public List <ItemResponse> GetListItemResponses(Ingredient i)
            var db                    = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var convert               = new ConvertWeight();
            var items                 = MakeRequest <SearchResponse>(buildSearchRequest(i)).Items;
            var sellingWeightOunces   = convert.ConvertWeightToOunces(i.sellingWeight);
            var myListOfItemResponses = new List <ItemResponse>();

            foreach (var item in items)
                if (!'('))
                    if ((!"pack of")) || (!"pk"))))
                        if ((parseItemResponseName(item).Count() != 0) && (CompareWeightInOuncesFromItemResponseToIngredientSellingWeight(item, i) && (CompareItemResponseNameAndIngredientName(item, i))))
            //i would like to be able to return all brands that fit a certain selling weight, and give all of them as an option, and give the best price?
            //i think a good idea would be to have the item id associated with the ingredient in the ingredient database or the cost database, that way you can get the exact same item
        public void TestDeleteIngredientFromCostTable()
            var t     = new DatabaseAccess();
            var dbC   = new DatabaseAccessCosts();
            var dbR   = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var bread = new Recipe("Bread")
                id = 1
            var honey = new Ingredient("Honey")
                ingredientId = 1, recipeId = 1, typeOfIngredient = "honey", measurement = "1/3 cup", sellingWeight = "32 oz"

            t.insertIngredientIntoAllTables(honey, bread);
            var myRecipes     = dbR.MyRecipeBox();
            var myIngredients = t.queryAllRelevantTablesSQLByIngredientName(honey);

            var myCostIngredients = dbC.queryCostTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, myRecipes.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(1, myRecipes[0].ingredients.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(0, myCostIngredients.Count());
        public void TestOverwritingTheCostTable()
            var t          = new DatabaseAccess();
            var dbC        = new DatabaseAccessCosts();
            var dbR        = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var yellowCake = new Recipe("Yellow Cake")
                id = 1, yield = 12
            var milk = new Ingredient("Whole Milk")
                ingredientId = 1, recipeId = 1, measurement = "1 cup", sellingWeight = "1 gallon", typeOfIngredient = "milk", classification = "dairy"

            t.insertIngredientIntoAllTables(milk, yellowCake);
            var myIngredient = t.queryAllRelevantTablesSQLByIngredientName(milk);

            milk.sellingPrice = 2.98m;
            var myCostIngredient = dbC.queryCostTable();

            t.updateAllTables(milk, yellowCake);
            var myUpdatedIngredient = t.queryAllRelevantTablesSQLByIngredientName(milk);
            var myRecipeBox         = dbR.MyRecipeBox();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, myRecipeBox[0].ingredients.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2.98m, myUpdatedIngredient.sellingPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(8.2m, myIngredient.density);
            Assert.AreEqual(.19m, myUpdatedIngredient.priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.0233m, myUpdatedIngredient.pricePerOunce);
Пример #4
        public void TestHersheysUnsweetenedCocoa()
            var t   = new DatabaseAccess();
            var dbR = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var dbI = new DatabaseAccessIngredient();
            var r   = new Recipe("Chocolate Something")
                id = 1
            var i = new Ingredient("Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa")
                recipeId      = 1,
                ingredientId  = 1,
                sellingWeight = "8 oz",
                measurement   = "1/2 cup",
                density       = 4.16m

            t.insertIngredientIntoAllTables(i, r);
            dbI.getIngredientMeasuredPrice(i, r);
            var myIngInfo     = dbI.queryAllIngredientsFromIngredientTable();
            var myRecipesInfo = dbR.queryRecipes();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, myRecipesInfo.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(.87m, myIngInfo[0].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
        public void TestOverwritingTheCostTable3()
            var t             = new DatabaseAccess();
            var dbC           = new DatabaseAccessCosts();
            var dbR           = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var chocolateCake = new Recipe("Chocolate Cake")
                id = 1, yield = 16
            var softasilk = new Ingredient("Softasilk Flour")
                recipeId = 1, ingredientId = 1, sellingWeight = "32 oz", measurement = "3 cups", typeOfIngredient = "cake flour", classification = "flour"

            t.insertIngredientIntoAllTables(softasilk, chocolateCake);
            var myIngredient = t.queryAllRelevantTablesSQLByIngredientName(softasilk);

            softasilk.sellingPrice = 5m;
            var costTable = dbC.queryCostTable();

            t.updateAllTables(softasilk, chocolateCake);
            var myUpdatedIngredient = t.queryAllRelevantTablesSQLByIngredientName(softasilk);
            var myRecipeBox         = dbR.MyRecipeBox();

            Assert.AreEqual(1.26m, myIngredient.priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.11m, myUpdatedIngredient.priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.11m, myRecipeBox[0].aggregatedPrice);
Пример #6
        public void TestChocolateChips()
            var dbD = new DatabaseAccessDensityInformation();
            var dbR = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var t   = new DatabaseAccess();
            var r   = new Recipe("Chooalte Chip Cookies")
                id = 1
            var i = new Ingredient("Semi Sweet Morsels")
                ingredientId = 1, recipeId = 1, sellingWeight = "36 oz", density = 5.35m, measurement = "1 cup"

            //6.98    1.04
            //var filename = @"C:\Users\Rachel\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\RachelsRosesWebPages\RachelsRosesWebPages\densityTxtDatabase.txt";
            t.insertIngredientIntoAllTables(i, r);
            var mydensityDataInformation = dbD.queryDensityInfoTable();
            var semiSweetMorsels         = t.queryAllRelevantTablesSQLByIngredientName(i);
            var myRecipes = dbR.MyRecipeBox();

            Assert.AreEqual("all purpose flour", mydensityDataInformation[0].name);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, myRecipes.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(6.98m, semiSweetMorsels.sellingPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(6.98m, myRecipes[0].ingredients[0].sellingPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.04m, semiSweetMorsels.priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.04m, myRecipes[0].ingredients[0].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
Пример #7
        public void TestInsertIngredientToIngredientDatabase()
            var t   = new DatabaseAccess();
            var dbR = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var dbI = new DatabaseAccessIngredient();
            var r   = new Recipe("Cranberry Swirl Bread")
                id = 1
            var i = new Ingredient("Cranberries", "2 cups")
                recipeId =

            dbI.insertIngredient(i, r);
            var myRecipeBox     = dbR.queryRecipes();
            var myIngredientBox = dbI.queryAllIngredientsFromIngredientTable();
            var myRecipe        = dbR.GetFullRecipeAndFullIngredientsForRecipe(r);

            Assert.AreEqual(, myRecipeBox[0].name);
            Assert.AreEqual(, myIngredientBox[0].name);
            Assert.AreEqual(i.measurement, myIngredientBox[0].measurement);
            Assert.AreEqual(, myRecipe.ingredients[0].name);
            Assert.AreEqual(i.measurement, myRecipe.ingredients[0].measurement);
Пример #8
        public void TestIngredientTable()
            var t   = new DatabaseAccess();
            var dbR = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var dbI = new DatabaseAccessIngredient();
            var i   = new Ingredient("all-purpose flour", "2 1/2 cups")
                recipeId = 1
            var i2 = new Ingredient("butter", "1/2 cup")
                recipeId = 1
            var r = new Recipe("White Cake")
                id = 1

            dbI.insertIngredient(i, r);
            dbI.insertIngredient(i2, r);
            var recipes         = dbR.queryRecipes();
            var ingredients     = dbI.queryAllIngredientsFromIngredientTable();
            var myIngredientBox = dbI.queryAllIngredientsFromIngredientTable();

            Assert.AreEqual("all-purpose flour", ingredients[0].name);
            Assert.AreEqual("butter", ingredients[1].name);
Пример #9
        public void TestUpdatingIngredients()
            var t   = new DatabaseAccess();
            var dbR = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var dbI = new DatabaseAccessIngredient();
            var r   = new Recipe("Honey Buttermilk Bread");
            var i   = new Ingredient("Flour", "6 cups")
                recipeId     = 1,
                ingredientId = 1
            var i2 = new Ingredient("Bread Flour", "6 1/3 cups")
                recipeId     = 1,
                ingredientId = 1

            i = i2;
            dbI.insertIngredient(i, r);
            var myIngredientBox = dbI.queryAllIngredientsFromIngredientTable();

            Assert.AreEqual(, myIngredientBox[0].name);
            Assert.AreEqual(i2.measurement, myIngredientBox[0].measurement);
Пример #10
        public void TestGettingUniqueEntriesINIngredientTable()
            var t               = new DatabaseAccess();
            var dbR             = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var dbI             = new DatabaseAccessIngredient();
            var fluffyWhiteCake = new Recipe("Fluffy White Cake")
                id = 1, yield = 12
            var chocolateCake = new Recipe("My Favorite Chocolat Cake")
                id = 2, yield = 18
            var yellowCake = new Recipe("Yellow Cake")
                id = 3, yield = 16
            var softasilk = new Ingredient("Softasilk Cake Flour")
                ingredientId = 1, recipeId = 1, measurement = "2 cups 2 tablespoons", typeOfIngredient = "cake flour", sellingWeight = "32 oz"
            var softasilk2 = new Ingredient("Softasilk Cake Flour")
                ingredientId = 2, recipeId = 2, measurement = "3 cups", typeOfIngredient = "cake flour", sellingWeight = "32 oz"
            var softasilk3 = new Ingredient("Softasilk Cake Flour")
                ingredientId = 3, recipeId = 3, measurement = "1 1/2 cups", typeOfIngredient = "cake flour", sellingWeight = "32 oz"
            var bakingPowder = new Ingredient("Baking Powder")
                ingredientId = 4, recipeId = 3, measurement = "2 teaspoons", typeOfIngredient = "baking powder", sellingWeight = "10 oz"
            var yellowCakeIngredients = new List <Ingredient> {
                softasilk3, bakingPowder
            var myIngredientBox = new List <Ingredient> {
                softasilk, softasilk2, softasilk3, bakingPowder

            t.insertIngredientIntoAllTables(softasilk, fluffyWhiteCake);
            t.insertIngredientIntoAllTables(softasilk2, chocolateCake);
            t.insertListOfIngredientsIntoAllTables(yellowCakeIngredients, yellowCake);
            var myIngredientsTable       = dbI.queryAllIngredientsFromIngredientTable();
            var myRecipeBox              = dbR.MyRecipeBox();
            var myDistictIngredientTable = dbI.myDistinctIngredientNamesSorted();
            var myIngredientBoxFilled    = t.queryAllTablesForAllIngredients(myIngredientBox);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, myIngredientsTable.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, myDistictIngredientTable.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("Softasilk Cake Flour", myDistictIngredientTable[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Baking Powder", myDistictIngredientTable[1]);
            Assert.AreEqual(.89m, softasilk.priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.26m, softasilk2.priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.63m, softasilk3.priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.10m, bakingPowder.priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
        //so, if we're searching for something, it's not in our database...
        //it may share a type, but it's not in the database...
        //so when i search for it, i can give the user what i think the name, the selling weigh, the selling price, type and classificatoin (i could provide a list of classifications too, similar to my density text database...
        //so, first give a list of the name, sellingweight, sellingprice, priceperounce, type, density, classification...
        //if the user confirms that the information is correct and gives the measurement, then i can add the ingredient (i should be able to call updatealltables... it should check to make sure i have if the ingredients table doesn't have this ingredient to insert the ingredient
        //i should also have a form that allows hte user to create a short name for it (eg: instead of King Arthur Bread Flour, the short name can be Bread Flour that the user inputs...)

        //let's get the other views working first...
        public ActionResult CreateRecipe(string recipeTitle)
            recipeTitle = recipeTitle.Trim();
            Recipe newrecipe = new Recipe(recipeTitle);
            var    db        = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();

Пример #12
        protected void Application_Start()
            var db = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();

        public ActionResult EditRecipeTitle(string newRecipeTitle)
            var db = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();

   = newRecipeTitle;
            var myRecipeBox = getRecipes();

            return(Redirect("/home/recipe?name=" + newRecipeTitle));
Пример #14
        public void TestIngredientTypeGetDensity2()
            var t          = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var dbD        = new DatabaseAccessDensityInformation();
            var breadFlour = new Ingredient("Pillsbury Bread Flour")
                ingredientId = 1, typeOfIngredient = "bread flour"
            var expected = 5.4m;
            var actual   = dbD.queryDensityTableRowDensityValueByName(breadFlour);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Пример #15
        public void TestIngredientTypeGetDensity()
            var t         = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var dbD       = new DatabaseAccessDensityInformation();
            var cakeFlour = new Ingredient("Softasilk")
                ingredientId = 1, typeOfIngredient = "cake flour"
            var expected = 4.5m;
            var actual   = dbD.queryDensityTableRowDensityValueByName(cakeFlour);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public ActionResult DeleteRecipe(string recipeTitle)
            recipeTitle = recipeTitle.Trim();
            var db      = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var recipes = db.queryRecipes();

            foreach (var recipe in recipes)
                if ( == recipeTitle)
                    currentRecipe = recipe;
        public List <ItemResponse> GetListItemResponseNoSellingWeights(Ingredient i)
            var db = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            //var convert = new ConvertWeight();
            var items             = MakeRequest <SearchResponse>(buildSearchRequest(i)).Items;
            var myListOfResponses = new List <ItemResponse>();

            foreach (var item in items)
                if (
        public ActionResult AdjustYield(int updatedYield)
            var t       = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var convert = new ConvertMeasurement();

            if (currentRecipe.yield == 0)
                currentRecipe.yield = updatedYield;
                var oldYield = currentRecipe.yield;
                currentRecipe.yield = updatedYield;
            return(Redirect("/home/recipe?name=" +;
Пример #19
        public void TestQueryListOfIngredientsDensityCostTableAdded()
            var t               = new DatabaseAccess();
            var dbR             = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var cocnutMacaroons = new Recipe("Coconut Macaroons")
                id = 1
            var i = new Ingredient("Baker's Coconut Flakes")
                recipeId      = 1,
                measurement   = "1 cup",
                sellingWeight = "14 oz",
                density       = 2.5m,
                ingredientId  = 1 //2.6, .46
            var i2 = new Ingredient("All Purpose Flour")
                recipeId      = 1,
                measurement   = "1/2 cup",
                sellingWeight = "5 lb",
                density       = 5m,
                ingredientId  = 2 //3.65
            var cocnutMcaroonsIngredients = new List <Ingredient> {
                i, i2

            t.insertListOfIngredientsIntoAllTables(cocnutMcaroonsIngredients, cocnutMacaroons);
            var myIngredients = t.queryAllTablesForAllIngredients(cocnutMcaroonsIngredients);
            var myRecipes     = dbR.queryRecipes();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, myRecipes.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2, myIngredients.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual(2.60m, myIngredients[0].sellingPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(.46m, myIngredients[0].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.1857m, myIngredients[0].pricePerOunce);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.5m, myIngredients[0].density);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.65m, myIngredients[1].sellingPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(.11m, myIngredients[1].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.0456m, myIngredients[1].pricePerOunce);
            Assert.AreEqual(5m, myIngredients[1].density);
        public ItemResponse GetItemResponse(Ingredient i)
            var db               = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var convert          = new ConvertWeight();
            var newItemResponse  = new ItemResponse();
            var tempItemResponse = new ItemResponse();

            try {
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(i.classification) || (i.classification == " ") || !(i.classification.ToLower().Contains("dairy")) || !(i.classification.ToLower().Contains("egg")))
                    if ((MakeRequest <SearchResponse>(buildSearchRequest(i)).Items.Count() == 0))
                        return(newItemResponse);//ok, selling weight is not being transfered
                    var items = MakeRequest <SearchResponse>(buildSearchRequest(i)).Items;
                    var sellingWeightOunces = convert.ConvertWeightToOunces(i.sellingWeight);
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        if (!'('))
                            if ((!"pack of")) || (!"pk"))))
                                if ((parseItemResponseName(item).Count() != 0) && (CompareWeightInOuncesFromItemResponseToIngredientSellingWeight(item, i) && (CompareItemResponseNameAndIngredientName(item, i))))
                                    tempItemResponse = item;
                    if ((i.classification.ToLower().Contains("dairy")) || i.classification.ToLower().Contains("eggs"))
            } catch {
            //i would like to be able to return all brands that fit a certain selling weight, and give all of them as an option, and give the best price?
        public void TestOverwritingTheCostTable2()
            var t             = new DatabaseAccess();
            var dbC           = new DatabaseAccessCosts();
            var dbR           = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
            var chocolateCake = new Recipe("Chocolate Cake")
                id = 1, yield = 24
            var yellowCake = new Recipe("Yellow Cake")
                id = 2, yield = 24
            var honeyButtermilkBread = new Recipe("Honey Buttermilk Bread")
                id = 3, yield = 24
            var sourCream = new Ingredient("Sour Cream")
                ingredientId = 1, recipeId = 1, measurement = "1 cup", sellingWeight = "16 oz", typeOfIngredient = "sour cream", classification = "dairy"
            var milk = new Ingredient("Whole Milk")
                ingredientId = 2, recipeId = 2, measurement = "1 1/2 cups", sellingWeight = "1 gallon", typeOfIngredient = "milk", classification = "dairy"
            var butter = new Ingredient("Unsalted Butter")
                ingredientId = 3, recipeId = 3, measurement = "1/4 cup", sellingWeight = "1 lb", typeOfIngredient = "butter", classification = "dairy"
            var buttermilk = new Ingredient("Buttermilk")
                ingredientId = 4, recipeId = 3, measurement = "2 cups", sellingWeight = "1/4 gallon", typeOfIngredient = "buttermilk", classification = "dairy"
            var honeyButtermilkBreadIngredients = new List <Ingredient> {
                butter, buttermilk
            var allIngredients = new List <Ingredient> {
                sourCream, milk, butter, buttermilk

            t.insertIngredientIntoAllTables(sourCream, chocolateCake);
            t.insertIngredientIntoAllTables(milk, yellowCake);
            t.insertListOfIngredientsIntoAllTables(honeyButtermilkBreadIngredients, honeyButtermilkBread);
            var myIngredients = t.queryAllTablesForAllIngredients(allIngredients);

            sourCream.sellingPrice  = 1.69m;
            milk.sellingPrice       = 2.98m;
            butter.sellingPrice     = 3.99m;
            buttermilk.sellingPrice = 1.69m;
            var costTable = dbC.queryCostTable();

            t.updateAllTables(sourCream, chocolateCake);
            t.updateAllTables(milk, yellowCake);
            t.updateAllTablesForAllIngredients(honeyButtermilkBreadIngredients, honeyButtermilkBread);
            var myUpdatedIngredients = t.queryAllTablesForAllIngredients(allIngredients);
            var myRecipeBox          = dbR.MyRecipeBox();

            Assert.AreEqual(1.69m, myUpdatedIngredients[0].sellingPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(2.98m, myUpdatedIngredients[1].sellingPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(3.99m, myUpdatedIngredients[2].sellingPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.69m, myUpdatedIngredients[3].sellingPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(8.6m, myUpdatedIngredients[0].density);
            Assert.AreEqual(8.2m, myUpdatedIngredients[1].density);
            Assert.AreEqual(8m, myUpdatedIngredients[2].density);
            Assert.AreEqual(8.2m, myUpdatedIngredients[3].density);
            Assert.AreEqual(.91m, myUpdatedIngredients[0].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.91m, myRecipeBox[0].ingredients[0].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.29m, myUpdatedIngredients[1].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.29m, myRecipeBox[1].ingredients[0].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.5m, myUpdatedIngredients[2].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.5m, myRecipeBox[2].ingredients[0].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.87m, myUpdatedIngredients[3].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.87m, myRecipeBox[2].ingredients[1].priceOfMeasuredConsumption);
            Assert.AreEqual(.91m, myRecipeBox[0].aggregatedPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(.29m, myRecipeBox[1].aggregatedPrice);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.37m, myRecipeBox[2].aggregatedPrice);
        public List <Recipe> getRecipes()
            var db = new DatabaseAccessRecipe();
