Пример #1
 public object ProfitAndLossPost(JObject json)
     _total = false;
     addTable("Account", "idAccount", "AccountCode", "AccountName", "AccountDescription");
     fieldFor("AccountName")["sClass"] = "sa";
     DateFilter date = new DateFilter("DocumentDate", DateRange.LastYear);
     ReportField cp = new ReportField("SUM(Amount) AS CurrentPeriod", "decimal", "Current Period");
     ReportField lp = new ReportField("SUM(Amount) AS PreviousPeriod", "decimal", "Previous Period");
     setDefaultFields(json, "AcctType", "AccountName", "CurrentPeriod", "PreviousPeriod");
     _sortOrder = "AcctType";
     // P & L needs 2 period buckets for the 2 columns
     DateTime[] cPeriod = date.CurrentPeriod();
     cp.FullFieldName = "SUM(CASE WHEN DocumentDate >= " + Database.Quote(cPeriod[0]) + " AND DocumentDate < " + Database.Quote(cPeriod[1]) + " THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS CurrentPeriod";
     cp["heading"] = date.PeriodName(cPeriod);
     DateTime[] lPeriod = date.PreviousPeriod();
     lp.FullFieldName = "SUM(CASE WHEN DocumentDate >= " + Database.Quote(lPeriod[0]) + " AND DocumentDate < " + Database.Quote(lPeriod[1]) + " THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS PreviousPeriod";
     lp["heading"] = date.PeriodName(lPeriod);
     string [] sort = new string[] { "AccountTypeId", "AccountCode", "AccountName" };
     string[] fields = _fields.Where(f => f.Include || f.Essential || _sortFields.Contains(f.Name)).Select(f => f.FullFieldName).Distinct().ToArray();
     JObjectEnumerable report = Database.Query("SELECT " + string.Join(",", fields)
         + @"
     FROM AccountType
     LEFT JOIN Account ON Account.AccountTypeId = AccountType.idAccountType
     JOIN Journal ON Journal.AccountId = Account.idAccount
     LEFT JOIN Document ON Document.idDocument = Journal.DocumentId
         + "\r\nWHERE BalanceSheet = 0"
         + "\r\nAND ((DocumentDate >= " + Database.Quote(lPeriod[0])
         + "\r\nAND DocumentDate < " + Database.Quote(cPeriod[1]) + ")"
         + "\r\nOR Account.AccountTypeId = " + (int)AcctType.Security + ")"
         + "\r\nGROUP BY idAccount"
         + "\r\nORDER BY " + string.Join(",", sort.Select(s => s + (_sortDescending ? " DESC" : "")).ToArray())
     // Needs further processing to add investment gains
     // total, etc.
     return reportJson(json, fixProfitAndLoss(addInvestmentGains(report.ToList(), "Old", lPeriod[0], "PreviousPeriod", cPeriod[0], "CurrentPeriod", cPeriod[1])), "AccountType", "Account");
Пример #2
 public object BalanceSheetPost(JObject json)
     _total = false;
     addTable("Account", "idAccount", "AccountCode", "AccountName", "AccountDescription");
     fieldFor("AccountName")["sClass"] = "sa";
     DateFilter date = new DateFilter("DocumentDate", DateRange.LastYear);
     ReportField cp = new ReportField("CurrentPeriod", "decimal", "Current Period");
     ReportField lp = new ReportField("PreviousPeriod", "decimal", "Previous Period");
     setDefaultFields(json, "Heading", "AcctType", "AccountName", "CurrentPeriod", "PreviousPeriod");
     _sortOrder = "AcctType";
     // Balance sheet needs 2 period buckets for the 2 columns
     DateTime[] cPeriod = date.CurrentPeriod();
     cp["heading"] = date.PeriodName(cPeriod);
     DateTime[] lPeriod = date.PreviousPeriod();
     lp["heading"] = date.PeriodName(lPeriod);
     string[] sort = new string[] { "AccountTypeId", "AccountCode", "AccountName" };
     string[] fields = _fields.Where(f => f.Include || f.Essential || _sortFields.Contains(f.Name)).Select(f => f.FullFieldName).Distinct().ToArray();
     // We want one record per account, with totals for each bucket, and an Old value
     // which is sum of all transactions before first bucket (opening balance)
     JObjectEnumerable report = Database.Query("SELECT " + string.Join(",", fields) + @", Old
     FROM AccountType
     LEFT JOIN Account ON Account.AccountTypeId = AccountType.idAccountType
     JOIN (SELECT AccountId,
     SUM(CASE WHEN DocumentDate < " + Database.Quote(cPeriod[1]) + " AND DocumentDate >= " + Database.Quote(cPeriod[0]) + @" THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS CurrentPeriod,
     SUM(CASE WHEN DocumentDate < " + Database.Quote(lPeriod[1]) + " AND DocumentDate >= " + Database.Quote(lPeriod[0]) + @" THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS PreviousPeriod,
     SUM(CASE WHEN DocumentDate < " + Database.Quote(lPeriod[0]) + @" THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS Old
     FROM Journal
     LEFT JOIN Document ON Document.idDocument = Journal.DocumentId
     WHERE DocumentDate < " + Database.Quote(cPeriod[1]) + @"
     GROUP BY AccountId
     ) AS Summary ON AccountId = idAccount
     ORDER BY " + string.Join(",", sort.Select(s => s + (_sortDescending ? " DESC" : "")).ToArray())
     _sortFields = new string[] { "Heading", "AcctType", "AccountCode", "AccountName" };
     // Report now needs further processing to:
     // Calculate retained earnings account
     // Add investment gains
     // Consolidate P & L accounts and produce totals
     return reportJson(json, fixBalanceSheet(addInvestmentGains(addRetainedEarnings(report), "Old", lPeriod[0], "PreviousPeriod", cPeriod[0], "CurrentPeriod", cPeriod[1])), "AccountType", "Account");