Пример #1
        private static void addTemplateCallResults(List <ConstraintViolation> results, QueryOrTemplateCall qot,
                                                   SpinWrapperDataset model, INode resource, bool matchValue, IProgressMonitor monitor)
            ITemplateCall templateCall = qot.getTemplateCall();
            ITemplate     template     = templateCall.getTemplate();

            if (template != null && template.getBody() is IQuery)
                IQuery spinQuery = (IQuery)template.getBody();
                if (spinQuery is IAsk || spinQuery is IConstruct)
                    SparqlParameterizedString arq = DatasetUtil.createQuery(spinQuery);
                    setInitialBindings(resource, templateCall, arq);

                    if (spinQuery is IAsk)
                        if (((SparqlResultSet)model.Query(DatasetUtil.prepare(arq, model, null).ToString())).Result != matchValue)
                            List <SimplePropertyPath> paths = getPropertyPaths(resource, spinQuery.getWhere(), templateCall.getArgumentsMapByProperties());
                            String message = SPINLabels.getLabel(templateCall);
                            message += "\n(SPIN constraint at " + SPINLabels.getLabel(qot.getCls()) + ")";
                            results.Add(createConstraintViolation(paths, NO_FIXES, model, resource, message, templateCall));
                    else if (spinQuery is IConstruct)
                        IGraph cm     = model.MonitorConstruct(DatasetUtil.prepare(DatasetUtil.convertConstructToInsert(arq, spinQuery, model._transactionUri), model, null), spinQuery, null);
                        INode  source = getSource(qot);
                        String label  = SPINLabels.getLabel(templateCall);
                        addConstructedProblemReports(cm, results, model, qot.getCls(), resource, label, source);
Пример #2
        public Interval GetSymbolicExpressionTreeIntervals(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, IDataset dataset,
                                                           out IDictionary <ISymbolicExpressionTreeNode, Interval> nodeIntervals, IEnumerable <int> rows = null)
            var variableRanges = DatasetUtil.GetVariableRanges(dataset, rows);

            return(GetSymbolicExpressionTreeIntervals(tree, variableRanges, out nodeIntervals));
        private static void addQueryResults(List <ConstraintViolation> results, QueryOrTemplateCall qot, SpinWrapperDataset model, INode resource, bool matchValue, List <SPINStatistics> stats, IProgressMonitor monitor)
            QuerySolutionMap arqBindings = new QuerySolutionMap();

            arqBindings.Add(SPIN.THIS_VAR_NAME, resource);

            IQuery query = qot.getQuery();
            SparqlParameterizedString arq = DatasetUtil.createQuery(query);

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (query is IAsk)
                if (((SparqlResultSet)model.Query(DatasetUtil.prepare(arq, model, arqBindings).ToString())).Result != matchValue)
                    String message;
                    String comment = qot.getQuery().getComment();
                    if (comment == null)
                        message = SPINLabels.getLabel(qot.getQuery());
                        message = comment;
                    message += "\n(SPIN constraint at " + SPINLabels.getLabel(qot.getCls()) + ")";
                    List <SimplePropertyPath> paths = getPropertyPaths(resource, qot.getQuery().getWhere(), null);
                    INode source = getSource(qot);
                    results.Add(createConstraintViolation(paths, NO_FIXES, model, resource, message, source));
            else if (query is IConstruct)
                model.UpdateInternal(DatasetUtil.prepare(DatasetUtil.convertConstructToInsert(arq, query, model._transactionUri), model, arqBindings));
                IGraph cm = new Graph();
                cm.BaseUri = model._transactionUri;
                model.LoadGraph(cm, model._transactionUri);
                addConstructedProblemReports(cm, results, model, qot.getCls(), resource, qot.getQuery().getComment(), getSource(qot));
            DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (stats != null)
                TimeSpan duration = startTime - endTime;
                String   label    = qot.toString();
                String   queryText;
                if (qot.getTemplateCall() != null)
                    queryText = SPINLabels.getLabel(qot.getTemplateCall().getTemplate().getBody());
                    queryText = SPINLabels.getLabel(qot.getQuery());
                INode cls = qot.getCls() != null?qot.getCls() : null;

                stats.Add(new SPINStatistics(label, queryText, duration, startTime, cls));
        public override void Execute()
            IContentView activeView = (IContentView)MainFormManager.MainForm.ActiveView;
            var          mainForm   = (MainForm.WindowsForms.MainForm)MainFormManager.MainForm;

            mainForm.AddOperationProgressToContent(activeView.Content, "Removing duplicate datasets.");

            Action <IContentView> action = (view) => DatasetUtil.RemoveDuplicateDatasets(view.Content);

            action.BeginInvoke(activeView, delegate(IAsyncResult result) {
            }, null);
Пример #5
        public override void Execute()
            IContentView activeView = (IContentView)MainFormManager.MainForm.ActiveView;
            var          content    = activeView.Content;

            Progress.Show(content, "Removing duplicate datasets.", ProgressMode.Indeterminate);

            Action <IContentView> action = (view) => DatasetUtil.RemoveDuplicateDatasets(view.Content);

            action.BeginInvoke(activeView, delegate(IAsyncResult result) {
            }, null);
Пример #6
        public Interval GetSymbolicExpressionTreeInterval(ISymbolicExpressionTree tree, IDataset dataset, IEnumerable <int> rows = null)
            var variableRanges = DatasetUtil.GetVariableRanges(dataset, rows);

            return(GetSymbolicExpressionTreeInterval(tree, variableRanges));
Пример #7
    void Update()
        if (this.first)
            if (Screen.height != this.screenSize || Screen.width != this.screenSize)
            this.first = false;

        this.dataset = DatasetUtil.parseJson(this.dataFileName, this.decoration);
        //this.dataset = this.readFromInstructionFile ();

        /// Remove pairs of replicated state-end environments
        /// in simplified problem
        if (this.simplifiedProblem)
            List <DataPoint> newDataset = new List <DataPoint> ();

            int oldDatasetSize = this.dataset.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < oldDatasetSize; i++)
                DataPoint dp         = this.dataset [i];
                Episode   eps        = dp.getEpisode();
                int       startIndex = dp.getStartFrame();
                int       endIndex   = dp.getEndFrame();

                bool seen = false;
                foreach (DataPoint newDp in newDataset)
                    if (newDp.getStartFrame() == startIndex &&
                        newDp.getEndFrame() == endIndex &&
                        newDp.getEpisode() == eps)
                        seen = true;

                if (!seen)

            this.dataset = newDataset;
            Debug.Log("After removing commons. The dataset file " +
                      this.dataFileName + " has size " + this.dataset.Count);

        Debug.Log("Total dataset size " + this.dataset.Count);
        if (this.numDatapoints == -1)
            this.numDatapoints = this.dataset.Count;

        // Separate tune data and add it later
        List <DataPoint> tuning = new List <DataPoint> ();

        HashSet <Episode> epsLogo  = new HashSet <Episode> ();
        HashSet <Episode> epsDigit = new HashSet <Episode> ();

        for (int i = 0; i < this.dataset.Count; i++)
            DataPoint  dp   = this.dataset [i];
            Decoration type = dp.getDecoration();
            Episode    eps  = dp.getEpisode();

            if (type == Decoration.Logos)
                if (epsLogo.Contains(eps))
                else if (epsLogo.Count < 2)
                    //Space to add more episodes

            if (type == Decoration.Digits)
                if (epsDigit.Contains(eps))
                else if (epsDigit.Count < 2)
                    // Space to add more episodes

        this.cachedTraj = new CachedTrajectory();
        int datasetSize = this.dataset.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < datasetSize; i++)
            DataPoint dp         = this.dataset [i];
            Episode   eps        = dp.getEpisode();
            int       startIndex = dp.getStartFrame();
            int       endIndex   = dp.getEndFrame();
            if (!this.cachedTraj.isExist(eps, startIndex, endIndex))
                ObjectSystem     system1    = eps.getEnvironmentByIndex(startIndex);
                ObjectSystem     toReach1   = eps.getEnvironmentByIndex(endIndex);
                TrajectoryResult trajResult = system1.findShortestPathAStar(toReach1);
                this.cachedTraj.addTrajectory(eps, startIndex, endIndex, trajResult);

        // Remove the tuning data
        foreach (DataPoint dp in tuning)
        Debug.Log("Dataset: Tuning " + tuning.Count + " and train is " + this.dataset.Count);

        if (this.shuffleBeforeSelect)

        // Add the tuning data in the beginning
        List <DataPoint> smallerDataset = new List <DataPoint> ();

        foreach (DataPoint dp in tuning)

        List <SeenDemonstrations> uniqueDemonstration = new List <SeenDemonstrations>();

        foreach (DataPoint dp in this.dataset)
            bool isSeen = this.isSeenDemonstration(uniqueDemonstration, dp.getEpisode(), dp.getStartFrame(), dp.getEndFrame());
            if (!isSeen)
                SeenDemonstrations seen = new SeenDemonstrations(dp.getEpisode(), dp.getStartFrame(), dp.getEndFrame());

        // Number of demonstations to consider
        int toUse = (int)(this.percentDemonstrations * uniqueDemonstration.Count);

        Debug.Log("Number of demonstrations to are " + uniqueDemonstration.Count + " using " + toUse);

        List <SeenDemonstrations> usedDemonstrations = new List <SeenDemonstrations>();

        for (int i = 0; i < toUse; i++)
            usedDemonstrations.Add(uniqueDemonstration [i]);

        Debug.Log("Using " + usedDemonstrations.Count + " out of " + uniqueDemonstration.Count);

        List <DataPoint> dpsSeen   = new List <DataPoint>();
        List <DataPoint> dpsUnseen = new List <DataPoint> ();

        foreach (DataPoint dp in this.dataset)
            if (this.isSeenDemonstration(usedDemonstrations, dp.getEpisode(), dp.getStartFrame(), dp.getEndFrame()))

        Debug.Log("Size of seen dataset is " + dpsSeen.Count + " and unseen is " + dpsUnseen.Count);
        int total = tuning.Count + dpsSeen.Count + dpsUnseen.Count;

        Debug.Log("Total accounted points are " + total);

        foreach (DataPoint dp in dpsSeen)

        foreach (DataPoint dp in dpsUnseen)

        Debug.Log("Size of smaller dataset is " + smallerDataset.Count);
        this.numDatapointsWithDemonstrations = tuning.Count + dpsSeen.Count;
        Debug.Log("MAGIC: Consider the first " + this.numDatapointsWithDemonstrations + " points ");

        /*foreach (DataPoint dp in this.dataset) {
         *      smallerDataset.Add (dp);
         * }*/

        this.dataset = smallerDataset;

        // Start with the environment in the training data
        this.datapointIndex = 0;
        DataPoint        current          = this.dataset [this.datapointIndex];
        int              start            = current.getStartFrame();
        int              end              = current.getEndFrame();
        Episode          episode          = current.getEpisode();
        ObjectSystem     system           = episode.getEnvironmentByIndex(start);
        ObjectSystem     toReach          = episode.getEnvironmentByIndex(end);
        TrajectoryResult trajResult1      = this.cachedTraj.getTrajectory(episode, start, end);
        List <int>       trajectory       = trajResult1.getTrajectory();
        List <Point3D>   trajectoryPoints = trajResult1.getTrajectoryPoints();
        string           instruction      = current.getInstruction();
        Decoration       pointDecoration  = current.getDecoration();

        Debug.Log("Up and running");

        //Read the grid
        GameObject ground       = GameObject.Find("Ground");
        Bounds     groundBounds = ground.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh.bounds;
        float      groundWidth  = groundBounds.size.x;
        float      groundHeight = groundBounds.size.z;

        Debug.Log("Ground: Width " + groundWidth + " height " + groundHeight);

        //Read the sample cube information
        GameObject cube       = GameObject.Find("Cube");
        Bounds     cubeBounds = cube.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh.bounds;
        float      cubeWidth  = cubeBounds.size.x;
        float      cubeHeight = cubeBounds.size.z;

        Debug.Log("Cube: Width " + cubeWidth + " height " + cubeHeight);

        //Render the system
        this.logoCubes = this.createLogoCubes(system, cube);
        GameObject sampleDigits = GameObject.Find("Digits");

        this.digitCubes             = this.createDigitCubes(system, cube, sampleDigits);
        ground.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * 0.25f;
        this.render(system, pointDecoration);
        this.highlightMainBlockAndGoal(system, toReach);

        List <GameObject> cubes = null;

        if (pointDecoration == Decoration.Logos)
            cubes = this.logoCubes;
        else if (pointDecoration == Decoration.Digits)
            cubes = this.digitCubes;

        // Add robot controller
        GameObject robot = GameObject.Find("Robot");

        robot.AddComponent <RobotController> ();
        RobotController robotController = robot.GetComponent <RobotController> ();

        robotController.init(cubes, (float)system.getSizeOfBlock(), this.stepSize, this.horizon);

        // Initialize the MDP Manager which computes rewards.
        double gamma         = 0.1;
        double failureReward = -5;
        double winReward     = 5;

        robotController.initMDPManager(gamma, failureReward, winReward, this.stopActionReward,
                                       this.rewardFunctionType, this.simplifiedProblem, this.horizon);

        // Set the robot controller to work on the current problem
        robotController.changeEpisode(cubes, system, toReach, trajectory, trajectoryPoints, brandsList.Count, episode.getBlockSize());

        // Add agent messenger for listening
        AgentMessenger.uselocalhost = this.uselocalhost;
        robot.AddComponent <AgentMessenger> ();
        this.agentMessenger = robot.GetComponent <AgentMessenger> ();

        // Attach the robot controller to agent messenger

        //Find trajectory
        string s = "";

        foreach (int i in trajectory)
            s = s + i + ",";

        // TODO Clearly define message protocol
        StartCoroutine(initConnection("Reset#0#img/Screenshot.png#" + instruction + "#" + s));
//		StartCoroutine (sendMessageWithGoalState ("Reset#0#img/Screenshot.png#" + instruction + "#" + s));
Пример #8
    void Update1()
        if (this.first)
            if (Screen.height != this.screenSize || Screen.width != this.screenSize)
            this.first = false;

        this.dataset = DatasetUtil.parseJson(this.dataFileName, this.decoration);

        this.cachedTraj = new CachedTrajectory();
        int datasetSize = this.dataset.Count;

        System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"datafile_" + this.dataFileName + ".txt");

        for (int i = 0; i < datasetSize; i++)
            DataPoint dp         = this.dataset [i];
            Episode   eps        = dp.getEpisode();
            int       startIndex = dp.getStartFrame();
            int       endIndex   = dp.getEndFrame();

            List <int> blocksMoved = dp.blocksMoved();

            if (blocksMoved.Count != 1)
                Debug.LogError("Moved more than 1 block!!!");

            int     goldBlock = blocksMoved [0];
            Point3D pt        = dp.getEpisode().getEnvironmentByIndex(dp.getEndFrame()).getObjectLocations() [goldBlock];
            string  info      = goldBlock + " " + pt.getX() + " " + pt.getY() + " " + pt.getZ();

            if (!this.cachedTraj.isExist(eps, startIndex, endIndex))
                ObjectSystem     system1    = eps.getEnvironmentByIndex(startIndex);
                ObjectSystem     toReach1   = eps.getEnvironmentByIndex(endIndex);
                TrajectoryResult trajResult = system1.findShortestPathAStar(toReach1);
                this.cachedTraj.addTrajectory(eps, startIndex, endIndex, trajResult);


        // Start with the environment in the training data
        this.datapointIndex = 0;
        DataPoint        current          = this.dataset [this.datapointIndex];
        int              start            = current.getStartFrame();
        int              end              = current.getEndFrame();
        Episode          episode          = current.getEpisode();
        ObjectSystem     system           = episode.getEnvironmentByIndex(start);
        ObjectSystem     toReach          = episode.getEnvironmentByIndex(end);
        TrajectoryResult trajResult1      = this.cachedTraj.getTrajectory(episode, start, end);
        List <int>       trajectory       = trajResult1.getTrajectory();
        List <Point3D>   trajectoryPoints = trajResult1.getTrajectoryPoints();
        string           instruction      = current.getInstruction();
        Decoration       pointDecoration  = current.getDecoration();

        Debug.Log("Up and running");

        //Read the grid
        GameObject ground       = GameObject.Find("Ground");
        Bounds     groundBounds = ground.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh.bounds;
        float      groundWidth  = groundBounds.size.x;
        float      groundHeight = groundBounds.size.z;

        Debug.Log("Ground: Width " + groundWidth + " height " + groundHeight);

        //Read the sample cube information
        GameObject cube       = GameObject.Find("Cube");
        Bounds     cubeBounds = cube.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh.bounds;
        float      cubeWidth  = cubeBounds.size.x;
        float      cubeHeight = cubeBounds.size.z;

        Debug.Log("Cube: Width " + cubeWidth + " height " + cubeHeight);

        //Render the system
        this.logoCubes = this.createLogoCubes(system, cube);
        GameObject sampleDigits = GameObject.Find("Digits");

        this.digitCubes             = this.createDigitCubes(system, cube, sampleDigits);
        ground.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * 0.25f;
        this.render(system, pointDecoration);
        this.highlightMainBlockAndGoal(system, toReach);

        List <GameObject> cubes = null;

        if (pointDecoration == Decoration.Logos)
            cubes = this.logoCubes;
        else if (pointDecoration == Decoration.Digits)
            cubes = this.digitCubes;

        // Add robot controller
        GameObject robot = GameObject.Find("Robot");

        robot.AddComponent <RobotController> ();
        RobotController robotController = robot.GetComponent <RobotController> ();

        robotController.init(cubes, (float)system.getSizeOfBlock(), this.stepSize, this.horizon);

        // Initialize the MDP Manager which computes rewards.
        double gamma         = 0.1;
        double failureReward = -5;
        double winReward     = 5;

        robotController.initMDPManager(gamma, failureReward, winReward, this.stopActionReward,
                                       this.rewardFunctionType, this.simplifiedProblem, this.horizon);

        // Set the robot controller to work on the current problem
        robotController.changeEpisode(cubes, system, toReach, trajectory, trajectoryPoints, brandsList.Count, episode.getBlockSize());

        // Add agent messenger for listening
        AgentMessenger.uselocalhost = this.uselocalhost;
        robot.AddComponent <AgentMessenger> ();
        this.agentMessenger = robot.GetComponent <AgentMessenger> ();

        // Attach the robot controller to agent messenger

        //Find trajectory
        string s = "";

        foreach (int i in trajectory)
            s = s + i + ",";

        // TODO Clearly define message protocol
        StartCoroutine(initConnection("Reset#0#img/Screenshot.png#" + instruction + "#" + s));
Пример #9
    // A test function used when running in simulator
    private void testLocally()
        GameObject cube         = GameObject.Find("Cube");
        GameObject sampleDigits = GameObject.Find("Digits");

        this.dataset = DatasetUtil.parseJson(this.dataFileName, this.decoration);

        System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("./training_instructions.txt");
        this.cachedTraj = new CachedTrajectory();
        int datasetSize = this.dataset.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < datasetSize; i++)
            DataPoint dp         = this.dataset [i];
            Episode   eps        = dp.getEpisode();
            int       startIndex = dp.getStartFrame();
            int       endIndex   = dp.getEndFrame();


            if (!this.cachedTraj.isExist(eps, startIndex, endIndex))
                ObjectSystem     system1    = eps.getEnvironmentByIndex(startIndex);
                ObjectSystem     toReach1   = eps.getEnvironmentByIndex(endIndex);
                TrajectoryResult trajResult = system1.findShortestPathAStar(toReach1);
                this.cachedTraj.addTrajectory(eps, startIndex, endIndex, trajResult);

            List <int> actions = this.cachedTraj.getTrajectory(eps, startIndex, endIndex).getTrajectory();


        /*Episode eps = null;
         * int start = -1, end = -1;
         * int flag = 0;
         * Decoration pointDecoration = Decoration.Blank;
         * string inst = "";
         * int ctr = 0;
         * for (int i = 0; i < this.dataset.Count; i++) {
         *      eps = this.dataset [i].getEpisode ();
         *      start = this.dataset [i].getStartFrame ();
         *      end = this.dataset [i].getEndFrame ();
         *      pointDecoration = this.dataset [i].getDecoration ();
         *      inst = this.dataset [i].getInstruction ();
         *      ObjectSystem system = eps.getEnvironmentByIndex (start);
         *      ObjectSystem toReach = eps.getEnvironmentByIndex (end);
         *      this.logoCubes = this.createLogoCubes (system, cube);
         *      this.digitCubes = this.createDigitCubes (system, cube, sampleDigits);
         *      GameObject ground = GameObject.Find ("Ground");
         *      ground.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) * 0.25f;
         *      this.render (system, pointDecoration);
         *      this.highlightMainBlockAndGoal (system, toReach);
         *      Bounds bound = this.digitCubes[0].GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh.bounds;
         *      Debug.Log ("Bound is " + bound.size.x);
         *      return;
         *      TrajectoryResult trajResult = system.findShortestPathAStar (toReach);
         *      List<int> actions = trajResult.getTrajectory ();
         *      string s = "";
         *      foreach (int action in actions) {
         *              int block = (int)(action / 4);
         *              int dir = action % 4;
         *              string dir_ = "";
         *              if (dir == 0) {
         *                      dir_ = "west";//"north";
         *              } else if (dir == 1) {
         *                      dir_ = "east";//"south";
         *              } else if (dir == 2) {
         *                      dir_ = "north";//"east";
         *              } else if (dir == 3) {
         *                      dir_ = "south";//"west";
         *              }
         *              s = s + block + "-" + dir_ + "; ";
         *      }
         *      Debug.Log ("Traj is " + s);
         *      Debug.Log ("Inst is  " + inst.ToLower ());
         *      Debug.Log ("Traj count " + actions.Count);
         *      //GameObject goalStatePlane = GameObject.Find ("GoalState");
         *      //goalStatePlane.SetActive (false);
         *      /Application.CaptureScreenshot ("Intro_Example.png");
         *      break;
         * }
         * float groundSizeX = GameObject.Find("Ground").GetComponent<Collider> ().bounds.size.x;
         * float groundSizeZ = GameObject.Find("Ground").GetComponent<Collider> ().bounds.size.z;
         * Debug.Log ("Size of groud is " + groundSizeX + " ,  " + groundSizeZ);
         * return;*/