Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// MUST review 11/7/16
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i"></param>
        /// <param name="company"></param>
        public static Installation PopulateInstalationObjFromDB(ref Installation i, int?companyID, string iSumXMLfileName)
            try {
                if (i == null)
                    i = new Installation();
                    i.Timestamp = Utils.GetDatetimeNOW();

                //------  company  ---------
                //get company dataTable
                var company = CompanyBLL.GetCompanyByID(companyID); //.GetAllCompanies();??

                if (company.Count > 0)                              //==1
                //get ----summary installation xml-----
                    XmlDocument iXmlDoc = CompanyBLL.GetInstallSummanyXMLDoc(companyID, iSumXMLfileName);

                    //get ----company contact Details ----- dataTable
                    int coContactDetID = company.Rows[0].Field <int>(8);
                    var coContactDet   = ContactDetailsBLL.GetContactDetailByID(coContactDetID);
                    //populate an instance of contactDetBLL
                    var _with11 = coContactDet.Rows[0];
                    ContactDetailsBLL coContactBLL = new ContactDetailsBLL(_with11.Field <string>(1), _with11.Field <string>(3), _with11.Field <string>(2), _with11.Field <string>(4), _with11.Field <string>(5), _with11.Field <string>(6), _with11.Field <string>(7));
                    coContactBLL.ID = _with11.Field <int>(0);

                    //polulate an instance of companyBLL
                    var        _with1 = company.Rows[0];
                    CompanyBLL coBLL  = new CompanyBLL(_with1.Field <string>(1), _with1.Field <string>(2), _with1.Field <int?>(3), _with1.Field <string>(4), _with1.Field <DateTime?>(5), _with1.Field <string>(6), _with1.Field <bool?>(9), _with1.Field <string>(10));
                    coBLL.ID = _with1.Field <int>(0);//same as companyID
                    //add contact details to coBLL
                    coBLL.businessAddress = coContactBLL;
                    //------- SAVE  INSTALLATION XML SUMMARY TO SESSION  ------------
                    i.Company.iSummaryXML = iXmlDoc;
                    //foreign keys
                    int clientID = _with1.Field <int>(7);

                    //------  Client  ---------
                    //get client dataTable
                    var client = ClientBLL.GetClientByID(clientID);//GetAllClients();

                    //get ---- client contact ------dataTable
                    int cltContactDetID = client.Rows[0].Field <int>(4);
                    var cltContactDet   = ContactDetailsBLL.GetContactDetailByID(cltContactDetID);
                    //populate an instance of contactDetBLL
                    var _with21 = cltContactDet.Rows[0];
                    ContactDetailsBLL clientContactBLL = new ContactDetailsBLL(_with21.Field <string>(1), _with21.Field <string>(3), _with21.Field <string>(2), _with21.Field <string>(4), _with21.Field <string>(5), _with21.Field <string>(6), _with21.Field <string>(7));
                    clientContactBLL.ID = _with21.Field <int>(0);

                    //Populate clientBLL
                    var       _with2    = client.Rows[0];
                    ClientBLL clientBLL = new ClientBLL(_with2.Field <string>(1), _with2.Field <string>(2), _with2.Field <string>(3), clientContactBLL, _with2.Field <Guid>(9));
                    clientBLL.ID = _with2.Field <int>(0);

                    //add client to company
                    coBLL.mainClientContact = clientBLL;

                    //add to installation
                    i.Company = coBLL;
                    //----------------------------------------------end of company---------------------------------------------------------------------

                    //------------  Employees  --------------
                    List <int> thisCoEmployees = AppSettings.GetIDsList(iSumXmlDoc: iXmlDoc, perform: AppSettings.iEmpID);
                    //loop through all employees registered to this company
                    foreach (int staffID in thisCoEmployees)
                        //get employee dataTable
                        var employees = EmployeeBLL.GetEmployeeByID(staffID);
                        // Loop through all employees
                        foreach (DataRow employee in employees.Rows)
                            //get ---- employee agenda ------dataTable
                            short staffAgendaID = employee.Field <short>(8);
                            var   staffAgenda   = AgendaBLL.GetAgendaByID(staffAgendaID);
                            //populate an instance of agendaBLL
                            var _with41 = staffAgenda.Rows[0];
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("staffAgendaID from employee Table is: " + staffAgendaID.ToString() + "staffAgendaID from AGENDA Table is: " + _with41.Field<short>(0).ToString());
                            AgendaBLL staffAgendaBLL = new AgendaBLL(staffAgendaID, _with41.Field <bool?>(1), _with41.Field <bool?>(2));
                            staffAgendaBLL.ID = _with41.Field <short>(0);

                            //get ---- employee contact ------dataTable
                            int staffContDetID = employee.Field <int>(4);
                            var staffContDet   = ContactDetailsBLL.GetContactDetailByID(staffContDetID);
                            //populate an instance of contactDetBLL
                            var _with31 = cltContactDet.Rows[0];
                            ContactDetailsBLL staffContactBLL = new ContactDetailsBLL(_with31.Field <string>(1), _with31.Field <string>(3), _with31.Field <string>(2), _with31.Field <string>(4), _with31.Field <string>(5), _with31.Field <string>(6), _with31.Field <string>(7));
                            staffContactBLL.ID = _with31.Field <int>(0);

                            //Populate staffBLL
                            var         _with3   = employee;
                            EmployeeBLL staffBLL = new EmployeeBLL(_with3.Field <string>(1), _with3.Field <string>(2), _with3.Field <string>(3), staffContactBLL, _with3.Field <string>(6), _with3.Field <string>(7), staffAgendaBLL, _with3.Field <Guid>(9));
                            staffBLL.ID = _with3.Field <int>(0);
                            //add contact detail & agenda to staff
                            // staffBLL.contactDetail = staffContactBLL;//already added on constructor
                            staffBLL.agenda = staffAgendaBLL;

                            //get ---- DailyShedules foreach  agenda ------dataTable
                            var        curStaffCalendar = staffBLL.agenda.staffCalendar;
                            List <int> bookingTimes     = new List <int>();
                            //get data stored on db
                            var staffAgendaDailyShedules = DailySchedule.GetDailySchedulesByAgendaID(staffAgendaID);
                            // Loop through each dailySchedule on staff's agenda
                            foreach (DataRow dailySchedule in staffAgendaDailyShedules.Rows)
                                //create a new DayScheduleBLL
                                DaySchedule daySchedBLL = new DaySchedule();
                                DateTime    date        = dailySchedule.Field <DateTime>(2);
                                XDocument   xDoc        = XDocument.Parse(dailySchedule.Field <System.String>(3));

                                //loopthrough db xml and get a list of "busy times"
                                bookingTimes = DayScheduleXML.GetTimesFromDayScheduleXML(xDoc);

                                //add appts to daySchedBLL
                                foreach (int time in bookingTimes)
                                    //add appts to daySchedBLL
                                    bool added = AgendaBLL.AddBooking(ref curStaffCalendar, date, time);
                                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("ADDED?\t " + added.ToString());
                                } //
                            }     //end loop daySchedule

                            //add employee to installation
                        } //// endLoop emploee dataTable
                    }     // endLoop through all employees
                     //----------------------------------------------end of employees---------------------------------------------------------------------

                    //------------  services  --------------
                    List <int> thisCoServices = AppSettings.GetIDsList(iSumXmlDoc: iXmlDoc, perform: AppSettings.iServID);
                    //loop through all employees registered to this company
                    foreach (int serviceID in thisCoServices)
                        //get services dataTable
                        var services = ServicesBLL.GetServiceByID(serviceID);
                        // Loop through all services
                        foreach (DataRow service in services.Rows)
                            //Populate serviceBLL
                            var         _with4     = service;
                            ServicesBLL serviceBLL = new ServicesBLL(_with4.Field <string>(1), _with4.Field <bool?>(2), _with4.Field <bool?>(3), _with4.Field <string>(4), _with4.Field <byte?>(5), _with4.Field <string>(6), _with4.Field <decimal?>(8));
                            serviceBLL.ID = _with4.Field <int>(0);

                            //add service to installation
                    //----------------------------------------------end of services---------------------------------------------------------------------

                    //------------  End-Users  --------------
                    List <int> thisCoEndUsers = AppSettings.GetIDsList(iSumXmlDoc: iXmlDoc, perform: AppSettings.iuserID);
                    //loop through all employees registered to this company
                    foreach (int endUserID in thisCoEndUsers)
                        //get staff dataTable
                        var endUsers = EndUserBLL.GetEndUserByID(endUserID);
                        // Loop through all endUsers
                        foreach (DataRow endUser in endUsers.Rows)
                            //get ---- endUser contact ------dataTable
                            int endUserContDetID = endUser.Field <int>(4);
                            var endUserContDet   = ContactDetailsBLL.GetContactDetailByID(endUserContDetID);
                            //populate an instance of contactDetBLL
                            var _with51 = cltContactDet.Rows[0];
                            ContactDetailsBLL endUserContactBLL = new ContactDetailsBLL(_with51.Field <string>(1), _with51.Field <string>(3), _with51.Field <string>(2), _with51.Field <string>(4), _with51.Field <string>(5), _with51.Field <string>(6), _with51.Field <string>(7));
                            endUserContactBLL.ID = _with51.Field <int>(0);

                            //Populate endUserBLL
                            var        _with5     = endUser;
                            EndUserBLL endUserBLL = new EndUserBLL(_with5.Field <string>(1), _with5.Field <string>(2), _with5.Field <string>(3), endUserContactBLL, _with5.Field <Guid>(9));
                            endUserBLL.ID = _with5.Field <int>(0);

                            //add service to installation
                    //----------------------------------------------end of End-Users---------------------------------------------------------------------

                    //------------  Appointments  --------------
                    List <int> thisCoAppts = AppSettings.GetIDsList(iSumXmlDoc: iXmlDoc, perform: AppSettings.iApptID);
                    //loop through all employees registered to this company
                    foreach (int apptID in thisCoAppts)
                        //get appts dataTable
                        var appts = ApptBLL.GetAppointmentByID(apptID);
                        // Loop through all appts
                        foreach (DataRow appt in appts.Rows)
                            //Populate apptBLL
                            var     _with6  = appt;
                            ApptBLL apptBLL = new ApptBLL(_with6.Field <DateTime>(1), _with6.Field <TimeSpan>(2), _with6.Field <int>(3), _with6.Field <int>(4), _with6.Field <string>(5), _with6.Field <string>(6));
                            apptBLL.ID = _with6.Field <int>(0);

                            //add appt to installation
                    //----------------------------------------------end of Appointments---------------------------------------------------------------------
            catch (Exception ex) {
                ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex);