Пример #1
        public void DrawByLines(OpenGL gl)
            lock (locker)
                int n = (int)Math.Sqrt(vertices.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                        DVector4 p = vertices[i * n + j]._Point;
                        gl.Vertex(p.X, p.Y, p.Z);

                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                        DVector4 p = vertices[j * n + i]._Point;
                        gl.Vertex(p.X, p.Y, p.Z);
        public int Accept(DVector4 data, TType type, Title x)
            var v = data.Value;

            SetTitleValue(x, $"{v.X},{v.Y},{v.Z},{v.W}");
Пример #3
        public Vertex(DVector3 point)
            Polygon = new List <Polygon>();
            _Point  = new DVector4(point, 1.0);

            _Normal = DVector4.Zero;
 // деконструкция в отдельные переменные: var (x, y, z, w) = vector
 public static void Deconstruct(this DVector4 vector, out double x, out double y, out double z, out double w)
     x = vector.X;
     y = vector.Y;
     z = vector.Z;
     w = vector.W;
Пример #5
    private static DVector4 CrossProduct(DVector4 a, DVector4 b)
        double X = a.Y * b.Z - a.Z * b.Y;
        double Y = a.Z * b.X - a.X * b.Z;
        double Z = a.X * b.Y - a.Y * b.X;

        return(new DVector4(X, Y, Z, 0.0));
 // преобразование в DVector3 с делением на W, если это точка (т.е. W != 0)
 // или с простым отбрасыванием W, если это вектор (т.е. W == 0)
 public static DVector3 ToDVector3(this DVector4 vector)
     if (vector.W == 0)
         return(new DVector3(vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z));
     return(new DVector3(vector.X, vector.Y, vector.Z) / vector.W);
Пример #7
 // вершины по часовой стрелке
 public Polygon(DVector4 p1, DVector4 p2, DVector4 p3)
     P1     = p1;
     P2     = p2;
     P3     = p3;
     Normal = DVector3.CrossProduct(P3 - P1, P2 - P1)
Пример #8
 public void Accept(DVector4 type, Utf8JsonWriter x)
     x.WriteNumber("x", type.Value.X);
     x.WriteNumber("y", type.Value.Y);
     x.WriteNumber("z", type.Value.Z);
     x.WriteNumber("w", type.Value.W);
Пример #9
    protected void Prism()
        Vertecis = new Vertex[10];
        Polygons = new Polygon[7];

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
            double RotStep = 2.0 * Math.PI / 5.0;
            double x       = Math.Cos(i * RotStep);
            double y       = Math.Sin(i * RotStep);

            Vertecis[i]     = new Vertex(new DVector3(x, y, -0.5));
            Vertecis[i + 5] = new Vertex(new DVector3(x, y, 0.5));

        for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
            Polygons[i] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
                Vertecis[i - 1], Vertecis[i], Vertecis[i + 5], Vertecis[i - 1 + 5]
        Polygons[0] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[4], Vertecis[0], Vertecis[5], Vertecis[9]

        List <Vertex> lowerBase = new List <Vertex>(5);

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
        Polygons[5] = new Polygon(lowerBase);

        List <Vertex> upperBase = new List <Vertex>(5);

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
            upperBase.Add(Vertecis[i + 5]);
        Polygons[6] = new Polygon(upperBase);

        foreach (Vertex vert in Vertecis)
            DVector4 norm = DVector4.Zero;
            foreach (Polygon pol in vert.Polygon)
                norm += pol._Normal;
            vert._Normal = norm / vert.Polygon.Count;
Пример #10
    protected void Tetrahedron()
        Vertecis = new Vertex[4];
        Polygons = new Polygon[4];

        double sqrt3 = Math.Sqrt(3);
        double sqrt6 = Math.Sqrt(6);

        Vertecis[0] = new Vertex(new DVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        Vertecis[1] = new Vertex(new DVector3(0.5, sqrt3 / 2.0, 0.0));
        Vertecis[2] = new Vertex(new DVector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        Vertecis[3] = new Vertex(new DVector3(0.5, sqrt3 / 6.0, sqrt6 / 3.0));

        DVector4 center = Vertecis[0]._Point;

        for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
            center += Vertecis[i]._Point;

        center /= 4.0;

        foreach (Vertex v in Vertecis)
            v._Point -= center;

        Polygons[0] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[0], Vertecis[1], Vertecis[2]
        Polygons[1] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[0], Vertecis[2], Vertecis[3]
        Polygons[2] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[1], Vertecis[0], Vertecis[3]
        Polygons[3] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[2], Vertecis[1], Vertecis[3]

        foreach (Vertex vert in Vertecis)
            DVector4 norm = DVector4.Zero;
            foreach (Polygon pol in vert.Polygon)
                norm += pol._Normal;
            vert._Normal = norm / vert.Polygon.Count;
Пример #11
        public Polygon(List <Vertex> verts)
            Vertex   = verts;
            _Normal  = CrossProduct(verts[0]._Point - verts[1]._Point, verts[1]._Point - verts[2]._Point);
            _Normal /= _Normal.GetLength();

            foreach (Vertex v in verts)
Пример #12
 void DrawVertexNumbers(Polygon p, Graphics g, double Width, double Height)
     foreach (var v in p.Vertex)
         for (int i = 0; i < Vertecis.Length; ++i)
             if (DVector4.ApproxEqual(v.Point, Vertecis[i].Point))
                 g.DrawString(i.ToString(), new Font("Arial", 10f), Brushes.Black, (float)(v.Point.X + Width * 0.5 + ShiftX), (float)(v.Point.Y + Height * 0.5 - ShiftY));
Пример #13
    void DrawPolygonFixGaps2(Polygon p, Graphics g, double Width, double Height)
        DVector3 center = PolygonCenter(p);

        center.X += Width * 0.5;
        center.Y += Height * 0.5;

        int count = p.Vertex.Count;

        PointF[] pp = new PointF[count];

        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            DVector4 v = p.Vertex[i].Point;
            double   x = v.X + Width * 0.5 + ShiftX;
            double   y = v.Y + Height * 0.5 - ShiftY;

            float allowance = 0.0f;

            if (x > center.X)
                x = Math.Ceiling(x) + allowance;
            if (y > center.Y)
                y = Math.Ceiling(y) + allowance;
            if (x < center.X)
                x = Math.Floor(x) - allowance;
            if (y < center.Y)
                y = Math.Floor(y) - allowance;

            pp[i] = new PointF((float)x, (float)y);

        g.FillPolygon(Brushes.Red, pp);

        if (EnableWireframe)
            for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; ++i)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.White, pp[i], pp[i + 1]);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.White, pp[count - 1], pp[0]);
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs an ApiPoseData equivalent to a unity PoseData.
 /// </summary>
 public ApiPoseData(UnityTango.PoseData unityPoseData)
     // TODO (mtsmall): Tell unity version and accuracy should be uint.
     version     = (int)unityPoseData.version;
     timestamp   = unityPoseData.timestamp;
     orientation = new DVector4(unityPoseData.orientation_x, unityPoseData.orientation_y,
                                unityPoseData.orientation_z, unityPoseData.orientation_w);
     translation = new DVector3(unityPoseData.orientation_x, unityPoseData.orientation_y,
     statusCode = unityPoseData.statusCode.ToApiType();
     framePair  = new ApiCoordinateFramePair(unityPoseData.frame);
     confidence = (int)unityPoseData.confidence;
     accuracy   = unityPoseData.accuracy;
Пример #15
    protected void Cube()
        Vertecis = new Vertex[8];
        Polygons = new Polygon[6];

        Vertecis[0] = new Vertex(new DVector3(0.5, -0.5, -0.5));
        Vertecis[1] = new Vertex(new DVector3(0.5, 0.5, -0.5));
        Vertecis[2] = new Vertex(new DVector3(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5));
        Vertecis[3] = new Vertex(new DVector3(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5));
        Vertecis[4] = new Vertex(new DVector3(0.5, -0.5, 0.5));
        Vertecis[5] = new Vertex(new DVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
        Vertecis[6] = new Vertex(new DVector3(-0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
        Vertecis[7] = new Vertex(new DVector3(-0.5, -0.5, 0.5));

        Polygons[0] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[0], Vertecis[1], Vertecis[5], Vertecis[4]
        Polygons[1] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[1], Vertecis[2], Vertecis[6], Vertecis[5]
        Polygons[2] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[2], Vertecis[3], Vertecis[7], Vertecis[6]
        Polygons[3] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[3], Vertecis[0], Vertecis[4], Vertecis[7]
        Polygons[4] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[3], Vertecis[2], Vertecis[1], Vertecis[0]
        Polygons[5] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[4], Vertecis[5], Vertecis[6], Vertecis[7]

        foreach (Vertex vert in Vertecis)
            DVector4 norm = DVector4.Zero;
            foreach (Polygon pol in vert.Polygon)
                norm += pol._Normal;
            vert._Normal = norm / vert.Polygon.Count;
Пример #16
 public void DrawByQuads(OpenGL gl)
     lock (locker)
         foreach (Polygon pol in polygons)
             foreach (Vertex vert in pol.Vertex)
                 DVector4 point = vert._Point;
                 gl.Vertex(point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
Пример #17
    private void DrawAxis(Graphics g, DVector4 ox, DVector4 oy, DVector4 oz, DVector4 pos)
        Pen pr = new Pen(Color.Red, 2.0f);
        Pen pg = new Pen(Color.Green, 2.0f);
        Pen pb = new Pen(Color.Blue, 2.0f);

        // Ox
        g.DrawLine(pr, (float)(pos.X), (float)(pos.Y), (float)(pos.X + ox.X), (float)(pos.Y + ox.Y));
        // Oy
        g.DrawLine(pg, (float)(pos.X), (float)(pos.Y), (float)(pos.X + oy.X), (float)(pos.Y + oy.Y));
        // Oz
        g.DrawLine(pb, (float)(pos.X), (float)(pos.Y), (float)(pos.X + oz.X), (float)(pos.Y + oz.Y));

        g.DrawString("x", new Font("Arial", 10f), Brushes.Red, (float)(pos.X + ox.X + 3), (float)(pos.Y + ox.Y + 3));
        g.DrawString("y", new Font("Arial", 10f), Brushes.Green, (float)(pos.X + oy.X + 3), (float)(pos.Y + oy.Y + 3));
        g.DrawString("z", new Font("Arial", 10f), Brushes.Blue, (float)(pos.X + oz.X + 3), (float)(pos.Y + oz.Y + 3));
Пример #18
    protected void Tetrahedron()
        Vertecis = new Vertex[4];
        Polygons = new Polygon[4];

        double sqrt3 = Math.Sqrt(3);
        double sqrt6 = Math.Sqrt(6);

        Vertecis[0] = new Vertex(new DVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        Vertecis[1] = new Vertex(new DVector3(0.5, sqrt3 / 2.0, 0.0));
        Vertecis[2] = new Vertex(new DVector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        Vertecis[3] = new Vertex(new DVector3(0.5, sqrt3 / 6.0, sqrt6 / 3.0));

        DVector4 center = Vertecis[0]._Point;

        for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
            center += Vertecis[i]._Point;

        center /= 4.0;

        foreach (Vertex v in Vertecis)
            v._Point -= center;

        Polygons[0] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[0], Vertecis[1], Vertecis[2]
        Polygons[1] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[0], Vertecis[2], Vertecis[3]
        Polygons[2] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[1], Vertecis[0], Vertecis[3]
        Polygons[3] = new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
            Vertecis[2], Vertecis[1], Vertecis[3]
Пример #19
    /// <summary>
    /// Given a screen coordinate, finds a plane that most closely fits the
    /// depth values in that area.
    /// This function is slow, as it looks at every single point in the point
    /// cloud. Avoid calling this more than once a frame. This also assumes the
    /// Unity camera intrinsics match the device's color camera.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns><c>true</c>, if a plane was found; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
    /// <param name="cam">The Unity camera.</param>
    /// <param name="pos">The point in screen space to perform detection on.</param>
    /// <param name="planeCenter">Filled in with the center of the plane in Unity world space.</param>
    /// <param name="plane">Filled in with a model of the plane in Unity world space.</param>
    public bool FindPlane(Camera cam, Vector2 pos, out Vector3 planeCenter, out Plane plane)
        if (m_pointsCount == 0)
            // No points to check, maybe not connected to the service yet
            planeCenter = Vector3.zero;
            plane       = new Plane();

        Vector2 normalizedPos = cam.ScreenToViewportPoint(pos);

        // If the camera has a TangoARScreen attached, it is not displaying the entire color camera image.  Correct
        // the normalized coordinates by taking the clipping into account.
        TangoARScreen arScreen = cam.gameObject.GetComponent <TangoARScreen>();

        if (arScreen != null)
            normalizedPos = arScreen.ViewportPointToCameraImagePoint(normalizedPos);

        DVector4 planeModel = new DVector4();

        bool returnValue = TangoSupport.FitPlaneModelNearClick(
            out planeCenter,
            out planeModel);

        planeCenter = m_mostRecentUnityWorldTDepthCamera.MultiplyPoint3x4(planeCenter);
        Vector3 normal = new Vector3((float)planeModel.x,

        normal = m_mostRecentUnityWorldTDepthCamera.MultiplyVector(normal);
        float distance = (float)planeModel.w / normal.magnitude;

        plane = new Plane(normal, distance);

 public static void DrawLine(this BitmapSurface surface, int color, DVector4 p1, DVector4 p2)
     unchecked {
         DrawLine(surface, color, p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y);
 public DisplayNumericPropertyAttribute(DVector4 Default, double Increment, int Decimals, string Name, double Minimum = (double)long.MinValue, double Maximum = (double)long.MaxValue)
     : this(Default, Name, Increment, Minimum, Maximum, Decimals)
Пример #22
 public void Accept(DVector4 type, TType x, List <ResourceInfo> y)
Пример #23
 public bool Accept(DVector4 type)
     return(type.Value == Vector4.Zero);
Пример #24
 public void Accept(DVector4 type, RawTextTable x)
Пример #25
        public override string Accept(DVector4 type)
            var v = type.Value;

Пример #26
    private void InclinedCylinder()
        double step = 1.0 / ApproxLevel;

        int k = 2 + (ApproxLevel - 1) * 3;

        DVector2 slopeStep = Slope / ApproxLevel;
        double   s         = -0.5;

        List <Vertex> v = new List <Vertex>(k * ApproxLevel);

        for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j)
            for (int i = 0; i < ApproxLevel; ++i)
                double angle = 2.0 * Math.PI / ApproxLevel * i;
                double x     = Math.Cos(angle);
                double y     = Math.Sin(angle);

                if (j < ApproxLevel - 1)
                    double scale = step * (j + 1);
                    v.Add(new Vertex(new DVector3(x * scale + slopeStep.X * s, y * scale + slopeStep.Y * s, -0.5)));
                else if (j >= k - ApproxLevel + 1)
                    double scale = step * (k - j);
                    v.Add(new Vertex(new DVector3(x * scale + slopeStep.X * s, y * scale + slopeStep.Y * s, 0.5)));
                    v.Add(new Vertex(new DVector3(x + slopeStep.X * s, y + slopeStep.Y * s, step * (j - ApproxLevel + 1) - 0.5)));
                    s += 1.0 / ApproxLevel;

        List <Polygon> p = new List <Polygon>();

        for (int j = 0; j < k - 1; ++j)
            for (int i = 1; i < ApproxLevel; ++i)
                p.Add(new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
                    v[j * ApproxLevel + i - 1], v[j * ApproxLevel + i], v[j * ApproxLevel + i + ApproxLevel], v[j * ApproxLevel + i - 1 + ApproxLevel]
            p.Add(new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
                v[j * ApproxLevel + ApproxLevel - 1], v[j * ApproxLevel + 0], v[j * ApproxLevel + ApproxLevel], v[j * ApproxLevel + ApproxLevel + ApproxLevel - 1]

        List <Vertex> list = v.GetRange(0, ApproxLevel);

        p.Add(new Polygon(list));
        p.Add(new Polygon(v.GetRange(v.Count - ApproxLevel, ApproxLevel)));

        List <uint>     ind = new List <uint>();
        List <GLVertex> gv  = new List <GLVertex>(v.Capacity);

        foreach (Vertex vert in v)
            DVector4 norm = DVector4.Zero;
            foreach (Polygon pol in vert.Polygon)
                norm += pol._Normal;
            vert._Normal = norm / vert.Polygon.Count;
            gv.Add(new GLVertex((float)vert._Point.X, (float)vert._Point.Y, (float)vert._Point.Z,
                                (float)vert._Normal.X, (float)vert._Normal.Y, (float)vert._Normal.Z,
                                (float)ObjectColor.X, (float)ObjectColor.Y, (float)ObjectColor.Z));

        foreach (Polygon pol in p)
            uint start = (uint)v.FindIndex((Vertex curVert) => curVert == pol.Vertex[0]);

            int count = pol.Vertex.Count;
            for (int i = 1; i < count - 1; ++i)
                ind.Add((uint)v.FindIndex((Vertex curVert) => curVert == pol.Vertex[i]));
                ind.Add((uint)v.FindIndex((Vertex curVert) => curVert == pol.Vertex[i + 1]));
        GLVertecis = gv.ToArray();
        indices    = ind.ToArray();
Пример #27
    private void InclinedCylinder()
        double step = 1.0 / ApproxLevel;

        int k = 2 + (ApproxLevel - 1) * 3;

        DVector2 slopeStep = Slope / ApproxLevel;
        double   s         = -0.5;

        List <Vertex> v = new List <Vertex>(k * ApproxLevel);

        for (int j = 0; j < k; ++j)
            for (int i = 0; i < ApproxLevel; ++i)
                double angle = 2.0 * Math.PI / ApproxLevel * i;
                double x     = Math.Cos(angle);
                double y     = Math.Sin(angle);

                if (j < ApproxLevel - 1)
                    double scale = step * (j + 1);
                    v.Add(new Vertex(new DVector3(x * scale + slopeStep.X * s, y * scale + slopeStep.Y * s, -0.5)));
                else if (j >= k - ApproxLevel + 1)
                    double scale = step * (k - j);
                    v.Add(new Vertex(new DVector3(x * scale + slopeStep.X * s, y * scale + slopeStep.Y * s, 0.5)));
                    v.Add(new Vertex(new DVector3(x + slopeStep.X * s, y + slopeStep.Y * s, step * (j - ApproxLevel + 1) - 0.5)));
                    s += 1.0 / ApproxLevel;

        List <Polygon> p = new List <Polygon>();

        for (int j = 0; j < k - 1; ++j)
            for (int i = 1; i < ApproxLevel; ++i)
                p.Add(new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
                    v[j * ApproxLevel + i - 1], v[j * ApproxLevel + i], v[j * ApproxLevel + i + ApproxLevel], v[j * ApproxLevel + i - 1 + ApproxLevel]
            p.Add(new Polygon(new List <Vertex>()
                v[j * ApproxLevel + ApproxLevel - 1], v[j * ApproxLevel + 0], v[j * ApproxLevel + ApproxLevel], v[j * ApproxLevel + ApproxLevel + ApproxLevel - 1]

        List <Vertex> list = v.GetRange(0, ApproxLevel);

        p.Add(new Polygon(list));
        p.Add(new Polygon(v.GetRange(v.Count - ApproxLevel, ApproxLevel)));

        List <uint> ind = new List <uint>();

        foreach (Vertex vert in v)
            DVector4 norm = DVector4.Zero;
            foreach (Polygon pol in vert.Polygon)
                norm += pol._Normal;
            vert._Normal = norm / vert.Polygon.Count;

        Vertecis = v.ToArray();
        Polygons = p.ToArray();
Пример #28
 public void Accept(DVector4 type, DefField x, List <ResourceInfo> y)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #29
        public void Accept(DVector4 type, StringBuilder x)
            var v = type.Value;

Пример #30
 public void Accept(DVector4 type, ByteBuf x)