Пример #1
        public bool UpdatePricelistItem(PricelistItem pricelistItem, int?pricelistNumber, int?customerNumber)
            //Log(" -> " + pricelistItem.ProductCode + " (" + pricelistItem.Active.ToString() + " " + pricelistItem.GetIdValue().ToString() + ") " + pricelistItem.BatchSize.ToString() + "ks " + pricelistItem.ContractPrice.ToString());
            decimal price = pricelistItem.ContractPrice;

            string articleCode = pricelistItem.ProductCode;
            int?   quantity    = (int)pricelistItem.BatchSize;

            if (quantity <= 1)
                quantity = null;

            Article article = visma.GetArticleByCode(articleCode);

            // If pricelist has Discount value, use it to calculate the final price from currect Article price
            if ((pricelistItem.ContractDiscount > 0) && (pricelistItem.ContractDiscount < 100) && (article != null))
                price = Math.Round(article.Price1 * ((100 - pricelistItem.ContractDiscount) / 100), 2);

            // Check if pricelist is valid by looking at the PVM and VOIMASSA fields
            bool     datesValid = true;
            DateTime validFromDate;
            DateTime validToDate;

            DateTime.TryParse(pricelistItem.PricelistDate, out validFromDate);
            DateTime.TryParse(pricelistItem.Valid, out validToDate);
            datesValid = ((validFromDate == DateTime.MinValue) || (validFromDate <= DateTime.Now)) && ((validToDate == DateTime.MinValue) || (validToDate >= DateTime.Now));

            bool currencyMatch = true;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(article.Currency) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pricelistItem.Currency))
                if (article.Currency != pricelistItem.Currency)
                    currencyMatch = false;

            if ((article != null) && (datesValid) && (currencyMatch)) //  && (article.ArticleCode == "A0112")
                string pricelistItemName = article.ArticleCode;
                pricelistItemName += pricelistNumber.HasValue ? string.Format(" P{0}", pricelistNumber) : string.Format(" C{0}", customerNumber);
                if (quantity != null)
                    pricelistItemName += string.Format(" Q{0}", quantity);

                string famiyCode   = article.FamilyCode;
                string articleName = null;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(article.FamilyCode))
                    articleName = visma.GetCommonArticleNameForFamilyCode(article.FamilyCode);

                DataSet.ProductDataTable genericProducts = productTA.GetDataByArticleCode(shop.ID, articleCode);

                if (genericProducts.Count > 0)
                    long?shopifyProductID    = genericProducts[0].ShopifyProductID;
                    long?shopifyVariantID    = null;
                    long?shopifyVariantVatID = null;

                    DataSet.ProductDataTable specificProducts = productTA.GetDataByArticleCodeSpecific(shop.ID, articleCode, pricelistNumber, customerNumber, quantity);

                    if (specificProducts.Count == 0)
                        Log(" - Create specific price");

                            shop.CreateUpdateProductVariants(article, shopifyProductID.Value, ref shopifyVariantID, ref shopifyVariantVatID, pricelistNumber, customerNumber, quantity, price, articleName);
                            Log(string.Format(" - Shopify Product Variant [{0}] created for specific price {1}.", shopifyVariantID, pricelistItemName));

                            productTA.InsertProduct(shop.ID, shopifyProductID, shopifyVariantID, shopifyVariantVatID, articleCode, pricelistNumber, customerNumber, quantity, price, famiyCode, null, null);
                        catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                            LogError(string.Format("Unable to create specific price {0}.", pricelistItemName), ex);
                        shopifyProductID    = specificProducts[0].ShopifyProductID;
                        shopifyVariantID    = specificProducts[0].ShopifyVariantID;
                        shopifyVariantVatID = specificProducts[0].ShopifyVariantVatID;

                            shop.CreateUpdateProductVariants(article, shopifyProductID.Value, ref shopifyVariantID, ref shopifyVariantVatID, pricelistNumber, customerNumber, quantity, price, articleName);
                            Log(string.Format(" - Shopify Product Variant [{0}] updated for specific price {1}.", shopifyVariantID, pricelistItemName));
                        catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                            LogError(string.Format("Unable to update specific price {0}.", pricelistItemName), ex);
                    //Log("  - Product not in Shopify");

Пример #2
        public bool UpdateProducts(DateTime?startDate, int articleLimit = 0, bool updateArticleImages = false, bool updateStockData = false)
            int articlesCount  = 0;
            int articleUpdates = 0;

            // Read CSV file with collection mappings
            string collectionsFileName = visma.GetCollectionsPath();
            Dictionary <string, string> collectionsDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                collectionsDict = File.ReadAllLines(collectionsFileName).Select(line => line.Split(',')).ToDictionary(line => line[0], line => line[2]);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Log(" Unable to load collections CSV files from " + collectionsFileName);

            // Get a list of Visma Articles - get all product in case of a Full update
            ArticleList list = visma.GetArticleList(updateStockData ? null : startDate);

            Log(string.Format("\n{0} products found in Visma database.", list.Count));

            StatusUpdate(string.Format("Updating {0} products.", list.Count));

            foreach (ArticleInfo articleInfo in list)
                long?  shopifyProductID    = null;
                long?  shopifyVariantID    = null;
                long?  shopifyVariantVatID = null;
                long?  shopifyImageID      = null;
                string images = null;
                string videos = null;

                string articleCode = articleInfo.ArticleCode;
                articlesCount += 1;

                // Get full Article object from Visma
                Article article = visma.GetArticleByCode(articleCode);

                string  familyCode  = article.FamilyCode;
                string  articleName = null;
                decimal?vatRate     = null;
                decimal?points      = null;


                if ((shop.articleTypes.Contains(article.ArticleType))) // && (article.FamilyCode == "532057")
                    Log(string.Format(" - Article {0} [{1}]", articleInfo.ArticleName, articleInfo.ArticleCode));

                    // Save article as Shopify Product
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(article.ArticleName))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(article.FamilyCode))
                            articleName = visma.GetCommonArticleNameForFamilyCode(article.FamilyCode);

                        // VAT Rate
                        vatRate = visma.GetVatRate(article.ArticleCode);

                        // Points
                        points = visma.GetPoints(article.ArticleCode);

                        // Video URL
                        string videoUrl  = null;
                        string videoPath = visma.GetVideoFilePath(article.ArticleCode);
                        if (File.Exists(videoPath))
                                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(videoPath))
                                    videoUrl = sr.ReadLine();
                                    Log(string.Format(" - Video URL: {0}", videoUrl));
                            catch (System.Exception exp)
                                // Error creating stream or reading from it.
                                Log(string.Format("Unable to open video file - {0}", exp.Message));

                         * if (article.ProductGroup > 0)
                         * {
                         *  if (collectionsDict.ContainsKey(article.ProductGroup.ToString()))
                         *  {
                         *      string collectionName = collectionsDict[article.ProductGroup.ToString()];
                         *      Log(collectionName);
                         *  }
                         * }

                        DataSet.ProductDataTable productDT = productTA.GetDataByArticleCode(shop.ID, articleCode);
                        if (productDT.Count == 0)
                            // Check if article has FamilyCode and if we already have a Shopify product with such FamilyCode
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(familyCode))
                                DataSet.ProductDataTable productFamilyDT = productTA.GetDataByFamilyCode(shop.ID, familyCode);

                                if (productFamilyDT.Count > 0)
                                    // Use existing Shopify Product ID and add this article as its variant
                                    shopifyProductID = productFamilyDT[0].ShopifyProductID;

                            if (shopifyProductID == null)
                                // Create article as a new Shopify Product

                                    DateTime?deliveryDate = visma.GetDeliveryDate(article.ArticleCode);
                                    //Log(" - Delivery date: " + deliveryDate.ToString());

                                    shop.CreateUpdateProduct(article, ref shopifyProductID, ref shopifyVariantID, ref shopifyVariantVatID, deliveryDate, articleName, vatRate, videoUrl, points);
                                    Log(string.Format(" - Shopify Product [{0}] created.", shopifyProductID));

                                    //DataSet.CustomerDataTable customerDT = new DataSet.CustomerDataTable();

                                    productTA.InsertProduct(shop.ID, shopifyProductID, shopifyVariantID, shopifyVariantVatID, articleCode, null, null, null, null, familyCode, deliveryDate, videoUrl);
                                    articleUpdates += 1;
                                catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                                    LogError("Unable to create Shopify Product", ex);
                                // Create article as a new Variant of existing Shopify Product (with the same FamilyCode)

                                    shop.CreateUpdateProductVariants(article, shopifyProductID.Value, ref shopifyVariantID, ref shopifyVariantVatID, null, null, null, null, articleName);

                                    Log(string.Format(" - Shopify Product Variant [{0}] created.", shopifyVariantID));

                                    productTA.InsertProduct(shop.ID, shopifyProductID, shopifyVariantID, shopifyVariantVatID, articleCode, null, null, null, null, familyCode, null, videoUrl);
                                catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                                    LogError("Unable to create Shopify Product Variant", ex);
                            //string productData = shop.GetProductDataFromVismaArticle(article, shopifyVariantID, shopifyVariantVatID);

                                shopifyProductID    = productDT[0].ShopifyProductID;
                                shopifyVariantID    = productDT[0].ShopifyVariantID;
                                shopifyVariantVatID = productDT[0].ShopifyVariantVatID;
                                shopifyImageID      = productDT[0].ShopifyImageID;
                                images = productDT[0].Images;
                                videos = productDT[0].Videos;

                                string videoUrlNew = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(videos)) ? videoUrl : null;

                                DateTime?deliveryDate = visma.GetDeliveryDate(article.ArticleCode);
                                //Log(" - Delivery date: " + deliveryDate.ToString());

                                shop.CreateUpdateProduct(article, ref shopifyProductID, ref shopifyVariantID, ref shopifyVariantVatID, deliveryDate, articleName, vatRate, videoUrlNew, points);

                                Log(string.Format(" - Shopify Product [{0}] updated.", shopifyProductID));

                                articleUpdates += 1;
                            catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                                LogError("Unable to update Shopify Product", ex);

                            //Log(" - Shopify Product already exists.");

                        // Product images
                        images = (images == null) ? "" : images;
                        List <string> productImageNameIDs = images.Split('|').Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToList();
                        List <string> productImageNames   = productImageNameIDs.Select(x => x.Split(':').FirstOrDefault()).ToList();

                        if ((shopifyProductID != null) && (updateArticleImages)) // && ((shopifyImageID == null) || (shopifyImageID == 0)))
                            string imagesFilter = visma.GetImageFilesFilter(articleCode);

                            string[] imagesNames = Directory.GetFiles(visma.GetImagePath(), imagesFilter);

                            foreach (string imagePath in imagesNames)
                                string imageName             = imagePath.Replace(visma.GetImagePath(), "");
                                string articleCodeEscaped    = articleCode.Replace("/", "-");
                                string articleCodeNoSuffix   = articleCodeEscaped + ".";
                                string articleCodeWithSuffix = articleCodeEscaped + "_img";

                                // Check file extension
                                if ((imageName.StartsWith(articleCodeNoSuffix) || imageName.StartsWith(articleCodeWithSuffix)) && ((imageName.ToLower().EndsWith("jpeg")) || (imageName.ToLower().EndsWith("jpg")) || (imageName.ToLower().EndsWith("png"))))
                                    // If image with that name is not already in Shopify
                                    if ((File.Exists(imagePath)) && (!productImageNames.Contains(imageName)))
                                        System.IO.FileStream inFile;
                                        byte[] binaryData;
                                        string base64String;

                                            inFile = new System.IO.FileStream(imagePath,
                                            binaryData = new Byte[inFile.Length];
                                            long bytesRead = inFile.Read(binaryData, 0,

                                            base64String = System.Convert.ToBase64String(binaryData, 0, binaryData.Length);

                                            string productImageData = shop.GetProductImageData(article, base64String);


                                                object response = shop.CreateProductImage(shopifyProductID.Value, productImageData);
                                                //Log("Response " + response.ToString());

                                                JObject productResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(response.ToString());
                                                long    imageID;
                                                long.TryParse(productResponse["image"]["id"].ToString(), out imageID);
                                                shopifyImageID = imageID;
                                                Log(string.Format("    - New product image created {0}", shopifyImageID));

                                                 * if (shopifyImageID > 0)
                                                 * {
                                                 *  productTA.UpdateProductImageID(shopifyImageID, shop.ID, shopifyProductID);
                                                 * }

                                                string nameID = imageName + ":" + imageID.ToString();
                                            catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
                                                LogError("Unable to create product Image", ex);
                                        catch (System.Exception exp)
                                            // Error creating stream or reading from it.
                                            Log(string.Format("Unable to open image file - {0}", exp.Message));

                            string newImages = string.Join("|", productImageNameIDs.ToArray());
                            if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newImages)) && (newImages != images))
                                productTA.UpdateImages(newImages, shop.ID, shopifyProductID);
                        Log(" - Unable to create product - No name value");

                if ((articleLimit > 0) && (articlesCount >= articleLimit))
