/// <summary> /// 获取记录总数 /// </summary> public int GetRecordCount(string strWhere) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select count(1) FROM TEST8 "); if (strWhere.Trim() != "") { strSql.Append(" where " + strWhere); } object obj = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(strSql.ToString()); if (obj == null) { return(0); } else { return(Convert.ToInt32(obj)); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取记录总数 /// </summary> public int GetRecordCount(string strWhere, params object[] objValues) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select count(1) FROM YX_DZJZ_FMDYMB "); if (strWhere.Trim() != "") { strSql.Append(" where " + strWhere); } object obj = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(strSql.ToString(), ParameterHelp.ParameterReset(strWhere, objValues)); if (obj == null) { return(0); } else { return(Convert.ToInt32(obj)); } }
protected void btnSure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //重新预占 呵呵 String Sql = @"SELECT TO_CHAR(WMSYS.WM_CONCAT(A.GDNAME)) FROM DAT_CK_COM A,(SELECT COUNT (1) SL,GDSEQ FROM DAT_CK_EXT WHERE BILLNO = '{0}' GROUP BY GDSEQ) B WHERE A.GDSEQ = B.GDSEQ AND A.SEQNO = '{0}' AND A.ISGZ = 'Y' AND A.XSSL <> B.SL"; Object err = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(String.Format(Sql, GridList.DataKeys[GridList.SelectedRowIndex][0])); if ((err ?? "").ToString().Length > 0) { PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(Confirm.GetShowReference("商品【" + err + "】扫描数与单据中商品数量不一致是否继续?", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Information, PageManager1.GetCustomEventReference(true, "Confirm_Sure", false, false), null)); return; } else { Confirm_Sure(); WindowScan.Hidden = true; } }
protected void zsmDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(docBILLNO.Text.Trim())) { string flag = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT FLAG FROM DAT_CK_DOC WHERE BILLNO ='" + docBILLNO.Text.Trim() + "'").ToString(); if ((",M,N").IndexOf(flag) < 0) { Alert.Show("非『新增』单据不允许操作!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (GridSacn.SelectedCell == null) { Alert.Show("请选择您需要删除的数据!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string onecode = (GridSacn.DataKeys[GridSacn.SelectedRowIndex][0]).ToString(); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(string.Format("DELETE FROM DAT_CK_EXT WHERE ONECODE = '{0}' AND BILLNO = '{1}'", onecode, docBILLNO.Text.Trim())); ScanSearch(""); } }
protected override void billAudit() { if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "M") { Alert.Show("本条试剂申领信息已经审核确认,不能再次审核!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } object code = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT A.ONECODE FROM DAT_XS_COM A,DAT_BARCODE_SJ B WHERE A.ONECODE = B.GDBARCODE AND B.FLAG = 'Y' AND A.SEQNO = '" + docSEQNO.Text + "' AND ROWNUM = 1"); if ((code ?? "").ToString().Length > 0) { Alert.Show("试剂条码【" + code.ToString() + "】已被废弃或使用,请检查!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (BillOper(docSEQNO.Text, "AUDIT") == 1) { Alert.Show("学科组试剂领用信息审核成功!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); billOpen(docSEQNO.Text); OperLog("试剂出库", "审核单据【" + docSEQNO.Text + "】"); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取部门编码的使用数量 /// </summary> /// <param name="dwbm"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetBmbmCount(string dwbm, string bmbm) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append(" select sum(s) s from("); strSql.Append(" select count(1) s from xt_zzjg_bmbm where dwbm='" + dwbm + "' and fbmbm=" + bmbm + " and sfsc='N' and rownum =1 union "); strSql.Append(" select count(1) from xt_qx_jsbm where dwbm='" + dwbm + "' and bmbm=" + bmbm + " and rownum=1) t"); int rows = -1; try { object count = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(strSql.ToString()); rows = Convert.ToInt32(count); } catch (Exception ex) { EDRS.Common.LogHelper.LogError(this.context, "Exception", ex.Message, "public DataSet GetBmbmCount(string dwbm,string bmbm)", "EDRS.OracleDAL.XT_ZZJG_BMBM", strSql.ToString()); } return(rows); }
protected void GridCertype_RowCommand(object sender, GridCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "seepic") { try { string LISID = GridCertype.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[4].ToString(); string LISNAME = GridCertype.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[5].ToString(); string HSEQNO = ""; HSEQNO = GridCertype.Rows[e.RowIndex].DataKeys[0].ToString(); Window1.Hidden = false; string picnum = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("select count(1) from DOC_LICENSE_IMG where seqno='" + HSEQNO + "' and licenseid='" + LISID + "'").ToString(); string url = "~/CertificateInput/ShowLisPicWindow.aspx?bm=" + HSEQNO + "&xc=" + picnum + "&cc=" + LISID + ""; PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(Window1.GetSaveStateReference(hfdSEQNO.ClientID) + Window1.GetShowReference(url, "证照图片展示")); } catch (Exception) { Alert.Show("暂无图片展示,请上传图片后再查看!"); } } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (hfdSEQNO.Text.Length < 1) { Alert.Show("调价单还未保存,不能提交!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'M') FROM DAT_TJ_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", hfdSEQNO.Text)); if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(flg) && (",M").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("调价单【" + hfdSEQNO.Text + "】不是新增单据,不能提交!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //增加判断是否已有调价商品 Object Obj = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(String.Format(@"SELECT GDSEQ FROM DAT_TJ_COM WHERE SEQNO = '{0}' AND GDSEQ IN(SELECT GDSEQ FROM DAT_TJ_DOC A, DAT_TJ_COM B WHERE A.SEQNO = B.SEQNO AND A.FLAG = 'Y') AND ROWNUM = 1", hfdSEQNO.Text)); if ((Obj ?? "").ToString().Length > 0) { Alert.Show("商品" + Obj + "已存在调价单!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo(string.Format("UPDATE DAT_TJ_DOC SET FLAG='N',SPR ='{1}',SPRQ=SYSDATE WHERE SEQNO='{0}' AND FLAG='M'", docBILLNO.Text, UserAction.UserID), null)); //增加待办事宜 if (!DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM DAT_DO_LIST WHERE PARA='" + docBILLNO.Text.Trim() + "'")) { cmdList.Add(Doc.GETDOADD("DO_16", Doc.DbGetSysPara("DEFDEPT"), docLRY.SelectedValue, docBILLNO.Text)); } if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { Alert.Show("调价单【" + hfdSEQNO.Text + "】提交成功", "消息提示"); OperLog("商品调价", "提交单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); billOpen(hfdSEQNO.Text); } }
protected void Window1_Close(object sender, WindowCloseEventArgs e) { DataTable dt = GetGoods(hfdValue.Text); dt.Columns.Remove(dt.Columns["BZHL"]); dt.Columns.Remove(dt.Columns["UNIT"]); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { //dt.Columns["PIZNO"].ColumnName = "PZWH"; dt.Columns["UNITNAME"].ColumnName = "UNITSMALLNAME"; dt.Columns["UNIT_SELL_NAME"].ColumnName = "UNITNAME"; dt.Columns["UNIT_SELL"].ColumnName = "UNIT"; dt.Columns["BZHL_SELL"].ColumnName = "BZHL"; dt.Columns.Add("PH", Type.GetType("System.String")); dt.Columns.Add("RQ_SC", Type.GetType("System.String")); dt.Columns.Add("YXQZ", Type.GetType("System.String")); dt.Columns.Add("MEMO", Type.GetType("System.String")); dt.Columns.Add("BZSL", Type.GetType("System.Int32")); dt.Columns.Add("DHSL", Type.GetType("System.Int32")); dt.Columns.Add("NUM5", Type.GetType("System.Int32")); dt.Columns.Add("HSJE", Type.GetType("System.Double")); string msg = ""; string msg1 = ""; string msg2 = ""; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { row["BZSL"] = "0"; row["DHSL"] = "0"; row["NUM5"] = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT SUM(XSSL) FROM V_SJ WHERE STR5 = '" + docDEPTGROUP.SelectedValue + "' AND GDSEQ = '" + row["GDSEQ"] + "'") ?? 0; row["HSJE"] = "0"; row["HWID"] = ""; LoadGridRow(row, false); } } else { Alert.Show("请选择需要添加的商品信息!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }
protected void lstDEPTID_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstDEPTID.SelectedValue.Length == 0) { Alert.Show("请选择科室!"); return; } if (lstISGZ.SelectedItem != null && lstISGZ.SelectedItem.Value == "Y") { Object obj = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT NUM2 FROM SYS_DEPT A WHERE A.CODE='" + lstDEPTID.SelectedValue + "'"); int initNum = Convert.ToInt32(obj ?? "0"); NumberBox1.Text = initNum == 1?"1" :(initNum + 1).ToString(); numCoding.Text = initNum == 1 ? "10" : (initNum + 10).ToString(); } if (lstISGZ.SelectedItem != null && lstISGZ.SelectedItem.Value == "N") { Object obj = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT NUM3 FROM SYS_DEPT A WHERE A.CODE='" + lstDEPTID.SelectedValue + "'"); int initNum = Convert.ToInt32(obj ?? "0"); NumberBox1.Text = (initNum + 1).ToString(); numCoding.Text = (initNum + 10).ToString(); } }
protected void btnAudit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int[] selections = GridList.SelectedRowIndexArray; if (selections.Length == 0) { Alert.Show("您没有选择任何信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string YBILLNO = ""; string ROWNO = ""; string strFPSeq = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT SEQ_PUBLIC.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL").ToString(); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); foreach (int rowIndex in selections) { YBILLNO = GridList.DataKeys[rowIndex][0].ToString(); ROWNO = GridList.DataKeys[rowIndex][1].ToString(); cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("UPDATE DAT_USE_DET SET DEALWITHSEQ='" + strFPSeq + "' where BILLNO='" + YBILLNO + "' and ROWNO='" + ROWNO + "'", null)); } OracleParameter[] parameters = { new OracleParameter("VI_SEQ", OracleDbType.Int32), new OracleParameter("VI_USER", OracleDbType.Varchar2) }; parameters[0].Value = strFPSeq; parameters[1].Value = UserAction.UserID; cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("STORE.P_DG_AUDIT", parameters, CommandType.StoredProcedure)); if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { Alert.Show("代管商品使用信息确认成功!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); billSearch(); } else { Alert.Show("代管商品使用信息确认失败!", "错误提示", MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
protected void btnCompare_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strWhere = " 0=0 "; if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(ddlCATID.SelectedValue)) { strWhere += " and d.CATID like '" + ddlCATID.SelectedValue + "%'"; } //if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(ddlSUPID.SelectedValue)) strWhere += " and SUPID = '" + ddlSUPID.SelectedValue + "'"; //if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(tbxZPBH.Text)) strWhere += " and ZPBH = '" + tbxZPBH.Text + "'"; if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(tbxGOODS.Text)) { strWhere += " and (d.gdseq like '%" + tbxGOODS.Text + "%' or d.zjm like '%" + tbxGOODS.Text + "%' or d.gdname like '%" + tbxGOODS.Text + "%')"; } String strSqlCount = @"select count(1) from ( select a.*,B.PHID PHID_EAS,B.SL SL_EAS from (select GDSEQ,PHID,SUM(sumkcsl) sumkcsl from V_INVENTORY_SUMMARY GROUP BY GDSEQ,PHID) a left join (select GDSEQ,PHID,SL FROM EAS_STOCK_COMPARE ) b on a.GDSEQ=b.GDSEQ AND a.PHID=b.PHID union select a.GDSEQ,null PHID,null sumkcsl,a.PHID PHID_EAS,a.SL SL_eas from (select GDSEQ,PHID,SL from EAS_STOCK_COMPARE ) a where not EXISTS ( select * from (select GDSEQ,PHID,SUM(sumkcsl) SL from V_INVENTORY_SUMMARY GROUP BY GDSEQ,PHID) b where a.GDSEQ=b.GDSEQ AND a.PHID=b.PHID) ) c ,doc_goods d where c.gdseq=d.gdseq(+) and {0}"; strSqlCount = string.Format(strSqlCount, strWhere); int countRow = Convert.ToInt32(DbHelperOra.GetSingle(strSqlCount)); GridGoods.RecordCount = countRow; ViewState["where"] = strWhere; DataSearch(); }
protected void btnAuditBatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int[] rowIndex = GridList.SelectedRowIndexArray; string billno = docBILLNO.Text; if (billno.Length == 0) { Alert.Show("请选择要审核的库房调拨信息!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (billno.Length > 0) { string StrSql = "UPDATE DAT_DB_DOC SET FLAG = 'A' where seqno = '" + billno.TrimEnd(',') + "'"; DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(StrSql); docFLAG.SelectedValue = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT FLAG FROM DAT_DB_DOC WHERE SEQNO='" + billno.TrimEnd(',') + "'").ToString(); if (docFLAG.SelectedValue == "A") { OracleParameter[] parameters = new OracleParameter[] { new OracleParameter("BILLNO", OracleDbType.Varchar2), new OracleParameter("USERID", OracleDbType.Varchar2), }; parameters[0].Value = docSEQNO.Text; parameters[1].Value = UserAction.UserID; DbHelperOra.RunProcedure("P_EXE_DBD", parameters); } else { Alert.Show("单据状态不正确,不能进行库存分配!"); return; } Alert.Show("商品调拨申请提交成功!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); billSearch(); OperLog("商品调拨", "提交单据【" + billno.TrimEnd(',') + "】-高值扫码"); } }
/// <summary> /// 取新ID /// </summary> /// <param name="dbs">配置信息</param> /// <param name="tablename">表名</param> /// <returns>ID值</returns> public int NewTableID(string tablename = "YX_DZJZ_JZRZJL") { string sql = "";//"select * from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = 'yy_tableid'"; sql = String.Format("select TableID from MC_TABLEID where NAME = '{0}'", tablename); object returnValue = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(sql); int newid = 1; if (returnValue == null || returnValue == DBNull.Value) { sql = String.Format("insert into MC_TABLEID (NAME,TABLEID) values ('{0}',2)", tablename); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(sql); } else { newid = int.Parse(returnValue.ToString()); int rid = newid + 1; sql = String.Format("update MC_TABLEID set TABLEID = {0} where NAME = '{1}'", rid, tablename); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(sql); newid = rid; } return(newid); }
private bool IsValidCase(string sAppNo) { var objDate = DbHelperOra.GetSingle($"select FILING_DATE from PATENTCASE where APPLICATION_NO = '{sAppNo}'"); if (objDate == null) { return(true); } DateTime dt; DateTime.TryParse(objDate.ToString(), out dt); if (dt == DateTime.MinValue) { return(true); } var cType = sAppNo.Length > 10 ? sAppNo[4] : sAppNo[2]; if (cType == '1' || cType == '8') { return(dt.AddYears(20) >= DateTime.Now); } return(dt.AddYears(10) >= DateTime.Now); }
public string addresadd(HttpContext context) { string userid = context.Request["str1"] == null ? "" : context.Request["str1"].ToString(); //获取参数 string name = context.Request["name"] == null ? "" : context.Request["name"].ToString(); //获取参数; string ads = context.Request["ads"] == null ? "" : context.Request["ads"].ToString(); //获取参数 string tel = context.Request["tel"] == null ? "" : context.Request["tel"].ToString(); //获取参数 string area = context.Request["area"] == null ? "" : context.Request["area"].ToString(); //获取参数 string seqno = context.Request["seqno"] == null ? "" : context.Request["seqno"].ToString(); //获取参数 string strResult = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(seqno)) { string sqlDel = string.Format(@"DELETE FROM DOC_ADDRESS WHERE FSEQNO = '{0}'", seqno); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(sqlDel); } else { seqno = (DbHelperOra.GetSingle("select seq_address.nextval from dual")).ToString(); } string sql = ""; if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(sql) > 0) { strResult = new JObject( new JProperty("res", "1"), new JProperty("msg", "") ).ToString(); } else { strResult = new JObject( new JProperty("res", "0"), new JProperty("msg", "") ).ToString(); } return(strResult); }
/// <summary> /// 根据病人id判断病人是否有资格使用云医院 /// </summary> /// <param name="brid"></param> /// <param name="msg"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int QueryIsHasYunHospital(string brid, out string msg) { string querySql = string.Format("select fuzhenbz from zfb_menzhenklb where patientid='{0}'", brid); OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(WebConfigParameter.ConnectionHisString); int sqlResult = 0, result = 0; try { object obj = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(querySql, connection); msg = ""; if (obj != null) { sqlResult = Convert.ToInt32(obj); if (sqlResult == 1) { msg = "是"; result = 1; } if (sqlResult == 2) { msg = "否"; result = 2; } } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = GetExceptionInfo(ex); return(1); } finally { connection.Close(); } return(result); }
private void LoadGridRow(DataRow row, bool firstRow = true, string flag = "NEW") { if (flag == "NEW") { //写入批次信息,货位 DataTable Temp = DbHelperOra.Query(string.Format("SELECT HWID,KCSL-LOCKSL KCSL,PH,YXQZ,RQ_SC FROM DAT_GOODSSTOCK WHERE DEPTID ='{0}' AND GDSEQ = '{1}' AND KCSL >LOCKSL AND ROWNUM = 1 ORDER BY PICINO ASC", docDEPTOUT.SelectedValue, row["GDSEQ"].ToString())).Tables[0]; if (Temp.Rows.Count > 0) { row["HWID"] = Temp.Rows[0]["HWID"]; row["KCSL"] = Temp.Rows[0]["KCSL"]; row["PH"] = Temp.Rows[0]["PH"]; row["YXQZ"] = Temp.Rows[0]["YXQZ"]; row["RQ_SC"] = Temp.Rows[0]["RQ_SC"]; } else { //货位写入(重新取值) object objHWID = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT F_GETHWID('{0}','{1}') FROM DUAL", docDEPTOUT.SelectedValue, row["GDSEQ"].ToString())); row["HWID"] = (objHWID ?? "").ToString(); row["KCSL"] = "0"; } } PubFunc.GridRowAdd(GridGoods, row, firstRow); }
protected override void billAudit() { if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "N") { Alert.Show("非新单不能审核!"); return; } string strBillno = (DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT B.BARCODE FROM DAT_XS_COM A,DAT_GOODSDS_LOG B WHERE A.STR1 = B.BARCODE AND B.FLAG <> 'N' AND A.SEQNO = '{0}' AND ROWNUM = 1", docSEQNO.Text)) ?? "").ToString(); //增加定数验证 if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(strBillno)) { Alert.Show("定数条码【" + strBillno + "】已被回收或退货", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } strBillno = docSEQNO.Text; if (BillOper(strBillno, "AUDIT") == 1) { billLockDoc(true); Alert.Show("单据【" + strBillno + "】审核成功!"); OperLog("定数回收", "审核单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); billOpen(strBillno); } }
public static bool saveDoc(MyTable MyTb, string tableName, string billNo) { List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); try { MyTb.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT SUM(HSJE) FROM {0} WHERE SEQNO = '{1}'", tableName.Substring(0, tableName.Length - 3) + "COM", billNo))); MyTb.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {0} WHERE SEQNO = '{1}'", tableName.Substring(0, tableName.Length - 3) + "COM", billNo))); } catch { } cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo(string.Format("DELETE {0} WHERE SEQNO='{1}'", tableName, billNo), null));//删除单据台头 cmdList.AddRange(MyTb.InsertCommand()); if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
protected void btnUpt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (GridGoods.SelectedRowIDArray.Length < 1) { Alert.Show("请选择需要修改出库数量的商品!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } Object obj = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT DEPTOUT FROM DAT_CK_DOC WHERE SEQNO ='" + hfdDept.Text + "' AND FLAG <> 'Y'"); if ((obj ?? "").ToString().Length < 1) { Alert.Show("单据已被确认,请检查!", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); btnUpt.Hidden = true; return; } String sql = @"SELECT A.*,XSSL XSSL_OLD, NVL((SELECT SUM(KCSL - LOCKSL) FROM DAT_GOODSSTOCK B WHERE B.GDSEQ = A.GDSEQ AND B.DEPTID = '{2}' AND B.KCSL > B.LOCKSL),0)+A.XSSL KCSL FROM DAT_CK_COM A WHERE A.SEQNO = '{0}' AND ROWNO = {1}"; GridLot.DataSource = DbHelperOra.Query(String.Format(sql, hfdDept.Text, GridGoods.DataKeys[GridGoods.SelectedRowIndex][1], obj.ToString())).Tables[0]; GridLot.DataBind(); WinLot.Hidden = false; }
protected void zsmScan_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string flag = DbHelperOra.GetSingle("SELECT FLAG FROM DAT_CK_DOC WHERE BILLNO ='" + docBILLNO.Text.Trim() + "'").ToString(); if ((",M,R").IndexOf(docFLAG.SelectedValue) < 0) { Alert.Show("非『新单』单据不允许操作!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (zsmScan.Text.Length < 28) { return; } if (zsmScan.Text.Substring(0, 1) != "2") { Alert.Show("您扫描的条码不是贵重码,请检查!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); zsmScan.Text = string.Empty; zsmScan.Focus(); return; } if (!DbHelperOra.Exists(string.Format("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_XS_EXT WHERE ONECODE = '{0}' AND FLAG = 'Y'", zsmScan.Text))) { Alert.Show("您输入的追溯码未被使用或已退货,请检查!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); zsmScan.Text = string.Empty; zsmScan.Focus(); return; } //写入数据库中 string sSQL = string.Format(@"INSERT INTO DAT_XS_EXT(DEPTID,BILLNO,ROWNO,ONECODE,GDSEQ,GDNAME,BARCODE,UNIT,GDSPEC,DEPTCUR,BZHL,INSTIME,PH,RQ_SC,YXQZ,STR1) SELECT '{0}','{1}',NVL((SELECT MAX(ROWNO)+1 FROM DAT_CK_EXT WHERE BILLNO = '{1}'),1),'{2}',GDSEQ,GDNAME,BARCODE,UNIT,GDSPEC,DEPTCUR,BZHL,SYSDATE,PH,RQ_SC,YXQZ,STR1 FROM DAT_CK_EXT A WHERE A.ONECODE = '{2}' AND ROWNO = 1", docDEPTID.SelectedValue, docBILLNO.Text, zsmScan.Text.Trim()); DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql(sSQL); ScanSearch(""); }
/// <summary> /// 获取记录总数 /// </summary> public int GetRecordCount(string strWhere, params object[] objValues) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select count(1) FROM XT_DZJZ_SSLB "); if (strWhere.Trim() != "") { strSql.Append(" where 1=1 " + strWhere); } try { object obj = DbHelperOra.GetSingle(strSql.ToString(), ParameterHelp.ParameterReset(strWhere, objValues)); if (obj != null) { return(Convert.ToInt32(obj)); } } catch (Exception ex) { EDRS.Common.LogHelper.LogError(this.context, "Exception", ex.Message, "public int GetRecordCount(string strWhere, params object[] objValues)", "EDRS.OracleDAL.XT_DZJZ_SSLB", strSql.ToString(), ParameterHelp.ParameterReset(strWhere, objValues)); } return(0); }
protected override void billSave() { List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { if ((newDict[i]["XHSJJ"] ?? "").ToString().Length > 0) { if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(newDict[i]["UNIT"].ToString()) || !PubFunc.isNumeric(newDict[i]["XHSJJ"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "】信息异常,请详细检查商品信息:包装单位或价格!", "异常信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //原价格与现价格不能相同 if (newDict[i]["XHSJJ"].ToString() == (newDict[i]["HSJJ"] ?? "").ToString()) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "】原价格与调整价格相同,请检查!", "异常信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } else { Alert.Show("请维护商品【" + newDict[i]["GDSEQ"] + "】修改后价格!", "异常信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息异常,请详细检查商品信息!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(hfdSEQNO.Text)) { hfdSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = hfdSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { if (hfdSEQNO.Text.Length > 16 || docBILLNO.Text.Length > 16) { Alert.Show("单据编号长度不能大于16,请检查!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'M') FROM DAT_TJ_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(flg) && (",M,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docBILLNO.Text = hfdSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_TJ_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormPrice); mtType.ColRow["FLAG"] = "M";//所有单据在保存时单据状态一律为新增M mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_TJ_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_TJ_DOC WHERE SEQNO='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("DELETE DAT_TJ_COM WHERE SEQNO='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { btnSubmit.Enabled = true; Alert.Show("商品价格修改信息保存成功!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); OperLog("商品调价", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); } else { Alert.Show("商品价格修改信息保存失败,请联系管理员!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public static string DbGetSysPara(string para) { return((DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT VALUE FROM SYS_PARA WHERE CODE='{0}'", para)) ?? "").ToString()); }
private void save(string flag = "N") { #region 数据有效性验证 if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "N") { Alert.Show("非新单不能保存!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().ToList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (PubFunc.FormDataCheck(FormDoc).Length > 0) { return; } decimal subsum = 0; List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行、批号填写是否符合要求 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { //if (newDict[i]["ISLOT"].ToString() == "1" || newDict[i]["ISLOT"].ToString() == "2") //{ // if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["PH"].ToString()) || newDict[i]["PH"].ToString() == "\\") // { // //GridGoods.SelectedCell = new int[] { i, 8 }; // string[] selectedCell = GridGoods.SelectedCell; // PageContext.RegisterStartupScript(String.Format("F('{0}').selectCell('{1}','{2}');", GridGoods.ClientID, selectedCell[0], "KCSL")); // Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】批号不能为空!!!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // return; // } //} //if (newDict[i].ContainsKey("STR1")&&goodsData.Count > 0 && goodsData.Where(x => x["STR1"].ToString() == newDict[i]["STR1"].ToString()).Count() > 0) //{ // Alert.Show("条码[" + newDict[i]["STR1"] + "]扫描重复!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // return; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["STR1"].ToString())) { for (int k = 1 + i; k < newDict.Count; k++) { if ((newDict[i]["STR1"].ToString()) == (newDict[k]["STR1"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品『" + newDict[k]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "』条码『" + newDict[k]["STR1"].ToString() + "』重复,请维护!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } } if (newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString() == "0" || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】使用数填写不正确!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (decimal.Parse(newDict[i]["KCSL"].ToString()) < decimal.Parse(newDict[i]["BZSL"].ToString())) { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】使用数大于库存数,请重新输入!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //当商品中含有贵重商品信息,即需要赋唯一码时 if (newDict[i]["ISGZ"].ToString() == "Y" && newDict[i]["ONECODE"].ToString() == "") { Alert.Show("商品【" + newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString() + "】为贵重商品,请先进行扫描赋码!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); subsum += Convert.ToDecimal(newDict[i]["HSJJ"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDecimal(newDict[i]["BZHL"].ToString()); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证单据信息 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_XS_DOC where seqno = '" + docBILLNO.Text + "'") && docBILLNO.Enabled) { Alert.Show("您输入的单号已存在,请检查!"); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'N') FROM DAT_XS_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(flg) && (",N,R").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docSEQNO.Text = docBILLNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_XS_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "1"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_XS_COM"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_XS_DOC where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete DAT_XS_COM where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 decimal subNum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()) || mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString() == "0") { Alert.Show("商品【" + mtTypeMx.ColRow["GDSEQ"] + " | " + mtTypeMx.ColRow["GDNAME"] + "】【使用数】为0或空,无法进行【使用信息管理】操作。"); return; } mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()); //mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"] = goodsData[i]["DHSL"].ToString(); mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"] = mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"]; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); subNum = subNum + decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"].ToString()); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subNum); cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); if (DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList)) { if (flag == "N") { Alert.Show("商品使用信息保存成功!"); } OperLog("使用管理", "修改单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); } SaveSuccess = true; }
private void SendEmail(CPCOfficialFile cpcOfficialFile) { var message = new MailMessage(); var fromAddr = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); message.From = fromAddr; message.To.Add(HtEmails[cpcOfficialFile.CPCOfficialFileConfig.Dealer].ToString()); if (cpcOfficialFile.FileCode == "210305" || cpcOfficialFile.FileCode == "210308") { var objDate = DbHelperOra.GetSingle($"select FIRST_HK_CANCELLED from PATENTCASE where OURNO = '{cpcOfficialFile.CaseSerial}'"); if (objDate?.ToString().ToUpper() != "Y") { message.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); } } var objClient = DbHelperOra.GetSingle($"select CLIENT from PATENTCASE where OURNO = '{cpcOfficialFile.CaseSerial}'"); if (objClient?.ToString() == "3443") { message.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); } message.CC.Add("*****@*****.**"); message.Headers.Add("Disposition-Notification-To", "*****@*****.**"); var listSubject = new List <string>(); listSubject.Add(cpcOfficialFile.CaseSerial); if (cpcOfficialFile.Applicants.Count > 0) { listSubject.Add(cpcOfficialFile.Applicants.Cast <DictionaryEntry>().ToList()[0].Key.ToString()); } listSubject.Add(cpcOfficialFile.FileName); if (cpcOfficialFile.CPCOfficialFileConfig.CreateDeadline && cpcOfficialFile.CPCOfficialFileConfig.DeadlineFiled != "PRE_EXAM_PASSED" && !(cpcOfficialFile.FileCode == "200702" && !IsValidCase(cpcOfficialFile.AppNo))) { listSubject.Add( cpcOfficialFile.SendDate.AddDays(cpcOfficialFile.CPCOfficialFileConfig.AddDays) .AddMonths(cpcOfficialFile.CPCOfficialFileConfig.AddMonths) .ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); } else if (cpcOfficialFile.FileCode == "200103")//缴纳申请费通知书 { listSubject.Add((cpcOfficialFile.DivFilingDate ?? cpcOfficialFile.AppDate).AddMonths(2).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); } else if (cpcOfficialFile.FileCode == "200021")//费用减缓通知书 { listSubject.Add((cpcOfficialFile.DivFilingDate ?? cpcOfficialFile.AppDate).AddMonths(2).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cpcOfficialFile.WithDrew)) { listSubject.Add(cpcOfficialFile.WithDrew); } message.Subject = string.Join(";", listSubject); var listBody = new List <string>(); listBody.Add( $"申请人:{string.Join("; ", cpcOfficialFile.Applicants.Cast<DictionaryEntry>().Select(a => a.Key + "," + a.Value).ToList())}"); listBody.Add($"委托人:{cpcOfficialFile.ClientNo},{cpcOfficialFile.ClientName}"); listBody.Add($@"文件地址:\\PTFILE\PATENT\Cases-CN\{cpcOfficialFile.CaseSerial.Substring(0, cpcOfficialFile.CaseSerial.IndexOf("-", StringComparison.Ordinal))}\From_Office"); message.Body = string.Join("\r\n", listBody); var client = new SmtpClient("smtp.beijingeastip.com", 25); client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "O@notice"); //client.EnableSsl = true; client.Send(message); }
protected void btnOk() { if (Doc.DbGetSysPara("LOCKSTOCK") == "Y") { Alert.Show("系统库存已被锁定,请等待物资管理科结存处理完毕再做审核处理!", "消息提醒", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } #region 数据有效性验证 decimal subsum = 0;//总金额 if (docFLAG.SelectedValue != "S") { Alert.Show("非『已审批』单据不能申领确定!", "提示信息", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > newDict = GridGoods.GetNewAddedList().OrderBy(x => x["GDSEQ"]).ToList(); if (newDict.Count == 0) { Alert.Show("请输入商品信息", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证科室是否盘点 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_PD_LOCK WHERE DEPTID IN('" + docDEPTOUT.SelectedValue + "','" + docDEPTID.SelectedValue + "') AND FLAG='N'")) { Alert.Show("出库或申领科室正在盘点,请检查!"); return; } List <Dictionary <string, object> > goodsData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); //判断是否有空行 for (int i = 0; i < newDict.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDSEQ"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newDict[i]["GDNAME"].ToString())) { goodsData.Add(newDict[i]); subsum = subsum + decimal.Parse(newDict[i]["HSJE"].ToString()); } } if (goodsData.Count == 0)//所有Gird行都为空行时 { Alert.Show("商品信息不能为空", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } //验证单据信息 if (DbHelperOra.Exists("SELECT 1 FROM DAT_CK_DOC WHERE SEQNO = '" + docBILLNO.Text + "'") && docBILLNO.Enabled) { Alert.Show("您输入的单号已存在,请检查!"); return; } #endregion if (PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(docBILLNO.Text)) { docSEQNO.Text = BillSeqGet(); docBILLNO.Text = docSEQNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } else { string flg = (string)DbHelperOra.GetSingle(string.Format("SELECT NVL(FLAG,'N') FROM DAT_CK_DOC WHERE SEQNO='{0}'", docBILLNO.Text)); if (!PubFunc.StrIsEmpty(flg) && (",N,R,S").IndexOf(flg) < 0) { Alert.Show("您输入的单据号存在重复信息,请重新输入或置空!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } else { docSEQNO.Text = docBILLNO.Text; docBILLNO.Enabled = false; } } MyTable mtType = new MyTable("DAT_CK_DOC"); mtType.ColRow = PubFunc.FormDataHT(FormDoc); mtType.ColRow["SEQNO"] = docBILLNO.Text; mtType.ColRow.Add("BILLTYPE", BillType); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBNUM", goodsData.Count); mtType.ColRow.Add("SUBSUM", subsum); mtType.ColRow.Add("XSTYPE", "1"); List <CommandInfo> cmdList = new List <CommandInfo>(); MyTable mtTypeMx = new MyTable("DAT_CK_COM"); //MyTable mtTypeExt = new MyTable("DAT_CK_EXT"); //先删除单据信息在插入 cmdList.Add(mtType.DeleteCommand("")); //删除单据台头 cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("delete dat_ck_com where seqno='" + docBILLNO.Text + "'", null)); //删除单据明细 cmdList.AddRange(mtType.InsertCommand()); for (int i = 0; i < goodsData.Count; i++) { mtTypeMx.ColRow = PubFunc.GridDataGet(goodsData[i]); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("SEQNO", docBILLNO.Text); mtTypeMx.ColRow["ROWNO"] = i + 1; mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("PHID", mtTypeMx.ColRow["PH"]); mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZHL"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJE"] = decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["HSJJ"].ToString()) * decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["BZSL"].ToString()); if (decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"].ToString()) < 0 || (decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["XSSL"].ToString()) > decimal.Parse(mtTypeMx.ColRow["DHSL"].ToString()) && (mtTypeMx.ColRow["NUM1NAME"].ToString() == "非赠品"))) { Alert.Show("单据号中存在拣货数量小于0或拣货数量大于申领数量!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJJ", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Add("BHSJE", 0); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("UNITNAME"); mtTypeMx.ColRow.Remove("PRODUCERNAME"); cmdList.Add(mtTypeMx.Insert()); } OracleParameter[] parameters = { new OracleParameter("VTASKID", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 20), new OracleParameter("VPARA", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 800) }; parameters[0].Value = BillType; parameters[1].Value = "'" + docBILLNO.Text + "','" + BillType + "','" + UserAction.UserID + "','AUDIT'"; cmdList.Add(new CommandInfo("P_EXECTASK", parameters, CommandType.StoredProcedure)); bool flag = false; try { flag = DbHelperOra.ExecuteSqlTran(cmdList); } catch (Exception ex) { Alert.Show(errorParse(ex.Message), "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } if (flag) { billLockDoc(true); //增加待办事宜 DbHelperOra.ExecuteSql("UPDATE DAT_DO_LIST SET FLAG = 'Y' WHERE PARA='" + docBILLNO.Text.Trim() + "'"); if (DbHelperOra.Exists("select 1 from dat_ck_com where seqno = '" + docBILLNO.Text.Trim() + "' and gdseq in (select gdseq from doc_goods where catid0 = 1 )") == true) { Alert.Show("商品出库确认完成!需要打印试剂条码!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { Alert.Show("商品出库确认完成!", "消息提示", MessageBoxIcon.Information); OperLog("科室申领", "出库确认单据【" + docBILLNO.Text + "】"); } billOpen(docBILLNO.Text); } else { Alert.Show("商品出库确认出错!!!", "错误提示", MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public override object GetValue(FileInOfficial fileInOfficial) { return(DbHelperOra.GetSingle($"select SE_DATE from patentcase where ourno = '{fileInOfficial?.FilePatent?.s_OurNo}'")); }
public override object GetValue(FileInOfficial fileInOfficial) { var objHKCancel = DbHelperOra.GetSingle($"select FIRST_HK_CANCELLED from patentcase where ourno = '{fileInOfficial?.FilePatent?.s_OurNo}'"); return(objHKCancel?.ToString().ToUpper() != "Y" ? @"According to your general instruction, we will file the request to record in Hong Kong as soon as possible, and before the filing deadline, which is [[[公开日|M6|EN]]]." : string.Empty); }