public void GetCompanyById_Sql() { var operation = new DbCommandOperation <Company, GetCompanyById_Sql>("Local"); Company _result = operation.ExecuteSingleReader(new GetCompanyById_Sql() { Id = 1 }); }
public void InsertBinary() { var operation = new DbCommandOperation <InsertPhoto>("Local"); IEnumerable <InsertPhoto> commands = GetFiles().Select(p => new InsertPhoto() { Photo = File.ReadAllBytes(p.FullName), Name = p.Name }); operation.ExecuteNonQuery(commands); }
public void TestDBStringArrayParameter2() { var operation = new DbCommandOperation <Company, GetCompanies2>("Local"); var parameters = new GetCompanies2() { Id = new int[] { 1, 3, 6, 9 } }; IEnumerable <Company> _result = operation.ExecuteReader(parameters); var _resultMaterialized = _result.ToList(); }
public void TestCreateNewDataProvider() { var operation = new DbCommandOperation <Company, GetCompanyAll>("LocalCustom"); operation.PreExecute += Operation_PreExecute; IEnumerable <Company> _result = operation.ExecuteReader(new GetCompanyAll() { }); var _resultMaterialized = _result.ToList(); }
public void GetCompanyById() { // NOTE: // Each construction of DbCommandOperation means it does initializion on first call. // when using multiple times it's best to set the declaration on class level instead of method level. var operation = new DbCommandOperation <Company, GetCompanyById>("Local"); Company _result = operation.ExecuteSingleReader(new GetCompanyById() { Id = 1 }); }
public void SelectAll() { var operation = new DbCommandOperation <Company, GetCompanyAll>("Local"); IEnumerable <Company> _result = operation.ExecuteReader(new GetCompanyAll() { }); var _resultMaterialized = _result.ToList(); var operation2 = new DbCommandOperation <Company, GetCompanyAll>("Local"); IEnumerable <Company> _result2 = operation2.ExecuteReader(new GetCompanyAll() { }); var _resultMaterialized2 = _result2.ToList(); }
public void TestInsertRandomData() { var operation = new DbCommandOperation <InsertCompanyRandom>("Local"); InsertCompanyRandom parameters = new InsertCompanyRandom() { }; for (int ii = 0; ii < 50; ii++) { operation.ExecuteNonQuery(parameters); int newId = parameters.Id; } }
public void InsertNull() { var insert = new InsertCompanyBySqlStatement() { Name = "First Company", Adress = "New Adres", Country = "NL", HouseNumber = "12", CompanyType = CompanyType.BV, Text = null, ZipCode = "ABCD12" }; var operationInsert = new DbCommandOperation <InsertCompanyBySqlStatement>("Local"); operationInsert.ExecuteNonQuery(insert); }
public void SelectAll() { var operation = new DbCommandOperation <Company, GetCompanyAll>("Local"); IEnumerable <Company> _result = operation.ExecuteReader(new GetCompanyAll() { }); StopWatch _watch = new StopWatch(); _watch.Start(); var _resultMaterialized = _result.ToList(); _watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(_watch.Duration); }
public void InsertCompany2() { var operation = new DbCommandOperation <InsertCompanyBySqlStatement>("Local"); InsertCompanyBySqlStatement parameters = new InsertCompanyBySqlStatement() { Adress = "", Country = "NLD", HouseNumber = "180", Name = "A Company Name", ZipCode = "4624JC", CompanyType = CompanyType.NV, Text = "My Name" }; operation.ExecuteNonQuery(parameters); int newId = parameters.Id; }
public void InsertCompanyTransactional() { // Delete all companies outside Transaction. var deleteoperation = new DbCommandOperation <DeleteAllCompanies>("Local"); deleteoperation.ExecuteNonQuery(); var operation1 = new DbCommandOperation <InsertCompanyByProcedure>("Local"); var operation2 = new DbCommandOperation <InsertCompanyBySqlStatement>("Local"); using (DbConnection connection = operation1.CreateConnection()) { // operation1.CreateConnection() : operation1 determines the connection to use. // the result is the same as operation2.CreateConnection(), they both create a ConnectionObject from Config "Local" connection.Open(); using (DbTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction()) { try { InsertCompanyByProcedure insert1 = new InsertCompanyByProcedure() { Adress = "", Country = "NLD", HouseNumber = "", Name = "A Company Name", ZipCode = "4624JC", CompanyType = CompanyType.NV, Text = "Guido Kleijer2" }; operation1.ExecuteNonQuery(connection, transaction, insert1); int newId = insert1.Id; // Too large ZipCode InsertCompanyBySqlStatement insert2 = new InsertCompanyBySqlStatement() { Adress = "", Country = "NLD", HouseNumber = "", Name = "A Company Name ", ZipCode = "4624JC TO LONG AAAAAAAAAAAbbbbbbbbbbbAAAAAAAAA TO LONG", CompanyType = CompanyType.NV, Text = "Guido Kleijer" }; operation2.ExecuteNonQuery(connection, transaction, insert2); int newId2 = insert2.Id; transaction.Commit(); } catch (Exception exception) { transaction.Rollback(); } } connection.Close(); } }