protected override void DrawCell(long row, long col, Rect r, long index, bool selected, ref GUIPipelineState pipe)
            var s = m_TableDisplay.GetCellExpandState(row, (int)col);

            if (s.isColumnExpandable)
                int indent = s.expandDepth * 16;
                r.x     += indent;
                r.width -= indent;
                if (s.isExpandable)
                    Rect rToggle     = new Rect(r.x, r.y, 16, r.height);
                    bool newExpanded = GUI.Toggle(rToggle, s.isExpanded, GUIContent.none, Styles.styles.foldout);
                    if (newExpanded != s.isExpanded)
                        pipe.processMouseClick = false;
                        SetCellExpandedState(row, col, newExpanded);
                r.x     += 16;
                r.width -= 16;

            Database.LinkRequest link = null;
            if (onClickLink != null)
                link = m_TableDisplay.GetCellLink(new Database.CellPosition(row, (int)col));
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                var column = m_TableDisplay.GetColumnByIndex((int)col);
                if (column != null)
                    string str;
                    if (m_DataRenderer.showDebugValue)
                        //str = "\"" + column.GetRowValueString(row) + "\" " + column.GetDebugString(row);
                        str = column.GetDebugString(row);
                        str = column.GetRowValueString(row);
                    var str = column.GetRowValueString(row);
                    DrawTextEllipsis(str, r,
                                     link == null ? Styles.styles.numberLabel : Styles.styles.clickableLabel
                                     , EllipsisStyleMetricData, selected);
            if (link != null)
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                    EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(r, MouseCursor.Link);
Пример #2
        public GroupedTable(Database.Table table, ArrayRange range, int colToGroupFirst, int colToGroupLast, int[] colGroupOrder, SortOrder[] sortOrder)
            : base(table.Schema)
            m_table = table;
            if (m_table is ExpandTable)
                m_expandTable = (ExpandTable)m_table;
            m_Meta = m_table.GetMetaData();
            m_GroupedColumnFirst = colToGroupFirst;
            m_GroupedColumnLast  = colToGroupLast;
            m_ColumnOrder        = colGroupOrder;
            m_SortOrder          = sortOrder;

            int sourceGroupedColumnIndex = m_ColumnOrder[colToGroupFirst];

            var col     = m_table.GetColumnByIndex(sourceGroupedColumnIndex);
            var metaCol = m_Meta.GetColumnByIndex(sourceGroupedColumnIndex);

            if (metaCol.DefaultGroupAlgorithm != null)
                m_GroupCollection = metaCol.DefaultGroupAlgorithm.Group(col, range, m_SortOrder[colToGroupFirst]);
                throw new Exception("Trying to group a column without grouping algorithm. Column '" + metaCol.Name + "' from table '" + m_table.GetName() + "'");
            InitializeFromGroupCollection(col, sourceGroupedColumnIndex);
Пример #3
        private void InitializeFromGroupCollection(Database.Column col, long sourceColToGroup)
            //create groups
            long groupCount = m_GroupCollection.GetGroupCount();

            m_Groups = new Group[groupCount];

            for (long i = 0; i < groupCount; ++i)
                m_Groups[i] = new Group(m_GroupCollection.GetGroup(i).GetIndices(m_GroupCollection));

            //create columns
            m_Columns = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Column>(m_Meta.GetColumnCount());
            for (int i = 0; i != m_Meta.GetColumnCount(); ++i)
                var            metaCol = m_Meta.GetColumnByIndex(i);
                IGroupedColumn newCol  = (IGroupedColumn)ColumnCreator.CreateColumn(typeof(GroupedColumnTyped <>), metaCol.Type);

                newCol.Initialize(this, m_table.GetColumnByIndex(i), i, metaCol.DefaultMergeAlgorithm, i == sourceColToGroup);
Пример #4
        // colToGroup is an index from aNewColumnOrder.
        public GroupedTable(Database.Table table, ArrayRange range, int colToGroup, SortOrder sortOrder, FnCreateGroupTable subTable)
            : base(table.Schema)
            m_table = table;
            if (m_table is ExpandTable)
                m_expandTable = (ExpandTable)m_table;
            m_Meta = m_table.GetMetaData();
            m_GroupedColumnFirst = 0;
            m_GroupedColumnLast  = 0;
            m_ColumnOrder        = new int[] { colToGroup };// colGroupOrder;
            m_SortOrder          = new SortOrder[1] {
            m_createGroupTable = subTable;

            var col     = m_table.GetColumnByIndex(colToGroup);
            var metaCol = m_Meta.GetColumnByIndex(colToGroup);

            if (metaCol.DefaultGroupAlgorithm != null)
                m_GroupCollection = metaCol.DefaultGroupAlgorithm.Group(col, range, sortOrder);
                throw new Exception("Trying to group a column without grouping algorithm. Column '" + metaCol.Name + "' from table '" + m_table.GetName() + "'");
            InitializeFromGroupCollection(col, colToGroup);
        protected override void DrawCell(long row, long col, Rect r, long index, bool selected, ref GUIPipelineState pipe)
            var s = m_TableDisplay.GetCellExpandState(row, (int)col);

            if (s.isColumnExpandable)
                int indent = s.expandDepth * 16;
                r.x     += indent;
                r.width -= indent;
                if (s.isExpandable)
                    Rect rToggle     = new Rect(r.x, r.y, Styles.FoldoutWidth, r.height);
                    bool newExpanded = GUI.Toggle(rToggle, s.isExpanded, GUIContent.none, Styles.Foldout);
                    if (newExpanded != s.isExpanded)
                        pipe.processMouseClick = false;
                        SetCellExpandedState(row, col, newExpanded);
                r.x     += 16;
                r.width -= 16;

            Database.LinkRequest link = null;
            if (onClickLink != null)
                link = m_TableDisplay.GetCellLink(new Database.CellPosition(row, (int)col));
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                var column     = m_TableDisplay.GetColumnByIndex((int)col);
                var metaColumn = m_TableDisplay.GetMetaData().GetColumnByIndex((int)col);
                if (column != null)
                    var str = column.GetRowValueString(row, m_FormattingOptions.GetFormatter(metaColumn.FormatName));
                    DrawTextEllipsis(str, r,
                                     link == null ? Styles.NumberLabel : Styles.ClickableLabel
                                     , EllipsisStyleMetricData, selected);
            if (link != null)
                if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                    EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(r, MouseCursor.Link);