public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, object value) {
			DataLinks dl = new DataLinks();
			object cn;

			if (value != null && !value.Equals("")) {
				cn = new Connection();
				((Connection) cn).ConnectionString = value.ToString();
				dl.PromptEdit(ref cn);
			else cn = dl.PromptNew();

			return ((Connection) cn).ConnectionString;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Asks user with nice standard dialog-box about the settings of the connection to the database.
        /// It returns 'true' when user defined a (valid) connection and pressed [OK] button,
        /// otherwise 'false'. In case of edition of an existing connection, pass it via
        /// <paramref name="initialConnectionString"/> parameter.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool PromptConnectionString(string initialConnectionString, out string userConnectionString)
            DataLinks   sysConnectionDialog = new DataLinks();
            _Connection adoConnection;

            initialConnectionString = UnsecureConnectionString(initialConnectionString);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(initialConnectionString))
                // get the connection object from the dialog:
                adoConnection = (_Connection)sysConnectionDialog.PromptNew();
                    // create the connection object and pass it to the dialog:
                    adoConnection = new ConnectionClass();
                    adoConnection.ConnectionString = initialConnectionString;
                    object oConnection = adoConnection;

                    // and if user clicked [NO] on the dialog, release the connection object
                    // to return 'false' and empty string...
                    if (!sysConnectionDialog.PromptEdit(ref oConnection))
                        adoConnection = null;
                catch (Exception ex)

                    // create the connection object without passing the connection string
                    // as this probably was incorrect and caused an error:
                    adoConnection = (_Connection)sysConnectionDialog.PromptNew();

            if (adoConnection != null)
                userConnectionString = adoConnection.ConnectionString;

            // otherwise return the default connection info:
            userConnectionString = null;
Пример #3
		private void btSetConnectionString_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			DataLinks mydlg = new DataLinks();

			if (ConnectionString == null)
				var connectionStringAdo = (Connection)mydlg.PromptNew();
				ConnectionString = connectionStringAdo.ConnectionString;
				Connection con = new Connection();
				con.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;
				object x = con;
				if (mydlg.PromptEdit(ref x))
					con = x as Connection;
				ConnectionString = con.ConnectionString;

Пример #4
        public IHttpActionResult Export([FromUri] string exportType)
            //var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            //var user = unitOfWork.User.Get(userId);
            var       user     = unitOfWork.User.Get("appu");
            var       userId   = user.Id;
            var       usertype = ConvertIntToString(user.UserType.TypeOfUser);
            DataLinks links;

                string imgPath = string.Empty;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Files))
                    imgPath = $"{GetUserFolderPath(userId)}/{user.Files}";
                var folderPath = GetUserDocumentFolderPath(userId);
                //var userPath = $"{folderPath}\\{user.Id}";
                var userPath = $"{folderPath}";
                localHost += $"{userId}/";
                if (exportType.Split('.').Length > 1)
                    Exporter.ExportCsv(userPath, user, usertype, localHost, out Uri dataPath, out Uri ppPath);
                    Exporter.ExportPdf(userPath, user, usertype, localHost, imgPath, out Uri dataPdfPath);
                    links = new DataLinks(dataPath, ppPath, dataPdfPath);
                    string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { $"\\{user.Id}" };
                    //ne moze se zipovati onaj direktorijum koji koristimo promeniti puvanju na bude u istoj ravnini sa appu a ne u appu
                    using (FileStream zipFile = File.Open(userPath.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None)[0] + $"\\{user.Name}.zip", FileMode.Create))
                        using (Archive archive = new Archive())
                            DirectoryInfo corpus = new DirectoryInfo(folderPath);
                            return(GetDocuments(userPath, user.Name, "zip"));
                    //return GetDocuments(userPath, user.Name, "csv");
                    //return GetDocuments(userPath, user.Name, "pdf");
                else if (exportType.Equals("csv"))
                    Exporter.ExportCsv(userPath, user, usertype, localHost, out Uri dataPath, out Uri ppPath);
                    links = new DataLinks(dataPath, ppPath, null);

                    using (FileStream zipFile = File.Open(userPath + $"\\{user.Name}", FileMode.Create))
                        // Files to be added to archive
                        FileInfo fi1 = new FileInfo($"{userPath}\\{user.Name}{user.Surname}.csv");
                        FileInfo fi2 = new FileInfo($"{userPath}\\{user.Name}{user.Surname}PayPal.csv");

                        using (var archive = new Archive())
                            archive.CreateEntry($"{userPath}\\{user.Name}{user.Surname}.csv", fi1);
                            archive.CreateEntry($"{userPath}\\{user.Name}{user.Surname}PayPal.csv", fi2);
                            archive.Save(zipFile, new ArchiveSaveOptions()
                                Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
                    return(GetDocuments(userPath, $"{user.Name}CSV", "zip"));
                else if (exportType.Equals("pdf"))
                    Exporter.ExportPdf(userPath, user, usertype, localHost, imgPath, out Uri dataPdfPath);
                    links = new DataLinks(null, null, dataPdfPath);
                    return(GetDocuments(userPath, user.Name, "pdf"));
                    links = new DataLinks(null, null, null);

            catch (Exception ex)
//		private void optSqlProvider_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//			pnlSqlProvider.Visible = true;
//			pnlOleDbProvider.Visible = false;
//		}

//		private void optOleDbProvider_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//			pnlSqlProvider.Visible = false;
//			pnlOleDbProvider.Visible = true;
//		}

		private void cmdBuild_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
			DataLinks dl = new DataLinks();
			object cn;

			if (!txtConnectionString.Equals("")) {
				cn = new Connection();
				((Connection) cn).ConnectionString = txtConnectionString.Text;
				dl.PromptEdit(ref cn);
			else {
				cn = (Connection) dl.PromptNew();

			txtConnectionString.Text = ((Connection) cn).ConnectionString;