Пример #1
        public int findPackingInfo_cts(String Fpactate, String Pacpersonnel, String PacTime, String StartTime)
            string strSQL = "SELECT  count(*) from prescription as p join     Packing as c on p.id=c.DecoctingNum where 1=1 ";

            if (Fpactate != "")
                strSQL += " and  c.Fpactate ='" + Fpactate + "'";

            if (Pacpersonnel != "0" && Pacpersonnel != "")
                strSQL += " and c.Pacpersonnel='" + Pacpersonnel + "'";

            if (StartTime != "0")
                DateTime d    = Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime);
                string   strS = d.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 00:00:00");
                strSQL += " and c.startTime >='" + strS + "'";

            if (PacTime != "0")
                DateTime d4   = Convert.ToDateTime(PacTime);
                string   strE = d4.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 23:59:59");
                strSQL += " and c.startTime  <='" + strE + "'";

            int count = Convert.ToInt32(db.cmd_ExecuteScalar(strSQL));

Пример #2
        public int GetDrugInfoCount()
            string strSql = "select count(*) from DrugAdmin";
            int    count  = Convert.ToInt32(db.cmd_ExecuteScalar(strSql));

Пример #3
        public int findRecipeInfots(int status, string begindate, string enddate, string eName)
            string sql = "select count(*) from  ( select  max(id) as id,SwapPer,convert(varchar, wordDate, 111) as wordDate,'调剂' AS wordcontent, count(wordDate)  as workload from adjust as a  where 1=1 ";

            if (status != 2)
                sql += " and a.status=" + status;
            if (begindate != null && begindate.Length > 0)
                DateTime d    = Convert.ToDateTime(begindate);
                string   strB = d.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd  00:00:00");
                sql += " and a.wordDate>='" + strB + "'";
            if (enddate != null && enddate.Length > 0)
                DateTime d4   = Convert.ToDateTime(enddate);
                string   strE = d4.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 23:59:59");
                sql += " and a.wordDate<='" + strE + "'";

            if (eName != null && eName.Length > 0)
                sql += " and a.SwapPer='" + eName + "'";
            sql += "GROUP BY  SwapPer,CONVERT(varchar, wordDate, 111)";
            sql += ") as b";
            int count = Convert.ToInt32(db.cmd_ExecuteScalar(sql));

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 查询发货信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param > Sendstate,  SendTime, Sendpersonnel</param>
        /// <returns>dt</returns>

        public int findDeliveryInfots(string Sendstate, string SendTime, string Sendpersonnel, string Hospitalid, string GetDrugTime)
            DataBaseLayer db = new DataBaseLayer();

            System.DateTime currentTime = new System.DateTime();
            currentTime = System.DateTime.Now;//获取当前时间

            string sql = "select count(*) from prescription as p left join Delivery as d on p.id =d.DecoctingNum  left join packing pa   on p.id =pa.DecoctingNum  where 1=1 ";

            if (Sendstate != "")
                sql += " and d.Sendstate ='" + Sendstate + "'";

            if (SendTime != "0")
                sql += "and Convert(varchar,SendTime ,120)   like '" + SendTime + "%'";
            if (Sendpersonnel != "0")
                sql += "and  Sendpersonnel='" + Sendpersonnel + "'";
            if (Hospitalid != "0")
                sql += "and  p.hospitalid='" + Hospitalid + "'";
            if (GetDrugTime != "0")
                sql += "and Convert(varchar,p.getdrugtime ,120)   like '" + GetDrugTime + "%'";
            int count = Convert.ToInt32(db.cmd_ExecuteScalar(sql));

Пример #5
        public int findallmachineinfots(string typeofmachine, string machine_name)
            string sql = "select count(*) from machine where 1=1";

            if (typeofmachine != "3")
                sql += "and mark ='" + typeofmachine + "' and machinename like '%" + machine_name + "%'";
            int count = Convert.ToInt32(db.cmd_ExecuteScalar(sql));

Пример #6
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 根据处方号查询未匹配药品信息
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="pspnum">处方号</param>
        ///// <returns>DataTable对象</returns>
        public int findNotMatchDrugByPspnum_count(string pid)
            string sql = "select count(d.id) from drug  d " +
                         //   left join DrugMatching dm on d.id=dm.drugId and dm.hospitalId=d.hospitalId
                         "where  d.pid ='" + pid + "' and " +

                         "d.id not in(      select distinct aaa.id from ( select d1.id from drug d1 where  d1.Hospitalid in( select id from Hospital where relation_drug_type_id ='1' ) and d1.drugnum  in" +
                         "(select dd.hdrugNum  from DrugMatching dd where dd.hospitalId ='128') union all" +

                         "  select d2.id from drug d2 where  d2.Hospitalid in( select id from Hospital where relation_drug_type_id ='2' ) and d2.drugnum  in" +
                         "(select dd.hdrugNum  from DrugMatching dd where dd.hospitalId =d2.Hospitalid )) aaa)";

            int count = Convert.ToInt32(db.cmd_ExecuteScalar(sql));


            db.write_log_txt("药品匹配录入药品数量显示NEWNEW:" + sql);
Пример #7
        public int findEmployeeInfo_c(string EName, string JobNum, string Role)
            string sql = " select count(id)  from  Employee where  1=1 ";

            if (EName != "0")
                sql += "and  EName like'%" + EName + "%'";
            if (JobNum != "0")
                sql += "and  JobNum like'%" + JobNum + "%'";
            if (Role != "")
                sql += "and  Role like'%" + Role + "%'";
            // sql += " and id ='" + EName + "'";

            int count = Convert.ToInt32(db.cmd_ExecuteScalar(sql));

Пример #8
        public DataTable get_p_dt_panel(string pspnum)
            DataTable dtt = new DataTable();
            DataTable dt  = new DataTable();
            string    sql = "";
            int    flag     = 1;
            string flag_sql = "select count(tt.id) from tb_temp tt inner join machine m on m.id=tt.machine_id " +
                              " inner join prescription p on p.ID=tt.p_id  where p.pspnum='" + pspnum + "'  ";

            flag = Convert.ToInt32(db.cmd_ExecuteScalar(flag_sql));
            if (flag > 0)
                //   sql = "select top 1  tt.id as id , convert(varchar(60),datepart(hh,tt.time))+':'+convert(varchar(60),datepart(mi,tt.time)) " +
                //"as time,m.equipmenttype as machine_type,m.machineroom as machine_room,m.unitnum as unit_num," +
                // "p.Pspnum as psp_num,tt.temp as temp,m.machinename as machine_name,tt.p_id as p_id,m.id as machine_id from tb_temp tt inner join machine m on m.id=tt.machine_id " +
//  " inner join prescription p on p.ID=tt.p_id  where p.pspnum='" + pspnum + "'  order by tt.id desc";
                //  dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

                sql = "select top 1 tt.id as id , convert(varchar(60),datepart(hh,tt.time))+':'+replicate('0',2-len(convert(varchar(60),datepart(mi,tt.time))))+convert(varchar(60),datepart(mi,tt.time)) " +
                      "as time,m.equipmenttype as machine_type,m.machineroom as machine_room,m.unitnum as unit_num," +
                      "p.Pspnum as psp_num,tt.temp as temp,m.machinename as machine_name,tt.p_id as p_id,m.id as machine_id from tb_temp tt inner join machine m on m.id=tt.machine_id " +
                      " inner join prescription p on p.ID=tt.p_id  where p.pspnum='" + pspnum + "'  order by tt.id desc";
                dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);
                string        sql1 = " select top 1 t.temp_json  from tb_temp_back t inner join prescription p on p.ID=t.p_id where p.Pspnum ='" + pspnum + "'";
                SqlDataReader sdr  = db.get_Reader(sql1);
                string        json = "";
                while (sdr.Read())
                    json = sdr["temp_json"].ToString();
                // dt = JsonHelper.JsonToDataTable(json);
                dtt = JsonHelper.JsonToDataTable(json);
                //    dtt = JsonHelper.JsonToDataTable(json);

                /*   string idd= dtt.Compute("max(id)", "").ToString();
                 * dtt.DefaultView.Sort = "id desc";
                 * dtt.AcceptChanges();
                 *     DataRow[] dr = dtt.Select("id='"+idd+"'");
                 *     dt=dtt.Clone();//克隆DATATABLE结构
                 * foreach (DataRow row in dr)  // 将查询的结果添加到dt中;
                 *   {
                 *    dt.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray);
                 *   //      dt.Rows.Add(row);
                 *    //     dt.ImportRow(row);
                 *   }
                 * */

                DataRow[] dr = dtt.Select("psp_num='" + pspnum + "'");

                //  dr1 = dtt.Rows.Find(dtt.Rows.Count - 1);
                //    int num = int.Parse(dr[dtt.Rows.Count-1].Value.ToString());
                //  DataRow delRow = shiZhongGuanLiBEO1.SHEBEI_JIEDIAN.Rows.Find(num);
                dt = dtt.Clone();//克隆DATATABLE结构
                //    dt.Rows.Add(dr1);
                int i = dr.Count() - 1;
                int j = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in dr) // 将查询的结果添加到dt中;
                    if (j == i)
                    //      dt.Rows.Add(row);
                    //     dt.ImportRow(row);
