//Method for requesting a search via the web service.
        public DataIntermediate Post([FromBody] SearchData value)
            DataIntermediate dataObj = new DataIntermediate();

            DataModel.getInstance().SearchByLastName(value.searchString, out dataObj.acct, out dataObj.pin, out dataObj.bal, out dataObj.fname, out dataObj.lname);
        //Method for getting an entry, via an index, through the webservice.
        public DataIntermediate Get(int id)
            DataIntermediate dataObj = new DataIntermediate();
            int    bal;
            uint   pin, acct;
            string lname, fname;

            DataModel.getInstance().GetValuesForEntry(id, out dataObj.acct, out dataObj.pin, out dataObj.bal, out dataObj.fname, out dataObj.lname);
            Debug.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n" + "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
Пример #3
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Perform the index search.
            int    i = 0;
            string firstName = "", lastName = "";
            int    bal = 0;
            uint   acct = 0, pin = 0;

            output.Content = " ";
                //Get Num of entries in the app
                nEntries           = Int32.Parse(requestService("api/values/2").Content);
                entryField.Content = nEntries;

                i = Int32.Parse(inputfield_index.Text);
                //Bounds check
                if ((i >= 0) && (i < nEntries))
                    //Perform Search
                    IRestResponse response = requestService("api/getvalues/" + i.ToString());
                    Debug.WriteLine("\n" + response.Content + "\n");
                    DataIntermediate data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DataIntermediate>(response.Content);

                    firstName = data.fname;
                    lastName  = data.lname;
                    bal       = data.bal;
                    acct      = data.acct;
                    pin       = data.pin;

                    //If the default DataIntermediate was returned, ie no entry was found that matched throw.
                    if (acct == 0 && pin == 0 && bal == 0 && firstName.Equals("") && lastName.Equals(""))
                        throw new SearchFailedException(" Unable to find an entry with index: " + i);
                    output.Content = "Please enter a valid index, make sure it is within range";
            catch (FormatException ex)
                output.Content = "Please enter a valid index, make sure it is an integer";
            catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
                output.Content = "Please enter a valid index, make sure you actually input something";
            catch (OverflowException ex)
                output.Content = "Overflow Error";
            catch (ServiceNotAvailableException ex)
                output.Content = "There was an error connecting to the business server, Please restart the client!";
            catch (SearchFailedException ex)
                output.Content = "Your search returned negative, no entry had the lastname you specified!";

            field_fname.Text  = firstName;
            field_lname.Text  = lastName;
            field_bal.Text    = bal.ToString("C");
            field_actnum.Text = acct.ToString();
            field_pin.Text    = pin.ToString("D4");
Пример #4
        private void Button_Click1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Search last name. Haven't re-implemented delegates from Prac 2, touched on this in report.
            delegateSearchOp searchOperation;
            AsyncCallback    cBack;
            string           firstName = "", lastName = "", searchLastName;
            int  bal = 0;
            uint acct = 0, pin = 0;

            output.Content = " ";

                //Get num of values.
                nEntries           = Int32.Parse(requestService("api/values/2").Content);
                entryField.Content = nEntries;

                //Create a search obj
                SearchData search = new SearchData();
                search.searchString = inputfield_lastname.Text;

                //Perform search
                RestRequest req = new RestRequest("api/search/");
                IRestResponse response = client.Post(req);

                DataIntermediate data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DataIntermediate>(response.Content);

                //Reassign data since we don't like globals :(
                firstName = data.fname;
                lastName  = data.lname;
                pin       = data.pin;
                acct      = data.acct;
                bal       = data.bal;

                //Check if it actually found something
                if (acct == 0 && pin == 0 && bal == 0 && firstName.Equals("Unknown") && lastName.Equals("Uknown"))
                    throw new SearchFailedException(" Unable to find an entry with: " + search.searchString);

                //If we did find what we were looking for, display it!
                field_fname.Text  = firstName;
                field_lname.Text  = lastName;
                field_bal.Text    = bal.ToString("C");
                field_actnum.Text = acct.ToString();
                field_pin.Text    = pin.ToString("D4");
            catch (FormatException)
                output.Content = "Please enter a valid string";
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                output.Content = "Please enter a valid string";
            catch (ServiceNotAvailableException ex)
                output.Content = "There was an error connecting to the business server, Please restart the client!";
            catch (SearchFailedException ex)
                output.Content = "Your search returned negative, no entry had the lastname you specified!";

            /*Increase the number of entries generated, error handling*/