public ActionResult Teachers_Read([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request) { DataSourceResult result = _teacherService.GetAll().ToDataSourceResult(request); return(Json(result)); }
public DataSourceResult _complianceDepartmentExcel([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Search search) { DataSourceResult result = new DataSourceResult(); try { search.EndDate = (search.EndDate != null && search.EndDate.ToString() != "") ? search.EndDate.Value.Date.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(29).AddSeconds(59) : search.EndDate; search.OrgTypeLevel1IDs = (search.OrgTypeLevel1IDs != null && search.OrgTypeLevel1IDs != "-1") ? search.OrgTypeLevel1IDs : ""; search.OrgTypeLevel2IDs = (search.OrgTypeLevel2IDs != null && search.OrgTypeLevel2IDs != "-1") ? search.OrgTypeLevel2IDs : ""; search.OrgTypeLevel3IDs = (search.OrgTypeLevel3IDs != null && search.OrgTypeLevel3IDs != "-1") ? search.OrgTypeLevel3IDs : ""; List <ComplianceQuestionDetail> ComplianceQuestionDetailList = new List <ComplianceQuestionDetail>(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = ReportComplianceDepartment(search).Tables[0]; object totalNum = dt.Compute("Sum(Num)", ""); object totalDen = dt.Compute("Sum(Den)", ""); object totalCompliance = (Convert.ToDecimal(totalNum) / Convert.ToDecimal(totalDen)) * 100; dt.Select().ToList <DataRow>().ForEach(r => { r["TotalNumerator"] = Convert.ToDecimal(totalNum); r["TotalDenominator"] = Convert.ToDecimal(totalDen); r["OverallCompliance"] = Convert.ToDecimal(totalCompliance); }); ComplianceQuestionDetailList = dt.ToList <ComplianceQuestionDetail>(); if (search.TracerListNames.Split(',').ToArray().Count() == 1) { if (search.TracerListNames.Contains("All")) { ComplianceQuestionDetailList = ComplianceQuestionDetailList.OrderBy(i => i.OverallCompliance).ToList(); } else { ComplianceQuestionDetailList = ComplianceQuestionDetailList.OrderBy(i => i.QuesNo).ToList(); } } else { ComplianceQuestionDetailList = ComplianceQuestionDetailList.OrderBy(i => i.OverallCompliance).ToList(); } result = ComplianceQuestionDetailList.ToDataSourceResult(request, cqc => new ComplianceQuestionDetail { QuestionText = cqc.QuestionText.ReplaceSpecialCharacters(), TotalNumerator = cqc.TotalNumerator, TotalDenominator = cqc.TotalDenominator, OverallCompliance = cqc.OverallCompliance, TracerCustomName = cqc.TracerCustomName, TracerSection = cqc.TracerSection, QuesNo = cqc.QuesNo, StandardEPs = cqc.StandardEPs.ReplaceNewline(), Observation = cqc.Observation.ReplaceNewline(), Num = cqc.Num, Den = cqc.Den, Compliance = cqc.Compliance, OrgName_Rank3 = cqc.OrgName_Rank3, OrgName_Rank2 = cqc.OrgName_Rank2, OrgName_Rank1_Dept = cqc.OrgName_Rank1_Dept, SurveyTeam = cqc.SurveyTeam.ReplaceNewline(), MedicalStaffInvolved = cqc.MedicalStaffInvolved.ReplaceNewline(), Location = cqc.Location.ReplaceNewline(), MedicalRecordNumber = cqc.MedicalRecordNumber.ReplaceNewline(), EquipmentObserved = cqc.EquipmentObserved.ReplaceNewline(), ContractedService = cqc.ContractedService.ReplaceNewline(), StaffInterviewed = cqc.StaffInterviewed.ReplaceNewline(), TracerNote = cqc.TracerNote.ReplaceNewline(), UpdatedByName = cqc.UpdatedByName, ObservationDate = cqc.ObservationDate, LastUpdated = cqc.LastUpdated, QuestionNotes = cqc.QuestionNotes.ReplaceNewline(), QID = cqc.QID, LimitDepartment = cqc.LimitDepartment }); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.ToString() == "No Data") { result.Errors = WebConstants.NO_DATA_FOUND_EXCEL_VIEW; } else if (ex.Message.ToString() == "Limit") { result.Errors = "Maximum limit of " + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportOutputLimit"].ToString() + " records reached. Refine your criteria to narrow the result."; } if (ex.Message.ToString() != "No Data" && ex.Message.ToString() != "Limit") { ExceptionLog exceptionLog = new ExceptionLog { ExceptionText = "Reports: " + ex.Message, PageName = "TracerComplianceDepartment", MethodName = "_ComplianceQuestionDepartmentExcel", UserID = Convert.ToInt32(AppSession.UserID), SiteId = Convert.ToInt32(AppSession.SelectedSiteId), TransSQL = "", HttpReferrer = null }; _exceptionService.LogException(exceptionLog); } } return(result); }
public ActionResult Interventions_Read([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, string filtreAnnee) { Nullable <DateTime> dateDebut; Nullable <DateTime> dateFin; MentoratNetCore.Extensions.CscExtensionsMethodes.AttribuerDateDebutDateFinAnneeFinanciereProjet(filtreAnnee, out dateDebut, out dateFin); List <Intervention> interventions; var strMessageDatasource = ""; //on filtre selon l'année financière sélectionner par le combobox...par défaut on affiche tout. if (dateDebut == null || dateFin == null) { interventions = db.Interventions.ToList(); strMessageDatasource = ""; } else { interventions = db.Interventions.Where(b => b.Date_Intervention >= dateDebut && b.Date_Intervention <= dateFin).ToList(); strMessageDatasource = "(" + DateTime.Parse(dateDebut.ToString()).ToShortDateString() + " au " + DateTime.Parse(dateFin.ToString()).ToShortDateString() + ")"; } if (request.Groups.Count > 0) { GroupDescriptor monGroup = request.Groups.Where(g => g.Member == "No_Mentore_Intervention").FirstOrDefault(); if (monGroup != null) { monGroup.Member = "Mentore.NomComplet_Mentore"; // monGroup.SortDirection = System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending; monGroup.DisplayContent = "No_Mentore_Intervention"; } monGroup = request.Groups.Where(g => g.Member == "No_Mentor_Intervention").FirstOrDefault(); if (monGroup != null) { monGroup.Member = "Mentor.NomCompletMentor"; monGroup.DisplayContent = "No_Mentor_Intervention"; // monGroup.SortDirection = System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending; } } if (request.Sorts.Count == 0) // par défaut le tri est par la date { request.Sorts.Add(new SortDescriptor("Date_Intervention", ListSortDirection.Descending)); } else { SortDescriptor monsort = request.Sorts.Where(w => w.Member == "No_Mentore_Intervention").FirstOrDefault(); if (monsort != null) {//Le tri est la le combobox alors on va trier sur le nom du Mentore var sort1 = new SortDescriptor("Mentore.NomComplet_Mentore", monsort.SortDirection); request.Sorts.Insert(request.Sorts.IndexOf(monsort), sort1); } monsort = request.Sorts.Where(w => w.Member == "No_Mentor_Intervention").FirstOrDefault(); if (monsort != null) {//Le tri est la le combobox alors on va trier sur le nom du Mentor var sort1 = new SortDescriptor("Mentor.NomCompletMentor", monsort.SortDirection); request.Sorts.Insert(request.Sorts.IndexOf(monsort), sort1); } } DataSourceResult result = interventions.ToDataSourceResult(request, intervention => new Intervention { No_Intervention = intervention.No_Intervention, Date_Intervention = intervention.Date_Intervention, No_Mentor_Intervention = intervention.No_Mentor_Intervention, Mentor = new Mentor { NoMentor = intervention.Mentor.NoMentor, PrenomMentor = intervention.Mentor.PrenomMentor, NomMentor = intervention.Mentor.NomMentor }, No_Mentore_Intervention = intervention.No_Mentore_Intervention, Mentore = new Mentore { No_Mentore = intervention.Mentore.No_Mentore, Nom_Mentore = intervention.Mentore.Nom_Mentore, Prenom_Mentore = intervention.Mentore.Prenom_Mentore }, Duree_Intervention = intervention.Duree_Intervention, Description_Intervention = intervention.Description_Intervention }); var resultModif = new MentoratNetCore.Extensions.KendoDataSourceResult(result); resultModif.MessageDataSource = strMessageDatasource; return(Json(resultModif)); }
/// <summary> /// 生成反馈 /// </summary> /// <param name="result">数据库查询结果</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Feedback ToFeedback(this DataSourceResult result) { return(Feedback.CreateList(result.Data, result.Total)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SeNames(DataSourceRequest command, UrlEntityListModel model) { bool?active = null; switch (model.SearchActiveId) { case 1: active = true; break; case 2: active = false; break; default: break; } var entityUrls = await _slugService.GetAllEntityUrl(model.SeName, active, command.Page - 1, command.PageSize); var items = new List <UrlEntityModel>(); foreach (var x in entityUrls) { //language string languageName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.LanguageId)) { languageName = _translationService.GetResource("admin.configuration.senames.Language.Standard"); } else { var language = await _languageService.GetLanguageById(x.LanguageId); languageName = language != null ? language.Name : "Unknown"; } //details URL string detailsUrl = ""; var entityName = x.EntityName != null?x.EntityName.ToLowerInvariant() : ""; switch (entityName) { case "brand": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Brand", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; case "blogpost": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Blog", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; case "category": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Category", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; case "collection": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Collection", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; case "product": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Product", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; case "newsitem": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "News", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; case "page": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Page", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; case "vendor": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Vendor", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; case "course": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Course", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; case "knowledgebasecategory": detailsUrl = Url.Action("EditCategory", "Knowledgebase", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; case "knowledgebasearticle": detailsUrl = Url.Action("EditArticle", "Knowledgebase", new { id = x.EntityId, area = Constants.AreaAdmin }); break; default: break; } items.Add(new UrlEntityModel { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Slug, EntityId = x.EntityId, EntityName = x.EntityName, IsActive = x.IsActive, Language = languageName, DetailsUrl = detailsUrl }); } var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = items, Total = entityUrls.TotalCount }; return(Json(gridModel)); }
public virtual ActionResult HardwareList(DataSourceRequest command, HardwareListModel model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CustomerConnector) && model.Hardware_ID == 0 && model.Amount == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RequestDate) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Description) && model.Status == 0 ) { var hardwareItems = _hardwareService.GetAllHardware(); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = hardwareItems.Select(x => new HardwareModel { Amount = x.Amount, CustomerName = _customerService.GetCustomerById(x.Customer_ID).CustomerName, Hardware = _hardwareService.GetHardwareById(x.Hardware_ID).HardwareName, CustomerConnector = x.CustomerConnector, RequestDate = x.RequestDate, Description = x.Description, HardwareTypeDescription = _hardwareService.GetHardwareTypeById(x.Hardware_ID).Description, DeliveryDate = x.DeliveryDate, DeliveryDescription = x.DeliveryDescription, DeliveryDeviceSerialNumber = x.DeliveryDeviceSerialNumber, Check_Delivery = x.Status == 1 ? true : false, Check_Revocation = x.Status == 2 ? true : false, Customer_ID = x.Customer_ID, Hardware_ID = x.Hardware_ID, Request_ID = x.Request_ID }), Total = hardwareItems.Count() }; return Json(gridModel); } else { var hardwareItems = _hardwareService.SearchHardware(model.CustomerConnector,model.Hardware_ID,model.RequestDate,model.Description,model.Status); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = hardwareItems.Select(x => new HardwareModel { Amount = x.Amount, CustomerName = _customerService.GetCustomerById(x.Customer_ID).CustomerName, Hardware = _hardwareService.GetHardwareById(x.Hardware_ID).HardwareName, CustomerConnector = x.CustomerConnector, RequestDate = x.RequestDate, Description = x.Description, Customer_ID = x.Customer_ID, Hardware_ID = x.Hardware_ID, Request_ID = x.Request_ID, HardwareTypeDescription = _hardwareService.GetHardwareTypeById(x.Hardware_ID).Description, DeliveryDate = x.DeliveryDate, DeliveryDescription = x.DeliveryDescription, DeliveryDeviceSerialNumber = x.DeliveryDeviceSerialNumber, Check_Delivery = x.Status == 1 ? true : false, Check_Revocation = x.Status == 2 ? true : false, }), Total = hardwareItems.Count() }; return Json(gridModel); } }
public ActionResult SubmitHardware(DataSourceRequest command, HardwareListModel model) { HttpSessionStateBase session = HttpContext.Session; try { if (false) // field validation { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new HardwareListModel { Message = Message.InvalidCharacter, }, Total = 1 }; return Json(gridModel); } Tbl_Hardware tu = new Tbl_Hardware(); tu.Request_ID = model.Request_ID; tu.CustomerConnector = model.CustomerConnector; tu.Customer_ID = model.Customer_ID; tu.Description = model.Description; tu.Hardware_ID = model.Hardware_ID; tu.RequestDate = model.RequestDate; if (model.Check_Delivery && !model.Check_Revocation) tu.Status = 1; else if (!model.Check_Delivery && model.Check_Revocation) tu.Status = 2; else tu.Status = 0; tu.DeliveryDate = model.DeliveryDate; tu.DeliveryDescription = model.DeliveryDescription; tu.DeliveryDeviceSerialNumber = model.DeliveryDeviceSerialNumber; tu.Amount = model.Amount; tu.LastUpdateUser_ID = Convert.ToInt32(session["UserID"]); tu.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); tu.LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"); if (_hardwareService.AddNewHardware(tu)) { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new HardwareListModel { Message = Message.OperationSuccessful, MessageColor = "green" }, Total = 1 }; return Json(gridModel); } else { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new HardwareListModel { Message = Message.OperationUnsuccessful, MessageColor = "red" }, Total = 1 }; return Json(gridModel); } } catch (Exception ex) { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new HardwareListModel { Message = Message.OperationUnsuccessful, MessageColor = "red" }, Total = 1 }; return Json(gridModel); } //return ""; }
public ActionResult InsertCustomer(CustomerModel model, string returnurl) { HttpSessionStateBase session = HttpContext.Session; try { if (model.Customer_ID == 0) { // update process Tbl_Customer tg = new Tbl_Customer(); tg.Address = model.Address; tg.CompanyRegistrationName = model.CompanyRegistrationName; tg.CustomerConnector = model.CustomerConnector; tg.CustomerField_ID = model.CustomerField_ID; tg.CustomerName = model.CustomerName; tg.EconomicalNumber = model.EconomicalNumber; tg.Email = model.Email; tg.FaxNo = model.FaxNo; tg.MobileNo = model.MobileNo; tg.NationalID = model.NationalID; tg.PostalCode = model.PostalCode; tg.RegistrationNumber = model.RegistrationNumber; tg.SubscriptionCode = model.SubscriptionCode; tg.TelNo = model.TelNo; tg.Active = model.IsActive_ID; tg.LastUpdateUser_ID = Convert.ToInt32(session["UserID"]); tg.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); tg.LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"); int res = _customerService.AddNewCustomer(tg, model.Customer_ID, model.IsActive_ID, model.CustomerField_ID); if (res > 0) { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new CustomerListModel { Message = Message.OperationSuccessful, Customer_ID = res, SubscriptionCode = _customerService.GetCustomerById(res).SubscriptionCode, MessageColor = "green", }, Total = 1 }; return(Json(gridModel)); } else { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new CustomerListModel { Message = Message.OperationUnsuccessful, MessageColor = "red", }, Total = 1 }; return(Json(gridModel)); } } else { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new CustomerListModel { Message = Message.OperationUnsuccessful, MessageColor = "red", }, Total = 1 }; return(Json(gridModel)); } } catch (Exception ex) { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new CustomerListModel { Message = Message.OperationUnsuccessful, MessageColor = "red", }, Total = 1 }; return(Json(gridModel)); } }
public virtual ActionResult CustomerList(DataSourceRequest command, CustomerListModel model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Address) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CompanyRegistrationName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CustomerConnector) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CustomerName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CompanyRegistrationName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.EconomicalNumber) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Email) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FaxNo) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MobileNo) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.NationalID) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PostalCode) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RegistrationNumber) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SubscriptionCode) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.TelNo) && model.IsActive_ID == 0 && model.CustomerField_ID == 0) { var Items = _customerService.GetAllCustomers(); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = Items.Select(x => new CustomerModel { TelNo = x.TelNo, SubscriptionCode = x.SubscriptionCode, RegistrationNumber = x.RegistrationNumber, PostalCode = x.PostalCode, NationalID = x.NationalID, MobileNo = x.MobileNo, Address = x.Address, CompanyRegistrationName = x.CompanyRegistrationName, CustomerConnector = x.CustomerConnector, CustomerField_ID = x.CustomerField_ID, Field = _customerService.GetFieldById(x.CustomerField_ID).CustomerField_Name, CustomerName = x.CustomerName, Customer_ID = x.Customer_ID, EconomicalNumber = x.EconomicalNumber, Email = x.Email, FaxNo = x.FaxNo, IsActive_ID = x.Active, IsActive = _comm.GetLiteralByInt(x.Active), }), Total = Items.Count() }; return(Json(gridModel)); } else { //var UserItems = _groupService.SearchCustomer(model.GroupName, model.Description); var UserItems = _customerService.SearchCustomers(model.Address, model.CompanyRegistrationName, model.CustomerConnector, model.CustomerName, model.EconomicalNumber, model.Email, model.FaxNo, model.MobileNo, model.NationalID, model.PostalCode, model.RegistrationNumber, model.SubscriptionCode, model.TelNo, model.CustomerField_ID, model.IsActive_ID); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = UserItems.Select(x => new CustomerModel { TelNo = x.TelNo, SubscriptionCode = x.SubscriptionCode, RegistrationNumber = x.RegistrationNumber, PostalCode = x.PostalCode, NationalID = x.NationalID, MobileNo = x.MobileNo, Address = x.Address, CompanyRegistrationName = x.CompanyRegistrationName, CustomerConnector = x.CustomerConnector, CustomerField_ID = x.CustomerField_ID, CustomerName = x.CustomerName, Customer_ID = x.Customer_ID, EconomicalNumber = x.EconomicalNumber, Email = x.Email, FaxNo = x.FaxNo, IsActive_ID = x.Active, Field = _customerService.GetFieldById(x.CustomerField_ID).CustomerField_Name, IsActive = _comm.GetLiteralByInt(x.Active) }), Total = UserItems.Count() }; return(Json(gridModel)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> BestsellersReportList(DataSourceRequest command, BestsellersReportModel model) { //a vendor should have access only to his products if (_workContext.CurrentVendor != null && !_workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsStaff()) { model.VendorId = _workContext.CurrentVendor.Id; } if (_workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsStaff()) { model.StoreId = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.StaffStoreId; } DateTime?startDateValue = (model.StartDate == null) ? null : (DateTime?)_dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUtcTime(model.StartDate.Value, _dateTimeHelper.CurrentTimeZone); DateTime?endDateValue = (model.EndDate == null) ? null : (DateTime?)_dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUtcTime(model.EndDate.Value, _dateTimeHelper.CurrentTimeZone).AddDays(1); OrderStatus? orderStatus = model.OrderStatusId > 0 ? (OrderStatus?)(model.OrderStatusId) : null; PaymentStatus?paymentStatus = model.PaymentStatusId > 0 ? (PaymentStatus?)(model.PaymentStatusId) : null; var items = await _orderReportService.BestSellersReport( createdFromUtc : startDateValue, createdToUtc : endDateValue, os : orderStatus, ps : paymentStatus, billingCountryId : model.BillingCountryId, orderBy : 2, vendorId : model.VendorId, pageIndex : command.Page - 1, pageSize : command.PageSize, showHidden : true, storeId : model.StoreId); var result = new List <BestsellersReportLineModel>(); foreach (var x in items) { var m = new BestsellersReportLineModel { ProductId = x.ProductId, TotalAmount = _priceFormatter.FormatPrice(x.TotalAmount, true, false), TotalQuantity = x.TotalQuantity, }; var product = await _productService.GetProductById(x.ProductId); if (product != null) { m.ProductName = product.Name; } if (_workContext.CurrentVendor != null) { if (product.VendorId == _workContext.CurrentVendor.Id) { result.Add(m); } } else { result.Add(m); } } var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = result, Total = items.TotalCount }; return(Json(gridModel)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OrderIncompleteReportList(DataSourceRequest command) { if (!await _permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageOrders)) { return(Content("")); } //a vendor does have access to this report if (_workContext.CurrentVendor != null && !_workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsStaff()) { return(Content("")); } string storeId = ""; if (_workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsStaff()) { storeId = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.StaffStoreId; } var model = new List <OrderIncompleteReportLineModel>(); //not paid var psPending = await _orderReportService.GetOrderAverageReportLine(storeId : storeId, ps : PaymentStatus.Pending, ignoreCancelledOrders : true); model.Add(new OrderIncompleteReportLineModel { Item = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Reports.Incomplete.TotalUnpaidOrders"), Count = psPending.CountOrders, Total = _priceFormatter.FormatPrice(psPending.SumOrders, true, false), ViewLink = Url.Action("List", "Order", new { paymentStatusId = ((int)PaymentStatus.Pending).ToString() }) }); //not shipped var ssPending = await _orderReportService.GetOrderAverageReportLine(storeId : storeId, ss : ShippingStatus.NotYetShipped, ignoreCancelledOrders : true); model.Add(new OrderIncompleteReportLineModel { Item = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Reports.Incomplete.TotalNotShippedOrders"), Count = ssPending.CountOrders, Total = _priceFormatter.FormatPrice(ssPending.SumOrders, true, false), ViewLink = Url.Action("List", "Order", new { shippingStatusId = ((int)ShippingStatus.NotYetShipped).ToString() }) }); //pending var osPending = await _orderReportService.GetOrderAverageReportLine(storeId : storeId, os : OrderStatus.Pending, ignoreCancelledOrders : true); model.Add(new OrderIncompleteReportLineModel { Item = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Reports.Incomplete.TotalIncompleteOrders"), Count = osPending.CountOrders, Total = _priceFormatter.FormatPrice(osPending.SumOrders, true, false), ViewLink = Url.Action("List", "Order", new { orderStatusId = ((int)OrderStatus.Pending).ToString() }) }); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = model, Total = model.Count }; return(Json(gridModel)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> RatesList(DataSourceRequest command) { var records = await _shippingByWeightService.GetAll(command.Page - 1, command.PageSize); var sbwModel = new List <ShippingByWeightModel>(); foreach (var x in records) { var m = new ShippingByWeightModel { Id = x.Id, StoreId = x.StoreId, WarehouseId = x.WarehouseId, ShippingMethodId = x.ShippingMethodId, CountryId = x.CountryId, From = x.From, To = x.To, AdditionalFixedCost = x.AdditionalFixedCost, PercentageRateOfSubtotal = x.PercentageRateOfSubtotal, RatePerWeightUnit = x.RatePerWeightUnit, LowerWeightLimit = x.LowerWeightLimit, }; //shipping method var shippingMethod = await _shippingMethodService.GetShippingMethodById(x.ShippingMethodId); m.ShippingMethodName = (shippingMethod != null) ? shippingMethod.Name : "Unavailable"; //store var store = await _storeService.GetStoreById(x.StoreId); m.StoreName = (store != null) ? store.Shortcut : "*"; //warehouse var warehouse = await _warehouseService.GetWarehouseById(x.WarehouseId); m.WarehouseName = (warehouse != null) ? warehouse.Name : "*"; //country var c = await _countryService.GetCountryById(x.CountryId); m.CountryName = (c != null) ? c.Name : "*"; //state var s = c?.StateProvinces.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == x.StateProvinceId); m.StateProvinceName = (s != null) ? s.Name : "*"; //zip m.Zip = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Zip)) ? x.Zip : "*"; var htmlSb = new StringBuilder("<div>"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _translationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.From"), m.From); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _translationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.To"), m.To); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _translationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.AdditionalFixedCost"), m.AdditionalFixedCost); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _translationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.RatePerWeightUnit"), m.RatePerWeightUnit); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _translationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.LowerWeightLimit"), m.LowerWeightLimit); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _translationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.PercentageRateOfSubtotal"), m.PercentageRateOfSubtotal); htmlSb.Append("</div>"); m.DataHtml = htmlSb.ToString(); sbwModel.Add(m); } var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = sbwModel, Total = records.TotalCount }; return(Json(gridModel)); }
public ActionResult AllOrders_Read([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request) { DataSourceResult result = this.orderService.All().To <OrdersViewModel>().ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).ToDataSourceResult(request); return(this.Json(result)); }
public ActionResult PostList(DataSourceRequest command, PostListModel model) { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManagePosts)) { return(AccessDeniedView()); } var categoryIds = new List <int> { model.SearchCategoryId }; //include subcategories if (model.SearchIncludeSubCategories && model.SearchCategoryId > 0) { categoryIds.AddRange(GetChildCategoryIds(model.SearchCategoryId)); } //0 - all (according to "ShowHidden" parameter) //1 - published only //2 - unpublished only bool?overridePublished = null; if (model.SearchPublishedId == 1) { overridePublished = true; } else if (model.SearchPublishedId == 2) { overridePublished = false; } var posts = _postService.SearchPosts( categoryIds: categoryIds, keywords: model.SearchPostName, pageIndex: command.Page - 1, pageSize: command.PageSize, showHidden: true, overridePublished: overridePublished ); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult(); gridModel.Data = posts.Select(x => { var postModel = x.ToModel(); var createdBy = _customerService.GetCustomerById(x.CreatedBy); if (createdBy != null) { postModel.CreatedByName = createdBy.Username; } var approvedBy = _customerService.GetCustomerById(x.ApprovedBy); if (approvedBy != null) { postModel.ApprovedByName = approvedBy.Username; } postModel.CreatedOn = _dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUserTime(x.CreatedOnUtc); if (x.ApprovedOnUtc != null) { postModel.ApprovedOn = _dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUserTime(x.ApprovedOnUtc.Value); } //little hack here: //ensure that post full descriptions are not returned //otherwise, we can get the following error if posts have too long descriptions: //"Error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer. The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property. " //also it improves performance postModel.FullDescription = ""; //picture var defaultPostPicture = _pictureService.GetPicturesByPostId(x.Id, 1).FirstOrDefault(); postModel.PictureThumbnailUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(defaultPostPicture, 75, true); return(postModel); }); gridModel.Total = posts.TotalCount; return(Json(gridModel)); }
public async Task<IActionResult> SeNames(DataSourceRequest command, UrlRecordListModel model) { var urlRecords = await _urlRecordService.GetAllUrlRecords(model.SeName, command.Page - 1, command.PageSize); var items = new List<UrlRecordModel>(); foreach (var x in urlRecords) { //language string languageName; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.LanguageId)) { languageName = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.System.SeNames.Language.Standard"); } else { var language = await _languageService.GetLanguageById(x.LanguageId); languageName = language != null ? language.Name : "Unknown"; } //details URL string detailsUrl = ""; var entityName = x.EntityName != null ? x.EntityName.ToLowerInvariant() : ""; switch (entityName) { case "blogpost": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Blog", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "category": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Category", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "manufacturer": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Manufacturer", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "product": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Product", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "newsitem": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "News", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "topic": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Topic", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "vendor": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Vendor", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "course": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Course", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "knowledgebasecategory": detailsUrl = Url.Action("EditCategory", "Knowledgebase", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "knowledgebasearticle": detailsUrl = Url.Action("EditArticle", "Knowledgebase", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; default: break; } items.Add(new UrlRecordModel { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Slug, EntityId = x.EntityId, EntityName = x.EntityName, IsActive = x.IsActive, Language = languageName, DetailsUrl = detailsUrl }); } var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = items, Total = urlRecords.TotalCount }; return Json(gridModel); }
public DataSourceResult QuestionEPRelationExcel([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Search search) { DataSourceResult result = new DataSourceResult(); try { SearchFormat sf = new SearchFormat(); sf.CheckInputs(search); List <QuestionEpRelation> questionEPExcel = new List <QuestionEpRelation>(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = questionEPData(search).Tables[0]; //convert datatable to list questionEPExcel = dt.ToList <QuestionEpRelation>(); result = questionEPExcel.ToDataSourceResult(request, tc => new QuestionEpRelation { TracerTemplateName = tc.TracerTemplateName, TemplateStatus = tc.TemplateStatus, TracerCustomName = tc.TracerCustomName, TracerStatusName = tc.TracerStatusName, SortOrder = tc.SortOrder, QuestionText = tc.QuestionText, StdEffectiveBeginDate = tc.StdEffectiveBeginDate, EPChangeStatus = tc.EPChangeStatus, ImpactOnQuestion = tc.ImpactOnQuestion, StdEPMappingToQuestion = tc.StdEPMappingToQuestion, EPTextMappingToQuestion = tc.EPTextMappingToQuestion, ComparedStdEP = tc.ComparedStdEP, ComparedEPText = tc.ComparedEPText, EpChangeDescription = tc.EpChangeDescription }); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.ToString() == "No Data") { result.Errors = "No Data found matching your criteria."; } else if (ex.Message.ToString() == "Limit") { result.Errors = "Maximum limit of " + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportOutputLimit"].ToString() + " records reached. Refine your criteria to narrow the result."; } if (ex.Message.ToString() != "No Data" && ex.Message.ToString() != "Limit") { ExceptionLog exceptionLog = new ExceptionLog { ExceptionText = "Reports: " + ex.Message, PageName = "QuestionEPRelation", MethodName = "QuestionEPRelationExcel", UserID = Convert.ToInt32(AppSession.UserID), SiteId = Convert.ToInt32(AppSession.SelectedSiteId), TransSQL = "", HttpReferrer = null }; _exceptionService.LogException(exceptionLog); } } return(result); }
public async Task CreateResultDataSourceAsync(DataSourceResult dataSourceResult) { _wpbDataContext.DataSourceResults.Add(dataSourceResult); await _wpbDataContext.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public JsonResult Read([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request) { try { var empId = Convert.ToInt64(Session[Constants.SessionEmpID]); var roleId = Convert.ToInt32(Session[Constants.SessionRoleID]); var GetDetails = DB.Database.SqlQuery <ProjectMasterList>( @"exec " + Constants.P_GetEmpTimesheet_ProjectMasterEntry + " @empId,@roleId", new object[] { new SqlParameter("@empId", empId), new SqlParameter("@roleId", roleId) }).ToList(); //var NewEnryModel = DB.NewEntry.Join(DB.ProjectMaster,x=>x.ProjectID,y=>y.ProjectID,(x,y)=>new { x.InvolveMonth,x.InvolvePercent}) .OrderBy(x => x.ProjectID).ToList(); //var GetDetails = new List<ProjectMasterList>(); //var list = (from x in DB.ProjectMaster // join m in DB.MasterData on x.TypeofResearch equals m.MstID into researches // from m in researches.DefaultIfEmpty() // join re in DB.ResearchMaster on x.ResearchArea equals re.RsID into researchAreas // from re in researchAreas.DefaultIfEmpty() // join md in DB.MasterData on x.ProjectGrant equals md.MstID into projectGrants // from md in projectGrants.DefaultIfEmpty() // join co in DB.MasterData on x.CostCentre equals co.MstCode // where x.IsActive // select new { x.ProjectID, x.ProjectCode, x.ProjectName, x.ProjectDesc, x.InternalOrder, CostCenter = x.CostCentre, ProjectGrant = md.MstName, ResearchArea = re.RsDesc, x.StartDate, x.EndDate, x.IsActive , TypeOfResearch = m.MstName }).ToList(); //if (roleId != 1) //{ // list = (from x in list // join y in DB.ProjectEmployee on x.ProjectID equals y.ProjectID // where y.CheckRole && y.EmployeeID == empId // select x).ToList(); //} //int i = 1; //foreach (var item in list) //{ // GetDetails.Add(new ProjectMasterList() // { // ProjectID = item.ProjectID, // ProjectCode = item.ProjectCode, // ProjectName = item.ProjectName, // ProjectDesc = item.ProjectDesc, // InternalOrder = item.InternalOrder, // CostCentre = item.CostCenter, // ProjectGrant = item.ProjectGrant, // ResearchArea = item.ResearchArea, // StartDate = item.StartDate.Value.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), // EndDate = item.EndDate.Value.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"), // ItemNo = i++, // TypeofResearch = item.TypeOfResearch // }); //} DataSourceResult result = GetDetails.ToDataSourceResult(request); return(Json(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.ErrorLog(ex); throw ex; } }
public virtual ActionResult DeviceFailureList(DataSourceRequest command, DeviceFailureListModel model) { if (model.Customer_ID == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CustomerConnector) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.RequestDate) && model.ProblemType_ID == 0 && model.TroubleShooting_ID == 0 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Reserve) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Description)) { var hardwareItems = _hardwareService.GetAllDeviceFailure(); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = hardwareItems.Select(x => new DeviceFailureModel { CustomerName = _customerService.GetCustomerById(x.Customer_ID).CustomerName, ProblemType = _ptypes.GetLiteralByInt(x.ProblemType), CustomerConnector = x.CustomerConnector, TroubleShooting_ID = x.Troubleshooting, DeliveryDeviceSerialNumber = x.DeliveryDeviceSerialNumber, DeliveryDate = x.DeliveryDate, WarrantyPeriod = x.WarrantyPeriod, TroubleShooting = _tsh.GetLiteralByInt(x.Troubleshooting), RequestDate = x.RequestDate, Description = x.Description, Customer_ID = x.Customer_ID, ProblemType_ID = x.ProblemType, Request_ID = x.Request_ID }), Total = hardwareItems.Count() }; return Json(gridModel); } else { var hardwareItems = _hardwareService.SearchDeviceFailure(model.CustomerConnector, model.RequestDate, model.ProblemType_ID, model.TroubleShooting_ID, model.Reserve, model.Description); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = hardwareItems.Select(x => new DeviceFailureModel { CustomerName = _customerService.GetCustomerById(x.Customer_ID).CustomerName, ProblemType = _ptypes.GetLiteralByInt(x.ProblemType), CustomerConnector = x.CustomerConnector, TroubleShooting_ID = x.Troubleshooting, TroubleShooting = _tsh.GetLiteralByInt(x.Troubleshooting), DeliveryDeviceSerialNumber = x.DeliveryDeviceSerialNumber, DeliveryDate = x.DeliveryDate, WarrantyPeriod = x.WarrantyPeriod, RequestDate = x.RequestDate, Description = x.Description, Customer_ID = x.Customer_ID, ProblemType_ID = x.ProblemType, Request_ID = x.Request_ID }), Total = hardwareItems.Count() }; return Json(gridModel); } }
public virtual ActionResult BrnIssueList(DataSourceRequest command, DqquebrnListModel model, string sort, string sortDir) { DateTime?startDateValue = (model.CreatedOnFrom == null) ? null : (DateTime?)model.CreatedOnFrom.Value; DateTime?endDateValue = (model.CreatedOnTo == null) ? null : (DateTime?)model.CreatedOnTo.Value.AddDays(1); //startDateValue, endDateValue, IssueStatus?issueStatus = model.STATUS_CODE > 0 ? (IssueStatus?)(model.STATUS_CODE) : null; var identity = ((CustomPrincipal)User).CustomIdentity; int catalogId = model.CATALOG_ID; //var routeValues = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values; ////RouteValueDictionary routeValues; //int catalogId = 1; //if (routeValues.ContainsKey("id")) // catalogId = int.Parse((string)routeValues["id"]); //if (Session["CATALOG_ID"] != null) // catalogId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CATALOG_ID"]); //else // catalogId = model.CATALOG_ID; int[] corpCatalogs = { 61, 11, 12, 5, 21 }; if (corpCatalogs.Contains(catalogId)) { var items = _dqQueService.GetAllCorpQueIssues(model.SearchName, catalogId, model.CUST_ID, model.RULE_ID, model.BRANCH_CODE, issueStatus, model.PRIORITY_CODE, command.Page - 1, command.PageSize, string.Format("{0} {1}", sort, sortDir)); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = items.Select(x => new DqquebrnListModel { CUST_ID = x.CUST_ID, RULE_NAME = x.RULE_NAME, ISSUE_STATUS_DESC = x.MdmDQQueStatuses.STATUS_DESCRIPTION, ISSUE_PRIORITY_DESC = x.MdmDQPriorities.PRIORITY_DESCRIPTION, RUN_DATE = x.RUN_DATE, BRANCH_CODE = x.BRANCH_CODE, BRANCH_NAME = x.BRANCH_NAME, CREATED_DATE = x.CREATED_DATE, PRIORITY_CODE = x.ISSUE_PRIORITY, STATUS_CODE = x.ISSUE_STATUS, TIER = x.TIER, REASON = x.REASON, CATALOG_ID = x.CATALOG_ID, CATALOG_TABLE_NAME = x.CATALOG_TABLE_NAME, AUTH_REJECT_REASON = x.AUTH_REJECT_REASON }), Total = items.TotalCount }; return(Json(gridModel)); } else { var items = _dqQueService.GetAllBrnQueIssues(model.SearchName, catalogId, model.CUST_ID, model.RULE_ID, model.BRANCH_CODE, issueStatus, model.PRIORITY_CODE, model.TIER, command.Page - 1, command.PageSize, string.Format("{0} {1}", sort, sortDir)); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = items.Select(x => new DqquebrnListModel { CUST_ID = x.CUST_ID, RULE_NAME = x.RULE_NAME, ISSUE_STATUS_DESC = x.MdmDQQueStatuses.STATUS_DESCRIPTION, ISSUE_PRIORITY_DESC = x.MdmDQPriorities.PRIORITY_DESCRIPTION, RUN_DATE = x.RUN_DATE, BRANCH_CODE = x.BRANCH_CODE, BRANCH_NAME = x.BRANCH_NAME, CREATED_DATE = x.CREATED_DATE, PRIORITY_CODE = x.ISSUE_PRIORITY, STATUS_CODE = x.ISSUE_STATUS, TIER = x.TIER, REASON = x.REASON, CATALOG_ID = x.CATALOG_ID, CATALOG_TABLE_NAME = x.CATALOG_TABLE_NAME, AUTH_REJECT_REASON = x.AUTH_REJECT_REASON }), Total = items.TotalCount }; return(Json(gridModel)); } }
public ActionResult SubmitReturnRepairedDevice(ReturnRepairedDeviceModel model) { HttpSessionStateBase session = HttpContext.Session; try { Tbl_ReturnRepairedDevice tu = new Tbl_ReturnRepairedDevice(); tu.Customer_ID = model.Customer_ID; tu.CustomerConnector = model.CustomerConnector; tu.DeviceSerialNumber = model.Reserve; tu.DeliveryDate = model.DeliveryDate; tu.WarrantyPeriod = model.WarrantyPeriod; tu.Repairs = model.Repairs; tu.ReturnDate = model.ReturnDate; tu.Description = model.Description; tu.Request_ID = model.Request_ID; tu.LastUpdateUser_ID = Convert.ToInt32(session["UserID"]); tu.LastUpdateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); tu.LastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm"); if (_hardwareService.AddNewReturnRepairedDevice(tu)) { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new ReturnRepairedDeviceModel { Message = Message.OperationSuccessful, MessageColor = "green" }, Total = 1 }; return Json(gridModel); } else { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new ReturnRepairedDeviceModel { Message = Message.OperationUnsuccessful, MessageColor = "red" }, Total = 1 }; return Json(gridModel); } } catch (Exception ex) { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { ExtraData = new ReturnRepairedDeviceModel { Message = Message.OperationUnsuccessful, MessageColor = "red" }, Total = 1 }; return Json(gridModel); } //return ""; }
public virtual ActionResult AuthList(DataSourceRequest command, DqqueAuthListModel model, string sort, string sortDir) { DateTime?startDateValue = (model.CreatedOnFrom == null) ? null : (DateTime?)model.CreatedOnFrom.Value; DateTime?endDateValue = (model.CreatedOnTo == null) ? null : (DateTime?)model.CreatedOnTo.Value.AddDays(1); //startDateValue, endDateValue, IssueStatus?issueStatus = model.STATUS_CODE > 0 ? (IssueStatus?)(model.STATUS_CODE) : null; var identity = ((CustomPrincipal)User).CustomIdentity; int catalogId = model.CATALOG_ID; int[] corpCatalogs = { 61, 11, 12, 5, 21 }; if (corpCatalogs.Contains(catalogId)) { var items = _dqQueService.GetAllCorpUnAuthIssues(model.SearchName, model.CATALOG_ID, model.CUST_ID, model.RULE_ID, model.BRANCH_CODE.ToString(), issueStatus, model.PRIORITY_CODE, command.Page - 1, command.PageSize, string.Format("{0} {1}", sort, sortDir)); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = items.Select(x => new DqqueAuthListModel { EXCEPTION_ID = x.EXCEPTION_ID, CUST_ID = x.CUST_ID, RULE_NAME = x.RULE_NAME, BRANCH_CODE = x.BRANCH_CODE, ISSUE_STATUS_DESC = x.ISSUE_STATUS_DESC, ISSUE_PRIORITY_DESC = x.ISSUE_PRIORITY_DESC, RUN_DATE = x.RUN_DATE, BRANCH_NAME = x.BRANCH_NAME, CREATED_DATE = x.CREATED_DATE, PRIORITY_CODE = x.ISSUE_PRIORITY, STATUS_CODE = x.ISSUE_STATUS, REASON = x.REASON, FIRSTNAME = x.FIRST_NAME, SURNAME = x.SURNAME, OTHERNAME = x.OTHERNAME, CATALOG_ID = x.CATALOG_ID, CATALOG_TABLE_NAME = x.CATALOG_TABLE_NAME }), Total = items.TotalCount }; return(Json(gridModel)); } else { var items = _dqQueService.GetAllBrnUnAuthIssues(model.SearchName, model.CATALOG_ID, model.CUST_ID, model.RULE_ID, model.BRANCH_CODE.ToString(), issueStatus, model.PRIORITY_CODE, model.TIER, command.Page - 1, command.PageSize, string.Format("{0} {1}", sort, sortDir)); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = items.Select(x => new DqqueAuthListModel { EXCEPTION_ID = x.EXCEPTION_ID, CUST_ID = x.CUST_ID, RULE_NAME = x.RULE_NAME, BRANCH_CODE = x.BRANCH_CODE, ISSUE_STATUS_DESC = x.ISSUE_STATUS_DESC, ISSUE_PRIORITY_DESC = x.ISSUE_PRIORITY_DESC, RUN_DATE = x.RUN_DATE, BRANCH_NAME = x.BRANCH_NAME, CREATED_DATE = x.CREATED_DATE, PRIORITY_CODE = x.ISSUE_PRIORITY, STATUS_CODE = x.ISSUE_STATUS, REASON = x.REASON, FIRSTNAME = x.FIRST_NAME, SURNAME = x.SURNAME, OTHERNAME = x.OTHERNAME, CATALOG_ID = x.CATALOG_ID, CATALOG_TABLE_NAME = x.CATALOG_TABLE_NAME }), Total = items.TotalCount }; return(Json(gridModel)); } }
public virtual ActionResult OrderList(DataSourceRequest command, Admin.Models.Orders.OrderListModel model) { var storeScope = this.GetActiveStoreScopeConfiguration(_storeService, _workContext); var amazonSettings = _settingService.LoadSetting<OrderAmazonSettings>(storeScope); if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageOrders)) return AccessDeniedKendoGridJson(); //a vendor should have access only to his products if (_workContext.CurrentVendor != null) { model.VendorId = _workContext.CurrentVendor.Id; } DateTime? startDateValue = (model.StartDate == null) ? null : (DateTime?)_dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUtcTime(model.StartDate.Value, _dateTimeHelper.CurrentTimeZone); DateTime? endDateValue = (model.EndDate == null) ? null : (DateTime?)_dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUtcTime(model.EndDate.Value, _dateTimeHelper.CurrentTimeZone).AddDays(1); var orderStatusIds = !model.OrderStatusIds.Contains(0) ? model.OrderStatusIds : null; var paymentStatusIds = !model.PaymentStatusIds.Contains(0) ? model.PaymentStatusIds : null; var shippingStatusIds = !model.ShippingStatusIds.Contains(0) ? model.ShippingStatusIds : null; var filterByProductId = 0; var product = _productService.GetProductById(model.ProductId); if (product != null && HasAccessToProduct(product)) filterByProductId = model.ProductId; //load orders var orders = _orderAmazonService.SearchOrders(storeId: model.StoreId, vendorId: model.VendorId, productId: filterByProductId, warehouseId: model.WarehouseId, paymentMethodSystemName: model.PaymentMethodSystemName, createdFromUtc: startDateValue, createdToUtc: endDateValue, osIds: orderStatusIds, psIds: paymentStatusIds, ssIds: shippingStatusIds, billingEmail: model.BillingEmail, billingLastName: model.BillingLastName, billingCountryId: model.BillingCountryId, orderNotes: model.OrderNotes, pageIndex: command.Page - 1, pageSize: command.PageSize); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = orders.Select(x => { var store = _storeService.GetStoreById(x.StoreId); return new OrderModel { Id = x.Id, StoreName = store != null ? store.Name : "Unknown", OrderTotal = _priceFormatter.FormatPrice(x.OrderTotal, true, false), OrderStatus = x.OrderStatus.GetLocalizedEnum(_localizationService, _workContext), OrderStatusId = x.OrderStatusId, PaymentStatus = x.PaymentStatus.GetLocalizedEnum(_localizationService, _workContext), PaymentStatusId = x.PaymentStatusId, ShippingStatus = x.ShippingStatus.GetLocalizedEnum(_localizationService, _workContext), ShippingStatusId = x.ShippingStatusId, CustomerEmail = x.BillingAddress.Email, CustomerFullName = string.Format("{0} {1}", x.BillingAddress.FirstName, x.BillingAddress.LastName), CreatedOn = _dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUserTime(x.CreatedOnUtc, DateTimeKind.Utc), CustomOrderNumber = x.CustomOrderNumber, OrderAmazon = _orderAmazonService.GetOrderAmazonByOrderId(x.Id) }; }), Total = orders.TotalCount }; //summary report //currently we do not support productId and warehouseId parameters for this report var reportSummary = _orderReportService.GetOrderAverageReportLine( storeId: model.StoreId, vendorId: model.VendorId, orderId: 0, paymentMethodSystemName: model.PaymentMethodSystemName, osIds: orderStatusIds, psIds: paymentStatusIds, ssIds: shippingStatusIds, startTimeUtc: startDateValue, endTimeUtc: endDateValue, billingEmail: model.BillingEmail, billingLastName: model.BillingLastName, billingCountryId: model.BillingCountryId, orderNotes: model.OrderNotes); var profit = _orderReportService.ProfitReport( storeId: model.StoreId, vendorId: model.VendorId, paymentMethodSystemName: model.PaymentMethodSystemName, osIds: orderStatusIds, psIds: paymentStatusIds, ssIds: shippingStatusIds, startTimeUtc: startDateValue, endTimeUtc: endDateValue, billingEmail: model.BillingEmail, billingLastName: model.BillingLastName, billingCountryId: model.BillingCountryId, orderNotes: model.OrderNotes); var primaryStoreCurrency = _currencyService.GetCurrencyById(_currencySettings.PrimaryStoreCurrencyId); if (primaryStoreCurrency == null) throw new Exception("Cannot load primary store currency"); gridModel.ExtraData = new Admin.Models.Orders.OrderAggreratorModel { aggregatorprofit = _priceFormatter.FormatPrice(profit, true, false), aggregatorshipping = _priceFormatter.FormatShippingPrice(reportSummary.SumShippingExclTax, true, primaryStoreCurrency, _workContext.WorkingLanguage, false), aggregatortax = _priceFormatter.FormatPrice(reportSummary.SumTax, true, false), aggregatortotal = _priceFormatter.FormatPrice(reportSummary.SumOrders, true, false) }; return Json(gridModel); }
public DataSourceResult _taskReportExcel([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, SearchTaskReport search) { DataSourceResult result = new DataSourceResult(); try { List <TaskReportExcelView> TaskReportExcelList = new List <TaskReportExcelView>(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = TaskReportData(search).Tables[0]; TaskReportExcelList = dt.ToList <TaskReportExcelView>(); result = TaskReportExcelList.ToDataSourceResult(request, cqc => new TaskReportExcelView { StatusName = cqc.StatusName, TaskID = cqc.TaskID, TaskName = cqc.TaskName, TaskDescription = cqc.TaskDescription, AssignedBy = cqc.AssignedBy, AssignedTo = cqc.AssignedTo, CcedTo = cqc.CcedTo, AssignedDate = cqc.AssignedDate, DueDate = cqc.DueDate, CompleteDate = cqc.CompleteDate, TaskResolution = cqc.TaskResolution, StandardEp = cqc.StandardEp.ReplaceNewline(), CmsStandard = cqc.CmsStandard, TracerCustomName = cqc.TracerCustomName, QuestionText = cqc.QuestionText.ReplaceNewline(), Observation = cqc.Observation.ReplaceNewline(), OrgName_Rank3 = cqc.OrgName_Rank3, OrgName_Rank2 = cqc.OrgName_Rank2, OrgName_Rank1_Dept = cqc.OrgName_Rank1_Dept }); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.ToString() == "No Data") { result.Errors = WebConstants.NO_DATA_FOUND_TASK_REPORT; } else if (ex.Message.ToString() == "Limit") { result.Errors = "Maximum limit of " + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportOutputLimit"].ToString() + " records reached. Refine your criteria to narrow the result."; } if (ex.Message.ToString() != "No Data" && ex.Message.ToString() != "Limit") { ExceptionLog exceptionLog = new ExceptionLog { ExceptionText = "Reports: " + ex.Message, PageName = "TracerComplianceQuestion", MethodName = "_ComplianceQuestionDetailExcel", UserID = Convert.ToInt32(AppSession.UserID), SiteId = Convert.ToInt32(AppSession.SelectedSiteId), TransSQL = "", HttpReferrer = null }; _exceptionService.LogException(exceptionLog); } } return(result); }
public DataSourceResult _saveandscheduledReportsExcel([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, SearchSavedReportsInput search, int EProductID = 1) { DataSourceResult result = new DataSourceResult(); try { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("EProductID:" + EProductID); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("AppSession.LinkType:" + AppSession.LinkType); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("AppSession.PageID:" + AppSession.PageID); List <SaveandScheduledDetails> SaveandScheduledDetailsList = new List <SaveandScheduledDetails>(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (EProductID == (int)WebConstants.ProductID.TracerER || AppSession.LinkType == (int)WebConstants.LinkType.AMPCorporateReports || AppSession.LinkType == (int)WebConstants.LinkType.AmpHome) { List <int> siteIDList = new List <int>(); int eProductId; int ERReportCategoryID; if (AppSession.LinkType == (int)WebConstants.LinkType.AMPCorporateReports || AppSession.LinkType == (int)WebConstants.LinkType.AmpHome) { // Mark Orlando: It appears AMP Reports should go through here. siteIDList = AppSession.Sites.Select(m => m.SiteID).ToList(); eProductId = (int)WebConstants.ProductID.AMP; ERReportCategoryID = (int)WebConstants.ReportCategoryID.AMP; } else { // M.Orlando 09/27/2017: Updated for TEN siteIDList = AppSession.Sites.Where(m => m.RoleID.In((int)(WebConstants.Role.ProgramAdministrator), (int)(WebConstants.Role.MockSurveyUser), (int)(WebConstants.Role.MockSurveyReviewer))).Select(m => m.SiteID).ToList(); eProductId = (int)WebConstants.ProductID.TracerER; ERReportCategoryID = (int)WebConstants.ReportCategoryID.TracerER; } // Mark Orlando: Requests to get ER Tracer Reports runs here and executes SP ustReport_GetSavedandScheduledERReports. dt = ERSearchSaveandScheduleddataset(string.Join(",", siteIDList.ToArray()), search.SearchSelectedSites == null ? string.Join(",", siteIDList.ToArray()) : search.SearchSelectedSites, eProductId, ERReportCategoryID).Tables[0]; } else { // Mark Orlando: Requests to get Tracer Reports runs here and executes SP ustReport_GetSavedandScheduledReports. dt = SaveandScheduleddataset(EProductID).Tables[0]; } SaveandScheduledDetailsList = dt.ToList <SaveandScheduledDetails>(); // to do filter data if (search.MyReportsView) { SaveandScheduledDetailsList = SaveandScheduledDetailsList.Where(s => s.UserID == AppSession.UserID).ToList(); } else { if (search.ReportUserScheduleID > 0) { SaveandScheduledDetailsList = SaveandScheduledDetailsList.Where(s => s.ERReportUserScheduleID == search.ReportUserScheduleID).ToList(); } else if (search.ERMyReportIDs != null && search.ERMyReportIDs != "-1" && search.ERMyReportIDs != "") { SaveandScheduledDetailsList = SaveandScheduledDetailsList.Where(s => GetSearchIds(search.ERMyReportIDs) .Contains(s.ERReportUserScheduleID.ToString())) .ToList(); } else { search.CreatedByIDs = (search.CreatedByIDs != null && search.CreatedByIDs != "-1") ? search.CreatedByIDs : ""; search.ERReportIDs = (search.ERReportIDs != null && search.ERReportIDs != "-1") ? search.ERReportIDs : ""; search.ERRecurrenceIDs = (search.ERRecurrenceIDs != null && search.ERRecurrenceIDs != "-1") ? search.ERRecurrenceIDs : ""; // filter by user if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(search.CreatedByIDs)) { SaveandScheduledDetailsList = SaveandScheduledDetailsList.Where(s => GetSearchIds(search.CreatedByIDs) .Contains(s.UserID.ToString())) .ToList(); } // filter by Report Name if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(search.ERReportIDs)) { SaveandScheduledDetailsList = SaveandScheduledDetailsList.Where(s => GetSearchIds(search.ERReportIDs) .Contains(s.ERReportID.ToString())) .ToList(); } // filter by Report Frequency / Schedule Type if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(search.ERRecurrenceIDs)) { SaveandScheduledDetailsList = SaveandScheduledDetailsList.Where(s => GetSearchIds(search.ERRecurrenceIDs) .Contains(s.ERScheduleTypeID.ToString())) .ToList(); } // filter by Create Date if (search.CreateDateFrom.HasValue && search.CreateDateFrom.Value > DateTime.MinValue) { DateTime maxDate = DateTime.MaxValue; if (search.CreateDateTo.HasValue) { maxDate = search.CreateDateTo.Value.AddDays(1).Date; } SaveandScheduledDetailsList = SaveandScheduledDetailsList.Where(s => s.CreateDate >= search.CreateDateFrom && s.CreateDate < maxDate) .ToList(); } } } result = SaveandScheduledDetailsList.ToDataSourceResult(request, cqc => new SaveandScheduledDetails { ERReportUserScheduleID = cqc.ERReportUserScheduleID, ERReportID = cqc.ERReportID, UserID = cqc.UserID, ERReportScheduleStatusID = cqc.ERReportScheduleStatusID, EmailTo = cqc.EmailTo, LastRundate = cqc.LastRundate, LastRunStatus = cqc.LastRunStatus, ReportNameOverride = cqc.ReportNameOverride, ReportDescription = cqc.ReportDescription, ERScheduleTypeID = cqc.ERScheduleTypeID, NextRunScheduled = cqc.NextRunScheduled, CreateDate = cqc.CreateDate, UpdateDate = cqc.UpdateDate, ERReportName = cqc.ERReportName, SiteID = cqc.SiteID, FirstName = cqc.FirstName, LastName = cqc.LastName, CreatedBy = cqc.FirstName.ToString() + " " + cqc.LastName.ToString(), UpdatedBy = cqc.UpdateByUserFirstName.ToString() + " " + cqc.UpdateByUserLastName.ToString(), UpdateByUserID = cqc.UpdateByUserID, // UpdateByUserFirstName = cqc.UpdateByUserFirstName, // UpdateByUserLastName = cqc.UpdateByUserLastName, CC = cqc.CC, BCC = cqc.BCC, ReplyTo = cqc.ReplyTo, Subject = cqc.Subject, RenderFormatTypeID = cqc.RenderFormatTypeID, Comment = cqc.Comment, ERReportScheduleStatusName = cqc.ERReportScheduleStatusName, ERReportScheduleStatusDescription = cqc.ERReportScheduleStatusDescription == "Complete" ? "None" : cqc.ERReportScheduleStatusDescription, ERScheduleName = cqc.ERScheduleName, ERScheduleDescription = cqc.ERScheduleDescription == "One-time" ? "None" : cqc.ERScheduleDescription, LastRunMessage = cqc.LastRunMessage == "" ? "None" : cqc.LastRunMessage, ReportSource = cqc.ReportSource, }); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.Message.ToString() == "No Data") { result.Errors = WebConstants.NO_DATA_FOUND_EXCEL_VIEW; } else if (ex.Message.ToString() == "Limit") { result.Errors = "Maximum limit of " + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportOutputLimit"].ToString() + " records reached. Refine your criteria to narrow the result."; } if (ex.Message.ToString() != "No Data" && ex.Message.ToString() != "Limit") { ExceptionLog exceptionLog = new ExceptionLog { ExceptionText = "Reports: " + ex.Message, PageName = "_saveandscheduledReportsExcel", MethodName = "_saveandscheduledReportsExcel", UserID = Convert.ToInt32(AppSession.UserID), SiteId = Convert.ToInt32(AppSession.SelectedSiteId), TransSQL = "", HttpReferrer = null }; _exceptionService.LogException(exceptionLog); } } return(result); }
public async Task <ApiResult <DataSourceResult> > GetUsers([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request) { DataSourceResult dataResult = await _userManager.GetAllUsersWithRoles().ToDataSourceResultAsync(request); return(Ok(dataResult)); }
public IActionResult RateByWeightByTotalList(DataSourceRequest command, ConfigurationModel filter) { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageShippingSettings)) { return(AccessDeniedKendoGridJson()); } //var records = _shippingByWeightService.GetAll(command.Page - 1, command.PageSize); Core.IPagedList <ShippingByWeightByTotalRecord> records = _shippingByWeightService.FindRecords( pageIndex: command.Page - 1, pageSize: command.PageSize, storeId: filter.SearchStoreId, warehouseId: filter.SearchWarehouseId, countryId: filter.SearchCountryId, stateProvinceId: filter.SearchStateProvinceId, zip: filter.SearchZip, shippingMethodId: filter.SearchShippingMethodId, weight: null, orderSubtotal: null ); List <ShippingByWeightByTotalModel> sbwModel = records.Select(record => { ShippingByWeightByTotalModel model = new ShippingByWeightByTotalModel { Id = record.Id, StoreId = record.StoreId, StoreName = _storeService.GetStoreById(record.StoreId)?.Name ?? "*", WarehouseId = record.WarehouseId, WarehouseName = _shippingService.GetWarehouseById(record.WarehouseId)?.Name ?? "*", ShippingMethodId = record.ShippingMethodId, ShippingMethodName = _shippingService.GetShippingMethodById(record.ShippingMethodId)?.Name ?? "Unavailable", CountryId = record.CountryId, CountryName = _countryService.GetCountryById(record.CountryId)?.Name ?? "*", StateProvinceId = record.StateProvinceId, StateProvinceName = _stateProvinceService.GetStateProvinceById(record.StateProvinceId)?.Name ?? "*", WeightFrom = record.WeightFrom, WeightTo = record.WeightTo, OrderSubtotalFrom = record.OrderSubtotalFrom, OrderSubtotalTo = record.OrderSubtotalTo, AdditionalFixedCost = record.AdditionalFixedCost, PercentageRateOfSubtotal = record.PercentageRateOfSubtotal, RatePerWeightUnit = record.RatePerWeightUnit, LowerWeightLimit = record.LowerWeightLimit, Zip = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(record.Zip) ? record.Zip : "*", MontoDolar = record.MontoDolar }; StringBuilder htmlSb = new StringBuilder("<div>"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Fields.WeightFrom"), model.WeightFrom); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Fields.WeightTo"), model.WeightTo); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Fields.OrderSubtotalFrom"), model.OrderSubtotalFrom); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Fields.OrderSubtotalTo"), model.OrderSubtotalTo); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Fields.AdditionalFixedCost"), model.AdditionalFixedCost); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Fields.RatePerWeightUnit"), model.RatePerWeightUnit); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Fields.LowerWeightLimit"), model.LowerWeightLimit); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.FixedByWeightByTotal.Fields.PercentageRateOfSubtotal"), model.PercentageRateOfSubtotal); htmlSb.Append("</div>"); model.DataHtml = htmlSb.ToString(); return(model); }).ToList(); DataSourceResult gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = sbwModel, Total = records.TotalCount }; return(Json(gridModel)); }
public ActionResult SeNames(DataSourceRequest command, UrlRecordListModel model) { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageMaintenance)) { return(AccessDeniedView()); } var urlRecords = _urlRecordService.GetAllUrlRecords(model.SeName, command.Page - 1, command.PageSize); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = urlRecords.Select(x => { //language string languageName; if (x.LanguageId == 0) { languageName = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.System.SeNames.Language.Standard"); } else { var language = _languageService.GetLanguageById(x.LanguageId); languageName = language != null ? language.Name : "Unknown"; } //details URL string detailsUrl = ""; var entityName = x.EntityName != null ? x.EntityName.ToLowerInvariant() : ""; switch (entityName) { case "blogpost": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Blog", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "category": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Category", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "manufacturer": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Manufacturer", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "product": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Product", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "newsitem": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "News", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "topic": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Topic", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; case "vendor": detailsUrl = Url.Action("Edit", "Vendor", new { id = x.EntityId }); break; default: break; } return(new UrlRecordModel { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Slug, EntityId = x.EntityId, EntityName = x.EntityName, IsActive = x.IsActive, Language = languageName, DetailsUrl = detailsUrl }); }), Total = urlRecords.TotalCount }; return(Json(gridModel)); }
public ActionResult ShipPlatoonAssignmentsData(DataSourceRequest command, Guid id, Guid?memberId) { var gridModel = new DataSourceResult(); TerritoryBattlePhase tbp = db.TerritoryBattlePhases.Find(id); DataTable ds = new DataTable(); IEnumerable <PhaseReport> newReport = (IEnumerable <PhaseReport>)HttpContext.Cache.Get("ShipPlatoonAssignments" + id); if (newReport == null) { newReport = db.PhaseReports.Where(x => x.TerritoryBattlePhase_Id == id && x.MemberCharacter_Id == null); if (!newReport.Any()) { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SwgohDb"].ConnectionString)) { SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand("sp_RequiredPlatoonShips", conn); sqlComm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@phaseGuid", id); sqlComm.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = sqlComm; da.Fill(ds); Guid?currentShipId = Guid.Empty; List <MemberShip> memberShips = new List <MemberShip>(); int assignedShips = 0; foreach (DataRow row in ds.Rows) { if (currentShipId != row.Field <Guid>("Ship_Id")) { currentShipId = row.Field <Guid>("Ship_Id"); memberShips = db.MemberShips.Where(x => x.Ship_Id == currentShipId && x.Member.Guild_Id == tbp.TerritoryBattle.Guild_Id && x.Stars >= tbp.RequiredStars) .OrderBy(x => x.ShipPower) .ThenBy(x => x.Stars) .ThenBy(x => x.Level).ToList(); assignedShips = 0; } try { row[1] = memberShips[assignedShips].Id; } catch { row[1] = DBNull.Value; } assignedShips++; } newReport = ds.AsEnumerable().Select( dataRow => new PhaseReport { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), PlatoonShip_Id = dataRow.Field <Guid?>("PlatoonShip_Id"), PlatoonShip = db.PlatoonShips.Find(dataRow.Field <Guid?>("PlatoonShip_Id")), TerritoryBattlePhase_Id = dataRow.Field <Guid>("TerritoryBattlePhase_Id"), TerritoryBattlePhase = db.TerritoryBattlePhases.Find(dataRow.Field <Guid>("TerritoryBattlePhase_Id")), MemberShip_Id = dataRow.Field <Guid?>("Ship_Id"), MemberShip = db.MemberShips.Find(dataRow.Field <Guid?>("Ship_Id")) }).ToList(); db.BulkInsert(newReport); } } HttpContext.Cache.Insert("ShipPlatoonAssignments" + id, newReport, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0)); } if (memberId.HasValue) { //gridModel = newReport.Where(x => x.MemberShip.Member_Id == memberId).ToList().ToDataSourceResult(command, Mapper.Map<PhaseReport, PlatoonAssignmentsModel>); gridModel = db.PhaseReports.Where(x => x.TerritoryBattlePhase_Id == id && x.MemberCharacter_Id == null & x.MemberShip.Member_Id == memberId) .ToList().ToDataSourceResult(command, Mapper.Map <PhaseReport, PlatoonAssignmentsModel>); } else { gridModel = (DataSourceResult)HttpContext.Cache.Get("ShipPlatoonAssignmentsGrid" + id.ToString()); if (gridModel == null) { gridModel = newReport.ToDataSourceResult(command, Mapper.Map <PhaseReport, PlatoonAssignmentsModel>); HttpContext.Cache.Insert("ShipPlatoonAssignmentsGrid" + id, gridModel, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0)); } } return(Json(gridModel)); }
public ActionResult RatesList(DataSourceRequest command) { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageShippingSettings)) { return(Content("Access denied")); } var records = _shippingByWeightService.GetAll(command.Page - 1, command.PageSize); var sbwModel = records.Select(x => { var m = new ShippingByWeightModel() { Id = x.Id, StoreId = x.StoreId, ShippingMethodId = x.ShippingMethodId, CountryId = x.CountryId, From = x.From, To = x.To, AdditionalFixedCost = x.AdditionalFixedCost, PercentageRateOfSubtotal = x.PercentageRateOfSubtotal, RatePerWeightUnit = x.RatePerWeightUnit, LowerWeightLimit = x.LowerWeightLimit, }; //shipping method var shippingMethod = _shippingService.GetShippingMethodById(x.ShippingMethodId); m.ShippingMethodName = (shippingMethod != null) ? shippingMethod.Name : "Unavailable"; //store var store = _storeService.GetStoreById(x.StoreId); m.StoreName = (store != null) ? store.Name : "*"; //country var c = _countryService.GetCountryById(x.CountryId); m.CountryName = (c != null) ? c.Name : "*"; //state var s = _stateProvinceService.GetStateProvinceById(x.StateProvinceId); m.StateProvinceName = (s != null) ? s.Name : "*"; //zip m.Zip = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Zip)) ? x.Zip : "*"; var htmlSb = new StringBuilder("<div>"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.From"), m.From); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.To"), m.To); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.AdditionalFixedCost"), m.AdditionalFixedCost); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.RatePerWeightUnit"), m.RatePerWeightUnit); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.LowerWeightLimit"), m.LowerWeightLimit); htmlSb.Append("<br />"); htmlSb.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", _localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Shipping.ByWeight.Fields.PercentageRateOfSubtotal"), m.PercentageRateOfSubtotal); htmlSb.Append("</div>"); m.DataHtml = htmlSb.ToString(); return(m); }) .ToList(); var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = sbwModel, Total = records.TotalCount }; return(Json(gridModel)); }