Пример #1
        void PrepareConstants()
            if (isFirstCall)
                isFirstCall = false;
                ObjectVariants temp = null;

                if (sVariableNode == null)
                    var sAsStr = Subject as OV_iri;
                    if (sAsStr != null)
                        if (!q.Store.NodeGenerator.TryGetUri(sAsStr, out temp))
                            isAny = false;
                        Subject = temp;

                if (pVariableNode == null)
                    var predicateAsString = Predicate as OV_iri;
                    if (predicateAsString != null)
                        if (!q.Store.NodeGenerator.TryGetUri(predicateAsString, out temp))
                            isAny = false;

                        Predicate = temp;
                if (oVariableNode == null)
                    if (Object.Variant == ObjectVariantEnum.Iri)
                        if (!q.Store.NodeGenerator.TryGetUri((OV_iri)Object, out temp))
                            isAny = false;
                        Object = temp;
                if (!isDefaultGraph && graphs.Any())
//todo filter not existing graphs
Пример #2
 private IEnumerable<IGrouping<ObjectVariants, ObjectVariants>> sPoCacheGraphs(ObjectVariants subjectNode, ObjectVariants objectNode, DataSet variableDataSet)
     if (variableDataSet.Any())     //search in all named graphs
         if (sPoGCache.Contains(subjectNode, objectNode))
             return sPoGCache.Get(subjectNode, objectNode);
             var result = store.NamedGraphs.GetTriplesWithSubjectObjectFromGraphs(subjectNode, objectNode,
             sPoGCache.Add(subjectNode, objectNode, result);
             foreach (var grouping in result)
                 sPogCache.Add(subjectNode, objectNode, grouping.Key, grouping);
                 foreach (var p in grouping)
                     spoGCache.Get(subjectNode, p, objectNode).Add(grouping.Key);
             return result;
     var res = new List<IGrouping<ObjectVariants, ObjectVariants>>();
     var gList = new DataSet();
     foreach (var g in variableDataSet)
         if (sPogCache.Contains(subjectNode, objectNode, g))
             res.Add(sPogCache.Get(subjectNode, objectNode, g));
     foreach (var gRes in store.NamedGraphs.GetTriplesWithSubjectObjectFromGraphs(subjectNode, objectNode, gList))
         sPogCache.Add(subjectNode, objectNode, gRes.Key, gRes);
         foreach (var p in gRes)
             spoGCache.Get(subjectNode, p, objectNode).Add(gRes.Key);
     return res;
Пример #3
        public async Task JobEntry(string name, int interval, ISource source, IEnumerable <IIntermedia> intermedias, ISink sink, CancellationToken ct)
                while (true)
                    //Read data set from source filter
                    DataSet dataset = await source.Read(ct);

                    if (dataset == null || !dataset.Any())
                        //Skip current loop if no data read, or filter is in status "stopping"
                        goto loop;

                    //Process data set by intermedia filters
                    foreach (var intermedia in intermedias)
                        //dataset = await intermedia.Process(dataset, ct);
                        dataset = await intermedia.Process(dataset, ct, DeviceId);//Chris Han add DeviceId to Json

                        if (dataset == null || !dataset.Any())
                            //Skip current loop if no data read, or filter is in status "stopping"
                            goto loop;

                    //Individually sink each data, to help down-stream Job in aggregating
                    foreach (var data in dataset)
                        await sink.Write(data, ct);

                    await Task.Delay(interval, ct);
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                Trace.TraceInformation(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Job {0}.{1} finished", DeviceId, name));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.TraceError(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Job {0}.{1} stopped due to exception {2}", DeviceId, name, ex.ToString()));
 public IEnumerable <SparqlResult> spoGraphs(ObjectVariants subjectNode, ObjectVariants predicateNode, ObjectVariants objectNode, SparqlResult variablesBindings,
                                             DataSet graphs)
     if (graphs.Any(g => store.NamedGraphs.Contains(subjectNode, predicateNode, objectNode, g)))
         yield return(variablesBindings);
Пример #5
 public virtual Guid AddNegativeValue(DateTime dt, Pecuniam amount, IVoca note = null, ITransactionId trace = null)
     if (amount == null)
     if (amount == Pecuniam.Zero)
     while (DataSet.Any(x => DateTime.Compare(x.AtTime, dt) == 0))
         dt = dt.AddTicks(1L);
     return(Transaction.AddTransaction(DataSet, dt, amount.GetNeg(), note, trace));
        private IEnumerable <ListData> FormData()
            dpMain.Visible = DataSet.Any();
            IsDataEmpty    = !DataSet.Any();

            IEnumerable <ListData> data = Enumerable.Empty <ListData>();

            if (CanOrder)
                data = DataSet.OrderBy(d => ((CRM.Code.Utils.Ordering.ListOrderItem)d).OrderNo).Select(a => new ListData(a));
                data = DataSet.Select(a => new ListData(a));

Пример #7
 public bool Any(Expression <Func <T, bool> > expression)
Пример #8
 public bool Exists(int id)
     return(DataSet.Any(e => e.Id == id));
Пример #9
        private IEnumerable<IGrouping<ObjectVariants, Triple<ObjectVariants,ObjectVariants,ObjectVariants>>> SPoCacheGraphs(ObjectVariants objectNode, DataSet variableDataSet)
            if (variableDataSet.Any())
                if (SPoGCache.Contains(objectNode))
                    return SPoGCache.Get(objectNode);
                    var result = store.NamedGraphs.GetTriplesWithObjectFromGraphs(objectNode, variableDataSet).ToList();
                    SPoGCache.Add(objectNode, result);
                    foreach (var grouping in result)
                        SPogCache.Add(objectNode, grouping.Key, grouping);
                        foreach (var tripleGroup in grouping.GroupBy(triple => triple.Subject))
                            var pGroup = new Grouping<ObjectVariants, ObjectVariants>(grouping.Key,
                                tripleGroup.Select(triple => triple.Predicate));
                            sPogCache.Add(tripleGroup.Key, objectNode, grouping.Key, pGroup);

                            sPoGCache.Get(tripleGroup.Key, objectNode).Add(pGroup);
                            foreach (var p in pGroup)
                                spoGCache.Get(tripleGroup.Key, p, objectNode).Add(grouping.Key);
                                spogCache.Add(tripleGroup.Key, p, objectNode, grouping.Key, true);
                        foreach (var tripleGroup in grouping.GroupBy(triple => triple.Predicate))
                            var sGroup = new Grouping<ObjectVariants, ObjectVariants>(grouping.Key,
                                tripleGroup.Select(triple => triple.Subject));
                            SpogCache.Add(tripleGroup.Key, objectNode, grouping.Key, sGroup);
                            SpoGCache.Get(tripleGroup.Key, objectNode).Add(sGroup);
                    return result;
            var res = new List<IGrouping<ObjectVariants, Triple<ObjectVariants,ObjectVariants,ObjectVariants>>>();
            var gList = new DataSet();
            foreach (var g in variableDataSet)
                if (SPogCache.Contains(objectNode, g))
                    res.Add(SPogCache.Get(objectNode, g));
            foreach (var gRes in store.NamedGraphs.GetTriplesWithObjectFromGraphs(objectNode, gList))
                SPogCache.Add(objectNode, gRes.Key, gRes);
                foreach (var tripleGroup in gRes.GroupBy(triple => triple.Subject))
                    var pGroup = new Grouping<ObjectVariants, ObjectVariants>(gRes.Key,
                        tripleGroup.Select(triple => triple.Predicate));
                    sPogCache.Add(tripleGroup.Key, objectNode, gRes.Key, pGroup);

                    sPoGCache.Get(tripleGroup.Key, objectNode).Add(pGroup);
                    foreach (var p in pGroup)
                        spoGCache.Get(tripleGroup.Key, p, objectNode).Add(gRes.Key);
                        spogCache.Add(tripleGroup.Key, p, objectNode, gRes.Key, true);
                foreach (var tripleGroup in gRes.GroupBy(triple => triple.Predicate))
                    var sGroup = new Grouping<ObjectVariants, ObjectVariants>(gRes.Key,
                        tripleGroup.Select(triple => triple.Subject));
                    SpogCache.Add(tripleGroup.Key, objectNode, gRes.Key, sGroup);
                    SpoGCache.Get(tripleGroup.Key, objectNode).Add(sGroup);
            return res;