Пример #1
        } // end _CreateBp()

        private void _SetOtherBpProperties(DbgBreakpointInfo bp)
            bp.IsEnabled = true;

            if (OneShot)
                bp.IsOneShot = true;

            if (0 != PassCount)
                bp.PassCount = PassCount;

            if (null != Command)
                bp.ScriptBlockCommand = Command;
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DbgEngCommand))
                bp.DbgEngCommand = DbgEngCommand;

            if (null != MatchThread)
                bp.MatchThread = MatchThread.DebuggerId;

            if (0 != DataSize)
                bp.DataAccessType = DataAccessType;
                bp.DataSize       = DataSize;
Пример #2
        } // end _TryResolveExpression()

        private DbgBreakpointInfo _CreateBaseBp(ulong addr)
            DbgBreakpointInfo bp = Debugger.TryFindMatchingBreakpoint(Expression, addr);
            uint oldId           = DebuggerObject.DEBUG_ANY_ID;

            if (null != bp)
                oldId = bp.Id;
                SafeWriteWarning("Redefining existing breakpoint {0}.", oldId);
                Debugger.RemoveBreakpoint(ref bp);

            DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_TYPE bpType;

            if (_IsDataBreakpoint)
                bpType = DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_TYPE.DATA;
                bpType = DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_TYPE.CODE;

            bp = Debugger.NewBreakpoint(bpType, oldId);

        } // end _CreateBaseBp()
Пример #3
        private void _CreateBp(ulong addr)
            DbgBreakpointInfo bp = _CreateBaseBp(addr);

            if (0 != addr)
                bp.Offset = addr;
                bp.OffsetExpression = Expression;


            // DbgEng will let you set breakpoints that are not valid.
            // Subsequently trying to step (after setting a bogus breakpoint) will fail.
            // It would be much nicer to give an error about the breakpoint up front.
            _TryValidateBp(ref bp);   // will null it out if bogus

            if (null != bp)
        } // end _CreateBp()
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            foreach (var bp in _EnumBreakpointsToOperateOn())
                DbgBreakpointInfo tmpBp = bp; // because we can't pass a "foreach variable" as "ref"
                SafeWriteVerbose("Deleting breakpoint {0} ({1}).",

                Debugger.RemoveBreakpoint(ref tmpBp);
        } // end ProcessRecord()
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        ///    This method is "best effort"--it probably won't screen out all possible
        ///    invalid breakpoints. But it should hopefully catch some obviously bad ones.
        /// </summary>
        private void _TryValidateBp(ref DbgBreakpointInfo bp)
            bool bpIsActuallyBogus = false;

            if (bp.IsEnabled)
                if (bp.IsDeferred)
                        // TODO: What if the expression is not a symbol??
                        string mod, bareSym;
                        ulong  offset;
                        DbgProvider.ParseSymbolName(Expression, out mod, out bareSym, out offset);

                        if ("*" == mod)
                            bpIsActuallyBogus = true;
                            var modInfos = Debugger.GetModuleByName(mod).ToArray();
                            if (modInfos.Length > 0)
                                // The module is loaded and yet the bp is deferred... the
                                // expression is no good.
                                // Or there is more than one module with that name.
                                bpIsActuallyBogus = true;
                    catch (ArgumentException ae)
                        LogManager.Trace("Failed to parse expression as a symbol: {0}",
                } // end if( bp is deferred )
                else if (0 != bp.Offset)
                    // The address shouldn't be invalid, because that would indicate the
                    // bp is deferred, but we already checked for that.
                    Util.Assert(bp.Offset != DebuggerObject.InvalidAddress);

                    MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64 mbi;
                    int hr = Debugger.TryQueryVirtual(bp.Offset, out mbi);
                    if (hr != 0)
                        // iDNA targets don't yet handle QueryVirtual.
                        if (hr != DebuggerObject.E_NOTIMPL)
                            LogManager.Trace("_TryValidateBp: TryQueryVirtual failed: {0}", Util.FormatErrorCode(hr));
                            bpIsActuallyBogus = true;
                        if ((mbi.Protect != PAGE.EXECUTE) &&
                            (mbi.Protect != PAGE.EXECUTE_READ) &&      // <--
                            (mbi.Protect != PAGE.EXECUTE_READWRITE) && // <-- I don't actually know what these are
                            (mbi.Protect != PAGE.EXECUTE_WRITECOPY))   // <--
                            bpIsActuallyBogus = true;
            } // end if( bp is enabled )

            if (bpIsActuallyBogus)
                ulong addr = 0;
                if ((bp.Offset != 0) && (bp.Offset != DebuggerObject.InvalidAddress))
                    addr = bp.Offset;

                Debugger.RemoveBreakpoint(ref bp);
                var dpe = new DbgProviderException(Util.Sprintf("Failed to set breakpoint at {0}.",
                                                                addr != 0 ? DbgProvider.FormatAddress(addr, Debugger.TargetIs32Bit, true).ToString(false) : Expression),
                                                   addr != 0 ? (object)addr : (object)Expression);
                try { throw dpe; } catch { } // give it a stack
        } // end _TryValidateBp()