/// <summary> /// Imports the spreadsheet. Will throw ArgumentException if /// all required properties have not been set. /// </summary> public void Import() { CheckProperties(); List <SqlParameter> sqlParameters = new List <SqlParameter>(); string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} SELECT ", TableName); //SELECT 1 as loadId, for (int i = 0; i < StaticValues.Length; i++) { sql += string.Format("@{0} as {0}, ", StaticValues[i].AsName); sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + StaticValues[i].AsName, StaticValues[i].Value)); } //[Internet E-mail] as smtpAddress, //[Lotus Notes mail id] as lotusNotesAddress, //[full name] as fullName, //[title] as title, //[First Name] as firstName, //[Last Name] as lastName, //[Business Phone] as businessPhone, //[Resource Type] as resourceType, //[manager] as manager, //[business description] as businessDesc, //[Cost Center Code] as costCenterCode, //[cost center description] as costCenterDescription, //[company designation] as companyDesignation, //[Department] as department, //[Building Code] as buildingCode, //[Building Name] as buildingName, //[Mail Drop] as mailDrop, //[Facility Street Address] as facilityStreetAddress, //[City] as city, //[State] as state, //[Country] as country, //[Postal Code] as postalCode int it = 0; foreach (ExcelToDbPair pair in ExcelToDbColumnMap.ColumnPairs) { sql += string.Format("[{0}] as [{1}]", pair.ExcelColumn, pair.DbColumn); if (it != ExcelToDbColumnMap.ColumnPairs.Length - 1) { sql += ", "; } it++; } //FROM AmexExcel...People$ sql += string.Format(" FROM {0}...{1}", ExcelLinkedServerName, SheetName); DatabaseUtility.ExecuteSql(sql, sqlParameters.ToArray()); }