Пример #1
        <summary>Creates a response given the entire packet.</summary>
        <remarks>The entire packet must be given, because some name servers take
        advantage of pointers to reduce their size.</remarks>
        <param name="Data">The entire DNS packet.</param>
        <param name="Start">The starting position of the Response.</param>
        public Response(MemBlock Data, int Start)
            int idx = 0;
              NAME_BLOB = DNSPacket.RetrieveBlob(Data, Start, out idx);

              int type = (Data[idx++] << 8) + Data[idx++];
              TYPE = (DNSPacket.TYPES) type;

              CACHE_FLUSH = ((Data[idx] & 0x80) == 0x80) ? true : false;
              int rclass = ((Data[idx++] << 8) & 0x7F) + Data[idx++];
              CLASS = (DNSPacket.CLASSES) rclass;

              TTL = (Data[idx++] << 24);
              TTL |= (Data[idx++] << 16);
              TTL |= (Data[idx++] << 8);
              TTL |= (Data[idx++]);

              RDLENGTH = (short) ((Data[idx++] << 8) + Data[idx++]);
              RDATA_BLOB = Data.Slice(idx, RDLENGTH);

              if(TYPE == DNSPacket.TYPES.PTR) {
            try {
              NAME = DNSPacket.PtrMemBlockToString(NAME_BLOB);
            catch {
              NAME = DNSPacket.HostnameMemBlockToString(NAME_BLOB);
            int End = 0;
            RDATA_BLOB = DNSPacket.RetrieveBlob(Data, idx, out End);
            RDATA = DNSPacket.HostnameMemBlockToString(RDATA_BLOB);
              else if(TYPE == DNSPacket.TYPES.A) {
            NAME = DNSPacket.HostnameMemBlockToString(NAME_BLOB);
            RDATA = DNSPacket.IPMemBlockToString(RDATA_BLOB);
              _icpacket = _packet = Data.Slice(Start, idx + RDLENGTH - Start);
Пример #2
        <summary>Constructor when creating a DNS Query</summary>
        <param name="QNAME">the name of resource you are looking up, IP Address
        when QTYPE = PTR otherwise hostname</param>
        <param name="QTYPE"> the type of look up to perform</param>
        <param name="QCLASS">should always be IN</param>
        public Question(String QNAME, DNSPacket.TYPES QTYPE, DNSPacket.CLASSES QCLASS)
            this.QNAME = QNAME;
              this.QTYPE = QTYPE;
              this.QCLASS = QCLASS;

              if(QTYPE == DNSPacket.TYPES.A) {
            QNAME_BLOB = DNSPacket.HostnameStringToMemBlock(QNAME);
              else if(QTYPE == DNSPacket.TYPES.PTR) {
            QNAME_BLOB = DNSPacket.PtrStringToMemBlock(QNAME);
              else {
            throw new Exception("Invalid QTYPE: " + QTYPE + "!");

            // 2 for QTYPE + 2 for QCLASS
              byte[] data = new byte[4];
              int idx = 0;
              data[idx++] = (byte) ((((int) QTYPE) >> 8) & 0xFF);
              data[idx++] = (byte) (((int) QTYPE) & 0xFF);
              data[idx++] = (byte) ((((int) QCLASS) >> 8) & 0xFF);
              data[idx++] = (byte) (((int) QCLASS) & 0xFF);
              _icpacket = new CopyList(QNAME_BLOB, MemBlock.Reference(data));
Пример #3
        <summary>Creates a response from the parameter fields with RDATA being
        a memory chunk.  This is for MDNS which supports caching</summary>
        <param name="NAME">The name resolved.</param>
        <param name="TYPE">The query type.</param>
        <param name="CLASS">The network type.</param>
        <param name="CACHE_FLUSH">Flush the dns cache in the client.</param>
        <param name="TTL">How long to hold the result in the local dns cache.</param>
        <param name="RDATA">RDATA in String format.</param>
        public Response(String NAME, DNSPacket.TYPES TYPE, DNSPacket.CLASSES CLASS,
                    bool CACHE_FLUSH, int TTL, String RDATA)
            this.NAME = NAME;
              this.CLASS = CLASS;
              this.TTL = TTL;

              this.TYPE = TYPE;
              this.CLASS = CLASS;
              this.CACHE_FLUSH = CACHE_FLUSH;
              this.RDATA = RDATA;

              if(TYPE == DNSPacket.TYPES.A) {
            NAME_BLOB = DNSPacket.HostnameStringToMemBlock(NAME);
            RDATA_BLOB = DNSPacket.IPStringToMemBlock(RDATA);
              else if(TYPE == DNSPacket.TYPES.PTR) {
            if(DNSPacket.StringIsIP(NAME)) {
              NAME_BLOB = DNSPacket.PtrStringToMemBlock(NAME);
            else {
              NAME_BLOB = DNSPacket.HostnameStringToMemBlock(NAME);
            RDATA_BLOB = DNSPacket.HostnameStringToMemBlock(RDATA);
              else {
            throw new Exception("Invalid Query TYPE: " + TYPE + "!");

              RDLENGTH = (short) RDATA_BLOB.Length;
              // 2 for TYPE + 2 for CLASS + 4 for TTL + 2 for RDLENGTH
              byte[] data = new byte[10];
              int idx = 0;
              data[idx++] = (byte) ((((int) TYPE) >> 8) & 0xFF);
              data[idx++] = (byte) (((int) TYPE) & 0xFF);

              byte cache_flush = 0x80;
              if(!CACHE_FLUSH) {
            cache_flush = 0x00;

              data[idx++] = (byte) (((((int) CLASS) >> 8) & 0x7F) | cache_flush);
              data[idx++] = (byte) (((int) CLASS) & 0xFF);
              data[idx++] = (byte) ((TTL >> 24) & 0xFF);
              data[idx++] = (byte) ((TTL >> 16) & 0xFF);
              data[idx++] = (byte) ((TTL >> 8) & 0xFF);
              data[idx++] = (byte) (TTL & 0xFF);
              data[idx++] = (byte) ((RDLENGTH >> 8) & 0xFF);
              data[idx] = (byte) (RDLENGTH & 0xFF);

              _icpacket = new CopyList(NAME_BLOB, MemBlock.Reference(data), RDATA_BLOB);
Пример #4
        <summary>Constructor when parsing a DNS Query</summary>
        <param name="Data"> must pass in the entire packet from where the question
        begins, after parsing, can check Data.Length to find where next
        container begins.</param>
        public Question(MemBlock Data, int Start)
            int idx = 0;
              QNAME_BLOB = DNSPacket.RetrieveBlob(Data, Start, out idx);
              int qtype = (Data[idx++] << 8) + Data[idx++];
              QTYPE = (DNSPacket.TYPES) qtype;

              int qclass = (Data[idx++] << 8) + Data[idx];
              QCLASS = (DNSPacket.CLASSES) qclass;

              if(QTYPE == DNSPacket.TYPES.A) {
            QNAME = DNSPacket.HostnameMemBlockToString(QNAME_BLOB);
              else if(QTYPE == DNSPacket.TYPES.PTR) {
            QNAME = DNSPacket.PtrMemBlockToString(QNAME_BLOB);

              _icpacket = _packet = Data.Slice(Start, idx + 1 - Start);