Пример #1
        /*In a real project, something like this would be handled by communication to a database, whether
         * that be through Entities or a custom data class.*/
        public static List <AnimalAbs> LoadDemoData()
            List <AnimalAbs> lDemoData = new List <AnimalAbs>();

            Data.CreateAnimals ca = new Data.CreateAnimals();

            AnimalAbs rooster = ca.GetNewChickenRooster();

            rooster.Name = "Hansel";

            AnimalAbs hen = ca.GetNewChickenHen();

            hen.Name = "Gretel";

            //Cats - Cats get a factory for versioning demonstration. See CatFactory.cs for explanation/details.
            Data.CatFactory cf = new Data.CatFactory();

            AnimalAbs tabby1 = cf.CreateCat(1, "Panda", Enums.Gender.Female);


            AnimalAbs tabby2 = cf.CreateCat(2, "Derek", Enums.Gender.Male);


            AnimalAbs tabby3 = cf.CreateCat(0, "Cheddar", Enums.Gender.Male);


            #region Code used before newer TabbyUpd class was created

            //AnimalAbs tabby1 = ca.MockExistingTabby(1, "Panda", Enums.Gender.Female);

            //AnimalAbs tabby2 = ca.MockExistingTabby(2, "Derek", Enums.Gender.Male);

            //AnimalAbs tabby3 = ca.GetNewTabby();
            //tabby3.Name = "Cheddar";
            //tabby3.Gender = Enums.Gender.Male;


            AnimalAbs germanShepherd = ca.GetNewGermanShepherd();
            germanShepherd.Name         = "Zippy";
            germanShepherd.Gender       = Enums.Gender.Male;
            germanShepherd.NumberOfLegs = 3; //Accident prone

Пример #2
        //Brendon Morgan - 07/31/2018

        /*The purpose of this is to demonstrate the capabilities of Dependency Injection.
         * Animals were used as classes because they had enough in common to create an Abstract.
         * This process will work largely the same with an Interface, but an Abstract has more
         * functionality for this purpose.
         * Theoretically the Birds, Cats, and Dogs projects can all have very different references. By
         * referencing them through their Abstract instead of directly, the Project using them does not
         * need to have references for the entire collective, and those references will instead be
         * loaded only as needed.
         * An added benefit of this programming style is the ability to create new versions of
         * these classes, and because a large majority of the program will actually be referencing
         * them through their Abstract, it reduces the number of places your code must be changed to
         * implement the new versions of the classes.*/

        public static void Main(string[] args)
                List <AnimalAbs>   lAnimals;
                Data.CreateAnimals ca = new Data.CreateAnimals();

                lAnimals = LoadDemoData();

                foreach (AnimalAbs an in lAnimals)
                    Console.WriteLine(an.Name + " | Number of Legs: " + an.NumberOfLegs.ToString() + " | " + an.Speak());

            catch (Exception ex)