Пример #1
        private static DacInfo ReadProperties(string dacName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dacName))

            lock (_dacMap.SyncRoot)
                var res = _dacMap[dacName] as DacInfo;
                if (res == null)
                    PXFieldState[] fieldStates = null;
                    var            dac         = BuildManager.GetType(dacName, false);
                    if (dac != null)
                        var graph = new PXGraph();
                        fieldStates = PXFieldState.GetFields(graph, new Type[] { dac }, false);
                    res = DacInfo.Create(dacName, fieldStates);
                    _dacMap.Add(dacName, res);
Пример #2
            public static DacInfo Create(string name, params PXFieldState[] fieldStates)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

                var properties = new List <FieldInfo>();

                if (fieldStates != null)
                    foreach (var state in fieldStates)
                        if (state.Visibility != PXUIVisibility.Invisible && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(state.DisplayName))
                            properties.Add(new FieldInfo(state.Name, state.DisplayName, state.DataType, state.ViewName));
                properties.Sort((info, fieldInfo) => StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(info.Name, fieldInfo.Name));

                var res = new DacInfo(name);

                foreach (FieldInfo field in properties)
                    res._map.Add(field.Name, field);

Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DacInfoAdapter" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="converter">The converter.</param>
 /// <param name="dacInfo">The dac information.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">dacInfo</exception>
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public DacInfoAdapter(IConverter converter, DacInfo dacInfo) : base(converter)
     DacInfo   = dacInfo ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dacInfo));
     FileName  = DacInfo.FileName;
     FileSize  = DacInfo.FileSize;
     ImageBase = DacInfo.ImageBase;
     IsManaged = DacInfo.IsManaged;
     IsRuntime = DacInfo.IsRuntime;
     TimeStamp = DacInfo.TimeStamp;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Prints out CLR Summary information
        /// </summary>
        public void ClrDacInfo()
            if (DataTargetInstance == null)
            // ClrMD DataTarget instance from dbgeng
            Console.WriteLine(">>> CLR Info");
            Console.WriteLine($"Architecture.: {DataTargetInstance.DataReader.Architecture}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Pointer Size.: {DataTargetInstance.DataReader.PointerSize}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Display Name.: {DataTargetInstance.DataReader.DisplayName}");

            foreach (ClrInfo clr in DataTargetInstance.ClrVersions)
                Console.WriteLine($"Clr Flavor...: {clr.Flavor}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Clr Version..: {clr.Version}");

                // This is the data needed to request the dac from the symbol server:
                DacInfo dacInfo = clr.DacInfo;
                Console.WriteLine("Filesize.....: {0:X}", dacInfo.IndexFileSize);
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp....: {0:X}", dacInfo.IndexTimeStamp);
                Console.WriteLine("Dac File.....: {0}", dacInfo.PlatformSpecificFileName);

                // If we just happen to have the correct dac file installed on the machine,
                // the "LocalMatchingDac" property will return its location on disk:
                string dacLocation = clr.DacInfo.LocalDacPath;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dacLocation))
                    Console.WriteLine("Local DAC....: " + dacLocation);

            #region >>> Sample output of above code
            //>>> CLR Info
            //Architecture.: Amd64
            //Pointer Size.: 8
            //Display Name.: DbgEng, IDebugClient = 1a4fe703148
            //  Clr Flavor...: Core
            //  Clr Version..: 4.700.20.20201
            //Filesize.....: 56C000
            //Timestamp....: 5E867108
            //Dac File.....: mscordaccore_Amd64_Amd64_4.700.20.20201.dll
            //Local DAC....: C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\3.1.4\mscordaccore.dll

Пример #5
        protected void CreateRuntime()
            //We will only be using the first CLRVerion we find. SxS is not something that we will be supporting right now.
            Version = Target.ClrVersions[0];
            DacInfo dac = Version.DacInfo;

            if (dac == null)
                PrintDebugMessage("Cannot obtain the dac from the dump. Consider getting the DAC from the machine where the dumps were collected.");
                throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Failed to get DAC.");

            Runtime = Version.CreateRuntime();
            if (Runtime == null)
                PrintDebugMessage("Creation of the runtime failed.");
                //TODO: Add a method to try an get the DAC from the user. This will need a new entry point. Likely override the constructor.
                throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Failed to create CLR runtime.");
        private DiagnosticAnalyzer(DataTarget dataTarget, bool cacheObjects)
            _dataTarget     = dataTarget;
            CacheAllObjects = cacheObjects;

            if (_dataTarget.ClrVersions.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("No compatible CLR has been found on this machine");

            if (_dataTarget.ClrVersions.Length > 1)
                Debug.WriteLine("Multiple compatible CLR have been found on this machine, picking the first of the following list");
                foreach (var version in _dataTarget.ClrVersions)
                    var dacFilename = version.DacInfo.PlatformSpecificFileName;
                    var moduleInfo  = version.ModuleInfo;
                    Debug.WriteLine("CLR Version: " + version.Version);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Filesize:  {0:X}", moduleInfo.IndexFileSize);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0:X}", moduleInfo.IndexTimeStamp);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Dac File:  {0}", dacFilename);

            _clrInfo = _dataTarget.ClrVersions[0];
            if (_clrInfo.DacInfo.LocalDacPath == null)
                throw new Exception($"The runtime used in the dump is {_clrInfo.DacInfo.Version} and cannot be found on this installation");

            _clrLocation = new FileInfo(_clrInfo.DacInfo.LocalDacPath);
            _clrRuntime  = _clrInfo.CreateRuntime();
            _dacInfo     = _clrInfo.DacInfo;

Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempts to locate a dac via the symbol server.  This function will then copy the file
 /// locally to the symbol cache and return the location of the local file on disk.  Note that
 /// the dac should not validate if the properties of the file match the one it was indexed under.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dac">The dac to locate.</param>
 /// <returns>A full path on disk (local) of where the binary was copied to, null if it was not found.</returns>
 public async Task <string> FindBinaryAsync(DacInfo dac)
     return(await FindBinaryAsync(dac, false));
Пример #8
 public string DownloadBinary(DacInfo dac)
     return(DownloadBinary(dac, false));
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Attempts to locate a dac via the symbol server.  This function will then copy the file
 /// locally to the symbol cache and return the location of the local file on disk.  Note that
 /// the dac should not validate if the properties of the file match the one it was indexed under.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dac">The dac to locate.</param>
 /// <returns>A full path on disk (local) of where the binary was copied to, null if it was not found.</returns>
 public string FindBinary(DacInfo dac)
     return(FindBinary(dac, false));
Пример #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            var crashDumpPath = "../../artefacts/core_20200503_003216";

            using (DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadDump(crashDumpPath))
                foreach (ClrInfo version in dataTarget.ClrVersions)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found CLR Version: " + version.Version);

                    // This is the data needed to request the dac from the symbol server:
                    DacInfo dacInfo = version.DacInfo;
                    Console.WriteLine("Filesize:  {0:X}", dacInfo.IndexFileSize);
                    Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0:X}", dacInfo.IndexTimeStamp);
                    Console.WriteLine("Dac File:  {0}", dacInfo.PlatformSpecificFileName);

                    // If we just happen to have the correct dac file installed on the machine,
                    // the "LocalMatchingDac" property will return its location on disk:
                    string dacLocation = version.DacInfo.LocalDacPath;;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dacLocation))
                        Console.WriteLine("Local dac location: " + dacLocation);

                    ClrInfo    runtimeInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; // just using the first runtime
                    ClrRuntime runtime     = runtimeInfo.CreateRuntime();

                    // You may also download the dac from the symbol server, which is covered
                    // in a later section of this tutorial.
                    foreach (ClrAppDomain domain in runtime.AppDomains)
                        Console.WriteLine("ID:      {0}", domain.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine("Name:    {0}", domain.Name);
                        Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", domain.Address);
                        foreach (ClrModule module in domain.Modules)
                            Console.WriteLine("Module: {0}", module.Name);
                        foreach (ClrThread thread in runtime.Threads)
                            if (!thread.IsAlive)

                            Console.WriteLine("Thread {0:X}:", thread.OSThreadId);

                            foreach (ClrStackFrame frame in thread.EnumerateStackTrace())
                                Console.WriteLine("Stack Name: " + frame.ToString());
                                Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,12:X} {2}", frame.StackPointer, frame.InstructionPointer, frame);


                            Console.WriteLine("{0,12} {1,12} {2,12} {3,12} {4,4} {5}", "Start", "End", "CommittedMemory", "ReservedMemory", "Heap", "Type");
                            foreach (ClrSegment segment in runtime.Heap.Segments)
                                string type;
                                if (segment.IsEphemeralSegment)
                                    type = "Ephemeral";
                                else if (segment.IsLargeObjectSegment)
                                    type = "Large";
                                    type = "Gen2";

                                Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,12:X} {2,12:X} {3,12:X} {4,4} {5}", segment.Start, segment.End, segment.CommittedMemory, segment.ReservedMemory, segment.LogicalHeap, type);

                            foreach (var item in (from seg in runtime.Heap.Segments
                                                  group seg by seg.LogicalHeap into g
                                                  orderby g.Key
                                                  select new
                                Heap = g.Key,
                                Size = g.Sum(p => (uint)p.Length)
                                Console.WriteLine("Heap {0,2}: {1:n0} bytes", item.Heap, item.Size);

                        foreach (var handle in runtime.EnumerateHandles())
                            string objectType = runtime.Heap.GetObjectType(handle.Object).Name;
                            Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,12:X} {2,12} {3}", handle.Address, handle.Object, handle.GetType(), objectType);

                        if (!runtime.Heap.CanWalkHeap)
                            Console.WriteLine("Cannot walk the heap!");
                            foreach (ClrSegment seg in runtime.Heap.Segments)
                                for (ulong obj = seg.FirstObjectAddress; obj != 0; obj = seg.GetNextObjectAddress(obj))
                                    ClrType type = runtime.Heap.GetObjectType(obj);

                                    // If heap corruption, continue past this object.
                                    if (type == null)

                                    int size = type.StaticSize;
                                    Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,8:n0} {2,1:n0} {3}", obj, size, seg.GetGeneration(obj), type.Name);
                        //  https://github.com/microsoft/clrmd/blob/master/doc/WalkingTheHeap.md#walking-objects-without-walking-the-segments
                        if (!runtime.Heap.CanWalkHeap)
                            Console.WriteLine("Cannot walk the heap!");
                            foreach (ulong obj in runtime.Heap.EnumerateObjects())
                                ClrType type = runtime.Heap.GetObjectType(obj);

                                // If heap corruption, continue past this object.
                                if (type == null)

                                int size = type.StaticSize;
                                Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,8:n0} {2,1:n0} {3}", obj, size, type.GCDesc, type.Name);