public void Sync(BigInteger fromBlock, BigInteger toBlock) { Console.WriteLine($"Getting transactions from block {fromBlock} to {toBlock}"); bool isWindows = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows); bool isLinux = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux); string python3 = "python"; if (isLinux) { python3 = "python3"; } // Run etl to extract data System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); // Create command string dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); if (dir.IndexOf("EtherChain") > 0) { dir = dir.Substring(0, dir.IndexOf("EtherChain") + 10); } dir += "/deps/ethereum-etl"; startInfo.WorkingDirectory = dir; string cmd = ""; if (_blockChain == "ETH") { cmd = $"{python3} export_blocks_and_transactions --start-block {fromBlock} --end-block {toBlock} --provider-uri --transactions-output tx.csv"; } else if (_blockChain == "ERC20") { cmd = $"{python3} export_token_transfers --start-block {fromBlock} --end-block {toBlock} --provider-uri wss:// --output erc20.csv -w 1"; } if (_blockChain == "ETC") { cmd = $"{python3} export_blocks_and_transactions --start-block {fromBlock} --end-block {toBlock} --provider-uri --transactions-output etc.csv"; } if (isWindows) { startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; startInfo.Arguments = $"/C {cmd}"; } else if (isLinux) { startInfo.FileName = "/bin/bash"; startInfo.Arguments = $"-c \"{cmd}\""; startInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } process.StartInfo = startInfo; process.Start(); process.WaitForExit(); if (_blockChain == "ETH" && !File.Exists(dir + "/tx.csv")) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: tx.csv file not created."); Thread.Sleep(1000); return; } if (_blockChain == "ETC" && !File.Exists(dir + "/etc.csv")) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: etc.csv file not created."); Thread.Sleep(1000); return; } if (_blockChain == "ERC20" && !File.Exists(dir + "/erc20.csv")) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: erc20.csv file not created."); Thread.Sleep(1000); return; } // Open the tx.csv file and extract it. string filename = "tx.csv"; if (_blockChain == "ETC") { filename = "etc.csv"; } else if (_blockChain == "ERC20") { filename = "erc20.csv"; } string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(dir + "/" + filename); File.Delete(dir + "/" + filename); int c = 2; Block block = new Block(); BigInteger blockNo = 0; while (c < lines.Length) { var data = lines[c].Split(','); if (_blockChain == "ETH" || _blockChain == "ETC") { /* * 0 hash hex_string * 1 nonce bigint * 2 block_hash hex_string * 3 block_number bigint * 4 transaction_index bigint * 5 from_address address * 6 to_address address * 7 value numeric * 8 gas bigint * 9 gas_price bigint * 10 input hex_string */ Transaction tr = new Transaction { Amount = BigInteger.Parse(data[7]), Block = BigInteger.Parse(data[3]), FromAddress = data[5], Gas = BigInteger.Parse(data[8]), GasPrice = BigInteger.Parse(data[9]), Hash = data[0], ToAddress = data[6], Nonce = BigInteger.Parse(data[1]) }; // Check if we need to create a new block if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(block.Hash)) { block.Hash = data[2]; blockNo = tr.Block; } else if (blockNo != tr.Block) { _db.AddBlock(blockNo, block, _blockChain); block = new Block(); blockNo = tr.Block; } _db.AddTransaction(tr, _blockChain, ref block); } else if (_blockChain == "ERC20") { /* * 0 token_address address * 1 from_address address * 2 to_address address * 3 value numeric * 4 transaction_hash hex_string * 5 log_index bigint * 6 block_number bigint */ var tr = new Erc20Transaction { Amount = BigInteger.Parse(data[3]), Block = BigInteger.Parse(data[6]), FromAddress = data[1], ToAddress = data[2], Hash = data[4], LogIndex = BigInteger.Parse(data[5]) }; // Check if we need to create a new block if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(block.Hash)) { Web3 web3 = getWeb3(); block.Hash = web3.Eth.Blocks.GetBlockWithTransactionsHashesByNumber.SendRequestAsync( new HexBigInteger(tr.Block)).Result.BlockHash; blockNo = tr.Block; } else if (blockNo != tr.Block) { _db.AddBlock(blockNo, block, _blockChain); block = new Block(); blockNo = tr.Block; } _db.AddTransaction(tr, data[0], ref block); } c += 2; } _db.AddBlock(blockNo, block, _blockChain); // Update last synced block _lastSyncedBlock = toBlock; _db.Put("lastblock", _lastSyncedBlock.ToString(), _blockChain); Console.WriteLine($"{_blockChain}: Done getting transactions from block {fromBlock} to {toBlock}"); }