public async Task <IActionResult> GetAllDashboardNotifications([FromBody] DashboardCriteria criteria)
         return(new OkObjectResult(await _dao.GetDashboardNotifications(criteria)));
     catch (Exception e)
         _logger.LogInformation($"Error getting all dashboard notifications. The error was: {e.Message}, stack trace was: {e.StackTrace}");
         return(BadRequest($"Error getting all dashboard notifications. The error was: {e.Message}"));
Пример #2
        public Task <List <DashboardNotification> > GetDashboardNotifications(DashboardCriteria criteria)
            List <DashboardNotification> notificationList = new List <DashboardNotification>();

            notificationList.Add(new DashboardNotification()
                NotificationID    = 1
                , IncidentID      = 1
                , IncidentType    = "Administrator"
                , Name            = "User Display Name"
                , MessageDateTime = ""
                , Message         = "Test Notification Message"
                , Address         = "Test Address"
Пример #3
        public List <SearchDashboard_Result> SearchDashboard(DashboardCriteria criteria, ref string strDivName, ref string strWorkHC, ref string strTotalHC, ref string strWorkPercent, ref int?iMaxColumn)
            using (TransactionEntities Context = new TransactionEntities())
                var opDivName     = new ObjectParameter("DivName", typeof(string));
                var opWorkHC      = new ObjectParameter("WorkHC", typeof(string));
                var opTotalHC     = new ObjectParameter("TotalHC", typeof(string));
                var opWorkPercent = new ObjectParameter("WorkPercent", typeof(string));
                var opMaxColumn   = new ObjectParameter("MaxColumn", typeof(int?));

                var result = Context.SearchDashboard(
                    divCode: criteria.DivCode
                    , deptCode: criteria.DeptCode
                    , secCode: criteria.SecCode
                    , userCode: criteria.UserCode
                    , divName: opDivName
                    , workHC: opWorkHC
                    , totalHC: opTotalHC
                    , workPercent: opWorkPercent
                    , maxColumn: opMaxColumn

                strDivName     = opDivName.Value == null || opDivName.Value == DBNull.Value ? null : (string)opDivName.Value;
                strWorkHC      = opWorkHC.Value == null || opWorkHC.Value == DBNull.Value ? null : (string)opWorkHC.Value;
                strTotalHC     = opTotalHC.Value == null || opTotalHC.Value == DBNull.Value ? null : (string)opTotalHC.Value;
                strWorkPercent = opWorkPercent.Value == null || opWorkPercent.Value == DBNull.Value ? null : (string)opWorkPercent.Value;
                iMaxColumn     = opMaxColumn.Value == null || opMaxColumn.Value == DBNull.Value ? null : (int?)opMaxColumn.Value;

                //if (criteria.UserSelectedDate.HasValue)
                //    return Context.Companies.Where(d => d.DeleteFlag == (criteria.DeleteFlag ?? d.DeleteFlag))
                //                            .Where(d => d.Status == criteria.Status || criteria.Status == null)
                //                            .Where(d => d.DeleteFlag == false || (d.DeleteFlag == true && d.UpdatedDate > criteria.UserSelectedDate))
                //                            .ToList();
                //    return Context.Companies.Where(d => d.DeleteFlag == (criteria.DeleteFlag ?? d.DeleteFlag)).Where(d => d.Status == criteria.Status || criteria.Status == null).ToList();
        public MvcHtmlString CallDisplay(string id)
            string urlB    = this.Url.Action("Index", "SearchDashboard", null);
            string divLink = @"<div>Session Expire </div>
                               <a href=""/Home"" ><span> Back </span></a> ";

            keyDetail = id;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyDetail))
                return(new MvcHtmlString(divLink));
            DailyAttendanceDashboardViewModel temp = (DailyAttendanceDashboardViewModel)Session[keyDetail];

            if (temp == null)
                return(new MvcHtmlString(divLink));

            //Get Data
            DashboardCriteria cri = new DashboardCriteria
                DivCode    = temp.Division
                , DeptCode = temp.Department
                , SecCode  = temp.Section
                , UserCode = UserDetail.UserID

            int?   MaxColumn      = 4;
            string strDivHeader   = "";
            string strDateTimeNow = String.Format("{0:dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm}", DateTime.Now);
            string strWorkHC      = "-";
            string strTotalHC     = "-";
            string strWorkPercent = "-";

            List <SearchDashboard_Result> rowData = TransactionService.SearchDashboard(cri, ref strDivHeader, ref strWorkHC, ref strTotalHC, ref strWorkPercent, ref MaxColumn);

            string tableMain = string.Empty;
            int    rowCount  = rowData.Count;

            //table "Main"
            tableMain = @"<div class=""col-md-12 Table_Main"">";

            // table Division Header (Row of Division Name, CurrentDatetime, TotalHC, TotalPercent)
            tableMain += @"
                                <div class=""row Fix_Font Header_Row"">
                                        <span class=""Header_Name"">" + strDivHeader + @"</span>
                                        <span class=""Clock_Total"">
                                            <span class=""Clock"">" + strDateTimeNow + @"</span>
                                            <span class=""Header_Total"">
                                                <span class=""Header_Total_Label"">จำนวน</span>							
                                                <span class=""Header_Total"">" + strWorkHC + " / " + strTotalHC + @"</span>							
                                                <span class=""Header_Total_Label"">คน</span>
                                                <span class=""Header_Total""> ( " + strWorkPercent + @"% )</span>

            // table Detail all level
            if (rowCount > 0)
                //Prepare Image of status and default EmpImage
                string imgPath         = Server.MapPath(@"\Content\images\");
                string defaultEmpPath  = imgPath + "Default_Emp.png";
                string defaultEmpImage = "";
                    Byte[] bytes        = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(defaultEmpPath);
                    string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                    defaultEmpImage = "data:image/png;base64," + base64String;
                catch (Exception)
                    defaultEmpImage = "";

                int i = 0;
                while (i < rowCount)
                    if (i == 0 || rowData[i].SecCode != rowData[i - 1].SecCode) //รอบแรก หรือ Change Org
                        if (i > 0)                                              //ปิด Tag กรณีไม่ใช่รอบแรก
                            //Modify 9/Jul/2018 Change to do not fix 4 column in 1 row
                            //if (rowData[i - 1].EmpColumn < MaxColumn)				//เติม cell ให้เต็ม 4 คน (4 div)
                            //    int c = rowData[i - 1].EmpColumn.Value + 1;
                            //    while (c <= MaxColumn)
                            //    {
                            //        tableMain += @"<div class=""col-md-3""></div>";
                            //        c++;
                            //    }
                            //    tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag </div Class=Row>  ปิด row ของ Emp
                            tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag </div Class=Row>  ปิด row ของ Emp ( 1 row : 1 Section)
                            //End Modify 9/Jul/2018

                            if (rowData[i - 1].OrgLevel.Equals("SEC"))
                                tableMain += @"</div>"; // Write tag  </ DIV Sec ID = "{Row[@i-1].SecCode}" > Hide ทั้ง Section

                        if (i == 0 || rowData[i].DeptCode != rowData[i - 1].DeptCode) ////รอบแรก หรือ เปลี่ยน Dept >> Create Table Dept
                            ////ปิด Row Dept/Div เก่า
                            if (i > 0)
                                tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag </Div Dept > สำหรับ Hide ทั้ง Dept / Div
                                tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag  </Div Class=Col-12>  สำหรับ Dept/Div ที่มี border
                            //เปิด Row Dept/Div ใหม่
                            string hName = rowData[i].OrgLevel.Equals("DEPT0") ? rowData[i].DivName : rowData[i].DeptName;
                            tableMain += @"<div class=""row dx-field Dept_Row"">
                                            <div class=""col-md-12 Dept_Table"">
                                                <div class=""row dx-field Dept_Header_Row Fix_Font"">
                                                     <div class=""col-md-12 text-left Dept_Header_Col_Left"">
                                                        <input type=""button"" id= ""button-" + rowData[i].DeptCode + @""" class = ""PanelToggleUp Dept_Toggle""/>
                                                        <span class=""Dept_Label_Header_Left"">" + hName + @"</span>
                                                        <span class=""Dept_Label""> จำนวน </span>
                                                        <span class=""Dept_Total"">&nbsp;&nbsp;" + rowData[i].TotalByDept + @"&nbsp;&nbsp;</span >
                                                        <span class=""Dept_Label"">คน&nbsp;</span >
                                                        <span class=""Dept_Percent"">(&nbsp;" + rowData[i].PercentByDept + @"% ) </span >
                                                        <span class=""Dept_Label_Header_Right"">
                                                            <span class=""Dept_Label"" > มา </Span>							
                                                            <span class=""Dept_Come"">&nbsp;&nbsp;" + rowData[i].HCByDept + @"&nbsp;&nbsp;</span >
                                                            <span class=""Dept_Label"" > ลา </span >
                                                            <span class=""Dept_Leave"">&nbsp;&nbsp;" + rowData[i].LeaveByDept + @"&nbsp;&nbsp;</span >
                                                        </span >
                                                <div id=""toggle-div-" + rowData[i].DeptCode + @""">

                        if (rowData[i].OrgLevel.Equals("SEC") && (i == 0 || rowData[i].SecCode != rowData[i - 1].SecCode))    //Level="SEC" และ (เปลี่ยน Section หรือรอบแรก)
                            //ใส่ Sec Header
                            tableMain += @"<div class=""row dx-field Sec_Header_Row Fix_Font"">
                                                <div class=""col-md-12 Sec_Header_Col"">
                                                    <input type=""button"" id= ""button-" + rowData[i].SecCode + @""" class = ""PanelToggleUp Sec_Toggle""/>
                                                    <span class=""Sec_Label_Header"">" + rowData[i].SecName + @"</span> 
                                                    <span class=""Sec_Label_Total""> (&nbsp;" + rowData[i].HCBySec + @"&nbsp;/&nbsp;" + rowData[i].TotalBySec + @"&nbsp;)</span>
                            //Write tag  <DIV Sec ID = "{Row[@i].SecCode}" > Hide ทั้ง Section
                            tableMain += @"<div id=""toggle-div-" + rowData[i].SecCode + @""">";

                        tableMain += @"<div class=""row dx-field Emp_Row Fix_Font"">";
                    }//change Org
                     //Comment 9/Jul/2018 Change to do not fix 4 column in 1 row so no need to gen. column
                     //    //กรณีเปลี่ยนการเรียงเป็นจากบนลงล่างแล้วค่อยซ้ายไปขวา column จะไม่ครบ 4 จะต้องเพิ่มจนครบ 4 แล้วปิด row ก่อนเปิด row ใหม่
                     //    if ((rowData[i].EmpColumn == 1) && (rowData[i - 1].EmpColumn < MaxColumn))
                     //    {
                     //        int c = rowData[i - 1].EmpColumn.Value + 1;
                     //        while (c <= MaxColumn)
                     //        {
                     //            tableMain += @"<div class=""col-md-3""></div>";
                     //            c++;
                     //        }
                     //        tableMain += @"</div>";
                     //    }

                    //Comment 9/Jul/2018 Change to do not fix 4 column in 1 row but have 1 row : 1 Section
                    //if (rowData[i].EmpColumn == 1)
                    //    tableMain += @"<div class=""row dx-field Emp_Row Fix_Font"">";

                    string empImage = defaultEmpImage;
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(rowData[i].EmpImageFullPath))
                        Byte[] bytes        = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(rowData[i].EmpImageFullPath);
                        string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                        empImage = "data:image/png;base64," + base64String;

                    string statusImage = "";
                    string filePath    = imgPath + rowData[i].StatusImageFileName;
                    try {
                        Byte[] bytes        = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
                        string base64String = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                        statusImage = "data:image/png;base64," + base64String;
                    catch (Exception)
                        statusImage = "";

                    tableMain += @"
                                <div class=""col-md-3 Emp_Col Fix_Font"">
                                    <table class=""Emp_Table""><tr>
                                    <td class=""Emp_Img""><img src=""" + empImage + @""" width=""25"" height=""25""/></td>    
                                    <td class=""Emp_Name""><span class=""Emp_Name_Fix_Width"">" + rowData[i].EmpName + @"</span></td>
                                    <td class=""Emp_Status""><img class=""img-responsive"" src=""" + statusImage + @""" width=""20"" height=""20""/></td>
                                    <td class=""Emp_Reason"">" + rowData[i].Reason + @"</td>

                    //Comment 9/Jul/2018 Change to do not fix 4 column in 1 row but have 1 row : 1 Section
                    //if (rowData[i].EmpColumn == MaxColumn)
                    //    tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag </Div Class=Row > สำหรับ Emp คนสุดท้ายของ row ต้องปิด row ด้วย

                }//end While

                i = i - 1;
                //Modify 9/Jul/2018 Change to do not fix 4 column in 1 row but have 1 row : 1 Section
                //if (rowData[i].EmpColumn < MaxColumn)               //เติม cell ให้เต็ม 4 คน (16 column)
                //    int c = rowData[i].EmpColumn.Value + 1;
                //    while (c <= MaxColumn)
                //    {
                //        tableMain += @"<div class=""col-md-3""></div>";
                //        c++;
                //    }
                //    tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag </Div Class=Row >  ปิด row ของ Emp
                tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag </Div Class=Row >  ปิด row ของ Emp ( 1 row : 1 Section)
                //End Modify

                if (rowData[i].OrgLevel.Equals("SEC"))
                    tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag </DIV Sec  ID = "{Row[@i].SecCode}">  Hide ทั้ง Section

                tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag </Div Dept>  สำหรับ Hide ทั้ง Dept/Div
                tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag </Div Class=Col-12>  สำหรับ Dept/Div
                tableMain += @"</div>"; //Write tag </Div Class=Row>  สำหรับ Dept/Div

            tableMain += @"</div>";
            return(new MvcHtmlString(tableMain));