protected override void Execute()
            SolutionOptions options = new SolutionOptions();

            Solution.GetProperty((int)__VSPROPID.VSPROPID_SolutionDirectory, out object solutionDirectoryRaw);
            Solution.GetProperty((int)__VSPROPID.VSPROPID_SolutionBaseName, out object solutionNameRaw);
            string solutionName      = solutionNameRaw.ToString();
            string solutionDirectory = solutionDirectoryRaw.ToString();

            options.SolutionName        = solutionName;
            options.SolutionDirectory   = solutionDirectory;
            options.RepositoryDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(solutionDirectory).Parent.FullName;

            IEnumerable <Project> projects = DTE.Solution.GetAllProjects();

            using (DialogScope progress2 = new DialogScope())
                progress2.Update("Synchronizing project file properties with solution. Please wait...");

                foreach (Project project in projects)
                        "Synchronizing project file properties with solution. Please wait...",
                        $"Processing Project '{project.Name}'"

                    // ===========================
                    //            Flow
                    // ===========================
                    // 1) Snapshot project file full path.
                    // 2) Open Project File with filePath and snapshot its ProjectRootElement.
                    // 3) Retrieve Project GUID of the project snapshotted in step 1
                    // 4) Unload project as if user manually unloaded it, and then close it
                    // 5) Walk property elements, stop at chosen property Name
                    // 5.1) Get the parent of the property element (should be a ProjectPropertyGroupElement)
                    // 5.2) Remove the property element, which will be an immediate child of the parent you just got in 5.1
                    // 6) Save the ProjectRootElement
                    // 7) Reload the project. This is where the GUID from step 3 comes in handy.
                    // 8) For good measure, save the project via the hierarchy.
                    // 9) You are done, Son!

                    string projectFilePath = project.FullName;

                    Solution.GetProjectOfUniqueName(project.UniqueName, out IVsHierarchy ppHierarchy);
                    Solution.GetGuidOfProject(ppHierarchy, out Guid projectGuid);
                    Solution4.UnloadProject(ref projectGuid, (uint)_VSProjectUnloadStatus.UNLOADSTATUS_UnloadedByUser);
                    Solution.CloseSolutionElement((uint)__VSSLNCLOSEOPTIONS.SLNCLOSEOPT_UnloadProject, ppHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL);

                    ProjectRootElement root = ProjectLoader.LoadProject(projectFilePath).Xml;

                    foreach (ProjectPropertyElement propertyElement in root.Properties)
                        // Check for the most common property names for
                        // output paths. The names checked below are
                        // non-exhaustive. Technically, OutputPath should
                        // be sufficient; however, OutDir is used as
                        // well, but not very often.
                        if (propertyElement.Name.Equals("OutputPath") ||

                    // This has to come after the properties are removed. Otherwise you get some error
                    // saing The SDK '' could not be found.

                    Solution4.ReloadProject(ref projectGuid);
                    Solution4.EnsureProjectIsLoaded(ref projectGuid, 0);
                    Solution.SaveSolutionElement((uint)__VSSLNSAVEOPTIONS.SLNSAVEOPT_ForceSave, ppHierarchy, VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL);


            Project solutionItems = DTE.Solution.GetOrCreateSolutionFolder("Solution Items");

