now in state ONE"),
                leaveHandler: newState => Debug.LogFormat("Going into state: {0}", newState));
            sm.onAfterTransition += (from, to) => Debug.LogFormat(
                "Move from {0} to {1}", DbgFormatter.Nullable(from), DbgFormatter.Nullable(to));

            sm.currentState = State.One; // Start the machine.
            // Logs:
            // Now in state ONE
            // Move from NULL to One

            sm.currentState = State.Two;
            // Logs:
            // Going into state: Two
            // Move from One to Two

            sm.currentState = State.Three;
            // Logs: Move from Two to Three

            sm.currentState = null; // Stop the machine.
            // Logs: Move Three to NULL
        public void TestMachine()
            var sm = new SimpleStateMachine <State>(strict: false);

                enterHandler: oldState => Debug.Log("Now in state ONE"),
                leaveHandler: newState => Debug.LogFormat("Going into state: {0}", newState));
            sm.onBeforeTransition += (from, to) => Debug.LogFormat(
                "Before move: current={0}, new={1}",
                DbgFormatter.Nullable(sm.currentState), DbgFormatter.Nullable(to));
            sm.onAfterTransition += (from, to) => Debug.LogFormat(
                "After move: old={0}, current={1}",
                DbgFormatter.Nullable(from), DbgFormatter.Nullable(sm.currentState));

            sm.currentState = State.One; // Start the machine.
            // Logs:
            // Now in state ONE
            // Before move: current=NULL, new=One
            // After move: old=NULL, current=One

            sm.currentState = State.Two;
            // Logs:
            // Going into state: Two
            // Before move: current=One, new=Two
            // After move: old=One, current=Two

            sm.currentState = State.Three;
            // Logs:
            // Before move: current=Two, new=Three
            // After move: old=Two, current=Three

            sm.currentState = null; // Stop the machine.
            // Logs:
            // Before move: current=Three, new=NULL
            // After move: old=Three, current=NULL
 void LogFromTo(State?from, State?to)
         "Move from {0} to {1}", DbgFormatter.Nullable(from), DbgFormatter.Nullable(to));