Пример #1
        public void Defect_MAGN_3166()
            // Create the node with given information.
            NodeModel node =
                new DSVarArgFunction(CurrentDynamoModel.LibraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor("DSCore.List.Join@var[]..[]"));

            CurrentDynamoModel.ExecuteCommand(new DynCmd.CreateNodeCommand(node, 0, 0, true, false));

            var nodeGuid = node.GUID;

            // The node sound be found, and it should be a DSVarArgFunction.
            var workspace = CurrentDynamoModel.CurrentWorkspace;


            // Delete the node and ensure it is gone.
            CurrentDynamoModel.ExecuteCommand(new DynCmd.DeleteModelCommand(nodeGuid));
            node = workspace.NodeFromWorkspace(nodeGuid);

            // Perform undo operation.
            var undoOperation = DynCmd.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo;

            CurrentDynamoModel.ExecuteCommand(new DynCmd.UndoRedoCommand(undoOperation));

            // Now that deletion is undone, ensure the node exists.
            node = workspace.NodeFromWorkspace(nodeGuid);
            Assert.IsNotNull(node as DSVarArgFunction);
Пример #2
        public void CanCopyAndPasteDSVarArgFunctionNode()
            var model = ViewModel.Model;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.Count);

            const string dsVarArgFunctionName = "DSCore.String.Split@string,string[]";
            var          node = new DSVarArgFunction(model.LibraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(dsVarArgFunctionName));

            model.CurrentWorkspace.AddNode(node, false);

            // Here we check to see if we do get a DSVarArgFunction node (which
            // is what this test case is written for, other nodes will render the
            // test case meaningless).
            Assert.AreEqual(1, model.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.Count);

            model.AddToSelection(node); // Select the only DSVarArgFunction node.
            model.Copy();               // Copy the only DSVarArgFunction node.

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                model.Paste(); // Nope, paste should not crash Dynamo.
Пример #3
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            NodeModel node = null;

            var obj  = JObject.Load(reader);
            var type = Type.GetType(obj["$type"].Value <string>());

            // If we can't find this type - try to look in our load from assemblies,
            // but only during testing - this is required during testing because some dlls are loaded
            // using Assembly.LoadFrom using the assemblyHelper - which loads dlls into loadFrom context -
            // dlls loaded with LoadFrom context cannot be found using Type.GetType() - this should
            // not be an issue during normal dynamo use but if it is we can enable this code.
            if (type == null && this.isTestMode == true)
                List <Assembly> resultList;

                var typeName = obj["$type"].Value <string>().Split(',').FirstOrDefault();
                // This assemblyName does not usually contain version information...
                var assemblyName = obj["$type"].Value <string>().Split(',').Skip(1).FirstOrDefault().Trim();
                if (assemblyName != null)
                    if (this.loadedAssemblies.TryGetValue(assemblyName, out resultList))
                        var matchingTypes = resultList.Select(x => x.GetType(typeName)).ToList();
                        type = matchingTypes.FirstOrDefault();

            // Check for and attempt to resolve an unknown type before proceeding
            if (type == null)
                // Attempt to resolve the type using `AlsoKnownAs`
                var  unresolvedName = obj["$type"].Value <string>().Split(',').FirstOrDefault();
                Type newType;
                nodeFactory.ResolveType(unresolvedName, out newType);

                // If resolved update the type
                if (newType != null)
                    type = newType;

            // If the id is not a guid, makes a guid based on the id of the node
            var guid = GuidUtility.tryParseOrCreateGuid(obj["Id"].Value <string>());

            var replication = obj["Replication"].Value <string>();

            var inPorts  = obj["Inputs"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray();
            var outPorts = obj["Outputs"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray();

            var    resolver         = (IdReferenceResolver)serializer.ReferenceResolver;
            string assemblyLocation = objectType.Assembly.Location;

            bool remapPorts = true;

            // If type is still null at this point return a dummy node
            if (type == null)
                node = CreateDummyNode(obj, assemblyLocation, inPorts, outPorts);
            // Attempt to create a valid node using the type
            else if (type == typeof(Function))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>());

                CustomNodeDefinition def  = null;
                CustomNodeInfo       info = null;
                bool     isUnresolved     = !manager.TryGetCustomNodeData(functionId, null, false, out def, out info);
                Function function         = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId, null, false, def, info);
                node = function;

                if (isUnresolved)
                    function.UpdatePortsForUnresolved(inPorts, outPorts);

            else if (type == typeof(CodeBlockNodeModel))
                var code = obj["Code"].Value <string>();
                CodeBlockNodeModel codeBlockNode = new CodeBlockNodeModel(code, guid, 0.0, 0.0, libraryServices, ElementResolver);
                node = codeBlockNode;

                // If the code block node is in an error state read the extra port data
                // and initialize the input and output ports
                if (node.IsInErrorState)
                    List <string> inPortNames = new List <string>();
                    var           inputs      = obj["Inputs"];
                    foreach (var input in inputs)

                    // NOTE: This could be done in a simpler way, but is being implemented
                    //       in this manner to allow for possible future port line number
                    //       information being available in the file
                    List <int> outPortLineIndexes = new List <int>();
                    var        outputs            = obj["Outputs"];
                    int        outputLineIndex    = 0;
                    foreach (var output in outputs)

                    codeBlockNode.SetErrorStatePortData(inPortNames, outPortLineIndexes);
            else if (typeof(DSFunctionBase).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                var    mangledName        = obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>();
                var    priorNames         = libraryServices.GetPriorNames();
                var    functionDescriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(mangledName);
                string newName;

                // Update the function descriptor if a newer migrated version of the node exists
                if (priorNames.TryGetValue(mangledName, out newName))
                    functionDescriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(newName);

                // Use the functionDescriptor to try and restore the proper node if possible
                if (functionDescriptor == null)
                    node = CreateDummyNode(obj, assemblyLocation, inPorts, outPorts);
                    if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                        node = new DSVarArgFunction(functionDescriptor);
                        // The node syncs with the function definition.
                        // Then we need to make the inport count correct
                        var varg = (DSVarArgFunction)node;
                    else if (type == typeof(DSFunction))
                        node = new DSFunction(functionDescriptor);
            else if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>());
                node = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId);
            else if (type.ToString() == "CoreNodeModels.Formula")
                node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type);
                node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type);

                // if node is an customNode input symbol - assign the element resolver.
                if (node is Nodes.CustomNodes.Symbol)
                    (node as Nodes.CustomNodes.Symbol).ElementResolver = ElementResolver;
                // We don't need to remap ports for any nodes with json constructors which pass ports
                remapPorts = false;

            if (remapPorts)
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver, manager.AsLogger());

            // Cannot set Lacing directly as property is protected
            node.UpdateValue(new UpdateValueParams("ArgumentLacing", replication));
            node.GUID = guid;

            // Add references to the node and the ports to the reference resolver,
            // so that they are available for entities which are deserialized later.
            serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, node.GUID.ToString(), node);

            foreach (var p in node.InPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);

            foreach (var p in node.OutPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);

Пример #4
        public NodeModel CreateNodeFromXml(XmlElement nodeElement, SaveContext context, ElementResolver resolver)
            string assembly = "";
            string function;
            var    nickname = nodeElement.Attributes["nickname"].Value;

            FunctionDescriptor descriptor;

            Trace.Assert(nodeElement.Attributes != null, "nodeElement.Attributes != null");

            if (nodeElement.Attributes["assembly"] == null)
                assembly = DetermineAssemblyName(nodeElement);
                function = nickname.Replace(".get", ".");
                string xmlSignature = nodeElement.Attributes["function"].Value;

                string hintedSigniture =

                if (hintedSigniture != null)
                    nodeElement.Attributes["nickname"].Value =
                    function = hintedSigniture;

                    // if the node needs additional parameters, add them here
                    libraryServices.AddAdditionalAttributesToNode(xmlSignature, nodeElement);
                    libraryServices.AddAdditionalElementsToNode(xmlSignature, nodeElement);
                    function = xmlSignature;

                var xmlAttribute = nodeElement.Attributes["assembly"];
                if (xmlAttribute != null)
                    assembly = Uri.UnescapeDataString(xmlAttribute.Value);

            if (context == SaveContext.File && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(assembly))
                var document = nodeElement.OwnerDocument;
                var docPath  = Nodes.Utilities.GetDocumentXmlPath(document);
                assembly = Nodes.Utilities.MakeAbsolutePath(docPath, assembly);

                if (libraryServices.IsLibraryLoaded(assembly))
                    descriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(assembly, function);
                    // If the desired assembly is not loaded already. Check if it belongs to BuiltInFunctionGroup.
                    if (libraryServices.IsFunctionBuiltIn(assembly, nickname))
                        descriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(function);
                        // If neither of these, Dynamo need to import the library.
                            descriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(assembly, function);
                        catch (LibraryLoadFailedException)
                            descriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(function);
                descriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(function);

            if (null == descriptor)
                var inputcount = DetermineFunctionInputCount(nodeElement);

                return(new DummyNode(

            DSFunctionBase result;

            if (descriptor.IsVarArg)
                result = new DSVarArgFunction(descriptor);

                var akas = typeof(DSVarArgFunction).GetCustomAttribute <AlsoKnownAsAttribute>().Values;
                if (nodeElement.Name != typeof(DSVarArgFunction).FullName &&
                    akas.All(aka => aka != nodeElement.Name))
                result = new DSFunction(descriptor);

            result.Deserialize(nodeElement, context);

            // In case of input parameters mismatch, use default arguments for parameters that have one
            if (!descriptor.MangledName.EndsWith(function))
                string[] oldSignature = function.Split('@');
                string[] inputTypes = oldSignature.Length > 1 ? oldSignature[1].Split(',') : new string[] {};
                int      i = 0, j = 0;
                foreach (var param in descriptor.InputParameters)
                    if (i >= inputTypes.Length || param.Item2 != inputTypes[i])
                        result.InPorts[j].UsingDefaultValue = result.InPorts[j].DefaultValue != null;

Пример #5
        public void Defect_MAGN_3166()
            // Create the node with given information.
            NodeModel node =
                new DSVarArgFunction(CurrentDynamoModel.LibraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor("DSCore.List.Join@var[]..[]"));
            CurrentDynamoModel.ExecuteCommand(new DynCmd.CreateNodeCommand(node, 0, 0, true, false));

            var nodeGuid = node.GUID;

            // The node sound be found, and it should be a DSVarArgFunction.
            var workspace = CurrentDynamoModel.CurrentWorkspace;

            // Delete the node and ensure it is gone.
            CurrentDynamoModel.ExecuteCommand(new DynCmd.DeleteModelCommand(nodeGuid));
            node = workspace.NodeFromWorkspace(nodeGuid);

            // Perform undo operation.
            var undoOperation = DynCmd.UndoRedoCommand.Operation.Undo;
            CurrentDynamoModel.ExecuteCommand(new DynCmd.UndoRedoCommand(undoOperation));

            // Now that deletion is undone, ensure the node exists.
            node = workspace.NodeFromWorkspace(nodeGuid);
            Assert.IsNotNull(node as DSVarArgFunction);
Пример #6
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            NodeModel node = null;

            var obj  = JObject.Load(reader);
            var type = Type.GetType(obj["$type"].Value <string>());

            //if we can't find this type - try to look in our load from assemblies,
            //but only during testing - this is required during testing because some dlls are loaded
            //using Assembly.LoadFrom using the assemblyHelper - which loads dlls into loadFrom context -
            //dlls loaded with LoadFrom context cannot be found using Type.GetType() - this should
            //not be an issue during normal dynamo use but if it is we can enable this code.
            if (type == null && this.isTestMode == true)
                List <Assembly> resultList;

                var typeName = obj["$type"].Value <string>().Split(',').FirstOrDefault();
                //this assemblyName does not usually contain version information...
                var assemblyName = obj["$type"].Value <string>().Split(',').Skip(1).FirstOrDefault().Trim();
                if (assemblyName != null)
                    if (this.loadedAssemblies.TryGetValue(assemblyName, out resultList))
                        var matchingTypes = resultList.Select(x => x.GetType(typeName)).ToList();
                        type = matchingTypes.FirstOrDefault();

            // If the id is not a guid, makes a guid based on the id of the node
            var guid = GuidUtility.tryParseOrCreateGuid(obj["Id"].Value <string>());

            var replication = obj["Replication"].Value <string>();

            var inPorts  = obj["Inputs"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray();
            var outPorts = obj["Outputs"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray();

            var    resolver         = (IdReferenceResolver)serializer.ReferenceResolver;
            string assemblyLocation = objectType.Assembly.Location;

            bool remapPorts = true;

            if (type == null)
                node = CreateDummyNode(obj, assemblyLocation, inPorts, outPorts);
            else if (type == typeof(Function))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>());

                CustomNodeDefinition def  = null;
                CustomNodeInfo       info = null;
                bool     isUnresolved     = !manager.TryGetCustomNodeData(functionId, null, false, out def, out info);
                Function function         = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId, null, false, def, info);
                node = function;

                if (isUnresolved)
                    function.UpdatePortsForUnresolved(inPorts, outPorts);
            else if (type == typeof(CodeBlockNodeModel))
                var code = obj["Code"].Value <string>();
                node = new CodeBlockNodeModel(code, guid, 0.0, 0.0, libraryServices, ElementResolver);
            else if (typeof(DSFunctionBase).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                var mangledName = obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>();

                var functionDescriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(mangledName);
                if (functionDescriptor == null)
                    node = CreateDummyNode(obj, assemblyLocation, inPorts, outPorts);
                    if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                        node = new DSVarArgFunction(functionDescriptor);
                        // The node syncs with the function definition.
                        // Then we need to make the inport count correct
                        var varg = (DSVarArgFunction)node;
                    else if (type == typeof(DSFunction))
                        node = new DSFunction(functionDescriptor);
            else if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>());
                node = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId);
            else if (type.ToString() == "CoreNodeModels.Formula")
                node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type);
                node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type);

                // We don't need to remap ports for any nodes with json constructors which pass ports
                remapPorts = false;

            if (remapPorts)
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);

            // Cannot set Lacing directly as property is protected
            node.UpdateValue(new UpdateValueParams("ArgumentLacing", replication));
            node.GUID = guid;

            // Add references to the node and the ports to the reference resolver,
            // so that they are available for entities which are deserialized later.
            serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, node.GUID.ToString(), node);

            foreach (var p in node.InPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);

            foreach (var p in node.OutPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);

Пример #7
        public void CanCopyAndPasteDSVarArgFunctionNode()
            Assert.AreEqual(0, CurrentDynamoModel.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.Count());

            const string dsVarArgFunctionName = "DSCore.String.Split@string,string[]";
            var node = new DSVarArgFunction(CurrentDynamoModel.LibraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(dsVarArgFunctionName));
            CurrentDynamoModel.CurrentWorkspace.AddAndRegisterNode(node, false);

            // Here we check to see if we do get a DSVarArgFunction node (which
            // is what this test case is written for, other nodes will render the 
            // test case meaningless).
            Assert.AreEqual(1, CurrentDynamoModel.CurrentWorkspace.Nodes.Count());

            CurrentDynamoModel.AddToSelection(node); // Select the only DSVarArgFunction node.
            CurrentDynamoModel.Copy(); // Copy the only DSVarArgFunction node.

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                CurrentDynamoModel.Paste(); // Nope, paste should not crash Dynamo.
Пример #8
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            NodeModel node = null;

            var obj  = JObject.Load(reader);
            var type = Type.GetType(obj["$type"].Value <string>());

            var guid        = Guid.Parse(obj["Uuid"].Value <string>());
            var displayName = obj["DisplayName"].Value <string>();
            //var x = obj["X"].Value<double>();
            //var y = obj["Y"].Value<double>();

            var inPorts  = obj["InputPorts"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray();
            var outPorts = obj["OutputPorts"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray();

            var resolver = (IdReferenceResolver)serializer.ReferenceResolver;

            if (type == typeof(Function))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionUuid"].Value <string>());
                node = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if (type == typeof(CodeBlockNodeModel))
                var code = obj["Code"].Value <string>();
                node = new CodeBlockNodeModel(code, guid, 0.0, 0.0, libraryServices, ElementResolver);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if (typeof(DSFunctionBase).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                var mangledName = obj["FunctionName"].Value <string>();

                var description = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(mangledName);

                if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                    node = new DSVarArgFunction(description);
                    // The node syncs with the function definition.
                    // Then we need to make the inport count correct
                    var varg = (DSVarArgFunction)node;
                else if (type == typeof(DSFunction))
                    node = new DSFunction(description);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionUuid"].Value <string>());
                node = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if (type == typeof(Formula))
                node = (Formula)obj.ToObject(type);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
                node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type);

            node.GUID     = guid;
            node.NickName = displayName;
            //node.X = x;
            //node.Y = y;

            // Add references to the node and the ports to the reference resolver,
            // so that they are available for entities which are deserialized later.
            serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, node.GUID.ToString(), node);

            foreach (var p in node.InPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);
            foreach (var p in node.OutPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);
Пример #9
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            NodeModel node = null;

            var obj = JObject.Load(reader);
            var type = Type.GetType(obj["$type"].Value<string>());
            var guid = Guid.Parse(obj["Uuid"].Value<string>());
            var displayName = obj["DisplayName"].Value<string>();
            //var x = obj["X"].Value<double>();
            //var y = obj["Y"].Value<double>();

            var inPorts = obj["InputPorts"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject<PortModel>()).ToArray();
            var outPorts = obj["OutputPorts"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject<PortModel>()).ToArray();

            var resolver = (IdReferenceResolver)serializer.ReferenceResolver;

            if (type == typeof(Function))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionUuid"].Value<string>());
                node = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if(type == typeof(CodeBlockNodeModel))
                var code = obj["Code"].Value<string>();
                node = new CodeBlockNodeModel(code, guid, 0.0, 0.0, libraryServices, ElementResolver);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if(typeof(DSFunctionBase).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                var mangledName = obj["FunctionName"].Value<string>();

                var description = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(mangledName);

                if(type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                    node = new DSVarArgFunction(description);
                    // The node syncs with the function definition.
                    // Then we need to make the inport count correct
                    var varg = (DSVarArgFunction)node;
                else if(type == typeof(DSFunction))
                    node = new DSFunction(description);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionUuid"].Value<string>());
                node = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
                node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type);

            node.GUID = guid;
            node.NickName = displayName;
            //node.X = x;
            //node.Y = y;

            // Add references to the node and the ports to the reference resolver,
            // so that they are available for entities which are deserialized later.
            serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, node.GUID.ToString(), node);

            foreach(var p in node.InPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);
            foreach (var p in node.OutPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);
            return node;
Пример #10
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            NodeModel node = null;

            var obj  = JObject.Load(reader);
            var type = Type.GetType(obj["$type"].Value <string>());

            // If the id is not a guid, makes a guid based on the id of the node
            var guid = GuidUtility.tryParseOrCreateGuid(obj["Id"].Value <string>());

            var replication = obj["Replication"].Value <string>();

            var inPorts  = obj["Inputs"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray();
            var outPorts = obj["Outputs"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray();

            var    resolver         = (IdReferenceResolver)serializer.ReferenceResolver;
            string assemblyLocation = objectType.Assembly.Location;

            bool remapPorts = true;

            if (type == null)
                node = CreateDummyNode(obj, assemblyLocation, inPorts, outPorts);
            else if (type == typeof(Function))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>());

                CustomNodeDefinition def  = null;
                CustomNodeInfo       info = null;
                bool     isUnresolved     = !manager.TryGetCustomNodeData(functionId, null, false, out def, out info);
                Function function         = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId, null, false, def, info);
                node = function;

                if (isUnresolved)
                    function.UpdatePortsForUnresolved(inPorts, outPorts);
            else if (type == typeof(CodeBlockNodeModel))
                var code = obj["Code"].Value <string>();
                node = new CodeBlockNodeModel(code, guid, 0.0, 0.0, libraryServices, ElementResolver);
            else if (typeof(DSFunctionBase).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                var mangledName = obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>();

                var functionDescriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(mangledName);
                if (functionDescriptor == null)
                    node = CreateDummyNode(obj, assemblyLocation, inPorts, outPorts);
                    if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                        node = new DSVarArgFunction(functionDescriptor);
                        // The node syncs with the function definition.
                        // Then we need to make the inport count correct
                        var varg = (DSVarArgFunction)node;
                    else if (type == typeof(DSFunction))
                        node = new DSFunction(functionDescriptor);
            else if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>());
                node = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId);
            else if (type.ToString() == "CoreNodeModels.Formula")
                node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type);
                node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type);

                // We don't need to remap ports for any nodes with json constructors which pass ports
                remapPorts = false;

            if (remapPorts)
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);

            // Cannot set Lacing directly as property is protected
            node.UpdateValue(new UpdateValueParams("ArgumentLacing", replication));
            node.GUID = guid;

            // Add references to the node and the ports to the reference resolver,
            // so that they are available for entities which are deserialized later.
            serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, node.GUID.ToString(), node);

            foreach (var p in node.InPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);

            foreach (var p in node.OutPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);

Пример #11
        public NodeModel CreateNodeFromXml(XmlElement nodeElement, SaveContext context)
            string assembly = "";
            string function;
            var    nickname = nodeElement.Attributes["nickname"].Value;

            FunctionDescriptor descriptor;

            Trace.Assert(nodeElement.Attributes != null, "nodeElement.Attributes != null");

            if (nodeElement.Attributes["assembly"] == null)
                assembly = DetermineAssemblyName(nodeElement);
                function = nickname.Replace(".get", ".");
                string xmlSignature = nodeElement.Attributes["function"].Value;

                string hintedSigniture =

                if (hintedSigniture != null)
                    nodeElement.Attributes["nickname"].Value =
                    function = hintedSigniture;

                    // if the node needs additional parameters, add them here
                    if (libraryServices.FunctionSignatureNeedsAdditionalAttributes(xmlSignature))
                        libraryServices.AddAdditionalAttributesToNode(xmlSignature, nodeElement);

                    if (libraryServices.FunctionSignatureNeedsAdditionalElements(xmlSignature))
                        libraryServices.AddAdditionalElementsToNode(xmlSignature, nodeElement);
                    function = xmlSignature;

                var xmlAttribute = nodeElement.Attributes["assembly"];
                if (xmlAttribute != null)
                    assembly = Uri.UnescapeDataString(xmlAttribute.Value);

            if (context == SaveContext.File && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(assembly))
                var document = nodeElement.OwnerDocument;
                var docPath  = Nodes.Utilities.GetDocumentXmlPath(document);
                assembly = Nodes.Utilities.MakeAbsolutePath(docPath, assembly);

                descriptor = libraryServices.IsLibraryLoaded(assembly) || libraryServices.ImportLibrary(assembly)
                    ? libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(assembly, function)
                    : libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(function);
                descriptor = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(function);

            if (null == descriptor)
                var inputcount = DetermineFunctionInputCount(nodeElement);

                return(new DummyNode(

            DSFunctionBase result;

            if (descriptor.IsVarArg)
                result = new DSVarArgFunction(descriptor);
                if (nodeElement.Name != typeof(DSVarArgFunction).FullName)
                result = new DSFunction(descriptor);

            result.Deserialize(nodeElement, context);
Пример #12
        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            NodeModel node = null;

            var obj  = JObject.Load(reader);
            var type = Type.GetType(obj["$type"].Value <string>());

            //if the id is not a guid, makes a guid based on the id of the node
            var guid = GuidUtility.tryParseOrCreateGuid(obj["Id"].Value <string>());

            var replication = obj["Replication"].Value <string>();

            var inPorts  = obj["Inputs"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray();
            var outPorts = obj["Outputs"].ToArray().Select(t => t.ToObject <PortModel>()).ToArray();

            var resolver = (IdReferenceResolver)serializer.ReferenceResolver;

            if (type == typeof(Function))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionUuid"].Value <string>());
                node = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if (type == typeof(CodeBlockNodeModel))
                var code = obj["Code"].Value <string>();
                node = new CodeBlockNodeModel(code, guid, 0.0, 0.0, libraryServices, ElementResolver);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if (typeof(DSFunctionBase).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                var mangledName = obj["FunctionSignature"].Value <string>();

                var description = libraryServices.GetFunctionDescriptor(mangledName);

                if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                    node = new DSVarArgFunction(description);
                    // The node syncs with the function definition.
                    // Then we need to make the inport count correct
                    var varg = (DSVarArgFunction)node;
                else if (type == typeof(DSFunction))
                    node = new DSFunction(description);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if (type == typeof(DSVarArgFunction))
                var functionId = Guid.Parse(obj["FunctionUuid"].Value <string>());
                node = manager.CreateCustomNodeInstance(functionId);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
            else if (type.ToString() == "CoreNodeModels.Formula")
                node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type);
                RemapPorts(node, inPorts, outPorts, resolver);
                node = (NodeModel)obj.ToObject(type);
            //cannot set Lacing directly as property is protected
            node.UpdateValue(new UpdateValueParams("ArgumentLacing", replication));
            node.GUID = guid;

            // Add references to the node and the ports to the reference resolver,
            // so that they are available for entities which are deserialized later.
            serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, node.GUID.ToString(), node);

            foreach (var p in node.InPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);
            foreach (var p in node.OutPorts)
                serializer.ReferenceResolver.AddReference(serializer.Context, p.GUID.ToString(), p);
