Пример #1
 public virtual void SetDataBlock(DataBlock db)
     if (NextConsumer != null)
Пример #2
      public void DrawSlidingFFT(Graphics g, Rectangle r, DataBlock db)
         if (bmp == null)
            bmp = new Bitmap(512, 256);
            shade = new Color[256];
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
               shade[i] = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(i, 0, 255 - i);

         for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
            double power = f.Power(i) / 64;

            if (power > 255)
               power = 255;
            byte p = (byte)power;

            bmp.SetPixel(i, db.m_sample & 0xff, shade[p]);

         int yy = r.Y + r.Height - 256;
         g.DrawImage(bmp, r.X, yy, 1024, 256);

         int y = yy + (db.m_sample + 1 & 0xff);
         g.DrawLine(Pens.Red, r.X, y, 1024, y);
Пример #3
      private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         serialPort = new SerialPort("COM12", 115200, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);

         serialPort.ReadTimeout = 1000;


            Send("p " + (Kp.Value / 1000.0).ToString());
            Send("i " + (Ki.Value / 1000.0).ToString());
            Send("d " + (Kd.Value / 1000.0).ToString());
            Send("s " + Setpoint.Value.ToString());
            Send("l 500");
            string s_Kp = serialPort.ReadLine();
            string s_Ki = serialPort.ReadLine();
            string s_Kd = serialPort.ReadLine();
            string s_SetPoint = serialPort.ReadLine();
            string loops = serialPort.ReadLine();

            DataBlock db = new DataBlock();
            db.m_channels = 2;
            db.m_samplesPerChannel = 500;

            for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
               string str = serialPort.ReadLine();

               string[] ss = str.Split(' ');

               int val1;
               int val2;
               int.TryParse(ss[0], out val1);
               int.TryParse(ss[1], out val2);

               if (val1 < 0)
                  val1 = 0;

               db.SetVoltage(0, i,  (int)(val1 * 128 / Setpoint.Value));
               db.SetVoltage(1, i,  (int)((val2 / 2) + 128));
            db.m_sampleRate = 25;
            db.m_channels = 2;
            db.m_dataType = DataBlock.DATA_TYPE.ANALOG;

Пример #4
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, DataBlock db)

             float xx = 0;
             int i = 0;
             int i0 = (int)(db.GetChannelLength() * MinXD / db.GetTotalTime());
             int i1 = (int)(db.GetChannelLength() * MaxXD / db.GetTotalTime());
            float waveheight = m_Bounds.Height / 16;

            int last_rv = 0;

            for (i = i0; i <= i1; i++)
               int rawvolt = db.GetVoltage(0, i);

               float time = db.GetTime(i);

               float x = ValueXToRect( time);

               for (int ch = 0; ch < db.m_channels; ch++)
                   //skip unselected channels
                   if ((db.m_channelsBitField & (1 << ch)) == 0)

                  float y = ValueYToRect( (ch +1) * DivY);

                  if ( ((last_rv >>ch)&1) != ((rawvolt>>ch)&1))
                     g.DrawLine(Pens.Red, xx, y, xx, y - waveheight);

                  if ( ((rawvolt >> ch)&1) >0)
                     y -= waveheight;

                  g.DrawLine(Pens.Red, xx, y, x, y);

               xx = x;
               last_rv = rawvolt;
            #if DEBUG
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", db, m_Bounds, i);
Пример #5
      public void SetScopeData( DataBlock db )
            ScopeData = db;

            //reset timeout
            waitingForTrigger = false;

Пример #6
        public static void InitLoopThoughWave(DataBlock db)
            find_max = true;
            delta_time = 0;
            fine = 0;
            extreme = 0;
            extreme_time = 0;

            m_db = db;
            adc_ptr = 0;

            zero = m_db.GetAverage(0);
Пример #7
      override public void SetDataBlock(DataBlock db)
          m_db = new DataBlock();

         int time = 0;

         bool oldBit = false;
         for (int i = 0; i < m_db.GetChannelLength(); i++)
            bool bit = m_db.GetVoltage(0,i)>10;

            if ( oldBit == false && bit == true )
               Process(false, time);
            else if (oldBit == true && bit == false)
               Process(true, time);
               time = 0;

            oldBit = bit;

         textBox1.Text += "histo\r\n";

         List<int> keys = new List<int>();
         foreach (int i in m_histo.Keys)


         foreach (int i in keys)
            int v = m_histo[i];
            textBox1.Text += string.Format("{0:000} {1:000} ", i, v) + "\r\n";

Пример #8
      override public void SetDataBlock(DataBlock db)
         m_db = db;

         int lastValue=0;
         int run = 0;

         int average = m_db.GetAverage( 0 );

         textBox1.Text += string.Format("Average {0}\r\n", average);

         textBox1.Text += string.Format("Sample Rate {0}\r\n", db.m_sampleRate);

         textBox1.Text += string.Format("\r\nFreq from zeroes:\r\n", db.m_sampleRate);

         for (int i = 0; i < db.GetChannelLength(); i++)
            int value = db.GetVoltage(0, i);;

            if (value > average && lastValue < average)
               textBox1.Text += string.Format("{0} {1} {2}\r\n", i, run, 1.0/((float)run/(float)db.m_sampleRate) );
               run = 0;


            lastValue = value;

         textBox1.Text += string.Format("\r\nFreq from self correlation:\r\n", db.m_sampleRate);

         double old = 10;
         for (int i = 0; i < db.GetChannelLength() / 2; i++)
            double c = correlate(db, i);
            if (c > old)
               double waveLength = 2* (double)i / (double)db.m_sampleRate;
               textBox1.Text += string.Format("{0}\r\n", 1 / waveLength);
            old = c;

Пример #9
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, DataBlock db)

             uint bitField = db.m_channelsBitField;
             int index = 0;
             for (int ch = 0; ch < db.m_channels; )
             if (( (bitField>>index) & 1)==1)
                 DrawGraph(g, m_pens[index], db, ch);
Пример #10
        public override bool GetDataBlock(ref DataBlock db)
            bool result;


             time = DateTime.Now;

             Read(res, 1);
             if (res[0] == 85)
            db.m_sample = SampleID++;
            db.m_start = DateTime.Now;

            db.m_channels = 6;
            db.m_triggerVoltage = 0;
            db.m_triggerPos = 0;
            db.m_sampleRate = GetSampleRate();
            db.m_samplesPerChannel = GetNumberOfSamplesPerChannel();
            db.m_channelsBitField = GetChannelBitField();
            db.m_dataType = DataBlock.DATA_TYPE.DIGITAL;


            if (m_arduinoBuffer.Length != db.m_samplesPerChannel)
                m_arduinoBuffer = new byte[db.m_samplesPerChannel];

            result = Read(m_arduinoBuffer, m_arduinoBuffer.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_arduinoBuffer.Length; i++)
                db.SetVoltage(0, i, m_arduinoBuffer[i]);

            db.m_stop = DateTime.Now;
            return result;

             return false;
Пример #11
        double correlate(DataBlock db, int offset)
            int length = db.GetChannelLength();

             int res = 0;
             int n1 = 0;
             int n2 = 0;

             for (int i = 0; i < length - offset; i++)
            int v1 = db.GetVoltage(0, i);
            int v2 = db.GetVoltage(0, i + offset);

            n1 += v1 * v1;
            n2 += v2 * v2;

            res += v1 * v2;

             return (double)res / (double)(Math.Sqrt(n1) * Math.Sqrt(n2));
Пример #12
        public override void SetDataBlock(DataBlock db)

             if (enabled)

            //filter a few times the first value to initialize filter
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
               double volt = db.GetVoltage(0, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < db.GetChannelLength(); i++)
               double volt = db.GetVoltage(0, i);
               dataBlock.SetVoltage(0, i, (int)filter.DoFilter(volt));
Пример #13
      private void DrawGraph(Graphics g, Pen p, DataBlock db, int channel)
         float yy = 0;
         float xx = 0;
         int i = 0;
         int i0 = (int)Math.Floor( lerp(0, db.GetChannelLength(), 0, db.GetTotalTime(), MinXD) );
         int i1 = (int)Math.Ceiling( lerp(0, db.GetChannelLength(), 0, db.GetTotalTime(), MaxXD) )+1;
         if (i1 > db.GetChannelLength())
            i1 = db.GetChannelLength();

         if (db.m_Annotations != null)
             for (int an = 0; an < db.m_Annotations.Length; an++)
                 float time = db.GetTime(db.m_Annotations[an]);
                 float x = ValueXToRect(time);
                 g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, x, 0, x, ValueYToRect(5));

            for (i = i0; i < i1; i++)
               int rawvolt = db.GetVoltage(channel, i);

               float time = db.GetTime(i);

               float x = ValueXToRect(time);
               float y = ValueYToRect(rawvolt);

               if (i > 0)
                  g.DrawLine(p, xx, yy, x, y);

                  if (showValueTicks)
                     g.DrawLine(p, x, y-2, x, y+2);
                     g.DrawLine(p, x - 2, y, x + 2, y);

               yy = y;
               xx = x;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", db, m_Bounds, i);
         if (m_mouse != null)
            DrawCross(g, Pens.Blue, m_mouse.X, m_mouse.Y);

            float t = (db.m_triggerPos * db.GetTotalTime()) / (float)db.GetChannelLength();
            float x = ValueXToRect(t);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Green, x, m_Bounds.Y, x, m_Bounds.Y + m_Bounds.Height);

         Point pp = new Point();
         pp.X = 0;
         pp.Y = 32;

        if (m_mouse != null)
            float time = RectToValueX(m_mouse.X);
            float voltage = RectToValueY(m_mouse.Y);

            string info = string.Format("{0} ({1}, {2})", db.m_sample, ToEngineeringNotation(time), voltage);
            g.DrawString(info, parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);
            pp.Y += 16;

            info = string.Format("({0}s/div, {1}Ks/s)", ToEngineeringNotation(DivX), db.m_sampleRate / 1000);
            g.DrawString(info, parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);
            pp.Y += 16;

         if (Selected())
            if ((m_selectT0 < db.GetTotalTime()) && (m_selectT1 < db.GetTotalTime()))
               g.DrawString(string.Format("({0}, {1}) - ({2}, {3})", ToEngineeringNotation(m_selectT0), db.GetVoltage(0, m_selectT0), ToEngineeringNotation(m_selectT1), db.GetVoltage(0, m_selectT1)), parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);
               pp.Y += 16;

               g.DrawString(string.Format("ΔVoltage = {0}", db.GetVoltage(0, m_selectT1) - db.GetVoltage(0, m_selectT0)), parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);
               pp.Y += 16;
            string time = string.Format("ΔTime = {0}", ToEngineeringNotation(m_selectT1 - m_selectT0));
            if (m_selectT1 - m_selectT0 > 0)
               time += string.Format(", {0} Hz", (int)(1.0f / (m_selectT1 - m_selectT0)));
            g.DrawString(time, parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);
            pp.Y += 16;

Пример #14
    protected void ApplyLogFilterButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string       currentLanguage  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["language"];
        string       connectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["fleetnetbaseConnectionString"];
        DataBlock    dataBlock        = new DataBlock(connectionString, currentLanguage);
        HistoryTable historyTable     = new HistoryTable(connectionString, currentLanguage, dataBlock.sqlDb);

            int                  orgId             = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CURRENT_ORG_ID"]);
            List <int>           usersIds          = new List <int>();
            List <UserFromTable> userFromTableList = new List <UserFromTable>();
            DateTime             from;
            DateTime             to;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(LogFilterTable_StartDateTextBox.Text, out from))
                if (LogFilterTable_StartTimeTextBox.Text != "")
                    from = from.Add(TimeSpan.Parse(LogFilterTable_StartTimeTextBox.Text));
                from = new DateTime();
            if (DateTime.TryParse(LogFilterTable_EndDateTextBox.Text, out to))
                if (LogFilterTable_EndTimeTextBox.Text != "")
                    to = to.Add(TimeSpan.Parse(LogFilterTable_EndTimeTextBox.Text));
                    to = to.AddHours(23);
                    to = to.AddMinutes(59);
                to = DateTime.Now;

            int    actionId     = Convert.ToInt32(LogFilterTable_EventDropDown.SelectedValue);
            string searchString = LogFilterTable_NoteTextTextBox.Text.Trim();

            dataBlock.OpenConnection();//выборка по типам пользователей
            usersIds.AddRange(dataBlock.usersTable.Get_AllUsersId(orgId, dataBlock.usersTable.DriverUserTypeId));
            usersIds.AddRange(dataBlock.usersTable.Get_AllUsersId(orgId, dataBlock.usersTable.AdministratorUserTypeId));
            usersIds.AddRange(dataBlock.usersTable.Get_AllUsersId(orgId, dataBlock.usersTable.ManagerUserTypeId));
            DataTable data = historyTable.GetAllHistorysForUsers(usersIds, from, to, actionId, searchString);
            LogDataGrid.DataSource = data;

        catch (Exception ex)
        public void FileHeaderSaveLoadTest()

            using (var io = ConfigurationTest.CreateMemoryIO()) {
                SimpleClusterIO cio = new SimpleClusterIO(io);

                Random            r   = new Random(Seed);
                FileHeaderCluster csc = new FileHeaderCluster(Address);

                int      fileID             = r.Next();
                int      nextClusterAddress = r.Next();
                int      bytesUsed          = r.Next();
                DateTime writeTime          = new DateTime(2005, 1, 1);
                int      parentID           = r.Next();
                string   name = r.Next().ToString();

                // File System Cluster fields
                csc.FileID             = fileID;
                csc.NextClusterAddress = nextClusterAddress;
                csc.BytesUsed          = bytesUsed;
                csc.WriteTime          = writeTime;

                // File Header fields
                csc.ParentID = parentID;
                csc.Name     = name;

                byte[] data = new byte[FileHeaderCluster.DataSize];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    data[i] = (byte)(r.Next() & byte.MaxValue);

                csc.Data.Set(0, data);

                int       offset = 0;
                DataBlock b      = new DataBlock(
                    Address * Configuration.Geometry.BytesPerCluster,

                byte[] marker = b.ToByteArray(offset, Constants.SrfsMarker.Length);
                offset += marker.Length;

                byte[] version = b.ToByteArray(offset, Constants.CurrentVersion.Length);
                offset += version.Length;

                Guid guid = new Guid(b.ToByteArray(offset, Constants.GuidLength));
                Assert.AreEqual(guid, Configuration.FileSystemID);
                offset += Constants.GuidLength;

                byte[] signatureBytes = b.ToByteArray(offset, Signature.Length);
                offset += Signature.Length;

                byte[] thumbprintBytes = b.ToByteArray(offset, KeyThumbprint.Length);
                offset += KeyThumbprint.Length;

                byte[] hashBytes = b.ToByteArray(offset, 32);
                offset += 32;

                ClusterType clusterType = (ClusterType)b.ToByte(offset);
                Assert.AreEqual(clusterType, ClusterType.FileHeader);
                offset += sizeof(ClusterType);

                Assert.AreEqual(fileID, b.ToInt32(offset));
                offset += sizeof(int);

                Assert.AreEqual(nextClusterAddress, b.ToInt32(offset));
                offset += sizeof(int);

                Assert.AreEqual(bytesUsed, b.ToInt32(offset));
                offset += sizeof(int);

                Assert.AreEqual(writeTime, new DateTime(b.ToInt64(offset)));
                offset += sizeof(long);

                Assert.AreEqual(parentID, b.ToInt32(offset));
                offset += sizeof(int);

                int nameLength = b.ToByte(offset);
                offset += sizeof(byte);
                Assert.AreEqual(name, b.ToString(offset, nameLength));
                offset += Constants.MaximumNameLength * sizeof(char);

                byte[] encryptionThumbprintBytes = b.ToByteArray(offset, KeyThumbprint.Length);
                offset += KeyThumbprint.Length;

                byte[] publicKeyBytes = b.ToByteArray(offset, PublicKey.Length);
                offset += PublicKey.Length;

                int dataLength = Configuration.Geometry.BytesPerCluster - offset;
                int padding    = dataLength % 16;
                dataLength -= padding;
                Assert.AreEqual(data.Length, dataLength);
                offset += padding;

                using (ECDiffieHellmanCng dest = new ECDiffieHellmanCng(Configuration.CryptoSettings.DecryptionKey))
                    using (AesCng aes = new AesCng()) {
                        aes.KeySize   = 256;
                        aes.BlockSize = 128;
                        aes.Mode      = CipherMode.CBC;
                        aes.Padding   = PaddingMode.None;
                        aes.Key       = dest.DeriveKeyMaterial(new PublicKey(publicKeyBytes).GetCngKey());
                        aes.IV        = new byte[16];

                        using (var decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor()) {
                            byte[] decryptedData = b.TransformFinalBlock(decryptor, offset, dataLength);
                            for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++)
                                Assert.AreEqual(data[i], decryptedData[i]);

                FileHeaderCluster csc2 = new FileHeaderCluster(Address);

                Assert.AreEqual(csc2.VolumeID, Configuration.FileSystemID);
                Assert.AreEqual(csc2.Type, ClusterType.FileHeader);
                Assert.AreEqual(csc2.FileID, fileID);
                Assert.AreEqual(csc2.NextClusterAddress, nextClusterAddress);
                Assert.AreEqual(csc2.BytesUsed, bytesUsed);
                Assert.AreEqual(csc2.WriteTime, writeTime);
                Assert.AreEqual(csc2.ParentID, parentID);
                Assert.AreEqual(csc2.Name, name);

                for (int i = 0; i < dataLength; i++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(data[i], csc2.Data.ToByte(i));
Пример #16
        public override bool GetDataBlock(ref DataBlock db)
            bool result;

            //assume it timed out
            db.m_result = DataBlock.RESULT.TIMEOUT;

            if (GetNumberOfEnabledChannels() == 0)
                return false;

            //-------------Get settings this needs a crytical section)
            int numberOfSamples;
            int numberOfEnabledChannels;
            uint channelsBitField;
            int sampleRate;
            lock (ThisLock)
                numberOfSamples = GetNumberOfSamplesPerChannel();
                numberOfEnabledChannels = GetNumberOfEnabledChannels();
                channelsBitField = GetChannelBitField();
                sampleRate = GetSampleRate();

            //-------------Request data
            byte[] configBuffer = new byte[10];
            configBuffer[0] = (byte)COMMANDS.READ_ADC_TRACE;
            configBuffer[1] = m_triggerValue;
            configBuffer[2] = (byte)(numberOfSamples >> 8);
            configBuffer[3] = (byte)(numberOfSamples & 0xff);
            configBuffer[4] = (byte)numberOfEnabledChannels;

            int index = 0;
            for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (((channelsBitField>>i)&1)!=0)
                    configBuffer[5 + index] = i;

            configBuffer[9] = (byte)127; //pwm

            Write(configBuffer, configBuffer.Length);

            //-------------Get data
            Read(res, 1);
            if (res[0] == 85)
                db.m_min = 0;
                db.m_max = 5;
                db.m_channels = numberOfEnabledChannels;
                db.m_channelsBitField = channelsBitField;
                db.m_triggerVoltage = 0;
                db.m_triggerPos = 0;
                db.m_sampleRate = (db.m_channels > 0) ? (sampleRate / db.m_channels) : 0;
                db.m_samplesPerChannel = numberOfSamples;
                db.m_dataType = DataBlock.DATA_TYPE.ANALOG;

                //read actual data
                if (m_arduinoBuffer.Length != db.m_samplesPerChannel * db.m_channels)
                    m_arduinoBuffer = new byte[db.m_samplesPerChannel * db.m_channels];
                result = Read(m_arduinoBuffer, m_arduinoBuffer.Length);

                index = 0;
                for(int ch=0;ch<2;ch++)
                    if ( ((db.m_channelsBitField>>ch)&1) == 1)
                        for (int i = 0; i < db.GetChannelLength(); i++)
                            db.SetVoltage(index, i, m_arduinoBuffer[i * db.m_channels + index]);

                db.m_result = DataBlock.RESULT.OK;

                return result;

            return false;
 private Dictionary <Guid, IndicatorGroupReplacementViewModel> ValidateIndicatorGroupsForDataBlock(DataBlock dataBlock,
                                                                                                   ReplacementSubjectMeta replacementSubjectMeta)
            .Include(indicator => indicator.IndicatorGroup)
            .Where(indicator => dataBlock.Query.Indicators.Contains(indicator.Id))
            .GroupBy(indicator => indicator.IndicatorGroup)
            .OrderBy(group => group.Key.Label, LabelComparer)
                group => group.Key.Id,
                group => new IndicatorGroupReplacementViewModel(
                    id: group.Key.Id,
                    label: group.Key.Label,
                    indicators: group
                    .Select(indicator => ValidateIndicatorForReplacement(indicator, replacementSubjectMeta))
                    .OrderBy(indicator => indicator.Label, LabelComparer)
Пример #18
        public override bool GetDataBlock(ref DataBlock db)
            //need to make a copy of this variable just in case it changes
            //remember the ui lives in a different thread and can change values.
            bool copyFastMode;

            lock (ThisLock)

                copyFastMode = fastMode;

                db.m_min = 0;
                db.m_max = 5;
                db.m_channels = fastMode ? 1 : GetNumberOfEnabledChannels();
                db.m_channelsBitField = fastMode ? 1 : GetChannelBitField();
                db.m_triggerVoltage = triggerVoltage;
                db.m_triggerPos = fastMode ? 3000 / 2 : 1500 / 2;
                db.m_sampleRate = GetSampleRate();
                db.m_samplesPerChannel = fastMode ? 3000 : 1500;

            if (db.m_sampleRate > 0)
                SerialPort.ReadTimeout = (2 * db.m_samplesPerChannel * 1000) / db.m_sampleRate;
            if (SerialPort.ReadTimeout < 200)
                SerialPort.ReadTimeout = 200;
            SerialPort.Write(configBuffer, 0, 9);
            Read(res, 1);
            if (res[0] == 85)

                Read(parallaxBuffer, 3000);
                if (copyFastMode)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3000; i++)
                        db.SetVoltage(0, i, parallaxBuffer[i]);
                    int index = 0;
                    if ((db.m_channelsBitField & 1) > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 1500; i++)
                            db.SetVoltage(index, i, parallaxBuffer[i]);
                    if ((db.m_channelsBitField & 2) > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 1500; i++)
                            db.SetVoltage(index, i, parallaxBuffer[i + 1500]);

                return true;
            return false;
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Get data from connection until all bytes have been read
        /// (i.e., until Receive() returns 0). Uses a buffersize passed as a parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bufferSize">Size of receive buffer used for each pass</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Byte[] ReceiveAllRemaining(Int32 bufferSize)
            Byte[] result = null;

            ArrayList lBlocks = new ArrayList();

            Int32 lRead = 0;
            Int32 lTotal = 0;

            Boolean lDone;
                lDone = false;

                Int32 lBytesToRead = bufferSize;

                DataBlock lBuffer = new DataBlock(lBytesToRead);

                    lRead = Receive(lBuffer.Buffer, 0, lBytesToRead);
                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    lRead = 0;
                catch (SocketException)
                    lRead = 0;

                if (lRead > 0)
                    lBuffer.ActualSize = lRead;
                    lTotal += lRead;
                    lDone = true;
            while (!lDone);

            if (lTotal > 0)
                Int32 lCurrent = 0;

                Byte[] lNewBuffer = new Byte[lTotal];

                for (Int32 i = 0; i < lBlocks.Count; i++)
                    DataBlock lData = (DataBlock)(lBlocks[i]);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(lData.Buffer, 0, lNewBuffer, lCurrent, lData.ActualSize);
                    lCurrent += lData.ActualSize;

                result = lNewBuffer;

            return result;
 public SMSManager(DataBlock smsDataBlock, DataBlock telephonesDataBlock)
     : base(smsDataBlock)
     SheetEvents.ButtonClick += OnButtonClick;
Пример #21
        static void WriteDataBlocksToOutputFile(string newFileName, string inputFileName)
            FileInfo outFileInfo   = new FileInfo(newFileName);
            FileInfo inputFileInfo = new FileInfo(inputFileName);

            //wait for dataBlocks creation
            while (!readyToWrite)

            //write every dataBlock continuously or wait for dataBlock become ready
            using (FileStream outFileStream = File.Create(outFileInfo.FullName))
                outFileStream.Lock(0, dataBlocks.Length * BufferSize);

                //for every block do write
                for (ulong i = 0; i < (ulong)dataBlocks.Length; i++)
                    DataBlock dataBlock = dataBlocks[i];

                    /* wait for dataBlock bytes ready */
                    while (dataBlock.byteData == null)

                    outFileStream.Write(dataBlock.byteData, 0, dataBlock.byteData.Length);

                    dataBlocksBufferedMemoryAmount -= ( ulong )dataBlock.byteData.Length;
                    dataBlock.byteData              = new byte[0];
                    lastWritedDataBlockIndex        = i;

                    #region Console info

                    //Console.Write( " -W " + i );
                    Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.CursorTop - 1);
                    Console.WriteLine((int)((i / ( float )dataBlocks.Length) * 100) + " %. " + " -Write_index " + i);



            #region Write to console final results

            #region ComperssionRate

            float comprRate = 0;
            switch (currOperation)
            case "compress":
                comprRate = (( float )inputFileInfo.Length / ( float )outFileInfo.Length);

            case "decompress":
                comprRate = ( float )outFileInfo.Length / ( float )inputFileInfo.Length;



            Console.WriteLine("100 %. ");

            Console.WriteLine("\n" + currOperation + "ion " + "{0} from {1} to {2} bytes. \nCompression Rate = {3} X",
                              inputFileInfo.Name, inputFileInfo.Length.ToString(), outFileInfo.Length.ToString(), comprRate);
            //Console.WriteLine( "\n Write END" );

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Completed in {0} seconds", (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds));

Пример #22
 public virtual bool GetDataBlock(ref DataBlock db)
     return false;
Пример #23
      override public void Draw(Graphics g, DataBlock db)
         Rectangle r = new Rectangle();

         r = m_Bounds;

         if (f == null)
            f = new fft(1024);

         if (db.m_result != DataBlock.RESULT.OK)
             pp.X = 0;
             pp.Y = 0;
             g.DrawString(string.Format("Waiting for a chunk of data to analyze"), parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);

         if (db.GetChannelLength() < f.GetNumOfSamples())
            pp.X = 0;
            pp.Y = 0;
            g.DrawString(string.Format("FFT needs at least 1024 samples to work, got only {0}, try increasing the measurement time",db.GetChannelLength()) , parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);

         for (int i = 0; i < f.GetNumOfSamples(); i++)
             f.x[i] = db.GetVoltage(0, i);
             f.y[i] = 0;

         int maxFreq = db.m_sampleRate / 2;
         int minFreq = 0;

         //margin at the bottom
         r.Height -= 20;
         r.Width = 1024;

         r.X -= (int)MinXD;

         if (drawSlidingFFT)
            DrawSlidingFFT(g, r, db);

            r.Y -= 256;
            DrawFFTBars(g, r);
            r.Y += 256;
            DrawFFTBars(g, r);

         int freqStep;

         for (freqStep = 500; freqStep < maxFreq; freqStep += 500)
             int ft = lerp(0, f.GetNumOfSamples() / 2, minFreq, maxFreq, freqStep);
            if (ft > 30)

         //draw legend
         for (int i = 0; i < (int)maxFreq; i += freqStep)
            int x = lerp(0, 512, minFreq, maxFreq, i);

            pp.X = r.X + 2 * x;
            pp.Y = r.Bottom;

            g.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, pp.X, 0, pp.X, pp.Y);
            g.DrawString(string.Format("{0}", i), parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);

         if (m_mouse != null)
             DrawCross(g, Pens.Blue, m_mouse.X, m_mouse.Y);

             pp.X = r.X ;
             pp.Y = r.Y + 40;

             g.DrawString(string.Format("Freq: {0} Hz", ((m_mouse.X / 2) * maxFreq) / f.GetNumOfSamples() / 2), parent.Font, Brushes.White, pp);

Пример #24
 private void NewNode(DataBlock db)
     TreeNode n = null;
     string display = string.Format("{0:x},{1:x}, srcPort:{2}", db.startOffset, db.length, db.recon.LastSourcePort);
     n = tv.Nodes[db.recon.HashCode];
     TreeNode nn = n.Nodes.Add(display);
     nn.Tag = db;
Пример #25
 virtual public void SetDataBlock(DataBlock db)
Пример #26
 virtual public void Draw(Graphics g, DataBlock db)
Пример #27
 public Demesne(DataBlock block, Mapping mapping) : base(block, mapping)
Пример #28
        public void TvNodeClick(TreeNode n)
            TcpRecon tr = null;
            bool viewOnly = true;

            curNode = n;

            if (curdb != null) { curdb.FreeData(); curdb = null; }

            if (n.Tag is TcpRecon)
                tr = (TcpRecon)n.Tag;
                if(he.LoadedFile != tr.dumpFile) he.LoadFile(ref tr.dumpFile, ref viewOnly);
                DataBlock db = (DataBlock)n.Tag;
                curdb = db;

                if (he.LoadedFile != db.recon.dumpFile) he.LoadFile(ref db.recon.dumpFile, ref viewOnly);
                he.set_SelStart(ref db.startOffset);
                he.set_SelLength(ref db.length);

                tabs_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null);

Пример #29
        /// <summary> <p>When QR Codes use multiple data blocks, they are actually interleaved.
        /// That is, the first byte of data block 1 to n is written, then the second bytes, and so on. This
        /// method will separate the data into original blocks.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawCodewords">bytes as read directly from the QR Code
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="version">version of the QR Code
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ecLevel">error-correction level of the QR Code
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> {@link DataBlock}s containing original bytes, "de-interleaved" from representation in the
        /// QR Code
        /// </returns>
        internal static DataBlock[] getDataBlocks(sbyte[] rawCodewords, Version version, com.google.zxing.qrcode.decoder.ErrorCorrectionLevel ecLevel)
            if (rawCodewords.Length != version.TotalCodewords)
                throw new System.ArgumentException();

            // Figure out the number and size of data blocks used by this version and
            // error correction level
            Version.ECBlocks ecBlocks = version.getECBlocksForLevel(ecLevel);

            // First count the total number of data blocks
            int totalBlocks = 0;

            Version.ECB[] ecBlockArray = ecBlocks.getECBlocks();
            for (int i = 0; i < ecBlockArray.Length; i++)
                totalBlocks += ecBlockArray[i].Count;

            // Now establish DataBlocks of the appropriate size and number of data codewords
            DataBlock[] result          = new DataBlock[totalBlocks];
            int         numResultBlocks = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < ecBlockArray.Length; j++)
                Version.ECB ecBlock = ecBlockArray[j];
                for (int i = 0; i < ecBlock.Count; i++)
                    int numDataCodewords  = ecBlock.DataCodewords;
                    int numBlockCodewords = ecBlocks.ECCodewordsPerBlock + numDataCodewords;
                    result[numResultBlocks++] = new DataBlock(numDataCodewords, new sbyte[numBlockCodewords]);

            // All blocks have the same amount of data, except that the last n
            // (where n may be 0) have 1 more byte. Figure out where these start.
            int shorterBlocksTotalCodewords = result[0].codewords.Length;
            int longerBlocksStartAt         = result.Length - 1;

            while (longerBlocksStartAt >= 0)
                int numCodewords = result[longerBlocksStartAt].codewords.Length;
                if (numCodewords == shorterBlocksTotalCodewords)

            int shorterBlocksNumDataCodewords = shorterBlocksTotalCodewords - ecBlocks.ECCodewordsPerBlock;
            // The last elements of result may be 1 element longer;
            // first fill out as many elements as all of them have
            int rawCodewordsOffset = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < shorterBlocksNumDataCodewords; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numResultBlocks; j++)
                    result[j].codewords[i] = rawCodewords[rawCodewordsOffset++];
            // Fill out the last data block in the longer ones
            for (int j = longerBlocksStartAt; j < numResultBlocks; j++)
                result[j].codewords[shorterBlocksNumDataCodewords] = rawCodewords[rawCodewordsOffset++];
            // Now add in error correction blocks
            int max = result[0].codewords.Length;

            for (int i = shorterBlocksNumDataCodewords; i < max; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numResultBlocks; j++)
                    int iOffset = j < longerBlocksStartAt?i:i + 1;
                    result[j].codewords[iOffset] = rawCodewords[rawCodewordsOffset++];
Пример #30
 public override void SetDataBlock(DataBlock db)
Пример #31
        public override bool GetDataBlock(ref DataBlock db)
            bool result = true;
            lock (ThisLock)
                //assume it timed out
                db.m_min = 0;
                db.m_max = 5;
                db.m_channels = GetNumberOfEnabledChannels();
                db.m_channelsBitField = GetChannelBitField();
                db.m_triggerVoltage = 0;
                db.m_triggerPos = 0;
                db.m_sampleRate = GetSampleRate();
                db.m_samplesPerChannel = GetNumberOfSamplesPerChannel();
                db.m_dataType = DataBlock.DATA_TYPE.ANALOG;

            for (int i = 0; i < db.GetChannelLength(); i++)
                byte header = GetStream().ReadByte();
                if (header < 128)
                    byte b1 = GetStream().ReadByte();
                    byte b2 = GetStream().ReadByte();

                    for (int c = 0; c < db.m_channels; c++)
                        UInt16 v = (UInt16)(GetStream().ReadByte() * 256 + GetStream().ReadByte());
                        db.SetVoltage(c, i, v);

                    //if command received then abort
                    for (; i < db.GetChannelLength(); i++)
                        for (int c = 0; c < db.m_channels; c++)
                            db.SetVoltage(c, i, 0);


                byte[] header = new byte[1];
                byte[] data = new byte[20];
                Read(header, 1);
                if (header[0] < 128)

                    Read(data, 3 + 2 * db.m_channels);
            #if DEBUG
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", header[0], data[0], data[1], data[2]);
                    Read(data, 3);
            #if DEBUG
                    Console.WriteLine("* {0} {1} {2} {3}",header[0],data[0],data[1],data[2]);

            db.m_result = DataBlock.RESULT.OK;

            return result;
Пример #32
 public FileAnalogVizForm(SerializationHelper sh)
     : base()
     ga = new GraphAnalog(sh.graph);
      dataBlock = sh.dataBlock;
Пример #33
        public override void SetDataBlock(DataBlock db)
            m_db = new DataBlock();

             //List<int> PeakOffsets = GetMinMax(m_db);

             List<int> PeakOffsets = new List<int>();
             List<int> deltas = new List<int>();

             int t = 0;
             for (; ; )
             int v = PeakFinder.LoopThoughWave();
             if (v == 255)
             t = t + v;

             db.m_Annotations = PeakOffsets.ToArray();

             int offset = 0;

             for (; offset < deltas.Count; offset++)
             if (deltas[offset] != 0)

             if (offset >= 0)
            //output.Text += string.Format("Clocked signal found: {0}\r\n", offset);

            string bitstream = ExtractBits(deltas);

            output.Text += bitstream + "\r\n";

            //output.Text += string.Format("Errors as FSK: {0}\r\n", DetectFSK(bitstream));
            output.Text += "\r\nText:\r\n";
            output.Text += Decode4BitsToString(bitstream, false) + "\r\n";
            //output.Text += string.Format("Alternating: \r\n");
            //output.Text += GetBitStreamFromAlternating(bitstream) + "\r\n";

            output.Text += string.Format("Clocked signal not found, dumping timing values\r\n");

            int last = 0;
            foreach (int i in PeakOffsets)
               output.Text += string.Format("{0:0000}: {1}", i, i-last) + "\r\n";
               last = i;
Пример #34
        public void GivenBlockChain_ShouldSerializeAndDeserialize()
            const string issuer  = "*****@*****.**";
            const string issuer2 = "*****@*****.**";
            var          now     = UnixDate.UtcNow;
            var          date    = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var issuerSignature  = new PrincipalSignature(issuer, issuer, "*****@*****.**");
            var issuerSignature2 = new PrincipalSignature(issuer2, issuer2, "*****@*****.**");

            BlockChain blockChain = new BlockChainBuilder()

            var payload = new Payload {
                Name = "Name1", Value = 2, Price = 10.5f
            var payload2 = new Payload2 {
                Last = "Last", Current = date, Author = "test"

            blockChain.Add(payload, issuer);
            blockChain.Add(payload2, issuer2);

            var getSignature = (string kid) => kid switch
                issuer => issuerSignature,
                issuer2 => issuerSignature2,
                _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid kid={kid}"),

            blockChain = blockChain.Sign(getSignature);


            string blockChainJson = blockChain.ToJson();

            // Receive test
            BlockChain receivedChain = blockChainJson.ToObject <BlockChainModel>()
                                       .VerifyNotNull("Cannot deserialize")



            DataBlock receiveBlock = receivedChain.Blocks[1].DataBlock;

            TestBlockNode(receiveBlock, "Payload", "1");

            Payload p1 = receiveBlock.Data.ToObject <Payload>().VerifyNotNull("payload failed");

            (payload == p1).Should().BeTrue();

            DataBlock receiveBlock2 = receivedChain.Blocks[2].DataBlock;

            TestBlockNode(receiveBlock2, "Payload2", "2");

            Payload2 p2 = receiveBlock2.Data.ToObject <Payload2>().VerifyNotNull("payload2 failed");

            (payload2 == p2).Should().BeTrue();
        private void SendPackageModbus(IModbusAdapter DriverAdapter, DataBlock db)
                switch (db.DataType)
                case DataTypes.Bit:
                    lock (DriverAdapter)
                        bool[] bitRs = null;
                        if (db.TypeOfRead == "ReadCoilStatus")
                            bitRs = DriverAdapter.Read <bool>($"{db.StartAddress}", db.Length);
                        else if (db.TypeOfRead == "ReadInputStatus")
                            bitRs = DriverAdapter.ReadDiscrete($"{db.StartAddress}", db.Length);

                        if (bitRs == null)

                        if (bitRs.Length > db.Tags.Count)

                        for (int j = 0; j < db.Tags.Count; j++)
                            db.Tags[j].Value    = bitRs[j];
                            db.Tags[j].TimeSpan = DateTime.Now;

                case DataTypes.Byte:
                    lock (DriverAdapter)
                        byte[] byteRs = DriverAdapter.Read <byte>($"{db.StartAddress}", db.Length);
                        if (byteRs == null)

                        if (byteRs.Length > db.Tags.Count)

                        for (int j = 0; j < db.Tags.Count; j++)
                            db.Tags[j].Value    = byteRs[j];
                            db.Tags[j].TimeSpan = DateTime.Now;

                case DataTypes.Short:
                    lock (DriverAdapter)
                        short[] IntRs = DriverAdapter.Read <short>($"{db.StartAddress}", db.Length);
                        if (IntRs == null)

                        if (IntRs.Length > db.Tags.Count)

                        for (int j = 0; j < db.Tags.Count; j++)
                            db.Tags[j].Value    = IntRs[j];
                            db.Tags[j].TimeSpan = DateTime.Now;

                case DataTypes.UShort:
                    lock (DriverAdapter)
                        ushort[] IntRs = DriverAdapter.Read <ushort>($"{db.StartAddress}", db.Length);
                        if (IntRs == null)

                        if (IntRs.Length > db.Tags.Count)

                        for (int j = 0; j < db.Tags.Count; j++)
                            db.Tags[j].Value    = IntRs[j];
                            db.Tags[j].TimeSpan = DateTime.Now;

                case DataTypes.Int:
                    lock (DriverAdapter)
                        int[] DIntRs = DriverAdapter.Read <int>(string.Format("{0}", db.StartAddress), db.Length);
                        if (DIntRs == null)

                        if (DIntRs.Length > db.Tags.Count)

                        for (int j = 0; j < DIntRs.Length; j++)
                            db.Tags[j].Value    = DIntRs[j];
                            db.Tags[j].TimeSpan = DateTime.Now;

                case DataTypes.UInt:
                    lock (DriverAdapter)
                        uint[] wdRs = DriverAdapter.Read <uint>($"{db.StartAddress}", db.Length);

                        if (wdRs == null)

                        if (wdRs.Length > db.Tags.Count)

                        for (int j = 0; j < wdRs.Length; j++)
                            db.Tags[j].Value    = wdRs[j];
                            db.Tags[j].TimeSpan = DateTime.Now;

                case DataTypes.Long:
                    lock (DriverAdapter)
                        long[] dwRs = DriverAdapter.Read <long>(string.Format("{0}", db.StartAddress), db.Length);
                        if (dwRs == null)

                        for (int j = 0; j < dwRs.Length; j++)
                            db.Tags[j].Value    = dwRs[j];
                            db.Tags[j].TimeSpan = DateTime.Now;

                case DataTypes.ULong:
                    lock (DriverAdapter)
                        ulong[] dwRs = DriverAdapter.Read <ulong>(string.Format("{0}", db.StartAddress), db.Length);
                        if (dwRs == null)

                        for (int j = 0; j < dwRs.Length; j++)
                            db.Tags[j].Value    = dwRs[j];
                            db.Tags[j].TimeSpan = DateTime.Now;

                case DataTypes.Float:
                    lock (DriverAdapter)
                        float[] rl1Rs = DriverAdapter.Read <float>(string.Format("{0}", db.StartAddress), db.Length);
                        if (rl1Rs == null)

                        for (int j = 0; j < rl1Rs.Length; j++)
                            db.Tags[j].Value    = rl1Rs[j];
                            db.Tags[j].TimeSpan = DateTime.Now;

                case DataTypes.Double:
                    lock (DriverAdapter)
                        double[] rl2Rs = DriverAdapter.Read <double>(string.Format("{0}", db.StartAddress), db.Length);
                        if (rl2Rs == null)

                        for (int j = 0; j < rl2Rs.Length; j++)
                            db.Tags[j].Value    = rl2Rs[j];
                            db.Tags[j].TimeSpan = DateTime.Now;

                case DataTypes.String:


            catch (Exception ex)
                EventscadaException?.Invoke(GetType().Name, ex.Message);
Пример #36
 private void TestBlockNode(DataBlock dataBlock, string blockType, string blockId)
 private static void ReplaceDataBlockTableHeaders(List <TableHeader> tableHeaders, DataBlock dataBlock,
                                                  IReadOnlyDictionary <Guid, Guid> targets)
     foreach (var tableHeader in tableHeaders)
         if (Guid.TryParse(tableHeader.Value, out var idAsGuid))
             if (targets.TryGetValue(idAsGuid, out var targetId))
                 tableHeader.Value = targetId.ToString();
                 throw new InvalidOperationException(
                           $"Expected target replacement value for dataBlock {dataBlock.Id} {tableHeader.Type} table header value: {idAsGuid}");
             throw new InvalidOperationException(
                       $"Expected Guid for dataBlock {dataBlock.Id} {tableHeader.Type} table header value but found: {tableHeader.Value}");
Пример #38
 public SimpleValue(XmlNode node, ModuleItem item, MetadataHeader header, DataBlock host, EndianReader reader, long baseAddress, int offset)
     : base(node, item, header, host, reader, baseAddress, offset)
Пример #39
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="block"></param>
 /// <param name="state"></param>
 public BlockStateArgs(DataBlock block, BlockState state) : base()
     this.Block = block;
     this.State = state;
Пример #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes screen
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            // Create the scene and add it
            _camera = new Camera2D(this.Game);
            _fxcamera = new Camera2D(this.Game);

            _scene = new Scene(this.Game, _camera);
            _scene.TransitionPosition = 0;
            _scene.TransitionOnTime   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            _scene.TransitionOffTime  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
            _fx           = new World(Vector2.UnitY * 10);
            _fxStaticBody = new Body(_fx)
                Restitution = 0, Mass = 0, BodyType = BodyType.Static, Friction = 0.5f                            /*, Position =
                                                                                                                   * ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(Vector2.UnitX * (_width - DataGrid.WidthInPixels) / 2f + Vector2.UnitY * 150)*/

            // Create controllers
            _timeController        = new TimeController(this.Game);
            _pointsController      = new PointsController(this.Game);
            _dataGrid              = DataGrid.CreateDataGrid(this.Game, _fxStaticBody, _width / 70 - 1, _height / 49 - 4);
            _peaController         = new PeaController(this.Game);
            _inputController       = new InputController(this.Game);
            _achievementController = new AchievementController(this.Game);

            // Initialize controllers

            // Register controllers

#if DEBUG && _
            DataBlock testBlock  = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, 0), BlockType.Normal);
            DataBlock testBlock2 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, 1), BlockType.Gel);
            DataBlock testBlock3 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(1, 1), BlockType.Normal);
            DataBlock testBlock4 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(2, 1), BlockType.RightRamp);
            DataBlock testBlock5 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(3, 2), BlockType.Normal);
            DataBlock testBlock6 = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(DataGrid.Width - 1, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Normal);
            // Create the peas
            DataPea pea1 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController);



            DataPea pea2 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController);
            DataPea pea3 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController);
            DataPea pea4 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController);
            DataPea pea5 = new DataPea(this.Game, _fx, _peaController);

            // This needs to be done BEFORE sprites of pea




            // Create layers
            _sceneryLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera)
                MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.9f
            _levelLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera)
                MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.6f
            _peasLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera)
                MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.3f
            _hudLayer = new SceneLayer(this.Game, _scene.Camera)
                MoveSpeed = 0f, Distance = 0.1f

            // Create sprites
            _spriteGrid = new SpritesetGrid(_levelLayer)
                Position = Vector2.UnitX * (_width - DataGrid.WidthInPixels) / 2f + Vector2.UnitY * 150
            SpritePea.BaseOffset = _spriteGrid.Position;

            _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea1, _pointsController));

#if !DEBUG || !TEST
            _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea2, _pointsController));
            _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea3, _pointsController));
            _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea4, _pointsController));
            _peasLayer.Add(new SpritePea(_peasLayer, pea5, _pointsController));

            for (int i = 0; i < DataGrid.Width; i++)
                if (new int[] { 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 14 }.Contains(i) == false)
                    DataBlock b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Normal);
                    //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b));

                    if (new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 15 }.Contains(i))
                        b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 2), BlockType.Normal);
                        //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b));

                    if (new int[] { 0, 15 }.Contains(i))
                        b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 3), BlockType.Gel);
                        //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b));

                    if (new int[] { 0, 15 }.Contains(i))
                        b = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(i, DataGrid.Height - 4), BlockType.Gel);
                        //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, b));

            DataBlock jump = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(3, 7), BlockType.Normal);
            //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, jump));

            DataBlock ramp = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(1, 8), BlockType.RightRamp);
            //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, ramp));

            //DataBlock gel = _dataGrid.Add(new Point(5, 10), BlockType.LeftRamp);
            //_spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, gel));
            // Some boundary blocks
            _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Gel);
            _dataGrid.Add(new Point(DataGrid.Width - 1, DataGrid.Height - 1), BlockType.Gel);
            _dataGrid.Add(new Point(0, DataGrid.Height - 2), BlockType.Gel);
            _dataGrid.Add(new Point(DataGrid.Width - 1, DataGrid.Height - 2), BlockType.Gel);

            SpriteToolbox toolbox = new SpriteToolbox(_hudLayer)
                Position = new Vector2(_width - (1280 - 1220),
                                       (Single)Math.Ceiling(150 * (_height / 720f)))
            SpritesetHud hud = new SpritesetHud(_hudLayer, _pointsController, _inputController.State, _width, _height);

            // Register sprites at inputControllers
            _inputController.Register(_camera, _width, _height);

            foreach (var blockRow in _dataGrid.Grid)
                foreach (var block in blockRow)
                    block.Place(block.BlockType, BlockState.Placed); // Direct placing;
                    _spriteGrid.Add(new SpriteBlock(_levelLayer, block));

            // Add the layers

            // Add the content
            Sprite background = new Sprite(_sceneryLayer, "Graphics/Background");
            background.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f);
            background.Origin   = new Vector2(1280f / 2f, 720f / 2f);
            background.Scale    = Math.Max(_width / 1280f, _height / 720f);

            Sprite splate = new Sprite(_sceneryLayer, "Graphics/Plate");
            splate.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f);
            splate.Origin   = new Vector2(1280f / 2f, 720f / 2f);
            splate.Scale    = Math.Max(_width / 1280f, _height / 720f);


            // Bottom plate physics
            var plate = FixtureFactory.AttachRectangle(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(_width), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(20), 1f,
                                                       ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(Vector2.UnitY * (49 * (DataGrid.Height - 3) + _spriteGrid.Position.Y + 5) + (_width / 2 - _spriteGrid.Position.X) * Vector2.UnitX), _fxStaticBody);
            plate.Restitution = 0;
            plate.Friction    = 0.5f;

            // Initializes scene and so on

            _camera.Position   = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f);
            _fxcamera.Position = new Vector2(_width / 2f, _height / 2f) - _spriteGrid.Position; // + ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(_spriteGrid.Position);

            #if DEBUG && !SILVERLIGHT
            view = new DebugViewXNA(_fx);
            view.AppendFlags(FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.CenterOfMass | FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.DebugPanel | FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.PerformanceGraph | FarseerPhysics.DebugViewFlags.PolygonPoints);
            // Add components

            // Add popups
            _achievementController.OnCompletedAchievement += new AchievementCompletedHandler(_achievementController_OnCompletedAchievement);

            // Add overlay
            _overlay          = new PauseOverlay(_camera, _width, _height);
            _overlay.Exiting += new EventHandler(_overlay_Exiting);

            // Events
            this.Exited           += new EventHandler(PeaScreen_Exited);
            this.OnEnabledChanged += new BooleanDelegate(PeaScreen_OnEnabledChanged);
            this.OnVisibleChanged += new BooleanDelegate(PeaScreen_OnVisibleChanged);

            // Add end
            _pointsController.OnReachedGoal += new Action(_pointsController_OnReachedGoal);

            this.IsEnabled = false;
            this.IsVisible = false;
Пример #41
 public FileDigitalVizForm(SerializationHelper sh)
     : base()
     gd = new GraphDigital(sh.graph);
      dataBlock = sh.dataBlock;
Пример #42
 public Character(DataBlock block, Mapping mapping) : base(block, mapping)
Пример #43
 public void ToBytes(DataBlock block)
Пример #44
 private string CalculateBlockHash(DataBlock block)
     return(CalculateBlockHash(block.Index, block.Description, block.PreviousHash, block.Timestamp, block.Salt, block.Guid));
Пример #45
    private void LoadTabContainer()
        string    connectionString = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["fleetnetbaseConnectionString"];
        DataBlock dataBlock        = new DataBlock(connectionString, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["language"]);

        int      userId = dataBlock.usersTable.Get_UserID_byName(Page.User.Identity.Name);
        int      orgId  = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CURRENT_ORG_ID"]);
        DateTime date   = new DateTime();

        date = dataBlock.usersTable.Get_TimeConnect(userId);
        GeneralDataTab_Table_CurConnectDateValue.Text = date.ToLongDateString() + " " + date.ToShortTimeString();
        if (DateTime.TryParse(dataBlock.organizationTable.GetAdditionalOrgInfo(orgId, DataBaseReference.OrgInfo_RegistrationDate), out date))
            GeneralDataTab_Table_RegDateValue.Text = date.ToLongDateString() + " " + date.ToShortTimeString();
        if (DateTime.TryParse(dataBlock.organizationTable.GetAdditionalOrgInfo(orgId, DataBaseReference.OrgInfo_EndOfRegistrationDate), out date))
            GeneralDataTab_Table_EndRegDateValue.Text = date.ToLongDateString();
        GeneralDataTab_Table_LicenseTypeValue.Text = "Flat";
        //Registration data
        RegistrationDataTab_RegCodeValue.Text = orgId.ToString();

        List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > orgCountries = dataBlock.organizationTable.GetAllCountry();
        string orgCountryName = dataBlock.organizationTable.GetOrgCountryName(orgId);
        int    countryId      = 1;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> country in orgCountries)
            RegistrationDataTab_CityDropDown.Items.Add(new ListItem(country.Key, country.Value.ToString()));
            if (country.Key == orgCountryName)
                RegistrationDataTab_CityDropDown.Items[RegistrationDataTab_CityDropDown.Items.Count - 1].Selected = true;
                countryId = country.Value;

        List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > orgRegions = dataBlock.organizationTable.GetAllRegions(countryId);

        string orgCRegionName = dataBlock.organizationTable.GetOrgRegionName(orgId);

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> region in orgRegions)
            RegistrationDataTab_TownDropDown.Items.Add(new ListItem(region.Key, region.Value.ToString()));
            if (region.Key == orgCRegionName)
                RegistrationDataTab_TownDropDown.Items[RegistrationDataTab_TownDropDown.Items.Count - 1].Selected = true;

        RegistrationDataTab_AddressTextBox.Text = dataBlock.organizationTable.GetAdditionalOrgInfo(orgId, DataBaseReference.OrgInfo_Address);

        string CurrentLanguage = dataBlock.organizationTable.GetAdditionalOrgInfo(orgId, DataBaseReference.OrgInfo_SiteLang);
        string Russian         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["language"];
        string English         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["language"];

        RegistrationDataTab_LanguageDropDown.Items.Add(new ListItem("Русский", Russian));
        RegistrationDataTab_LanguageDropDown.Items.Add(new ListItem("English", English));
        if (CurrentLanguage == Russian)
            RegistrationDataTab_LanguageDropDown.Items[0].Selected = true;
        if (CurrentLanguage == English)
            RegistrationDataTab_LanguageDropDown.Items[1].Selected = true;

        RegistrationDataTab_SaveDataPeriodTextBox.Text = dataBlock.organizationTable.GetAdditionalOrgInfo(orgId, DataBaseReference.OrgInfo_StorageDataPeriod);;
Пример #46
        public static void PatchSyslinux_3_72(PartitionDeviceDriver partitionDevice, FatFileSystem fat)
            // Locate ldlinux.sys file for patching
            string filename = "ldlinux.sys";
            string name     = (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + Path.GetExtension(filename).PadRight(4).Substring(0, 4)).ToUpper();

            var location = fat.FindEntry(name);

            if (location.IsValid)
                // Read boot sector
                var bootSector = new DataBlock(partitionDevice.ReadBlock(0, 1));

                // Set the first sector location of the file
                bootSector.SetUInt(0x1F8, fat.GetSectorByCluster(location.FirstCluster));

                // Change jump address
                bootSector.SetUInt(0x01, 0x58);

                // Write back patched boot sector
                partitionDevice.WriteBlock(0, 1, bootSector.Data);

                // Get the file size & number of sectors used
                uint fileSize    = fat.GetFileSize(location.DirectorySector, location.DirectorySectorIndex);
                uint sectorCount = (fileSize + 511) >> 9;

                uint[] sectors = new uint[65];
                uint   nsec    = 0;

                // Create list of the first 65 sectors of the file
                for (uint cluster = location.FirstCluster; ((cluster != 0) & (nsec <= 64)); cluster = fat.GetNextCluster(cluster))
                    uint sec = fat.GetSectorByCluster(cluster);
                    for (uint s = 0; s < fat.SectorsPerCluster; s++)
                        sectors[nsec++] = sec + s;

                // Read the first cluster of the file
                var firstCluster = new DataBlock(fat.ReadCluster(location.FirstCluster));

                uint patchArea = 0;

                // Search for 0x3EB202FE (magic)
                for (patchArea = 0; (firstCluster.GetUInt(patchArea) != 0x3EB202FE) && (patchArea < fat.ClusterSizeInBytes); patchArea += 4)

                patchArea = patchArea + 8;

                if (patchArea < fat.ClusterSizeInBytes)
                    // Set up the totals
                    firstCluster.SetUShort(patchArea, (ushort)(fileSize >> 2));
                    firstCluster.SetUShort(patchArea + 2, (ushort)(sectorCount - 1));

                    // Clear sector entries
                    firstCluster.Fill(patchArea + 8, 0, 64 * 4);

                    // Set sector entries
                    for (nsec = 0; nsec < 64; nsec++)
                        firstCluster.SetUInt(patchArea + 8 + (nsec * 4), sectors[nsec + 1]);

                    // Clear out checksum
                    firstCluster.SetUInt(patchArea + 4, 0);

                    // Write back the updated cluster
                    fat.WriteCluster(location.FirstCluster, firstCluster.Data);

                    // Re-Calculate checksum by opening the file
                    var file = new FatFileStream(fat, location);

                    uint csum = 0x3EB202FE;
                    for (uint index = 0; index < (file.Length >> 2); index++)
                        uint value = (uint)file.ReadByte() | ((uint)file.ReadByte() << 8) | ((uint)file.ReadByte() << 16) | ((uint)file.ReadByte() << 24);
                        csum -= value;

                    // Set the checksum
                    firstCluster.SetUInt(patchArea + 4, csum);

                    // Write patched cluster back to disk
                    fat.WriteCluster(location.FirstCluster, firstCluster.Data);
Пример #47
        static void ReadCompressedFile(string fileName)
                FileInfo fileToDecompress = new FileInfo(fileName);
                if (fileToDecompress.Extension != ".gz")

                #region Read Headers from compressed input file

                Console.WriteLine("Reading GZip Headers, this can take a few minutes for a large file");

                List <ThreadedReader> gZipThreads_Headers = new List <ThreadedReader>();

                // Create DataBlocks
                dataBlocks = new DataBlock [fileToDecompress.Length / BufferSize + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < dataBlocks.Length; i++)
                    dataBlocks [i] = new DataBlock();

                //threads read headers
                for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
                    ThreadedReader gZipThread = new ThreadedReader(
                        fileToDecompress, threadCount, i,
                        //, true

                //wait for threads
                while (gZipThreads_Headers.Any(v => !v.Finished))

                //check for broken gzip
                if (headersFound.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Source file doesn't contains any compressed data");

                //order headers
                headersFound = headersFound.Distinct().OrderBy(v => v).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine("\nHeaders found " + headersFound.Count);
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Completed in {0} seconds", (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds) + "\n\n");


                #region Create DataBlocks array from  GZipHeaders. Each DB have indexes(start/end) for reading from input file

                dataBlocks = new DataBlock [headersFound.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < dataBlocks.Length; i++)
                    long startIndex, endIndex = 0;
                    startIndex = headersFound [i];
                    endIndex   = i + 1 < headersFound.Count ? headersFound [i + 1] : fileToDecompress.Length + 1;
                    //endIndex = headersFound [ i + 1 ];

                    dataBlocks [i] = new DataBlock()
                        startIndex = startIndex,
                        endIndex   = endIndex


                readyToWrite = true;

                #region Read compressed input file by DataBlocks indexes

                List <ThreadedReader> gZipThreads = new List <ThreadedReader>();

                for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++)
                    ThreadedReader gZipThread = new ThreadedReader(
                        fileToDecompress, threadCount, i,

                //wait for threads
                while (gZipThreads.Any(v => !v.Finished))



            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error is occured!\n Method: {0}\n Error description {1}", ex.TargetSite, ex.Message);
Пример #48
        public static void PatchSyslinux_6_03(PartitionDeviceDriver partitionDevice, FatFileSystem fat)
            // Locate ldlinux.sys file for patching
            string filename = "ldlinux.sys";
            string name     = (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + Path.GetExtension(filename).PadRight(4).Substring(0, 4)).ToUpper();

            var location = fat.FindEntry(name);

            if (!location.IsValid)
                throw new InvalidProgramException("Unable to find syslinux.sys");

            // Get the file size & number of sectors used
            uint fileSize = fat.GetFileSize(location.DirectorySector, location.DirectorySectorIndex);

            var sectors = new List <uint>();

            // Create list of the sectors of the file
            for (uint cluster = location.FirstCluster; (cluster != 0); cluster = fat.GetNextCluster(cluster))
                uint sec = fat.GetSectorByCluster(cluster);
                for (uint i = 0; i < fat.SectorsPerCluster; i++)
                    sectors.Add(sec + i);

            // Get the ldlinux.sys file stream
            var ldlinux = new FatFileStream(fat, location);

            var ldlinuxReader = new EndianAwareBinaryReader(ldlinux, Endianness.Little);

            // Search for 0x3EB202FE (magic)
            while ((ldlinuxReader.ReadUInt32() != Syslinux.LDLINUX_MAGIC) && (ldlinux.Position < ldlinux.Length))

            if (ldlinux.Position >= ldlinux.Length || ldlinux.Position <= 0)
                throw new InvalidProgramException("Unable to find patch location for syslinux");

            uint patchArea = (uint)ldlinux.Position - 4;

            // Get Extended Patch Area offset
            ldlinux.Position = patchArea + Syslinux.PatchAreaOffset.EPAOffset;
            ushort epa = ldlinuxReader.ReadUInt16();

            ldlinux.Position = epa + Syslinux.ExtendedPatchAreaOffset.Sect1Ptr0;
            uint sect1Ptr0 = ldlinuxReader.ReadUInt16();

            ldlinux.Position = epa + Syslinux.ExtendedPatchAreaOffset.Sect1Ptr1;
            uint sect1Ptr1 = ldlinuxReader.ReadUInt16();

            ldlinux.Position = epa + Syslinux.ExtendedPatchAreaOffset.SecPtrOffset;
            uint ex = ldlinuxReader.ReadUInt16();

            ldlinux.Position = epa + Syslinux.ExtendedPatchAreaOffset.SecPtrCnt;
            uint nptrs = ldlinuxReader.ReadUInt16();

            ldlinux.Position = epa + Syslinux.ExtendedPatchAreaOffset.AdvPtrOffset;
            uint advptrs = ldlinuxReader.ReadUInt16();

            if (sectors.Count > nptrs)
                throw new InvalidProgramException("Insufficient space for patching syslinux");

            var ldlinuxWriter = new EndianAwareBinaryWriter(ldlinux, Endianness.Little);

            // Set up the totals
            ldlinux.Position = patchArea + Syslinux.PatchAreaOffset.DataSectors;

            ldlinux.Position = patchArea + Syslinux.PatchAreaOffset.DataSectors;

            ldlinux.Position = patchArea + Syslinux.PatchAreaOffset.DataSectors;
            ldlinuxWriter.Write(fileSize >> 2);

            // Generate Extents
            var extents = GenerateExtents(sectors);

            ldlinux.Position = ex;

            // Write out extents
            foreach (var extent in extents)

            // Write out ADV
            ldlinux.Position = advptrs;
            ldlinuxWriter.Write((ulong)sectors[sectors.Count - 2]);
            ldlinuxWriter.Write((ulong)sectors[sectors.Count - 1]);

            // Clear out checksum
            ldlinux.Position = patchArea + Syslinux.PatchAreaOffset.Checksum;

            // Write back the updated cluster

            // Re-Calculate checksum
            ldlinux.Position = 0;
            uint csum = Syslinux.LDLINUX_MAGIC;

            for (uint index = 0; index < (ldlinux.Length >> 2); index++)
                csum = csum + ldlinuxReader.ReadUInt32();

            // Set the checksum
            ldlinux.Position = patchArea + Syslinux.PatchAreaOffset.Checksum;

            // Write patched cluster back to disk

            // Read boot sector
            var fatBootSector = new DataBlock(partitionDevice.ReadBlock(0, 1));

            // Set the first sector location of the file
            fatBootSector.SetUInt(sect1Ptr0, fat.GetSectorByCluster(location.FirstCluster));
            fatBootSector.SetUInt(sect1Ptr1, 0);               // since only 32-bit offsets are support, the high portion of 64-bit value is zero

            // Write back patched boot sector
            partitionDevice.WriteBlock(0, 1, fatBootSector.Data);
Пример #49
 public CommentValue(XmlNode node, ModuleItem item, MetadataHeader header, DataBlock host, EndianReader reader, long baseAddress, int offset)
     : base(node, item, header, host, reader, baseAddress, offset)
     Title = node.GetStringAttribute("title", "name");
     Body  = node.InnerText;
Пример #50
        public async Task List_FiltersUnrelated()
            var release = new Release();

            var dataBlock1 = new DataBlock
                Heading              = "Test heading 1",
                Name                 = "Test name 1",
                HighlightName        = "Test highlight name 1",
                HighlightDescription = "Test highlight description 1",
                Source               = "Test source 1",
                Order                = 5,
                Created              = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1),
                ContentSectionId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Query                = new ObservationQueryContext
                    Filters = new List <Guid>
                    Indicators = new List <Guid>
                Table = new TableBuilderConfiguration
                    TableHeaders = new TableHeaders
                        Rows = new List <TableHeader>
                            new TableHeader(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), TableHeaderType.Indicator)
                        Columns = new List <TableHeader>
                            new TableHeader(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), TableHeaderType.Filter)
                Charts = new List <IChart>
                    new LineChart
                        Title  = "Test chart 1",
                        Height = 400,
                        Width  = 500,

            var dataBlock2 = new DataBlock
                Name = "Test name 2",

            var contextId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            await using (var context = InMemoryContentDbContext(contextId))
                await context.AddRangeAsync(
                    new ReleaseContentBlock
                    Release      = release,
                    ContentBlock = dataBlock1
                    new ReleaseContentBlock
                    Release      = new Release(),
                    ContentBlock = dataBlock2

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await using (var context = InMemoryContentDbContext(contextId))
                var service = BuildDataBlockService(context);
                var result  = await service.List(release.Id);

                var listResult = Assert.Single(result.AssertRight());

                Assert.Equal(dataBlock1.Heading, listResult.Heading);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock1.Name, listResult.Name);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock1.Created, listResult.Created);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock1.HighlightName, listResult.HighlightName);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock1.HighlightDescription, listResult.HighlightDescription);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock1.Source, listResult.Source);
                Assert.Equal(1, listResult.ChartsCount);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock1.ContentSectionId, listResult.ContentSectionId);
Пример #51
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return(DataBlock.GetHashCode() ^ (DoubleScanPayload ? 1 : 0));
Пример #52
 public YearlyDataBlock(DataBlock[] currentValues, DataBlock[] rawValues)
     CurrentValues = currentValues;
     RawValues = rawValues;
Пример #53
        private void DoIdentifyDrive(byte index)
            driveInfo[index].Present = false;

            //Send the identify command to the selected drive
            DeviceHeadPort.Write8((byte)((index == 0) ? 0xA0 : 0xB0));

            if (StatusPort.Read8() == 0)
                //Drive doesn't exist

            //Wait until a ready status is present
            if (!WaitForReadyStatus())
                return;                 //There's no ready status, this drive doesn't exist

            if (LBAMidPort.Read8() != 0 && LBAHighPort.Read8() != 0)             //Check if the drive is ATA
                //In this case the drive is ATAPI
                //HAL.DebugWriteLine("Device " + index.ToString() + " not ATA");

            //Wait until the identify data is present (256x16 bits)
            if (!WaitForIdentifyData())
                //HAL.DebugWriteLine("Device " + index.ToString() + " ID error");

            //An ATA drive is present
            driveInfo[index].Present = true;

            //Read the identification info
            var info = new DataBlock(512);

            for (uint ix = 0; ix < 256; ix++)
                info.SetUShort(ix * 2, DataPort.Read16());

            //Find the addressing mode
            var lba28SectorCount = info.GetUInt(IdentifyDrive.MaxLBA28);

            AddressingMode aMode = AddressingMode.NotSupported;

            if ((info.GetUShort(IdentifyDrive.CommandSetSupported83) & 0x200) == 0x200)             //Check the LBA48 support bit
                aMode = AddressingMode.LBA48;
                driveInfo[index].MaxLBA = info.GetUInt(IdentifyDrive.MaxLBA48);
            else if (lba28SectorCount > 0)             //LBA48 not supported, check LBA28
                aMode = AddressingMode.LBA28;
                driveInfo[index].MaxLBA = lba28SectorCount;

            driveInfo[index].AddressingMode = aMode;

            //HAL.DebugWriteLine("Device " + index.ToString() + " present - MaxLBA=" + driveInfo[index].MaxLBA.ToString());
Пример #54
        public async Task GetDeletePlan()
            var release = new Release();
            var fileId  = Guid.NewGuid();

            var dataBlock = new DataBlock
                Name   = "Test name",
                Charts = new List <IChart>
                    new InfographicChart
                        Title  = "Test chart",
                        FileId = fileId.ToString(),
                        Height = 400,
                        Width  = 500,
                ContentSection = new ContentSection
                    Heading = "Test heading"
            var file = new File
                Id       = fileId,
                Filename = "test-infographic.jpg"

            var contextId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            await using (var context = InMemoryContentDbContext(contextId))
                await context.AddAsync(
                    new ReleaseContentBlock
                    Release      = release,
                    ContentBlock = dataBlock

                await context.AddAsync(file);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await using (var context = InMemoryContentDbContext(contextId))
                var service = BuildDataBlockService(context);
                var result  = await service.GetDeletePlan(release.Id, dataBlock.Id);

                var deletePlan = result.AssertRight();

                Assert.Equal(release.Id, deletePlan.ReleaseId);

                var dependentBlocks = deletePlan.DependentDataBlocks;


                Assert.Equal(dataBlock.Id, dependentBlocks[0].Id);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock.Name, dependentBlocks[0].Name);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock.ContentSection.Heading, dependentBlocks[0].ContentSectionHeading);


                Assert.Equal(file.Id, dependentBlocks[0].InfographicFilesInfo[0].Id);
                Assert.Equal(file.Filename, dependentBlocks[0].InfographicFilesInfo[0].Filename);
Пример #55
        /// <summary>
        /// <p>When Data Matrix Codes use multiple data blocks, they actually interleave the bytes of each of them.
        /// That is, the first byte of data block 1 to n is written, then the second bytes, and so on. This
        /// method will separate the data into original blocks.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawCodewords"> bytes as read directly from the Data Matrix Code </param>
        /// <param name="version"> version of the Data Matrix Code </param>
        /// <returns> DataBlocks containing original bytes, "de-interleaved" from representation in the
        ///         Data Matrix Code </returns>
        internal static DataBlock[] getDataBlocks(sbyte[] rawCodewords, Version version)
            // Figure out the number and size of data blocks used by this version
            Version.ECBlocks ecBlocks = version.ECBlocks2;

            // First count the total number of data blocks
            int totalBlocks = 0;
            Version.ECB[] ecBlockArray = ecBlocks.GetECB;
            foreach (Version.ECB ecBlock in ecBlockArray)
               totalBlocks += ecBlock.Count;

            // Now establish DataBlocks of the appropriate size and number of data codewords
            DataBlock[] result = new DataBlock[totalBlocks];
            int numResultBlocks = 0;
            foreach (Version.ECB ecBlock in ecBlockArray)
              for (int i = 0; i < ecBlock.Count; i++)
            int numDataCodewords = ecBlock.DataCodewords;
            int numBlockCodewords = ecBlocks.ECCodewords + numDataCodewords;
            result[numResultBlocks++] = new DataBlock(numDataCodewords, new sbyte[numBlockCodewords]);

            // All blocks have the same amount of data, except that the last n
            // (where n may be 0) have 1 less byte. Figure out where these start.
            // TODO(bbrown): There is only one case where there is a difference for Data Matrix for size 144
            int longerBlocksTotalCodewords = result[0].codewords.Length;
            //int shorterBlocksTotalCodewords = longerBlocksTotalCodewords - 1;

            int longerBlocksNumDataCodewords = longerBlocksTotalCodewords - ecBlocks.ECCodewords;
            int shorterBlocksNumDataCodewords = longerBlocksNumDataCodewords - 1;
            // The last elements of result may be 1 element shorter for 144 matrix
            // first fill out as many elements as all of them have minus 1
            int rawCodewordsOffset = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < shorterBlocksNumDataCodewords; i++)
              for (int j = 0; j < numResultBlocks; j++)
            result[j].codewords[i] = rawCodewords[rawCodewordsOffset++];

            // Fill out the last data block in the longer ones
            bool specialVersion = version.VersionNumber == 24;
            int numLongerBlocks = specialVersion ? 8 : numResultBlocks;
            for (int j = 0; j < numLongerBlocks; j++)
              result[j].codewords[longerBlocksNumDataCodewords - 1] = rawCodewords[rawCodewordsOffset++];

            // Now add in error correction blocks
            int max = result[0].codewords.Length;
            for (int i = longerBlocksNumDataCodewords; i < max; i++)
              for (int j = 0; j < numResultBlocks; j++)
            int iOffset = specialVersion && j > 7 ? i - 1 : i;
            result[j].codewords[iOffset] = rawCodewords[rawCodewordsOffset++];

            if (rawCodewordsOffset != rawCodewords.Length)
              throw new System.ArgumentException();

            return result;
Пример #56
        public async Task Delete()
            var release = new Release
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Publication = new Publication
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

            var fileId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var dataBlock = new DataBlock
                Id     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name   = "Test name",
                Charts = new List <IChart>
                    new InfographicChart
                        Title  = "Test chart",
                        FileId = fileId.ToString(),
                        Height = 400,
                        Width  = 500,
                ContentSection = new ContentSection
                    Heading = "Test heading"

            var releaseContentBlock = new ReleaseContentBlock
                Release      = release,
                ContentBlock = dataBlock

            var file = new File
                Id       = fileId,
                Filename = "test-infographic.jpg"

            var contextId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            await using (var context = InMemoryContentDbContext(contextId))
                await context.AddAsync(releaseContentBlock);

                await context.AddAsync(file);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await using (var context = InMemoryContentDbContext(contextId))
                var releaseFileService = new Mock <IReleaseFileService>(Strict);

                    s =>
                    s.Delete(release.Id, new List <Guid> {
                }, false)

                var cacheKeyService = new Mock <ICacheKeyService>(Strict);

                var dataBlockCacheKey = new DataBlockTableResultCacheKey(releaseContentBlock);

                .Setup(s => s.CreateCacheKeyForDataBlock(release.Id, dataBlock.Id))
                .ReturnsAsync(new Either <ActionResult, DataBlockTableResultCacheKey>(dataBlockCacheKey));

                var cacheService = new Mock <IBlobCacheService>(Strict);

                .Setup(s => s.DeleteItem(dataBlockCacheKey))

                var service = BuildDataBlockService(
                    releaseFileService: releaseFileService.Object,
                    cacheKeyService: cacheKeyService.Object,
                    cacheService: cacheService.Object);

                var result = await service.Delete(release.Id, dataBlock.Id);

                VerifyAllMocks(releaseFileService, cacheKeyService, cacheService);


            await using (var context = InMemoryContentDbContext(contextId))
Пример #57
        /// <summary> <p>When QR Codes use multiple data blocks, they are actually interleaved.
        /// That is, the first byte of data block 1 to n is written, then the second bytes, and so on. This
        /// method will separate the data into original blocks.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawCodewords">bytes as read directly from the QR Code
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="version">version of the QR Code
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ecLevel">error-correction level of the QR Code
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> {@link DataBlock}s containing original bytes, "de-interleaved" from representation in the
        /// QR Code
        /// </returns>
        internal static DataBlock[] getDataBlocks(sbyte[] rawCodewords, Version version, com.google.zxing.qrcode.decoder.ErrorCorrectionLevel ecLevel)
            if (rawCodewords.Length != version.TotalCodewords)
                throw new System.ArgumentException();

            // Figure out the number and size of data blocks used by this version and
            // error correction level
            Version.ECBlocks ecBlocks = version.getECBlocksForLevel(ecLevel);

            // First count the total number of data blocks
            int totalBlocks = 0;
            Version.ECB[] ecBlockArray = ecBlocks.getECBlocks();
            for (int i = 0; i < ecBlockArray.Length; i++)
                totalBlocks += ecBlockArray[i].Count;

            // Now establish DataBlocks of the appropriate size and number of data codewords
            DataBlock[] result = new DataBlock[totalBlocks];
            int numResultBlocks = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < ecBlockArray.Length; j++)
                Version.ECB ecBlock = ecBlockArray[j];
                for (int i = 0; i < ecBlock.Count; i++)
                    int numDataCodewords = ecBlock.DataCodewords;
                    int numBlockCodewords = ecBlocks.ECCodewordsPerBlock + numDataCodewords;
                    result[numResultBlocks++] = new DataBlock(numDataCodewords, new sbyte[numBlockCodewords]);

            // All blocks have the same amount of data, except that the last n
            // (where n may be 0) have 1 more byte. Figure out where these start.
            int shorterBlocksTotalCodewords = result[0].codewords.Length;
            int longerBlocksStartAt = result.Length - 1;
            while (longerBlocksStartAt >= 0)
                int numCodewords = result[longerBlocksStartAt].codewords.Length;
                if (numCodewords == shorterBlocksTotalCodewords)

            int shorterBlocksNumDataCodewords = shorterBlocksTotalCodewords - ecBlocks.ECCodewordsPerBlock;
            // The last elements of result may be 1 element longer;
            // first fill out as many elements as all of them have
            int rawCodewordsOffset = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < shorterBlocksNumDataCodewords; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numResultBlocks; j++)
                    result[j].codewords[i] = rawCodewords[rawCodewordsOffset++];
            // Fill out the last data block in the longer ones
            for (int j = longerBlocksStartAt; j < numResultBlocks; j++)
                result[j].codewords[shorterBlocksNumDataCodewords] = rawCodewords[rawCodewordsOffset++];
            // Now add in error correction blocks
            int max = result[0].codewords.Length;
            for (int i = shorterBlocksNumDataCodewords; i < max; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numResultBlocks; j++)
                    int iOffset = j < longerBlocksStartAt?i:i + 1;
                    result[j].codewords[iOffset] = rawCodewords[rawCodewordsOffset++];
            return result;
Пример #58
        /// <summary>
        /// parse the records.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">the mbus header. Useful for manufacturer specific parsing.</param>
        /// <param name="payload">the payload.</param>
        /// <param name="decryptionKey">the decryption key.</param>
        /// <param name="initializationVector">the initialization vector.</param>
        /// <returns>a IList<MbusRecord> containing the parse records.</returns>
        private IList <VariableDataRecord> ParseRecords(MBusHeader header, IList <byte> payload, byte[] decryptionKey)
            List <byte> payloadBody;

            // Todo find out whats wrong with this.
            if (header.ExtendedLinkLayer != null)
                payloadBody = payload.Skip(header.PayloadStartsAtIndex - 2).ToList();
                payloadBody = payload.Skip(header.PayloadStartsAtIndex).ToList();

            if (decryptionKey != null)
                payloadBody = DecryptPayload(header, payloadBody, decryptionKey);

            if (payloadBody == null)

            if (header.ExtendedLinkLayer != null)
                var frameType = ControlInformationLookup.Find(payloadBody.First()).frameType;

                if (frameType != FrameType.Full)

                payloadBody = payloadBody.Skip(1).ToList();

            while (payloadBody.Last() == 0x2F)
                payloadBody.RemoveAt(payloadBody.Count() - 1);

            var list = new List <VariableDataRecord>();

            // MBus has a maximum length of 255.
            byte indexer = 0;

            while (indexer < payloadBody.Count)
                var difFieldByte = payloadBody[indexer++];

                // TODO Handle special case stuff
                if (difFieldByte == 0x1F || difFieldByte == 0x0F)

                var dataInformationField           = new DataInformationField(difFieldByte);
                var dataInformationFieldExtensions = new List <DataInformationExtensionField>();

                var difesAvailable = dataInformationField.HasExtensionBit;
                while (difesAvailable)
                    var extension = new DataInformationExtensionField(payloadBody[indexer++]);

                    difesAvailable = extension.HasExtensionBit;

                var valueInformationField           = new PrimaryValueInformationField(payloadBody[indexer++], dataInformationField.DataField);
                var valueInformationFieldExtensions = new List <ValueInformationExtensionField>();

                var vifesAvailable = valueInformationField.HasExtensionBit;
                while (vifesAvailable)
                    ValueInformationExtensionField?extension = null;
                    if (!valueInformationFieldExtensions.Any())
                        switch (valueInformationField.Type)
                        case PrimaryValueInformation.FBValueInformationExtension:
                            extension = new FBValueInformationExtensionField(payloadBody[indexer++]);

                        case PrimaryValueInformation.FDValueInformationExtension:
                            extension = new FDValueInformationExtensionField(payloadBody[indexer++]);

                        case PrimaryValueInformation.ManufacturerSpecific:
                            switch (header.ManufacturerName.ToLowerInvariant())
                            case "kam":
                                extension = new KamstrupValueInformationExtensionField(payloadBody[indexer++]);


                            extension = new UnknownValueInformationExtensionField(payloadBody[indexer++]);
                        extension = new OrthogonalValueInformationExtensionField(payloadBody[indexer++]);


                    vifesAvailable = extension.HasExtensionBit;

                // is LVAR, the length of the data is in the first byte of the "real" data.
                if (dataInformationField.DataLength == null && dataInformationField.DataField == DataField.VariableLength)
                    dataInformationField.DataLength = payloadBody[indexer++];

                var dataBlock = new DataBlock(payloadBody.Skip(indexer).Take(dataInformationField.DataLength.Value).ToArray(), dataInformationField, dataInformationFieldExtensions, valueInformationField, valueInformationFieldExtensions);
                indexer = (byte)(indexer + dataInformationField.DataLength.Value);

                list.Add(new VariableDataRecord(dataBlock));

Пример #59
        public async Task Get()
            var dataBlock = new DataBlock
                Heading              = "Test heading",
                Name                 = "Test name",
                HighlightName        = "Test highlight name",
                HighlightDescription = "Test highlight description",
                Source               = "Test source",
                Order                = 5,
                Query                = new ObservationQueryContext
                    Filters = new List <Guid>
                    Indicators = new List <Guid>
                Table = new TableBuilderConfiguration
                    TableHeaders = new TableHeaders
                        Rows = new List <TableHeader>
                            new TableHeader(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), TableHeaderType.Indicator)
                        Columns = new List <TableHeader>
                            new TableHeader(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), TableHeaderType.Filter)
                Charts = new List <IChart>
                    new LineChart
                        Title  = "Test chart",
                        Height = 400,
                        Width  = 500,

            var contextId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            await using (var context = InMemoryContentDbContext(contextId))
                await context.AddAsync(
                    new ReleaseContentBlock
                    Release      = new Release(),
                    ContentBlock = dataBlock,

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            await using (var context = InMemoryContentDbContext(contextId))
                var service = BuildDataBlockService(context);
                var result  = await service.Get(dataBlock.Id);

                var retrievedResult = result.AssertRight();

                Assert.Equal(dataBlock.Heading, retrievedResult.Heading);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock.Name, retrievedResult.Name);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock.HighlightName, retrievedResult.HighlightName);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock.HighlightDescription, retrievedResult.HighlightDescription);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock.Source, retrievedResult.Source);
                Assert.Equal(dataBlock.Order, retrievedResult.Order);

Пример #60
        static void Main(string[] args)
            EEDID[] instances = EEDID.Instance;
            foreach (var instance in instances)
                //EEDID instance = EEDID.Parse(MacBookPro2018.IntegratedLaptopPanelEdidTable3);

                Console.WriteLine(@" Implemented Blocks");
                Console.WriteLine(@" ══════════════════");

                DataBlockCollection blocks = instance.Blocks;
                foreach (KnownDataBlock block in blocks.ImplementedBlocks)
                    Console.WriteLine($@" │ {block}");

                foreach (DataBlock block in blocks)
                    var blockLiteral = $@"{block.Key} Block";

                    Console.WriteLine($@" {blockLiteral}");
                    Console.WriteLine($@" {new string('═', blockLiteral.Length)}");

                    Console.WriteLine(@" Implemented Sections");
                    Console.WriteLine(@" ┌───────────────────");
                    var implSections = instance.Blocks[block.Key].Sections.ImplementedSections;
                    foreach (Enum section in implSections)
                        Console.WriteLine($@" │ {GetFriendlyName(section)}");

                    Console.WriteLine(@" Sections");
                    Console.WriteLine(@" ┌───────");
                    BaseDataSectionCollection sections = block.Sections;
                    foreach (DataSection section in sections)
                        var sectionLiteral = $"{GetFriendlyName(section.Key) } Section";

                        Console.WriteLine($@" │");
                        Console.WriteLine($@" ├ {sectionLiteral}");
                        Console.WriteLine($@" │ ┌{new string('─', sectionLiteral.Length - 1)}");

                        IEnumerable <IPropertyKey> properties = section.ImplementedProperties;
                        foreach (IPropertyKey property in properties)
                            string       friendlyName = property.GetPropertyName();
                            PropertyUnit valueUnit    = property.PropertyUnit;
                            string       unit         = valueUnit == PropertyUnit.None ? string.Empty : valueUnit.ToString();

                            QueryPropertyResult queryResult  = section.GetProperty(property);
                            PropertyItem        propertyItem = queryResult.Value;
                            object value = propertyItem.Value;
                            if (value == null)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: NULL");

                            if (value is string)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit}");
                            else if (value is bool)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit}");
                            else if (value is double)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit}");
                            else if (value is byte)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X2}h]");
                            else if (value is short)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                            else if (value is ushort)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                            else if (value is int)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                            else if (value is uint)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X4}h]");
                            else if (value is long)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X8}h]");
                            else if (value is ulong)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {value}{unit} [{value:X8}h]");
                            else if (value is PointF)
                                var pointLiteral = $"{ friendlyName }";
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {pointLiteral}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', pointLiteral.Length - 1)}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ X: {((PointF)value).X}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ Y: {((PointF)value).Y}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │");
                            else if (value is StandardTimingIdentifierDescriptorItem)
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {(StandardTimingIdentifierDescriptorItem)value}");
                            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <byte>))
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}: {string.Join(", ", (ReadOnlyCollection<byte>)value)}");
                            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <string>))
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', friendlyName.Length - 1)}");
                                var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <string>)value;
                                foreach (string item in items)
                                    Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {item}");
                            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <MonitorResolutionInfo>))
                                var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <MonitorResolutionInfo>)value;
                                foreach (MonitorResolutionInfo item in items)
                                    Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {item}");
                            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(SectionPropertiesTable))
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', friendlyName.Length - 1)}");
                                var dataBlockProperties = (SectionPropertiesTable)value;
                                foreach (PropertyItem dataBlockProperty in dataBlockProperties)
                                    IPropertyKey dataBlockPropertyKey  = (PropertyKey)dataBlockProperty.Key;
                                    string       dataBlockPropertyName = dataBlockPropertyKey.GetPropertyName();

                                    PropertyUnit dataBlockPropertyUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit;
                                    string       dataUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit == PropertyUnit.None ? string.Empty : dataBlockPropertyUnit.ToString();

                                    object dataBlockPropertyValue = dataBlockProperty.Value;
                                    if (dataBlockPropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <byte>))
                                        Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}: {string.Join(" ", (ReadOnlyCollection<byte>)dataBlockPropertyValue)}");
                                    else if (dataBlockPropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <string>))
                                        var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <string>)dataBlockPropertyValue;
                                        foreach (string item in items)
                                            Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {item}");
                                        Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}: {dataBlockPropertyValue} {dataUnit}");

                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │");
                            else if (value.GetType() == typeof(List <SectionPropertiesTable>))
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName}");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ ┌{new string('─', friendlyName.Length - 1)}");
                                var sectionPropertiesCollection = (List <SectionPropertiesTable>)value;
                                foreach (SectionPropertiesTable sectionProperty in sectionPropertiesCollection)
                                    foreach (PropertyItem dataBlockProperty in sectionProperty)
                                        IPropertyKey dataBlockPropertyKey  = (PropertyKey)dataBlockProperty.Key;
                                        string       dataBlockPropertyName = dataBlockPropertyKey.GetPropertyName();

                                        PropertyUnit dataBlockPropertyUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit;
                                        string       dataUnit = dataBlockPropertyKey.PropertyUnit == PropertyUnit.None ? string.Empty : dataBlockPropertyUnit.ToString();

                                        object dataBlockPropertyValue = dataBlockProperty.Value;
                                        if (dataBlockPropertyValue.GetType() == typeof(ReadOnlyCollection <string>))
                                            Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}");
                                            Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ ┌{new string('─', dataBlockPropertyName.Length - 1)}");
                                            var items = (ReadOnlyCollection <string>)dataBlockPropertyValue;
                                            foreach (string item in items)
                                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ │ {item}");
                                            Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ │ {dataBlockPropertyName}: {dataBlockPropertyValue} {dataUnit}");

                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │");
                                Console.WriteLine($@" │ │ {friendlyName} > {value}{unit}");


            Console.WriteLine(@" > Gets A Single Property Directly From Parsed EDID Data");
            EEDID     parsed    = EEDID.Parse(MacBookPro2018.IntegratedLaptopPanelEdidTable);
            DataBlock edidBlock = parsed.Blocks[KnownDataBlock.EDID];
            BaseDataSectionCollection edidSections  = edidBlock.Sections;
            DataSection         basicDisplaySection = edidSections[(int)KnownEdidSection.BasicDisplay];
            QueryPropertyResult gammaResult         = basicDisplaySection.GetProperty(EedidProperty.Edid.BasicDisplay.Gamma);

            if (gammaResult.Success)
                Console.WriteLine($@"   > Gamma > {gammaResult.Value.Value}");
