public static bool shortIdCorrespondToAgentByIndex(ref Agent agent, SecureString short_id_to_compare)
        /* Check if the given short secure id is the one store in the database for the current agent
         * If so return true, elese return false
        string encrypted_short_id = database.getAgentEncryptedShortSecureId(agent.tableId);

        if (encrypted_short_id == null)
        {                       //error from database
            agent.error = true; //change are not store into memory just temporarely into that structure

        int index = client_list.LastIndexOf(agent);                                          //index can not be equal to -1 here because of the previous statement (from other method)

        SecureString agent_short_id = DataProtection.unprotect(encrypted_short_id);          //get the saved short secure id from database for that specific agent

        bool res_authentification = SecureStringEquals(agent_short_id, short_id_to_compare); //compare the saved short id and the given one

        if (!res_authentification)
            setNewAttempForAgent(ref agent);
            agent.numberOfConnectionAttemps = 0;
            //reset the number of attemp
        client_list[index] = agent;//update agent data

        if (agent_short_id != null)
        if (short_id_to_compare != null)

Пример #2
        private void save_change_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!isDataCorrect())//if all the given data is correct

            int res;

            //save all the current information into a strcture
            agent.lastName   = last_name_textBox.Text;
            agent.firstName  = first_name_textBox.Text;
            agent.job        = job_textBox.Text;
            agent.mailAdress = mail_adress_textBox.Text;
   = id_textBox.Text;

            if (password_textBox.Text.Replace(" ", "").Length != 0)//password has been changed
                SecureString password = new SecureString();
                foreach (char c in password_textBox.Text)

                //create hash for the password
                string salt = DataProtection.getSaltForHashes();
                agent.hashedPassword = DataProtection.getSaltHashedString(password, salt);
                agent.saltForHashe   = salt;
                //hashed the password
                if (password != null)

            //send mail to the agent about all his confidential data
            string subject;
            string body = "";

            if (agent.tableId == -1)//if user add a new agent we automatically set a new short id for him
                //user cannot create an account with higher priviledges
                if (!SecurityManager.rightLevelEnoughToAccesSystem(SecurityManager.getConnectedAgentRight(), agent.getRight()))
                    MessageBox.Show("Vous ne pouvez pas créer un compte de plus haut privilege que le votre");

                agent.shortSecureId = SecurityManager.setAgentShortSecureId();
                res = database.addNewAgent(agent);

                subject = "Création de votre compte";

                body = agent.lastName.ToUpper() + " " + agent.firstName.ToLower() + " (" + agent.job.ToUpper() + ") : "
                       + "<br> L'agent " + SecurityManager.getFormatedSessionInfo() + " vient de créer votre compte"
                       + "<br><br>Identifiant : " + id_textBox.Text
                       + "<br>Mot de passe : " + password_textBox.Text
                       + "<br>Code d'identification : " + DataProtection.ToInsecureString(DataProtection.unprotect(agent.shortSecureId))
                       + "<br><br>Le code d'identification est unique et ne peut être changé pour des raisons de sécurité.";
                //user cannot edit an account with higher or equal priviledges (except for the maximun privildge right user)
                if (SecurityManager.getConnectedAgentRight() != SecurityManager.RIGHTS_LIST.LastIndexOf(SecurityManager.RIGHT_DEUS))
                    //an user cannot delete an account with higer or equal priviledges
                    if (SecurityManager.getConnectedAgentRight() == agent.getRight() || !SecurityManager.rightLevelEnoughToAccesSystem(SecurityManager.getConnectedAgentRight(), agent.getRight()))
                        MessageBox.Show("Vous ne disposez pas des droits éditer un compte de plus haut (ou égal) privilège");

                res = database.updateAgent(agent);

                //send mail to the user in order to notify him about the actual changes
                subject = "Modification de votre compte";

                body = agent.lastName.ToUpper() + " " + agent.firstName.ToLower() + " (" + agent.job.ToUpper() + ") : "
                       + "<br> L'agent " + SecurityManager.getFormatedSessionInfo() + " vient de modifier votre compte"
                       + "<br><br>Identifiant : " + id_textBox.Text
                       + "<br>Mot de passe : " + password_textBox.Text
                       + "<br>Code d'identification : " + DataProtection.ToInsecureString(DataProtection.unprotect(agent.shortSecureId))
                       + "<br>Le code d'identification est unique et ne peut être changé pour des raisons de sécurité.";

            if (res == ToolsClass.Definition.NO_ERROR_INT_VALUE)//no error
                /*if the user change the mail adress of an agent, we send mail to the old adress "old_mail_adress" to notify him
                 * that we change his mail adress
                 * Then we send mail to the new adress with the data that changed
                if ((old_mail_adress != null) && (old_mail_adress != "") && (old_mail_adress != agent.mailAdress))
                    string text_body = agent.lastName.ToUpper() + " " + agent.firstName.ToLower() + " (" + agent.job.ToUpper() + ") : "
                                       + "<br> L'agent " + SecurityManager.getFormatedSessionInfo() + " vient de modifier votre compte"
                                       + "<br>Cette adresse mail n'est désormais plus assiocié à votre compte."
                                       + "En conséquence, vous ne receverez plus de notification à cette adresse";
                    ToolsClass.Tools.sendMail(subject, text_body, new List <string>(new string[] { old_mail_adress }));

                //send mail to the current mail adress
                int res_mail = ToolsClass.Tools.sendMail(subject, body, new List <string>(new string[] { agent.mailAdress }));

                string message = "Les modifications ont été enregistrées avec succès";
                if (res_mail != ToolsClass.Definition.NO_ERROR_INT_VALUE)//fail to send data
                    HtmlMessageBox box = new HtmlMessageBox("Information sur le compte", ref body);

                    message += "\nLe mail n'a pas pu être envoyé";
                    message += "\nLe mail a correctement été envoyé";

                setListBox(); //update listbox
                setDefault(); //reset view
                MessageBox.Show("Une erreur est survenue !");