protected void imgBtn_Odberi_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { ImageButton imgBtnIzbrisiClicked = (ImageButton)sender; DataListItem SelectedItem = (DataListItem)imgBtnIzbrisiClicked.NamingContainer; Label Slika_Id = (Label)SelectedItem.FindControl("lbl_Slika_Id"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(); connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Konekcija"].ConnectionString; SqlCommand komanda = new SqlCommand(); komanda.Connection = connection; komanda.CommandText = @"UPDATE Pozadina SET Aktivna = 0 ; UPDATE Pozadina SET Aktivna = 1 WHERE Pozadina_Id = " + Slika_Id.Text; try { connection.Open(); komanda.ExecuteNonQuery(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), "AlertPopup", "alert('Успешна промена!');", true); } finally { connection.Close(); } DS_SiteSliki.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM Pozadina"; DS_SiteSliki.DataBind(); DataList6.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //显示用户信息 localhost.Service myBBS = new localhost.Service(); DataSet userInforDS = myBBS.GetUserInfo(Session["username"].ToString()); DataList1.DataSource = userInforDS.Tables["UserInfor"].DefaultView; DataList1.DataBind(); //显示所有用户发表的帖子 DataSet titleListDS1 = myBBS.GetUserTitle(Session["username"].ToString(), "站务通知"); DataList2.DataSource = titleListDS1.Tables["TitleList"].DefaultView; DataList2.DataBind(); DataSet titleListDS2 = myBBS.GetUserTitle(Session["username"].ToString(), "文化艺术"); DataList4.DataSource = titleListDS2.Tables["TitleList"].DefaultView; DataList4.DataBind(); DataSet titleListDS3 = myBBS.GetUserTitle(Session["username"].ToString(), "休闲娱乐"); DataList5.DataSource = titleListDS3.Tables["TitleList"].DefaultView; DataList5.DataBind(); DataSet titleListDS4 = myBBS.GetUserTitle(Session["username"].ToString(), "学习天地"); DataList6.DataSource = titleListDS4.Tables["TitleList"].DefaultView; DataList6.DataBind(); DataSet titleListDS5 = myBBS.GetUserTitle(Session["username"].ToString(), "信息技术"); DataList7.DataSource = titleListDS5.Tables["TitleList"].DefaultView; DataList7.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { DataList4.DataSource = data.GetDataReader("select * from Musictype"); DataList4.DataBind(); DataList6.DataSource = data.GetDataReader("select * from Singer"); DataList6.DataBind(); DataList5.DataSource = data.GetDataReader("select * from Album"); DataList5.DataBind(); Datalist3.DataSource = data.GetDataReader("select top 8 * from News"); Datalist3.DataBind(); DataList1.DataSource = data.GetDataReader("select top 6 * from Music where IsCheck='1' order by id desc "); DataList1.DataBind(); DataList2.DataSource = data.GetDataReader("select top 6 * from Music where IsCheck='1' order by clk desc "); DataList2.DataBind(); if (Session["users"] != null) { table2.Visible = true; TABLE1.Visible = false; MName.Text = Session["users"].ToString(); } } }
public void getdata() { DataList1.DataBind(); DataList2.DataBind(); DataList3.DataBind(); DataList4.DataBind(); DataList5.DataBind(); DataList6.DataBind(); DataList7.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { DataList1.DataSource = db.GetProducts(); DataList1.DataBind(); DataList6.DataSource = db.GetAllCategory(); DataList6.DataBind(); } }
private void gg() { string sSql = "select * from Notice order by id desc"; SQL s = new SQL(); DataSet ds = s.DSSearch(sSql); // s.DSSearch(sSql); PagedDataSource pds = new PagedDataSource(); //初始化PagedDataSource实例,主要用做DataList1的分页使用 pds.AllowPaging = true; //允许分页 pds.PageSize = 6; //每页显示7条 pds.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; //将检索出的ds数据集绑定给PagedDataSource实例pds DataList6.DataSource = pds; //将pds内容最终绑定给DataList1,呈现到界面中 DataList6.DataBind(); }
public void Load() { DataList3.DataSource = op.SelectImage("手机", 5); DataList3.DataBind(); DataList4.DataSource = op.SelectImage("电器城", 5); DataList4.DataBind(); DataList5.DataSource = op.SelectImage("西西超市", 5); DataList5.DataBind(); DataList6.DataSource = op.SelectImage("西西生活", 5); DataList6.DataBind(); DataList7.DataSource = op.SelectImage("有我你更美", 5); DataList7.DataBind(); DataList8.DataSource = op.SelectImage("智能硬件", 5); DataList8.DataBind(); midImage.DataSource = op.SelectImage("pimage", 5); midImage.DataBind(); DataList9.DataSource = op.SelectImage("手机", 10); DataList9.DataBind(); DataList10.DataSource = op.SelectImage("电器城", 10); DataList10.DataBind(); DataList11.DataSource = op.SelectImage("西西超市", 10); DataList11.DataBind(); DataList12.DataSource = op.SelectImage("西西生活", 10); DataList12.DataBind(); DataList13.DataSource = op.SelectImage("智能硬件", 10); DataList13.DataBind(); DataList14.DataSource = op.SelectImage("有我你更美", 10); DataList14.DataBind(); DataList15.DataSource = op.SelectImage("办公设备", 10); DataList15.DataBind(); DataList16.DataSource = op.SelectImage("西西商城", 10); DataList16.DataBind(); DataList17.DataSource = op.SelectNewInfo(10); DataList17.DataBind(); Phone.DataSource = op.SelectPhone(10); Phone.DataBind(); Life.DataSource = op.SelectImage("西西生活", 10); Life.DataBind(); Electric.DataSource = op.SelectImage("电器城", 10); Electric.DataBind(); Beauty.DataSource = op.SelectImage("有我你更美", 10); Beauty.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GetGoodsInfo(); DataList3.DataSource = op.SelectImage("手机", 5); DataList3.DataBind(); DataList4.DataSource = op.SelectImage("电器城", 5); DataList4.DataBind(); DataList5.DataSource = op.SelectImage("西西超市", 5); DataList5.DataBind(); DataList6.DataSource = op.SelectImage("西西生活", 5); DataList6.DataBind(); DataList7.DataSource = op.SelectImage("有我你更美", 5); DataList7.DataBind(); DataList8.DataSource = op.SelectImage("智能硬件", 5); DataList8.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\userside.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"); string str; str = "select * from Screen_managment where category = 'Hollywood'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader dr; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DataList6.DataSource = dr; DataList6.DataBind(); } }
//int di; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GetGoodsInfo(); Label123.Text = Session["UserName"].ToString(); //DataList1.DataSource = op.SelectInfo(); //DataList1.DataBind(); DataList3.DataSource = op.SelectImage("手机", 5); DataList3.DataBind(); DataList4.DataSource = op.SelectImage("电器城", 5); DataList4.DataBind(); DataList5.DataSource = op.SelectImage("西西超市", 5); DataList5.DataBind(); DataList6.DataSource = op.SelectImage("西西生活", 5); DataList6.DataBind(); DataList7.DataSource = op.SelectImage("有我你更美", 5); DataList7.DataBind(); DataList8.DataSource = op.SelectImage("智能硬件", 5); DataList8.DataBind(); }
protected void InsertPozadina() { if (Upload.HasFile) { string FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Upload.PostedFile.FileName); int len = Upload.PostedFile.ContentLength; byte[] pic = new byte[len]; Upload.PostedFile.InputStream.Read(pic, 0, len); String Url = tbPozadinaUrl.Text.Replace("'", "''"); if (Url.StartsWith("www")) { Url = "http://" + Url; } SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(); connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Konekcija"].ConnectionString; SqlCommand komanda = new SqlCommand(); komanda.Connection = connection; komanda.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO Pozadina (Pozadina, Aktivna, Url) Values (@Reklama, 0, '" + Url + "')"; komanda.Parameters.Add("@Reklama", pic); try { connection.Open(); komanda.ExecuteNonQuery(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), "AlertPopup", "alert('Позадината е прикачена!');", true); } finally { connection.Close(); } DS_SiteSliki.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM Pozadina"; DS_SiteSliki.DataBind(); DataList6.DataBind(); } }
private void Restaurent() { string mainconn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(mainconn); //var button = (Control)sender; //var answerLabel = NamingContainer.FindControl("placename"); string sqlquery = "select * from [dbo].[RestaurentInfo] where PlaceName=@PlaceName"; SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, sqlConnection); sqlConnection.Open(); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PlaceName", Request.QueryString["PlaceName"]); SqlDataReader sdr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (sdr.HasRows) { sdr.Close(); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(); sda.SelectCommand = sqlCommand; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); sda.Fill(ds); b = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; PagedDataSource pg2 = new PagedDataSource(); pg2.DataSource = dt.DefaultView; pg2.AllowPaging = true; pg2.CurrentPageIndex = a; pg2.PageSize = 4; Button9.Visible = true; Button10.Visible = true; Button11.Visible = true; Button12.Visible = true; if (pg2.IsFirstPage) { Button9.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Button9.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; Button10.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Button10.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } else { Button9.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xd00040); Button9.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; Button10.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xd00040); Button10.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } if (pg2.IsLastPage) { Button11.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Button11.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; Button12.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray; Button12.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } else { Button11.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xd00040); Button11.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; Button12.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0xd00040); Button12.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } Button9.Enabled = !pg2.IsFirstPage; Button10.Enabled = !pg2.IsFirstPage; Button11.Enabled = !pg2.IsLastPage; Button12.Enabled = !pg2.IsLastPage; DataList6.DataSource = pg2; DataList6.DataBind(); title.Text = "Restaurents in " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PlaceName"].ToString(); sqlConnection.Close(); } else { Button9.Visible = false; Button10.Visible = false; Button11.Visible = false; Button12.Visible = false; title.Visible = false; sqlConnection.Close(); } sqlConnection.Close(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DB_Connect"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection connect = new SqlConnection(connectionString); connect.Open(); string UserId = Session["Userid"].ToString(); SqlCommand getvid = new SqlCommand("SELECT vuserid FROM visitors WHERE puserid = @userid", connect); //SqlCommand getvid = new SqlCommand("SELECT vuserid FROM visitors WHERE puserid = 'rvpisal'", connect); getvid.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", UserId); getvid.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlDataAdapter genreRdr = new SqlDataAdapter(); genreRdr.SelectCommand = getvid; DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); genreRdr.Fill(dt2); if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0) { string getinfo = "SELECT * FROM LinkedU_Account WHERE Userid = @id;"; SqlCommand checkDatabaseTable = new SqlCommand(getinfo, connect); checkDatabaseTable.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", UserId); checkDatabaseTable.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlDataReader Records = checkDatabaseTable.ExecuteReader(); Records.Read(); if (Records["Membership"].ToString() == "Y") { SqlConnection connect1 = new SqlConnection(connectionString); connect1.Open(); //connect1.ChangeDatabase("kpborol_Assign4B"); string Userid1 = Session["Userid"].ToString(); //string Userid1 = "ishan30"; string visitors = "SELECT DISTINCT K.Fname, K.Lname, K.Userid, V.vuserid FROM visitors V INNER JOIN KUserinfo K ON K.Userid = V.vuserid WHERE V.puserid = @userid AND V.vuserid != @userid ;"; SqlCommand displayvisitors = new SqlCommand(visitors, connect1); displayvisitors.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", Userid1); SqlDataAdapter dadp = new SqlDataAdapter(); dadp.SelectCommand = displayvisitors; DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); dadp.Fill(ds1); DataList5.DataSource = ds1; DataList5.DataBind(); connect1.Close(); } else if (Records["Membership"].ToString() == "N") { SqlConnection connect2 = new SqlConnection(connectionString); connect2.Open(); //connect2.ChangeDatabase("kpborol_Assign4B"); string Userid2 = Session["Userid"].ToString(); string visitors = "SELECT count(DISTINCT(V.vuserid)) AS 'COUNT' FROM visitors V INNER JOIN KUserinfo K ON K.Userid = V.vuserid WHERE V.puserid = @userid AND V.vuserid != @userid ;"; //string visitors = "SELECT count(V.vuserid) AS 'COUNT' FROM visitors V INNER JOIN KUserinfo K ON K.Userid = V.vuserid WHERE V.puserid = 'ishan30';"; SqlCommand displayvisitors = new SqlCommand(visitors, connect2); displayvisitors.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", Userid2); SqlDataAdapter dadp = new SqlDataAdapter(); dadp.SelectCommand = displayvisitors; DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); dadp.Fill(ds2); DataList6.DataSource = ds2; DataList6.DataBind(); connect2.Close(); } else { Label20.Text = "Sorry, nobody has visited your profile yet!!"; Label20.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } } else { Label20.Text = "Sorry, nobody has visited your profile yet!!"; Label20.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } }
//void partiyalar() //{ // DataTable meqsed = klas.getdatatable("Select PartiyaID,Adi from PartiyalarSiyahi order by PartiyaID"); // partiya.DataTextField = "Adi"; // partiya.DataValueField = "PartiyaID"; // partiya.DataSource = meqsed; // partiya.DataBind(); // partiya.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Seçin", "-1")); //} protected void btnAxtar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { vizual(); DataList1.DataSource = klas.getdatatable("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,c.adi,c.Proqramteminat,c.Lisenziya,c.Sair,Proqramteminat+Lisenziya+Sair as Cemi " + "from Tesnifatlar t left join IQQeyrimaddiaktiv c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=2 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList1.DataBind(); DataList3.DataSource = klas.getdatatable("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,t.Tesnifatadi adi,c.Binatikili,c.Avadanliq, c.Neqliyyatvas,c.Invertar,c.Sair, c.Avadanliq + c.Neqliyyatvas +c.Binatikili+ c.Invertar + c.Sair as Cemi from Tesnifatlar t left join IQTorpaq c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=3 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList3.DataBind(); DataList4.DataSource = klas.getdatatable("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,t.Tesnifatadi adi,c.Depozit, c.Sair,c.Depozit + c.Sair as Cemi from " + "Tesnifatlar t left join IQSairuzunmudaktiv c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=4 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList4.DataBind(); DataList5.DataSource = klas.getdatatable(" select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,c.Adi,c.Defterxana,c.Yanacaq,c.Sair,c.Defterxana + c.Yanacaq + c.Sair as Cemi from " + "Tesnifatlar t left join IQEhtiyat c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=5 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList5.DataBind(); DataList6.DataSource = klas.getdatatable(" select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by c.IQqisamdebitor) SN,* from " + " IQQisamudDebitor c where c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList6.DataBind(); DataList7.DataSource = klas.getdatatable(" select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,* from " + "Tesnifatlar t left join IQSairqisamudaktiv c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=7 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList7.DataBind(); DataList8.DataSource = klas.getdatatable(" select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,*,Bankkredit + Lizinq as Cemi from " + "Tesnifatlar t left join IQUzunmudfaizxerc c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=8 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList8.DataBind(); DataList9.DataSource = klas.getdatatable("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,*,Bankkredit + Lizinq as Cemi from " + "Tesnifatlar t left join IQQisamudfaizxerc c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=9 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList9.DataBind(); DataList10.DataSource = klas.getdatatable("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,* from " + "Tesnifatlar t left join IQMecburiodenis c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=10 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList10.DataBind(); DataList11.DataSource = klas.getdatatable("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,* from " + "Tesnifatlar t left join IQQisamudkreditor c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=11 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList11.DataBind(); DataList12.DataSource = klas.getdatatable("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,* from " + "Tesnifatlar t left join IQSairqisamudohdelik c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=12 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList12.DataBind(); DataList13.DataSource = klas.getdatatable("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,* from " + "Tesnifatlar t left join IQUzvlukhaqlari c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=13 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList13.DataBind(); DataList14.DataSource = klas.getdatatable("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by IQAlinmisianeID) SN,IQAlinmisianeID," + "PartiyaID, UserID, Hesabatili, Adi+' '+Soyad+' '+Ataadi adsoyad, Ianekodu, Seriyasi+', '+Nomresi+', '+ " + "convert(nvarchar,Verilmetarixi,104) seriyanomretarix, convert(nvarchar,Dogumtarixi,104) Dogumtarixi, Unvan, Esasvesait, Malmaterial," + " Pulformasinda, Esasvesait+Malmaterial+Pulformasinda Cemi, DaxiletmeTarixi, DeyishmeTarixi from IQAlinmisIaneler where Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList14.DataBind(); DataList15.DataSource = klas.getdatatable("select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by t.TesnifatID) SN,* from " + "Tesnifatlar t left join IQPulvesait c on t.TesnifatID=c.TesnifatID where t.Tesnifattipi=15 and c.Hesabatili=" + DropDownListyear.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and c.PartiyaID=" + Session["PartiyaID"].ToString()); DataList15.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlCommand komut = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_Kategoriler ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku = komut.ExecuteReader(); DataList5.DataSource = oku; DataList5.DataBind(); Kahveid = Request.QueryString["Kahveid"]; SqlCommand komut2 = new SqlCommand("Select Kahvead From Tbl_kahveler where Kahveid = @p1 ", bgl.baglanti()); komut2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p1", Kahveid); SqlDataReader dr = komut2.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { baslik.Text = dr[0].ToString(); } SqlCommand komut3 = new SqlCommand("Select KahveMalzeme From Tbl_kahveler where Kahveid=@p1 ", bgl.baglanti()); komut3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p1", Kahveid); SqlDataReader dr1 = komut3.ExecuteReader(); while (dr1.Read()) { malze.Text = dr1[0].ToString(); } bgl.baglanti().Close(); SqlCommand komut6 = new SqlCommand("Select KahveTarif From Tbl_kahveler where Kahveid=@p1 ", bgl.baglanti()); komut6.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p1", Kahveid); SqlDataReader dr6 = komut6.ExecuteReader(); while (dr6.Read()) { yapilis.Text = dr6[0].ToString(); } bgl.baglanti().Close(); SqlCommand komut5 = new SqlCommand("Select KahveResim From Tbl_kahveler where Kahveid=@p1 ", bgl.baglanti()); komut5.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p1", Kahveid); SqlDataReader dr5 = komut5.ExecuteReader(); while (dr5.Read()) { Image1.ImageUrl = dr5[0].ToString(); } bgl.baglanti().Close(); SqlCommand komut4 = new SqlCommand("Select * From Tbl_Yorumlar where Kahveid=@p2 ", bgl.baglanti()); komut4.Parameters.AddWithValue("@p2", Kahveid); SqlDataReader dr2 = komut4.ExecuteReader(); DataList6.DataSource = dr2; DataList6.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlCommand komut = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_Kategoriler ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku = komut.ExecuteReader(); DataList1.DataSource = oku; DataList1.DataBind(); SqlCommand komutt = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_kahveler WHERE Kahveid=1 ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader okuu = komutt.ExecuteReader(); DataList3.DataSource = okuu; DataList3.DataBind(); SqlCommand komut2 = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_kahveler WHERE Kahveid=6 ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku2 = komut2.ExecuteReader(); DataList4.DataSource = oku2; DataList4.DataBind(); SqlCommand komut3 = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_kahveler WHERE Kahveid=9 ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku3 = komut3.ExecuteReader(); DataList5.DataSource = oku3; DataList5.DataBind(); SqlCommand komut4 = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_kahveler WHERE Kahveid=11 ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku4 = komut4.ExecuteReader(); DataList6.DataSource = oku4; DataList6.DataBind(); SqlCommand komut5 = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_kahveler WHERE Kahveid=8 ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku5 = komut5.ExecuteReader(); DataList7.DataSource = oku5; DataList7.DataBind(); SqlCommand komut6 = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_kahveler WHERE Kahveid=10 ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku6 = komut6.ExecuteReader(); DataList8.DataSource = oku6; DataList8.DataBind(); SqlCommand komut7 = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_kahveler WHERE Kahveid=7 ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku7 = komut7.ExecuteReader(); DataList9.DataSource = oku7; DataList9.DataBind(); SqlCommand komut8 = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_kahveler WHERE Kahveid=2 ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku8 = komut8.ExecuteReader(); DataList10.DataSource = oku8; DataList10.DataBind(); SqlCommand komut9 = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_kahveler WHERE Kahveid=9 ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku9 = komut9.ExecuteReader(); DataList11.DataSource = oku9; DataList11.DataBind(); SqlCommand komut10 = new SqlCommand("Select *From Tbl_kahveler WHERE Kahveid=7 ", bgl.baglanti()); SqlDataReader oku10 = komut10.ExecuteReader(); DataList12.DataSource = oku10; DataList12.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Data_con dc = new Data_con(); SqlConnection con = dc.SQL_con(); con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT top 7 * FROM [Down_1] where soft_type='热门专题' ", con); DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); da1.Fill(ds1, "Down_1"); con.Close(); DataList1.DataSource = ds1; DataList1.DataBind(); con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT top 7 * FROM [Down_1] where soft_type='热门专题1' ", con); DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); da2.Fill(ds2, "Down_1"); con.Close(); DataList2.DataSource = ds2; DataList2.DataBind(); con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da3 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT top 7 * FROM [Down_1] where soft_type='软件专题' ", con); DataSet ds3 = new DataSet(); da3.Fill(ds3, "Down_1"); con.Close(); DataList3.DataSource = ds3; DataList3.DataBind(); con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da4 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT top 7 * FROM [Down_1] where soft_type='热门专题1' ", con); DataSet ds4 = new DataSet(); da4.Fill(ds4, "Down_1"); con.Close(); DataList4.DataSource = ds4; DataList4.DataBind(); con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da5 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT top 7 * FROM [Down_1] where soft_type='游戏专题' ", con); DataSet ds5 = new DataSet(); da5.Fill(ds5, "Down_1"); con.Close(); DataList5.DataSource = ds5; DataList5.DataBind(); con.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da6 = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT top 7 * FROM [Down_1] where soft_type='热门专题1' ", con); DataSet ds6 = new DataSet(); da6.Fill(ds6, "Down_1"); con.Close(); DataList6.DataSource = ds6; DataList6.DataBind(); }