Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bars"></param>
        /// <param name="open"></param>
        /// <param name="high"></param>
        /// <param name="low"></param>
        /// <param name="close"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="volume"></param>
        /// <param name="isRealtime"></param>
        public override void Add(Data.Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, int volume, bool isRealtime)
            if (bars.Count == 0)
                AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume);
                UpdateBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume);
                Data.Bar bar = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);

                double tall  = 1 + ((bar.High - bar.Low) / bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize);
                double denom = tall;
                if (tall > 10)
                    denom -= ((tall - 10) / 2.0);
                if (tall > 20)
                    denom -= ((tall - 20) / 3.0);

                if ((bar.Volume / denom) >= ((double)(bars.Period.Value)))
                    AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, time, 0);
        public override void Add(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime)
            //### First Bar
            if ((bars.Count == 0) || bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime))
                tickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;

                trendOffset    = bars.Period.Value * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                reversalOffset = bars.Period.Value2 * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                //bars.Period.BasePeriodValue = bars.Period.Value;	//### Remove to customize OpenOffset
                openOffset = Math.Ceiling((double)bars.Period.BasePeriodValue * 1) * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;

                barOpen = close;
                barMax  = barOpen + (trendOffset * barDirection);
                barMin  = barOpen - (trendOffset * barDirection);

                AddBar(bars, barOpen, barOpen, barOpen, barOpen, time, volume, isRealtime);
            //### Subsequent Bars
                Data.Bar bar = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
                maxExceeded = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, barMax) > 0 ? true : false;
                minExceeded = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, barMin) < 0 ? true : false;

                //### Defined Range Exceeded?
                if (maxExceeded || minExceeded)
                    double thisClose = maxExceeded ? Math.Min(close, barMax) : minExceeded?Math.Max(close, barMin) : close;

                    barDirection = maxExceeded ? 1 : minExceeded ? -1 : 0;
                    fakeOpen     = thisClose - (openOffset * barDirection);     //### Fake Open is halfway down the bar

                    //### Close Current Bar
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, (maxExceeded ? thisClose : bar.High), (minExceeded ? thisClose : bar.Low), thisClose, time, volume, isRealtime);

                    //### Add New Bar
                    barOpen = close;
                    barMax  = thisClose + ((barDirection > 0 ? trendOffset : reversalOffset));
                    barMin  = thisClose - ((barDirection > 0 ? reversalOffset : trendOffset));

                    AddBar(bars, fakeOpen, (maxExceeded ? thisClose : fakeOpen), (minExceeded ? thisClose : fakeOpen), thisClose, time, volume, isRealtime);
                //### Current Bar Still Developing
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, (close > bar.High ? close : bar.High), (close < bar.Low ? close : bar.Low), close, time, volume, isRealtime);

            bars.LastPrice = close;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bars"></param>
        /// <param name="open"></param>
        /// <param name="high"></param>
        /// <param name="low"></param>
        /// <param name="close"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="volume"></param>
        /// <param name="isRealtime"></param>
        public override void Add(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime)
            if ((curdat == null) || (time < curdat.dt))
                curdat   = null;
                tickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
            if (bars.Count == 0)
                AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                RWTAddExtDat(time, close, volume);
                Data.Bar bar = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
                if (curdat == null)
                    RWTAddExtDat(time, close, 0);
                curdat.dt = time;
                if (upbar && ((curdat.dHigh - curdat.dClose) >= bars.Period.Value))
                    AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                    RWTAddExtDat(time, close, volume);
                    upbar = false;
                else if (!upbar && ((curdat.dClose - curdat.dLow) >= bars.Period.Value))
                    AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                    RWTAddExtDat(time, close, volume);
                    upbar = true;
                    UpdateBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume, isRealtime); // regular update...
                    RWTUpdateCurdat(close, volume);
            bars.LastPrice = close;

            // update the extended data...
            prevClose = close;
Пример #4
        public override void Add(Data.Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, int volume, bool isRealtime)
            double brickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(bars.Period.Value * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize);              // #ticks per brick * tickSize

            // starting new bar at session boundary makes sure you have the same bars
            // reguadless of the first date that is loaded in the chart, feel free to remove
                        #if NT7
            if ((bars.Count == 0) || bars.IsNewSession(time))
            if (bars.Count == 0)
                                #if NT7
                AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, time, volume);
                barState = State.BarAccumulating;
                double mod = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Round2TickSize(close % brickSize);
                double mid = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(mod, brickSize) == 0 ? close : close - mod;
                renkoHigh = mid + brickSize;
                renkoLow  = mid - brickSize;
                if (barState == State.BarComplete)
                    // this tick creates a new bar
                                        #if NT7
                    AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                    AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, time, volume);
                    if (RangeExceeded(bars, close))
                        MoveLimits(bars, close, brickSize);
                    if (RangeExceeded(bars, close))
                                                #if NT7
                        AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                        AddBar(bars, close, close, close, close, time, volume);
                        MoveLimits(bars, close, brickSize);
                        Data.Bar bar = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
                                                #if NT7
                        UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, (close > bar.High ? close : bar.High), (close < bar.Low ? close : bar.Low), close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                        UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, (close > bar.High ? close : bar.High), (close < bar.Low ? close : bar.Low), close, time, volume);
                CheckBarComplete(bars, close, brickSize);
                        #if NT7
            bars.LastPrice = close;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bars"></param>
        /// <param name="open"></param>
        /// <param name="high"></param>
        /// <param name="low"></param>
        /// <param name="close"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="volume"></param>
        /// <param name="isRealtime"></param>
        public override void Add(Data.Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime)
            if ((curdat == null) || (time < curdat.dt))
                curdat   = null;
                tickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
            if (bars.Count == 0 || bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime))
                AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                lastBarTime = time;
                RWTAddExtDat(time, close, volume);
                Data.Bar bar = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
                //double    tickSize  = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                double rangeValue = Math.Floor(10000000.0 * (double)bars.Period.Value * tickSize) / 10000000.0;
                if (curdat == null)
                    RWTAddExtDat(time, close, 0);
                curdat.dt = time;

                if ((bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, bar.Low + rangeValue) > 0) &&
                    (lastBarUP || ((time.Ticks - lastBarTime.Ticks) > 10000000L)))
                    bool   isFirstNewBar = true;
                    double newClose      = bar.Low + rangeValue; // every bar closes either with high or low
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, newClose, bar.Low, newClose, time, 0, isRealtime);

                    // if still gap, fill with phantom bars
                    double newBarOpen = newClose + tickSize;
                    while (bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, newClose) > 0)
                        newClose = Math.Min(close, newBarOpen + rangeValue);
                        AddBar(bars, newBarOpen, newClose, newBarOpen, newClose, time, isFirstNewBar ? volume : 1, isRealtime);
                        RWTAddExtDat(time, newClose, (isFirstNewBar?volume:0));

                        newBarOpen    = newClose + tickSize;
                        isFirstNewBar = false;
                    prices[1]   = newClose;
                    lastMoveUp  = true;
                    lastBarUP   = true;
                    lastBarTime = time;
                else if ((bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(bar.High - rangeValue, close) > 0) &&
                         ((!lastBarUP) || ((time.Ticks - lastBarTime.Ticks) > 10000000L)))
                    bool   isFirstNewBar = true;
                    double newClose      = bar.High - rangeValue; // every bar closes either with high or low
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, bar.High, newClose, newClose, time, 0, isRealtime);

                    // if still gap, fill with phantom bars
                    double newBarOpen = newClose - tickSize;
                    while (bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(newClose, close) > 0)
                        newClose = Math.Max(close, newBarOpen - rangeValue);
                        AddBar(bars, newBarOpen, newBarOpen, newClose, newClose, time, isFirstNewBar ? volume : 1, isRealtime);
                        RWTAddExtDat(time, newClose, (isFirstNewBar?volume:0));

                        newBarOpen    = newClose - tickSize;
                        isFirstNewBar = false;
                    prices[0]   = newClose;
                    lastMoveUp  = false;
                    lastBarUP   = false;
                    lastBarTime = time;
                    UpdateBar(bars, open, (close > bar.High ? close : bar.High), (close < bar.Low ? close : bar.Low), close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                    RWTUpdateCurdat(close, volume);
            bars.LastPrice = close;

            // update the extended data...
            prevClose = close;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bars"></param>
        /// <param name="open"></param>
        /// <param name="high"></param>
        /// <param name="low"></param>
        /// <param name="close"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="volume"></param>
        /// <param name="isRealtime"></param>
        public override void Add(Data.Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime)
            if ((curdat == null) || (time < curdat.dt))
                curdat   = null;
                tickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                if (bars.Period.Value > 100)
                    tlb    = true;
                    period = bars.Period.Value - 100;
                    tlb    = false;
                    period = bars.Period.Value;
            if (bars.Count == 0 || bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime))
                AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                lastBarTime = time;
                RWTAddExtDat(time, close, volume);
                Data.Bar bar        = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
                double   rangeValue = Math.Floor(10000000.0 * period * tickSize) / 10000000.0;
                if (curdat == null)
                    RWTAddExtDat(time, close, 0);
                curdat.dt = time;

                double reverseRange = rangeValue * (tlb?3.0:1.0);

                if ((bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, bar.Open + (lastBarUP?rangeValue:reverseRange)) > 0) &&
                    (lastBarUP || ((time.Ticks - lastBarTime.Ticks) > 10000000L)))
                    bool   isFirstNewBar = true;
                    double newBarOpen    = bar.Open + (lastBarUP?rangeValue:reverseRange);
                    double newClose      = Math.Min(close, newBarOpen + rangeValue);
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, newBarOpen, bar.Low, newBarOpen, time, 0, isRealtime);

                        AddBar(bars, newBarOpen, newClose, newBarOpen, newClose, time, isFirstNewBar ? volume : 0, isRealtime);
                        RWTAddExtDat(time, newClose, (isFirstNewBar ? volume : 0));
                        if (bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, newClose) == 0)
                        newBarOpen    = newClose;
                        newClose      = Math.Min(close, newBarOpen + rangeValue);
                        isFirstNewBar = false;
                    }while (true);

                    prices[1]   = newClose;
                    lastMoveUp  = true;
                    lastBarUP   = true;
                    lastBarTime = time;
                if ((bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(bar.Open - (lastBarUP?reverseRange:rangeValue), close) > 0) &&
                    ((!lastBarUP) || ((time.Ticks - lastBarTime.Ticks) > 10000000L)))
                    bool   isFirstNewBar = true;
                    double newBarOpen    = bar.Open - (lastBarUP?reverseRange:rangeValue);
                    double newClose      = Math.Max(close, newBarOpen - rangeValue);
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, bar.High, newBarOpen, newBarOpen, time, 0, isRealtime);

                        AddBar(bars, newBarOpen, newBarOpen, newClose, newClose, time, isFirstNewBar ? volume : 0, isRealtime);
                        RWTAddExtDat(time, newClose, (isFirstNewBar ? volume : 0));
                        if (bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, newClose) == 0)
                        newBarOpen    = newClose;
                        newClose      = Math.Max(close, newBarOpen - rangeValue);
                        isFirstNewBar = false;
                    }while (true);

                    prices[0]   = newClose;
                    lastMoveUp  = false;
                    lastBarUP   = false;
                    lastBarTime = time;
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, Math.Max(bar.High, close), Math.Min(bar.Low, close), close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                    RWTUpdateCurdat(close, volume);
            bars.LastPrice = close;

            // update the extended data...
            prevClose = close;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bars"></param>
        /// <param name="open"></param>
        /// <param name="high"></param>
        /// <param name="low"></param>
        /// <param name="close"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        /// <param name="volume"></param>
        /// <param name="isRealtime"></param>
        public override void Add(Data.Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime)
            if (tickSize == 0)
                tickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                if (bars.Period.Value > 100)
                    tlb    = true;
                    period = bars.Period.Value - 100;
                    tlb    = false;
                    period = bars.Period.Value;
            if (bars.Count == 0 || bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime))
                AddBar(bars, open, high, low, close, time, volume, isRealtime);
                lastBarTime = time;
                Data.Bar bar        = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
                double   rangeValue = Math.Floor(10000000.0 * period * tickSize) / 10000000.0;

                double reverseRange = rangeValue * (tlb?3.0:1.0);

                if ((bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, bar.Open + (lastBarUP?rangeValue:reverseRange)) > 0) &&
                    (lastBarUP || ((time.Ticks - lastBarTime.Ticks) > 10000000L)))
                    bool   isFirstNewBar = true;
                    double newBarOpen    = bar.Open + (lastBarUP?rangeValue:reverseRange);
                    double newClose      = Math.Min(close, newBarOpen + rangeValue);
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, newBarOpen, bar.Low, newBarOpen, time, 0, isRealtime);
                        AddBar(bars, newBarOpen, newClose, newBarOpen, newClose, time, isFirstNewBar ? volume : 0, isRealtime);
                        if (bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, newClose) == 0)
                        newBarOpen    = newClose;
                        newClose      = Math.Min(close, newBarOpen + rangeValue);
                        isFirstNewBar = false;
                    }while (true);

                    lastBarUP   = true;
                    lastBarTime = time;
                if ((bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(bar.Open - (lastBarUP?reverseRange:rangeValue), close) > 0) &&
                    ((!lastBarUP) || ((time.Ticks - lastBarTime.Ticks) > 10000000L)))
                    bool   isFirstNewBar = true;
                    double newBarOpen    = bar.Open - (lastBarUP?reverseRange:rangeValue);
                    double newClose      = Math.Max(close, newBarOpen - rangeValue);
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, bar.High, newBarOpen, newBarOpen, time, 0, isRealtime);
                        AddBar(bars, newBarOpen, newBarOpen, newClose, newClose, time, isFirstNewBar ? volume : 0, isRealtime);
                        if (bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, newClose) == 0)
                        newBarOpen    = newClose;
                        newClose      = Math.Max(close, newBarOpen - rangeValue);
                        isFirstNewBar = false;
                    }while (true);

                    lastBarUP   = false;
                    lastBarTime = time;
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, Math.Max(bar.High, close), Math.Min(bar.Low, close), close, time, volume, isRealtime);
            bars.LastPrice = close;
Пример #8
        public override void Add(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime)
            //	******************* ADDED FROM RENKO CODE TO SOLVE MEMORY LEAK	****************************
            // brick size is the trendOffset (Value) + openOffset (BasePeriodValue)
            offset = (bars.Period.Value + bars.Period.BasePeriodValue) * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;

            if (bars.Count < tmpCount && bars.Count > 0)             // reset cache when bars are trimmed
                barMax = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1) + offset;
                barMin = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1) - offset;
            //	 ********************************************************************************************

            //### First Bar
            if ((bars.Count == 0) || bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime))
                tickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;

                //### Parse Long Param Specification
                if (bars.Period.Value >= 1000000)
                    int d; string str = bars.Period.Value.ToString("000000000");
                    d = 0; Int32.TryParse(str.Substring(0, 3), out d); bars.Period.Value = d;
                    d = 0; Int32.TryParse(str.Substring(3, 3), out d); bars.Period.Value2 = d;
                    d = 0; Int32.TryParse(str.Substring(6, 3), out d); bars.Period.BasePeriodValue = d;

                //****** ADDED FROM RENKO *****************************************************************
                if (bars.Count != 0)
                    // close out last bar in session and set open == close
                    Bar lastBar = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
                    bars.RemoveLastBar();                      // Note: bar is now just a local var and not in series!
                    AddBar(bars, lastBar.Close, lastBar.High, lastBar.Low, lastBar.Close, lastBar.Time, lastBar.Volume, isRealtime);


                trendOffset    = bars.Period.Value * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                reversalOffset = bars.Period.Value2 * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                //bars.Period.BasePeriodValue = bars.Period.Value;	//### Remove to customize OpenOffset
                openOffset = Math.Ceiling((double)bars.Period.BasePeriodValue * 1) * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;

                barOpen = close;
                barMax  = barOpen + (trendOffset * barDirection);
                barMin  = barOpen - (trendOffset * barDirection);

                AddBar(bars, barOpen, barOpen, barOpen, barOpen, time, volume, isRealtime);
            //### Subsequent Bars
                Data.Bar bar = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
                // *************ADDED FROM RENKO CODE (to deal with '0' values at Market Replay) ************
                if (barMax == 0 || barMin == 0)                  //Not sure why, but happens
                    // trendOffset was also '0', so need to reinitialize
                    trendOffset    = bars.Period.Value * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                    reversalOffset = bars.Period.Value2 * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                    openOffset     = Math.Ceiling((double)bars.Period.BasePeriodValue * 1) * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;

                    if (bars.Count == 1)
                        barMax = bar.Open + trendOffset;
                        barMin = bar.Open - trendOffset;
                    else if (bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) > bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 2))
                        barMax = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) + trendOffset;
                        barMin = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) - trendOffset * 2;
                        barMax = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) + trendOffset * 2;
                        barMin = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) - trendOffset;

                // ************************************************************************************************

                maxExceeded = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, barMax) > 0 ? true : false;
                minExceeded = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, barMin) < 0 ? true : false;

                //### Defined Range Exceeded?
                if (maxExceeded || minExceeded)
                    double thisClose = maxExceeded ? Math.Min(close, barMax) : minExceeded?Math.Max(close, barMin) : close;  // thisClose is the minimum of BarMax and close (maxExceeded)

                    barDirection = maxExceeded ? 1 : minExceeded ? -1 : 0;
                    fakeOpen     = thisClose - (openOffset * barDirection);     //### Fake Open is halfway down the bar

                    //### Close Current Bar
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, (maxExceeded ? thisClose : bar.High), (minExceeded ? thisClose : bar.Low), thisClose, time, volume, isRealtime);

                    //### Add New Bar
                    barOpen = close;
                    barMax  = thisClose + ((barDirection > 0 ? trendOffset : reversalOffset));
                    barMin  = thisClose - ((barDirection > 0 ? reversalOffset : trendOffset));

                    AddBar(bars, fakeOpen, (maxExceeded ? thisClose : fakeOpen), (minExceeded ? thisClose : fakeOpen), thisClose, time, volume, isRealtime);
                //### Current Bar Still Developing
                    UpdateBar(bars, bar.Open, (close > bar.High ? close : bar.High), (close < bar.Low ? close : bar.Low), close, time, volume, isRealtime);

            bars.LastPrice = close;

            tmpCount = bars.Count;                            // ADDED FROM RENKO CODE
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// add new tick data to bars
        /// </summary>
        public override void Add(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime)
            // create initial bar on first tick and handle NT7 session-break issue (note: removing IsNewSession() creates invalid bars; remove if preferred)
            if ((bars.Count == 0) || bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime))
                // update fields
                tickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
                rangeMax = AddTwoDoubles(bars, (double)Period.Value * tickSize, 0);
                rangeMin = AddTwoDoubles(bars, (double)Period.BasePeriodValue * tickSize, 0);

                /// swap min/max if entered incorrectly
                if (rangeMin > rangeMax)
                    double tmp = rangeMax;
                    rangeMax = rangeMin;
                    rangeMin = tmp;

                // set initial range, factoring dynamic
                thisRange = isDynamic ? rangeMin : rangeMax;
                AdjustMaxMin(bars, close, close);

                // add first bar
                AddBar(bars, thisOpen, thisOpen, thisOpen, thisOpen, time, volume, isRealtime);

            // continue all subsequent ticks/bars
                // local variables
                Data.Bar thisBar    = (Bar)bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
                int      maxCompare = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisMax);
                int      minCompare = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisMin);
                double   thisClose  = maxCompare > 0 ? Math.Min(close, thisMax) : minCompare < 0 ? Math.Max(close, thisMin) : close;

                // range exceeded; create new bar(s)
                if (maxCompare > 0 || minCompare < 0)
                    // local variables
                    bool newBar = true;

                    // update bias
                    prevBias = thisBias;
                    thisBias = close > thisBar.Open ? 1 : close < thisBar.Open ? -1 : 0;

                    // close current bar; volume included for on-touch only
                    // see this post for more info on volume calculation: http://www.ninjatrader.com/support/forum/showthread.php?p=302208#post302208
                    UpdateBar(bars, thisBar.Open, (maxCompare > 0 ? thisClose : thisBar.High), (minCompare < 0 ? thisClose : thisBar.Low), thisClose, time, 0, isRealtime);

                    // add next bar and loop phantom bars, if needed
                        // update thisRange for dynamic
                        if (isDynamic)
                            // increment range for same bias, if range has not exceeded max
                            if ((thisBias == prevBias || prevBias == 0) && thisRange < rangeMax)
                                thisRange = AddTwoDoubles(bars, thisRange, tickSize);

                            // increment range after trend change (will only fire once)
                            else if (thisBias != prevBias && prevBias != 0)
                                thisRange = AddTwoDoubles(bars, rangeMin, tickSize);

                            // ensure valid range
                            thisRange = Math.Min(thisRange, rangeMax);

                        // update fields
                        AdjustMaxMin(bars, thisClose, close);
                        thisClose = (maxCompare > 0) ? Math.Min(close, thisMax) : (minCompare < 0) ? Math.Max(close, thisMin) : close;

                        // add new bar; include volume once (except for on-touch), then create phantom bars
                        // see this post for more info on volume calculation: http://www.ninjatrader.com/support/forum/showthread.php?p=302208#post302208
                        AddBar(bars, thisOpen, (maxCompare > 0 ? thisClose : thisOpen), (minCompare < 0 ? thisClose : thisOpen), thisClose, time, (newBar ? volume : 0), isRealtime);
                        newBar = false;

                        // update fields
                        maxCompare = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisMax);
                        minCompare = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, thisMin);
                    }while (maxCompare > 0 || minCompare < 0);

                // range not exceeded; continue current bar
                    // update current bar
                    UpdateBar(bars, thisBar.Open, (close > thisBar.High ? close : thisBar.High), (close < thisBar.Low ? close : thisBar.Low), close, time, volume, isRealtime);

            // update last price
            bars.LastPrice = close;