public void NewDatabaseSource(BuilderViewModel builder, DesignerViewModel designer, SolutionViewModel solutionVM, string serverName, string databaseName, string templatePath) { solutionVM.SpecificationSourcesFolder.ProcessNewDatabaseSourceCommand(); var newDBSource = new DatabaseSourceViewModel(); var dbSource = designer.SelectedItem as DatabaseSourceViewModel ?? newDBSource; Assert.AreNotSame(dbSource, newDBSource, "Couldn't find database source"); dbSource.DatabaseTypeCode = (int)DatabaseTypeCode.SqlServer; dbSource.SourceDbServerName = serverName; dbSource.SourceDbName = databaseName; dbSource.TemplatePath = templatePath; Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(dbSource.TemplatePath), "Solution template not found!"); dbSource.Order = 1; dbSource.Update(); solutionVM.Update(); solutionVM.SpecTemplatesFolder.LoadSpecTemplates(solutionVM.Solution); SaveSolution(solutionVM); }
///-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary>This method handles dropping items onto the treeview.</summary> /// /// <param name="data">The data as a viewmodel.</param> ///-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- protected void Paste(IWorkspaceViewModel data) { SolutionViewModel solution; ProjectViewModel assembly; DatabaseSourceViewModel databaseSource; AuditPropertyViewModel auditProperty; FeatureViewModel feature; EntityViewModel entity; CollectionViewModel collectionProperty; PropertyReferenceViewModel derivedProperty; PropertyViewModel property; EntityReferenceViewModel referenceProperty; MethodViewModel method; ParameterViewModel parameter; IndexViewModel index; IndexPropertyViewModel indexProperty; RelationshipViewModel relationship; RelationshipPropertyViewModel relationshipProperty; if (data is ProjectViewModel) { // process assembly drop assembly = data as ProjectViewModel; solution = DataContext as SolutionViewModel; if (solution == null) { // get parent solution solution = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <SolutionViewModel>(this); } if (solution == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(assembly); } else if (solution.ProjectsFolder.Projects.Find("Name", assembly.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (assembly != DataContext as ProjectViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(assembly); } } else { // do the drop ProjectViewModel view = solution.ProjectsFolder.PasteProject(assembly, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is DatabaseSourceViewModel) { // process databaseSource drop databaseSource = data as DatabaseSourceViewModel; solution = DataContext as SolutionViewModel; if (solution == null) { // get parent solution solution = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <SolutionViewModel>(this); } if (solution == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(databaseSource); } else if (solution.SpecificationSourcesFolder.DatabaseSources.Find("Name", databaseSource.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (databaseSource != DataContext as DatabaseSourceViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(databaseSource); } } else { // do the drop DatabaseSourceViewModel view = solution.SpecificationSourcesFolder.PasteDatabaseSource(databaseSource, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is AuditPropertyViewModel) { // process auditProperty drop auditProperty = data as AuditPropertyViewModel; solution = DataContext as SolutionViewModel; if (solution == null) { // get parent solution solution = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <SolutionViewModel>(this); } if (solution == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(auditProperty); } else if (solution.AuditPropertiesFolder.AuditProperties.Find("Name", auditProperty.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (auditProperty != DataContext as AuditPropertyViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(auditProperty); } } else { // do the drop AuditPropertyViewModel view = solution.AuditPropertiesFolder.PasteAuditProperty(auditProperty, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is FeatureViewModel) { // process feature drop feature = data as FeatureViewModel; solution = DataContext as SolutionViewModel; if (solution == null) { // get parent solution solution = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <SolutionViewModel>(this); } if (solution == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(feature); } else if (solution.FeaturesFolder.Features.Find("Name", feature.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (feature != DataContext as FeatureViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(feature); } } else { // do the drop Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; FeatureViewModel view = solution.FeaturesFolder.PasteFeature(feature, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); solution.Refresh(true); Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; } } else if (data is EntityViewModel) { // process entity drop entity = data as EntityViewModel; feature = DataContext as FeatureViewModel; if (feature == null) { // get parent feature feature = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <FeatureViewModel>(this); } if (feature == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(entity); } else if (feature.Entities.Find("Name", entity.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (entity != DataContext as EntityViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(entity); } } else { // do the drop Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait; EntityViewModel view = feature.PasteEntity(entity, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); solution = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <SolutionViewModel>(this); if (solution != null) { solution.Refresh(true); } Mouse.OverrideCursor = null; } } else if (data is CollectionViewModel) { // process collectionProperty drop collectionProperty = data as CollectionViewModel; entity = DataContext as EntityViewModel; if (entity == null) { // get parent entity entity = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <EntityViewModel>(this); } if (entity == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(collectionProperty); } else if (entity.CollectionsFolder.Collections.Find("Name", collectionProperty.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (collectionProperty != DataContext as CollectionViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(collectionProperty); } } else { // do the drop CollectionViewModel view = entity.CollectionsFolder.PasteCollection(collectionProperty, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is PropertyReferenceViewModel) { // process derivedProperty drop derivedProperty = data as PropertyReferenceViewModel; entity = DataContext as EntityViewModel; if (entity == null) { // get parent entity entity = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <EntityViewModel>(this); } if (entity == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(derivedProperty); } else if (entity.PropertyReferencesFolder.PropertyReferences.Find("Name", derivedProperty.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (derivedProperty != DataContext as PropertyReferenceViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(derivedProperty); } } else { // do the drop PropertyReferenceViewModel view = entity.PropertyReferencesFolder.PastePropertyReference(derivedProperty, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is PropertyViewModel) { // process property drop property = data as PropertyViewModel; entity = DataContext as EntityViewModel; if (entity == null) { // get parent entity entity = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <EntityViewModel>(this); } if (entity == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(property); } else if (entity.PropertiesFolder.Properties.Find("Name", property.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (property != DataContext as PropertyViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(property); } } else { // do the drop PropertyViewModel view = entity.PropertiesFolder.PasteProperty(property, true); solution = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <SolutionViewModel>(this); if (solution != null) { solution.Refresh(true); } view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is EntityReferenceViewModel) { // process referenceProperty drop referenceProperty = data as EntityReferenceViewModel; entity = DataContext as EntityViewModel; if (entity == null) { // get parent entity entity = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <EntityViewModel>(this); } if (entity == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(referenceProperty); } else if (entity.EntityReferencesFolder.EntityReferences.Find("Name", referenceProperty.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (referenceProperty != DataContext as EntityReferenceViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(referenceProperty); } } else { // do the drop EntityReferenceViewModel view = entity.EntityReferencesFolder.PasteEntityReference(referenceProperty, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is MethodViewModel) { // process method drop method = data as MethodViewModel; entity = DataContext as EntityViewModel; if (entity == null) { // get parent entity entity = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <EntityViewModel>(this); } if (entity == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(method); } else if (entity.MethodsFolder.Methods.Find("Name", method.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (method != DataContext as MethodViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(method); } } else { // do the drop MethodViewModel view = entity.MethodsFolder.PasteMethod(method, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is ParameterViewModel) { // process parameter drop parameter = data as ParameterViewModel; method = DataContext as MethodViewModel; if (method == null) { // get parent method method = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <MethodViewModel>(this); } if (method == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(parameter); } else if (method.Parameters.Find("Name", parameter.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (parameter != DataContext as ParameterViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(parameter); } } else { // do the drop ParameterViewModel view = method.PasteParameter(parameter, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is IndexViewModel) { // process index drop index = data as IndexViewModel; entity = DataContext as EntityViewModel; if (entity == null) { // get parent entity entity = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <EntityViewModel>(this); } if (entity == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(index); } else if (entity.IndexesFolder.Indexes.Find("Name", index.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (index != DataContext as IndexViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(index); } } else { // do the drop IndexViewModel view = entity.IndexesFolder.PasteIndex(index, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is IndexPropertyViewModel) { // process index drop indexProperty = data as IndexPropertyViewModel; index = DataContext as IndexViewModel; if (index == null) { // get parent index index = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <IndexViewModel>(this); } if (index == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(indexProperty); } else if (index.IndexProperties.Find("Name", indexProperty.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (indexProperty != DataContext as IndexPropertyViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(indexProperty); } } else { // do the drop IndexPropertyViewModel view = index.PasteIndexProperty(indexProperty, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is RelationshipViewModel) { // process relationship drop relationship = data as RelationshipViewModel; entity = DataContext as EntityViewModel; if (entity == null) { // get parent entity entity = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <EntityViewModel>(this); } if (entity == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(relationship); } else if (entity.RelationshipsFolder.Relationships.Find("Name", relationship.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (relationship != DataContext as RelationshipViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(relationship); } } else { // do the drop RelationshipViewModel view = entity.RelationshipsFolder.PasteRelationship(relationship, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } else if (data is RelationshipPropertyViewModel) { // process relationshipProperty drop relationshipProperty = data as RelationshipPropertyViewModel; relationship = DataContext as RelationshipViewModel; if (relationship == null) { // get parent relationship relationship = ViewModelHelper.FindParentView <RelationshipViewModel>(this); } if (relationship == null) { // invalid drop location HandleInvalidDrop(relationshipProperty); } else if (relationship.RelationshipProperties.Find("Name", relationshipProperty.Name) != null) { // duplicate item found, cannot drop if (relationshipProperty != DataContext as RelationshipPropertyViewModel) { HandleDuplicateDrop(relationshipProperty); } } else { // do the drop RelationshipPropertyViewModel view = relationship.PasteRelationshipProperty(relationshipProperty, true); view.ShowInTreeView(); } } }