public void ShouldRateDataConsumptionWithReducedDataRating()
            //TODO: avoid code duplication in tests
            decimal reductionFactor   = (decimal)0.5;
            var     callerNumber      = new PhoneNumber("4530131514");
            var     receiverNumber    = new PhoneNumber("4530202020");
            var     startTime         = new DateTime(2014, 1, 9, 21, 10, 10);
            var     endTime           = new DateTime(2014, 1, 9, 21, 20, 20);
            var     subscriptionId    = new SubscriptionId(new Guid("b8e5bae2-76e7-49a8-b5ae-2cd0eb229b16"));
            var     dataConsumption   = new DataConsumption(callerNumber, new Amount(30.0, Unit.MB), 1, startTime, subscriptionId);
            var     reducedDataRating = new ReducedDataRatingDecorator(new DataRating((decimal)3), reductionFactor);

            var result = reducedDataRating.Rate(dataConsumption);

            Assert.Equal(30 * 3 * reductionFactor, result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Robert Martin actually suggests to put error handling in another method. Lets do that.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="consumption"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override decimal Rate(Consumption consumption)
            if (!(consumption is DataConsumption))
                throw new ArgumentException("consumption has to be of type DataConsumption", "consumption");

            DataConsumption dataConsumption = (DataConsumption)consumption;

            catch (DivideByZeroException dbze)
                //handle specífic exception here. (We have actually guarded against UnitSize being zero.
                throw dbze;
            catch (Exception ex) // We might consider narrowing the scope of exceptions
                //TODO: log exception, or handle it or just rethrow it.
                throw ex;
        /// <summary>
        /// Errorhandling is handled in calling method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataConsumption"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected decimal DivideConsumptionByUnitSizeAndMultiplyWithUnitPrice(DataConsumption dataConsumption)
            var result = ((decimal)dataConsumption.Amount.Value / dataConsumption.UnitSize) * UnitPrice;
