Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// (Abstract) Process the input buffers from a previous call to InternalProcessInput into the provided output buffers
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dwFlags">Flags controlling the operation</param>
 /// <param name="cOutputBufferCount">The number of buffers provided (one per output stream)</param>
 /// <param name="pOutputBuffers">The output buffer into which the data is processed</param>
 /// <param name="pdwStatus">Zero</param>
 /// <returns>S_FALSE if there is no output, S_OK for successful operation.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This method is called by the abstract class.  It passes the output buffers to the implementor.
 /// Typically, this is when the actual work is done, processing the input buffers into the output
 /// buffers.
 /// </remarks>
 protected abstract int InternalProcessOutput(DMOProcessOutput dwFlags, int cOutputBufferCount,  DMOOutputDataBuffer [] pOutputBuffers,  out int pdwStatus);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given output buffers, process the input buffers into the output buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwFlags">Flags</param>
        /// <param name="cOutputBufferCount">Number of buffers (will be one per output stream)</param>
        /// <param name="pOutputBuffers">The buffers</param>
        /// <param name="pdwStatus">Reserved: 0</param>
        /// <returns>S_FALSE if there is no output, S_OK otherwise</returns>
        override protected int InternalProcessOutput(
            DMOProcessOutput dwFlags,
            int cOutputBufferCount,
            [In, Out] DMOOutputDataBuffer [] pOutputBuffers,
            out int pdwStatus)
            int  hr        = 0;
            bool bFoundOne = false;

            pdwStatus = 0;

            // No input buffers to process
            if (m_pBuffer != null)
                int []    cbCurrent = new int[OutputPinCount];    // 0
                int []    cbOutData = new int[OutputPinCount];    //int.MaxValue;
                IntPtr [] pbOutData = new IntPtr[OutputPinCount]; //IntPtr.Zero;
                int       iProcess  = m_cbInData;

                for (int x = 0; x < OutputPinCount; x++)
                    if (pOutputBuffers[x].pBuffer != null)
                        // Get a pointer to the output buffer
                        hr = pOutputBuffers[x].pBuffer.GetBufferAndLength(out pbOutData[x], out cbCurrent[x]);

                        if (hr >= 0)
                            pbOutData[x] = (IntPtr)(pbOutData[x].ToInt32() + cbCurrent[x]);

                            hr = pOutputBuffers[x].pBuffer.GetMaxLength(out cbOutData[x]);

                            if (hr >= 0)
                                iProcess  = Math.Min(iProcess, (cbOutData[x] - cbCurrent[x]) * 2);
                                bFoundOne = true;
                        pbOutData[x] = IntPtr.Zero;
                        cbOutData[x] = int.MaxValue;
                        cbCurrent[x] = 0;

                    if (hr < 0)

                if (hr >= 0)
                    if (bFoundOne)
                        // Process from input to output according to the mode

                    for (int x = 0; x < OutputPinCount; x++)
                        // Keep the flags & time info from the input
                        pOutputBuffers[x].rtTimelength = m_TimeLength;
                        pOutputBuffers[x].rtTimestamp  = m_TimeStamp;

                        if (pOutputBuffers[x].pBuffer != null)
                            pOutputBuffers[x].pBuffer.SetLength((iProcess / 2) + cbCurrent[x]);

                        if (m_cbInData == iProcess)
                            pOutputBuffers[x].dwStatus = m_Flags;
                            pOutputBuffers[x].dwStatus = m_Flags | DMOOutputDataBufferFlags.InComplete;

                    // Did we process everything?
                    if (m_cbInData == iProcess)
                        // Reset for next call, skipping processed data
                        long l = (long)Math.Round(((double)iProcess / m_cbInData) * m_TimeLength);
                        m_TimeStamp  += l;
                        m_TimeLength -= l;

                        m_InBuffer  = (IntPtr)(m_InBuffer.ToInt32() + iProcess);
                        m_cbInData -= iProcess;
                hr = S_FALSE;

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Given output buffers, process the input buffers into the output buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flags">A <see cref="DMOProcessOutput"/> Flags</param>
        /// <param name="outputBufferCount">Number of buffers (will be one per output stream)</param>
        /// <param name="outputBufferPointers">The buffers</param>
        /// <param name="pdwStatus">Reserved: 0</param>
        /// <returns>S_FALSE if there is no output, S_OK otherwise</returns>
        protected override int InternalProcessOutput(
            DMOProcessOutput flags,
            int outputBufferCount,
            [In, Out] DMOOutputDataBuffer[] outputBufferPointers,
            out int pdwStatus)
            // Check buffer
            IntPtr outputPointer;
            int    outputByteCount;
            int    currentByteCount;
            int    hr = SOK;

            pdwStatus = 0;

            // No input buffers to process
            if (this.buffer != null)
                if (outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer != null)
                    // Get a pointer to the output buffer
                    hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.GetBufferAndLength(out outputPointer, out currentByteCount);
                    if (hr >= 0)
                        hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.GetMaxLength(out outputByteCount);
                        if (hr >= 0)
                            // Make sure we have room
                            if (outputByteCount >= currentByteCount + OutputType(0).sampleSize)
                                // Get the mode for the current timecode
                                MPData gazeX  = ParamCalcValueForTime(0, this.bufferTimeStamp);
                                MPData gazeY  = ParamCalcValueForTime(1, this.bufferTimeStamp);
                                MPData mouseX = ParamCalcValueForTime(2, this.bufferTimeStamp);
                                MPData mouseY = ParamCalcValueForTime(3, this.bufferTimeStamp);

                                // Process from input to output according to the mode
                                    (IntPtr)(outputPointer.ToInt32() + currentByteCount),
                                    new Point(gazeX.vInt, gazeY.vInt),
                                    new Point(mouseX.vInt, mouseY.vInt));

                                // Keep the flags & time info from the input
                                outputBufferPointers[0].dwStatus     = this.bufferFlags;
                                outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimelength = this.bufferTimeLength;
                                outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimestamp  = this.bufferTimeStamp;

                                // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
                                // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
                                // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
                                // be complete processed.

                                // Say we've filled the buffer
                                hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.SetLength(outputByteCount);
                                hr = EINVALIDARG;
                    // No output buffer provided.  Happens in the DMO Wrapper if one of
                    // the output pins is not connected.
                    outputBufferPointers[0].dwStatus     = this.bufferFlags;
                    outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimelength = this.bufferTimeLength;
                    outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimestamp  = this.bufferTimeStamp;

                    // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
                    // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
                    // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
                    // be complete processed.
                hr = SFALSE;

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// COM entry point for IMediaObject.ProcessOutput
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// There should be no need to modify or override this method.  It will call the
        /// abstract and virtual methods to perform its work.
        /// </remarks>
        public int ProcessOutput(
            DMOProcessOutput dwFlags,
            int ulOutputBufferCount,
            DMOOutputDataBuffer [] pOutputBuffers,
            out int pdwStatus)
            int hr;

                // Avoid multi-threaded access issues
                    pdwStatus = 0;

                    // The number of buffers needs to exactly equal the number of streams
                    if (ulOutputBufferCount == m_NumOutputs && ( (dwFlags & ~DMOProcessOutput.DiscardWhenNoBuffer) == 0))
                        // If there are output streams, pOutputBuffers can't be null
                        if (m_NumOutputs > 0 || pOutputBuffers != null)
                            hr = AllocateStreamingResources();
                            if (hr >= 0)
                                // Init the status flags to zero
                                int dw;
                                for (dw = 0; dw < m_NumOutputs; dw++)
                                    pOutputBuffers[dw].dwStatus = DMOOutputDataBufferFlags.None;

                                // Fill the buffers
                                hr = InternalProcessOutput(
                                    out pdwStatus);

                                // remember the DMO's incomplete status
                                for (dw = 0; dw < m_NumOutputs; dw++)
                                    if ( (pOutputBuffers[dw].dwStatus & DMOOutputDataBufferFlags.InComplete) > 0)
                                        m_OutputInfo[dw].fIncomplete = true;
                                        m_OutputInfo[dw].fIncomplete = false;
                            hr =  E_POINTER;
                        hr = E_INVALIDARG;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Generic handling of all exceptions.  While .NET will turn exceptions into
                // HRESULTS "automatically", I prefer to have some place I can set a breakpoint.
                hr = CatFail(e);

                // Have to have this to make the compiler happy.
                pdwStatus = 0;

            return hr;
Пример #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Given output buffers, process the input buffers into the output buffers.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="flags">A <see cref="DMOProcessOutput"/> Flags</param>
    /// <param name="outputBufferCount">Number of buffers (will be one per output stream)</param>
    /// <param name="outputBufferPointers">The buffers</param>
    /// <param name="pdwStatus">Reserved: 0</param>
    /// <returns>S_FALSE if there is no output, S_OK otherwise</returns>
    protected override int InternalProcessOutput(
        DMOProcessOutput flags,
        int outputBufferCount,
        [In, Out] DMOOutputDataBuffer[] outputBufferPointers,
        out int pdwStatus)
      // Check buffer
      IntPtr outputPointer;
      int outputByteCount;
      int currentByteCount;
      int hr = SOK;

      pdwStatus = 0;

      // Check for no input buffers to process
      for (int i = 0; i < InputPinCount; i++)
        if (this.inputStreams[i].Buffer == null)
          return SFALSE;

      if (outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer != null)
        // Get a pointer to the output buffer
        hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.GetBufferAndLength(out outputPointer, out currentByteCount);
        if (hr >= 0)
          hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.GetMaxLength(out outputByteCount);
          if (hr >= 0)
            // Make sure we have room
            if (outputByteCount >= currentByteCount + OutputType(0).sampleSize)
              long timeStamp = this.inputStreams[0].BufferTimeStamp;

              MPData backgroundColor = ParamCalcValueForTime(0, timeStamp);

              // Get the mode for the current timecode
              for (int i = 0; i < InputPinCount; i++)
                MPData streamLeft = ParamCalcValueForTime((i * 5) + 1, timeStamp);
                MPData streamTop = ParamCalcValueForTime((i * 5) + 2, timeStamp);
                MPData streamWidth = ParamCalcValueForTime((i * 5) + 3, timeStamp);
                MPData streamHeight = ParamCalcValueForTime((i * 5) + 4, timeStamp);
                MPData streamAlpha = ParamCalcValueForTime((i * 5) + 5, timeStamp);
                RectangleF streamPosition = new RectangleF(
                this.inputStreams[i].Alpha = streamAlpha.vFloat;
                this.inputStreams[i].Position = streamPosition;

              // Process from input to output according to the mode
                (IntPtr)(outputPointer.ToInt32() + currentByteCount),

              // Keep the flags & time info from the input
              outputBufferPointers[0].dwStatus = this.bufferFlags;
              outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimelength = this.inputStreams[0].BufferTimeLength;
              outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimestamp = timeStamp;

              // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
              // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
              // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
              // be complete processed.

              // Say we've filled the buffer
              hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.SetLength(outputByteCount);
              hr = EINVALIDARG;
        // No output buffer provided.  Happens in the DMO Wrapper if one of
        // the output pins is not connected.
        outputBufferPointers[0].dwStatus = this.bufferFlags;
        outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimelength = this.inputStreams[0].BufferTimeLength;
        outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimestamp = this.inputStreams[0].BufferTimeStamp;

        // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
        // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
        // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
        // be complete processed.

      return hr;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Given output buffers, process the input buffers into the output buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flags">A <see cref="DMOProcessOutput"/> Flags</param>
        /// <param name="outputBufferCount">Number of buffers (will be one per output stream)</param>
        /// <param name="outputBufferPointers">The buffers</param>
        /// <param name="pdwStatus">Reserved: 0</param>
        /// <returns>S_FALSE if there is no output, S_OK otherwise</returns>
        protected override int InternalProcessOutput(
            DMOProcessOutput flags,
            int outputBufferCount,
            [In, Out] DMOOutputDataBuffer[] outputBufferPointers,
            out int pdwStatus)
            // Check buffer
            IntPtr outputPointer;
            int    outputByteCount;
            int    currentByteCount;
            int    hr = SOK;

            pdwStatus = 0;

            // Check for no input buffers to process
            for (int i = 0; i < InputPinCount; i++)
                if (this.inputStreams[i].Buffer == null)

            if (outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer != null)
                // Get a pointer to the output buffer
                hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.GetBufferAndLength(out outputPointer, out currentByteCount);
                if (hr >= 0)
                    hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.GetMaxLength(out outputByteCount);
                    if (hr >= 0)
                        // Make sure we have room
                        if (outputByteCount >= currentByteCount + OutputType(0).sampleSize)
                            long timeStamp = this.inputStreams[0].BufferTimeStamp;

                            MPData backgroundColor = ParamCalcValueForTime(0, timeStamp);

                            // Get the mode for the current timecode
                            for (int i = 0; i < InputPinCount; i++)
                                MPData     streamLeft     = ParamCalcValueForTime((i * 5) + 1, timeStamp);
                                MPData     streamTop      = ParamCalcValueForTime((i * 5) + 2, timeStamp);
                                MPData     streamWidth    = ParamCalcValueForTime((i * 5) + 3, timeStamp);
                                MPData     streamHeight   = ParamCalcValueForTime((i * 5) + 4, timeStamp);
                                MPData     streamAlpha    = ParamCalcValueForTime((i * 5) + 5, timeStamp);
                                RectangleF streamPosition = new RectangleF(
                                this.inputStreams[i].Alpha    = streamAlpha.vFloat;
                                this.inputStreams[i].Position = streamPosition;

                            // Process from input to output according to the mode
                                (IntPtr)(outputPointer.ToInt32() + currentByteCount),

                            // Keep the flags & time info from the input
                            outputBufferPointers[0].dwStatus     = this.bufferFlags;
                            outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimelength = this.inputStreams[0].BufferTimeLength;
                            outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimestamp  = timeStamp;

                            // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
                            // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
                            // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
                            // be complete processed.

                            // Say we've filled the buffer
                            hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.SetLength(outputByteCount);
                            hr = EINVALIDARG;
                // No output buffer provided.  Happens in the DMO Wrapper if one of
                // the output pins is not connected.
                outputBufferPointers[0].dwStatus     = this.bufferFlags;
                outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimelength = this.inputStreams[0].BufferTimeLength;
                outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimestamp  = this.inputStreams[0].BufferTimeStamp;

                // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
                // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
                // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
                // be complete processed.

Пример #7
 int ProcessOutput(
     DMOProcessOutput dwFlags,
     int cOutputBufferCount,
     [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)] DMOOutputDataBuffer [] pOutputBuffers,
     out int pdwStatus
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Given output buffers, process the input buffers into the output buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwFlags">Flags</param>
        /// <param name="cOutputBufferCount">Number of buffers (will be one per output stream)</param>
        /// <param name="pOutputBuffers">The buffers</param>
        /// <param name="pdwStatus">Reserved: 0</param>
        /// <returns>S_FALSE if there is no output, S_OK otherwise</returns>
        protected override int InternalProcessOutput(
            DMOProcessOutput dwFlags,
            int cOutputBufferCount,
            [In, Out] DMOOutputDataBuffer [] pOutputBuffers,
            out int pdwStatus)
            int hr = 0;
            bool bFoundOne = false;
            pdwStatus = 0;

            // No input buffers to process
            if (m_pBuffer != null)
                int [] cbCurrent = new int[OutputPinCount]; // 0
                int [] cbOutData = new int[OutputPinCount]; //int.MaxValue;
                IntPtr [] pbOutData = new IntPtr[OutputPinCount]; //IntPtr.Zero;
                int iProcess = m_cbInData;

                for (int x=0; x < OutputPinCount; x++)
                    if (pOutputBuffers[x].pBuffer != null)
                        // Get a pointer to the output buffer
                        hr = pOutputBuffers[x].pBuffer.GetBufferAndLength(out pbOutData[x], out cbCurrent[x]);

                        if (hr >= 0)
                            pbOutData[x] = (IntPtr)(pbOutData[x].ToInt32() + cbCurrent[x]);

                            hr = pOutputBuffers[x].pBuffer.GetMaxLength(out cbOutData[x]);

                            if (hr >= 0)
                                iProcess = Math.Min(iProcess, (cbOutData[x] - cbCurrent[x]) * 2);
                                bFoundOne = true;
                        pbOutData[x] = IntPtr.Zero;
                        cbOutData[x] = int.MaxValue;
                        cbCurrent[x] = 0;

                    if (hr < 0)

                if (hr >= 0)
                    if (bFoundOne)
                        // Process from input to output according to the mode

                    for (int x=0; x < OutputPinCount; x++)
                        // Keep the flags & time info from the input
                        pOutputBuffers[x].rtTimelength = m_TimeLength;
                        pOutputBuffers[x].rtTimestamp = m_TimeStamp;

                        if (pOutputBuffers[x].pBuffer != null)
                            pOutputBuffers[x].pBuffer.SetLength((iProcess / 2) + cbCurrent[x]);

                        if (m_cbInData == iProcess)
                            pOutputBuffers[x].dwStatus = m_Flags;
                            pOutputBuffers[x].dwStatus = m_Flags | DMOOutputDataBufferFlags.InComplete;

                    // Did we process everything?
                    if (m_cbInData == iProcess)
                        // Reset for next call, skipping processed data
                        long l = (long)Math.Round(((double)iProcess / m_cbInData) * m_TimeLength);
                        m_TimeStamp += l;
                        m_TimeLength -= l;

                        m_InBuffer = (IntPtr)(m_InBuffer.ToInt32() + iProcess);
                        m_cbInData -= iProcess;
                hr = S_FALSE;

            return hr;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Given output buffers, process the input buffers into the output buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwFlags">Flags</param>
        /// <param name="cOutputBufferCount">Number of buffers (will be one per output stream)</param>
        /// <param name="pOutputBuffers">The buffers</param>
        /// <param name="pdwStatus">Reserved: 0</param>
        /// <returns>S_FALSE if there is no output, S_OK otherwise</returns>
        protected override int InternalProcessOutput(
            DMOProcessOutput dwFlags,
            int cOutputBufferCount,
            [In, Out] DMOOutputDataBuffer [] pOutputBuffers,
            out int pdwStatus)
            //  Check buffer
            IntPtr pbOutData;
            int cbOutData;
            int cbCurrent;
            int hr = S_OK;

            pdwStatus = 0;

            // No input buffers to process
            if (m_pBuffer != null)
                if (pOutputBuffers[0].pBuffer != null)
                    // Get a pointer to the output buffer
                    hr = pOutputBuffers[0].pBuffer.GetBufferAndLength(out pbOutData, out cbCurrent);
                    if (hr >= 0)
                        hr = pOutputBuffers[0].pBuffer.GetMaxLength(out cbOutData);
                        if (hr >= 0)
                            // Make sure we have room
                            if (cbOutData >= cbCurrent + OutputType(0).sampleSize)
                                // Get the mode for the current timecode
                                MPData m = ParamCalcValueForTime(0, m_TimeStamp);

                                // Process from input to output according to the mode
                                DoFlip((IntPtr)(pbOutData.ToInt32() + cbCurrent), m_cbInData, m_InBuffer, m_BPP, (FlipMode)m.vInt);

                                // Keep the flags & time info from the input
                                pOutputBuffers[0].dwStatus = m_Flags;
                                pOutputBuffers[0].rtTimelength = m_TimeLength;
                                pOutputBuffers[0].rtTimestamp = m_TimeStamp;

                                // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
                                // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
                                // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
                                // be complete processed.

                                //  Say we've filled the buffer
                                hr = pOutputBuffers[0].pBuffer.SetLength(cbOutData);
                                hr = E_INVALIDARG;
                    // No output buffer provided.  Happens in the DMO Wrapper if one of
                    // the output pins is not connected.
                    pOutputBuffers[0].dwStatus = m_Flags;
                    pOutputBuffers[0].rtTimelength = m_TimeLength;
                    pOutputBuffers[0].rtTimestamp = m_TimeStamp;

                    // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
                    // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
                    // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
                    // be complete processed.
                hr = S_FALSE;

            return hr;
Пример #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Given output buffers, process the input buffers into the output buffers.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="flags">A <see cref="DMOProcessOutput"/> Flags</param>
    /// <param name="outputBufferCount">Number of buffers (will be one per output stream)</param>
    /// <param name="outputBufferPointers">The buffers</param>
    /// <param name="pdwStatus">Reserved: 0</param>
    /// <returns>S_FALSE if there is no output, S_OK otherwise</returns>
    protected override int InternalProcessOutput(
        DMOProcessOutput flags,
        int outputBufferCount,
        [In, Out] DMOOutputDataBuffer[] outputBufferPointers,
        out int pdwStatus)
      // Check buffer
      IntPtr outputPointer;
      int outputByteCount;
      int currentByteCount;
      int hr = SOK;

      pdwStatus = 0;

      // No input buffers to process
      if (this.buffer != null)
        if (outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer != null)
          // Get a pointer to the output buffer
          hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.GetBufferAndLength(out outputPointer, out currentByteCount);
          if (hr >= 0)
            hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.GetMaxLength(out outputByteCount);
            if (hr >= 0)
              // Make sure we have room
              if (outputByteCount >= currentByteCount + OutputType(0).sampleSize)
                // Get the mode for the current timecode
                MPData gazeX = ParamCalcValueForTime(0, this.bufferTimeStamp);
                MPData gazeY = ParamCalcValueForTime(1, this.bufferTimeStamp);
                MPData mouseX = ParamCalcValueForTime(2, this.bufferTimeStamp);
                MPData mouseY = ParamCalcValueForTime(3, this.bufferTimeStamp);

                // Process from input to output according to the mode
                  (IntPtr)(outputPointer.ToInt32() + currentByteCount),
                  new Point(gazeX.vInt, gazeY.vInt),
                  new Point(mouseX.vInt, mouseY.vInt));

                // Keep the flags & time info from the input
                outputBufferPointers[0].dwStatus = this.bufferFlags;
                outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimelength = this.bufferTimeLength;
                outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimestamp = this.bufferTimeStamp;

                // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
                // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
                // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
                // be complete processed.

                // Say we've filled the buffer
                hr = outputBufferPointers[0].pBuffer.SetLength(outputByteCount);
                hr = EINVALIDARG;
          // No output buffer provided.  Happens in the DMO Wrapper if one of
          // the output pins is not connected.
          outputBufferPointers[0].dwStatus = this.bufferFlags;
          outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimelength = this.bufferTimeLength;
          outputBufferPointers[0].rtTimestamp = this.bufferTimeStamp;

          // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
          // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
          // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
          // be complete processed.
        hr = SFALSE;

      return hr;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Given output buffers, process the input buffers into the output buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dwFlags">Flags</param>
        /// <param name="cOutputBufferCount">Number of buffers (will be one per output stream)</param>
        /// <param name="pOutputBuffers">The buffers</param>
        /// <param name="pdwStatus">Reserved: 0</param>
        /// <returns>S_FALSE if there is no output, S_OK otherwise</returns>
        override protected int InternalProcessOutput(
            DMOProcessOutput dwFlags,
            int cOutputBufferCount,
            [In, Out] DMOOutputDataBuffer [] pOutputBuffers,
            out int pdwStatus)
            //  Check buffer
            IntPtr pbOutData;
            int    cbOutData;
            int    cbCurrent;
            int    hr = S_OK;

            pdwStatus = 0;

            // No input buffers to process
            if (m_pBuffer != null)
                if (pOutputBuffers[0].pBuffer != null)
                    // Get a pointer to the output buffer
                    hr = pOutputBuffers[0].pBuffer.GetBufferAndLength(out pbOutData, out cbCurrent);
                    if (hr >= 0)
                        hr = pOutputBuffers[0].pBuffer.GetMaxLength(out cbOutData);
                        if (hr >= 0)
                            // Make sure we have room
                            if (cbOutData >= cbCurrent + OutputType(0).sampleSize)
                                // Get the mode for the current timecode
                                MPData m = ParamCalcValueForTime(0, m_TimeStamp);

                                // Process from input to output according to the mode
                                DoFlip((IntPtr)(pbOutData.ToInt32() + cbCurrent), m_cbInData, m_InBuffer, m_BPP, (FlipMode)m.vInt);

                                // Keep the flags & time info from the input
                                pOutputBuffers[0].dwStatus     = m_Flags;
                                pOutputBuffers[0].rtTimelength = m_TimeLength;
                                pOutputBuffers[0].rtTimestamp  = m_TimeStamp;

                                // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
                                // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
                                // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
                                // be complete processed.

                                //  Say we've filled the buffer
                                hr = pOutputBuffers[0].pBuffer.SetLength(cbOutData);
                                hr = E_INVALIDARG;
                    // No output buffer provided.  Happens in the DMO Wrapper if one of
                    // the output pins is not connected.
                    pOutputBuffers[0].dwStatus     = m_Flags;
                    pOutputBuffers[0].rtTimelength = m_TimeLength;
                    pOutputBuffers[0].rtTimestamp  = m_TimeStamp;

                    // Release the buffer.  Since we are always processing one buffer at
                    // a time, we always release on completion.  If our input might be
                    // more than one buffer, we would only release the input when it had
                    // be complete processed.
                hr = S_FALSE;
