public void ForEachItemTemplate(Repeater rpt, out List <OrderOption> updatedOptions) { updatedOptions = new List <OrderOption>(); foreach (RepeaterItem rptItem in rpt.Items) { if (rptItem.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || rptItem.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { // itemAction(rptItem); DataCheckBox chkSelected = rptItem.FindControl <DataCheckBox>("chkSelected"); if (chkSelected != null && chkSelected.Checked && chkSelected.Visible) { OrderOption xOpt = base.Datasource.AllOrderOptions.FirstOrDefault(opt => opt.UniqueID.ToString().EqualsIgnoreCase(chkSelected.Data.ToString())); if (xOpt != null) { updatedOptions.Add(xOpt); } } } } }
public void ProcessCart(bool DoingFullCheckout) { Response.CacheControl = "private"; Response.Expires = 0; Response.AddHeader("pragma", "no-cache"); ThisCustomer.RequireCustomerRecord(); CartTypeEnum cte = CartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart; if (CommonLogic.QueryStringCanBeDangerousContent("CartType").Length != 0) { cte = (CartTypeEnum)CommonLogic.QueryStringUSInt("CartType"); } cart = new InterpriseShoppingCart(null, 1, ThisCustomer, cte, string.Empty, false, true); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { string couponCode = string.Empty; if (cart.HasCoupon(ref couponCode)) { CouponCode.Text = couponCode; } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CouponCode.Text)) { cart.ClearCoupon(); } } // check if credit on hold if (ThisCustomer.IsCreditOnHold) { Response.Redirect("shoppingcart.aspx"); } if (cart.IsEmpty()) { // can't have this at this point: switch (cte) { case CartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart: Response.Redirect("shoppingcart.aspx"); break; case CartTypeEnum.WishCart: Response.Redirect("wishlist.aspx"); break; case CartTypeEnum.GiftRegistryCart: Response.Redirect("giftregistry.aspx"); break; default: Response.Redirect("shoppingcart.aspx"); break; } } //Make it a method UpdateCartItems(); // save coupon code, no need to reload cart object // will update customer record also: if (cte == CartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CouponCode.Text)) { string errorMessage = string.Empty; if (cart.IsCouponValid(ThisCustomer, CouponCode.Text, ref errorMessage)) { cart.ApplyCoupon(CouponCode.Text); } else { // NULL out the coupon for this cusotmer... InterpriseHelper.ClearCustomerCoupon(ThisCustomer.CustomerCode, ThisCustomer.IsRegistered); ErrorMsgLabel.Text = errorMessage; CouponCode.Text = string.Empty; return; } } // check for upsell products if (CommonLogic.FormCanBeDangerousContent("Upsell").Length != 0) { foreach (string s in CommonLogic.FormCanBeDangerousContent("Upsell").Split(',')) { int ProductID = Localization.ParseUSInt(s); if (ProductID == 0) { continue; } string itemCode = InterpriseHelper.GetInventoryItemCode(ProductID); string shippingAddressID; shippingAddressID = CommonLogic.IIF(ThisCustomer.IsNotRegistered, string.Empty, ThisCustomer.PrimaryShippingAddressID); var umInfo = InterpriseHelper.GetItemDefaultUnitMeasure(itemCode); cart.AddItem(ThisCustomer, shippingAddressID, itemCode, ProductID, 1, umInfo.Code, CartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart); } } bool hasCheckedOptions = false; if (pnlOrderOptions.Visible) { // Process the Order Options foreach (RepeaterItem ri in OrderOptionsList.Items) { hasCheckedOptions = true; DataCheckBox cbk = (DataCheckBox)ri.FindControl("OrderOptions"); if (cbk.Checked) { string itemCode = (string)cbk.Data; HiddenField hfCounter = ri.FindControl("hfItemCounter") as HiddenField; TextBox txtNotes = ri.FindControl("txtOrderOptionNotes") as TextBox; string strNotes = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(txtNotes.Text); string notes = CommonLogic.IIF((strNotes != null), CommonLogic.CleanLevelOne(strNotes), string.Empty); //check the length of order option notes //should not exceed 1000 characters including spaces int maxLen = 1000; if (notes.Length > maxLen) { notes = notes.Substring(0, maxLen); } string unitMeasureCode = string.Empty; // check if the item has only 1 unit measure // hence it's rendered as a label // else it would be rendered as a drop down list Label lblUnitMeasureCode = ri.FindControl("lblUnitMeasureCode") as Label; if (null != lblUnitMeasureCode && lblUnitMeasureCode.Visible) { unitMeasureCode = lblUnitMeasureCode.Text; } else { // it's rendered as combobox because the item has multiple unit measures configured DropDownList cboUnitMeasureCode = ri.FindControl("cboUnitMeasureCode") as DropDownList; if (null != cboUnitMeasureCode && cboUnitMeasureCode.Visible) { unitMeasureCode = cboUnitMeasureCode.SelectedValue; } } if (CommonLogic.IsStringNullOrEmpty(unitMeasureCode)) { throw new ArgumentException("Unit Measure not specified!!!"); } //check if this Order Option has Restricted Quantity and Minimum Order Qty set. decimal itemQuantity = 1; using (var con = DB.NewSqlConnection()) { con.Open(); using (var reader = DB.GetRSFormat(con, "SELECT iw.RestrictedQuantity, iw.MinOrderQuantity FROM InventoryItem i with (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN InventoryItemWebOption iw with (NOLOCK) ON i.ItemCode = iw.ItemCode AND iw.WebsiteCode = {0} WHERE i.ItemCode = {1}", DB.SQuote(InterpriseHelper.ConfigInstance.WebSiteCode), DB.SQuote(itemCode))) { if (reader.Read()) { string restrictedQuantitiesValue = DB.RSField(reader, "RestrictedQuantity"); decimal minimumOrderQuantity = Convert.ToDecimal(DB.RSFieldDecimal(reader, "MinOrderQuantity")); if (!CommonLogic.IsStringNullOrEmpty(restrictedQuantitiesValue)) { string[] quantityValues = restrictedQuantitiesValue.Split(','); if (quantityValues.Length > 0) { int ctr = 0; bool loop = true; while (loop) { int quantity = 0; string quantityValue = quantityValues[ctr]; if (int.TryParse(quantityValue, out quantity)) { if (quantity >= minimumOrderQuantity) { itemQuantity = quantity; loop = false; } } ctr++; } } } else { if (minimumOrderQuantity > 0) { itemQuantity = minimumOrderQuantity; } } } } } // Add the selected Order Option.... Guid cartItemId = Guid.Empty; cart.AddItem(ThisCustomer, ThisCustomer.PrimaryShippingAddressID, itemCode, int.Parse(hfCounter.Value), itemQuantity, unitMeasureCode, CartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart); } } } if (hasCheckedOptions) { //refresh the option items RenderOrderOptions(); } if (OrderNotes.Visible) { string sOrderNotes = CommonLogic.CleanLevelOne(OrderNotes.Text); //check the length of order notes //should not exceed 255 characters including spaces if (sOrderNotes.Length > DomainConstants.ORDER_NOTE_MAX_LENGTH) { sOrderNotes = sOrderNotes.Substring(0, DomainConstants.ORDER_NOTE_MAX_LENGTH); } DB.ExecuteSQL( String.Format("UPDATE Customer SET Notes = {0} WHERE CustomerCode = {1}", sOrderNotes.ToDbQuote(), ThisCustomer.CustomerCode.ToDbQuote()) ); } } bool validated = true; if (cart.InventoryTrimmed) { // inventory got adjusted, send them back to the cart page to confirm the new values! ErrorMsgLabel.Text += Server.UrlDecode(AppLogic.GetString("shoppingcart.cs.43", SkinID, ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting)); validated = false; } cart = new InterpriseShoppingCart(base.EntityHelpers, SkinID, ThisCustomer, CartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart, string.Empty, false, true); if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("ShowShipDateInCart") && AppLogic.AppConfigBool("ShowStockHints")) { cart.BuildSalesOrderDetails(); } if (cte == CartTypeEnum.WishCart) { Response.Redirect("wishlist.aspx"); } if (cte == CartTypeEnum.GiftRegistryCart) { Response.Redirect("giftregistry.aspx"); } if (DoingFullCheckout) { if (!cart.MeetsMinimumOrderAmount(AppLogic.AppConfigUSDecimal("CartMinOrderAmount"))) { validated = false; } if (!cart.MeetsMinimumOrderQuantity(AppLogic.AppConfigUSInt("MinCartItemsBeforeCheckout"))) { validated = false; } string couponCode = string.Empty; string couponErrorMessage = string.Empty; if (cart.HasCoupon(ref couponCode) && !cart.IsCouponValid(ThisCustomer, couponCode, ref couponErrorMessage)) { validated = false; } //One page checkout is not implemented in mobile. //if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("Checkout.UseOnePageCheckout") && !cart.HasMultipleShippingAddresses()) //{ // Response.Redirect("checkout1.aspx"); //} if (validated) { if (ThisCustomer.IsRegistered && (ThisCustomer.PrimaryBillingAddressID == string.Empty)) // || !ThisCustomer.HasAtLeastOneAddress() { Response.Redirect("selectaddress.aspx?add=true&setPrimary=true&checkout=true&addressType=Billing"); } if (ThisCustomer.IsRegistered && (ThisCustomer.PrimaryShippingAddressID == string.Empty)) // || !ThisCustomer.HasAtLeastOneAddress() { Response.Redirect("selectaddress.aspx?add=true&setPrimary=true&checkout=False&addressType=Shipping"); } if (ThisCustomer.IsNotRegistered || ThisCustomer.PrimaryBillingAddressID == string.Empty || ThisCustomer.PrimaryShippingAddressID == string.Empty || !ThisCustomer.HasAtLeastOneAddress()) { Response.Redirect("checkoutanon.aspx?checkout=true"); } else { if (AppLogic.AppConfigBool("SkipShippingOnCheckout") || !cart.HasShippableComponents()) { cart.MakeShippingNotRequired(); Response.Redirect("checkoutpayment.aspx"); } if ((cart.HasMultipleShippingAddresses() && cart.NumItems() <= AppLogic.MultiShipMaxNumItemsAllowed() && cart.CartAllowsShippingMethodSelection)) { Response.Redirect("checkoutshippingmult.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("checkoutshipping.aspx"); } } } InitializePageContent(); } }