Пример #1
        public IActionResult Add(Object dynObj)
                if (dynObj.IsJsonElemen())
                    String json = dynObj.ToString();
                    if (false == String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json))
                        using (var db_source = DataSourceCreator.Create(this._IConfig))
                            var model = db_source.AddObject(json);


                return(BadRequest("Unknown data"));
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #2
        public string Get()
            DataSource dataSource = new DataSourceCreator(Name, KeyValues).Create();

            if (dataSource.GetType() == typeof(PagingDataSource))
                PagingDataSource ds = dataSource as PagingDataSource;

                IEnumerable <string> jsonCollection;
                if (ds.Expands == null || ds.Expands.Length == 0)
                    jsonCollection = ODataQuerier.GetPagingCollection(ds.Entity, ds.Select, ds.Filter, ds.Orderby, ds.Skip, ds.Top, ds.Parameters);
                    jsonCollection = ODataQuerier.GetPagingCollection(ds.Entity, ds.Select, ds.Filter, ds.Orderby, ds.Skip, ds.Top, ds.Expands, ds.Parameters);
                string json = string.Format("[{0}]", string.Join(",", jsonCollection));

                int count = ODataQuerier.Count(ds.Entity, ds.Filter, ds.Parameters);
                json = string.Format("{{\"@count\":{0},\"value\":{1}}}", count, json);
            else if (dataSource.GetType() == typeof(CollectionDataSource))
                CollectionDataSource ds = dataSource as CollectionDataSource;

                IEnumerable <string> jsonCollection;
                if (ds.Expands == null || ds.Expands.Length == 0)
                    jsonCollection = ODataQuerier.GetCollection(ds.Entity, ds.Select, ds.Filter, ds.Orderby, ds.Parameters);
                    jsonCollection = ODataQuerier.GetCollection(ds.Entity, ds.Select, ds.Filter, ds.Orderby, ds.Expands, ds.Parameters);
                return(string.Format("[{0}]", string.Join(",", jsonCollection)));
            else if (dataSource.GetType() == typeof(DefaultGetterDataSource))
                DefaultGetterDataSource ds = dataSource as DefaultGetterDataSource;
                return(ODataQuerier.GetDefault(dataSource.Entity, ds.Select));
            else if (dataSource.GetType() == typeof(CountDataSource))
                CountDataSource ds    = dataSource as CountDataSource;
                int             count = ODataQuerier.Count(ds.Entity, ds.Filter, ds.Parameters);
                return(string.Format("{{\"Count\": {0}}}", count));

            throw new NotSupportedException(dataSource.GetType().ToString());
        private void GraphicsLayer_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.PropertyName == "Graphics")
                GraphicsLayer graphicsLayer = sender as GraphicsLayer;
                // Resetting internal graphic collection and respective event handlers:
                currentGraphicCollection = (sender as GraphicsLayer).Graphics;

                SetItemsSource((GraphicsLayer != null && GraphicsLayer.Graphics != null) ? (IList <Graphic>)GraphicsLayer.Graphics : new List <Graphic>());
                // Restoring previously selected graphics (if any):
                if (GraphicsLayer != null)
            else if (e.PropertyName == "SelectionCount")
                if (!isSelectionChangedFromFeatureDataGrid && SelectedItems != null && SelectedGraphics != null)
                    if (SelectedGraphics.Count == 0)
                    var selectedItemsCount = SelectedItems.Count;
                    for (int i = selectedItemsCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        var g = DataSourceCreator.GetGraphicSibling(SelectedItems[i]);
                        if (!g.Selected)
                    foreach (var g in SelectedGraphics)
                        var r = GetCorrespondingGridRow(g);
                        if (r != null && !SelectedItems.Contains(r))
            else if (e.PropertyName == "HasEdits")
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the corresponding row in <see cref="FeatureDataGrid"/> for the graphic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphic">The graphic.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object GetCorrespondingGridRow(Graphic graphic)
            if (graphic != null && ItemsSource != null)
                foreach (var item in ItemsSource)
                    if (DataSourceCreator.GetGraphicSibling(item) == graphic)

Пример #5
        public void RegisterRoute(int dataSourceId, DataSourceCreator creator)
            lock (_initLockObj)
                bool alreadyExists = _routingTable.ContainsKey(dataSourceId);

                if (alreadyExists)
                    string errorMsg = String.Format("Route for the data source with ID = {0} is already registered", dataSourceId);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMsg);

                _routingTable.Add(dataSourceId, creator);
Пример #6
        public DataSource RouteQuery(Model.ArticleQuery query)
            int targetDsId = query.DataSourceId;
            DataSourceCreator dsCreator = null;

            if (_routingTable.TryGetValue(targetDsId, out dsCreator))
                DataSource createdDs = dsCreator(query);
                string errorMsg = String.Format("Error when trying to route the request: System cannot find the data source with ID = {0}", targetDsId);
                throw new InvalidOperationException(errorMsg);
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid.RowEditEnded"/> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The event data.</param>
        protected override void OnRowEditEnded(DataGridRowEditEndedEventArgs e)

            if (e.EditAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit)
                Graphic relatedGraphic = DataSourceCreator.GetGraphicSibling(e.Row.DataContext);
                if (relatedGraphic != null)
                        e.Row.RefreshGraphic(relatedGraphic, objectType);
                    catch { }
        private void DatePicker_SelectedDateChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            bool       wasDatePickerDataContextNull = false;
            DatePicker datePicker = sender as DatePicker;

            if (datePicker != null && datePicker.DataContext == null)
                wasDatePickerDataContextNull = true;
                datePicker.DataContext       = datePickerDataContext;

            if (datePicker != null && datePicker.DataContext != null &&
                columnForCellBeingEdited != null && columnForCellBeingEdited != "")
                    if (!e.AddedItems[0].Equals(datePicker.DataContext.GetType().GetProperty(columnForCellBeingEdited).GetValue(datePicker.DataContext, null)))
                        DataSourceCreator.SetProperty(e.AddedItems[0], datePicker.DataContext,
                        Graphic correspondingGraphic = DataSourceCreator.GetGraphicSibling(datePicker.DataContext);
                        if (correspondingGraphic != null &&
                            // Unsubscribing from graphic's AttributeValueChanged event to manually refresh corresponding row:
                            correspondingGraphic.AttributeValueChanged -= Graphic_AttributeValueChanged;
                            DateTime?selectedDate = e.AddedItems[0] as DateTime?;
                            DateTime?dateToSet    = null;
                            if (selectedDate != null)
                                dateToSet = new DateTime(selectedDate.Value.Ticks, selectedDate.Value.Kind);
                            correspondingGraphic.Attributes[columnForCellBeingEdited] = dateToSet;
                            if (wasDatePickerDataContextNull)
                                correspondingGraphic.RefreshRow(ItemsSource, GetGraphicIndexInGraphicsCollection(correspondingGraphic), objectType);
                                datePickerDataContext = null;
                            // Subscribing back to the graphic's AttributeValueChanged event:
                            correspondingGraphic.AttributeValueChanged += Graphic_AttributeValueChanged;
                catch { }
 private void GoToVisualState(Graphic graphic, string stateName)
     if (rowsPresenter != null && rowsPresenter.Children != null)
         foreach (UIElement element in rowsPresenter.Children)
             DataGridRow row = element as DataGridRow;
             if (row != null)
                 Graphic g = DataSourceCreator.GetGraphicSibling(row.DataContext);
                 if (graphic.Equals(g))
                     VisualStateManager.GoToState(row, stateName, true);
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Controls.DataGrid.CellEditEnded"/> event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">The event data.</param>
 protected override void OnCellEditEnded(DataGridCellEditEndedEventArgs e)
     if (e.EditAction == DataGridEditAction.Commit)
         Field field = e.Column.GetValue(FieldColumnProperty) as Field;
         if (field != null && featureLayer != null && featureLayer.LayerInfo != null)
             if (field.Domain is CodedValueDomain ||
                 featureLayer.LayerInfo.TypeIdField == field.Name ||
                 FieldDomainUtils.IsDynamicDomain(field, featureLayer.LayerInfo))
                 // When cell edit ends update the graphic with the cell change.
                 var xObject = e.Row.DataContext;
                 var graphic = DataSourceCreator.GetGraphicSibling(xObject);
                 xObject.RefreshGraphic(graphic, xObject.GetType());
Пример #11
        private void LoadData()
            var app = (App)Application.Current;
            var offset      = 0;    // long.Parse(this.textOffset.Text);
            var limit       = 2000; // long.Parse(this.textLimit.Text);
            var constraints = new object[][]
                new object[] { "_id", "in", this.recordIds }

            app.ClientService.SearchModel(this.modelName, constraints, null, offset, limit, (ids, error) =>
                app.ClientService.ReadModel(this.modelName, ids, this.fields, (records, readError) =>
                    //我们需要一个唯一的字符串型 ID
                    this.ItemsSource = DataSourceCreator.ToDataSource(records);
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects/deselects related graphic objects in the GraphicsLayer
        /// when related grid rows have been selected/deselected by the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowsToLookup"></param>
        /// <param name="shouldSelectGraphics"></param>
        private void SelectGraphics(IList rowsToLookup, bool shouldSelectGraphics)
            foreach (object objRow in rowsToLookup)
                Graphic graphic = DataSourceCreator.GetGraphicSibling(objRow);
                if (graphic != null && GraphicsLayer != null && GraphicsLayer.Contains(graphic))
                    graphic.Selected = shouldSelectGraphics;

                    if (shouldSelectGraphics)
                        currentRecordNumber = GetRowIndexInRowsCollection(objRow);
                        if (SelectedGraphics.Count == 0)
                            currentRecordNumber = -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates contents of the ItemsSource when FeatureDataGrid's associated graphic collection changes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Observable collection of Graphic.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Collection changed event arguments.</param>
        private void UpdateItemsSource(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
            IList newItems = e.NewItems;
            IList oldItems = e.OldItems;

            if (ItemsSource == null)
                SetItemsSource(sender as ObservableCollection <Graphic>);
                if ((ItemsSource as PagedCollectionView) != null)
                    object currentItem = (ItemsSource as PagedCollectionView).CurrentItem;
                    if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)
                        var features = (from object a in ItemsSource select DataSourceCreator.GetGraphicSibling(a));
                        newItems = (sender as ObservableCollection <Graphic>).Except(features).ToList();
                        oldItems = features.Except(sender as ObservableCollection <Graphic>).ToList();
                    if (newItems != null && newItems.Count > 0)                         // New item(s) added
                        bool shouldResetItemsSource = false;

                        IEnumerator enumItemsSource = ItemsSource.GetEnumerator();
                        if (enumItemsSource != null)
                            if (enumItemsSource.MoveNext())
                                if (!AllAttributesMatch(enumItemsSource.Current.GetType().GetProperties(), (newItems[0] as Graphic).Attributes))
                                    shouldResetItemsSource = true;
                                shouldResetItemsSource = true;

                        if (shouldResetItemsSource)
                            SetItemsSource(sender as ObservableCollection <Graphic>);
                            IEnumerator enumAddedGraphics = newItems.GetEnumerator();
                            while (enumAddedGraphics.MoveNext())
                                Graphic graphic = enumAddedGraphics.Current as Graphic;
                                if (graphic != null)
                                    graphic.AttributeValueChanged += Graphic_AttributeValueChanged;
                            IEnumerator    enumAddedGraphics = newItems.GetEnumerator();
                            List <Graphic> selected          = GraphicsLayer.SelectedGraphics.ToList();
                            while (enumAddedGraphics.MoveNext())
                                Graphic graphic = enumAddedGraphics.Current as Graphic;
                                if (graphic != null)
                                    if (graphic.Selected)
                                    ItemsSource.AddToDataSource(featureLayerInfo, graphic, objectType);
                                    graphic.AttributeValueChanged += Graphic_AttributeValueChanged;
                    if (oldItems != null && oldItems.Count > 0)                         // Item(s) removed
                        int selCount = SelectedItems.Count;
                        // In Silverlight removing a graphic from the GraphicsCollection causes to lose current
                        // selection in both GraphicsLayer and the FeatureDataGrid.
                        // Preserving selected items in the FeatureDataGrid:
                        List <Graphic> selItems = new List <Graphic>(selCount);
                        for (int i = 0; i < selCount; i++)
                            var row     = SelectedItems[i];
                            var graphic = DataSourceCreator.GetGraphicSibling(row);
                        IEnumerator enumRemovedGraphics = oldItems.GetEnumerator();
                        while (enumRemovedGraphics.MoveNext())
                            Graphic graphic          = enumRemovedGraphics.Current as Graphic;
                            int     idxInItemsSource = GetRowIndexInItemsSource(graphic);
                            if (graphic != null && idxInItemsSource > -1)
                                if (graphic != null)
                                ItemsSource.RemoveFromDataSource(idxInItemsSource, objectType);
                                // RemoveFromDataSource() method causes first item in the ItemsSource to be selected when there were no
                                // items selected in the data grid. We should avoid this selection by removing it from the selection:
                                if (selCount == 0 && SelectedItems.Count == 1)
                                graphic.AttributeValueChanged -= Graphic_AttributeValueChanged;
                    // If exiting ItemsSource is not a PagedCollectionView then it was empty before
                    // just populate it with everything in GraphicsLayer.
                    SetItemsSource((GraphicsLayer != null && GraphicsLayer.Graphics != null) ? (IList <Graphic>)GraphicsLayer.Graphics : new List <Graphic>());
 /// <summary>
 /// Get a row from the FeatureDataGrid and returns the matching
 /// Graphic for the row.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="row">Row object from FeatureDataGrid.ItemsSource collection</param>
 /// <returns>Graphic that represented by a row object</returns>
 public Graphic GetGraphicFromRow(object row)
 private bool AreEqual(object item, Graphic graphic)
Пример #16
        public XElement Get()
            DataSource dataSource = new DataSourceCreator(Name, KeyValues).Create();

            if (dataSource.GetType() == typeof(PagingDataSource))
                PagingDataSource ds = dataSource as PagingDataSource;

                IEnumerable <XElement> xCollection;
                XElement xsd;
                if (ds.Expands == null || ds.Expands.Length == 0)
                    xCollection = ODataQuerier.GetPagingCollection(ds.Entity, ds.Select, ds.Filter, ds.Orderby, ds.Skip, ds.Top, ds.Parameters, out xsd);
                    xCollection = ODataQuerier.GetPagingCollection(ds.Entity, ds.Select, ds.Filter, ds.Orderby, ds.Skip, ds.Top, ds.Expands, ds.Parameters, out xsd);
                string   collectionName = GetCollectionName(Schema, ds.Entity);
                XElement element        = new XElement(collectionName, xCollection);
                element.SetAttributeValue(XNamespace.Xmlns + "i", XSI);

                int count = ODataQuerier.Count(ds.Entity, ds.Filter, ds.Parameters);

                return(Pack(element, count, xsd));
            else if (dataSource.GetType() == typeof(CollectionDataSource))
                CollectionDataSource ds = dataSource as CollectionDataSource;

                IEnumerable <XElement> xCollection;
                XElement xsd;
                if (ds.Expands == null || ds.Expands.Length == 0)
                    xCollection = ODataQuerier.GetCollection(ds.Entity, ds.Select, ds.Filter, ds.Orderby, ds.Parameters, out xsd);
                    xCollection = ODataQuerier.GetCollection(ds.Entity, ds.Select, ds.Filter, ds.Orderby, ds.Expands, ds.Parameters, out xsd);
                string   collection = GetCollectionName(Schema, ds.Entity);
                XElement element    = new XElement(collection, xCollection);
                element.SetAttributeValue(XNamespace.Xmlns + "i", XSI);

                return(Pack(element, null, xsd));
            else if (dataSource.GetType() == typeof(DefaultGetterDataSource))
                DefaultGetterDataSource ds = dataSource as DefaultGetterDataSource;
                XElement element           = ODataQuerier.GetDefault(dataSource.Entity, ds.Select, out XElement xsd);
                element.SetAttributeValue(XNamespace.Xmlns + "i", XSI);
                return(Pack(element, null, xsd));
            else if (dataSource.GetType() == typeof(CountDataSource))
                CountDataSource ds    = dataSource as CountDataSource;
                int             count = ODataQuerier.Count(ds.Entity, ds.Filter, ds.Parameters);
                return(new XElement("Count", count));

            throw new NotSupportedException(dataSource.GetType().ToString());