Пример #1
        public void WriteWith(DatabaseConstraint foreignKey)
            // TODO: refactor this method to be consistent with approach taken for other overload
            var refTable = foreignKey.ReferencedTable(table.DatabaseSchema);
            var dataType = refTable.NetName;

            if (foreignKey.Columns.Count != foreignKey.ReferencedColumns(table.DatabaseSchema).Count())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Number of foreign key columns does not match number of columns referenced!");

            classBuilder.BeginNest($"public virtual {CodeWriterUtils.GetWithMethodSignature(table, foreignKey, codeWriterSettings)}");

            var methodCallParameters = new List <string>();

            var propertyName = codeWriterSettings.Namer.ForeignKeyName(table, foreignKey);

            foreach (var fkc in foreignKey.Columns)
                var tc        = table.Columns.Single(_tc => _tc.Name == fkc);
                var parameter = $"{CodeWriterUtils.GetPropertyNameForDatabaseColumn(tc)}";
                if (tc.Nullable && CodeWriterUtils.FindDataType(tc).EndsWith("?")) // KE: need the check for the "?" so that we correctly handle reference types like string
                    using (classBuilder.BeginNest($"if (!{parameter}.HasValue)"))
                        classBuilder.AppendLine($"{propertyName} = null;");
                        classBuilder.AppendLine("return this;");

                    parameter += ".Value";


            var s = string.Join(", ", methodCallParameters);
            var referencedColumnNames = foreignKey.ReferencedColumns(table.DatabaseSchema).ToList();

            var referencedColumns             = referencedColumnNames.Select(c => foreignKey.ReferencedTable(table.DatabaseSchema).FindColumn(c));
            var methodParameters              = CodeWriterUtils.GetMethodParametersForColumns(referencedColumns, codeWriterSettings);
            var methodName                    = CodeWriterUtils.GetMethodName(methodParameters, codeWriterSettings, true, CodeWriterUtils.BaseMethodNameGet);
            var fieldNameForFkTableRepository = NameFixer.ToCamelCase(CodeWriterUtils.GetRepositoryImplementationName(refTable));

            classBuilder.AppendLine($"{propertyName} = _{fieldNameForFkTableRepository}.{methodName}({s});");
            classBuilder.AppendLine("return this;");
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// KL:
        /// Similar to WriteColumn. Will send the appropriate dataType and propertyName to
        /// _cb.AppendAutomaticProperty to be written.
        /// This method was needed to support composite foreign keys.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="foreignKey"></param>
        private void WriteForeignKey(DatabaseConstraint foreignKey)
            // get the reference table
            var refTable = foreignKey.ReferencedTable(_table.DatabaseSchema);

            //we inherit from it instead (problem with self-joins)
            if (Equals(refTable, _inheritanceTable))

            if (refTable == null)
                //we can't find the foreign key table, so just write the columns
                WriteForeignKeyColumns(foreignKey, "");

            var propertyName = _codeWriterSettings.Namer.ForeignKeyName(_table, foreignKey);
            var dataType     = refTable.NetName;

            _cb.AppendAutomaticProperty(dataType, propertyName);

            if (IsEntityFramework() && _codeWriterSettings.UseForeignKeyIdProperties)
                WriteForeignKeyColumns(foreignKey, propertyName);
Пример #3
        private string ForeignKeyTableName(DatabaseConstraint foreignKey)
            var foreignKeyTable = foreignKey.ReferencedTable(_table.DatabaseSchema);

            return((foreignKeyTable != null)
                                          ? TableName(foreignKeyTable)
                                          : EscapeName(foreignKey.RefersToTable));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the name of a foreign key property for a given foreign key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table.</param>
        /// <param name="foreignKey">The foreign key.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If it is a simple foreign key, it is the NetName of the column
        /// if it is a composite foreign key, it is the NetName of the foreign table
        /// if there is a collision with the class name, append "Key"
        /// If there are multiple foreign keys to one table, ensure they are unique.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual string ForeignKeyName(DatabaseTable table, DatabaseConstraint foreignKey)
            var refTable = foreignKey.ReferencedTable(table.DatabaseSchema);

            if (refTable == null)
                //we can't find the foreign key table, so just write the columns
            //This is a name for the foreign key. Only used for composite keys.
            var propertyName = refTable.NetName;

            //if there is only one column (not composite) use the netName of that column
            if (foreignKey.Columns.Count == 1)
                var columnName = foreignKey.Columns.Single();
                var column     = table.FindColumn(columnName);
                //if it is a primary key, we've used the original name for a scalar property
                if (!column.IsPrimaryKey)
                    propertyName = column.NetName;
            else //composite keys
                // Check whether the referenced table is used in any other key. This ensures that the property names
                // are unique.
                if (table.ForeignKeys.Count(x => x.RefersToTable == foreignKey.RefersToTable) > 1)
                    // Append the key name to the property name. In the event of multiple foreign keys to the same table
                    // This will give the consumer context.
                    propertyName += foreignKey.Name;

            // Ensures that property name cannot be the same as class name
            if (propertyName == table.NetName)
                propertyName += "Key";
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the name of a foreign key property for a given foreign key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table.</param>
        /// <param name="foreignKey">The foreign key.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If it is a simple foreign key, it is the NetName of the column
        /// if it is a composite foreign key, it is the NetName of the foreign table
        /// if there is a collision with the class name, append "Key"
        /// If there are multiple foreign keys to one table, ensure they are unique.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual string ForeignKeyName(DatabaseTable table, DatabaseConstraint foreignKey)
            var refTable     = foreignKey.ReferencedTable(table.DatabaseSchema);
            var propertyName = refTable.Name;

            if (foreignKey.Columns.Count == 1)
                var columnName = foreignKey.Columns[0];
                if (columnName.Equals("CreatedUserID") || columnName.Equals("LastUpdatedUserID"))

                if (columnName.Equals("Driver1ID") || columnName.Equals("Driver2ID"))

            var foreignKeysToRefTableCount = table.ForeignKeys.Count(x => x.RefersToTable == foreignKey.RefersToTable);

            if (foreignKeysToRefTableCount > 1)
                // Append the key name to the property name. In the event of multiple foreign keys to the same table
                // This will give the consumer context.
                propertyName += foreignKey.Name;

            if (propertyName == table.Name)
                var columnName = foreignKey.Columns.Single();
                var column     = table.FindColumn(columnName);
                if (!column.IsPrimaryKey)
                    propertyName = column.NetName;

Пример #6
        private void WriteForeignKey(DatabaseConstraint foreignKey)
            // get the reference table
            var refTable = foreignKey.ReferencedTable(table.DatabaseSchema);

            if (refTable == null)
                //we can't find the foreign key table, so just write the columns
                WriteForeignKeyProperties(foreignKey, "");

            var propertyName = codeWriterSettings.Namer.ForeignKeyName(table, foreignKey);
            var dataType     = refTable.NetName;

            classBuilder.AppendAutomaticProperty(dataType, propertyName);

            if (false && codeWriterSettings.UseForeignKeyIdProperties)
                WriteForeignKeyProperties(foreignKey, propertyName);
Пример #7
        public void TestReferencedTableViaConstraintName()
            //create a schema
            var schema = new DatabaseSchema(null, SqlType.SqlServer);



            //look at the schema
            var categories = schema.FindTableByName("Categories");
            var products   = schema.FindTableByName("Products");
            //from the database we normally get a RefersToTable defined.
            //sometimes we don't- we just get the name of the pk constraint
            //so here we simulate that
            var fk = new DatabaseConstraint
                ConstraintType     = ConstraintType.ForeignKey,
                TableName          = "Categories",
                RefersToConstraint = "CategoryPK"


            var referencedTable = fk.ReferencedTable(schema);

            Assert.AreEqual(categories, referencedTable);