public IActionResult OnPost(IFormFile uploadFile)
            DamasarenModel model = new DamasarenModel();

            if (uploadFile != null)
                Console.Write("FileName: {0}", uploadFile.FileName);          //Gets the file name from the Content-Disposition header.
                Console.Write("\nHeader: {0}", uploadFile.Headers);           //Gets the header dictionary of the uploaded file
                Console.Write("\nLength: {0}", uploadFile.Length);            //Gets the file length in bytes.
                Console.Write("\nName: {0}", uploadFile.Name);                //Gets the form field name from the Content-Disposition header.
                Console.Write("\nContent-type: {0}", uploadFile.ContentType); //Gets the raw Content-Type header of the uploaded file.
                // full path to file in temp location
                var uploadfilePath = Path.GetTempPath() + uploadFile.FileName;

                using (var stream = new FileStream(uploadfilePath, FileMode.Create))

                Anaryze an = new Anaryze();
                Task <String> task = an.TranslationWithFileAsync(uploadfilePath);
                model.resultMessage = task.Result;

                Task <Document> result = an.Translate(task.Result);
                Document        d      = result.Result;
                // model.keyPhrases = d.documents[0].keyPhrases;

                List <DangerData> danger = an.JudgeData(d.documents[0].keyPhrases);
                model.keyPhrases = danger;

                int dangercount = danger.Count(x => x.dangerRitsu >= 80);
                if (dangercount > 3)
                    model.displaykbn = 3;//警告
                else if (dangercount > 1)
                    model.displaykbn = 2;//注意
                    model.displaykbn = 1;//安全

            return(View("Index", model));
        public IActionResult Index()
            DamasarenModel model = new DamasarenModel();
