public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = null; try { Log(DbDefault.GetCreateViewStatement(Relation.CUSTOMER_ADDRESS)); dbc = new DbController(Connection); dbc.CreateView(Relation.CUSTOMER_ADDRESS); DataTable table = Connection.GetSchema("Views"); if (table.Rows.Count <= 0) Fail("GetSchema('Views') did not return information."); table.Clear(); Command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM " + Relation.CUSTOMER_ADDRESS.ToString(); DataAdapter.Fill(table); ParseDataTable(table); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { dbc.DropView(Relation.CUSTOMER_ADDRESS.ToString()); base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Product product = dbc.GetRandomProduct(); DataTable table = new DataTable(); Command.CommandText = DbDefault.GetInnerJoinSelectStatement( Relation.PRODUCT_CATEGORY, new long[] { product.ProductId }); DataAdapter.Fill(table); if (table.Columns.Count != (DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.PRODUCT).Columns.Count + DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.CATEGORY).Columns.Count)) Fail("Number of returned columns is incorrect"); ParseDataTable(table); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
private void UpdateRow(object param) { GFXDClientConnection conn = null; Product product = (Product)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Product); product.ProductId = Convert.ToInt64(param); try { conn = new GFXDClientConnection(ConnectionString); conn.Open(); conn.BeginGFXDTransaction(); DbController dbc = new DbController(conn); dbc.UpdateProduct(product); Product updatedProd = dbc.GetProduct(product.ProductId); conn.Commit(); if (!product.Validate(updatedProd)) Fail("Product update validation failed."); } catch(GFXDException se) { if(!se.State.Equals("X0Z02")) Fail(se); conn.Rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); conn.Rollback(); } }
public override void Run(object context) { int numTrans = 2; DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Customer customer = dbc.GetRandomCustomer(); Log(String.Format("Original customer data. [{0}]{1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, customer.ToString())); Thread[] ts = new Thread[numTrans]; for (int i = 0; i < numTrans; i++) { ts[i] = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(UpdateRow)); Log(String.Format("Start customer update thread. TID: [{0}]", ts[i].ManagedThreadId)); ts[i].Start(customer.CustomerId); Thread.Sleep(10); } for (int i = 0; i < numTrans; i++) ts[i].Join(); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { int numThreads = 10; DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { long rowCount = dbc.GetProductCount(); Thread[] ts = new Thread[numThreads]; for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { ts[i] = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SelectRows)); ts[i].Start(rowCount); } for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { ts[i].Join(); } } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Category category = dbc.GetRandomCategory(); Command.CommandText = DbDefault.GetInnerJoinSelectStatement( Relation.PRODUCT_CATEGORY, new long[] { category.CategoryId }); DataReader = Command.ExecuteReader(); if (DataReader.FieldCount != (DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.PRODUCT).Columns.Count + DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.CATEGORY).Columns.Count)) Fail("Number of data fields returned is incorrect"); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { String schemaName = DbHelper.GetRandomString(10); DbDefault.CreateDB(schemaName, DbCreateType.PKPartition); foreach (TableName tname in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TableName))) { Command.CommandText = DbDefault.GetSelectCountStatement(schemaName, tname); if (Convert.ToInt32(Command.ExecuteScalar()) < 1) Fail(String.Format("Failed to create table {0}.{1}", schemaName, tname.ToString())); } DbDefault.DropDB(schemaName); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); DataTable table = new DataTable(); try { Command.CommandText = String.Format( "SELECT * FROM {0}", TableName.PRODUCT.ToString()); DataReader = Command.ExecuteReader(); table.Load(DataReader, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges); if (table.Rows.Count != dbc.GetProductCount()) Fail("DataTable failed to load all rows from Product table"); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { try { Command.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { int numThreads = 3; DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { IList<Product> products = dbc.GetRandomProducts(numThreads); Thread[] ts = new Thread[numThreads]; for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { ts[i] = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(UpdateRow)); ts[i].Start(products[i].ProductId); } for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++) { ts[i].Join(); } } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = null; Relation relation = Relation.ORDERDETAIL_ORDER; try { dbc = new DbController(Connection); dbc.CreateView(relation); DataTable dt = dbc.GetView(relation.ToString()); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) Fail("Failed to create database view"); else ParseDataTable(dt); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { dbc.DropView(relation.ToString()); base.Run(context); } }
private MainController() { _dbController = new SqlLiteController(); //_dataController = new TestDataController(); _dataController = new WiiController(); _personController = new PersonController(_dbController); _dataController.AddSensorDataListener(new MovementRecognitionController()); List<Person> persons = _personController.getPersons(); try { _personController.CurrentPerson = persons[0]; } catch (Exception) { string testDataScript = @"db\DbData.sql"; string sql = File.ReadAllText(testDataScript); _dbController.Execute(sql); persons = _personController.getPersons(); _personController.CurrentPerson = persons[0]; } _notifyMessageMgr = new NotifyMessageManager ( Screen.Width, Screen.Height, 200, 150 ); //_notifyMessageMgr.Start(); }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Address address = (Address)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Address); Category category = (Category)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Category); dbc.AddAddress(address); dbc.AddCategory(category); if (dbc.GetAddress(address.AddressId) != null) Fail("Failed to delete address that has no FK constraint"); if (dbc.GetCategory(category.CategoryId) != null) Fail("Failed to delete category that has no FK constraint"); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { IList<BusinessObject> bObjects = new List<BusinessObject>(); DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Connection.AutoCommit = false; Connection.BeginGFXDTransaction(); Address addr1 = (Address)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Address); bObjects.Add(addr1); Supplier supp = (Supplier)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Supplier); supp.Address = addr1; bObjects.Add(supp); Category cate = (Category)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Category); bObjects.Add(cate); Product prod = (Product)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Product); prod.Category = cate; bObjects.Add(prod); Address addr2 = (Address)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Address); addr2.AddressId = addr1.AddressId + 1; bObjects.Add(addr2); Customer cust = (Customer)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Customer); cust.Address = addr2; bObjects.Add(cust); Order order = (Order)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Order); order.Customer = cust; bObjects.Add(order); OrderDetail ordDetail = (OrderDetail)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.OrderDetail); ordDetail.OrderId = order.OrderId; ordDetail.ProductId = prod.ProductId; bObjects.Add(ordDetail); dbc.ProcessNewCustomerOrder(bObjects); Connection.Commit(); if (!dbc.ValidateTransaction(bObjects)) Fail(dbc.GetValidationErrors(bObjects)); } catch (Exception e) { Connection.Rollback(); Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Customer customer = dbc.GetRandomCustomer(); Log(customer.ToString()); Order order = (Order)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Order); order.Customer = customer; Log(order.ToString()); dbc.AddOrder(order); Order result = dbc.GetOrder(order.OrderId); if (result == null) { Fail("Failed to insert new Order record"); return; } else if (!order.Equals(result)) { Fail("Inserted Order record having inconsistent data"); return; } order = (Order)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Order); order.OrderId = result.OrderId; order.Customer = customer; dbc.UpdateOrder(order); result = dbc.GetOrder(order.OrderId); if (!order.Equals(result)) { Fail("Failed to update Order record"); return; } dbc.DeleteOrder(order.OrderId); if (dbc.GetOrder(order.OrderId) != null) Fail("Failed to delete Order record"); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("SELECT * FROM {0} ", TableName.PRODUCT.ToString()); sql.AppendFormat("SELECT * FROM {0} ", TableName.CATEGORY.ToString()); sql.AppendFormat("SELECT * FROM {0} ", TableName.SUPPLIER.ToString()); DataTable[] tables = new DataTable[]{ new DataTable(TableName.PRODUCT.ToString()), new DataTable(TableName.CATEGORY.ToString()), new DataTable(TableName.SUPPLIER.ToString())}; try { ds.Tables.Add(tables[0]); ds.Tables.Add(tables[1]); ds.Tables.Add(tables[2]); Command.CommandText = sql.ToString(); DataReader = Command.ExecuteReader(); ds.Load(DataReader, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges, tables); if (ds.Tables[TableName.PRODUCT.ToString()].Rows.Count != dbc.GetProductCount()) Fail("DataSet failed to load all rows in Product table"); if (ds.Tables[TableName.CATEGORY.ToString()].Rows.Count != dbc.GetCategoryCount()) Fail("DataSet failed to load all rows in Category table"); if (ds.Tables[TableName.SUPPLIER.ToString()].Rows.Count != dbc.GetSupplierCount()) Fail("DataSet failed to load all rows in Supplier table"); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { try { Command.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Order order = dbc.GetRandomOrder(); Product product = dbc.GetRandomProduct(); OrderDetail ordDetail = (OrderDetail)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.OrderDetail); ordDetail.OrderId = order.OrderId; ordDetail.ProductId = product.ProductId; dbc.AddOrderDetail(ordDetail); OrderDetail result = dbc.GetOrderDetail(ordDetail.OrderId, ordDetail.ProductId); if (result == null) { Fail("Failed to insert new OrderDetail record"); return; } else if (!ordDetail.Equals(result)) { Fail("Inserted OrderDetail record having inconsistent data"); return; } ordDetail = (OrderDetail)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.OrderDetail); ordDetail.OrderId = result.OrderId; ordDetail.ProductId = result.ProductId; dbc.UpdateOrderDetail(ordDetail); result = dbc.GetOrderDetail(ordDetail.OrderId, ordDetail.ProductId); if (!ordDetail.Equals(result)) { Fail("Failed to update OrderDetail record"); return; } dbc.DeleteOrderDetail(ordDetail.OrderId, ordDetail.ProductId); if (dbc.GetOrderDetail(ordDetail.OrderId, ordDetail.ProductId) != null) Fail("Failed to delete OrderDetail record"); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); IList<BusinessObject> bObjects = new List<BusinessObject>(); try { Connection.AutoCommit = false; Connection.BeginGFXDTransaction(); Order order = (Order)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Order); order.Customer = dbc.GetRandomCustomer(); dbc.AddOrder(order); IList<Product> products = dbc.GetRandomProducts(5); foreach (Product product in products) { OrderDetail ordDetail = new OrderDetail(); ordDetail.OrderId = order.OrderId; ordDetail.ProductId = product.ProductId; ordDetail.UnitPrice = product.RetailPrice; ordDetail.Quantity = DbHelper.GetRandomNumber(1); ordDetail.Discount = 0; dbc.AddOrderDetail(ordDetail); bObjects.Add(ordDetail); product.UnitsInStock -= ordDetail.Quantity; dbc.UpdateProduct(product); order.SubTotal += (ordDetail.UnitPrice * ordDetail.Quantity); } dbc.UpdateOrder(order); bObjects.Add(order); Connection.Commit(); if (!dbc.ValidateTransaction(bObjects)) Fail(dbc.GetValidationErrors(bObjects)); } catch (Exception e) { Connection.Rollback(); Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
// //==================================================================================================== /// <summary> /// Process the active editor form /// </summary> /// <param name="core"></param> public static void processActiveEditor(CoreController core) { // string Button = null; int ContentID = 0; string ContentName = null; int RecordID = 0; string FieldName = null; string ContentCopy = null; // Button = core.docProperties.getText("Button"); switch (Button) { case ButtonCancel: // // ----- Do nothing, the form will reload with the previous contents // break; case ButtonSave: // // ----- read the form fields // ContentID = core.docProperties.getInteger("cid"); RecordID = core.docProperties.getInteger("id"); FieldName = core.docProperties.getText("fn"); ContentCopy = core.docProperties.getText("ContentCopy"); // // ----- convert editor active edit icons // ContentCopy = ActiveContentController.processWysiwygResponseForSave(core, ContentCopy); // // ----- save the content // ContentName = MetadataController.getContentNameByID(core, ContentID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentName)) { using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {, "ID=" + DbController.encodeSQLNumber(RecordID), "", false); if (csData.ok()) { csData.set(FieldName, ContentCopy); } csData.close(); } } break; } }
private void ProcessActions(Microsoft.Cognitive.LUIS.Action[] actions, Activity activity) { foreach (var action in actions) { if (action.Triggered) { ExecuteAction(action.Name, action.Parameters, activity); } else { AddToReplyQueue(DbController.GetFailureMessage(action.Name)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Shfaq te gjitha njesite matese te regjistruara /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet ShfaqNjesiteMatese() { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("ShfaqNjesiteMatese"); if (!Convert.IsDBNull(ds)) { ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("CHECKED", typeof(Boolean)); ds.AcceptChanges(); ds.Tables[0].Columns["CHECKED"].DefaultValue = false; ds.AcceptChanges(); } return(ds); }
/// <summary> /// Kthe kategorite e artikujve qe jane te dukshem ne menu /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet ShfaqKategoriteArtikujPerMenu() { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("ShfaqKategoriteEArtikujvePerMenu"); if (!Convert.IsDBNull(ds)) { ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("CHECKED", typeof(Boolean)); ds.AcceptChanges(); ds.Tables[0].Columns["CHECKED"].DefaultValue = false; ds.AcceptChanges(); } return(ds); }
public DataSet KtheFaturatSipasKerkimit(string strSql) { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("KtheFaturatSipasKerkimit", strSql); if (ds == null) { return(null); } DataSet dsFatura = new DataSet(); dsFatura.Tables.Add(); dsFatura.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ID_FATURA", typeof(Int32)); dsFatura.Tables[0].Columns.Add("DATA_ORA", typeof(string)); dsFatura.Tables[0].Columns.Add("NR_FATURE", typeof(string)); dsFatura.Tables[0].Columns.Add("TAVOLINA", typeof(string)); dsFatura.Tables[0].Columns.Add("KAMARIERI", typeof(string)); dsFatura.Tables[0].Columns.Add("VLERA", typeof(float)); dsFatura.Tables[0].Columns.Add("SKONTO", typeof(float)); dsFatura.Tables[0].Columns.Add("TOTALI", typeof(float)); dsFatura.Tables[0].Columns.Add("FORMA_PAGESA", typeof(string)); dsFatura.Tables[0].Columns.Add("ANULLUAR", typeof(bool)); dsFatura.Tables[0].AcceptChanges(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { DataRow drFatura = dsFatura.Tables[0].NewRow(); drFatura["ID_FATURA"] = dr["ID_FATURA"]; drFatura["DATA_ORA"] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DATA_ORA"]).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"); drFatura["NR_FATURE"] = dr["NR_FATURE"]; drFatura["TAVOLINA"] = dr["TAVOLINA"]; drFatura["KAMARIERI"] = dr["KAMARIERI"]; drFatura["VLERA"] = dr["TOTALI"]; drFatura["SKONTO"] = dr["SKONTO"]; drFatura["TOTALI"] = Convert.ToDouble(dr["TOTALI"]) - Convert.ToDouble(dr["SKONTO"]); drFatura["FORMA_PAGESA"] = dr["FORMA_PAGESA"]; drFatura["ANULLUAR"] = dr["ANULLUAR"]; dsFatura.Tables[0].Rows.Add(drFatura); } dsFatura.Tables[0].AcceptChanges(); return(dsFatura); }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Address address = (Address)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Address); dbc.AddAddress(address); Customer customer = (Customer)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Customer); customer.Address = address; dbc.AddCustomer(customer); Customer result = dbc.GetCustomer(customer.CustomerId); if (result == null) { Fail("Failed to insert new Customer record"); return; } else if (!customer.Equals(result)) { Fail("Inserted Customer record having inconsistent data"); return; } customer = (Customer)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Customer); customer.CustomerId = result.CustomerId; dbc.UpdateCustomer(customer); result = dbc.GetCustomer(customer.CustomerId); if (!customer.Equals(result)) { Fail("Failed to update Customer record"); return; } dbc.DeleteCustomer(customer.CustomerId); if (dbc.GetCustomer(customer.CustomerId) != null) Fail("Failed to delete Customer record"); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
/// <summary> /// Ndryshon disponibilitetin e recetave ne menu /// </summary> /// <param name="disponueshem"></param> /// <param name="dsId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int NdryshoDisponibilitet(int disponueshem, DataSet dsId) { DbController db = new DbController(); int b = db.Update("NdryshoDisponibilitet", disponueshem, dsId); if (b == 0) { if (disponueshem == 0) { b = db.Delete("FshiRecetatNgaFavoritet", dsId); } } return(b); }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in the derived class, gets the items to add to the list. /// </summary> /// <returns>The items to add to the list.</returns> protected override IEnumerable <IItemTemplateTable> GetListItems() { var ids = DbController.GetQuery <SelectItemTemplateIDsQuery>().Execute(); var ret = new List <IItemTemplateTable>(); var templateQuery = DbController.GetQuery <SelectItemTemplateQuery>(); foreach (var id in ids) { var template = templateQuery.Execute(id); ret.Add(template); } return(ret.OrderBy(x => x.ID)); }
private void OnClosed(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (_Documents != null) { Picker dp = new Picker(_Documents); dp.ShowDialog(); if (Picker.PickedDocument != null) { ProjectName = string.Format("{0}: {1}", Picker.PickedDocument.Project.Name, Picker.PickedDocument.Name); KPLNDataBase.Collections.DbDocument pickedDocument = Picker.PickedDocument; OutputDB form = new OutputDB(ProjectName, DbController.GetRows(pickedDocument.Id.ToString()), _Documents); form.Show(); } } }
public DataSet ShfaqVetemDetyrimePerDhomen(int idDhoma) { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("dbShfaqVetemDetyrimetPerKlienteteDhomes", idDhoma); ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("DATA_STR", typeof(String)); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { DateTime data = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[6]); dr[12] = this.konverto(data); } ds.AcceptChanges(); return(ds); }
public IEnumerable <SyncAction> ActionSelect() { string sql = "select * from action"; return(this.dbController .ExecuteAsEnumerableRows(sql) .Select(r => { return new SyncAction { Type = DbController.ToString(r["Type"]).ToEnum <SyncActionType>(), CommonPath = DbController.ToString(r["Path"]) }; })); }
// //======================================================================== /// <summary> /// Encode a value for a sql /// </summary> /// <param name="expression"></param> /// <param name="fieldType"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string encodeSQL(object expression, CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum fieldType = CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Text) { try { switch (fieldType) { case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Boolean: return(DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(GenericController.encodeBoolean(expression))); case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Currency: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Float: return(DbController.encodeSQLNumber(GenericController.encodeNumber(expression))); case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.AutoIdIncrement: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Integer: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Lookup: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.MemberSelect: return(DbController.encodeSQLNumber(GenericController.encodeInteger(expression))); case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Date: return(DbController.encodeSQLDate(GenericController.encodeDate(expression))); case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.LongText: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTML: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTMLCode: return(DbController.encodeSQLText(GenericController.encodeText(expression))); case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.File: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileImage: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Link: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.ResourceLink: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Redirect: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.ManyToMany: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Text: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileText: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileJavascript: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileXML: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileCSS: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTML: case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTMLCode: return(DbController.encodeSQLText(GenericController.encodeText(expression))); default: throw new GenericException("Unknown Field Type [" + fieldType + ""); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Category category = dbc.GetRandomCategory(); Supplier supplier = dbc.GetRandomSupplier(); Product product = (Product)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Product); product.Category = category; product.Supplier = supplier; dbc.AddProduct(product); Product result = dbc.GetProduct(product.ProductId); if (result == null) { Fail("Failed to insert new Product record"); return; } else if (!product.Equals(result)) { Fail("Inserted Product record having inconsistent data"); return; } product = (Product)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Product); product.ProductId = result.ProductId; dbc.UpdateProduct(product); result = dbc.GetProduct(product.ProductId); if (!product.Equals(result)) Fail("Failed to update Product record"); dbc.DeleteProduct(product.ProductId); if (dbc.GetProduct(product.ProductId) != null) Fail("Failed to delete Product record"); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
// // // //======================================================================== /// <summary> /// Set a site property /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyName"></param> /// <param name="Value"></param> public void setProperty(string propertyName, string Value) { try { if (dbNotReady) { // // -- cannot set property throw new GenericException("Cannot set site property before Db is ready."); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName.Trim())) { if (propertyName.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("adminurl")) { // // -- intercept adminUrl for compatibility, always use admin route instead } else { // // -- set value in Db string SQLNow = DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.dateTimeNowMockable); string SQL = "UPDATE ccSetup Set FieldValue=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(Value) + ",ModifiedDate=" + SQLNow + " WHERE name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(propertyName); int recordsAffected = 0; core.db.executeNonQuery(SQL, ref recordsAffected); if (recordsAffected == 0) { SQL = "INSERT INTO ccSetup (ACTIVE,CONTENTCONTROLID,NAME,FIELDVALUE,ModifiedDate,DateAdded)VALUES(" + DbController.SQLTrue + "," + DbController.encodeSQLNumber(ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, "site properties")) + "," + DbController.encodeSQLText(propertyName.ToUpper()) + "," + DbController.encodeSQLText(Value) + "," + SQLNow + "," + SQLNow + ");"; core.db.executeNonQuery(SQL); } // // -- set simple lazy cache string cacheName = getNameValueDictKey(propertyName); if (nameValueDict.ContainsKey(cacheName)) { nameValueDict.Remove(cacheName); } nameValueDict.Add(cacheName, Value); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogController.logError(core, ex); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in the derived class, gets the ID of an account from the account's name. /// </summary> /// <param name="accountName">The name of the account.</param> /// <param name="accountID">When this method returns true, contains the ID of the account for the given /// <paramref name="accountName"/>.</param> /// <returns>True if the ID of the account for the given <paramref name="accountName"/> was found; otherwise false.</returns> protected override bool TryGetAccountIDFromAccountName(string accountName, out AccountID accountID) { var query = DbController.GetQuery <SelectAccountIDFromNameQuery>(); var acc = query.Execute(accountName); if (!acc.HasValue) { accountID = new AccountID(0); return(false); } else { accountID = acc.Value; return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in the derived class, gets the ID of an account from the user's name. /// </summary> /// <param name="userName">The name of the user to get the account of.</param> /// <param name="accountID">When this method returns true, contains the ID of the account for the given /// <paramref name="userName"/>.</param> /// <returns>True if the ID of the account for the given <paramref name="userName"/> was found; otherwise false.</returns> protected override bool TryGetAccountIDFromUserName(string userName, out AccountID accountID) { var query = DbController.GetQuery <SelectAccountIDFromUserNameQuery>(); var id = query.Execute(userName); if (!id.HasValue) { accountID = new AccountID(0); return(false); } else { accountID = id.Value; return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in the derived class, removes a ban from an account. /// </summary> /// <param name="accountID">The account to remove the ban from.</param> /// <param name="issuedBy">The name of the user or source that issued the unban.</param> /// <param name="failReason">When this method returns false, contains the reason why the ban failed to be removed.</param> /// <returns> /// True if the unban was successfully added; otherwise false. /// </returns> protected override bool TryRemoveBanInternal(AccountID accountID, string issuedBy, out BanManagerFailReason failReason) { var q = DbController.GetQuery <UpdateAccountUnBanQuery>(); var rowsAffected = q.ExecuteWithResult(accountID, issuedBy); if (rowsAffected == 0) { failReason = BanManagerFailReason.FailedToRemoveFromDatabase; return(false); } else { failReason = BanManagerFailReason.Unknown; return(true); } }
public string CountAccountCharacters(string accountName) { if (!GameData.AccountName.IsValid(accountName)) { return("Invalid account name"); } var accountID = DbController.GetQuery <SelectAccountIDFromNameQuery>().Execute(accountName); if (!accountID.HasValue) { return(string.Format("No account with the name `{0}` exists.", accountName)); } return(CountAccountCharacters((int)accountID.Value)); }
/// <summary> /// Triggers the AfterTestGroup method to dispose or clean up any resources /// that were held for the length of the collection test run. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { GlobalConfiguration globalConfig = (GlobalConfiguration)ConfigurationManager.GetSection(SectionXPath); // If not each class, then each collection. if (!globalConfig.DeployDatabasesEachClass) { // Log calls must unfortunately be discarded with xUnit as the following exception occurs: // // [Test Collection Cleanup Failure(DataAccess)]: // System.InvalidOperationException : // There is no currently active test case. DbController.AfterTestGroup(_type, msg => { }); } }
/// <summary> /// Shton nje kategori artikulli me emrin qe merr si parameter /// </summary> /// <param name="emri"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int ShtoKategoriArtikulli(string emri, int statusi) { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("ShfaqKategoriteEArtikujvePerEmer", emri); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { //nqs ka nje kategori artikulli me kete emer nuk lejohet shtimi return(2); } else { int b = db.Create("ShtoKategoriArtikulli", statusi, emri); return(b); } }
public int ModifikoKostoVilaX() { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("ShfaqArtikujt"); int idArtikulli = 0; int b = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { idArtikulli = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]); b = db.Update("ModifikoKostoVilaX", idArtikulli); } return(b); }
/// <summary> /// Ben modifikimin e njesise matese sipas parametrave /// </summary> /// <param name="idKategoria"></param> /// <param name="emri"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int ModifikoNjesiMatese(int idNjesia, string emri) { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("ShfaqNjesitePerEmerPerjashtoId", idNjesia, emri); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { //nqs ka nje njesi matese me kete emer nuk lejohet modifikimi return(2); } else { int b = db.Update("ModifikoNjesi", idNjesia, emri); return(b); } }
public int KrijoKategoriShpenzimMujor(string emri, string pershkrimi) { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("KontrolloKategoriShpenzimMujor", emri); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { //nqs ka nje kategori shpenzimi me kete emer nuk lejohet shtimi return(2); } else { int b = db.Create("KrijoKategoriShpenzimMujor", emri, pershkrimi); return(b); } }
// public static string getDefaultValue(CoreController core, string contentName, string fieldName) { string defaultValue = ""; int contentId = ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, contentName); string SQL = "select defaultvalue from ccfields where name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(fieldName) + " and contentid=(" + contentId + ")"; using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) { csData.openSql(SQL); if (csData.ok()) { defaultValue = csData.getText("defaultvalue"); } csData.close(); } return(defaultValue); }
/// <summary> /// Shton nje kategori shpenzimi me emrin qe merr si parameter /// </summary> /// <param name="emri"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int ShtoKategoriShpenzimi(string emri) { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("ShfaqKategoriteEShpenzimevePerEmer", emri); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { //nqs ka nje kategori shpenzimi me kete emer nuk lejohet shtimi return(2); } else { int b = db.Create("ShtoKategoriShpenzimi", emri); return(b); } }
/// <summary> /// Shton njesi te re matese /// </summary> /// <param name="emri"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int ShtoNjesiMatese(string emri) { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("ShfaqNjesitePerEmer", emri); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { //nqs ka nje njesi matese me kete emer nuk lejohet shtimi return(2); } else { int b = db.Create("ShtoNjesi", emri); return(b); } }
/// <summary> /// Modifikon emrin e nje kategorie shpenzimi /// </summary> /// <param name="idKategoria"></param> /// <param name="emri"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int ModifikoKategoriShpenzimi(int idKategoria, string emri) { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("ShfaqKategoriteEShpenzimevePerEmerPerjashtoId", idKategoria, emri); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { //nqs ka nje kategori shpenzimi me kete emer nuk lejohet modifikimi return(2); } else { int b = db.Update("ModifikoKategoriShpenzimi", idKategoria, emri); return(b); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Address address = (Address)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Address); dbc.AddAddress(address); Address result = dbc.GetAddress(address.AddressId); if (result == null) { Fail("Failed to insert new Address record"); return; } else if (!address.Equals(result)) { Fail("Inserted Address record having inconsistent data"); return; } address = (Address)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Address); address.AddressId = result.AddressId; dbc.UpdateAddress(address); result = dbc.GetAddress(address.AddressId); if (!address.Equals(result)) { Fail("Failed to update Address record"); return; } dbc.DeleteAddress(address.AddressId); if (dbc.GetAddress(address.AddressId) != null) { Fail("Failed to delete Address record"); } } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public void OnOpened(object sender, DocumentOpenedEventArgs args) { try { Document doc = args.Document; if (!CheckTools.AllWorksetsAreOpened(doc)) { return; } if (doc.IsWorkshared && !doc.IsDetached) { string path = ModelPathUtils.ConvertModelPathToUserVisiblePath(doc.GetWorksharingCentralModelPath()); FileInfo centralPath = new FileInfo(path); foreach (DbDocument dbDoc in KPLNDataBase.DbControll.Documents) { FileInfo metaCentralPath = new FileInfo(dbDoc.Path); if (dbDoc.Code == "NONE") { continue; } if (centralPath.FullName == metaCentralPath.FullName) { if (File.Exists(string.Format(@"Z:\Отдел BIM\03_Скрипты\09_Модули_KPLN_Loader\DB\BatchModelCheck\doc_id_{0}.sqlite", dbDoc.Id.ToString()))) { List <DbRowData> rows = DbController.GetRows(dbDoc.Id.ToString()); if (rows.Count != 0) { if ((DateTime.Now.Day - rows.Last().DateTime.Day > 7 && rows.Last().DateTime.Day != DateTime.Now.Day) || rows.Last().DateTime.Month != DateTime.Now.Month || rows.Last().DateTime.Year != DateTime.Now.Year) { CheckDocument(doc, dbDoc); } } else { CheckDocument(doc, dbDoc); } } else { CheckDocument(doc, dbDoc); } } } } } catch (Exception) { } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Category category = (Category)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Category); dbc.AddCategory(category); Category result = dbc.GetCategory(category.CategoryId); if (result == null) { Fail("Failed to insert new Category record"); return; } else if (!category.Equals(result)) { Fail("Inserted Category record having inconsistent data"); return; } category = (Category)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Category); category.CategoryId = result.CategoryId; dbc.UpdateCategory(category); result = dbc.GetCategory(category.CategoryId); if (!category.Equals(result)) { Fail("Failed to update Category record"); return; } dbc.DeleteCategory(category.CategoryId); if (dbc.GetCategory(category.CategoryId) != null) { Fail("Failed to delete Category record"); } } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { String schemaName = "ADONETTEST"; try { DbDefault.CreateDB(schemaName, DbCreateType.PKPartition); DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection, schemaName); IList<Address> objList1 = dbc.GetAddresses(); foreach (Address obj in objList1) Log(obj.ToString()); IList<Supplier> objList2 = dbc.GetSuppliers(); foreach (Supplier obj in objList2) Log(obj.ToString()); IList<Category> objList3 = dbc.GetCategories(); foreach (Category obj in objList3) Log(obj.ToString()); IList<Product> objList4 = dbc.GetProducts(); foreach (Product obj in objList4) Log(obj.ToString()); IList<Customer> objList5 = dbc.GetCustomers(); foreach (Customer obj in objList5) Log(obj.ToString()); IList<Order> objList6 = dbc.GetOrders(); foreach (Order obj in objList6) Log(obj.ToString()); IList<OrderDetail> objList7 = dbc.GetOrderDetails(); foreach (OrderDetail obj in objList7) Log(obj.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { DbDefault.DropDB(schemaName); base.Run(context); } }
private string KtheNrFatura() { DbController db = new DbController(); DataSet ds = db.Read("KtheNrFaturaLast"); int numri = 0; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { numri = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1]); } numri = numri + 1; string strFatura = Convert.ToString(numri); return(strFatura); }
public override void Run(Object context) { GFXDTransaction transx = Connection.BeginTransaction(); DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Connection.AutoCommit = false; Connection.BeginGFXDTransaction(); Order order = (Order)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Order); order.Customer = dbc.GetRandomCustomer(); dbc.AddOrder(order); IList <Product> products = dbc.GetRandomProducts(5); foreach (Product product in products) { OrderDetail ordDetail = new OrderDetail(); ordDetail.OrderId = order.OrderId; ordDetail.ProductId = product.ProductId; ordDetail.UnitPrice = product.RetailPrice; ordDetail.Quantity = DbHelper.GetRandomNumber(1); ordDetail.Discount = 0; dbc.AddOrderDetail(ordDetail); product.UnitsInStock -= ordDetail.Quantity; dbc.UpdateProduct(product); order.SubTotal += (ordDetail.UnitPrice * ordDetail.Quantity); } dbc.UpdateOrder(order); Connection.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { Connection.Rollback(); Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Category category = (Category)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Category); dbc.AddCategory(category); Category result = dbc.GetCategory(category.CategoryId); if (result == null) { Fail("Failed to insert new Category record"); return; } else if (!category.Equals(result)) { Fail("Inserted Category record having inconsistent data"); return; } category = (Category)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Category); category.CategoryId = result.CategoryId; dbc.UpdateCategory(category); result = dbc.GetCategory(category.CategoryId); if (!category.Equals(result)) { Fail("Failed to update Category record"); return; } dbc.DeleteCategory(category.CategoryId); if (dbc.GetCategory(category.CategoryId) != null) Fail("Failed to delete Category record"); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { dbc.DeleteCategory(dbc.GetRandomProduct().Category.CategoryId); Fail("Product constraint violation exception should have occurred"); } catch (Exception e) { Log(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { dbc.DeleteProduct(dbc.GetRandomOrderDetail().ProductId); Fail("OrderDetail constraint violation exception shoudl have occurred"); } catch (Exception e) { Log(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
private void ReadData() { try { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); IList<Product> products = dbc.GetProducts(); foreach(Product product in products) Log(product.ToString()); IList<Order> orders = dbc.GetOrders(); foreach(Order order in orders) Log(order.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } }
private void SelectRows(object param) { long rowCount = Convert.ToInt64(param); try { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); IList<Product> products = dbc.GetProducts(); if(products.Count != rowCount) Fail(String.Format("Query returned incorrect number or rows. " + "Expected [{0}]; Actual [{1}]", rowCount, products.Count)); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Order order = dbc.GetRandomOrder(); Product product = dbc.GetRandomProduct(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); Command.CommandText = DbDefault.GetInnerJoinSelectStatement( Relation.ORDERDETAIL_ORDER, new long[] { order.OrderId }); Log(Command.CommandText); DataAdapter.Fill(dataset, "OrderDetail_Order"); Command.CommandText = DbDefault.GetInnerJoinSelectStatement( Relation.ORDERDETAIL_PRODUCT, new long[] { product.ProductId }); Log(Command.CommandText); DataAdapter.Fill(dataset, "OrderDetail_Product"); if (dataset.Tables["OrderDetail_Order"].Columns.Count != (DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.ORDERDETAIL).Columns.Count + DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.ORDERS).Columns.Count)) Fail("Incorrect number of columns returned for joined OrderDetail_Order query"); if (dataset.Tables["OrderDetail_Product"].Columns.Count != (DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.ORDERDETAIL).Columns.Count + DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.PRODUCT).Columns.Count)) Fail("Incorrect number of columns returned for joined OrderDetail_Product query"); ParseDataSet(dataset); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
private void UpdateRow(object param) { try { Product product = (Product)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Product); product.ProductId = Convert.ToInt64(param); DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); dbc.UpdateProduct(product); Product updatedProd = dbc.GetProduct(product.ProductId); if (!product.Validate(updatedProd)) Fail("Product update validation failed."); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { dbc.DeleteAddress(dbc.GetRandomCustomer().Address.AddressId); Fail("Customer constraint violation exception should have occurred"); dbc.DeleteAddress(dbc.GetRandomSupplier().Address.AddressId); Fail("Supplier constraint violation exception should have occurred"); } catch (Exception e) { Log(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); Command.CommandText = DbDefault.GetInnerJoinSelectStatement( Relation.PRODUCT_CATEGORY, new long[] { dbc.GetRandomCategory().CategoryId }); DataAdapter.Fill(ds, "Product_Category"); Command.CommandText = DbDefault.GetInnerJoinSelectStatement( Relation.ORDER_CUSTOMER, new long[] { dbc.GetRandomCustomer().CustomerId }); DataAdapter.Fill(ds, "Order_Customer"); if (ds.Tables["Product_Category"].Columns.Count != (DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.PRODUCT).Columns.Count + DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.CATEGORY).Columns.Count)) Fail("Number of returned columns is incorrect"); if (ds.Tables["Order_Customer"].Columns.Count != (DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.ORDERS).Columns.Count + DbDefault.GetTableStructure(TableName.CUSTOMER).Columns.Count)) Fail("Number of returned columns is incorrect"); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }
public override void Run(object context) { DbController dbc = new DbController(Connection); try { Customer customer = dbc.GetRandomCustomer(); Address address = (Address)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Address); address.AddressId = customer.Address.AddressId; dbc.UpdateAddress(address); Supplier supplier = dbc.GetRandomSupplier(); address = (Address)ObjectFactory.Create(ObjectType.Address); address.AddressId = supplier.Address.AddressId; dbc.UpdateAddress(address); } catch (Exception e) { Fail(e); } finally { base.Run(context); } }