Пример #1
        protected DbCommandInfo Translate(DbExpression e)
            IDbExpressionTranslator translator    = this.DatabaseProvider.CreateDbExpressionTranslator();
            DbCommandInfo           dbCommandInfo = translator.Translate(e);

Пример #2
        //Note: as of May/13, MySql does not preserve comments preceding SP header; they are going to patch this.
        // For now, we put tag in a comment right after BEGIN
        public override bool ConvertToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
            var    table            = command.Table;
            string ProcBodyTemplate =
  -- Description: {1}
            string CreateProcTemplate =
                @"CREATE PROCEDURE {0}(

            command.Schema = table.Schema;
            //Build command that creates stored proc and execute it
            var listParams = new StringList();

            foreach (var prm in command.Parameters)
                var strOut  = (prm.Direction & ParameterDirection.Output) != 0 ? "OUT " : string.Empty;
                var prmSpec = string.Format("    {0}{1} {2}", strOut, prm.Name, prm.TypeInfo.SqlTypeSpec);
            var strParams = string.Join(",\r\n", listParams);
            var tag       = DbDriver.GeneratedCrudProcTagPrefix + command.DescriptiveTag;

            command.SourceHash     = SourceHasher.ComputeHash(command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.Sql);
            command.StoredProcBody = string.Format(ProcBodyTemplate, tag, command.Description, command.Sql, SourceHasher.GetHashLine(command.SourceHash));
            command.StoredProcText = string.Format(CreateProcTemplate, command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.StoredProcBody);
Пример #3
        private IDbCommand CreateDbCommand(DbCommandInfo commandInfo, DataConnection connection)
            var cmd = connection.DbConnection.CreateCommand();

            cmd.Transaction = connection.DbTransaction;
            bool isSp = commandInfo.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure && !connection.Session.Options.IsSet(EntitySessionOptions.DisableStoredProcs);

            if (isSp)
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                cmd.CommandText = commandInfo.FullCommandName;
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                cmd.CommandText = commandInfo.Sql;
            //Create parameters collection
            if (commandInfo.IsTemplatedSql)
                for (int index = 0; index < commandInfo.Parameters.Count; index++)
                    _driver.AddParameter(cmd, commandInfo.Parameters[index]);
Пример #4
 private void SetCrudCommandParameterValues(DbCommandInfo commandInfo, IDbCommand command, EntityRecord record)
     if (record.Status == EntityStatus.Stub)
     for (int i = 0; i < commandInfo.Parameters.Count; i++)
         var prm = (IDbDataParameter)command.Parameters[i];
         prm.Value = DBNull.Value;
         var prmInfo = commandInfo.Parameters[i];
         var isInput = prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input || prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
         if (!isInput)
         var col = prmInfo.SourceColumn;
         if (col == null || col.Member == null)
         var value = record.GetValueDirect(col.Member);
         if (value == null)
             value = DBNull.Value;
         var conv = prmInfo.TypeInfo.PropertyToColumnConverter;
         if (value != DBNull.Value && conv != null)
             value = conv(value);
         prm.Value = value;
     } //for i
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the query, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query.
        /// Additional columns or rows are ignored.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of model.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="query">The query.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The first column of the first row in the result set, or <see langword="null"/> if the result set is empty.
        /// Returns a maximum of 2033 characters.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If query is null.</exception>
        public object ExecuteScalar <T>(IQuery <T> query)
            Check.NotNull(query, nameof(query));

            using (var cnHelper = OpenConnection())
                using (DbCommandInfo commandInfo = CreateCommand(query.Expression))
                    if (commandInfo.Reader == null)
                        using (IDataReaderEnvelope reader = commandInfo.Reader)
                            if (reader.Read())
Пример #6
        //Note: be careful not to introduce trailing spaces, esp. when some of the template args are empty;
        // latest PG driver cuts them off.
        // TODO: need better solution for Postgres trailing spaces
        private bool ConvertNonQueryToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
            var table = command.Table;
            //TODO: refactor to return #of records
            string ProcBodyTemplate =
            const string CreateProcTemplate = @"
LANGUAGE plpgsql;

            // In Postgres, if function has output parameter(s), it must return scalar or record. If there's no out parameters, you must specify
            // something as return type - we specify VOID. If we have out param(s), we skip 'returns' clause, and Postgres adds it automatically.
            // If we have OUT parameter for identity field; we retrieve Identity value for INSERT using ' ... RETURNING "Id" INTO p_id; ' clause.
            // Insert SQL has already "... RETURNING "Id" ' clause - we add only ' INTO p_Id ' extra.
            command.Schema = table.Schema;
            var  listParams = new StringList();
            bool hasOut     = false;
            var  lstTargets = new List <string>();

            foreach (var prm in command.Parameters)
                string strOut = string.Empty;
                if ((prm.Direction & ParameterDirection.Output) != 0)
                    hasOut = true;
                    strOut = "OUT ";
                    var col = prm.SourceColumn;
                    if (col != null && col.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity))
                listParams.Add("    " + strOut + prm.Name + " " + prm.TypeInfo.SqlTypeSpec);
            string strReturns = hasOut ? string.Empty : "RETURNS VOID";
            var    strParams  = listParams.Count > 0 ? "\r\n    " + string.Join(",\r\n    ", listParams) + "\r\n" : string.Empty;
            var    header     = BuildProcHeader(command);
            var    strRetInto = string.Empty;

            if (lstTargets.Count > 0)
                strRetInto = "\r\n    INTO " + string.Join(", ", lstTargets);
            var sql = command.Sql.TrimEnd(' ', '\r', '\n', ';'); //trim ending semicolon so that we can append RETURNING clause

            command.SourceHash     = SourceHasher.ComputeHash(command.FullCommandName, strParams, sql);
            command.StoredProcBody = string.Format(ProcBodyTemplate, header, sql, strRetInto, SourceHasher.GetHashLine(command.SourceHash));
            command.StoredProcText =
                string.Format(CreateProcTemplate, command.FullCommandName, strParams, strReturns, command.StoredProcBody);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DbCommandProxy"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public DbCommandProxy(DbCommand command, DbCommandInfo info)
            Debug.Assert(command != null);
            Debug.Assert(info != null);

            _command = command;
            _commandInfo = info;
Пример #8
 public override void BuildStoredProcDropSql(DbObjectChange change, DbCommandInfo command)
     if(command.CustomTag == null) { //try to recover it
     var inpParams = command.Parameters.Where(p => p.Direction != ParameterDirection.Output);
     command.CustomTag = string.Join(", ", inpParams.Select(p => p.TypeInfo.SqlTypeSpec));
       var funcRef = string.Format(@"{0}.""{1}""({2})", command.Schema, command.CommandName, command.CustomTag);
       change.AddScript(DbScriptType.RoutineDrop, "DROP FUNCTION {0};", funcRef);
Пример #9
        // Another trouble - when deleting routine, you have to provide proc name AND list of parameter types -
        // even if you have a single proc with this name; reason - proc name overloading.
        // You might have 2+ procs with the same name but different parameter lists, so you MUST always reference proc
        // using name and parameter types - even if you have just one defined. Seriously?!!!
        public override void BuildStoredProcDropSql(DbObjectChange change, DbCommandInfo command)
            if (command.CustomTag == null) //try to recover it
                var inpParams = command.Parameters.Where(p => p.Direction != ParameterDirection.Output);
                command.CustomTag = string.Join(", ", inpParams.Select(p => p.TypeInfo.SqlTypeSpec));
            var funcRef = string.Format(@"{0}.""{1}""({2})", command.Schema, command.CommandName, command.CustomTag);

            change.AddScript(DbScriptType.RoutineDrop, "DROP FUNCTION {0};", funcRef);
Пример #10
        private string BuildProcHeader(DbCommandInfo command)
            var entCommand = command.EntityCommand;
            //table/category/operation; for ex: Product/CRUD/Update
            const string ProcHeaderLineTemplate =
-- Description: {2}

            return(string.Format(ProcHeaderLineTemplate, DbDriver.GeneratedCrudProcTagPrefix, command.DescriptiveTag, entCommand.Description));
Пример #11
        public override DbCommandInfo BuildSqlSequenceGetNextCommand(DbSequenceInfo sequence)
            const string SqlTemplate = "SELECT nextval('{0}.\"{1}\"');"; //note sequence name in double quotes inside single-quote argument
            //Load by primary key
            var cmdName = sequence.Name + "_GetNextValue";
            var cmdInfo = new DbCommandInfo(DbModel, sequence.Schema, cmdName, null, null);

            cmdInfo.Sql           = string.Format(SqlTemplate, sequence.Schema, sequence.Name);
            cmdInfo.ExecutionType = DbExecutionType.Scalar;
Пример #12
        public override DbCommandInfo BuildSqlSequenceGetNextCommand(DbSequenceInfo sequence)
            const string SqlTemplate = "SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR {0};";
            //Load by primary key
            var cmdName = sequence.Name + "_GetNextValue";
            var cmdInfo = new DbCommandInfo(DbModel, sequence.Schema, cmdName, null, null);

            cmdInfo.Sql           = string.Format(SqlTemplate, sequence.FullName);
            cmdInfo.ExecutionType = DbExecutionType.Scalar;
Пример #13
        }     //method

        //Tag sample: "CRUD/[books].[BookOrderLine]/Delete"
        // Note: we need to link Proc to table at load time, in case we will be deleting table - we also need to delete crud procs
        protected virtual void LinkCrudProcToTable(DbCommandInfo command, string tag)
            var arr     = tag.SplitNames('/');
            var tblName = arr[1];
            var tbl     = Model.GetTable(tblName);

            if (tbl != null)
                command.Table = tbl;
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of model result.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="query">The query.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// IEnumerable of models, which was materialized by query
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If query is null.</exception>
        public IEnumerable <T> Execute <T>(IQuery <T> query)
            Check.NotNull(query, nameof(query));

            Data.ConnectionHelper cnHelper    = OpenConnection();
            DbCommandInfo         commandInfo = CreateCommand(query.Expression);

            IDataReader reader = new ModelBuilder.QueryDataReader(commandInfo.Command, commandInfo.Reader,

            return(_modelBuilder.Materialize <T>(reader));
Пример #15
        public virtual DbCommandInfo Translate(DbExpression expression)
            SqlGenerator generator = this.CreateSqlGenerator();

            expression = EvaluableDbExpressionTransformer.Transform(expression);

            DbCommandInfo dbCommandInfo = new DbCommandInfo();

            dbCommandInfo.Parameters  = generator.Parameters;
            dbCommandInfo.CommandText = generator.SqlBuilder.ToSql();

Пример #16
        public DbCommandInfo Translate(DbExpression expression)
            SqlGenerator generator = SqlGenerator.CreateInstance();

            expression = EvaluableDbExpressionTransformer.Transform(expression);

            DbCommandInfo result = new DbCommandInfo();

            result.Parameters  = generator.Parameters;
            result.CommandText = generator.SqlBuilder.ToSql();

Пример #17
        public override bool ConvertToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
            switch (command.Kind)
            case EntityCommandKind.SelectAll:
            case EntityCommandKind.SelectAllPaged:
            case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKey:
            case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKeyManyToMany:

            case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKeyArray:

Пример #18

        // Sets parameter values.
        private void SetCommandParameterValues(DbCommandInfo commandInfo, IDbCommand command, object[] args)
            for (int i = 0; i < commandInfo.Parameters.Count; i++)
                var prmInfo = commandInfo.Parameters[i];
                if (prmInfo.ArgIndex >= 0)
                    var prm  = (IDbDataParameter)command.Parameters[i];
                    var v    = args[prmInfo.ArgIndex];
                    var conv = prmInfo.TypeInfo.PropertyToColumnConverter;
                    if (v != null && conv != null)
                        v = conv(v);
                    prm.Value = v;
            } //for i
Пример #19
        protected virtual void LoadRoutines()
            var supportsRoutines = Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.StoredProcedures);

            if (!supportsRoutines)
            var  data         = GetRoutines();
            bool hasCustomTag = data.HasColumn("ROUTINE_CUSTOM");

            foreach (DbRow row in data.Rows)
                var schema = row.GetAsString("ROUTINE_SCHEMA");
                if (!IncludeSchema(schema))
                var name     = row.GetAsString("ROUTINE_NAME");
                var procText = row.GetAsString("ROUTINE_DEFINITION");
                var descrTag = GetProcedureTag(procText);
                //if will be added to model.Commands automatically
                var dbCommand = new DbCommandInfo(Model, schema, name, null, descrTag);
                dbCommand.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                dbCommand.StoredProcText = procText;
                dbCommand.SourceHash     = SourceHasher.ExtractHash(procText);
                //detect if it is auto-generated
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(descrTag))
                    dbCommand.DescriptiveTag = descrTag;
                    dbCommand.Flags         |= DbCommandFlags.AutoGenerated;
                    if (descrTag.StartsWith("CRUD"))
                        LinkCrudProcToTable(dbCommand, descrTag);
                if (hasCustomTag)
                    dbCommand.CustomTag = row["ROUTINE_CUSTOM"];
            } //foreach
        }     //method
Пример #20

        public override void BuildStoredProcAddSql(DbObjectChange change, DbCommandInfo command)
            base.BuildStoredProcAddSql(change, command);
            const string GrantTemplate = "GRANT EXECUTE ON {0} TO [{1}];";

            if (command.EntityCommand.Kind.IsSelect())
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.GrantExecReadToRole))
                    change.AddScript(DbScriptType.Grant, GrantTemplate, command.FullCommandName, Settings.GrantExecReadToRole);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Settings.GrantExecWriteToRole))
                    change.AddScript(DbScriptType.Grant, GrantTemplate, command.FullCommandName, Settings.GrantExecWriteToRole);
Пример #21
        private void FormatTemplatedSql(DbCommandInfo commandInfo, IDbCommand command, object[] args)
            if (args == null || args.Length == 0)
            var values = new string[args.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < commandInfo.Parameters.Count; i++)
                var prmInfo = commandInfo.Parameters[i];
                if (prmInfo.ArgIndex >= 0)
                    var v    = args[prmInfo.ArgIndex];
                    var strV = prmInfo.ToLiteralConverter(v);
                    values[i] = strV;
                command.CommandText = string.Format(commandInfo.Sql, values);
            } //for i
Пример #22
 protected void ReadCrudOutputParameterValues(IDbCommand command, DbCommandInfo commandInfo, EntityRecord record)
     for (int i = 0; i < commandInfo.OutputParameters.Count; i++)
         var prmInfo = commandInfo.OutputParameters[i];
         var col     = prmInfo.SourceColumn;
         if (col == null)
         var prm   = command.Parameters[prmInfo.Name] as IDbDataParameter;
         var value = prm.Value;
         var conv  = prmInfo.TypeInfo.ColumnToPropertyConverter;
         if (value != DBNull.Value && conv != null)
             value = conv(value);
         record.ValuesModified[col.Member.ValueIndex] = value;
Пример #23
        public override bool ConvertToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
            const string ProcBodyTemplate =
                @"-- Description: {0}
            const string CreateProcTemplate = @"CREATE PROCEDURE {0} 
            var          table = command.Table;

            command.Schema = table.Schema;
            //Build command that creates stored proc and execute it
            var listParams = new StringList();

            foreach (var prm in command.Parameters)
                var strOut = (prm.Direction & ParameterDirection.Output) != 0 ? " OUTPUT" : string.Empty;
                // Add READONLY for table-type parameters
                var strReadOnly = (prm.TypeInfo.VendorDbType.VendorDbType == (int)SqlDbType.Structured) ? " READONLY" : string.Empty;
                var prmSpec     = "    " + prm.Name + " " + prm.TypeInfo.SqlTypeSpec + strReadOnly + strOut;
            var strParams = string.Join(",\r\n", listParams);
            var desc      = command.EntityCommand.Description;
            var tag       = DbDriver.GeneratedCrudProcTagPrefix + command.DescriptiveTag;

            command.SourceHash     = SourceHasher.ComputeHash(command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.Sql);
            command.StoredProcBody = string.Format(ProcBodyTemplate, desc, tag, command.Sql, SourceHasher.GetHashLine(command.SourceHash));
            command.StoredProcText = string.Format(CreateProcTemplate, command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.StoredProcBody);
Пример #24
        public virtual DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
            var descrTag = GetDbCommandDescriptiveTag(entityCommand);
            var cmdInfo  = new DbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql, descrTag);
            //Create parameters from entity command parameters
            var policy    = DbModel.Config.NamingPolicy;
            var prmPrefix = GetParameterPrefix();

            for (int i = 0; i < entityCommand.Parameters.Count; i++)
                var         entParam  = entityCommand.Parameters[i];
                var         paramName = prmPrefix + policy.GetDbParameterName(entParam.Name);
                DbParamInfo prmInfo;
                if (entParam.SourceMember != null)
                    var col = mainTable.Columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Member == entParam.SourceMember);
                    Util.Check(col != null, "Failed to find Db column for member {0}, entity {1}.", entParam.SourceMember.MemberName, mainTable.Entity.Name);
                    prmInfo = cmdInfo.AddParameter(entParam, paramName, col, i);
                    var typeInfo = GetDbTypeInfo(entParam.DataType, entParam.Size);
                    prmInfo = cmdInfo.AddParameter(entParam, paramName, typeInfo, i);
                // SQL CE does not support output parameters
                if (!this.DbModel.Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.OutputParameters))
                    prmInfo.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
                if (prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput)
                    cmdInfo.PostUpdateActions.Add((con, cmd, rec) => {
                        var prm = (IDbDataParameter)cmd.Parameters[prmInfo.Name];
                        rec.SetValueDirect(prmInfo.SourceColumn.Member, prm.Value);
            }//foreach entParam
Пример #25
        // See examples of stored procs at the end of this file

        private bool ConvertQueryToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
            var    table            = command.Table;
            string ProcBodyTemplate =
    ref1 refcursor;
    OPEN ref1 FOR
RETURN ref1;
            string CreateProcTemplate =
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

            command.Schema = table.Schema;
            //Build command that creates stored proc and execute it
            var listParams = new StringList();

            foreach (var prm in command.Parameters)
                var strOut = (prm.Direction & ParameterDirection.Output) != 0 ? " OUT" : string.Empty;
                listParams.Add("    " + strOut + prm.Name + " " + prm.TypeInfo.SqlTypeSpec);
            var strParams = listParams.Count > 0 ? "\r\n    " + string.Join(",\r\n    ", listParams) + "\r\n" : string.Empty;
            var header    = BuildProcHeader(command);

            command.SourceHash     = SourceHasher.ComputeHash(command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.Sql);
            command.StoredProcBody = string.Format(ProcBodyTemplate, header, command.Sql, SourceHasher.GetHashLine(command.SourceHash));
            command.StoredProcText =
                string.Format(CreateProcTemplate, header, command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.StoredProcBody);
Пример #26
        DbCommandFactor GenerateCommandFactor()
            IQueryState qs   = QueryExpressionResolver.Resolve(this._query.QueryExpression, new ScopeParameterDictionary(), new StringSet());
            MappingData data = qs.GenerateMappingData();

            IObjectActivator objectActivator;

            if (this._query._trackEntity)
                objectActivator = data.ObjectActivatorCreator.CreateObjectActivator(this._query.DbContext);
                objectActivator = data.ObjectActivatorCreator.CreateObjectActivator();

            IDbExpressionTranslator translator    = this._query.DbContext.DatabaseProvider.CreateDbExpressionTranslator();
            DbCommandInfo           dbCommandInfo = translator.Translate(data.SqlQuery);

            DbCommandFactor commandFactor = new DbCommandFactor(objectActivator, dbCommandInfo.CommandText, dbCommandInfo.GetParameters());

Пример #27
 protected virtual string GetGrantStatement(DbCommandInfo command)
     return null;
Пример #28
 public virtual DbCommandInfo CreateDbCommandInfo(EntityCommand entityCommand, string name, DbTableInfo mainTable, DbExecutionType executionType, string sql)
     var descrTag = GetDbCommandDescriptiveTag(entityCommand);
       var cmdInfo = new DbCommandInfo(entityCommand, name, mainTable, executionType, sql, descrTag);
       //Create parameters from entity command parameters
       var policy = DbModel.Config.NamingPolicy;
       var prmPrefix = GetParameterPrefix();
       for(int i=0; i< entityCommand.Parameters.Count; i++) {
     var entParam = entityCommand.Parameters[i];
     var paramName = prmPrefix + policy.ConstructDbParameterName(entParam.Name);
     DbParamInfo prmInfo;
     if (entParam.SourceMember != null) {
       var col = mainTable.Columns.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Member == entParam.SourceMember);
       Util.Check(col != null, "Failed to find Db column for member {0}, entity {1}.", entParam.SourceMember.MemberName, mainTable.Entity.Name);
       prmInfo = cmdInfo.AddParameter(entParam, paramName, col, i);
     } else {
       var typeInfo = GetDbTypeInfo(entParam.DataType, entParam.Size);
       prmInfo = cmdInfo.AddParameter(entParam, paramName, typeInfo, i);
     // SQL CE does not support output parameters
     if (!this.DbModel.Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.OutputParameters))
       prmInfo.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
     if (prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.Output || prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) {
       cmdInfo.PostUpdateActions.Add((con, cmd, rec) => {
     var prm = (IDbDataParameter) cmd.Parameters[prmInfo.Name];
     rec.SetValueDirect(prmInfo.SourceColumn.Member, prm.Value);
       }//foreach entParam
       return cmdInfo;
Пример #29
        protected virtual async Task <TEntity> Insert <TEntity>(TEntity entity, string table, bool @async)

            TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = EntityTypeContainer.GetDescriptor(typeof(TEntity));

            Dictionary <PrimitivePropertyDescriptor, object> keyValueMap = PrimaryKeyHelper.CreateKeyValueMap(typeDescriptor);

            Dictionary <PrimitivePropertyDescriptor, DbExpression> insertColumns = new Dictionary <PrimitivePropertyDescriptor, DbExpression>();

            foreach (PrimitivePropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor in typeDescriptor.PrimitivePropertyDescriptors)
                if (propertyDescriptor.IsAutoIncrement)

                object val = propertyDescriptor.GetValue(entity);

                if (propertyDescriptor.IsPrimaryKey)
                    keyValueMap[propertyDescriptor] = val;

                PublicHelper.NotNullCheck(propertyDescriptor, val);

                DbParameterExpression valExp = DbExpression.Parameter(val, propertyDescriptor.PropertyType, propertyDescriptor.Column.DbType);
                insertColumns.Add(propertyDescriptor, valExp);

            PrimitivePropertyDescriptor nullValueKey = keyValueMap.Where(a => a.Value == null && !a.Key.IsAutoIncrement).Select(a => a.Key).FirstOrDefault();

            if (nullValueKey != null)
                /* 主键为空并且主键又不是自增列 */
                throw new ChloeException(string.Format("The primary key '{0}' could not be null.", nullValueKey.Property.Name));

            DbTable            dbTable = PublicHelper.CreateDbTable(typeDescriptor, table);
            DbInsertExpression e       = new DbInsertExpression(dbTable);

            foreach (var kv in insertColumns)
                e.InsertColumns.Add(kv.Key.Column, kv.Value);

            PrimitivePropertyDescriptor autoIncrementPropertyDescriptor = typeDescriptor.AutoIncrement;

            if (autoIncrementPropertyDescriptor == null)
                await this.ExecuteNonQuery(e, @async);


            IDbExpressionTranslator translator    = this.DatabaseProvider.CreateDbExpressionTranslator();
            DbCommandInfo           dbCommandInfo = translator.Translate(e);

            dbCommandInfo.CommandText = string.Concat(dbCommandInfo.CommandText, ";", this.GetSelectLastInsertIdClause());

            //SELECT @@IDENTITY 返回的是 decimal 类型
            object retIdentity = await this.ExecuteScalar(dbCommandInfo, @async);

            if (retIdentity == null || retIdentity == DBNull.Value)
                throw new ChloeException("Unable to get the identity value.");

            retIdentity = PublicHelper.ConvertObjectType(retIdentity, autoIncrementPropertyDescriptor.PropertyType);
            autoIncrementPropertyDescriptor.SetValue(entity, retIdentity);
Пример #30
        private IDbCommand CreateDbCommand(DbCommandInfo commandInfo, DataConnection connection)
            var cmd = connection.DbConnection.CreateCommand();
              cmd.Transaction = connection.DbTransaction;
              bool isSp = commandInfo.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure && !connection.Session.Options.IsSet(EntitySessionOptions.DisableStoredProcs);
              if(isSp) {
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = commandInfo.FullCommandName;
              } else {
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            cmd.CommandText = commandInfo.Sql;
              //Create parameters collection
              if(commandInfo.IsTemplatedSql) {

              } else {
            for(int index = 0; index < commandInfo.Parameters.Count; index++)
              _driver.AddParameter(cmd, commandInfo.Parameters[index]);
              return cmd;
Пример #31
 // Sets parameter values.
 private void SetCommandParameterValues(DbCommandInfo commandInfo, IDbCommand command, object[] args)
     for(int i = 0; i < commandInfo.Parameters.Count; i++) {
     var prmInfo = commandInfo.Parameters[i];
     if(prmInfo.ArgIndex >= 0) {
       var prm = (IDbDataParameter)command.Parameters[i];
       var v = args[prmInfo.ArgIndex];
       var conv = prmInfo.TypeInfo.PropertyToColumnConverter;
       if(v != null && conv != null)
     v = conv(v);
       prm.Value = v;
       } //for i
Пример #32
        protected override async Task <object> Insert <TEntity>(Expression <Func <TEntity> > content, string table, bool @async)

            TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = EntityTypeContainer.GetDescriptor(typeof(TEntity));

            if (typeDescriptor.PrimaryKeys.Count > 1)
                /* 对于多主键的实体,暂时不支持调用这个方法进行插入 */
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Can not call this method because entity '{0}' has multiple keys.", typeDescriptor.Definition.Type.FullName));

            PrimitivePropertyDescriptor keyPropertyDescriptor = typeDescriptor.PrimaryKeys.FirstOrDefault();

            Dictionary <MemberInfo, Expression> insertColumns = InitMemberExtractor.Extract(content);

            DbTable dbTable = PublicHelper.CreateDbTable(typeDescriptor, table);

            DefaultExpressionParser expressionParser = typeDescriptor.GetExpressionParser(dbTable);
            DbInsertExpression      insertExp        = new DbInsertExpression(dbTable);

            object keyVal = null;

            foreach (var kv in insertColumns)
                MemberInfo key = kv.Key;
                PrimitivePropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = typeDescriptor.GetPrimitivePropertyDescriptor(key);

                if (propertyDescriptor.IsAutoIncrement)
                    throw new ChloeException(string.Format("Could not insert value into the identity column '{0}'.", propertyDescriptor.Column.Name));

                if (propertyDescriptor.HasSequence())
                    throw new ChloeException(string.Format("Can not insert value into the column '{0}', because it's mapping member has define a sequence.", propertyDescriptor.Column.Name));

                if (propertyDescriptor.IsPrimaryKey)
                    object val = ExpressionEvaluator.Evaluate(kv.Value);
                    if (val == null)
                        throw new ChloeException(string.Format("The primary key '{0}' could not be null.", propertyDescriptor.Property.Name));
                        keyVal = val;
                        insertExp.InsertColumns.Add(propertyDescriptor.Column, DbExpression.Parameter(keyVal));

                insertExp.InsertColumns.Add(propertyDescriptor.Column, expressionParser.Parse(kv.Value));

            foreach (var item in typeDescriptor.PrimitivePropertyDescriptors.Where(a => a.HasSequence()))
                DbMethodCallExpression getNextValueForSequenceExp = PublicHelper.MakeNextValueForSequenceDbExpression(item, dbTable.Schema);
                insertExp.InsertColumns.Add(item.Column, getNextValueForSequenceExp);

            if (keyPropertyDescriptor != null)
                if (keyVal == null && !keyPropertyDescriptor.IsAutoIncrement && !keyPropertyDescriptor.HasSequence())
                    throw new ChloeException(string.Format("The primary key '{0}' could not be null.", keyPropertyDescriptor.Property.Name));

            if (keyPropertyDescriptor == null)
                await this.ExecuteNonQuery(insertExp, @async);

                return(keyVal); /* It will return null if an entity does not define primary key. */
            if (!keyPropertyDescriptor.IsAutoIncrement && !keyPropertyDescriptor.HasSequence())
                await this.ExecuteNonQuery(insertExp, @async);



            IDbExpressionTranslator translator    = this.DatabaseProvider.CreateDbExpressionTranslator();
            DbCommandInfo           dbCommandInfo = translator.Translate(insertExp);

            object ret = this.Session.ExecuteScalar(dbCommandInfo.CommandText, dbCommandInfo.GetParameters());

            if (ret == null || ret == DBNull.Value)
                throw new ChloeException("Unable to get the identity/sequence value.");

            ret = PublicHelper.ConvertObjectType(ret, typeDescriptor.AutoIncrement.PropertyType);
Пример #33
 protected void ReadCrudOutputParameterValues(IDbCommand command, DbCommandInfo commandInfo, EntityRecord record)
     for (int i = 0; i < commandInfo.OutputParameters.Count; i++) {
     var prmInfo = commandInfo.OutputParameters[i];
     var col = prmInfo.SourceColumn;
     if (col == null) continue;
     var prm = command.Parameters[prmInfo.Name] as IDbDataParameter;
     var value = prm.Value;
     var conv = prmInfo.TypeInfo.ColumnToPropertyConverter;
     if (value != DBNull.Value && conv != null)
       value = conv(value);
     record.ValuesModified[col.Member.ValueIndex] = value;
Пример #34
 protected virtual string GetGrantStatement(DbCommandInfo command)
Пример #35
 //Tag sample: "CRUD/[books].[BookOrderLine]/Delete"
 // Note: we need to link Proc to table at load time, in case we will be deleting table - we also need to delete crud procs
 protected virtual void LinkCrudProcToTable(DbCommandInfo command, string tag)
     var arr = tag.SplitNames('/');
       var tblName = arr[1];
       var tbl = Model.GetTable(tblName);
       if(tbl != null) {
     command.Table = tbl;
Пример #36
 protected virtual void LoadRoutines()
     var supportsRoutines = Driver.Supports(DbFeatures.StoredProcedures);
       if (!supportsRoutines) return;
       var data = GetRoutines();
       bool hasCustomTag = data.Columns.Contains("ROUTINE_CUSTOM");
       foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows) {
     var schema = row.GetAsString("ROUTINE_SCHEMA");
     if (!IncludeSchema(schema)) continue;
     var name = row.GetAsString("ROUTINE_NAME");
     var procText = row.GetAsString("ROUTINE_DEFINITION");
     var descrTag = GetProcedureTag(procText);
     //if will be added to model.Commands automatically
     var dbCommand = new DbCommandInfo(Model, schema, name, null, descrTag);
     dbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
     dbCommand.StoredProcText = procText;
     dbCommand.SourceHash = SourceHasher.ExtractHash(procText);
     //detect if it is auto-generated
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(descrTag)) {
       dbCommand.DescriptiveTag = descrTag;
       dbCommand.Flags |= DbCommandFlags.AutoGenerated;
       if (descrTag.StartsWith("CRUD"))
     LinkCrudProcToTable(dbCommand, descrTag);
     if (hasCustomTag)
       dbCommand.CustomTag = row["ROUTINE_CUSTOM"];
Пример #37
 public override DbCommandInfo BuildSqlSequenceGetNextCommand(DbSequenceInfo sequence)
     const string SqlTemplate = "SELECT nextval('{0}.\"{1}\"');"; //note sequence name in double quotes inside single-quote argument
       //Load by primary key
       var cmdName = sequence.Name + "_GetNextValue";
       var cmdInfo = new DbCommandInfo(DbModel, sequence.Schema, cmdName, null, null);
       cmdInfo.Sql = string.Format(SqlTemplate, sequence.Schema, sequence.Name);
       cmdInfo.ExecutionType = DbExecutionType.Scalar;
       return cmdInfo;
Пример #38
 public override bool ConvertToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
     switch (command.Kind) {
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectAll:
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectAllPaged:
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKey:
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKeyManyToMany:
       return ConvertQueryToStoredProc(command);
     case EntityCommandKind.SelectByKeyArray:
       return ConvertQueryToStoredProc(command);
       return ConvertNonQueryToStoredProc(command);
Пример #39
        //Creates default implementation for servers that do not support array parameters.
        // The command is implemented as templated SQL
        public virtual DbCommandInfo BuildSelectByKeyArrayCommand(EntityCommand entityCommand)
            const string SqlSelectByFkTemplate = @"
            SELECT {0} {1}
              FROM {2}
              WHERE {3}
              var table = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbTableInfo>(entityCommand.TargetEntityInfo, throwNotFound: true);
              var dbKey = DbModel.LookupDbObject<DbKeyInfo>(entityCommand.SelectKey);
              if (dbKey.KeyColumns.Count > 1)
            return null;
              var keyCol = dbKey.KeyColumns[0].Column.ColumnName;
              var cmdName = ModelConfig.NamingPolicy.ConstructDbCommandName(entityCommand, table.TableName, "SelectByArrayOf_", keyCol);
              var descrTag = GetDbCommandDescriptiveTag(entityCommand);
              var cmdInfo = new DbCommandInfo(entityCommand, cmdName, table, DbExecutionType.Reader, null, descrTag);
              cmdInfo.IsTemplatedSql = true;

              //Build column list
              var outColumns = table.Columns.GetSelectable();
              var strColumns = outColumns.GetSqlNameList();
              //build WHERE clause

              var whereExpr = '"' + keyCol + '"' + " IN ({0})"; //this {0} will remain in a template
              if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entityCommand.Filter))
            whereExpr = whereExpr + " AND " + ProcessFilter(entityCommand, table);
              string orderByExpr = null;
              if (dbKey.KeyType == KeyType.PrimaryKey)
            orderByExpr = null;
            orderByExpr = BuildOrderBy(table.DefaultOrderBy);
              string strTop = string.Empty;
              var sql = string.Format(SqlSelectByFkTemplate, strTop, strColumns, table.FullName, whereExpr, orderByExpr);
              sql = sql.Trim() + ";";
              cmdInfo.Sql = sql;
              cmdInfo.EntityMaterializer = CreateEntityMaterializer(table, outColumns);
              //Create parameter for just-in-time formatting of SQL
              var entPrm = entityCommand.Parameters[0];
              Type elemType;
              Util.Check(entPrm.DataType.IsListOfDbPrimitive(out elemType), "Parameter is not list of primitives.");
              var elemTypeInfo = GetDbTypeInfo(elemType, 0);
              Util.Check(elemTypeInfo != null, "Failed to get db type information for type {0}.", elemType);
              var prm = new DbParamInfo(entPrm, "(array)", 0);
              prm.ToLiteralConverter = (list) => ConvertList(list, elemTypeInfo);
              return cmdInfo;
Пример #40
        protected override async Task <TEntity> Insert <TEntity>(TEntity entity, string table, bool @async)

            TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = EntityTypeContainer.GetDescriptor(typeof(TEntity));

            DbTable dbTable = PublicHelper.CreateDbTable(typeDescriptor, table);

            List <PrimitivePropertyDescriptor> outputColumns = new List <PrimitivePropertyDescriptor>();
            Dictionary <PrimitivePropertyDescriptor, DbExpression> insertColumns = new Dictionary <PrimitivePropertyDescriptor, DbExpression>();

            foreach (PrimitivePropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor in typeDescriptor.PrimitivePropertyDescriptors)
                if (propertyDescriptor.IsAutoIncrement)

                if (propertyDescriptor.HasSequence())
                    DbMethodCallExpression getNextValueForSequenceExp = PublicHelper.MakeNextValueForSequenceDbExpression(propertyDescriptor, dbTable.Schema);
                    insertColumns.Add(propertyDescriptor, getNextValueForSequenceExp);

                object val = propertyDescriptor.GetValue(entity);

                PublicHelper.NotNullCheck(propertyDescriptor, val);

                DbExpression valExp = DbExpression.Parameter(val, propertyDescriptor.PropertyType, propertyDescriptor.Column.DbType);
                insertColumns.Add(propertyDescriptor, valExp);

            DbInsertExpression e = new DbInsertExpression(dbTable);

            foreach (var kv in insertColumns)
                e.InsertColumns.Add(kv.Key.Column, kv.Value);

            e.Returns.AddRange(outputColumns.Select(a => a.Column));

            DbCommandInfo dbCommandInfo = this.Translate(e);

            await this.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommandInfo, @async);

            List <DbParam> outputParams = dbCommandInfo.Parameters.Where(a => a.Direction == ParamDirection.Output).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < outputColumns.Count; i++)
                PrimitivePropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = outputColumns[i];
                string  putputColumnName = Utils.GenOutputColumnParameterName(propertyDescriptor.Column.Name);
                DbParam outputParam      = outputParams.Where(a => a.Name == putputColumnName).First();
                var     outputValue      = PublicHelper.ConvertObjectType(outputParam.Value, propertyDescriptor.PropertyType);
                outputColumns[i].SetValue(entity, outputValue);

Пример #41
 public override DbCommandInfo BuildSqlSequenceGetNextCommand(DbSequenceInfo sequence)
     const string SqlTemplate = "SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR {0};";
       //Load by primary key
       var cmdName = sequence.Name + "_GetNextValue";
       var cmdInfo = new DbCommandInfo(DbModel, sequence.Schema, cmdName, null, null);
       cmdInfo.Sql = string.Format(SqlTemplate, sequence.FullName);
       cmdInfo.ExecutionType = DbExecutionType.Scalar;
       return cmdInfo;
Пример #42
 private void SetCrudCommandParameterValues(DbCommandInfo commandInfo, IDbCommand command, EntityRecord record)
     if (record.Status == EntityStatus.Stub)
       for (int i = 0; i < commandInfo.Parameters.Count; i++) {
     var prm = (IDbDataParameter)command.Parameters[i];
     prm.Value = DBNull.Value;
     var prmInfo = commandInfo.Parameters[i];
     var isInput = prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input || prmInfo.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
     if (!isInput)  continue;
     var col = prmInfo.SourceColumn;
     if (col == null || col.Member == null) continue;
     var value = record.GetValueDirect(col.Member);
     if(value == null)
       value = DBNull.Value;
     var conv = prmInfo.TypeInfo.PropertyToColumnConverter;
     if (value != DBNull.Value && conv != null)
       value = conv(value);
     prm.Value = value;
       } //for i
Пример #43
 public override bool ConvertToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
     const string ProcBodyTemplate =
     @"-- Description: {0}
       const string CreateProcTemplate = @"CREATE PROCEDURE {0}
       var table = command.Table;
       command.Schema = table.Schema;
       //Build command that creates stored proc and execute it
       var listParams = new StringList();
       foreach (var prm in command.Parameters) {
     var strOut = (prm.Direction & ParameterDirection.Output) != 0 ? " OUTPUT" : string.Empty;
     // Add READONLY for table-type parameters
     var strReadOnly = (prm.TypeInfo.VendorDbType.VendorDbType == (int)SqlDbType.Structured) ? " READONLY" : string.Empty;
     var prmSpec = "    " + prm.Name + " " + prm.TypeInfo.SqlTypeSpec + strReadOnly + strOut;
       var strParams = string.Join(",\r\n", listParams);
       var desc = command.EntityCommand.Description;
       var tag = DbDriver.GeneratedCrudProcTagPrefix + command.DescriptiveTag;
       command.SourceHash = SourceHasher.ComputeHash(command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.Sql);
       command.StoredProcBody = string.Format(ProcBodyTemplate, desc, tag, command.Sql, SourceHasher.GetHashLine(command.SourceHash));
       command.StoredProcText = string.Format(CreateProcTemplate, command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.StoredProcBody);
       return true;
Пример #44
        protected override async Task <TEntity> Insert <TEntity>(TEntity entity, string table, bool @async)

            TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = EntityTypeContainer.GetDescriptor(typeof(TEntity));

            DbTable dbTable = PublicHelper.CreateDbTable(typeDescriptor, table);

            Dictionary <PrimitivePropertyDescriptor, object> keyValueMap = PrimaryKeyHelper.CreateKeyValueMap(typeDescriptor);

            Dictionary <PrimitivePropertyDescriptor, DbExpression> insertColumns = new Dictionary <PrimitivePropertyDescriptor, DbExpression>();

            foreach (PrimitivePropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor in typeDescriptor.PrimitivePropertyDescriptors)
                if (propertyDescriptor.IsAutoIncrement)

                if (propertyDescriptor.HasSequence())
                    DbMethodCallExpression getNextValueForSequenceExp = PublicHelper.MakeNextValueForSequenceDbExpression(propertyDescriptor, dbTable.Schema);
                    insertColumns.Add(propertyDescriptor, getNextValueForSequenceExp);

                object val = propertyDescriptor.GetValue(entity);

                PublicHelper.NotNullCheck(propertyDescriptor, val);

                if (propertyDescriptor.IsPrimaryKey)
                    keyValueMap[propertyDescriptor] = val;

                DbParameterExpression valExp = DbExpression.Parameter(val, propertyDescriptor.PropertyType, propertyDescriptor.Column.DbType);
                insertColumns.Add(propertyDescriptor, valExp);

            PrimitivePropertyDescriptor nullValueKey = keyValueMap.Where(a => a.Value == null && !a.Key.IsAutoIncrement).Select(a => a.Key).FirstOrDefault();

            if (nullValueKey != null)
                /* 主键为空并且主键又不是自增列 */
                throw new ChloeException(string.Format("The primary key '{0}' could not be null.", nullValueKey.Property.Name));

            DbInsertExpression insertExp = new DbInsertExpression(dbTable);

            foreach (var kv in insertColumns)
                insertExp.InsertColumns.Add(kv.Key.Column, kv.Value);

            List <Action <TEntity, IDataReader> > mappers = new List <Action <TEntity, IDataReader> >();

            foreach (var item in typeDescriptor.PrimitivePropertyDescriptors.Where(a => a.IsAutoIncrement || a.HasSequence()))
                mappers.Add(GetMapper <TEntity>(item, insertExp.Returns.Count));

            if (mappers.Count == 0)
                await this.ExecuteNonQuery(insertExp, @async);


            IDbExpressionTranslator translator    = this.DatabaseProvider.CreateDbExpressionTranslator();
            DbCommandInfo           dbCommandInfo = translator.Translate(insertExp);

            IDataReader dataReader = this.Session.ExecuteReader(dbCommandInfo.CommandText, dbCommandInfo.GetParameters());

            using (dataReader)
                foreach (var mapper in mappers)
                    mapper(entity, dataReader);

Пример #45
        //Note: be careful not to introduce trailing spaces, esp. when some of the template args are empty;
        // latest PG driver cuts them off.
        // TODO: need better solution for Postgres trailing spaces
        private bool ConvertNonQueryToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
            var table = command.Table;
              //TODO: refactor to return #of records
              string ProcBodyTemplate =
              const string CreateProcTemplate = @"
            CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {0}({1}) {2} AS
            LANGUAGE plpgsql;
              // In Postgres, if function has output parameter(s), it must return scalar or record. If there's no out parameters, you must specify
              // something as return type - we specify VOID. If we have out param(s), we skip 'returns' clause, and Postgres adds it automatically.
              // We have OUT parameter for identity field; we retrieving Identity value for INSERT using ' ... RETURNING "Id" INTO p_id; ' clause.
              // Insert SQL has already "... RETURNING "Id" ' clause - we add only ' INTO p_Id ' extra.
              command.Schema = table.Schema;
              var listParams = new StringList();
              bool hasOut = false;
              var lstTargets = new List<string>();
              foreach (var prm in command.Parameters) {
            string strOut = string.Empty;
            if ((prm.Direction & ParameterDirection.Output) != 0) {
              hasOut = true;
              strOut = "OUT ";
              var col = prm.SourceColumn;
              if (col != null && col.Flags.IsSet(DbColumnFlags.Identity)) {
            listParams.Add("    " + strOut + prm.Name + " " + prm.TypeInfo.SqlTypeSpec);
              string strReturns = hasOut ? string.Empty : "RETURNS VOID";
              var strParams = listParams.Count > 0 ? "\r\n    " + string.Join(",\r\n    ", listParams) + "\r\n" : string.Empty;
              var header = BuildProcHeader(command);
              var strRetInto = string.Empty;
              if (lstTargets.Count > 0)
            strRetInto = "\r\n    INTO "  + string.Join(", ", lstTargets);
              var sql = command.Sql.TrimEnd(' ', '\r', '\n', ';'); //trim ending semicolon so that we can append RETURNING clause

              command.SourceHash = SourceHasher.ComputeHash(command.FullCommandName, strParams, sql);
              command.StoredProcBody = string.Format(ProcBodyTemplate, header, sql, strRetInto, SourceHasher.GetHashLine(command.SourceHash));
              command.StoredProcText =
            string.Format(CreateProcTemplate, command.FullCommandName, strParams, strReturns, command.StoredProcBody);
              return true;
Пример #46
 private void FormatTemplatedSql(DbCommandInfo commandInfo, IDbCommand command, object[] args)
     if(args == null || args.Length == 0)
       var values = new string[args.Length];
       for(int i = 0; i < commandInfo.Parameters.Count; i++) {
     var prmInfo = commandInfo.Parameters[i];
     if(prmInfo.ArgIndex >= 0) {
       var v = args[prmInfo.ArgIndex];
       var strV = prmInfo.ToLiteralConverter(v);
       values[i] = strV;
     command.CommandText = string.Format(commandInfo.Sql, values);
       } //for i
Пример #47
 // Stored procedures ==============================================================
 public virtual bool ConvertToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
     Util.Throw("Stored procedures are not supported by driver {0}", this.GetType().Name);
       return false;
Пример #48
 // See examples of stored procs at the end of this file
 private bool ConvertQueryToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
     var table = command.Table;
       string ProcBodyTemplate =
     ref1 refcursor;
     OPEN ref1 FOR
     RETURN ref1;
       string CreateProcTemplate =
     CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION {1} ({2}) RETURNS refcursor AS $$
     $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
       command.Schema = table.Schema;
       //Build command that creates stored proc and execute it
       var listParams = new StringList();
       foreach (var prm in command.Parameters) {
     var strOut = (prm.Direction & ParameterDirection.Output) != 0 ? " OUT" : string.Empty;
     listParams.Add("    " + strOut + prm.Name + " " + prm.TypeInfo.SqlTypeSpec);
       var strParams = listParams.Count > 0 ? "\r\n    " + string.Join(",\r\n    ", listParams) + "\r\n" : string.Empty;
       var header = BuildProcHeader(command);
       command.SourceHash = SourceHasher.ComputeHash(command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.Sql);
       command.StoredProcBody = string.Format(ProcBodyTemplate, header, command.Sql, SourceHasher.GetHashLine(command.SourceHash));
       command.StoredProcText =
     string.Format(CreateProcTemplate, header, command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.StoredProcBody);
       return true;
Пример #49
 private string BuildProcHeader(DbCommandInfo command)
     var entCommand = command.EntityCommand;
       //table/category/operation; for ex: Product/CRUD/Update
       const string ProcHeaderLineTemplate =
     -- Description: {2}
       return string.Format(ProcHeaderLineTemplate, DbDriver.GeneratedCrudProcTagPrefix, command.DescriptiveTag, entCommand.Description);
Пример #50
        protected virtual async Task <object> Insert <TEntity>(Expression <Func <TEntity> > content, string table, bool @async)

            TypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = EntityTypeContainer.GetDescriptor(typeof(TEntity));

            if (typeDescriptor.PrimaryKeys.Count > 1)
                /* 对于多主键的实体,暂时不支持调用这个方法进行插入 */
                throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Can not call this method because entity '{0}' has multiple keys.", typeDescriptor.Definition.Type.FullName));

            PrimitivePropertyDescriptor keyPropertyDescriptor = typeDescriptor.PrimaryKeys.FirstOrDefault();

            Dictionary <MemberInfo, Expression> insertColumns = InitMemberExtractor.Extract(content);

            DbTable explicitDbTable = null;

            if (table != null)
                explicitDbTable = new DbTable(table, typeDescriptor.Table.Schema);
            DefaultExpressionParser expressionParser = typeDescriptor.GetExpressionParser(explicitDbTable);
            DbInsertExpression      e = new DbInsertExpression(explicitDbTable ?? typeDescriptor.Table);

            object keyVal = null;

            foreach (var kv in insertColumns)
                MemberInfo key = kv.Key;
                PrimitivePropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = typeDescriptor.GetPrimitivePropertyDescriptor(key);

                if (propertyDescriptor.IsAutoIncrement)
                    throw new ChloeException(string.Format("Could not insert value into the identity column '{0}'.", propertyDescriptor.Column.Name));

                if (propertyDescriptor.IsPrimaryKey)
                    object val = ExpressionEvaluator.Evaluate(kv.Value);
                    if (val == null)
                        throw new ChloeException(string.Format("The primary key '{0}' could not be null.", propertyDescriptor.Property.Name));
                        keyVal = val;
                        e.InsertColumns.Add(propertyDescriptor.Column, DbExpression.Parameter(keyVal, propertyDescriptor.PropertyType, propertyDescriptor.Column.DbType));

                e.InsertColumns.Add(propertyDescriptor.Column, expressionParser.Parse(kv.Value));

            if (keyPropertyDescriptor != null)
                if (keyVal == null && !keyPropertyDescriptor.IsAutoIncrement)
                    throw new ChloeException(string.Format("The primary key '{0}' could not be null.", keyPropertyDescriptor.Property.Name));

            if (keyPropertyDescriptor == null || !keyPropertyDescriptor.IsAutoIncrement)
                await this.ExecuteNonQuery(e, @async);

                return(keyVal); /* It will return null if an entity does not define primary key. */

            IDbExpressionTranslator translator    = this.DatabaseProvider.CreateDbExpressionTranslator();
            DbCommandInfo           dbCommandInfo = translator.Translate(e);

            dbCommandInfo.CommandText = string.Concat(dbCommandInfo.CommandText, ";", this.GetSelectLastInsertIdClause());

            //SELECT @@IDENTITY 返回的是 decimal 类型
            object retIdentity = await this.ExecuteScalar(dbCommandInfo, @async);

            if (retIdentity == null || retIdentity == DBNull.Value)
                throw new ChloeException("Unable to get the identity value.");

            retIdentity = PublicHelper.ConvertObjectType(retIdentity, typeDescriptor.AutoIncrement.PropertyType);
Пример #51
 //Note: as of May/13, MySql does not preserve comments preceding SP header; they are going to patch this.
 // For now, we put tag in a comment right after BEGIN
 public override bool ConvertToStoredProc(DbCommandInfo command)
     var table = command.Table;
       string ProcBodyTemplate =
       -- Description: {1}
       string CreateProcTemplate =
       command.Schema = table.Schema;
       //Build command that creates stored proc and execute it
       var listParams = new StringList();
       foreach (var prm in command.Parameters) {
     var strOut = (prm.Direction & ParameterDirection.Output) != 0 ? "OUT " : string.Empty;
     var prmSpec = string.Format("    {0}{1} {2}", strOut, prm.Name, prm.TypeInfo.SqlTypeSpec);
       var strParams = string.Join(",\r\n", listParams);
       var tag = DbDriver.GeneratedCrudProcTagPrefix + command.DescriptiveTag;
       command.SourceHash = SourceHasher.ComputeHash(command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.Sql);
       command.StoredProcBody = string.Format(ProcBodyTemplate, tag, command.Description, command.Sql, SourceHasher.GetHashLine(command.SourceHash));
       command.StoredProcText = string.Format(CreateProcTemplate, command.FullCommandName, strParams, command.StoredProcBody);
       return true;