Пример #1
        public static async Task Lesson(DataServiceRestClient client)
            await client.CreateParts(new[] { Part, SubPart });

            await client.CreateCharacteristics(new[] { Characteristic, Child, SubChild });

            //Depth null will result in a recursive search
            var result = await client.GetCharacteristics(Part.Path, null);

            Console.WriteLine($"Depth null: {result.Count()} characteristics");

            //Depth 0 will return an empty list
            result = await client.GetCharacteristics(Part.Path, 0);

            Console.WriteLine($"Depth 0: {result.Count()} characteristics");

            //Depth 1 will return the direct child characteristics
            result = await client.GetCharacteristics(Part.Path, 1);

            Console.WriteLine($"Depth 1: {result.Count()} characteristics");

            //Depth 2 will return the direct children and their children, but not the children of subparts
            result = await client.GetCharacteristics(Part.Path, 2);

            Console.WriteLine($"Depth 2: {result.Count()} characteristics");

            //Use UpdateParts and UpdateCharacteristics to rename entities, and modify their attributes
            Part.Path = PathHelper.RoundtripString2PathInformation("P:/PartName2/");
            await client.UpdateParts(new[] { Part });
Пример #2
        public static async Task Lesson(DataServiceRestClient client, RawDataServiceRestClient rawClient)
            await client.CreateParts(new[] { Part });

            //PiWeb only accepts binary data
            var data   = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello RawDataService!");
            var target = RawDataTargetEntityDto.CreateForPart(Part.Uuid);

            //Notes:	- see e.g. http://wiki.selfhtml.org/wiki/Referenz:MIME-Typen for a complete list of mime types
            //			- When using Key = -1, the server will generate a new key. The generated key can be read from the result.

            var createdRawDataInfo = await rawClient.CreateRawData(new RawDataInformationDto
                FileName     = "Hello.txt",
                MimeType     = "text/plain",
                Key          = -1,
                Created      = DateTime.Now,
                LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                MD5          = new Guid(MD5.Create().ComputeHash(data)),
                Size         = data.Length,
                Target       = target
            }, data);

            Console.WriteLine($"RawData created with key: {createdRawDataInfo.Key}");

            //We can simply update raw data information like filename or MIME-type
            if (createdRawDataInfo.Key.HasValue)
                createdRawDataInfo.FileName = "HelloEdit.txt";

                Console.WriteLine($"Renaming raw data file to {createdRawDataInfo.FileName}");

                await rawClient.UpdateRawDataInformation(target, createdRawDataInfo.Key.Value, createdRawDataInfo);

            var rawDataInformation = await rawClient.ListRawData(new[] { target });

            foreach (var information in rawDataInformation)
                Console.WriteLine($"Fetching {information.FileName}: {information.Size} bytes");

                //Fetch the data by providing the correct RawDataInformation
                data = await rawClient.GetRawData(information);

                Console.WriteLine($"Content: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString( data )}");

                //We can use the key we found with the ListRawData function to delete a single file
                await rawClient.DeleteRawDataForPart(Part.Uuid, information.Key);

            //Or we simply delete all raw data for a certain entity
            await rawClient.DeleteRawDataForPart(Part.Uuid);
Пример #3
        public static InspectionPlanPartDto GetOrCreatePart(DataServiceRestClient client, string name)
            var parts        = client.GetParts(PathInformationDto.Root, null, 1).Result;
            var existingPart = parts.FirstOrDefault(p => string.Equals(p.Path.Name, name));

            if (existingPart == null)
                existingPart = new InspectionPlanPartDto
                    Path = PathHelper.String2PartPathInformation(name),
                    Uuid = Guid.NewGuid()


Пример #4
        public static async Task Lesson(DataServiceRestClient client)
            //Create the most commonly used attributes for measurement and measurement value

            var configuration = await client.GetConfiguration();

            if (configuration.GetDefinition(EntityDto.Measurement, MeasurementAttributeDefinition.Key) == null)
                await client.CreateAttributeDefinition(EntityDto.Measurement, MeasurementAttributeDefinition);

            if (configuration.GetDefinition(EntityDto.Value, ValueAttributeDefinition.Key) == null)
                await client.CreateAttributeDefinition(EntityDto.Value, ValueAttributeDefinition);

            //Every measurement is attached to a part, and every value is attached to a characteristic
            await client.CreateParts(new[] { Part });

            await client.CreateCharacteristics(new[] { Characteristic });

            //The function 'CreateMeasurements' will create measurements without any values. You'll much more likely use the 'CreateMeasurementValues' function
            await client.CreateMeasurementValues(new[] { Measurement });

            Value.Value = new DataValueDto(0.0)               //This will result in an unmeasured characteristic, because the attribute array doesn't contain K1
                Attributes = new AttributeDto[] { }

            await client.UpdateMeasurementValues(new[] { Measurement });

            Value.Value = new DataValueDto             //this will work!
                Attributes = new[] { new AttributeDto(ValueAttributeDefinition.Key, 0.5) }

            await client.UpdateMeasurementValues(new[] { Measurement });

            var result = await client.GetMeasurementValues(
                PathInformationDto.Root,                                                           // Part where to search measurements
                new MeasurementValueFilterAttributesDto
                AggregationMeasurements = AggregationMeasurementSelectionDto.All,                      // Decide how to include aggregated measurements in your query
                CharacteristicsUuidList = null,                                                        // Use characteristic uuids to fetch single measurement values
                Deep = true,                                                                           // A deep search will find measurements recursively below the start path
                FromModificationDate = null,                                                           // Will only search measurements with a modification date (LastModified) newer than the specified one
                ToModificationDate   = null,                                                           // Will only search measurements with a modification date (LastModified) older than the specified one
                LimitResult          = 10,                                                             // Will limit the number of returned measurements
                MeasurementUuids     = null,                                                           // Use measurement uuids to search for specific measurements
                OrderBy = new[]                                                                        // Order the returned measurements by specific attributes
                    new OrderDto(WellKnownKeys.Measurement.Time, OrderDirectionDto.Asc, EntityDto.Measurement)
                RequestedMeasurementAttributes = null,                                                 // Specify, which measurement attributes should be returned (default: all)
                RequestedValueAttributes       = null,                                                 // Specify, which value attributes should be returned (default: all)
                SearchCondition = new GenericSearchAttributeConditionDto                               // You can create more complex attribute conditions using the GenericSearchAnd, GenericSearchOr and GenericSearchNot class
                    Attribute = WellKnownKeys.Measurement.Time,                                        //Only measurement attributes are supported
                    Operation = OperationDto.GreaterThan,
                    Value     = XmlConvert.ToString(DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(2), XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Utc)

            foreach (var measurement in result)