Пример #1
    // Server
    public object[] GetNewInformation(List <object[]> oldInformation, out byte[] dataInterp, bool isPlayerOwner)
        int bitChoicesLength = getBitChoicesLength(isPlayerOwner);

        int byteChoicesByteLength = (bitChoicesLength + 7) / 8;

        int count = 0;

        dataInterp = new byte[byteChoicesByteLength + 3];

        // Copies in ID / Type:
        Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(objectID), 0, dataInterp, 0, 2);
        dataInterp[2] = objectType;

        // Exists is set manually in dataInterp:
        if (exists)
            dataInterp[3] += (1 << 0);

        // Sets what needs to be changed:
        for (int i = 1; i < bitChoicesLength; i++)
            for (int x = 0; x < oldInformation.Count; x++)
                if (DataInterpret.isObjectDifferent(getObject(i - 1, isPlayerOwner), oldInformation [x] [i - 1]))
                    dataInterp [3 + i / 8] += (byte)(1 << (i % 8));

        // It only adds the neccessary objects:
        object[] returnObjects = new object[count];
        count = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < bitChoicesLength; i++)
            if ((dataInterp[3 + i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8))) != 0)
                returnObjects[count++] = getObject(i - 1, isPlayerOwner);

Пример #2
    // This just passes the full data set in. CLIENT SIDE
    public object[] getObjects(byte[] data, ref int bytePosition, object[] lastObjects, bool isPlayerOwner, int tickNumber)
        int initialIndex = bytePosition;

        int bitChoicesLength = getBitChoicesLength(isPlayerOwner);

        int byteChoicesByteLength = (bitChoicesLength + 7) / 8;

        // The dataInterp is just part of the data:
        object[] returnObjects = new object[bitChoicesLength - 1];

        bytePosition = bytePosition + 3 + byteChoicesByteLength;

        // Reiterates through the byteChoices:
        for (int i = 1; i < bitChoicesLength; i++)
            if ((data[initialIndex + 3 + i / 8] & (1 << (i % 8))) != 0)
                // Acquire each object from data. New types of objects should be created if, for example, different accuracies of Vector3 are wanted to be written / read.
                returnObjects[i - 1] = DataInterpret.interpretObject(data, ref bytePosition, getObject(i - 1, isPlayerOwner), this, tickNumber, isPlayerOwner);                 // Last is type. getObject will return the right type.
                // Adds it anyways:

                if (lastObjects == null || lastObjects[i - 1] == null)
                    // If this happens, it's just a throwaway anyway.. should be.. at least.. TODO this is a possible error spot that could happen w/o choke

                    // Well. It is ASSUMED that the current state is the old state in this case.
                    returnObjects[i - 1] = getObject(i - 1, isPlayerOwner);                     // getObject is most likely not ready for clientSide use currently. (The type will be right, ofc)
                    returnObjects[i - 1] = lastObjects[i - 1];

Пример #3
    // INTERP

    // Interps between ALL objects: 0 <= percent < 1.
    // b can be null if percent == 0. b could be null in any case, actually.

    // a.Length should equal b.Length, of course.
    public void interp(object[] a, object[] b, float percent, bool isThisFirstTick, bool isThisMine)
        // Interp is not used for the first "frame" because interpolation can't be done on "SyncPlayer" because it switches what data it uses..
        if (b == null || percent == 0 || !didFirstInterp)
            SetInformation(a, a, b, isThisFirstTick, isThisMine);
            if (!didFirstInterp)
                didFirstInterp = true;

        object[] c = new object[a.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
            c[i] = DataInterpret.interp(a[i], b[i], percent);
        SetInformation(c, a, b, isThisFirstTick, isThisMine);
Пример #4
 // Certain triggers will have a variable amount of data
 public override object getTriggerData(byte index, byte[] data, ref int bytePosition, bool isPlayerOwner)
     if (!isPlayerOwner)
         if (index == HITSCAN)
             return(DataInterpret.interpretObject(data, ref bytePosition, new Vector3[] { }, null, -1, false));
         if (index == DAMAGE_NUMBER)
             return(new DamageNumber(data, ref bytePosition));
         else if (index == DAMAGE_TAKEN)
             return(new DamageNumber(data, ref bytePosition));
Пример #5
 // Client side:
 public DamageNumber(byte[] data, ref int bytePosition)
     posData = (Vector3)DataInterpret.interpretObject(data, ref bytePosition, Vector3.zero, null, -1, false);
     damage  = (float)DataInterpret.interpretObject(data, ref bytePosition, 1f, null, -1, false);