protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)

            String[] EditHotel = (string[])Session["Hotel_De"];
            txtHotelName.Text = EditHotel[0];
            txtAddress.Text = EditHotel[1];
            txtLocation.Text = EditHotel[2];
            txtDescription .Text = EditHotel [3];

            String hName = EditHotel[0];
            string qry1 = "select * from hotels where hotelname = '" + hName + "'  ";
            DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
            DataTable dt =;
            if (dt == null )
                LblMsg.Text = "load error";
                txtHotelName.Text = dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();
                txtAddress.Text = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString();
                txtLocation.Text = dt.Rows[0][3].ToString();
                txtDescription.Text = dt.Rows[0][4].ToString();


    protected void Button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
        String getHID = "select hotelID from Hotels where hotelname = '"+txtHotelName .Text+"'";
        DataTable hID = );  // get hotel id
        //txtLocation.Text = hID.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        String hotelId = hID.Rows[0][0].ToString();

        if (hotelId == null)
            LblMsg.Text = "error id";

            String query = "update Hotels set hotelname = '" + txtHotelName.Text + "' , address = '" + txtAddress.Text + "' , location = '" + txtLocation.Text + "' , description = '" + txtDescription.Text + "' where hotelID ='"+hotelId+"' ";
            //String updateHotel = "update hotels set hotel_name = '" + txtHotelName.Text + "'  , address = '" + txtAddress.Text + "' , location = '" + txtLocation.Text + "' , description = '" + txtDescription.Text + "' where hotelid = '" + hotelId + "' ";
            bool conf = dc.insert(query);

            if (conf == true)
                LblMsg.Text = "Successful";

                LblMsg.Text = "error";

    protected void save_main_pac_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DbConnect db = new DbConnect();

           DataTable dt ="Select max(package_id) from mainPackege");

           string id = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

           string url = "tour_main/" + imageUpload1.PostedFile.FileName;

        String sql1 = "insert into mainPackege(name,description,image_main) values('" + txtmainpac_name.Text + "','" + txtdescription_main.Text + "','" +url+ "')";

        bool conf1 = db.insert(sql1);

        if (conf1 == true)

            lblcon.Text = "Successfully added";


            lblcon.Text = "Cannot be added";

          //  Response.Redirect("Confirmation.aspx");
 public void fillgrid()
     DbConnect db = new DbConnect();
     String qry = "select name,description,image_main from mainPackege";
     DataSet ds = db.getData(qry);
     gdvmain_pac.DataSource = ds.Tables["ss"];
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();

        if (!IsPostBack)
 public void fillgrid()
     DbConnect db = new DbConnect();
     string subPackage = Session["subname"].ToString();
     string query = "select d.Day_no,d.accomodation,d.description,days_image from days_ d,subPackege s where s.subPacge_Name='"+subPackage+"' and d.subPcgId=s.subPack_ID ";
     DataSet ds = db.getData(query);
     gdvdays.DataSource = ds.Tables["ss"];
 public void fillgrid()
     DbConnect db = new DbConnect();
     string mainPackage = Session["name"].ToString();
     string query = " select s.subPacge_Name ,s.noofdays,s.price from subPackege s,mainPackege p where  s.packge_ID=p.package_id and'" + mainPackage + "' ";
     DataSet ds = db.getData(query);
     gdvsubpac.DataSource = ds.Tables["ss"];
    public void FillGrid()
        DbConnect db = new DbConnect();

        string qry = "select CustomerID,fname,lname,email from Customer";

        DataSet ds=db.getData(qry);
        GridEmail.DataSource = ds.Tables["ss"];
 public void fillHotel()
     DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
     String qry = "select hotelID,hotelname from Hotels";
     DataTable dt =;
     ddlHotel.DataValueField = "hotelID";
     ddlHotel.DataTextField = "hotelname";
     ddlHotel.DataSource = dt;
    public void retriveImage()
        DbConnect db = new DbConnect();

        string qry = "select floor_image from floor1 where floornum='" + ddFloors.Text + "'";

        DataTable dt =;

        string path = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        Floor_img.ImageUrl = path;
    public void fillCustomerID()
        DbConnect db = new DbConnect();
        string qry = "select CustomerID from Customer";
        DataTable dt =;

        int count = dt.Rows.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    public void fillAgentID()
        DbConnect db = new DbConnect();
        string qry = "select AgentID from Agent";
        DataTable dt =;

        int count = dt.Rows.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    public void fillFloors()
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
        String q = "select floornum from floor1";
        DataTable dt =;

        int c = dt.Rows.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
    public void fillGrid()
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
        String MFillQuery = "select mr.rID,,mr.time, h.hall_Name,custID,hl.Hotelname,mp.price,mp.tableArrangement from MeetingReservation mr,Halls h,Hotels hl,Meeting mp where mr.hallID=h.HallID and h.hotelID=hl.hotelID and mp.hallID=h.HallID";
        DataSet ds = dc.getData(MFillQuery);

        if (ds == null)
            bool b = false;

        gv_meetingList.DataSource = ds.Tables["ss"];
    // fill the grid view
    public void fillGrid()
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
        String qry = "select empid, fname , lname , address , email , Picture from employee";
        DataSet ds = dc.getData(qry);

        if (ds == null)
            bool b = false;

        gvReceptionist.DataSource = ds.Tables["ss"].DefaultView;
    public void fillmainpac(DropDownList name)
        //dbCOnnect db = new dbCOnnect();
        DbConnect db = new DbConnect();
        String qry = "select name ,package_id from mainpackege";
        DataTable dt = db.selectIt(qry);

        int count = dt.Rows.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
    public void fillGrid()
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();

        String wedFillQuery = "select wr.RID,,wr.time,wr.themeColor,h.hall_name,custID,hl.hotelname,wp.price,wp.Decoration from BanquetReservation wr,Halls h,Hotels hl,Banquet wp where wr.hallID=h.hallID and h.hotelID=hl.hotelID and wp.hallID=h.hallID";
        DataSet ds = dc.getData(wedFillQuery);

        if (ds == null)
            bool b = false;

        gv_weddingList.DataSource = ds.Tables["ss"];
    public void filldays()
        //dbCOnnect db = new dbCOnnect();
         DbConnect db = new DbConnect();

         String qry=" select d.day_no from days_ d , subPackege s , mainPackege p  where s.packge_ID=p.package_id and d.subPcgId=s.subPack_ID and s.subPacge_Name='"+ddsub_day.Text+"' and'"+ddmain_day.Text+"' ";
         DataTable dt = db.selectIt(qry);

         int c = dt.Rows.Count;

         for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
    public void fillGrid()
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
           // String customerFillQuery = "select c.ID, c.salutation,c.fname,c.lname,c.address,c.nationality,,,,c.passportNum from Customer c,WeddingReservation wr e where c.ID=wr.custID and wr.custID  in (select wr.custID from WeddingReservation wr)";
           String customerFillQuery = "select c.CustomerID, c.salutation,c.fname,c.lname,c.state_address,,c.postelCode,,,,c.passport_NIC from Customer c,BanquetReservation wr where c.CustomerID=wr.custID and wr.custID  in (select wr.custID from BanquetReservation wr)";
        DataSet ds = dc.getData(customerFillQuery);

        if (ds == null)
            bool b = false;

        gv_weddingCustomer.DataSource = ds.Tables["ss"];
    public void fillsubpack(DropDownList subname,DropDownList main)
        //dbCOnnect db = new dbCOnnect();
            DbConnect db = new DbConnect();

            String qry = "select s.subPacge_name,subPack_ID from subPackege s , mainPackege p where s.packge_ID=p.package_id and'"+main.Text+"'";
            DataTable dt = db.selectIt(qry);

            subname.DataValueField = "subPack_ID";
            int c = dt.Rows.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
    public void fillGrid()
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();

         String customerFillQuery = "select c.CustomerID, c.salutation,c.fname,c.lname,c.state_address,,c.postelCode,,,,c.passport_NIC from Customer c,MeetingReservation mr where c.CustomerID=mr.custID and mr.custID  in (select mr.custID from MeetingReservation mr)";
         DataSet ds = dc.getData(customerFillQuery);

          //what is done by this if condition
          if (ds == null)
              bool b = false;

          gv_meetingCustomer.DataSource = ds.Tables["ss"];
    protected void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
        string q2="insert into Login values('"+txt_email.Text+"','"+txt_pswd.Text+"','agent')";
        String q = "insert into Agent(Firstname,Lastname,Address,Gender,Fax,TelNumber,Market,PassPortNumber,Country,Email) values('" + txt_name.Text.Trim() + "','" + txt_lastname.Text.Trim() + "','" + txt_add.Text + "','" + txt_gender.Text.Trim() + "','" + txt_fax.Text.Trim() + "','" + txt_telenum.Text.Trim() + "','" + ddl_marcket.Text.Trim() + "','" + txt_ppnum.Text.Trim() + "','" + txt_country.Text.Trim() + "','" + txt_email.Text.Trim() + "')";

        bool conf1=dc.insert(q2);
        bool conf = dc.insert(q);
        if (conf1 == true && conf==true)
            lblmsg.Text = "Successfully added";
            lblmsg.Text = "Operation is  successfull";
    protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (txtFName.Text == "" || txtLName.Text == "" || txtAddress.Text == "" || txtEMail.Text == "" || !fuEmp.HasFile)
            lblError.Text = "Please enter all values";
            lblError.Visible = true;
        else if (txtAddress.Text != "" && txtEMail.Text != "" && txtFName.Text != "" && txtLName.Text != "" && fuEmp.HasFile) // validate controls

            lblError.Visible = false;// initially no message

            DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();

                if (fuEmp.PostedFile.ContentType.ToString() == "image/jpeg") // check the image format
                    fuEmp.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("EmpImage/" + fuEmp.PostedFile.FileName));// upload image to a folder
                    String url = "EmpImage/" + fuEmp.PostedFile.FileName;

                    String qry1 = "insert into login (username,password,status) values ('" + txtEMail.Text + "' , 'reseption' , 'reseption')";
                    String qry = "insert into Employee(fname,lname,address,email,Picture) values ('" + txtFName.Text + "' , '" + txtLName.Text + "' , '" + txtAddress.Text + "' , '" + txtEMail.Text + "' , '" + url + "');";
                    bool conf1 = dc.insertIt(qry1);
                    bool conf = dc.insertIt(qry);

                    if (conf == false || conf1 == false)
                        lblError.Text = "Cannot be added";
                        lblError.Text = "Successfully added";

                    fillGrid();//refresh the grid
                    lblError.Text = "Please insert JPG images only";
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblError.Text = ex.Message;

        lblError.Visible = true;//set visible the message
    protected void Button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DbConnect con = new DbConnect();
        String qry = "insert into Hotels values ('" + txtHotelName.Text + "', '" + txtAddress.Text + "','" + txtLocation.Text + "','" + txtDescription.Text + "')";
        bool confirm = con.insert(qry);

        if (confirm == true && txtHotelName.Text != null)
            LblMsg.Text = "Successfully Added";

            Session["hotel"] = txtHotelName.Text;
           LblMsg.Text = "cannot be Added";
    protected void btnClear0_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
        String sql = "delete from employee where empid = '" + lblID.Text + "'  ";
        bool conf = dc.insert(sql);

        if (conf == true)
            lblError.Text = "Successfully deleted";
            lblError.Text = "Error occured while deleting";

        lblError.Visible = true;
    protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DbConnect con = new DbConnect();
        String qry1 = "select hotelid from hotels where hotelname = '" + Session["hotel"].ToString() + "'";
        DataTable dt1 =;
        String hotelId = dt1.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        // lblMessage.Text = hotelId;

        String qry = "insert into Room(RoomNo, Roomtype , floor_num ,hotelID ) values ( '" + txtRoomNo.Text + "', '" + txtType.Text + "'  ,  '" + txtfloorNo.Text + "' ,'" + hotelId + "' )";
        bool confirm = con.insert(qry);

        if (confirm == true)
            lblMessage.Text = "Successfully Added , Add more rooms";

            lblMessage.Text = "can not be Added";
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String qry = "select hotelID from hotels where hotelName = '" + Session["hotel"].ToString() + "' ";
        DbConnect con = new DbConnect();
        DataTable dt =;

        String hotelId = dt.Rows [0][0].ToString ();

        String qry2 = "insert into halls values ('"+txtHallName.Text+"' , '"+txtHall_Type .Text+"' , '"+txtNoofSeat .Text+"' , '"+hotelId+"')";

        bool confirm = con.insert(qry2);
        if (confirm == true)
            lblMessage.Text = "Successfully Added";

            lblMessage.Text = "cannot be Added";
    public void fillroomdetails()
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
        string hotel = ddlHotelName.Text;
        String qry = "select * from Hotels where hotelname = '" + ddlHotelName.Text + "' ";
        DataTable dt =;  // rooms

        if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count != 0)  //hotel details
            txtAddress.Text = dt.Rows[0][2].ToString();
            txtLocation.Text = dt.Rows[0][3].ToString();
            txtDescription.Text = dt.Rows[0][4].ToString();
            txtDescription.Text = "error occured";

        String hotelId = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
        String qry3 = "select RoomID,RoomNo,Roomtype,floor_num from room where hotelID = '" + hotelId + "' "; // room details
        DataSet ds = dc.getData(qry3);

        if (ds != null)
            gvRoom.DataSource = ds.Tables["ss"];

        String qry4 = "select HallID,Hall_Name,Hall_Type,NoOfSeats from Halls where HotelID='" + hotelId + "'";
        DataSet ds2 = dc.getData(qry4);  // halls
        if (ds2 != null)
            gvHalls.DataSource = ds2.Tables["ss"];
            txtAddress.Text = "error";
    protected void Button8_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DbConnect da = new DbConnect();
        fuFloorImage.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("room_img/" + fuFloorImage.PostedFile.FileName));
        string url = "room_img/" + fuFloorImage.PostedFile.FileName;

        // get hotel id
        String qry = "select max(hotelID) from hotels";
        DataTable dt =;
        String hotelID = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

        String qry2 = "insert into floor1 (hotel_ID , floorNum, floor_Image) values('"+hotelID+"' , '"+ddlFloorNum.Text+"' , '"+url+"')";

        bool conf = da.insert(qry2);

        if (conf == true)
            lblMessage.Text = "successfully added";
            lblMessage.Text = "error occured";
    /*  fill available venues   */
    public void fillVenue()
        DbConnect dc = new DbConnect();
        //String qry = "select from Hall h,Hotels hl,WeddingReservation wr where h.ID=wr.hallID and h.hotelID=hl.hotelID and hl.hotelID='"+ddlHotel.Text+"' and h.type='"+ddlLocation.Text+"' and h.ID in(select wr.hallID from WeddingReservation wr,Hall h where h.ID=wr.hallID and wr.Date='"+deDay.Date+"' and wr.Time != '"+ddlTime.Text+"' or  wr.Date !='"+deDay.Date+"')";
        String qry = "select h.hall_Name from Halls h,Hotels hl where h.HotelID=hl.hotelID and hl.hallID='" + ddlHotel.Text + "' and h.hall_type='" + ddlLocation.Text + "' and h.hallID in(select wr.hallID from BanquetReservation wr,Halls h where h.hallID=wr.hallID and'" + deDay.Date + "' and wr.time != '" + ddlTime.Text + "' or !='" + deDay.Date + "')";

        DataTable dt =;

        ddlVenue.DataValueField = "hall_name";//chk for error.

        int count = dt.Rows.Count;
        if (count != 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            lblAvailabilty.Visible = true;
Пример #31
        /// <summary>连接
        /// 连接
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!CheckInput())
#if !DEBUG
            if (txtDB.Text.Trim() == string.Empty)
                m_ServerDB = DataBaseManager.GetDataBase(dbType, BuildConn(this.dbType));
                if (m_ServerDB.Rows.Count > 5)
                    dialog = MessageBox.Show(@"一共需要加载【" + m_ServerDB.Rows.Count + "】个数据库,需要时间较长,建议按需加载", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                    if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes)
                        btnSelectDB_Click(null, null);
#if  DEBUG
            LoadDatabase = new DataTable();
            LoadDatabase.Columns.Add("name", typeof(string));
            DataRow dr = LoadDatabase.NewRow();
            dr["name"] = GlobalHelp.DefauleDatabase;

            bool flag = TestConn(this.dbType);
            if (flag)
                if (chkRem.Checked)
                    DataSet ds = m_dalConn.GetList("IP='" + cboServer.Text.Trim() + "'");
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        m_dalConn.DeleteByCond("IP='" + cboServer.Text.Trim() + "'");
                    DbConnect model = new DbConnect
                        IP         = cboServer.Text.Trim(),
                        Pwd        = DESEncryptHelper.Encrypt(txtPassword.Text.Trim(), "test332211"),
                        User       = cboUser.Text.Trim(),
                        Remark     = this.dbType.ToString(),
                        CreateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                DBConn = BuildConn(this.dbType);
                Server = cboServer.Text.Trim();
                UID    = cboUser.Text.Trim();
                PWD    = txtPassword.Text.Trim();
                if (this.dbType == SqlType.MySql)
                    Port = cboLogin.Text.Trim();
                List <string> lstLoadType = new List <string>();
                foreach (CCBoxItem item in chkAllowType.CheckedItems)
                LoadType = lstLoadType;

                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Пример #32
 public MainForm()
     db = new DbConnect();
Пример #33
        /// Checks if user with given password exists in the database
        /// <returns>True if user exist and password is correct</returns>
        public bool IsValid(string _username, string _password)
            DbConnect dbc = new DbConnect();

            return(dbc.LoginIsValid(_username, _password));
Пример #34
        public ResponseAuth AuthenticateUserNamePasword(DbConnect con, int client_id, string username, string password)
            ResponseAuth resp     = new ResponseAuth();
            string       template = @"
                SELECT id, client_id, username, password, name_en, name_np,email, status
                FROM rbac_user u
                AND u.status=true AND u.is_deleted=false";
            //creating command & preparing command
            string       alias = DbServiceUtility.GetTableAliasForTable("u");
            BangoCommand cmd   = new BangoCommand(MyroCommandTypes.SqlBuilder);

            cmd.Template = cmd.SqlBuilder.AddTemplate(template);
            UserModel mdl = new UserModel();

            DbServiceUtility.BindDeleteParameter(cmd, mdl, alias);
            DynamicDictionary data_param = new DynamicDictionary();

            data_param.Add("client_id", client_id);
            data_param.Add("username", username);
            DbServiceUtility.BindParameters(cmd, mdl, data_param, alias, SearchTypes.Equal);

            //executing the command
            string finalSql = cmd.FinalSql;

            if (finalSql.Length > 0)
                IEnumerable <SqlMapper.DapperRow> items = null;
                    items = con.DB.Query <SqlMapper.DapperRow>(finalSql, cmd.FinalParameters, true);
                catch (Npgsql.NpgsqlException ex)
                    LogTrace.WriteDebugLog(string.Format("Select SQL which gave exception:\r{0}", ex.Routine));

                Errors = con.DB.GetErros();
                if (items != null && items.Count() > 0)
                    DynamicDictionary data = Conversion.ToDynamicDictionary(items.FirstOrDefault());
                    if (data.GetValueAsString("password") == EncryptPassword(password))
                        resp.success = true;
                        resp.user_id = data.GetValueAsInt("id");
                 = data.GetValueAsString("email");
                        resp.message = "Login successfull";
                        resp.message = "Username and/or Password is invalid.";
                    if (Errors.Count > 0)
                        resp.message = "Technical Problem occurred.";
                        resp.message = "Please provide a valid Username.";

Пример #35
 public Login()
     connection = new DbConnect();
Пример #36
 public DbInterpreter(DbConnect dbConnect, QueryGenerator queryGenerator)
     _dbConnect      = dbConnect;
     _queryGenerator = queryGenerator;
Пример #37
        public M_VC_addBill(DataRow row, bool isEditable, M_V_history v1_history, string form)
            //common initializations
            this.Name       = "Add Bill";
            this.tablename  = form;
            this.edit_form  = true;
            this.v1_history = v1_history;
            this.c          = new DbConnect();
            this.do_no      = new List <string>();

            //Create frop down type list
            List <string> dataSource = new List <string>();

            this.typeCB.DataSource         = dataSource;
            this.typeCB.DisplayMember      = "Type";
            this.typeCB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.typeCB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.typeCB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down lists
            var       dataSource1 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d           = c.getQC('f');

            for (int i = 0; i < d.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.financialYearCB.DataSource         = dataSource1;
            this.financialYearCB.DisplayMember      = "Financial Year";
            this.financialYearCB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.financialYearCB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.financialYearCB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down Quality lists
            DataTable     d1 = c.getQC('q');
            List <string> input_qualities = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < d1.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (this.tablename == "Carton")
                else if (this.tablename == "Carton_Produced")
            List <string> norep_quality_list = input_qualities.Distinct().ToList();

            this.qualityCB.DataSource         = norep_quality_list;
            this.qualityCB.DisplayMember      = "Quality";
            this.qualityCB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.qualityCB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.qualityCB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down Customers list
            var       dataSource4 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d4          = c.getQC('C');


            for (int i = 0; i < d4.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.billCustomerNameCB.DataSource         = dataSource4;
            this.billCustomerNameCB.DisplayMember      = "Customers";
            this.billCustomerNameCB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown;//Create a drop-down list
            this.billCustomerNameCB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.billCustomerNameCB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.Append;

            //DatagridView make
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Sl_No", "Sl_No");
            dataGridView1.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true;
            DataGridViewComboBoxColumn dgvCmb = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();

            //List<string> final_list = this.do_no.Distinct().ToList();
            dgvCmb.HeaderText = "DO Number";
            dataGridView1.Columns.Insert(1, dgvCmb);
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("DO Weight", "DO Weight");
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("DO Amount", "DO Amount");
            dataGridView1.Columns[2].ReadOnly = true;
            dataGridView1.Columns[3].ReadOnly = true;

            //if only in view mode
            if (isEditable == false)
                this.Text += "(View Only)";
                this.deleteButton.Visible = true;
                this.deleteButton.Enabled = true;
                this.Text                   += "(Edit)";
                this.typeCB.Enabled          = false;
                this.financialYearCB.Enabled = false;
                this.qualityCB.Enabled       = false;
                this.loadDOButton.Enabled    = false;
                this.saveButton.Enabled      = true;

            //Fill in required values
            this.inputDate.Value          = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date_Of_Input"].ToString());
            this.billDateDTP.Value        = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Sale_Bill_Date"].ToString());
            this.qualityCB.SelectedIndex  = this.qualityCB.FindStringExact(row["Quality"].ToString());
            this.billNumberTextboxTB.Text = row["Sale_Bill_No"].ToString();
            this.voucher_id = int.Parse(row["Voucher_ID"].ToString());
            this.financialYearCB.SelectedIndex = this.financialYearCB.FindStringExact(row["DO_Fiscal_Year"].ToString());
            this.typeCB.SelectedIndex          = this.typeCB.FindStringExact(row["Type_Of_Sale"].ToString());
            this.billWeightTB.Text             = row["Sale_Bill_Weight"].ToString();
            this.billAmountTB.Text             = row["Sale_Bill_Amount"].ToString();
            this.netDOWeightTB.Text            = row["Sale_Bill_Weight_Calc"].ToString();
            this.netDOAmountTB.Text            = row["Sale_Bill_Amount_Calc"].ToString();
            if (typeCB.Text == "0")
                this.label13.Visible                  = true;
                this.billCustomerNameCB.Visible       = true;
                this.billCustomerNameCB.TabIndex      = 8;
                this.billCustomerNameCB.TabStop       = true;
                this.billCustomerNameCB.SelectedIndex = this.billCustomerNameCB.FindStringExact(row["Bill_Customer"].ToString());

            //Load data in datagridview dropdown
            this.loadData(row["Quality"].ToString(), row["DO_Fiscal_Year"].ToString(), row["Type_Of_Sale"].ToString());
            //Load previous data
            string[] do_nos = c.csvToArray(row["DO_No_Arr"].ToString());
            for (int i = 0; i < do_nos.Length; i++)
            dataGridView1.RowCount = do_nos.Length + 1;
            //Fill data in datagridview
            for (int i = 0; i < do_nos.Length; i++)
                dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = do_nos[i];
            dgvCmb.DataSource = this.do_no;

            //if (typeCB.Text == "1")
            //    this.billDateDTP.MinDate = this.inputDate.Value.Date.AddDays(-2);
            //    this.billDateDTP.MaxDate = this.inputDate.Value.Date.AddDays(2);

            c.set_dgv_column_sort_state(this.dataGridView1, DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable);
        public M_V2_dyeingIssueForm()
            this.c       = new DbConnect();
            this.tray_no = new List <string>();
            this.saveButton.Enabled = false;

            //Create drop-down Quality lists
            var       dataSource1 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d1          = c.getQC('q');


            for (int i = 0; i < d1.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.comboBox1CB.DataSource         = dataSource1;
            this.comboBox1CB.DisplayMember      = "Quality";
            this.comboBox1CB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.comboBox1CB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.comboBox1CB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down Company lists
            var       dataSource2 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d2          = c.getQC('c');


            for (int i = 0; i < d2.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.comboBox2CB.DataSource         = dataSource2;
            this.comboBox2CB.DisplayMember      = "Company_Names";
            this.comboBox2CB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.comboBox2CB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.comboBox2CB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down Dyeing Company lists
            var       dataSource3 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d3          = c.getQC('d');


            for (int i = 0; i < d3.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.comboBox3CB.DataSource         = dataSource3;
            this.comboBox3CB.DisplayMember      = "Dyeing_Company_Names";
            this.comboBox3CB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.comboBox3CB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.comboBox3CB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down Colour lists
            var       dataSource4 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d4          = c.getQC('l');


            for (int i = 0; i < d4.Rows.Count; i++)
            List <string> final_list = dataSource4.Distinct().ToList();

            this.comboBox4CB.DataSource         = final_list;
            this.comboBox4CB.DisplayMember      = "Colours";
            this.comboBox4CB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.comboBox4CB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.comboBox4CB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Sl_No", "Sl_No");
            dataGridView1.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true;
            DataGridViewComboBoxColumn dgvCmb = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();

            dgvCmb.DataSource = this.tray_no;

            dgvCmb.HeaderText = "Tray Number";
            dataGridView1.Columns.Insert(1, dgvCmb);
            dataGridView1.Columns[1].Width = 250;
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Weight", "Weight");
            dataGridView1.Columns[2].ReadOnly = true;
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Machine_Number", "Machine Number");
            dataGridView1.Columns[3].ReadOnly = true;
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Grade", "Grade");
            dataGridView1.Columns[4].ReadOnly = true;
            dataGridView1.RowCount            = 10;

            c.set_dgv_column_sort_state(this.dataGridView1, DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the queue definitions based on user provided configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">The driver.</param>
        /// <param name="additionalDescription">The additional description.</param>
        /// <param name="ipStartValue">The start value of the last IP octet.</param>
        /// <param name="ipEndValue">The end value of the last IP octet.</param>
        /// <param name="hostName">The hostname.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfQueues">The number of queues.</param>
        /// <param name="addressCode">The address code.</param>
        /// <param name="incrementIP">if set to <c>true</c> increment IP octet values.</param>
        /// <param name="enableSnmp">if set to <c>true</c> SNMP will be enable on the port.</param>
        /// <param name="renderOnClient">if set to <c>true</c> the render on client option will be set on the queue.</param>
        /// <param name="shareQueues">if set to <c>true</c> the queue will be shared.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of QueueInstallationData</returns>
        public Collection <QueueInstallationData> Create
            PrintDeviceDriver properties,
            string additionalDescription,
            int ipStartValue,
            int ipEndValue,
            string hostName,
            int numberOfQueues,
            string addressCode,
            bool incrementIP,
            bool enableSnmp,
            bool renderOnClient,
            bool shareQueues
            if (properties == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("properties");
            if (numberOfQueues < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("numberOfQueues must be a positive, non-zero integer.");
            if (ipStartValue < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("ipStartValue must be a positive, non-zero integer.");

            Collection <QueueInstallationData> queueData = new Collection <QueueInstallationData>();
            int             currentIPNumber = ipStartValue;
            FrameworkServer vPrintServer    = null;

            using (AssetInventoryContext context = DbConnect.AssetInventoryContext())
                vPrintServer = context.FrameworkServers.FirstOrDefault(n => n.HostName.StartsWith(hostName));

            AddressParser serverIP  = ParseAddress(vPrintServer);
            StringBuilder queueName = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfQueues; i++)

                QueueInstallationData data = new QueueInstallationData();
                data.Driver       = properties;
                data.QueueType    = "VirtualPrinter";
                data.AssetId      = "{0}-{1:D5}".FormatWith(addressCode, currentIPNumber);
                data.Address      = serverIP.Prefix + currentIPNumber.ToString();
                data.SnmpEnabled  = enableSnmp;
                data.ClientRender = renderOnClient;
                data.Shared       = shareQueues;

                queueName.Append(" ").Append(properties.DriverType);
                queueName.Append(" ").Append(Regex.Replace(properties.VerifyPdl, @"\s+", " "));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.Release))
                    queueName.Append(" ").Append(Regex.Replace(properties.Release, @"\s+", " "));

                // Append the additional description data if it exists
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalDescription))
                    queueName.Append(" ").Append(Regex.Replace(additionalDescription, @"\s+", " "));

                // Append a queue index if we're reusing the Virtual Printer for multiple queues
                if (incrementIP == false || numberOfQueues > 255)
                    data.Key = queueName.ToString();
                    queueName.Append(" ").Append(_queueIndex[data.Key].ToString("D3"));

                data.QueueName = queueName.ToString();

                if (currentIPNumber == ipEndValue)
                    //Restart the IP number, don't increment
                    currentIPNumber = ipStartValue;
                else if (incrementIP)

Пример #40
        public async Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)
            Debug.WriteLine("luis_intent : " + luis_intent);
            Debug.WriteLine("entitiesStr : " + entitiesStr);

            // Db
            DbConnect db = new DbConnect();

            Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + context.Activity.Conversation.Id);

            newUserID = context.Activity.Conversation.Id;
            if (beforeUserID != newUserID)
                beforeUserID = newUserID;
                MessagesController.sorryMessageCnt = 0;

            var message = MessagesController.queryStr;

            beforeMessgaeText = message.ToString();
            if (message.ToString().Contains("코나") == true)
                messgaeText = message.ToString();
                if (messgaeText.Contains("현대자동차") != true || messgaeText.Contains("현대 자동차") != true)
                    messgaeText = "현대자동차 " + messgaeText;
                messgaeText = "코나 " + message.ToString();
                if (messgaeText.Contains("현대자동차") != true || messgaeText.Contains("현대 자동차") != true)
                    messgaeText = "현대자동차 " + messgaeText;

            if (messgaeText.Contains("코나") == true && (messgaeText.Contains("현대자동차") == true || messgaeText.Contains("현대 자동차") == true))
                var reply = context.MakeMessage();
                Debug.WriteLine("SERARCH MESSAGE : " + messgaeText);
                if ((messgaeText != null) && messgaeText.Trim().Length > 0)
                    //Naver Search API

                    string url = "" + messgaeText + "&display=10&start=1&sort=sim"; //news JSON result
                                                                                                                                        //string blogUrl = "" + messgaeText + "&display=10&start=1&sort=sim"; //search JSON result
                                                                                                                                        //string cafeUrl = "" + messgaeText + "&display=10&start=1&sort=sim"; //cafe JSON result
                                                                                                                                        //string url = "" + query; //blog XML result
                    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                    request.Headers.Add("X-Naver-Client-Id", "Y536Z1ZMNv93Oej6TrkF");
                    request.Headers.Add("X-Naver-Client-Secret", "cPHOFK6JYY");
                    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                    string          status   = response.StatusCode.ToString();
                    if (status == "OK")
                        Stream       stream = response.GetResponseStream();
                        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);
                        string       text   = reader.ReadToEnd();

                        RootObject serarchList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootObject>(text);

                        Debug.WriteLine("serarchList : " + serarchList);

                        if (serarchList.display == 1)
                            Debug.WriteLine("SERARCH : " + Regex.Replace(serarchList.items[0].title, @"[^<:-:>-<b>-</b>]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline));

                            if (serarchList.items[0].title.Contains("코나"))
                                //Only One item
                                List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                                CardImage        img        = new CardImage();
                                img.Url = "";

                                string searchTitle = "";
                                string searchText  = "";

                                searchTitle = serarchList.items[0].title;
                                searchText  = serarchList.items[0].description;

                                if (context.Activity.ChannelId == "facebook")
                                    searchTitle = Regex.Replace(searchTitle, @"[<][a-z|A-Z|/](.|)*?[>]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline).Replace("\n", "").Replace("<:", "").Replace(":>", "");
                                    searchText  = Regex.Replace(searchText, @"[<][a-z|A-Z|/](.|)*?[>]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline).Replace("\n", "").Replace("<:", "").Replace(":>", "");

                                LinkHeroCard card = new LinkHeroCard()
                                    Title    = searchTitle,
                                    Subtitle = null,
                                    Text     = searchText,
                                    Images   = cardImages,
                                    Buttons  = null,
                                    Link     = Regex.Replace(serarchList.items[0].link, "amp;", "")
                                var attachment = card.ToAttachment();

                                reply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();
                            reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;
                            reply.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                            for (int i = 0; i < serarchList.display; i++)
                                string searchTitle = "";
                                string searchText  = "";

                                searchTitle = serarchList.items[i].title;
                                searchText  = serarchList.items[i].description;

                                if (context.Activity.ChannelId == "facebook")
                                    searchTitle = Regex.Replace(searchTitle, @"[<][a-z|A-Z|/](.|)*?[>]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline).Replace("\n", "").Replace("<:", "").Replace(":>", "");
                                    searchText  = Regex.Replace(searchText, @"[<][a-z|A-Z|/](.|)*?[>]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline).Replace("\n", "").Replace("<:", "").Replace(":>", "");

                                if (serarchList.items[i].title.Contains("코나"))
                                    List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                                    CardImage        img        = new CardImage();
                                    img.Url = "";

                                    List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                                    CardAction[]      plButton    = new CardAction[1];
                                    plButton[0] = new CardAction()
                                        Value = Regex.Replace(serarchList.items[i].link, "amp;", ""),
                                        Type  = "openUrl",
                                        Title = "기사 바로가기"
                                    cardButtons = new List <CardAction>(plButton);

                                    if (context.Activity.ChannelId == "facebook")
                                        LinkHeroCard card = new LinkHeroCard()
                                            Title    = searchTitle,
                                            Subtitle = null,
                                            Text     = searchText,
                                            Images   = cardImages,
                                            Buttons  = cardButtons,
                                            Link     = null
                                        var attachment = card.ToAttachment();
                                        LinkHeroCard card = new LinkHeroCard()
                                            Title    = searchTitle,
                                            Subtitle = null,
                                            Text     = searchText,
                                            Images   = cardImages,
                                            Buttons  = null,
                                            Link     = Regex.Replace(serarchList.items[i].link, "amp;", "")
                                        var attachment = card.ToAttachment();
                        await context.PostAsync(reply);

                        if (reply.Attachments.Count == 0)
                            await this.SendSorryMessageAsync(context);
                            orgKRMent = Regex.Replace(message.ToString(), @"[^a-zA-Z0-9ㄱ-힣]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline);

                            for (int n = 0; n < Regex.Split(message.ToString(), " ").Length; n++)
                                string chgMsg = db.SelectChgMsg(Regex.Split(message.ToString(), " ")[n]);
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chgMsg))
                                    message = message.ToString().Replace(Regex.Split(message.ToString(), " ")[n], chgMsg);

                            Translator translateInfo = await getTranslate(message.ToString());

                            orgENGMent = Regex.Replace([0].translatedText, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9ㄱ-힣-\s-&#39;]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline);

                            orgENGMent = orgENGMent.Replace("&#39;", "'");

                            //int dbResult = db.insertUserQuery(orgKRMent, orgENGMent, "", "", "", 1, 'S', "", "", "", "SEARCH", MessagesController.userData.GetProperty<int>("appID"));
                            int dbResult = db.insertUserQuery(orgKRMent, "", "", "", "", 'S', MessagesController.chatBotID);
                            Debug.WriteLine("INSERT QUERY RESULT : " + dbResult.ToString());

                            DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;

                            Debug.WriteLine("USER NUMBER : " + context.Activity.Conversation.Id);
                            Debug.WriteLine("CUSTOMMER COMMENT KOREAN : " + messgaeText.Replace("코나 ", ""));
                            Debug.WriteLine("CUSTOMMER COMMENT ENGLISH : " +[0].translatedText.Replace("&#39;", "'"));
                            Debug.WriteLine("CHANNEL_ID : " + context.Activity.ChannelId);
                            Debug.WriteLine("프로그램 수행시간 : {0}/ms", ((endTime - startTime).Milliseconds));

                            //int inserResult = db.insertHistory(context.Activity.Conversation.Id, messgaeText.Replace("코나 ", ""),[0].translatedText.Replace("&#39;", "'"), "SEARCH", context.Activity.ChannelId, ((endTime - startTime).Milliseconds), MessagesController.userData.GetProperty<int>("appID"));
                            int inserResult = db.insertHistory(context.Activity.Conversation.Id, messgaeText, "SEARCH", context.Activity.ChannelId, ((endTime - startTime).Milliseconds), MessagesController.chatBotID);
                            if (inserResult > 0)
                                Debug.WriteLine("HISTORY RESULT SUCCESS");
                                Debug.WriteLine("HISTORY RESULT FAIL");
                            HistoryLog("[ SEARCH ] ==>> userID :: [ " + context.Activity.Conversation.Id + " ]       message :: [ " + messgaeText.Replace("코나 ", "") + " ]       date :: [ " + DateTime.Now + " ]");
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error 발생=" + status);
                        await this.SendSorryMessageAsync(context);

                await this.SendSorryMessageAsync(context);
            context.Done <IMessageActivity>(null);
Пример #41
        public M_V4_printDO()
            this.c = new DbConnect();

            //Load Data
            //Create drop-down lists
            var       dataSource  = new List <string>();
            var       dataSource1 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d           = c.getQC('f');

            for (int i = 0; i < d.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.fiscalCB.DataSource         = dataSource;
            this.fiscalCB.DisplayMember      = "Financial Year";
            this.fiscalCB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.fiscalCB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.fiscalCB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
            this.fiscalCB.SelectedIndex      = this.fiscalCB.FindStringExact(c.getFinancialYear(DateTime.Now));

            this.fiscal1CB.DataSource         = dataSource1;
            this.fiscal1CB.DisplayMember      = "Financial Year";
            this.fiscal1CB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.fiscal1CB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.fiscal1CB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
            this.fiscal1CB.SelectedIndex      = this.fiscal1CB.FindStringExact(c.getFinancialYear(DateTime.Now));

            var dataSource2 = new List <string>();

            this.type1CB.DataSource         = dataSource2;
            this.type1CB.DisplayMember      = "Type";
            this.type1CB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.type1CB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.type1CB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;
            this.type1CB.SelectedIndex      = this.type1CB.FindStringExact("1");

            dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.White;
            dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = Color.Blue;
            dataGridView2.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.White;
            dataGridView2.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = Color.Blue;
            DataTable DO_Nos = c.runQuery("SELECT * FROM Sales_Voucher WHERE Type_Of_Sale = 1 AND Fiscal_Year = '" + c.getFinancialYear(DateTime.Now) + "'");

            dataGridView1.DataSource = DO_Nos;

            for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells["Printed"].Value.ToString() == "1")
                    dataGridView1.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor          = Global.printedColor;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Global.printedColor;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor          = Color.White;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.White;
            this.dataGridView1.Visible = false;
            this.dataGridView1.Visible = true;
Пример #42
        /// <summary>
        /// POST: api/Messages
        /// Receive a message from a user and reply to it
        /// </summary>
        //ThreadTest test = new ThreadTest();
        //delegate void del_thread(string str);

        //public static void new_thread(string name)
        //    Thread cur_thread = Thread.CurrentThread;
        //    Debug.WriteLine("Current {0} Thread = {1}", name, cur_thread.ManagedThreadId);

        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody] Activity activity)
            //Thread workerThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
            //Worker workerObject = new Worker();
            //Thread workerThread = new Thread(workerObject.DoWork);

            // welcome message 출력
            if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate && activity.MembersAdded.Any(m => m.Id == activity.Recipient.Id))
                WeatherInfo weatherInfo = await GetWeatherInfo();

                Debug.WriteLine("weatherInfo :  " + weatherInfo.list[0].weather[0].description);
                Debug.WriteLine("weatherInfo : " + string.Format("{0}°С", Math.Round(weatherInfo.list[0].temp.min, 1)));
                Debug.WriteLine("weatherInfo : " + string.Format("{0}°С", Math.Round(weatherInfo.list[0].temp.max, 1)));

                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                //ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
                //Activity reply = activity.CreateReply("");

                //reply.Recipient = activity.From;
                //reply.Type = "message";
                //reply.Attachments = new List<Attachment>();
                //reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                // Db
                DbConnect     db  = new DbConnect();
                List <Dialog> dlg = db.SelectDialog(3);
                Debug.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!! : " + dlg[0].dlgId);

                ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));

                Activity reply2 = activity.CreateReply();
                reply2.Recipient        = activity.From;
                reply2.Type             = "message";
                reply2.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                reply2.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                //reply.Recipient = activity.From;
                //reply.Type = "message";
                //reply.Attachments = new List<Attachment>();
                //reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                List <Card> card = db.SelectDialogCard(dlg[0].dlgId);

                VideoCard[]   plVideoCard   = new VideoCard[card.Count];
                HeroCard[]    plHeroCard    = new HeroCard[card.Count];
                ReceiptCard[] plReceiptCard = new ReceiptCard[card.Count];

                Attachment[] plAttachment = new Attachment[card.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < card.Count; i++)
                    List <Button> btn   = db.SelectBtn(card[i].dlgId, card[i].cardId);
                    List <Image>  img   = db.SelectImage(card[i].dlgId, card[i].cardId);
                    List <Media>  media = db.SelectMedia(card[i].dlgId, card[i].cardId);

                    List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                    CardAction[]      plButton    = new CardAction[btn.Count];

                    ThumbnailUrl plThumnail = new ThumbnailUrl();

                    List <MediaUrl> mediaURL   = new List <MediaUrl>();
                    MediaUrl[]      plMediaUrl = new MediaUrl[media.Count];

                    for (int n = 0; n < img.Count; n++)
                        if (img[n].imgUrl != null)
                            plThumnail.Url = img[n].imgUrl;

                    for (int l = 0; l < media.Count; l++)
                        if (media[l].mediaUrl != null)
                            plMediaUrl[l] = new MediaUrl()
                                Url = media[l].mediaUrl
                    mediaURL = new List <MediaUrl>(plMediaUrl);

                    for (int m = 0; m < btn.Count; m++)
                        if (btn[m].btnTitle != null)
                            plButton[m] = new CardAction()
                                Value = btn[m].btnContext,
                                Type  = btn[m].btnType,
                                Title = btn[m].btnTitle
                    cardButtons = new List <CardAction>(plButton);

                    if (card[i].cardType == "videocard")
                        plVideoCard[i] = new VideoCard()
                            Title     = "**" + card[i].cardTitle + "**",
                            Text      = card[i].cardText,
                            Subtitle  = card[i].cardSubTitle,
                            Media     = mediaURL,
                            Image     = plThumnail,
                            Buttons   = cardButtons,
                            Autostart = true

                        plAttachment[i] = plVideoCard[i].ToAttachment();
                var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply2);

                Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Id);
                Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.ChannelId);
                Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Conversation.Id);
                Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Properties);
                Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Recipient);
                Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.From.Id);
                Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Recipient.Id);
                Debug.WriteLine("end activity.Timestamp : " + activity.Timestamp);

                DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
                Debug.WriteLine("프로그램 수행시간 : {0}/ms", ((endTime - startTime).Milliseconds));

                Activity reply = activity.CreateReply();
                for (int n = 0; n < dlg[0].dlgMent.Split(new string[] { "@@" }, StringSplitOptions.None).Length; n++)//new string[] {"@@"},StringSplitOptions.None
                    reply = activity.CreateReply(dlg[0].dlgMent.Split(new string[] { "@@" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[n]);
                    await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply);
                Activity testReply = activity.CreateReply("**가나다라마바사**  `jumped`");
                await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(testReply);

                Activity replyToConversation = activity.CreateReply("Should go to conversation, in carousel format");
                replyToConversation.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;
                //replyToConversation.AttachmentLayout = "test";
                replyToConversation.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();

                Dictionary <string, string> cardContentList = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                cardContentList.Add("PigLatin", "");
                cardContentList.Add("Pork Shoulder", "");
                cardContentList.Add("Bacon", "");

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> cardContent in cardContentList)
                    List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                    cardImages.Add(new CardImage(url: cardContent.Value));

                    List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();

                    CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
                        Value = $"{cardContent.Key}",
                        Type  = "openUrl",
                        Title = "WikiPedia Page"


                    NewHeroCard plCard = new NewHeroCard()
                        Title    = $"I'm a hero card about {cardContent.Key}",
                        Subtitle = $"{cardContent.Key} Wikipedia Page",
                        Images   = cardImages,
                        Buttons  = cardButtons,
                        Kind     = "test"

                    Attachment attachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

                await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(replyToConversation);
            else if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)



                //if (workerThread.IsAlive)

                //    workerObject.RequestStop();
                //    workerThread.Join();
                //    Debug.WriteLine("main thread: Worker thread has terminated.");

                DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

                long unixTime = ((DateTimeOffset)startTime).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
                Debug.WriteLine("startTime : " + startTime);
                Debug.WriteLine("startTime Millisecond : " + unixTime);

                Debug.WriteLine("Debuging : " + activity.Text);
                LUIS Luis = await GetIntentFromLUIS(activity.Text);

                Debug.WriteLine("Debuging :  " + Luis.intents[0].intent);
                Debug.WriteLine("Debuging : " + Luis.entities[0].entity);
                Debug.WriteLine("Debuging : " + Luis.entities[0].type);
                String entitiesStr = "";

                for (int i = 0; i < Luis.entities.Count(); i++)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Split : " + Regex.Split(Luis.entities[i].type, "::")[1]);
                    entitiesStr += Regex.Split(Luis.entities[i].type, "::")[1] + ",";

                entitiesStr = entitiesStr.Substring(0, entitiesStr.Length - 1);

                Debug.WriteLine("entitiesStr : " + entitiesStr);

                ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));

                // Db
                DbConnect   db           = new DbConnect();
                List <Luis> LuisDialogID = db.SelectLuis(Luis.intents[0].intent, entitiesStr);

                List <Dialog> dlg = db.SelectDialog(LuisDialogID[0].dlgId);

                if (dlg.Count > 0)
                    if (dlg[0].dlgMent != null)
                        // return our reply to the user
                        Activity reply = activity.CreateReply(dlg[0].dlgMent);
                        await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(reply);

                List <Card> card = db.SelectDialogCard(LuisDialogID[0].dlgId);

                if (card.Count > 0)
                    // HeroCard
                    Activity replyToConversation = activity.CreateReply("");

                    Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Id);
                    Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Properties);
                    Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Recipient);
                    Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Summary);
                    Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.ReplyToId);
                    Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Recipient.Id);
                    Debug.WriteLine("activity : " + activity.Conversation.Id);

                    replyToConversation.Recipient        = activity.From;
                    replyToConversation.Type             = "message";
                    replyToConversation.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
                    replyToConversation.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                    for (int i = 0; i < card.Count; i++)
                        List <Button> btn   = db.SelectBtn(card[i].dlgId, card[i].cardId);
                        List <Image>  img   = db.SelectImage(card[i].dlgId, card[i].cardId);
                        List <Media>  media = db.SelectMedia(card[i].dlgId, card[i].cardId);

                        List <CardImage> cardImages = new List <CardImage>();
                        CardImage[]      plImage    = new CardImage[img.Count];

                        ThumbnailUrl plThumnail = new ThumbnailUrl();

                        List <CardAction> cardButtons = new List <CardAction>();
                        CardAction[]      plButton    = new CardAction[btn.Count];

                        List <MediaUrl> mediaURL   = new List <MediaUrl>();
                        MediaUrl[]      plMediaUrl = new MediaUrl[media.Count];

                        ReceiptCard[] plReceiptCard = new ReceiptCard[card.Count];
                        HeroCard[]    plHeroCard    = new HeroCard[card.Count];
                        VideoCard[]   plVideoCard   = new VideoCard[card.Count];
                        Attachment[]  plAttachment  = new Attachment[card.Count];

                        for (int l = 0; l < img.Count; l++)
                            if (card[i].cardType == "herocard")
                                if (img[l].imgUrl != null)
                                    plImage[l] = new CardImage()
                                        Url = img[l].imgUrl
                            else if (card[i].cardType == "videocard")
                                if (img[l].imgUrl != null)
                                    plThumnail.Url = img[l].imgUrl;
                        cardImages = new List <CardImage>(plImage);

                        for (int l = 0; l < media.Count; l++)
                            if (media[l].mediaUrl != null)
                                plMediaUrl[l] = new MediaUrl()
                                    Url = media[l].mediaUrl
                        mediaURL = new List <MediaUrl>(plMediaUrl);

                        for (int m = 0; m < btn.Count; m++)
                            if (btn[m].btnTitle != null)
                                plButton[m] = new CardAction()
                                    Value = btn[m].btnContext,
                                    Type  = btn[m].btnType,
                                    Title = btn[m].btnTitle
                        cardButtons = new List <CardAction>(plButton);

                        if (card[i].cardType == "herocard")
                            plHeroCard[i] = new HeroCard()
                                Title    = card[i].cardTitle,
                                Text     = card[i].cardText,
                                Subtitle = card[i].cardSubTitle,
                                Images   = cardImages,
                                Buttons  = cardButtons

                            plAttachment[i] = plHeroCard[i].ToAttachment();
                        else if (card[i].cardType == "videocard")
                            plVideoCard[i] = new VideoCard()
                                Title     = card[i].cardTitle,
                                Text      = card[i].cardText,
                                Subtitle  = card[i].cardSubTitle,
                                Image     = plThumnail,
                                Media     = mediaURL,
                                Buttons   = cardButtons,
                                Autostart = true

                            plAttachment[i] = plVideoCard[i].ToAttachment();
                    var reply1 = await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(replyToConversation);

                DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
                Debug.WriteLine("프로그램 수행시간 : {0}/ms", ((endTime - startTime).Milliseconds));

                //Debug.WriteLine("current main thread = {0}",workerThread.ManagedThreadId);

                //del_thread new_th = new del_thread(new_thread);

                //new_th.BeginInvoke("TEST", null, null);

                //// Start the worker thread.
                //Debug.WriteLine("ID : "+ workerThread.ManagedThreadId);
                //Debug.WriteLine("main thread: Starting worker thread...");

                //// Loop until worker thread activates.
                //while (!workerThread.IsAlive) ;



            var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);

Пример #43
 public override BangoCommand BeforeBindingParameter(SearchScenario searchFor, DbConnect con, BangoCommand cmd,
                                                     DynamicDictionary data_param, bool count = false, string tableAlias = null)
     return(base.BeforeBindingParameter(searchFor, con, cmd, data_param, count, tableAlias));
Пример #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects Dart Logs by calling the jta2 launcher and placing them in the location defined by the framework server setting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks> Be sure that Java SDK, SNMPGet and JTA3 @ C:\JTA are located on the server.</remarks>
        /// <param name="assetID"></param>
        /// <param name="sessionID"></param>
        /// <param name="email"></param>
        public void CollectLog(string assetID, string sessionID, string email)
            string printerIP   = string.Empty;
            string dartIP      = string.Empty;
            bool   collectDart = false;
            string script      = string.Empty;
            string modelName   = string.Empty;

                using (AssetInventoryContext context = DbConnect.AssetInventoryContext())
                    var temp = context.Assets.OfType <Printer>().FirstOrDefault(n => n.AssetId == assetID);
                    printerIP = temp.Address1;
                    modelName = temp.Product.Split(' ').First();

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(printerIP))
                        TraceFactory.Logger.Debug($@"Printer IP Not found for asset: {assetID}");

                    var dartBoard = context.DartBoards.FirstOrDefault(n => n.PrinterId == assetID);
                    if (dartBoard == null)
                        TraceFactory.Logger.Debug($@"No DartBoard found for: {assetID}");
                        collectDart = false;
                        dartIP      = dartBoard.Address;
                        collectDart = true;

                    string          serverType   = ServerType.Dart.ToString();
                    FrameworkServer server       = context.FrameworkServers.FirstOrDefault(n => n.ServerTypes.Any(m => m.Name == serverType) && n.Active);
                    string          dartLocation = server.ServerSettings.First(n => n.Name == "DartServiceLocation").Value;
                    string          jtaLocation  = GlobalSettings.Items["JTALogCollectorDirectory"];

                    string        inAddition = $@"\{sessionID}";
                    DirectoryInfo di         = Directory.CreateDirectory(dartLocation + inAddition);

                    bool pingResult = false;
                    using (var ping = new Ping())
                        var response = ping.Send(printerIP, (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15).TotalMilliseconds);
                        //DV: sometimes the device, being lazy as it is, will be in sleep mode and doesn't respond to the ping command
                        //so we poke it few more times so that it wakes up from its slumber and responds.
                        int retries = 0;
                        while (response.Status != IPStatus.Success && retries < 4)
                            response = ping.Send(printerIP, (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15).TotalMilliseconds);

                        if (response.Status != IPStatus.Success)
                            TraceFactory.Logger.Debug($"Ping Unsuccessful: {printerIP.ToString()}:{response.Status}");
                            pingResult = false;
                            pingResult = true;

                    //Extra check that the device is in dev mode for JTA.
                    if (pingResult)
                        pingResult = CheckProd(temp.Address1, temp.Password);

                    //If JTA checks are not a success, use dart.exe, else use JTA --Don't use JTA for dart logs. It may fail before dart collection
                    if (pingResult)
                        if (collectDart)
                            bool result = false;
                            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                                //Get DARTLOCATION FROM Global Settings

                                string timestamp           = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss-tt}", DateTime.Now);
                                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                                startInfo.CreateNoWindow   = true;
                                startInfo.UseShellExecute  = true;
                                startInfo.FileName         = @"dart.exe";
                                startInfo.WindowStyle      = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                                startInfo.Arguments        = $@"{dartIP} dl {dartLocation + inAddition}\{assetID}_{timestamp}.bin";

                                    using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo))
                                    result = true;
                                    TraceFactory.Logger.Debug($@"Capture of {assetID} logs succeeded");
                                    SendEmail(sessionID, assetID, result, email);
                                catch (Exception a)
                                    TraceFactory.Logger.Error("Dart log collection failed.");

                            //TraceFactory.Logger.Info($@"Attempting to collect logs of {assetID}  for Session ID: {sessionID}.");
                            //script = $@"cd {jtaLocation} | java jta3.Launcher -p {modelName} -x {printerIP} -r {dartLocation + inAddition} -s false";

                        TraceFactory.Logger.Info($@"Attempting to collect logs of {assetID}  for Session ID: {sessionID}.");
                        script = $@"cd {jtaLocation} | java jta3.Launcher -p {modelName} -x {printerIP} -r {dartLocation + inAddition} -s false";

                        Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            bool result = false;
                                Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace();
                                Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline();
                                pipeline.Commands.AddScript(string.Format("$user = \"{0}\"", "jawa"));

                                Collection <PSObject> results = pipeline.Invoke();
                                bool hadErrors = pipeline.HadErrors;

                                result = !hadErrors;
                                TraceFactory.Logger.Debug($@"Capture of {assetID} logs succeeded, Error during collection? {hadErrors}");
                                if (hadErrors)
                                    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                                    foreach (PSObject obj in results)
                            catch (Exception a)
                                result = false;
                                TraceFactory.Logger.Debug("JTA log collection failed.");
                            SendEmail(sessionID, assetID, result, email);
                        if (collectDart)
                            bool result = false;
                            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                                //Get DARTLOCATION FROM Global Settings

                                string timestamp           = string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-ss-tt}", DateTime.Now);
                                ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
                                startInfo.CreateNoWindow   = true;
                                startInfo.UseShellExecute  = true;
                                startInfo.FileName         = @"dart.exe";
                                startInfo.WindowStyle      = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
                                startInfo.Arguments        = $@"{dartIP} dl {dartLocation + inAddition}\{assetID}_{timestamp}.bin";

                                    using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo))
                                    result = true;
                                    TraceFactory.Logger.Debug($@"Capture of {assetID} logs succeeded");
                                    SendEmail(sessionID, assetID, result, email);
                                catch (Exception a)
                                    TraceFactory.Logger.Error("Dart log collection failed.");
            catch (Exception e)
Пример #45
        public bool OpretNyBruger(string _username, string _password, string _rolle)
            DbConnect dbc = new DbConnect();

            return(dbc.OpretNyBruger(_username, _password, _rolle));
Пример #46
        //public Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)
        //    context.Wait(MessageReceivedAsync);

        //    return Task.CompletedTask;

        public async Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context)
            var activity = context.Activity;

            channel = activity.ChannelId;
            orgMent = MessagesController.queryStr;
            String beforeMent        = "";
            int    facebookpagecount = 1;
            int    fbLeftCardCnt     = 0;

            if (context.ConversationData.TryGetValue("commonBeforeQustion", out beforeMent))
                if (beforeMent.Equals(orgMent) && channel.Equals("facebook"))
                    if (context.ConversationData.TryGetValue("facebookPageCount", out facebookpagecount))
                    context.ConversationData.SetValue("facebookPageCount", facebookpagecount);

            var reply = context.MakeMessage();

            reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;
            DbConnect db = new DbConnect();

            for (int m = 0; m < MessagesController.relationList.Count; m++)
                DialogList dlg = db.SelectDialog(MessagesController.relationList[m].dlgId);

                Attachment tempAttachment = new Attachment();

                if (dlg.dlgType.Equals(CARDDLG))
                    foreach (CardList tempcard in dlg.dialogCard)
                        if (context.ConversationData.TryGetValue("facebookPageCount", out facebookpagecount))
                            if (Int32.Parse(tempcard.card_order_no) > (MAXFACEBOOKCARDS * facebookpagecount) && Int32.Parse(tempcard.card_order_no) <= (MAXFACEBOOKCARDS * (facebookpagecount + 1)))
                                tempAttachment = getAttachmentFromDialog(tempcard);
                            else if (Int32.Parse(tempcard.card_order_no) > (MAXFACEBOOKCARDS * (facebookpagecount + 1)))
                        else if (channel.Equals("facebook"))
                            if (Int32.Parse(tempcard.card_order_no) <= MAXFACEBOOKCARDS)
                                tempAttachment = getAttachmentFromDialog(tempcard);
                            tempAttachment = getAttachmentFromDialog(tempcard);
                    tempAttachment = getAttachmentFromDialog(dlg);
                await context.PostAsync(reply);


                ////페이스북에서 남은 카드가 있는경우
                //if (beforeMent.Equals(orgMent) && channel.Equals("facebook") && fbLeftCardCnt > 0)
                //    reply.Attachments.Add(
                //        GetHeroCard(
                //        "", "",
                //        fbLeftCardCnt + "개의 컨테츠가 더 있습니다.",
                //        //new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, "더 보기", value: userData.GetProperty<string>("FB_BEFORE_MENT")))
                //        new CardAction(ActionTypes.ImBack, "더 보기", value: beforeMent))
                //    );
                //    await context.PostAsync(reply);
                //    reply.Attachments.Clear();
            DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;

            Debug.WriteLine("프로그램 수행시간 : {0}/ms", ((endTime - MessagesController.startTime).Milliseconds));
            Debug.WriteLine("* activity.Type : " + activity.Type);
            Debug.WriteLine("* activity.Recipient.Id : " + activity.Recipient.Id);
            Debug.WriteLine("* activity.ServiceUrl : " + activity.ServiceUrl);

            int dbResult = db.insertUserQuery(Regex.Replace(MessagesController.queryStr, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9ㄱ-힣]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline), MessagesController.luisIntent, MessagesController.luisEntities, "0", MessagesController.luisId, 'H', 0);

            Debug.WriteLine("INSERT QUERY RESULT : " + dbResult.ToString());

            if (db.insertHistory(activity.Conversation.Id, MessagesController.queryStr, MessagesController.relationList[0].dlgId.ToString(), activity.ChannelId, ((endTime - MessagesController.startTime).Milliseconds), 0) > 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("HISTORY RESULT SUCCESS");
                //HistoryLog("HISTORY RESULT SUCCESS");
                Debug.WriteLine("HISTORY RESULT SUCCESS");
                //HistoryLog("HISTORY RESULT FAIL");
            context.ConversationData.SetValue("commonBeforeQustion", orgMent);
            context.Done <IMessageActivity>(null);
        public M_V2_dyeingIssueForm(DataRow row, bool isEditable, M_V_history v1_history)
            this.edit_form  = true;
            this.v1_history = v1_history;
            this.c          = new DbConnect();
            this.tray_no    = new List <string>();
            this.saveButton.Enabled = false;

            //Create drop-down Quality lists
            var       dataSource1 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d1          = c.getQC('q');


            for (int i = 0; i < d1.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.comboBox1CB.DataSource         = dataSource1;
            this.comboBox1CB.DisplayMember      = "Quality";
            this.comboBox1CB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.comboBox1CB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.comboBox1CB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down Company lists
            var       dataSource2 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d2          = c.getQC('c');

            for (int i = 0; i < d2.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.comboBox2CB.DataSource         = dataSource2;
            this.comboBox2CB.DisplayMember      = "Company_Names";
            this.comboBox2CB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.comboBox2CB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.comboBox2CB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down Dyeing Company lists
            var       dataSource3 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d3          = c.getQC('d');


            for (int i = 0; i < d3.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.comboBox3CB.DataSource         = dataSource3;
            this.comboBox3CB.DisplayMember      = "Dyeing_Company_Names";
            this.comboBox3CB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.comboBox3CB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.comboBox3CB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down Colour lists
            var       dataSource4 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d4          = c.getQC('l');


            for (int i = 0; i < d4.Rows.Count; i++)
            List <string> final_list = dataSource4.Distinct().ToList();

            this.comboBox4CB.DataSource         = final_list;
            this.comboBox4CB.DisplayMember      = "Colours";
            this.comboBox4CB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.comboBox4CB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.comboBox4CB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Sl_No", "Sl_No");
            dataGridView1.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true;
            DataGridViewComboBoxColumn dgvCmb = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();

            dgvCmb.DataSource = this.tray_no;

            dgvCmb.HeaderText = "Tray Number";
            dataGridView1.Columns.Insert(1, dgvCmb);
            dataGridView1.Columns[1].Width = 250;
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Weight", "Weight");
            dataGridView1.Columns["Weight"].ReadOnly = true;
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Machine_Number", "Machine Number");
            dataGridView1.Columns["Machine_Number"].ReadOnly = true;
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Grade", "Grade");
            dataGridView1.Columns[4].ReadOnly = true;
            dataGridView1.RowCount            = 10;

            bool invalid_edit = false;

            //make isEditable false if batch is in future states
            this.batch_state = c.getBatchState(int.Parse(row["Batch_No"].ToString()), row["Batch_Fiscal_Year"].ToString());
            if (batch_state == 2)
                dynamicEditableLabel.Text = "This voucher is not editable as the Batch has been recieved from dyeing";
                invalid_edit = true;
            else if (batch_state == 3)
                dynamicEditableLabel.Text = "This voucher is not editable as the Batch has been packed";
                invalid_edit = true;
            else if (batch_state == 4)
                dynamicEditableLabel.Text = "This voucher is not editable as the Batch has been split for redyeing";
                invalid_edit = true;
            if (isEditable == false)
                if (invalid_edit == true)
                    this.deleteButton.Enabled = false;
                    this.deleteButton.Enabled = true;
                this.deleteButton.Visible = true;
            if (isEditable == false || invalid_edit == true)
                this.Text += "(View Only)";
                //no option to edit company name and quality
                this.Text += "(Edit)";
                this.comboBox1CB.Enabled      = false;
                this.comboBox2CB.Enabled      = false;
                this.comboBox3CB.Enabled      = true;
                this.comboBox4CB.Enabled      = true;
                this.saveButton.Enabled       = true;
                this.loadCartonButton.Enabled = false;
                this.dataGridView1.ReadOnly   = false;
            this.inputDateDTP.Value        = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date_Of_Input"].ToString());
            this.issueDateDTP.Value        = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Date_Of_Issue"].ToString());
            this.comboBox1CB.SelectedIndex = this.comboBox1CB.FindStringExact(row["Quality"].ToString());
            this.comboBox2CB.SelectedIndex = this.comboBox2CB.FindStringExact(row["Company_Name"].ToString());
            this.comboBox3CB.SelectedIndex = this.comboBox3CB.FindStringExact(row["Dyeing_Company_Name"].ToString());
            this.comboBox4CB.SelectedIndex = this.comboBox4CB.FindStringExact(row["Colour"].ToString());
            this.rateTextBoxTB.Text        = row["Dyeing_Rate"].ToString();
            this.old_fiscal_year           = row["Batch_Fiscal_Year"].ToString();
            batchNumberTextboxTB.Text      = row["Batch_No"].ToString();

            this.voucherID    = int.Parse(row["Voucher_ID"].ToString());
            this.tray_no_this = c.csvToArray(row["Tray_No_Arr"].ToString());
            this.tray_id_this = c.csvToArray(row["Tray_ID_Arr"].ToString());

            for (int i = 0; i < tray_no_this.Length; i++)
            DataTable tray_data = c.getTrayDataBothTables("Tray_No, Net_Weight, Machine_No, Grade, Tray_ID", "Tray_ID IN (" + c.removecom(row["Tray_ID_Arr"].ToString()) + ")");

            for (int i = 0; i < tray_data.Rows.Count; i++)
                this.tray_fetch_data[tray_data.Rows[i]["Tray_No"].ToString()] = new fetch_data(float.Parse(tray_data.Rows[i]["Net_Weight"].ToString()), tray_data.Rows[i]["Machine_No"].ToString(), tray_data.Rows[i]["Grade"].ToString(), int.Parse(tray_data.Rows[i]["Tray_ID"].ToString()));
            this.loadData(row["Quality"].ToString(), row["Company_Name"].ToString());
            dataGridView1.RowCount = tray_no_this.Length + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < tray_no_this.Length; i++)
                dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = tray_no_this[i];

            string     voucher_fiscal_year = c.getFinancialYear(this.issueDateDTP.Value);
            string     today_fiscal_year   = c.getFinancialYear(DateTime.Now);
            List <int> years = c.getFinancialYearArr(voucher_fiscal_year);

            if (today_fiscal_year == voucher_fiscal_year)
                this.issueDateDTP.MinDate = new DateTime(years[0], 04, 01);
                this.issueDateDTP.MaxDate = DateTime.Now;
                this.issueDateDTP.MinDate = new DateTime(years[0], 04, 01);
                this.issueDateDTP.MaxDate = new DateTime(years[1], 03, 31);

            c.set_dgv_column_sort_state(this.dataGridView1, DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable);
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs the queue definitions based on the provided list of printer Ids.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="printerIds">The printer ids.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceDriver">The driver.</param>
        /// <param name="currentDriver">The driver.</param>
        /// <param name="description">The additional description.</param>
        /// <param name="queueCount">The queue count.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Collection <QueueInstallationData> Create
            Collection <string> printerIds,
            PrintDeviceDriver sourceDriver,
            PrintDeviceDriver currentDriver,
            string description,
            int queueCount = 1,
            bool fullName  = true
            Collection <QueueInstallationData> queueData = new Collection <QueueInstallationData>();
            StringBuilder queueName = new StringBuilder();

            if (printerIds.Count == 0)

            using (AssetInventoryContext context = DbConnect.AssetInventoryContext())
                foreach (Asset asset in context.Assets.Where(n => printerIds.Contains(n.AssetId)))
                    for (int i = 0; i < queueCount; i++)
                        QueueInstallationData data = new QueueInstallationData();

                        // Assign the driver install data from a collected list of loaded package data
                        // based on the version.
                        data.Driver = sourceDriver;

                        data.AssetId   = asset.AssetId;
                        data.QueueType = asset.AssetType;
                        data.Shared    = true;


                        if (asset.AssetType == "Printer")
                            Printer printer = (Printer)asset;

                            data.Port         = printer.PortNumber;
                            data.Address      = printer.Address1;
                            data.SnmpEnabled  = true;
                            data.ClientRender = false;
                            data.Shared       = true;
                            data.Description  = printer.Description;

                            queueName.Append(" ").Append(data.AssetId);

                            if (fullName)
                                queueName.Append(" ").Append(currentDriver.DriverType);
                                queueName.Append(" ").Append(Regex.Replace(currentDriver.VerifyPdl, @"\s+", " "));

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDriver.Release))
                                queueName.Append(" ").Append(Regex.Replace(currentDriver.Release, @"\s+", " "));

                            // Append the additional description data if it exists
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                                queueName.Append(" ").Append(Regex.Replace(description, @"\s+", " "));
                        else if (asset.AssetType == "VirtualPrinter")
                            VirtualPrinter virtualPrinter = (VirtualPrinter)asset;

                            //Build a shortened version of the asset ID
                            string        addressCode = asset.AssetId.Split('-')[0];
                            AddressParser assetIP     = new AddressParser(virtualPrinter.Address);

                            data.Port         = virtualPrinter.PortNumber;
                            data.Address      = virtualPrinter.Address;
                            data.SnmpEnabled  = virtualPrinter.SnmpEnabled;
                            data.Description  = "Virtual Printer";
                            data.ClientRender = false;
                            data.Shared       = true;

                            queueName.Append(" ").Append(currentDriver.DriverType);
                            queueName.Append(" ").Append(Regex.Replace(currentDriver.VerifyPdl, @"\s+", " "));

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDriver.Release))
                                queueName.Append(" ").Append(Regex.Replace(currentDriver.Release, @"\s+", " "));

                            // Append the additional description data if it exists
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
                                queueName.Append(" ").Append(Regex.Replace(description, @"\s+", " "));

                        data.Key = queueName.ToString();

                        if (queueCount > 1)
                            queueName.Append(" ").Append(_queueIndex[data.Key].ToString("D3"));

                        data.QueueName = queueName.ToString();

Пример #49
        private void CloseSessionHandler(string sessionId, ShutdownOptions options)
            SessionProxyController controller = null;

            if (_proxyControllers.TryGetValue(sessionId, out controller))  //If a session exists, proceed with normal shutdown.  Otherwise reset manually.
                TraceFactory.Logger.Debug("Found & removed controller: Count: {0} : {1}".FormatWith(_proxyControllers.Count, controller.Endpoint.AbsoluteUri));

                if (!controller.SessionClosing) //Make sure the session isn't already closing
                    lock (controller)
                        controller.SessionClosing = true;
                            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(t => ShutdownScenario(controller, sessionId, options));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                TraceFactory.Logger.Debug(string.Format("Closing session {0}", sessionId));

                // Manually reset DomainAccountReservation for all inactive SessionIds
                using (AssetInventoryContext context = DbConnect.AssetInventoryContext())
                    List <string> activeSessionIds = context.FrameworkClients.Select(n => n.SessionId).Distinct().Where(n => n != null).ToList();

                    foreach (var reservation in context.DomainAccountReservations)
                        if (!activeSessionIds.Contains(reservation.SessionId))

                    // Parallel process the two actions required to clean up this session, first define
                    // the collection of actions, then spawn them each off in the background and then
                    // wait for them to return.
                    var actions = new Collection <Action>()
                        () => CleanupAssetHosts(sessionId),
                        () => CleanupResourceHosts(sessionId)
                    Parallel.ForEach <Action>(actions, a => a());

                    using (DataLogContext context = DbConnect.DataLogContext())
                        SessionSummary summary = context.DbSessions.First(n => n.SessionId == sessionId);
                        summary.Status      = SessionStatus.Aborted.ToString();
                        summary.EndDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    UpdateSessionShutdownState(MachineShutdownState.ManualReset, sessionId, ignoreMissing: true);
                    TraceFactory.Logger.Info("Done closing {0}".FormatWith(sessionId));
                catch (Exception ex)

                // Tell all clients to clean up any session info
                //Checks for any Virtual worker process which may have not been terminated correctly from the previous runs
                if (GlobalSettings.IsDistributedSystem == false)
                    using (DataLogContext context = DbConnect.DataLogContext())
                        SessionSummary summary = context.DbSessions.First(n => n.SessionId == sessionId);
                        if (summary.Dispatcher == Environment.MachineName)
Пример #50
 public editDyeingCompany()
     this.c = new DbConnect();
Пример #51
 public override ResponseModel Insert(DbConnect con, DynamicDictionary item)
     return(base.Insert(con, item));
Пример #52
 public override ResponseModel Insert(DbConnect con, DynamicDictionary item)
     item.Add("client_id", SessionData.client_id);
     return(base.Insert(con, item));
Пример #53
        //Form functions
        public M_VC_addBill(string form)
            this.Name      = "Add Bill";
            this.tablename = form;
            this.c         = new DbConnect();
            this.do_no     = new List <string>();

            //Create frop down type list
            List <string> dataSource = new List <string>();

            this.typeCB.DataSource         = dataSource;
            this.typeCB.DisplayMember      = "Type";
            this.typeCB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.typeCB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.typeCB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down lists
            var       dataSource1 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d           = c.getQC('f');

            for (int i = 0; i < d.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.financialYearCB.DataSource         = dataSource1;
            this.financialYearCB.DisplayMember      = "Financial Year";
            this.financialYearCB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.financialYearCB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.financialYearCB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            this.financialYearCB.SelectedIndex = this.financialYearCB.FindStringExact(c.getFinancialYear(this.inputDate.Value));

            //Create drop-down quality list
            DataTable     d1 = c.getQC('q');
            List <string> input_qualities = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < d1.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (this.tablename == "Carton")
                else if (this.tablename == "Carton_Produced")
            List <string> norep_quality_list = input_qualities.Distinct().ToList();

            this.qualityCB.DataSource         = norep_quality_list;
            this.qualityCB.DisplayMember      = "Quality";
            this.qualityCB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;//Create a drop-down list
            this.qualityCB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.qualityCB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

            //Create drop-down Customers list
            var       dataSource4 = new List <string>();
            DataTable d4          = c.getQC('C');


            for (int i = 0; i < d4.Rows.Count; i++)
            this.billCustomerNameCB.DataSource         = dataSource4;
            this.billCustomerNameCB.DisplayMember      = "Customers";
            this.billCustomerNameCB.DropDownStyle      = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown;//Create a drop-down list
            this.billCustomerNameCB.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems;
            this.billCustomerNameCB.AutoCompleteMode   = AutoCompleteMode.Append;

            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("Sl_No", "Sl_No");
            dataGridView1.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true;
            DataGridViewComboBoxColumn dgvCmb = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();

            dgvCmb.DataSource = this.do_no;
            dgvCmb.HeaderText = "DO Number";
            dataGridView1.Columns.Insert(1, dgvCmb);
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("DO Weight", "DO Weight");
            dataGridView1.Columns.Add("DO Amount", "DO Amount");
            dataGridView1.Columns[2].ReadOnly = true;
            dataGridView1.Columns[3].ReadOnly = true;
            dataGridView1.RowCount            = 10;

            c.set_dgv_column_sort_state(this.dataGridView1, DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable);
Пример #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up any child controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="officeWorker">The office worker.</param>
        protected override void SetupChildControls(OfficeWorker officeWorker)
            if (officeWorker == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("officeWorker");

            CitrixWorker worker = officeWorker as CitrixWorker;

            citrixServer_ComboBox.Visible = citrixServer_Label.Visible = true;
            appOptions_GroupBox.Visible   = true;
            workersPerVM_Label.Visible    = workersPerVM_UpDown.Visible = false;

            if (worker.RunMode != CitrixWorkerRunMode.None)
                citrixWorker_CheckBox.Checked = true;
                pubApp_RadioButton.Checked    = (worker.RunMode == CitrixWorkerRunMode.PublishedApp);
                desktop_RadioButton.Checked   = (worker.RunMode == CitrixWorkerRunMode.Desktop);
                pubApp_RadioButton.Checked  = true;
                pubApp_RadioButton.Enabled  = false;
                desktop_RadioButton.Enabled = false;

            pubApp_CheckBox.Checked = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(worker.PublishedApp);

            citrixWorker_CheckBox.CheckedChanged += runWorkerOrApp_CheckedChanged;
            pubApp_CheckBox.CheckedChanged       += runWorkerOrApp_CheckedChanged;

            desktop_RadioButton.CheckedChanged += desktop_RadioButton_CheckedChanged;
            pubApp_RadioButton.CheckedChanged  += pubApp_RadioButton_CheckedChanged;

            pubApp_ComboBox.Text = worker.PublishedApp;

            using (AssetInventoryContext context = DbConnect.AssetInventoryContext())
                string serverType = ServerType.Citrix.ToString();
                var    servers    = context.FrameworkServers.Where(n => n.ServerTypes.Any(m => m.Name == serverType) && n.Active).OrderBy(n => n.HostName);
                _citrixServers = new Collection <FrameworkServer>(servers.ToList());

                if (_citrixServers.Any())

                    var hostName = worker.ServerHostname;
                    if (!_citrixServers.Any(x => x.HostName.Equals(hostName)))
                        hostName = _citrixServers.First().HostName;

                    var appNames = SelectApplicationNames(context, hostName);
                    pubApp_ComboBox.DataSource = appNames;

                    if (appNames.Contains <string>(worker.PublishedApp))
                        pubApp_ComboBox.SelectedItem = worker.PublishedApp;


            citrixServer_ComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += citrixServer_ComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged;
Пример #55
        private async Task SendSorryMessageAsync(IDialogContext context)
            // Db
            DbConnect db = new DbConnect();

            Debug.WriteLine("root before sorry count : " + MessagesController.sorryMessageCnt);
            HistoryLog("root before sorry count : " + MessagesController.sorryMessageCnt);

            //int sorryMessageCheck = db.SelectUserQueryErrorMessageCheck(context.Activity.Conversation.Id, MessagesController.userData.GetProperty<int>("appID"));
            int sorryMessageCheck = db.SelectUserQueryErrorMessageCheck(context.Activity.Conversation.Id, MessagesController.chatBotID);


            var reply_err = context.MakeMessage();

            reply_err.Recipient        = context.Activity.From;
            reply_err.Type             = "message";
            reply_err.Attachments      = new List <Attachment>();
            reply_err.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

            Debug.WriteLine("root after sorry count : " + MessagesController.sorryMessageCnt);
            HistoryLog("root after sorry count : " + MessagesController.sorryMessageCnt);
            List <TextList> text = new List <TextList>();

            if (sorryMessageCheck == 0)
                text = db.SelectSorryDialogText("5");
                text = db.SelectSorryDialogText("6");

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Count; i++)
                HeroCard plCard = new HeroCard()
                    Title = text[i].cardTitle,
                    Text  = text[i].cardText

                Attachment plAttachment = plCard.ToAttachment();

            //reply_err.Text = SorryMessageList.GetSorryMessage(sorryMessageCheck);
            await context.PostAsync(reply_err);

            orgKRMent = Regex.Replace(beforeMessgaeText, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9ㄱ-힣]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline);

            for (int n = 0; n < Regex.Split(beforeMessgaeText, " ").Length; n++)
                string chgMsg = db.SelectChgMsg(Regex.Split(beforeMessgaeText, " ")[n]);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chgMsg))
                    beforeMessgaeText = beforeMessgaeText.Replace(Regex.Split(beforeMessgaeText, " ")[n], chgMsg);

            //Translator translateInfo = await getTranslate(beforeMessgaeText);

            //orgENGMent = Regex.Replace([0].translatedText, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9ㄱ-힣-\s-&#39;]", "", RegexOptions.Singleline);

            //orgENGMent = orgENGMent.Replace("&#39;", "'");

            //int dbResult = db.insertUserQuery(orgKRMent, orgENGMent, "", "", "", 0, 'D', "", "", "", "SEARCH", MessagesController.userData.GetProperty<int>("appID"));
            int dbResult = db.insertUserQuery(orgKRMent, "", "", "", "", 'D', MessagesController.chatBotID);

            Debug.WriteLine("INSERT QUERY RESULT : " + dbResult.ToString());

            DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;

            Debug.WriteLine("USER NUMBER : " + context.Activity.Conversation.Id);
            Debug.WriteLine("CUSTOMMER COMMENT KOREAN : " + beforeMessgaeText);
            //Debug.WriteLine("CUSTOMMER COMMENT ENGLISH : " +[0].translatedText.Replace("&#39;", "'"));
            Debug.WriteLine("CHANNEL_ID : " + context.Activity.ChannelId);
            Debug.WriteLine("프로그램 수행시간 : {0}/ms", ((endTime - startTime).Milliseconds));

            //int inserResult = db.insertHistory(context.Activity.Conversation.Id, beforeMessgaeText,[0].translatedText.Replace("&#39;", "'"), "SEARCH", context.Activity.ChannelId, ((endTime - startTime).Milliseconds), MessagesController.userData.GetProperty<int>("appID"));
            int inserResult = db.insertHistory(context.Activity.Conversation.Id, beforeMessgaeText, "ERROR", context.Activity.ChannelId, ((endTime - startTime).Milliseconds), MessagesController.chatBotID);

            if (inserResult > 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("HISTORY RESULT SUCCESS");
                Debug.WriteLine("HISTORY RESULT FAIL");