Пример #1
        public bool IsDelegationSupportedByColumn(DPath columnPath, DelegationCapability delegationCapability)

            // Only the first part of the path can have been renamed
            string logicalName;

            if (DType.TryGetLogicalNameForColumn(_tableSchema, columnPath[0], out logicalName))
                var renamedColumnPath = DPath.Root;
                renamedColumnPath = renamedColumnPath.Append(new DName(logicalName));
                for (int i = 1; i < columnPath.Length; ++i)
                    renamedColumnPath = renamedColumnPath.Append(new DName(columnPath[i]));

                columnPath = renamedColumnPath;

            DelegationCapability columnCapabilities;

            return(TryGetColumnCapabilities(columnPath, out columnCapabilities) && columnCapabilities.HasCapability(delegationCapability.Capabilities));
Пример #2
        public override bool CheckInvocation(TexlBinding binding, TexlNode[] args, DType[] argTypes, IErrorContainer errors, out DType returnType, out Dictionary <TexlNode, DType> nodeToCoercedTypeMap)
            Contracts.Assert(args.Length == argTypes.Length);
            Contracts.Assert(MinArity <= args.Length && args.Length <= MaxArity);

            bool fArgsValid = base.CheckInvocation(args, argTypes, errors, out returnType, out nodeToCoercedTypeMap);

            // The first arg determines the scope type for the lambda params, and the return type.
            DType typeScope;

            fArgsValid &= ScopeInfo.CheckInput(args[0], argTypes[0], errors, out typeScope);

            // The result type has N additional columns, as specified by (args[1],args[2]), (args[3],args[4]), ... etc.
            returnType = typeScope.ToTable();

            int count = args.Length;

            if ((count & 1) == 0)
                errors.EnsureError(DocumentErrorSeverity.Severe, args[0].Parent.CastList().Parent.CastCall(), TexlStrings.ErrBadArityOdd, count);

            for (var i = 1; i < count; i += 2)
                TexlNode nameArg     = args[i];
                DType    nameArgType = argTypes[i];

                // Verify we have a string literal for the column name. Accd to spec, we don't support
                // arbitrary expressions that evaluate to string values, because these values contribute to
                // type analysis, so they need to be known upfront (before AddColumns executes).
                StrLitNode nameNode;
                if (nameArgType.Kind != DKind.String ||
                    (nameNode = nameArg.AsStrLit()) == null)
                    fArgsValid = false;
                    errors.EnsureError(DocumentErrorSeverity.Severe, nameArg, TexlStrings.ErrExpectedStringLiteralArg_Name, nameArg.ToString());

                // Verify that the name is valid.
                if (!DName.IsValidDName(nameNode.Value))
                    fArgsValid = false;
                    errors.EnsureError(DocumentErrorSeverity.Severe, nameArg, TexlStrings.ErrArgNotAValidIdentifier_Name, nameNode.Value);

                DName  columnName = new DName(nameNode.Value);
                string colName;
                if (DType.TryGetDisplayNameForColumn(typeScope, columnName, out colName))
                    columnName = new DName(colName);

                // Verify that the name doesn't already exist as either a logical or display name
                DType  columnType;
                string unused;
                if (typeScope.TryGetType(columnName, out columnType) || DType.TryGetLogicalNameForColumn(typeScope, columnName, out unused))
                    fArgsValid = false;
                    errors.EnsureError(DocumentErrorSeverity.Moderate, nameArg, TexlStrings.ErrColExists_Name, columnName);

                if (i + 1 >= count)

                columnType = argTypes[i + 1];

                // Augment the result type to include the specified column, and verify that it
                // hasn't been specified already within the same invocation.
                bool fError = false;
                returnType = returnType.Add(ref fError, DPath.Root, columnName, columnType);
                if (fError)
                    fArgsValid = false;
                    errors.EnsureError(DocumentErrorSeverity.Moderate, nameArg, TexlStrings.ErrColConflict_Name, columnName);
