protected bool WhatifExists(string whatifName) { bool exists = false; ADODB.Recordset rec = new ADODB.Recordset(); DbUse.OpenAdoRec(classE1_1.globaldb, rec, "SELECT WID, Name FROM tblWhatif;"); try { int i = 0; while (!rec.EOF && !exists) { if (i == 0) { rec.MoveFirst(); } else { rec.MoveNext(); } exists = rec.Fields["Name"].Value.ToString().ToUpper().Equals(whatifName.ToUpper()); i++; } } catch (Exception) { } DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); return(exists); }
public string GetResMessage() { ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; string resMessage = ""; try { classE1_1.Open(); DbUse.open_ado_rec(classE1_1.globaldb, ref reccust, "zstblresults"); resMessage = ""; if (!reccust.EOF) { resMessage = resMessage + (string)reccust.Fields["Results"].Value; reccust.MoveNext(); } if (reccust != null) { reccust.Close(); reccust = null; } classE1_1.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } resMessage = resMessage.Replace("\n", "<br/>"); return(DbUse.reproduceRedColor(resMessage)); }
public static byte[] xxReadGroupFile(int fileId) { using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(DbUse.GetConnectionString())) { using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT File From Webmpx.group_files WHERE file_id = @fileId;", conn)) { try { conn.Open(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fileId", fileId); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { byte[] fileBytes = (byte[])reader["File"]; conn.Close(); return(fileBytes); } else { conn.Close(); throw new Exception("File not found in the database"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error in reading group file, sql query: " + cmd.CommandText + ". " + ex.Message); } } } }
public static bool SameOperNumDiffNameExists(string opName, int opNum, int prodId, int opId, string connectionString, LogFiles logFiles) { bool exists = false; ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADODB.Recordset rec = new ADODB.Recordset(); opName = opName.ToUpper(); bool adoOpen = DbUse.OpenAdo(conn, connectionString); string queryString = "SELECT OpID, OpNam, OpNum, Prodfore FROM tblOper WHERE Prodfore = " + prodId + " AND OpNam <> '" + opName + "' AND OpNum = " + opNum + " AND OpID <> " + opId; bool recOpen = DbUse.OpenAdoRec(conn, rec, queryString); try { if (adoOpen && recOpen) { exists = !rec.EOF; } } catch (Exception ex) { logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); } finally { DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); DbUse.CloseAdo(conn); } return(exists); }
public void DeleteBrowserGraphs() { if (userDir != null) { string graphsDirectoryPath = DbUse.GetMainDirectory() + DbPage.BROWSER_DIR + "\\" + userDir + "Graphs"; if (Directory.Exists(graphsDirectoryPath)) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(graphsDirectoryPath); try { foreach (string file in files) { File.SetAttributes(file, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(file); } } catch (Exception) { } } else { try { // creates the graphs directory again Directory.CreateDirectory(graphsDirectoryPath); } catch (Exception) { } } } }
protected void ReadData() { bool adoOpened = DbUse.open_ado(ref conn, GetDirectory() + userDir + MAIN_USER_DATABASE); string commandString = "SELECT " + TBL_GENERAL + ".* FROM(" + TBL_GENERAL + ");"; bool adoRecOpened = DbUse.open_ado_rec(conn, ref rec, commandString); try { if (!adoOpened || !adoRecOpened) { throw new Exception("Error in opening database/dataset. The data cannot be displayed."); } try { string title = (string)rec.Fields["Title"].Value; title1.Value = title; comment.Value = rec.Fields["com"].Value.ToString(); dtu.Text = (string)rec.Fields["TUFor"].Value; mcttu.Text = (string)rec.Fields["tult"].Value; optu.Text = (string)rec.Fields["tuprod"].Value; cv1.Text = rec.Fields["RTU1b"].Value.ToString(); cv2.Text = rec.Fields["RTU1c"].Value.ToString(); utlimit.Text = rec.Fields["Utlimit"].Value.ToString(); laborcv.Text = rec.Fields["coef_v_labor"].Value.ToString(); equipcv.Text = rec.Fields["coef_v_equip"].Value.ToString(); partcv.Text = rec.Fields["coef_v_parts"].Value.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { Master.ShowErrorMessage("An error has occured while reading the data from the database. Some data might not display correctly."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Master.ShowErrorMessage(ex.Message); } DbUse.CloseAdo(conn); DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Header.DataBind(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string script = "<SCRIPT language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>function textChangedClick() {eval(\"document.getElementById('" + HiddenBtn.ClientID + "').click()\"); }</SCRIPT>"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "print_script", script); } else { try { HideLoadingPopup(); } catch (Exception) { } } Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = true; cookiesEnabled = DbUse.CookiesEnabled(); SetModelLabel(); //This is where timeout is initialized /* firstTimer.Interval = 12 * 60 * 1000;*/ //!!! disabled temporarily the timer - testing javascript countdown instead //firstTimer.Enabled = true; SetMainLabels(); // menutree.CollapseAll(); }
protected void LogoutUser() { LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(this.username); logFiles.LogoutLog(); DbUse.LogoutUser(); }
//get list of groups for user // get list of models in group // int delete model from group /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int delete_model_from_group(int model_name_id, int groupid, string user_name) /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { int val = 0; string groupname = get_groupname_fileid(model_name_id); // check user_name for authority if (has_group_leader(groupname, user_name) == 0) { // else check if owner if (is_file_owner(groupid, user_name, model_name_id) == 0) { return(0); } } // delete model from models list //xxquery string deleteQuery = "DELETE webmpx.group_files.* From Webmpx.group_files WHERE (Group_files.file_id= @file_id);"; //string deleteQuery = "DELETE webmpx.group_files.File_owner, webmpx.group_files.[file_id], webmpx.group_files.* From Webmpx.group_files WHERE (((group_files.Groupname)= '"+ groupname +"' ) AND ((group_files.File_owner)= '" + user_name + "' ) AND ((group_files.file_id)= '"+ model_name_id +"' ));"; DbUse.RunMySqlParams(deleteQuery, new string[] { "@file_id" }, new object[] { model_name_id }); return(-1); }
/// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int find_group_id(string groupname) { /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string id1; id1 = "0"; if (groupname == "") { return(0); } try { id1 = DbUse.GetMysqlDatabaseField("Group_id", "Group_name", groupname, "group_list"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.IndexOf("not found") >= 0) { return(0); // not found } } int i_id; i_id = Convert.ToInt32(id1); return(i_id); }
// check file powner ... //delete user from group ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int delete_user_from_group(int groupid, string username, string del_name) /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { int val = -1; string groupname = find_group_name(groupid); // check if user has group leader authority if (has_group_leader(groupname, username) == 0) { return(0); } // check if del_name is in group if (unique_user_name(groupname, del_name) != 0) { return(0); } string deleteQuery = " DELETE webmpx.group_members.* FROM webmpx.group_members WHERE (((Group_members.Username)= '" + del_name + "' ) AND ((Group_members.Groupname)= '" + groupname + "' )); "; if (!DbUse.RunMySqlParams(deleteQuery, new string[] {}, new object[] { })) { return(0); } return(val); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int add_model_file(string filePath, string fileName, string fileOwner, int groupid) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { try { byte[] rawData = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath + "\\" + fileName); int fileSize = rawData.Length; // other way to get a file to byte array //FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //long fileSize2 = fs.Length; //rawData = new byte[fileSize]; //fs.Read(rawData, 0, (int)fileSize2); //fs.Close(); string groupname; groupname = find_group_name(groupid); DateTime DateC = DateTime.UtcNow; DbUse.RunMySqlParams("INSERT INTO webmpx.group_files (File_name, File_stuff, File_size, File_owner, Group_id, Groupname, Date_created) VALUES (@FileName, @File, @FileSize, @File_owner, @Group_id, @Groupname, @DateC);", new string[] { "@FileName", "@File", "@FileSize", "@File_owner", "@Group_id", "@Groupname", "@DateC" }, new object[] { fileName, rawData, fileSize, fileOwner, groupid, groupname, DateC }); } catch (Exception ex) { // show error message... LogFiles logFiles = new LogFiles(); logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); return(0); } return(-1); }
/// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int has_group_leader(string groupname, string username) /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { try { string entry; ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADODB.Recordset rec = new ADODB.Recordset(); bool adoOpened = DbUse.OpenAdoMysql(conn); string commandString = "SELECT `webmpx`.group_members.* FROM `webmpx`.group_members WHERE (((`webmpx`.group_members.Groupname)='" + groupname + "') AND ((`webmpx`.group_members.Username)='" + username + "') and (`webmpx`.Group_members.Leader = 'yes') ); "; bool adoRecOpened = DbUse.OpenAdoRec(conn, rec, commandString); if (!adoOpened || !adoRecOpened) { throw new Exception("Error in opening database/dataset."); } try { entry = rec.Fields["leader"].Value.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception("Field username leader not found in the table group_members."); } // end try DbUse.CloseAdo(conn); DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.IndexOf("not found") >= 0) { return(0); } } // end try return(-1); // group leader set ='yes' } // end routine
} // end routine /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public int flipLeader(string GroupName, string username, string leadername) { if (has_group_leader(GroupName, username) == 0) { return(0); } int curval = has_group_leader(GroupName, leadername); string newval; if (curval == 0) { newval = "yes"; } else { newval = "no"; } if (!DbUse.RunMySqlParams("update `webmpx`.group_members SET `webmpx`.group_members.`leader` = '" + newval + "' WHERE `webmpx`.group_members.`Username` = '" + leadername + "' and `webmpx`.group_members.`Groupname` = '" + GroupName + "' ;", new string[] { }, new object[] { })) { return(0); } return(-1); }
protected void RenameModel(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DbUse.InRunProcess(userDir)) { Master.ShowErrorMessage("Cannot rename the model because calculations are still running. Please wait."); return; } string currentModel = Master.GetCurrentModel(); if ((currentModel != null) && !currentModel.Equals("") && !currentModel.Equals("none")) { if (IsWhatifMode()) { Master.SetFocus2(btnGoToWhatif.ClientID); modalGoToWhatif.Show(); } else { lblNewName.Text = "Enter a new name for the current model: "; hdnNewNameMode.Value = SaveMode.RENAME_MODEL.ToString(); TextBox txtNewName = pnlNewModelPopup.FindControl(InputPageControls.TXT_NEW_NAME) as TextBox; extenderNewModel.Show(); Master.SetFocus(txtNewName.ClientID); } } else { Master.ShowErrorMessage("Cannot rename the current model because no model is loaded."); } }
public bool ChangeEmail(string cookieid, string email) { bool updated = false; string sqlString = "SELECT, usercred.mail FROM usercred INNER JOIN userlist ON = WHERE userlist.sessionid = '" + cookieid + "';"; conn = new ADODB.Connection(); rec = new ADODB.Recordset(); bool openedCon = DbUse.OpenAdoMysql(conn); bool openedRec = DbUse.OpenAdoRec(conn, rec, sqlString); try { if (!openedCon || !openedRec) { throw new Exception("An error has occured. Please try again."); } else if (rec.EOF) { throw new Exception("An internal error has occured. Missing data."); } else { rec.Fields["mail"].Value = email; rec.Update(); updated = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { logFiles.ErrorLog(ex); Master.ShowErrorMessage(ex.Message); } finally { DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); DbUse.CloseAdo(conn); } return(updated); }
protected void SaveModelAs(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DbUse.InRunProcess(userDir)) { Master.ShowErrorMessage("Cannot save the model because calculations are still running. Please wait."); return; } hdnNewNameMode.Value = SaveMode.CURRENT_MODEL.ToString(); string modelName = Master.GetCurrentModel(); if (modelName == null || modelName.Equals("") || modelName.Equals("none")) { string message = "Cannot save the model because no model is loaded."; Master.ShowErrorMessage(message); } else if (IsWhatifMode()) { Master.SetFocus2(btnGoToWhatif.ClientID); modalGoToWhatif.Show(); } else { TextBox txtNewName = pnlNewModelPopup.FindControl(InputPageControls.TXT_NEW_NAME) as TextBox; txtNewName.Text = modelName; lblNewName.Text = "Save current model as: "; extenderNewModel.Show(); Master.SetFocus(txtNewName.ClientID); } }
protected void SaveModel(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DbUse.InRunProcess(userDir)) { Master.ShowErrorMessage("Cannot save the model because calculations are still running. Please wait."); return; } hdnNewNameMode.Value = SaveMode.CURRENT_MODEL.ToString(); string modelName = Master.GetCurrentModel(); if (modelName == null || modelName.Equals("") || modelName.Equals("none")) { string message = "Cannot save the model because no model is loaded."; Master.ShowErrorMessage(message); } else if (IsWhatifMode()) { Master.SetFocus(btnGoToWhatif.ClientID); modalGoToWhatif.Show(); } else { SaveModel(SaveMode.CURRENT_MODEL, modelName); } }
} // end function; public long Get_whatif_wid(string whatifname) { //on error GoTo Err_Get_whatif_name; ADODB.Recordset recset1 = null; long retval; if (whatifname == "Base Case") { return(0); } else { DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref recset1, "Select tblwhatif.* from tblwhatif where name = " + whatifname + ";"); if (recset1.EOF) { retval = -1; } else { retval = (long)recset1.Fields["wid"].Value; } DbUse.CloseAdoRec(recset1); recset1 = null; }; return(retval); //exit Function; } // end function;
public static void doSessionLogin(Sessionable.Session myNewSession) { var session = HttpContext.Current.Session; session["username"] = myNewSession.USERNAME; session["user-directory"] = myNewSession.USERDIR; session["timeout"] = myNewSession.TIMEOUT; session["basecase"] = myNewSession.BASECASE; session["scenario"] = myNewSession.SCENARIO; session["analysis"] = myNewSession.ANALYSIS; session["isModified"] = myNewSession.isMODIFIED; session["needsRecalc"] = true; if (myNewSession.USERNAME.Equals("admingla")) { session["isAdmin"] = false; } else { session["isDemo"] = false; } try { DbUse.RunMysql("UPDATE userlist SET userlist.userid = '" + String.Empty + "', userlist.sessionid = '" + GetSessionID() + "' WHERE userlist.username = '******' ; "); } catch { } }
} // end function; public int testresetwid(int wid) { ADODB.Recordset recset1 = null; int retval; if (wid == 0) { retval = -1; return(retval); } DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref recset1, "Select tblwhatif.* from tblwhatif where wid = " + wid + ";"); if (!recset1.EOF) { retval = -1; } else { retval = 0; glngwid = 0; // !!! reset to 0 basecase !! saveWid(); saveRecalcNeeded(0, -1); model_modified = -1; saveModel_modified(); } DbUse.CloseAdoRec(recset1); recset1 = null; return(retval); }
public string Get_whatif_name(int wid) { //on error GoTo Err_Get_whatif_name; ADODB.Recordset recset1 = null; string retval; if (wid == 0) { retval = "Basecase"; } else { DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref recset1, "Select tblwhatif.* from tblwhatif where wid = " + wid + ";"); if (recset1.EOF) { retval = ""; } else { retval = (string)recset1.Fields["Name"].Value; } DbUse.CloseAdoRec(recset1); recset1 = null; }; return(retval); //exit Function; //Err_Get_whatif_name: // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); //RESUME NEXT } // end function;
} // end sub; float availtime() { //on error GoTo err_availtime; ADODB.Recordset reccust = null; float X; DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref reccust, "tblgeneral"); X = ((float)reccust.Fields["RTU1b"].Value) * ((float)reccust.Fields["RTU1c"].Value); if ((X <= 0)) { X = 1; } ; //exit_availtime: DbUse.CloseAdoRec(reccust); reccust = null; return(X); //exit Function; //err_availtime: // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); // resume exit_availtime; } // end function;
} // end function; public string Get_whatif_comment(int wid) { //on error GoTo Err_Get_whatif_name; ADODB.Recordset recset1 = null; string retval; if (wid == 0) { retval = "Base Case"; } else { DbUse.open_ado_rec(globaldb, ref recset1, "tblwhatif"); recset1.Filter = "[wid] =" + wid; retval = (string)recset1.Fields["Comm"].Value; DbUse.CloseAdoRec(recset1); recset1 = null; }; // return; //exit _Get_whatif_name: return(retval); //exit Function; //Err_Get_whatif_name: // msgbox(ErrorToString(), 0, appl_name); //RESUME NEXT } // end function;
public static string GetMysqlDatabaseField(string field, string key, int keyValue, string table) { string entry; ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADODB.Recordset rec = new ADODB.Recordset(); bool adoOpened = DbUse.OpenAdoMysql(conn); string commandString = "SELECT " + key + ", " + field + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + key + " = " + keyValue + ";"; bool adoRecOpened = DbUse.OpenAdoRec(conn, rec, commandString); if (!adoOpened || !adoRecOpened) { throw new Exception("Error in opening database/dataset."); } try { entry = rec.Fields[field].Value.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception("Field '" + field + "' not found in the table '" + table + "'."); } DbUse.CloseAdo(conn); DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); return(entry); }
public static void LogoutUser(string myUsername) { RunMySqlParams("SELECT * FROM tblGroups WHERE GroupID = ?", new string[] { "@GroupID" }, new object[] { 3 }); //RunMysql("UPDATE userlist SET userlist.userid = '" + LOGOUT_USERID + "' WHERE userlist.username = '******' ; "); DbUse.RunMysql("UPDATE userlist SET userlist.userid = '" + DbUse.LOGOUT_USERID + "', userlist.sessionid = '" + null + "', userlist.sessionexpires = '" + 0 + "' WHERE userlist.username = '******' ; "); }
protected void btnLogout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string logoutMessage = "Normal logout."; DbUse.WriteLogoutMessageToDb(logoutMessage); DbUse.LogoutUser(); Response.Redirect(LOGOUT_PAGE); }
public static string Progress(string sessionID) { var returnable = ""; ADODB.Connection conn = new ADODB.Connection(); ADODB.Recordset rec = new ADODB.Recordset(); int timePerCalc = -1; int total = -1; int calc = -1; string myName = ""; bool adoOpened = DbUse.OpenAdoMysql(conn); string commandString = "SELECT,, usercalc.calc, usercalc.timePerCalc, userCalc.curName, userlist.sessionid FROM usercalc INNER JOIN userlist ON = WHERE userlist.sessionid = '" + sessionID + "';"; bool adoRecOpened = DbUse.OpenAdoRec(conn, rec, commandString); try { timePerCalc = int.Parse(rec.Fields["timePerCalc"].Value.ToString()); total = int.Parse(rec.Fields["total"].Value.ToString()); calc = int.Parse(rec.Fields["calc"].Value.ToString()); myName = Convert.ToString(rec.Fields["curName"].Value); if (!(calc == -1 && total == -1)) { if (calc == -1 && total == 0) { returnable = "Verifying data..."; } if (calc > 0 && total > 0) { returnable = "Calculating " + myName + " (" + calc + " of " + total + ")"; //report += "Calculating " + currentCalc + " out of " + totalCalc + " ..."; } } else { returnable = "Verifying data..."; } } catch (Exception) { returnable = "Error..."; } finally { DbUse.CloseAdo(conn); DbUse.CloseAdoRec(rec); } return(returnable); }
public static bool isReCalcNecessary(string username, string path) { Boolean resultMessage; if (isCalculating(path)) { resultMessage = false; } else { ClassF classE1_1 = new ClassF(path); classE1_1.Open(); try { int totalCalc = 0; classE1_1.username = username; classE1_1.SetBasicModelInfo(); classE1_1.calc_return = 0; //0 - none, 1 labor, 2 eq over util, 4 warnings 8 errors ADODB.Recordset recNeedCalc = new ADODB.Recordset(); //check if basecase needs recalc and add to totalCalc DbUse.open_ado_rec(classE1_1.globaldb, ref recNeedCalc, "SELECT * FROM zs0tblWhatIf WHERE zs0tblWhatIf.WID=0;"); int basecaserecalc = Convert.ToInt32(recNeedCalc.Fields["recalc"].Value); if (basecaserecalc != 0) { totalCalc++; } bool recOpened = DbUse.OpenAdoRec(classE1_1.globaldb, recNeedCalc, "SELECT * FROM tblWhatIf WHERE FamilyID = 0 AND recalc = true AND display = -1;"); while (!recNeedCalc.EOF) { totalCalc++; recNeedCalc.MoveNext(); } DbUse.CloseAdoRec(recNeedCalc); if (totalCalc > 0) { resultMessage = true; } else { resultMessage = false; } } catch (Exception) { resultMessage = false; } classE1_1.Close(); } return(resultMessage); }
private void timeoutUser() { var mySession = HttpContext.Current.Session; DbUse.RunMySqlParams("SELECT * FROM tblGroups WHERE GroupID = ?", new string[] { "@GroupID" }, new object[] { 3 }); DbUse.RunMysql("UPDATE userlist SET userlist.userid = '" + DbUse.LOGOUT_USERID + "', userlist.sessionid = '" + null + "', userlist.sessionexpires = '" + 0 + "' WHERE userlist.username = '******' ; "); mySession.Clear(); mySession["timeout"] = "true"; }