/// <summary> /// 删除系统权限信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("MDM"); try { string strAuthorization_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Authorization_ID"].ToString(); m_request.Tables[0].Columns.Remove("Authorization_ID"); ArrayList listTable = new ArrayList(); listTable.Add("MDM_System_Authorization"); listTable.Add("MDM_System_Menu_AUZ"); conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.TableLock(listTable); if (strAuthorization_ID != "") { string strWhere = " Authorization_ID=" + strAuthorization_ID; conn.Delete("MDM_System_Authorization", strWhere); conn.Delete("MDM_System_Menu_AUZ", strWhere); } conn.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑系统属性信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("MDM"); try { string strProperty_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Property_ID"].ToString(); m_request.Tables[0].Columns.Remove("Property_ID"); ArrayList listTable = new ArrayList(); listTable.Add("MDM_System_Property"); conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.TableLock(listTable); if (strProperty_ID == "") { conn.Insert("MDM_System_Property", m_request.Tables[0]); } else { string strWhere = " Property_ID=" + strProperty_ID; conn.Update("MDM_System_Property", m_request.Tables[0], strWhere); } conn.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑WS信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("WSRR"); try { if(m_request == null || m_request.Tables.Count==0 || m_request.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { return true; } string strParam_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Param_ID"].ToString(); ArrayList listTable = new ArrayList(); listTable.Add("WS_Param"); conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.TableLock(listTable); string strWhere = " Param_ID = '" + strParam_ID + "'"; conn.Delete("WS_Param", strWhere); conn.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// EnvoTemplates信息的CRUD /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetData() { DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); string strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); if (strXML == "") { throw new Exception("XML不能为空"); } string strTemplate_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Template_ID"].ToString(); if (strTemplate_ID == "") { throw new Exception("Template_ID不能为空"); } DataSet ds = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); DataTable dt_OPTYPE = ds.Tables["OPTYPE"]; Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("HZY_SDK"); if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "INSERT") { bool bResult = true; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("Template_ID"); dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { strTemplate_ID }); Commom_Ds.SetUpdateInfo(dt, hzyMessage); conn.BeginTransaction(); bResult = conn.Insert("Log_ViewTemlpates", dt); conn.ExcuteQuerryByTran("UPDATE EnvoTemplates set ViewCount=ViewCount+1 where Template_ID=" + strTemplate_ID); conn.CommitTransaction(); if (bResult) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "修改成功" }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "修改失败" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); } return ds_Return; }
public DataSet GetData() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("WSRR"); string strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); DataTable dt_EditResult = new dsCommon.dtResultDataTable(); DataSet dsRequest = new DataSet(); DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); dsRequest = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); DataTable dt_OPTYPE = dsRequest.Tables["OPTYPE"]; DataTable dt_LIST = dsRequest.Tables["LIST"]; for (int i = 0; i < dt_OPTYPE.Rows.Count; i++) { //获取用户权限信息 if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "GET") { string strUserName = dt_LIST.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); string strSQL = @" SELECT DISTINCT T1.[AUZID] ,T1.[AUZName] ,0 AS Authorization_ID_F , CASE WHEN T2.USERNAME IS NULL THEN '0' ELSE '1' END HavaFlag FROM [WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[AUZ] T1 WITH ( NOLOCK ) LEFT JOIN [WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[UserAUZ] T2 WITH ( NOLOCK ) ON T1.AUZID=T2.AUZID AND T2.USERNAME=@param0"; ds_Return = conn.GetDataSet(strSQL, new string[] { strUserName }); } //更新用户权限 else if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "UPDATE") { string strUserName = dt_LIST.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); conn.LockTableList.Add("[WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[UserAUZ]");//锁定表 conn.BeginTransaction(); //1.删除该用户的所有权限 string strWhere = " UserName="******"[WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[UserAUZ]", strWhere); //2.新增勾选的权限 bool insertFlag = conn.Insert("[WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[UserAUZ]", dt_LIST); conn.CommitTransaction(); //删除操作和插入操作都正确的情况下 if (deleteFlag && insertFlag) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, strUserName + "权限更新成功!" }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, strUserName + "权限更新失败!" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); } } return ds_Return; }
public Boolean Execute() { bool bReturn = true; string strMessage = ""; try { Dbconn conn_DRP_EC = new Dbconn("DRP_EC"); string strDepotID = ""; DataTable dt = conn_DRP_EC.GetDataTable(@" SELECT [CfgValue] FROM [DRP_EC].[dbo].[Config] WHERE Type='StockSync_DRPToWCS' AND CfgName='Depot' "); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (strDepotID != "") { strDepotID += ","; } strDepotID += "'" + dt.Rows[i]["CfgValue"].ToString() + "'"; } string strSQL = @" SELECT clothingid AS SKU , SUM(k_num) AS totalInventory FROM dbo.j_stock WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE depotid in (" + strDepotID + @") GROUP BY clothingid HAVING SUM(k_num)>0 "; DataTable dt1 = m_conn.GetDataTable(strSQL); conn_DRP_EC.BeginTransaction(); conn_DRP_EC.InsertBYSQLBC("Put_SkuStock", dt1); conn_DRP_EC.CommitTransaction(); return bReturn; } catch (Exception ex) { m_conn.RollbackTransaction(); bReturn = false; strMessage = ex.ToString(); throw ex; } finally { //HZY.COM.Common.Log.WirteLogWS(bReturn.ToString() + strMessage,null); } }
public DataSet GetData() { DataSet ds_Return = null; Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("WSRR_Log"); conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.LockTableList.Add("Log_CallByXML"); conn.LockTableList.Add("Log_CallByXML_His"); string time = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"); DataSet ds = conn.GetDataSetInTrans(@" SELECT *, NULL AS ElapsedTime, NULL AS WS_ID, NULL AS Session_ID, NULL AS AppSN FROM Log_CallByXML WHERE Log_Time<'" + time + "'"); conn.ExcuteQuerryByTran("INSERT INTO Log_CallByXML_HIS SELECT * FROM Log_CallByXML WHERE Log_Time<'" + time + "'"); conn.CommitTransaction(); //开始分析 for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string strXML = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["XmlInput"].ToString(); string strWS_ID = ""; string strSession_ID = ""; string strAppSN = ""; try { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(strXML); XmlNode xml = xmlDoc.DocumentElement; strAppSN = xml.Attributes["App"].Value; strWS_ID = xml.Attributes["WSID"].Value; strSession_ID = xml.Attributes["SessionID"].Value; xml = null; xmlDoc = null; } catch (Exception) { } //ds.Tables[0].Rows } return ds_Return; }
/// <summary> /// 获取系统环境信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("MDM"); try { string strEnv_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Env_ID"].ToString(); string strEnv_SN = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Env_SN"].ToString(); m_request.Tables[0].Columns.Remove("Env_ID"); ArrayList listTable = new ArrayList(); listTable.Add("MDM_System_Env"); conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.TableLock(listTable); //核对环境简称是否存在 string strSQL = "SELECT 1 AS a FROM MDM_System_Env where Env_SN='" + strEnv_SN + "'"; if(strEnv_ID != "") { strSQL += " AND Env_ID !=" + strEnv_ID; } DataTable dtTemp = conn.GetDataTableInTrans(strSQL); if (dtTemp.Rows.Count > 0) { throw new Exception(strEnv_SN + "已存在!"); } if (strEnv_ID == "") { conn.Insert("MDM_System_Env", m_request.Tables[0]); } else { string strWhere = " Env_ID=" + strEnv_ID; conn.Update("MDM_System_Env", m_request.Tables[0], strWhere); } conn.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 供销售日报使用 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn_PLM_AS = new Dbconn("F22GP_ForSalesPlan"); DataSet ds = conn_PLM_AS.GetDataSet( @" SELECT 94 AS Env_ID , --HZY_Sale_Report null AS VexSSONewID , b.userid AS App_UserName , RIGHT(sys.fn_VarBinToHexStr(hashbytes('MD5', CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), b.password))), 32) AS App_Password , b.password AS App_PasswordSrc , b.username AS App_UserName_CN , GETDATE() Chang_Password_Time , 1 Checked , 'system' Check_User , GETDATE() Check_Time , GETDATE() Createtime , GETDATE() Updatetime FROM j_depot a , j_user b WHERE a.depotid = b.depotid AND a.m_type = 11 "); Dbconn connMDM = new Dbconn("VexSSO"); try { ArrayList tableList = new ArrayList(); connMDM.BeginTransaction(); tableList.Add("MDM_System_User"); connMDM.TableLock(tableList); //删除数据 connMDM.ExcuteQuerryByTran(@"DELETE FROM MDM_System_User WHERE ENV_ID=94"); connMDM.InsertBYSQLBC("MDM_System_User", ds.Tables[0]); connMDM.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { connMDM.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑系统属性值信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("MDM"); try { string strSystem_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["System_ID"].ToString(); string strSystem_Code = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["System_Code"].ToString(); DataTable dt_Add = new DataTable(); dt_Add.Columns.Add("System_ID"); dt_Add.Columns.Add("System_Code"); dt_Add.Columns.Add("Property_ID"); dt_Add.Columns.Add("Property_Text"); for (int i = 2; i < m_request.Tables[0].Columns.Count; i++) { string strValue = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0][i].ToString(); if (strValue != "") { dt_Add.Rows.Add(new object[] { strSystem_ID, strSystem_Code, m_request.Tables[0].Columns[i].ToString(),strValue}); } } ArrayList listTable = new ArrayList(); listTable.Add("MDM_System_Property_info"); conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.TableLock(listTable); string strWhere = " System_ID=" + strSystem_ID; conn.Delete("MDM_System_Property_info", strWhere); conn.InsertBYSQLBC("MDM_System_Property_info", dt_Add); conn.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 删除任务参数信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("MDM"); //创建连接类 try { if (m_request == null || m_request.Tables.Count == 0 || m_request.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { return true; } string strParam_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["param_id"].ToString(); //获取参数Param_ID string strTASK_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["task_id"].ToString(); //获取参数Task_ID ArrayList listTable = new ArrayList(); listTable.Add("WS_SchedulingParam"); conn.BeginTransaction(); //开启事务 conn.TableLock(listTable); //锁表WS_SchedulingParam string strWhere = " Param_ID = '" + strParam_ID + "'"; //创建where语句 conn.Delete("WS_SchedulingParam", strWhere); //删除参数 //更新主表 DataTable dtScheduling = new DataTable(); dtScheduling.Columns.Add("UpdateTime"); DataRow drScheduling = dtScheduling.NewRow(); drScheduling["UpdateTime"] = DateTime.Now; dtScheduling.Rows.Add(drScheduling); string strSchedulingWhere = " 1=1 AND TASK_ID = '" + strTASK_ID + "'"; conn.Update("WS_Scheduling", dtScheduling, strSchedulingWhere); //更新数据 conn.CommitTransaction(); //提交事务 return true; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); //回滚 throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 删除任务信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("MDM"); try { if (m_request == null || m_request.Tables.Count == 0 || m_request.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { return true; } string strTASK_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["task_id"].ToString(); //获取参数TASK_ID ArrayList listTable = new ArrayList(); listTable.Add("WS_Scheduling"); conn.BeginTransaction(); //事物事务 conn.TableLock(listTable); //锁表WS_Scheduling DataTable dt_Add = new DataTable() ; dt_Add.Columns.Add("IsDeleted"); dt_Add.Columns.Add("Enabled"); dt_Add.Columns.Add("UpdateUser"); dt_Add.Columns.Add("UpdateTime"); DataRow dr = dt_Add.NewRow(); dr["IsDeleted"] = "True"; //将删除标志设为“True” dr["Enabled"] = "False"; //将可用标志设为“False” dr["UpdateTime"]=DateTime.Now; //更新时间设为当前时间 dr["UpdateUser"] = hzyMessage.User_Name; //设置更新者 dt_Add.Rows.Add(dr); string strWhere = " TASK_ID = '" + strTASK_ID + "'"; conn.Update("WS_Scheduling", dt_Add, strWhere); //更新操作 conn.CommitTransaction(); //提交事务 return true; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); //回滚 throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 对CFG_RequestType的CRUD,为Easyui专用 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { DateTime time = DateTime.Now; Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("VexSSO"); conn.LockTableList.Add("SSO_Login"); conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.TableLock(); string strSQL = @" UPDATE dbo.SSO_Login SET Logout_Time='" + time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff")+ @"', MARK='SYSTEM' WHERE Last_Request_Time<='" + time.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") + @"' AND Logout_Time IS NULL "; conn.ExcuteQuerryByTran(strSQL); conn.CommitTransaction(); return true ; }
/// <summary> /// 编辑县级市信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetData() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("MDM_Master2"); try { DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); DataSet dsRequest = new DataSet(); string strXML = ""; strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); if (strXML == "") { throw new Exception("提交的XML为空!"); } DataSet dsXML = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); DataTable dt_OPTYPE = dsXML.Tables["OPTYPE"]; string strMDM_Class = "0016"; string strMDM_LinkClass = "L0011"; conn.LockTableList.Add("MDM_" + strMDM_LinkClass + "_B"); conn.LockTableList.Add("MDM_" + strMDM_Class + "_B"); conn.LockTableList.Add("MDM_" + strMDM_LinkClass + "_E"); conn.LockTableList.Add("MDM_" + strMDM_Class + "_E"); conn.BeginTransaction(); //获取所有属性 MDM2_GetEntityPropertyList cls = new MDM2_GetEntityPropertyList(); cls.hzyMessage = this.hzyMessage; cls.MainEntity = strMDM_Class; DataTable dtPorperty = cls.GetData().Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < dt_OPTYPE.Rows.Count; i++) { DataTable dt_List = dsXML.Tables[i + 1]; if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "UPDATE" || dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "INSERT" ) { //插入BODY表 for (int j = 0; j < dt_List.Rows.Count; j++) { string strBody_id_0016 = ""; string strBody_id_L0011 = ""; string strBody_id_0015 = null;//用于存放地级市的信息,如果为null,表示不做变更,如果不为NULL,需要变更 if (dt_List.Columns.Contains("Body_id_0015")) { strBody_id_0015 = dt_List.Rows[j]["Body_id_0015"].ToString(); if (strBody_id_0015 != "") { //核对boid_ID是否存在 MDM2_BodyIDCheck clsCheck = new MDM2_BodyIDCheck(); clsCheck.Conn = conn; clsCheck.hzyMessage = this.hzyMessage; clsCheck.MDMClass = "0015"; clsCheck.Body_ID = strBody_id_0015; if (clsCheck.Execute() == false) { throw new Exception("省的信息不正确!"); } } } strBody_id_0016 = dt_List.Rows[j]["body_ID_0016"].ToString(); strBody_id_L0011 = dt_List.Rows[j]["body_ID"].ToString(); MDM2_EntityCreatedBodyID_Edit clsBody = new MDM2_EntityCreatedBodyID_Edit(); if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "INSERT") { //处理0016的实体 clsBody.Conn = conn; clsBody.hzyMessage = hzyMessage; clsBody.MDMClass = strMDM_Class; clsBody.Execute(); strBody_id_0016 = clsBody.BodyID; if (strBody_id_0016 == "") { throw new Exception("BodyID_0016创建失败!"); } if (strBody_id_0015 == null) { throw new Exception("省信息不正确!"); } strBody_id_L0011 = ""; } else if (strBody_id_0016 != "" && strBody_id_L0011 != "") //更新 { //核对0010是否存在 MDM2_BodyIDCheck clsCheck = new MDM2_BodyIDCheck(); clsCheck.hzyMessage = this.hzyMessage; clsCheck.MDMClass = strMDM_Class; clsCheck.Body_ID = strBody_id_0016; clsCheck.Conn = conn; if (clsCheck.Execute() == false) { throw new Exception("Body_id_0016信息不正确!"); } //核对L0010是否存在 clsCheck.hzyMessage = this.hzyMessage; clsCheck.MDMClass = strMDM_LinkClass; clsCheck.Body_ID = strBody_id_L0011; clsCheck.Conn = conn; if (clsCheck.Execute() == false) { throw new Exception("Body_id_L0011信息不正确!"); } } else { throw new Exception("传入的参数有误,如果反复出现,请重新登录!"); } clsBody.MDMClass = strMDM_LinkClass; clsBody.BodyID = strBody_id_L0011; clsBody.LinkBodyIDList = strBody_id_0015 + "," + strBody_id_0016; clsBody.Execute(); strBody_id_L0011 = clsBody.BodyID; //处理0015的实体 for (int k = 0; k < dt_List.Columns.Count; k++) { string strColumnName = dt_List.Columns[k].ColumnName; if (dtPorperty.Select("Property_Name='" + strColumnName + "'").Length == 0) { continue; } MDM2_EntityPropertyValue_Edit clsProperty = new MDM2_EntityPropertyValue_Edit(); clsProperty.Conn = conn; clsProperty.hzyMessage = hzyMessage; clsProperty.MDMClass = strMDM_Class; clsProperty.ExpressionName = "CN"; clsProperty.PropertyName = strColumnName; clsProperty.BodyID = strBody_id_0016; clsProperty.PropertyValue = dt_List.Rows[j][k].ToString(); if (clsProperty.Execute() == false) { throw new Exception("修改失败," + clsProperty.Message); } } } } else if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "DELETE") { for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < dt_List.Rows.Count; rowIndex++) { string strBody_id_L0011 = dt_List.Rows[rowIndex]["body_id"].ToString(); string strBody_ID_0016 = conn.GetDataTableFirstValue("select body_id_0016 from MDM_L0011_B where Body_id=@param0", new string[1] { strBody_id_L0011 }).ToString(); MDM2_EntityDeleteBodyID_Edit clsDelete = new MDM2_EntityDeleteBodyID_Edit(); clsDelete.Conn = conn; clsDelete.hzyMessage = hzyMessage; //删除行政区实体的数据 if (strBody_ID_0016 != "") { clsDelete.MDMClass = strMDM_Class; clsDelete.BodyID = strBody_ID_0016; if (clsDelete.Execute() == false) { throw new Exception("删除失败。"); } } //删除Link数据 clsDelete.MDMClass = strMDM_LinkClass; clsDelete.BodyID = strBody_id_L0011; if (clsDelete.Execute() == false) { throw new Exception("删除失败。"); } } } } dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "操作成功" }); ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); conn.CommitTransaction(); return ds_Return; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("AM"); Dbconn connMDM = new Dbconn("VexSSO"); conn.BeginTransaction(); connMDM.BeginTransaction(); try { DataSet ds = conn.GetDataSet( @" DECLARE @maxid AS BINARY(10); SELECT t1.[__$start_lsn] AS LogID, t1.[__$seqval] , t1.[__$operation] OprationType , t1.CN_ID , t1.CN_LOGIN , t1.CN_USER_NAME , t1.CN_PASSWORD , Convert(int,t1.CN_ISDELETE) as CN_ISDELETE , Convert(int,t1.CN_DISABLED) as CN_DISABLED INTO #tmp FROM [cdc].[dbo_TN_SYS_EM_USER_CT] t1 , [M01_CONF].[S01_Sync] t2 WHERE 1=1 AND t1.[__$start_lsn]> ISNULL(t2.MaxStart_lsn,0x00023FE600000FBF0004) AND t2.SyncName='MDM数据获取' AND t1.[__$update_mask] !=0x00004000 AND t1.[__$update_mask] !=0x00800000 AND t1.[__$update_mask] !=0x00804000 SELECT @maxid=MAX(LogID) FROM #tmp if(@maxid is not null) begin UPDATE [M01_CONF].[S01_Sync] SET MaxStart_lsn=@maxid WHERE SyncName='MDM数据获取' end select * from #tmp order by [LogID] ASC,[__$seqval] ASC ,[OprationType] ASC "); string strSQL = ""; Byte[] strMaxID = null; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { strMaxID = (Byte[])ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LogID"]; string strCN_LOGIN = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CN_LOGIN"].ToString(); string strCN_PASSWORD = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CN_PASSWORD"].ToString(); string strCN_ISDELETE = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["CN_ISDELETE"].ToString(); string strOprationType = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["OprationType"].ToString(); if (strOprationType == "1" || strOprationType == "4") //添加或者更新 { if (connMDM.GetDataTableRowCount("select 1 as a from MDM_Employees where SSO_UserName=@param0", new string[] { strCN_LOGIN }) == 0) { strSQL = @"INSERT INTO MDM_Employees (Name,SSO_UserName,SSO_Password,Leave_Flag,IsActived) Values(@param0,@param1,@param2,@param3,'1')"; } else { strSQL = @"update MDM_Employees SET SSO_Password=@param2,Leave_Flag=@param3 WHERE SSO_UserName=@param1 "; } connMDM.ExcuteQuerryByTran(strSQL, new string[] { strCN_LOGIN, strCN_LOGIN, strCN_PASSWORD, strCN_ISDELETE }); } else if (strOprationType == "2" || strOprationType == "3") //删除 { strSQL = @"update MDM_Employees SET Leave_Flag=@param0 WHERE SSO_UserName=@param1"; connMDM.ExcuteQuerryByTran(strSQL, new string[] { "1", strCN_LOGIN }); } } if (strMaxID != null) { strSQL = "UPDATE M01_CONF.S01_Sync SET MaxStart_lsn=@param0,LastSyncTime=getdate() WHERE SyncName='MDM数据获取'"; conn.ExcuteQuerryByTran(strSQL, new object[] { strMaxID }); } conn.CommitTransaction(); connMDM.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { connMDM.RollbackTransaction(); conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 根据XML内容更新到货计划 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetData() { try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); DataSet dsRequest = new DataSet(); ArrayList listAMSendList = new ArrayList(); Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("GL_ERP"); string strXML = ""; string strSQL = ""; strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); //XML是前台传入 ds = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); if (ds.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "GET") //读取ROWS到/ROWS 中的参数 { string strWHERE = "isnull(PRA_Status,'')<>'E3CA9B7A-8E17-4E52-B667-39689445D4A1'"; if (ds.Tables["LIST"].Columns.Contains("Condition")) { if (ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["Condition"].ToString().Trim() != "") //读取LIST之间参数 { strWHERE += " AND (" + ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["Condition"].ToString().Trim() + ")"; } } strSQL = @" SELECT [PRA_CONO] ,[PRA_DIVI] ,[PRA_ArrivalPlanId] ,[PRA_ArrivalPlanCode] ,[PRA_PR1_OrderId] ,[PRA_PerchaseTotal] ,[PRA_ArrivalTotal] ,[PRA_PlanTotal] ,[PRA_PerchaseAmount] ,[PRA_ArrivalAmount] ,[PRA_PlanAmount] ,[PRA_TotalDiff] ,[PRA_AmountDiff] ,[PRA_Status] ,[PRA_RgUser] ,[PRA_RgDt] ,[PRA_LmUser] ,[PRA_LmDt] ,[PRA_UptNo] ,A.PR1_OrderCode FROM B02_Bill.PRA_ArrivalPlan LEFT JOIN B02_Bill.PR1_Order A ON PRA_PR1_OrderId=PR1_OrderId WHERE " + strWHERE; ds_Return = conn.GetDataSet(strSQL); } else { ArrayList tableList = new ArrayList(); tableList.Add("B02_Bill.PRA_ArrivalPlan"); conn.BeginTransaction(); //开启事物 conn.TableLock(tableList); //锁表 try { if (ds.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "DELETE") { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows.Count; i++) { strSQL = @"UPDATE B02_Bill.PRA_ArrivalPlan SET PRA_Status='E3CA9B7A-8E17-4E52-B667-39689445D4A1' WHERE PRA_ArrivalPlanId='" + ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[i]["PRA_ArrivalPlanId"].ToString() + @"' AND isnull(PRA_Status,'')<>'E3CA9B7A-8E17-4E52-B667-39689445D4A1' "; conn.ExcuteQuerryByTran(strSQL); } } else if (ds.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "EDIT") { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows.Count; i++) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables["LIST"].Clone(); dt.ImportRow(ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[i]); strSQL = @"SELECT * FROM B02_Bill.PRA_ArrivalPlan WHERE PRA_ArrivalPlanId=@param0 AND isnull(PRA_Status,'')<>'E3CA9B7A-8E17-4E52-B667-39689445D4A1' "; DataTable dt_SR = conn.GetDataTable(strSQL, new string[1] { ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[i]["PRA_ArrivalPlanId"].ToString() }); //update if (dt_SR.Rows.Count > 0) { //处理结果 if (ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[i]["PRA_LmUser"].ToString() != "") { string strCode = dt_SR.Rows[0]["PRA_UptNo"].ToString(); if (strCode == "0") { strCode = Convert.ToInt32(strCode) + 1.ToString(); } else { strCode = "0"; } if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PRA_LmDt")) { dt.Columns.Add("PRA_LmDt"); } if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PRA_UptNo")) { dt.Columns.Add("PRA_UptNo"); } // if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PRA_Status")) // { // dt.Columns.Add("PRA_Status"); // } // dt.Rows[0]["PRA_Status"] = '0'; dt.Rows[0]["PRA_LmDt"] = DateTime.Now; dt.Rows[0]["PRA_UptNo"] = strCode; } conn.Update("B02_Bill.PRA_ArrivalPlan", dt, "PRA_ArrivalPlanId='" + ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[i]["PRA_ArrivalPlanId"].ToString() + @"'"); } else //add { string PRA_ArrivalPlanId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PRA_ArrivalPlanId")) { dt.Columns.Add("PRA_ArrivalPlanId"); } // if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PRA_Status")) // { // dt.Columns.Add("PRA_Status"); // } if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PRA_RgDt")) { dt.Columns.Add("PRA_RgDt"); } if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PRA_LmDt")) { dt.Columns.Add("PRA_LmDt"); } if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PRA_UptNo")) { dt.Columns.Add("PRA_UptNo"); } dt.Rows[0]["PRA_ArrivalPlanId"] = PRA_ArrivalPlanId; dt.Rows[0]["PRA_RgDt"] = DateTime.Now; dt.Rows[0]["PRA_LmDt"] = DateTime.Now; dt.Rows[0]["PRA_UptNo"] = '0'; // dt.Rows[0]["PRA_Status"] = '0'; conn.Insert("B02_Bill.PRA_ArrivalPlan", dt); } } } conn.CommitTransaction(); ds_Return = Common.Common.GetRequestDataSet(new string[] { "Result" }, new string[] { "true" }); } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); //事物结束 throw; } } return ds_Return; } catch { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 新建或修改预算科目类别记录 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet SetBMTypes(Dbconn conn, String strType) { String strCode = ""; DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); string strActor = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["actor"].ToString(); string strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); DataSet dsXML = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); String strOPType = dsXML.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper(); String strID = dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_id"].ToString(); //String strFatherID = dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_fatherid"].ToString(); DataTable dt_List = dsXML.Tables["LIST"]; if (strID == "") { throw new Exception("数据异常,缺少主键,请联系管理员!"); } bool bResult = false; if (strType == "NewBMType") //新建大小类 { conn.BeginTransaction(); bResult = conn.Insert("M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB", dt_List); conn.CommitTransaction(); } else if (strType == "UpdBMType") //修改大小类 { conn.BeginTransaction(); bResult = conn.Update("M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB", dt_List, "ct1_id='" + strID + "'"); conn.CommitTransaction(); } if (bResult) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, strCode }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "保存失败!" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); return ds_Return; }
/// <summary> /// 新建或修改固定资产类别记录 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet SetFATypes(Dbconn conn, String strType) { String strCode = ""; DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); string strActor = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["actor"].ToString(); string strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); DataSet dsXML = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); String strOPType = dsXML.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper(); String strID = dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_id"].ToString(); String strFatherID = dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_fatherid"].ToString(); DataTable dt_List = dsXML.Tables["LIST"]; if (strID == "") { throw new Exception("数据异常,缺少主键,请联系管理员!"); } bool bResult = false; if (strType == "NewFATypeDL") //新建大类 { String strSQL1 = @" SELECT MAX(CT1_Code) AS code " + @" FROM M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB WHERE 1=1 " + " AND ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),CT1_FatherID),'') = '" + strFatherID + "'"; DataSet ds1 = conn.GetDataSet(strSQL1); if (ds1.Tables == null) { dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_code"] = "01"; } else { dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_code"] = int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["code"].ToString()) + 1; if (int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["code"].ToString()) < 9) { dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_code"] = "0" + dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_code"].ToString(); } } conn.BeginTransaction(); bResult = conn.Insert("M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB", dt_List); conn.CommitTransaction(); } else if (strType == "NewFATypeXL") //新建小类 { String strSQL1 = @" SELECT MAX(CT1_Code) AS code " + @" FROM M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB WHERE 1=1 " + " AND ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),CT1_FatherID),'') = '" + strFatherID + "'"; DataSet ds1 = conn.GetDataSet(strSQL1); if (ds1.Tables == null) { return ds_Return; } else { if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["code"].ToString() == "") { String strSQL2 = @" SELECT CT1_Code " + @" FROM M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB WHERE 1=1 " + " AND ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),CT1_ID),'') = '" + strFatherID + "'"; DataSet ds2 = conn.GetDataSet(strSQL2); dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_code"] = ds2.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CT1_Code"].ToString() + "001"; } else { dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_code"] = int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["code"].ToString()) + 1; if (int.Parse(ds1.Tables[0].Rows[0]["code"].ToString()) < 9999) { dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_code"] = "0" + dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_code"].ToString(); } } } //dt_List.Columns.Add("CT1_RgUser"); //dt_List.Rows[0]["CT1_RgUser"] = strActor; conn.BeginTransaction(); bResult = conn.Insert("M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB", dt_List); conn.CommitTransaction(); } else if (strType == "UpdFAType") //修改大小类 { conn.BeginTransaction(); bResult = conn.Update("M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB", dt_List, "ct1_id='" + strID + "'"); conn.CommitTransaction(); } strCode = dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ct1_code"].ToString(); if (bResult) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, strCode }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "保存失败!" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); return ds_Return; }
/// <summary> /// 新建或修改记录 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet SaveRows(Dbconn conn, String strType) { DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); string strActor = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["actor"].ToString(); string strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); DataSet dsXML = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); DataTable dtOptypes = dsXML.Tables["OPTYPE"]; bool bResult = true; conn.BeginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < dtOptypes.Rows.Count; i++) { //如果包含rowindex,就循环移除 if (dsXML.Tables[i + 1].Columns.Contains("rowindex")) { dsXML.Tables[i + 1].Columns.Remove("rowindex"); } //如果子表解析出来的XML,类型有insert,做新增 if (dtOptypes.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "INSERT") { DataTable dt_List1 = dsXML.Tables[i + 1]; //如果包含bg3_lmdt,就循环移除 if (dt_List1.Columns.Contains("ct1_lmdt")) { dt_List1.Columns.Remove("ct1_lmdt"); } bResult = conn.Insert("M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB", dt_List1); } //如果类型包含,update,解析成表,做update else if (dtOptypes.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "UPDATE") { DataTable dt_List2 = dsXML.Tables[i + 1]; //添加更新主键,按照GUID更新 ArrayList ListKey = new ArrayList(); ListKey.Add("ct1_id"); bResult = conn.Update("M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB", dt_List2, ListKey); } //如果类型包含,DELETE,解析成表,做DELETE else if (dtOptypes.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "DELETE") { DataTable dt_List3 = dsXML.Tables[i + 1]; for (int k = 0; k < dt_List3.Rows.Count; k++) { string strID1 = dt_List3.Rows[k]["ct1_id"].ToString(); bResult = conn.Delete("M01_CONF.CT0_CSYTAB", "ct1_id=" + "'" + strID1 + "'"); } } } conn.CommitTransaction(); if (bResult) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "保存成功!" }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "保存失败!" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); return ds_Return; }
/// <summary> /// 新建或修改鉴定单记录 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet SetITAppraisal(Dbconn conn, String strType) { DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); string strActor = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["actor"].ToString(); string strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); //获取申购单主表数据 DataSet dsXML = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); String strOPType = dsXML.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper(); String strID = dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["fa3_id"].ToString(); DataTable dt_List = dsXML.Tables["LIST"]; if (strID == "") { throw new Exception("数据异常,缺少主键,请联系管理员!"); } bool bResult = false; if (strType == "New") //新建单据 { conn.BeginTransaction(); bResult = conn.Insert("[B02_BILL].[FA3_ITAppraisal]", dt_List); conn.CommitTransaction(); } else if (strType == "Upd") //修改单据 { conn.BeginTransaction(); bResult = conn.Update("[B02_BILL].[FA3_ITAppraisal]", dt_List, "fa3_id='" + strID+"'"); conn.CommitTransaction(); } if (bResult) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "保存成功!" }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "保存失败!" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); return ds_Return; }
public DataSet GetData() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("WSRR"); string strWhere = string.Empty; string strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); DataTable dt_EditResult = new dsCommon.dtResultDataTable(); DataSet dsRequest = new DataSet(); DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); dsRequest = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); DataTable dt_OPTYPE = dsRequest.Tables["OPTYPE"]; DataTable dt_LIST = dsRequest.Tables["LIST"]; for (int i = 0; i < dt_OPTYPE.Rows.Count; i++) { //获取权限信息 if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "GET") { string strSQL = @" SELECT [AUZID] ,[AUZName] FROM [WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[AUZ]"; ds_Return = conn.GetDataSetForPageList(strSQL,m_hzyPageInfo); } //新增环境的权限名称 else if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "INSERT") { //String Env_ID = dt_LIST.Rows[0]["Env_ID"].ToString(); String strAuzName = dt_LIST.Rows[0]["AuzName"].ToString(); string strsql = @" SELECT COUNT(1) AS Cnt FROM [WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[AUZ] WHERE Authorization_Name='" + strAuzName + "'"; DataTable dt = conn.GetDataTable(strsql); if (int.Parse(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()) > 0) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "权限:" + strAuzName + "已存在!" }); } else { //dt_LIST.Rows[0]["AuzID"] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); conn.BeginTransaction(); bool flag = conn.Insert(" [WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[AUZ]", dt_LIST); conn.CommitTransaction(); if (flag) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "权限:" + strAuzName + "添加成功!" }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "权限:" + strAuzName + "添加失败!" }); } } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); } //修改权限的菜单树 else if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "EDIT") { String strAuZID = dt_LIST.Rows[0]["AuzID"].ToString(); strWhere = " AuzID=" + strAuZID; dt_LIST.Columns.Remove("AuzID");//移除属性,标识符列(ID)不能更新 conn.LockTableList.Add("[WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[AUZ]"); conn.BeginTransaction(); bool flag = conn.Update("[WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[AUZ]", dt_LIST, strWhere); conn.CommitTransaction(); if (flag) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "权限修改成功!" }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "权限修改失败!" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); } //删除权限 else if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "DELETE") { String strAuZID = dt_LIST.Rows[0]["AuzID"].ToString(); strWhere = " AuzID=" + strAuZID; conn.BeginTransaction(); bool flag = conn.Delete("[WSRR_Manage].[F01_CERT].[AUZ]", strWhere); conn.CommitTransaction(); if (flag) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "权限删除成功!" }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "权限删除失败!" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); } } return ds_Return; }
/// <summary> /// EnvoTemplates信息的CRUD /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetData() { DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); string strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); if (strXML == "") { throw new Exception("XML不能为空"); } string strEnvo_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Envo_ID"].ToString(); DataSet ds = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); DataTable dt_OPTYPE = ds.Tables["OPTYPE"]; Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("HZY_SDK"); if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "GET") { if (strEnvo_ID == "") { throw new Exception("Envo_ID不能为空"); } ds_Return = conn.GetDataSet(@" SELECT Template_ID , Envo_ID , Template_Name , --replace(replace(REPLACE([Text],CHAR(9),' '),char(13),'ㄧ'),char(10),'ㄧ') Text , Text , ViewCount , UpdateTime , UpdateUser FROM dbo.EnvoTemplates WHERE Envo_ID=@param0 ORDER BY ViewCount DESC ", new string[] { strEnvo_ID }); } else if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "UPDATE") { bool bResult = true; if (ds.Tables["list"].Rows.Count > 0) { string strTemplate_ID = ds.Tables["list"].Rows[0]["Template_ID"].ToString(); if (strTemplate_ID == "") { throw new Exception("Template_ID不能为空"); } ds.Tables["list"].Columns.Remove("Template_ID"); Commom_Ds.SetUpdateInfo(ds.Tables["list"], hzyMessage); conn.BeginTransaction(); if (CheckName(ds.Tables["list"], conn) == false) { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw new Exception("模板名称已经存在"); } bResult = conn.Update("EnvoTemplates", ds.Tables["list"], "Template_ID='" + strTemplate_ID + "'"); conn.CommitTransaction(); } if (bResult) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "修改成功" }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "修改失败" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); } else if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "INSERT") { bool bResult = true; if (ds.Tables["list"].Rows.Count > 0) { ds.Tables["list"].Columns.Remove("Template_ID"); Commom_Ds.SetUpdateInfo(ds.Tables["list"], hzyMessage); conn.BeginTransaction(); if (CheckName(ds.Tables["list"], conn) == false) { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw new Exception("模板名称已经存在"); } bResult = conn.Insert("EnvoTemplates", ds.Tables["list"]); conn.CommitTransaction(); } if (bResult) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "修改成功" }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "修改失败" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); } else if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "DELETE") { bool bResult = true; if (ds.Tables["list"].Rows.Count > 0) { string strTemplate_ID = ds.Tables["list"].Rows[0]["Template_ID"].ToString(); if (strTemplate_ID == "") { throw new Exception("Template_ID不能为空"); } conn.BeginTransaction(); bResult = conn.Delete("EnvoTemplates", "Template_ID='" + strTemplate_ID + "'"); conn.CommitTransaction(); } if (bResult) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "修改成功" }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "修改失败" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); } return ds_Return; }
/// <summary> /// 部署WS /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("WSRR"); Dbconn connDeploy = new Dbconn("WSRR_Deploy"); try { if(m_request == null || m_request.Tables.Count==0 || m_request.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { return true; } string strWS_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["WS_ID"].ToString(); string strSQL = ""; DataSet ds = conn.GetDataSet(@" SELECT * FROM dbo.WS WHERE WS_ID=@param0; SELECT * FROM dbo.WS_Param WHERE WS_ID=@param0",new string[]{strWS_ID}); if (ds.Tables.Count !=2 || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("WS_ID的信息不正确!"); } string strENV = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WSRR_ENV"]; if (strENV.ToLower() == "prod") { ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["WS_Host"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["WS_Host_Test"].ToString(); } else { ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["WS_Host"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["WS_Host_Prod"].ToString(); } ArrayList tableList = new ArrayList(); tableList.Add("WS"); tableList.Add("WS_Param"); connDeploy.BeginTransaction(); connDeploy.TableLock(tableList); connDeploy.Delete("WS", "WS_ID='" + strWS_ID + "'"); connDeploy.Delete("WS_Param", "WS_ID='" + strWS_ID + "'"); connDeploy.Insert("WS", ds.Tables[0]); connDeploy.Insert("WS_Param", ds.Tables[1]); connDeploy.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
public bool Execute() { string strEnv_ID = ""; string strEnv_SN = "HZY_CMT"; Dbconn conn_HZY_SBS = new Dbconn("F22GP_ForSalesPlan"); DataSet ds = conn_HZY_SBS.GetDataSet( @" SELECT --98 AS Env_ID , NULL AS VexSSONewID , b.userid AS App_UserName , RIGHT(sys.fn_VarBinToHexStr(hashbytes('MD5', CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), b.password))), 32) AS App_Password , b.password AS App_PasswordSrc , CASE WHEN b.dptype <> 0 THEN ISNULL(a.depotid,'') + '_' + d_name ELSE b.username END AS App_UserName_CN , GETDATE() Chang_Password_Time , 1 Checked , 'system' Check_User , GETDATE() Check_Time , GETDATE() Createtime , GETDATE() Updatetime, 0 as oprationFlag FROM j_user b LEFT JOIN j_depot a ON a.depotid = b.depotid "); Dbconn connMDM = new Dbconn("VexSSO"); try { ArrayList tableList = new ArrayList(); connMDM.BeginTransaction(); tableList.Add("MDM_System_User"); connMDM.TableLock(tableList); strEnv_ID = connMDM.GetDataTableFirstValue("SELECT [Env_ID] FROM [MDM_System_Env] WHERE Env_SN='" + strEnv_SN + "'").ToString(); DataTable dtMDM = connMDM.GetDataTable(@" SELECT [App_UserID] ,[Env_ID] ,[VexSSONewID] ,[App_UserName] ,[App_Password] ,[App_PasswordSrc] ,[App_UserName_CN] ,[Chang_Password_Time] ,[Checked] ,[Check_User] ,[Check_Time] ,[Createtime] ,[Updatetime] FROM [dbo].[MDM_System_User] WHERE Env_ID='" + strEnv_ID + @"' "); DataTable dtMDMUpdate = dtMDM.Clone(); DataTable dtMDMInsert = dtMDM.Clone(); DataTable dtMDMDelete = dtMDM.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < dtMDM.Rows.Count; i++) { string strApp_UserName = dtMDM.Rows[i]["App_UserName"].ToString(); DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables[0].Select("App_UserName='******'"); if (dr.Length > 0) { dtMDM.Rows[i]["App_Password"] = dr[0]["App_Password"]; dtMDM.Rows[i]["App_PasswordSrc"] = dr[0]["App_PasswordSrc"]; dtMDM.Rows[i]["App_UserName_CN"] = dr[0]["App_UserName_CN"]; dtMDMUpdate.ImportRow(dtMDM.Rows[i]); dr[0]["oprationFlag"] = "1"; } else { dtMDMDelete.ImportRow(dtMDM.Rows[i]); } } DataRow[] drInsert = ds.Tables[0].Select("oprationFlag=0"); for (int i = 0; i < drInsert.Length; i++) { DataRow dr = dtMDMInsert.NewRow(); dr["Env_ID"] = strEnv_ID; dr["VexSSONewID"] = drInsert[i]["VexSSONewID"]; dr["App_UserName"] = drInsert[i]["App_UserName"]; dr["App_Password"] = drInsert[i]["App_Password"]; dr["App_PasswordSrc"] = drInsert[i]["App_PasswordSrc"]; dr["App_UserName_CN"] = drInsert[i]["App_UserName_CN"]; dr["Chang_Password_Time"] = drInsert[i]["Chang_Password_Time"]; dr["Checked"] = drInsert[i]["Checked"]; dr["Check_User"] = drInsert[i]["Check_User"]; dr["Check_Time"] = drInsert[i]["Check_Time"]; dr["Createtime"] = drInsert[i]["Createtime"]; dr["Updatetime"] = drInsert[i]["Updatetime"]; dtMDMInsert.Rows.Add(dr); } if (dtMDMDelete.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dtMDMDelete.Rows.Count; i++) { string strWhere = "App_UserID='" + dtMDMDelete.Rows[i]["App_UserID"] + "'"; connMDM.Delete("MDM_System_User", strWhere); } } if (dtMDMUpdate.Rows.Count > 0) { ArrayList listKey = new ArrayList(); listKey.Add("App_UserID"); connMDM.Update("MDM_System_User", dtMDMUpdate, listKey); } if (dtMDMInsert.Rows.Count > 0) { dtMDMUpdate.Columns.Remove("App_UserID"); connMDM.InsertBYSQLBC("MDM_System_User", dtMDMInsert); } connMDM.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { connMDM.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑供应商信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetData() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("MDM_Master2"); try { DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); DataSet dsRequest = new DataSet(); string strXML = ""; strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); if (strXML == "") { throw new Exception("提交的XML为空!"); } DataSet dsXML = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); DataTable dt_OPTYPE = dsXML.Tables["OPTYPE"]; string strMDM_Class = "0007"; conn.LockTableList.Add("MDM_" + strMDM_Class + "_B"); conn.LockTableList.Add("MDM_" + strMDM_Class + "_E"); conn.BeginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < dt_OPTYPE.Rows.Count; i++) { DataTable dt_List = dsXML.Tables[Common.Common.GetListTableName(i)]; if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "UPDATE" || dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "INSERT" ) { //插入BODY表 for (int j = 0; j < dt_List.Rows.Count; j++) { string strBody_id = ""; strBody_id = dt_List.Rows[j]["body_ID"].ToString(); if (dt_OPTYPE.Rows[i][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "INSERT") { MDM2_EntityCreatedBodyID_Edit clsBody = new MDM2_EntityCreatedBodyID_Edit(); clsBody.Conn = conn; clsBody.hzyMessage = hzyMessage; clsBody.MDMClass = strMDM_Class; clsBody.Execute(); strBody_id = clsBody.BodyID; if (strBody_id == "") { throw new Exception("BodyID创建失败!"); } } else if (strBody_id == "") { throw new Exception("传入的参数有误,如果反复出现,请重新登录!"); } for (int k = 0; k < dt_List.Columns.Count; k++) { string strColumnName = dt_List.Columns[k].ColumnName; if (strColumnName.ToLower() == "rowindex" || strColumnName.ToLower() == "timestamps" || strColumnName.ToLower() == "body_id" ) { continue; } MDM2_EntityPropertyValue_Edit clsProperty = new MDM2_EntityPropertyValue_Edit(); clsProperty.Conn = conn; clsProperty.hzyMessage = hzyMessage; clsProperty.MDMClass = strMDM_Class; clsProperty.ExpressionName = "CN"; clsProperty.PropertyName = strColumnName; clsProperty.BodyID = strBody_id; clsProperty.PropertyValue = dt_List.Rows[j][k].ToString(); if (clsProperty.Execute() == false) { throw new Exception("修改失败," + clsProperty.Message); } } } } else { throw new Exception("提交了错误的操作类型"); } } dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, "操作成功" }); ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); conn.CommitTransaction(); return ds_Return; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 根据XML内容更新供应商 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetData() { try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); DataSet dsRequest = new DataSet(); ArrayList listAMSendList = new ArrayList(); Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("GL_ERP"); string strXML = ""; string strSQL = ""; strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); //XML是前台传入 ds = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); if (ds.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "GET") //读取ROWS到/ROWS 中的参数 { string strWHERE = "ISNULL(PD0_Status,'')<>'E3CA9B7A-8E17-4E52-B667-39689445D4A1'"; if (ds.Tables["LIST"].Columns.Contains("Condition")) { if (ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["Condition"].ToString().Trim() != "") //读取LIST之间参数 { strWHERE += " AND (" + ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["Condition"].ToString().Trim() + ")"; } } strSQL = @" SELECT [PD0_CONO] ,[PD0_DIVI] ,[PD0_ProductId] ,[PD0_SUO_SupplierId] ,[PD0_BD0_BrandId] ,[PD0_ProductCodeSU] ,[PD0_ColorSUId] ,[PD0_SizeSUId] ,[PD0_SKUSU] ,[PD0_Code] ,[PD0_ColorId] ,[PD0_SizeId] ,[PD0_SKU] ,[PD0_YearId] ,[PD0_SeasonId] ,[PD0_Lvl1] ,[PD0_Lvl2] ,[PD0_Lvl3] ,[PD0_SourceCountry] ,[PD0_Composition] ,[PD0_QulityLevel] ,[PD0_StandardId] ,[PD0_SecurityLevelId] ,cast([PD0_PurchasePrice] as decimal(20,2)) as PD0_PurchasePrice ,cast([PD0_SalePrice] as decimal(20,2)) as PD0_SalePrice ,[PD0_UnitId] ,[PD0_IsPrinted] ,[PD0_Status] ,[PD0_RgUser] ,[PD0_RgDt] ,[PD0_LmUser] ,[PD0_LmDt] ,[PD0_ColorSUId] ,[PD0_PicPath] ,[PD0_Lvl0] ,A.[SU0_SupplierCode] ,B.[BD0_BrandName] ,C.[DC0_DictName1] AS YearDictName ,D.[DC0_DictName1] AS SeasonDictName ,E.[DC0_DictName1] AS StandardDictName ,F.[DC0_DictName1] AS SecurityLevelDictName ,G.[DC0_DictName1] AS ColorSUDictName ,H.[DC0_DictName1] AS SizeSUDictName ,I.[DC0_DictName1] AS Lvl1DictName ,J.[DC0_DictName1] AS Lvl2DictName ,K.[DC0_DictName1] AS ColorBSUName ,M.[DC0_DictName1] AS ColorDictName ,N.[DC0_DictName1] AS SizeDictName FROM B01_MDM.PD0_Product WITH ( NOLOCK ) LEFT JOIN B01_MDM.SU0_Supplier A ON PD0_SUO_SupplierId=A.SU0_SupplierId LEFT JOIN B01_MDM.BD0_Brand B ON PD0_BD0_BrandId=B.BD0_BrandId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary C ON PD0_YearId=C.DC0_DictId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary D ON PD0_SeasonId=D.DC0_DictId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary E ON PD0_StandardId=E.DC0_DictId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary F ON PD0_SecurityLevelId=F.DC0_DictId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary G ON PD0_ColorSUId=G.DC0_DictId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary H ON PD0_SizeSUId=H.DC0_DictId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary I ON PD0_Lvl1=I.DC0_DictId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary J ON PD0_Lvl2=J.DC0_DictId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary K ON PD0_ColorSUId=K.DC0_DictId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary M ON PD0_ColorId=M.DC0_DictId LEFT JOIN M01_CONF.DC0_Dictionary N ON PD0_SizeId=N.DC0_DictId WHERE " + strWHERE + @"ORDER BY [PD0_LmDt] DESC "; ds_Return = conn.GetDataSet(strSQL); } else { ArrayList tableList = new ArrayList(); tableList.Add("B01_MDM.PD0_Product"); conn.BeginTransaction(); //开启事物 conn.TableLock(tableList); //锁表 try { if (ds.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "DELETE") { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows.Count; i++) { strSQL = @"UPDATE B01_MDM.PD0_Product SET PD0_Status='E3CA9B7A-8E17-4E52-B667-39689445D4A1' WHERE PD0_ProductId='" + ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[i]["PD0_ProductId"].ToString() + @"' AND ISNULL(PD0_Status,'')<>'E3CA9B7A-8E17-4E52-B667-39689445D4A1' "; conn.ExcuteQuerryByTran(strSQL); } } else if (ds.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "EDIT") { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows.Count; i++) { DataTable dt = ds.Tables["LIST"].Clone(); dt.ImportRow(ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[i]); strSQL = @"SELECT * FROM B01_MDM.PD0_Product WHERE PD0_ProductId=@param0 AND ISNULL(PD0_Status,'')<>'E3CA9B7A-8E17-4E52-B667-39689445D4A1' "; DataTable dt_SR = conn.GetDataTable(strSQL, new string[1] { ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[i]["PD0_ProductId"].ToString() }); //update if (dt_SR.Rows.Count > 0) { //处理结果 if (ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[i]["PD0_LmUser"].ToString() != "") { string strCode = dt_SR.Rows[0]["PD0_UptNo"].ToString(); if (strCode == "0") { strCode = Convert.ToInt32(strCode) + 1.ToString(); } else { strCode = "0"; } if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PD0_LmDt")) { dt.Columns.Add("PD0_LmDt"); } // if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PD0_Status")) // { // dt.Columns.Add("PD0_Status"); // } if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PD0_UptNo")) { dt.Columns.Add("PD0_UptNo"); } // dt.Rows[0]["PD0_Status"] = '0'; dt.Rows[0]["PD0_LmDt"] = DateTime.Now; dt.Rows[0]["PD0_UptNo"] = strCode; } conn.Update("B01_MDM.PD0_Product", dt, "PD0_ProductId='" + ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[i]["PD0_ProductId"].ToString() + @"'"); } else //add { // string PD0_ProductId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PD0_ProductId")) // { // dt.Columns.Add("PD0_ProductId"); // } // if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PD0_Status")) // { // dt.Columns.Add("PD0_Status"); // } if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PD0_RgDt")) { dt.Columns.Add("PD0_RgDt"); } if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PD0_LmDt")) { dt.Columns.Add("PD0_LmDt"); } if (!dt.Columns.Contains("PD0_UptNo")) { dt.Columns.Add("PD0_UptNo"); } // dt.Rows[0]["PD0_ProductId"] = PD0_ProductId; // dt.Rows[0]["PD0_Status"] = '0'; dt.Rows[0]["PD0_RgDt"] = DateTime.Now; dt.Rows[0]["PD0_LmDt"] = DateTime.Now; dt.Rows[0]["PD0_UptNo"] = '0'; conn.Insert("B01_MDM.PD0_Product", dt); } } } conn.CommitTransaction(); ds_Return = Common.Common.GetRequestDataSet(new string[] { "Result" }, new string[] { "true" }); } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); //事物结束 throw; } } return ds_Return; } catch { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 编辑任务参数信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("MDM"); //创建连接类 try { if (m_request == null || m_request.Tables.Count == 0 || m_request.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { return true; } string strTASK_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["task_id"].ToString(); //获取参数Task_ID string strParam_Name = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["param_name"].ToString(); //获取参数Param_Name string strParam_ID = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["param_id"].ToString(); //获取参数Param_ID ArrayList listTable = new ArrayList(); listTable.Add("WS_SchedulingParam"); conn.BeginTransaction(); //开启事务 conn.TableLock(listTable); //锁表WS_SchedulingParam string strWhere = " 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTASK_ID)) { strWhere += " AND TASK_ID = '" + strTASK_ID + "'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strParam_Name)) { strWhere += " AND Param_Name = '" + strParam_Name + "'"; } //创建DataTable DataTable dt_Add = new DataTable(); dt_Add.Columns.Add("Param_ID"); dt_Add.Columns.Add("TASK_ID"); dt_Add.Columns.Add("Param_Name"); dt_Add.Columns.Add("Param_Value"); DataRow dr = dt_Add.NewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < dt_Add.Columns.Count; i++) { dr[i] = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0][dt_Add.Columns[i].ColumnName].ToString(); //将m_request中的数据逐个赋值 } dt_Add.Rows.Add(dr); if (strParam_ID == "") //如果为空,说明是复制数据 { //判断是否已经存在 int nRow = conn.GetDataTableRowCount("SELECT * FROM WS_SchedulingParam WHERE " + strWhere, new string[0]); if (nRow > 0) { throw new Exception(strParam_Name + "已经存在,不能更新"); } strParam_ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //创建GUID dt_Add.Rows[0]["Param_ID"] = strParam_ID; conn.Insert("WS_SchedulingParam", dt_Add); //插入数据 } else { dt_Add.Columns.Remove("Param_ID"); //删除Param_ID,更新不需要 dt_Add.Columns.Remove("Task_ID"); //删除Task_ID,更新不需要 strWhere = " 1=1 AND Param_ID = '" + strParam_ID + "'"; //重新设置where语句 conn.Update("WS_SchedulingParam", dt_Add, strWhere); //更新数据 } //更新主表 DataTable dtScheduling = new DataTable(); dtScheduling.Columns.Add("UpdateTime"); DataRow drScheduling = dtScheduling.NewRow(); drScheduling["UpdateTime"] = DateTime.Now; dtScheduling.Rows.Add(drScheduling); string strSchedulingWhere=" 1=1 AND TASK_ID = '" + strTASK_ID + "'"; conn.Update("WS_Scheduling", dtScheduling, strSchedulingWhere); //更新数据 conn.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
private void Resend() { string strName = Request["Name"]; string strOldPhone = Request["oldphone"]; string strNewPhone = Request["newphone"]; string strcrdate = Request["crdate"].ToString(); string strsums = Request["sums"].ToString(); string strticketid = Request["ticketid"].ToString(); string strverifycode = Request["verifycode"].ToString(); string strVipID = Request["vipid"].ToString(); string strUid = Request["uid"].ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strOldPhone) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strcrdate) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strsums) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strticketid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strVipID) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(strUid) ) { Response.Write("{'Message':'非法提交'}"); return; } else { if (strNewPhone == null) { strNewPhone = ""; } string strPhone = strNewPhone; if (strPhone == "") { strPhone = strOldPhone; } string strMessage = "尊敬的" + strName; strMessage += "贵宾,您已通过EP雅莹店铺" + strcrdate.ToString() + "成功以"; strMessage += Convert.ToDecimal(strsums) * 25; strMessage += "分兑换面额为" + strsums + "的券,券号" + strticketid; strMessage += ",使用即使验证码:" + strverifycode; strMessage += "。生活之美,EP雅莹愿与您一同缔造。"; AMSendWS.MsgCenter cls = new AMSendWS.MsgCenter(); string strResult = cls.SendSubjectMsgImmediately("SMS", "ep_actualtime", "积分兑换券验证码", strPhone, "信息部服务中心", strMessage, DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), "1"); if (strResult == "0") { Response.Write("{'Message':'发送成功'}"); } else { Response.Write("{'Message':'发送失败,原因:" + strResult.Remove('\n') + "'}"); } //写日志 DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("Account_Id"); dt.Columns.Add("Phone_Old"); dt.Columns.Add("Phone_New"); dt.Columns.Add("Ticket_Id"); dt.Columns.Add("Create_UserId"); dt.Columns.Add("Create_Time"); DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["Account_Id"] = strVipID; dr["Phone_Old"] = strOldPhone; dr["Phone_New"] = strNewPhone; dr["Ticket_Id"] = strticketid; dr["Create_UserId"] = strUid; dr["Create_Time"] = DateTime.Now; dt.Rows.Add(dr); string strConnstr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString_CRMCUS"]; Dbconn conn = new Dbconn(strConnstr, true); conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.Insert("Log_PhoneChange", dt); conn.CommitTransaction(); return; } }
public bool Execute() { Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("AM"); DataSet ds = conn.GetDataSet( @"SELECT cn_id as AM_User_id, CN_LOGIN as AM_login, CN_USER_NAME as AM_User_Name, CN_PASSWORD AM_Password, CN_EMAIL AM_Email, CN_TITLE AM_Title, CN_HANDSET AM_Handset, CN_ISDELETE AM_IsDelete FROM dbo.TN_SYS_EM_USER t1 , dbo.TN_SYS_EM_USER_PROP t2 WHERE t1.cn_id = t2.CN_USERID "); Dbconn connMDM = new Dbconn("MDM"); try { ArrayList tableList = new ArrayList(); connMDM.BeginTransaction(); tableList.Add("AM_User_log"); tableList.Add("AM_User"); connMDM.TableLock(tableList); // //存入日志数据 // connMDM.ExcuteQuerryByTran(@"INSERT INTO dbo.AM_User_log // ( Log_datetime , // AM_User_id , // AM_LOGIN , // AM_USER_NAME, // AM_PASSWORD, // AM_EMAIL, // AM_TITLE, // AM_HANDSET, // AM_ISDELETE, // CreateTime , // UpdateTime , // Timestamps_old // // ) // SELECT GETDATE() , // AM_User_id , // AM_LOGIN , // AM_USER_NAME, // AM_PASSWORD, // AM_EMAIL, // AM_TITLE, // AM_HANDSET, // AM_ISDELETE, // CreateTime , // UpdateTime, // CONVERT(BIGINT,Timestamps) // FROM AM_User;"); //删除数据 connMDM.ExcuteQuerryByTran("DELETE FROM AM_User"); connMDM.InsertBYSQLBC("AM_User", ds.Tables[0]); //更新MDM_Employees的用户信息 connMDM.ExcuteQuerryByTran(@"UPDATE MDM_Employees SET SSO_Password=t2.AM_Password, Leave_Flag=AM_ISDELETE FROM dbo.AM_User t2 WHERE MDM_Employees.SSO_UserName = t2.AM_login " ); //并添加新入职的数据 connMDM.ExcuteQuerryByTran(@" INSERT INTO dbo.MDM_Employees ( Name , Sex , Phone , Moblie , SSO_UserName , SSO_Password , In_Time , Leave_Time , Leave_Flag , IsActived ) SELECT AM_login , NULL, NULL, NULL, AM_login , AM_Password , GETDATE(), NULL, AM_ISDELETE, 1 FROM dbo.AM_User WHERE AM_login NOT IN (SELECT SSO_UserName FROM MDM_Employees) " ); connMDM.CommitTransaction(); return true; } catch { connMDM.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// 新建或修改部门记录 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet SetDeptInfo(Dbconn conn, String strType) { String strCode = ""; DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); string strActor = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["actor"].ToString(); string strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); DataSet dsXML = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); String strOPType = dsXML.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper(); String strID = dsXML.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["oz1_id"].ToString(); DataTable dt_List = dsXML.Tables["LIST"]; if (strID == "") { throw new Exception("数据异常,缺少主键,请联系管理员!"); } bool bResult = false; conn.BeginTransaction(); if (strType == "NewDept") //新建部门 { bResult = conn.Insert("[F01_CERT].[OZ1_Organization] ", dt_List); } else if (strType == "UpdDept") //修改部门 { bResult = conn.Update("[F01_CERT].[OZ1_Organization] ", dt_List, "oz1_id='" + strID + "'"); } else if (strType == "UpdDept1") //修改部门 { //添加更新主键,按照GUID更新 ArrayList ListKey = new ArrayList(); ListKey.Add("oz1_id"); bResult = conn.Update("F01_CERT.OZ1_Organization", dt_List, ListKey); } else if (strType == "DelDept") //删除部门 { for (int k = 0; k < dt_List.Rows.Count; k++) { string strID1 = dt_List.Rows[k]["oz1_id"].ToString(); bResult = conn.Delete("F01_CERT.OZ1_Organization", "oz1_id=" + "'" + strID1 + "'"); } } conn.CommitTransaction(); if (bResult) { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { true, strCode }); } else { dt_EditResult.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, "保存失败!" }); } ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt_EditResult); return ds_Return; }
/// <summary> /// 对审核步骤进行审核 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetData() { try { //DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSet ds_Return = new DataSet(); DataSet dsRequest = new DataSet(); ArrayList listAMSendList = new ArrayList(); Dbconn conn = new Dbconn("HZY_ITSM"); string strXML = ""; strXML = m_request.Tables[0].Rows[0]["XML"].ToString(); DataSet ds = Common.Common.GetDSByExcelXML(strXML); string strCheck_ID = ""; string strCheck_User = ""; string strCheck_Result = ""; string strCheck_RemarK = ""; string strKey_Value = ""; string strKeyColumn = ""; string strRequestTableName = ""; strCheck_ID = ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); if (strCheck_ID == "") { ds_Return = Common.Common.GetRequestDataSet(new string[] { "Result" }, new string[] { "1:您的请求有误!" }); return ds_Return; } DataTable dt = conn.GetDataTable(@" SELECT t1.ID , t1.Key_ID , t1.Seq_Index , t1.Seq_Name , t1.Check_User , t1.Check_Type, t1.Check_Type_Table_Name, t1.Check_Type_Key_Column, t1.Check_Date , t1.Check_Result , t1.Remark , t2.Table_Templete FROM dbo.Check_List t1 LEFT JOIN dbo.check_Table_Type t2 ON t1.Check_Type = t2.Check_Type WHERE t1.id = @Param0 ", new string[1] { strCheck_ID }); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { ds_Return = Common.Common.GetRequestDataSet(new string[] { "Result" }, new string[] { "2:您的请求有误!" }); return ds_Return; } strKey_Value = dt.Rows[0]["Key_ID"].ToString(); strKeyColumn = dt.Rows[0]["Check_Type_Key_Column"].ToString(); strRequestTableName = dt.Rows[0]["Check_Type_Table_Name"].ToString(); if (ds.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "GET") { ITSM_Server_Request_EditByXML itsm_SR = new ITSM_Server_Request_EditByXML(); strXML = @"<ROOT><OPTYPE>GET</OPTYPE> <LIST> <ROW> <condition>" + strKeyColumn + @"='" + strKey_Value + @"'</condition> </ROW> </LIST> </ROOT>"; DataSet ds_ITSMSR_Request = Common.Common.GetRequestDataSet(new string[1] { "XML" }, new string[1] { strXML}); itsm_SR.Request = ds_ITSMSR_Request; DataSet ds_ITSMSR_Response = itsm_SR.GetData(); if (ds_ITSMSR_Response.Tables.Count == 0 || ds_ITSMSR_Response.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { ds_Return = Common.Common.GetRequestDataSet(new string[] { "Result" }, new string[] { "3:获取原始单据有误!" }); return ds_Return; } string strTableTemplete = dt.Rows[0]["Table_Templete"].ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < ds_ITSMSR_Response.Tables[0].Columns.Count; i++) { string strTemp = ds_ITSMSR_Response.Tables[0].Rows[0][i].ToString().Replace("\n", "<p>"); if(strTemp == "") { strTemp = " "; } strTableTemplete = strTableTemplete.Replace("[@@" + ds_ITSMSR_Response.Tables[0].Columns[i].ColumnName + "]", strTemp); } dt.Rows[0]["Table_Templete"] = Microsoft.JScript.GlobalObject.escape(strTableTemplete); dt.Columns.Add("timestamps"); dt.Rows[0]["timestamps"] = ds_ITSMSR_Response.Tables[0].Rows[0]["timestamps"]; ds_Return.Tables.Add(dt.Copy()); } else if (ds.Tables["OPTYPE"].Rows[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() == "EDIT") { strCheck_ID = ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); strCheck_User = ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["Check_User"].ToString(); strCheck_Result = ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["Check_Result"].ToString(); strCheck_RemarK = ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["Check_Remark"].ToString(); DataTable dtCheckList = conn.GetDataTable("SELECT * FROM Check_List WHERE ID='" + strCheck_ID + "'"); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("该审核单已不存在,请联系管理员"); } int nSeq_ID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Seq_Index"]); //判断是否已经进行后续的审批 string strSql = "SELECT '1' as A from Check_List WHERE Check_Type='" + dt.Rows[0]["Check_Type"].ToString() + @"' AND Key_ID='" + dt.Rows[0]["Key_ID"].ToString() + @"' AND Check_Result is not null AND Seq_Index>" + nSeq_ID.ToString() + ""; if (conn.GetDataTableRowCount(strSql) > 0) { throw new Exception("下一道的流程已经审批,本次审批不能再做修改!"); } dtCheckList.Rows[0]["Check_User"] = strCheck_User; dtCheckList.Rows[0]["Check_Date"] = DateTime.Now; dtCheckList.Rows[0]["Check_Result"] = strCheck_Result; dtCheckList.Rows[0]["Remark"] = strCheck_RemarK; dtCheckList.Rows[0]["updateTime"] = DateTime.Now; ArrayList listTable = new ArrayList(); listTable.Add("Check_List"); try { conn.BeginTransaction(); conn.TableLock(listTable); //判断数据是否为最新数据 strSql = "SELECT timestamps+0 as timestamps from " + strRequestTableName + " WHERE Deleted=0 AND " + strKeyColumn + "='" + strKey_Value + "'"; string strTimestamps = conn.GetDataTableFirstValue(strSql).ToString(); if (strTimestamps != ds.Tables["LIST"].Rows[0]["timestamps"].ToString()) { throw new Exception("原申请单数据已被修改,请刷新后重试!"); } //dt.Columns.Remove("timestamps"); conn.Update("Check_List", dtCheckList, "ID='" + strCheck_ID + "'"); string[] strColumn = new string[3]; string[] strValue = new string[3]; strColumn[0] = "Check_Type"; strColumn[1] = "Seq_Name"; strColumn[2] = "Key_ID"; strValue[0] = dt.Rows[0]["Check_Type"].ToString(); strValue[1] = dt.Rows[0]["Seq_Name"].ToString(); strValue[2] = dt.Rows[0]["Key_ID"].ToString(); DataSet requestDs = Common.Common.GetRequestDataSet(strColumn, strValue); ITSM_Check_List_Edit checkListEdit = new ITSM_Check_List_Edit(); checkListEdit.Conn = conn; checkListEdit.ListAMSendList = listAMSendList; checkListEdit.Request = requestDs; checkListEdit.Execute(); if (strCheck_Result != "同意") { //更新原表的状态为已驳回 strSql = "UPDATE " + strRequestTableName + " SET State='已驳回' WHERE Deleted=0 AND " + strKeyColumn + "='" + strKey_Value + "'"; conn.ExcuteQuerryByTran(strSql); } else { //判断是否有已驳回的状态 strSql = "SELECT '1' as A from Check_List WHERE Check_Type='" + dt.Rows[0]["Check_Type"].ToString() + @"' AND Key_ID='" + strKey_Value + @"' AND (Seq_index = " + nSeq_ID.ToString() + @" AND Check_Result='已驳回')"; //没有已驳回的记录 if (conn.GetDataTableRowCount(strSql) == 0) { //判断是否还有后续的流程 strSql = "SELECT '1' as A from Check_List WHERE Check_Type='" + dt.Rows[0]["Check_Type"].ToString() + @"' AND Key_ID='" + strKey_Value + @"' AND (Seq_Index>" + nSeq_ID.ToString() + @" OR (Seq_Index=" + nSeq_ID.ToString() + @" AND Must_Check=1 AND Check_Date IS NULL ))"; if (conn.GetDataTableRowCount(strSql) == 0) { //更新原表的状态为已审核 strSql = "UPDATE " + strRequestTableName + " SET State='已审核' WHERE Deleted=0 AND " + strKeyColumn + "='" + strKey_Value + "'"; conn.ExcuteQuerryByTran(strSql); ITSM_Common.SendAMMessage("", "马卫清", "有服务器申请表需要操作", "您有有服务器申请表需要操作,请进入EXCEL操作"); } else { //更新原表的状态为审核中 strSql = "UPDATE " + strRequestTableName + " SET State='审核中' WHERE Deleted=0 AND " + strKeyColumn + "='" + strKey_Value + "'"; conn.ExcuteQuerryByTran(strSql); } } } conn.CommitTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < listAMSendList.Count; i++) { string[] strList = (string[])(listAMSendList[i]); ITSM_Common.SendAMMessage(strList[0], strList[1], strList[2]); } } catch (Exception) { conn.RollbackTransaction(); throw; } ds_Return = Common.Common.GetRequestDataSet(new string[] { "Result" }, new string[] { "true" }); } return ds_Return; } catch { throw; } }