Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the system wants to upgrade the current configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The configuration information that can be used to upgrade the configuration.
        /// It also contains the module and action configurations that have already been saved.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns the item configuration that must be saved; otherwise <c>null</c> if an error occured by upgrading the item configuration.
        /// </returns>
        public Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.ItemConfig Upgrade(Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.ConfigInformation config)
            // Define item and module configuration object
            Data.Processor.Config processorConfig = null;
            Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.ItemConfig itemConfig = null;

            // Create new item configuration instance.
            itemConfig = new Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.ItemConfig();

            if (config != null)
                // Get configuration
                processorConfig         = new Data.Processor.Config();
                processorConfig.Config1 = config.Parameters["config_1"];
                processorConfig.Config2 = config.Parameters["config_2"];
                processorConfig.Config3 = config.Parameters["config_3"];

            if (processorConfig == null)
                processorConfig = new Data.Processor.Config();

            // Add configuration to item configuration object
            itemConfig.Parameters.Add("config_1", processorConfig.Config1);
            itemConfig.Parameters.Add("config_2", processorConfig.Config2);
            itemConfig.Parameters.Add("config_3", processorConfig.Config3);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Formats the process configuration values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="processorConfig">The processor configuration object.</param>
        /// <param name="helper">The current helper.</param>
        public void FormatConfiguration(ref Data.Processor.Config processorConfig, Development.SDK.Module.Controller.Helper helper)
            // Create collection for values that must be formatted
            List <string> syntaxValues = null;

            // Start to format syntax values
            syntaxValues = new List <string>();

            // Format syntax values
            syntaxValues = helper.FormatSyntax(syntaxValues, null);

            int syntaxIndex = 0;

            // Set formatted values
            processorConfig.Config1 = syntaxValues[syntaxIndex];

            processorConfig.Config2 = syntaxValues[syntaxIndex];

            processorConfig.Config3 = syntaxValues[syntaxIndex];
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the used items from the current configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The configuration from that the used items must be extracted.</param>
        /// <returns>The used items object.</returns>
        public static Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.UsedItems GetUsedItems(this Data.Processor.Config config, Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.ConfigInformation configInformation)
            // Define return value
            Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.UsedItems value = null;

            // Create new used items object
            value = new Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.UsedItems();

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects all configurations originating from modules and/or project settings used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The saved item configuration for this action.</param>
        /// <returns>All references to modules and/or project settings that this action has used; otherwise <c>null</c> if no references to modules and/or project settings exists.</returns>
        public Development.SDK.Module.Data.Export.Dependency CollectReferences(Data.Processor.Config config)
            Development.SDK.Module.Data.Export.Dependency dependency = new();

            if (config != null)

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the used, referenced or created items like node fields and/or language codes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The configuration information that can be used to generate the control.
        /// It also contains configurations for the control that have already been saved.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.UsedItems GetUsedItems(Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.ConfigInformation config)
            // Define module configuration
            Data.Processor.Config processorConfig = null;

            if (config != null)
                // Get configuration
                processorConfig         = new Data.Processor.Config();
                processorConfig.Config1 = config.Parameters["config_1"];
                processorConfig.Config2 = config.Parameters["config_2"];
                processorConfig.Config3 = config.Parameters["config_3"];

            if (processorConfig == null)
                processorConfig = new Data.Processor.Config();

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the configuration controller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The loaded processor configuration.</param>
        /// <param name="configInfo"></param>
        public Development.SDK.Module.Data.Container.Step Execute(Development.SDK.Module.Data.Container.Container container, Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.ItemConfig config, string inputPort, bool inTestMode, Development.SDK.Logging.Controller.Logger?_logger)
            // Define step container
            Development.SDK.Module.Data.Container.Step step = null;

            // Create new step container
            step = new Development.SDK.Module.Data.Container.Step();

            // Define module configuration
            Data.Processor.Config processorConfig = null;

            if (config == null ||
                config.Parameters == null ||
                config.Parameters.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("No processor config given");

            Development.SDK.Module.Enums.CommunicationChannel channel = Development.SDK.Module.Enums.CommunicationChannel.HttpRest;

            // Create new collection for node-, data-, runtime fields and variabls
            step.Fields        = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            step.RuntimeFields = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            step.DataFields    = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            step.Variables     = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            if (inTestMode == true &&
                container.ExecutionMode != Development.SDK.Module.Enums.ExecutionMode.Service)
                channel = Development.SDK.Module.Enums.CommunicationChannel.MessageQueue;

            using (Development.SDK.Module.Controller.Helper helper = new Development.SDK.Module.Controller.Helper(channel, container))
                    // Set default state
                    step.State = Development.SDK.Module.Enums.ProcessState.Done;
                    // Link helper messages
                    step.Messages = helper.Messages;

                    helper.WriteMessage(Development.SDK.Module.Enums.ReportLevel.Message, "PROCESSOR_LOAD_CONFIG", "Load processor configuration");

                    // Get configuration
                    processorConfig         = new Data.Processor.Config();
                    processorConfig.Config1 = config.Parameters["config_1"];
                    processorConfig.Config2 = config.Parameters["config_2"];
                    processorConfig.Config3 = config.Parameters["config_3"];

                    if (processorConfig == null)
                        helper.WriteMessage(Development.SDK.Module.Enums.ReportLevel.Error, "ERROR_PROCESSOR_LOAD_CONFIG_FAILED", "No processor configuration couldn't be loaded");
                        throw new Exception("No processor configuration couldn't be loaded");

                    // First format common configuration
                    this.FormatConfiguration(ref processorConfig, helper);

                    // Do some stuff here
                catch (Exception ex)
                    step.State = Development.SDK.Module.Enums.ProcessState.Error;


                    throw ex;
                    if (helper != null &&
                        helper.Messages != null)
                        foreach (Development.SDK.Module.Data.Common.Message message in helper.Messages)
                            if (message != null)
                                switch (message.ReportLevel)
                                case Development.SDK.Module.Enums.ReportLevel.Debug:
                                    _logger?.Debug(message.LanguageCode, message.DefaultText, message.Arguments);

                                case Development.SDK.Module.Enums.ReportLevel.Message:
                                    _logger?.Message(message.LanguageCode, message.DefaultText, message.Arguments);

                                case Development.SDK.Module.Enums.ReportLevel.Warning:
                                    _logger?.Warning(message.LanguageCode, message.DefaultText, message.Arguments);

                                case Development.SDK.Module.Enums.ReportLevel.Error:
                                    _logger?.Error(message.LanguageCode, message.DefaultText, message.Arguments);

            // Set exit port
            step.ExitPort = "output";
