Пример #1
        internal static int GetPartCrewCount(Part part)
            int crewCount = 0;

            if (!InstalledMods.IsDfApiReady)
                return(crewCount + part.protoModuleCrew.Count);
            if (!part.Modules.Contains("DeepFreezer"))
                return(crewCount + part.protoModuleCrew.Count);
            PartModule freezerModule = SMConditions.GetFreezerModule(part);

            // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
            DFWrapper.DeepFreezer freezer = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(freezerModule);
            crewCount += freezer.TotalFrozen;
            return(crewCount + part.protoModuleCrew.Count);
Пример #2
        internal static string DisplayVesselResourceTotals(string selectedResource)
            string displayAmount = "";
            double currAmount    = 0;
            double totAmount     = 0;

            if (selectedResource == null)
                return(string.Format(" - ({0})", currAmount.ToString("#######0")));
                if (SMConditions.IsResourceTypeOther(selectedResource))
                    List <Part> .Enumerator parts = SMAddon.SmVessel.PartsByResource[selectedResource].GetEnumerator();
                    while (parts.MoveNext())
                        if (parts.Current == null)
                        currAmount += parts.Current.Resources[selectedResource].amount;
                        totAmount  += parts.Current.Resources[selectedResource].maxAmount;
                switch (SMConditions.TypeOfResource(selectedResource))
                case SMConditions.ResourceType.Crew:
                    currAmount = SMAddon.SmVessel.Vessel.GetCrewCount();
                    totAmount  = SMAddon.SmVessel.Vessel.GetCrewCapacity();

                    // if DF installed, get total frozen and add to count.
                    if (InstalledMods.IsDfInstalled)
                        List <Part> .Enumerator cryofreezers = GetFreezerParts().GetEnumerator();
                        // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
                        while (cryofreezers.MoveNext())
                            if (cryofreezers.Current == null)
                            currAmount += new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(SMConditions.GetFreezerModule(cryofreezers.Current)).TotalFrozen;

                    // Now check for occupied external seats
                    // external seats that are occupied will show up in getcrewcount and getcrewcapacity
                    // Since we cannot yet xfer external crew, we need to remove them from the count..
                    List <KerbalSeat> seatCount = (from iPart in SMAddon.SmVessel.Vessel.parts
                                                   where iPart.Modules.Contains("KerbalSeat")
                                                   from PartModule iModule in iPart.Modules
                                                   where iModule.ClassName == "KerbalSeat"
                                                   select(KerbalSeat) iModule
                                                   into kSeat
                                                   where kSeat.Occupant != null
                                                   select kSeat).ToList();
                    currAmount -= seatCount.Count;
                    totAmount  -= seatCount.Count;

                case SMConditions.ResourceType.Science:
                    currAmount +=
                        SMAddon.SmVessel.PartsByResource[selectedResource].SelectMany(part => part.Modules.Cast <PartModule>())
                        .OfType <IScienceDataContainer>()
                        .Sum(module => (double)module.GetScienceCount());
                displayAmount = selectedResource != SMConditions.ResourceType.Science.ToString()
          ? string.Format(" - ({0}/{1})", currAmount.ToString("#######0"), totAmount.ToString("######0"))
          : string.Format(" - ({0})", currAmount.ToString("#######0"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogMessage(string.Format(" in DisplayResourceTotals().  Error:  {0}", ex), LogType.Error, true);

Пример #3
        internal static bool CanKerbalsBeXferred(List<Part> selectedPartsSource, List<Part> selectedPartsTarget)
            bool results = false;
            if (IsTransferInProgress())
              WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = "Transfer in progress.  Xfers disabled.";
              return false;
            if (selectedPartsSource.Count == 0 || selectedPartsTarget.Count == 0)
              WindowTransfer.XferToolTip =
            "Source or Target Part is not selected.\r\nPlease Select a Source AND a Target part.";
              return false;
            if (selectedPartsSource[0] == selectedPartsTarget[0])
              WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = "Source and Target Part are the same.\r\nUse Move Kerbal (>>) instead.";
              return false;
            // If one of the parts is a DeepFreeze part and no crew are showing in protoModuleCrew, check it isn't full of frozen Kerbals.
            // This is to prevent SM from Transferring crew into a DeepFreeze part that is full of frozen kerbals.
            // If there is just one spare seat or seat taken by a Thawed Kerbal that is OK because SM will just transfer them into the empty
            // seat or swap them with a thawed Kerbal.
            DFWrapper.DeepFreezer sourcepartFrzr = null; // selectedPartsSource[0].FindModuleImplementing<DFWrapper.DeepFreezer>();
            DFWrapper.DeepFreezer targetpartFrzr = null; // selectedPartsTarget[0].FindModuleImplementing<DFWrapper.DeepFreezer>();

            PartModule sourcedeepFreezer = GetFreezerModule(selectedPartsSource[0]);
            if (sourcedeepFreezer != null) sourcepartFrzr = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(sourcedeepFreezer);

            PartModule targetdeepFreezer = GetFreezerModule(selectedPartsTarget[0]);
            if (targetdeepFreezer != null) targetpartFrzr = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(targetdeepFreezer);

            if (sourcepartFrzr != null)
              if (sourcepartFrzr.FreezerSpace == 0)
            WindowTransfer.XferToolTip =
              "DeepFreeze Part is full of frozen kerbals.\r\nCannot Xfer until some are thawed.";
            return false;
            if (targetpartFrzr != null)
              if (targetpartFrzr.FreezerSpace == 0)
            WindowTransfer.XferToolTip =
              "DeepFreeze Part is full of frozen kerbals.\r\nCannot Xfer until some are thawed.";
            return false;

            // Are there kerbals to move?
            if (selectedPartsSource[0].protoModuleCrew.Count == 0)
              WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = "No Kerbals to Move.";
              return false;
            // now if realism mode, are the parts connected to each other in the same living space?
            results = IsClsInSameSpace();
            if (!results)
              WindowTransfer.EvaToolTip = "CLS is preventing internal Crew Transfer.  Click to initiate EVA operation.";
              catch (Exception ex)
            Utilities.LogMessage(string.Format(" in CanBeXferred.  Error:  {0} \r\n\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace),
              Utilities.LogType.Error, true);
              if (WindowTransfer.XferToolTip == "")
            WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = "Source and target Part are the same.  Use Move Kerbal instead.";
              return results;
Пример #4
        internal static bool CanKerbalsBeXferred(List <Part> selectedPartsSource, List <Part> selectedPartsTarget)
            bool results = true;

            WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = "";
                if (IsTransferInProgress())
                    //WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = "Transfer in progress.  Xfers disabled.";
                    WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = SMUtils.Localize("#smloc_conditions_tt_001");
                if (selectedPartsSource.Count == 0 || selectedPartsTarget.Count == 0)
                    WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = SMUtils.Localize("#smloc_conditions_tt_002");
                    //  "Source or Target Part is not selected.\r\nPlease Select a Source AND a Target part.";
                if (selectedPartsSource[0] == selectedPartsTarget[0])
                    WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = SMUtils.Localize("#smloc_conditions_tt_003");
                    // "Source and Target Part are the same.\r\nUse Move Kerbal (>>) instead.";
                // If one of the parts is a DeepFreeze part and no crew are showing in protoModuleCrew, check it isn't full of frozen Kerbals.
                // This is to prevent SM from Transferring crew into a DeepFreeze part that is full of frozen kerbals.
                // If there is just one spare seat or seat taken by a Thawed Kerbal that is OK because SM will just transfer them into the empty
                // seat or swap them with a thawed Kerbal.
                DFWrapper.DeepFreezer sourcepartFrzr = null; // selectedPartsSource[0].FindModuleImplementing<DFWrapper.DeepFreezer>();
                DFWrapper.DeepFreezer targetpartFrzr = null; // selectedPartsTarget[0].FindModuleImplementing<DFWrapper.DeepFreezer>();

                PartModule sourcedeepFreezer = GetFreezerModule(selectedPartsSource[0]);
                if (sourcedeepFreezer != null)
                    sourcepartFrzr = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(sourcedeepFreezer);

                PartModule targetdeepFreezer = GetFreezerModule(selectedPartsTarget[0]);
                if (targetdeepFreezer != null)
                    targetpartFrzr = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(targetdeepFreezer);

                if (sourcepartFrzr != null)
                    if (sourcepartFrzr.FreezerSpace == 0)
                        WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = SMUtils.Localize("#smloc_conditions_tt_004");
                        // "DeepFreeze Part is full of frozen kerbals.\r\nCannot Xfer until some are thawed.";
                if (targetpartFrzr != null)
                    if (targetpartFrzr.FreezerSpace == 0)
                        WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = SMUtils.Localize("#smloc_conditions_tt_004");
                        // "DeepFreeze Part is full of frozen kerbals.\r\nCannot Xfer until some are thawed.";

                // Are there kerbals to move?
                if (selectedPartsSource[0].protoModuleCrew.Count == 0)
                    //WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = "No Kerbals to Move.";
                    WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = SMUtils.Localize("#smloc_conditions_tt_005");
                // now if realistic xfers is enabled, are the parts connected to each other in the same living space?
                results = IsClsInSameSpace(selectedPartsSource[0], selectedPartsTarget[0]);
                if (!results)
                    WindowTransfer.EvaToolTip = SMUtils.Localize("#smloc_conditions_tt_006");
                // "CLS is preventing internal Crew Transfer.  Click to initiate EVA operation.";
                    WindowTransfer.XferToolTip = SMUtils.Localize("#smloc_conditions_tt_007");
                // "Kerbal can be Transfered.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                SMUtils.LogMessage(string.Format(" in CanBeXferred.  Error:  {0} \r\n\r\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace),
                                   SMUtils.LogType.Error, true);
        private static void CrewDetails(List<Part> selectedPartsFrom, List<Part> selectedPartsTo)
            // Since only one Crew Part can currently be selected, all lists will use an index of [0].
              float xOffset = 30;

              if (selectedPartsFrom.Count <= 0) return;
              // ReSharper disable once ForCanBeConvertedToForeach
              for (int x = 0; x < selectedPartsFrom[0].protoModuleCrew.Count; x++)
            ProtoCrewMember crewMember = selectedPartsFrom[0].protoModuleCrew[x];
            if (SMConditions.IsTransferInProgress()) GUI.enabled = false;

            if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("»", "Move Kerbal to another seat within Part"), SMStyle.ButtonStyle,
              GUILayout.Width(25), GUILayout.Height(20)))
              ToolTip = "";
              SMAddon.SmVessel.TransferCrewObj.CrewTransferBegin(crewMember, selectedPartsFrom[0], selectedPartsFrom[0]);
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips)
              Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
              ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, xOffset);
            GUI.enabled = true;
            GUILayout.Label(string.Format("  {0}", crewMember.name + " (" + crewMember.experienceTrait.Title + ")"),
              GUILayout.Width(190), GUILayout.Height(20));
            GUI.enabled = SMConditions.CanKerbalsBeXferred(selectedPartsFrom, selectedPartsTo);
            if ((SMAddon.SmVessel.TransferCrewObj.FromCrewMember == crewMember ||
             SMAddon.SmVessel.TransferCrewObj.ToCrewMember == crewMember) && SMConditions.IsTransferInProgress())
              GUI.enabled = true;
              GUILayout.Label("Moving", GUILayout.Width(50), GUILayout.Height(20));
            else if (!SMConditions.IsClsInSameSpace())
              GUI.enabled = true;
              if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("EVA", EvaToolTip), SMStyle.ButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(50),
            ToolTip = "";
              if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips)
            Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
            ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, xOffset);
              if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Xfer", XferToolTip), SMStyle.ButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(50),
            SMAddon.SmVessel.TransferCrewObj.FromCrewMember = crewMember;
            SMAddon.SmVessel.TransferCrewObj.CrewTransferBegin(crewMember, selectedPartsFrom[0], selectedPartsTo[0]);
              if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips)
            Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
            ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, xOffset);
            GUI.enabled = true;
              // Cater for DeepFreeze Continued... parts - list frozen kerbals
              if (!InstalledMods.IsDfApiReady) return;
            PartModule deepFreezer = (from PartModule pm in selectedPartsFrom[0].Modules where pm.moduleName == "DeepFreezer" select pm).SingleOrDefault();
            if (deepFreezer == null) return;
            DFWrapper.DeepFreezer sourcepartFrzr = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(deepFreezer);
            if (sourcepartFrzr.StoredCrewList.Count <= 0) return;
            //Dictionary<string, DFWrapper.KerbalInfo> frozenKerbals = DFWrapper.DeepFreezeAPI.FrozenKerbals;
            List<DFWrapper.FrznCrewMbr>.Enumerator frznCrew = sourcepartFrzr.StoredCrewList.GetEnumerator();
            while (frznCrew.MoveNext())
              if (frznCrew.Current == null) continue;
              GUI.enabled = false;
              if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("»", "Move Kerbal to another seat within Part"), SMStyle.ButtonStyle,
            GUILayout.Width(15), GUILayout.Height(20)))
            ToolTip = "";
              if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips)
            Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
            ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, xOffset);
              string trait = "";
              ProtoCrewMember frozenKerbal = FindFrozenKerbal(frznCrew.Current.CrewName);
              if (frozenKerbal != null) trait = frozenKerbal.trait;
              GUI.enabled = true;
              GUILayout.Label(string.Format("  {0}", frznCrew.Current.CrewName + " (" + trait + ")"), SMStyle.LabelStyleCyan,
            GUILayout.Width(190), GUILayout.Height(20));

              if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Thaw", "This Kerbal is Frozen. Click to Revive kerbal"),
            SMStyle.ButtonStyle, GUILayout.Width(50), GUILayout.Height(20)))
            ToolTip = "";
              if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && ShowToolTips)
            Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
            ToolTip = SMToolTips.SetActiveToolTip(rect, GUI.tooltip, ref ToolTipActive, xOffset);
              catch (Exception ex)
              string.Format(" in WindowTransfer.CrewDetails.  Error attempting to check DeepFreeze for FrozenKerbals.  Error:  {0} \r\n\r\n{1}",
            ex.Message, ex.StackTrace), Utilities.LogType.Error, true);
            //Debug.Log("Error attempting to check DeepFreeze for FrozenKerbals");
Пример #6
        internal static string DisplayVesselResourceTotals(string selectedResource)
            string displayAmount = "";
              double currAmount = 0;
              double totAmount = 0;
              if (selectedResource == null) return string.Format(" - ({0})", currAmount.ToString("#######0"));
            if (SMConditions.IsResourceTypeOther(selectedResource))
              List<Part>.Enumerator parts = SMAddon.SmVessel.PartsByResource[selectedResource].GetEnumerator();
              while (parts.MoveNext())
            if (parts.Current == null) continue;
            currAmount += parts.Current.Resources[selectedResource].amount;
            totAmount += parts.Current.Resources[selectedResource].maxAmount;
            switch (SMConditions.TypeOfResource(selectedResource))
              case SMConditions.ResourceType.Crew:
            currAmount = SMAddon.SmVessel.Vessel.GetCrewCount();
            totAmount = SMAddon.SmVessel.Vessel.GetCrewCapacity();

            // if DF installed, get total frozen and add to count.
            if (InstalledMods.IsDfInstalled)
              List<Part>.Enumerator cryofreezers = GetFreezerParts().GetEnumerator();
              // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
              while (cryofreezers.MoveNext())
                if (cryofreezers.Current == null) continue;
                currAmount += new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(SMConditions.GetFreezerModule(cryofreezers.Current)).TotalFrozen;

            // Now check for occupied external seats
            // external seats that are occupied will show up in getcrewcount and getcrewcapacity
            // Since we cannot yet xfer external crew, we need to remove them from the count..
            List<KerbalSeat> seatCount = (from iPart in SMAddon.SmVessel.Vessel.parts
              where iPart.Modules.Contains("KerbalSeat")
              from PartModule iModule in iPart.Modules
              where iModule.ClassName == "KerbalSeat"
              select (KerbalSeat) iModule
              into kSeat
              where kSeat.Occupant != null
              select kSeat).ToList();
            currAmount -= seatCount.Count;
            totAmount -= seatCount.Count;
              case SMConditions.ResourceType.Science:
            currAmount +=
              SMAddon.SmVessel.PartsByResource[selectedResource].SelectMany(part => part.Modules.Cast<PartModule>())
                .Sum(module => (double) module.GetScienceCount());
            displayAmount = selectedResource != SMConditions.ResourceType.Science.ToString()
              ? string.Format(" - ({0}/{1})", currAmount.ToString("#######0"), totAmount.ToString("######0"))
              : string.Format(" - ({0})", currAmount.ToString("#######0"));
              catch (Exception ex)
            LogMessage(string.Format(" in DisplayResourceTotals().  Error:  {0}", ex), LogType.Error, true);

              return displayAmount;
Пример #7
 internal static int GetPartCrewCount(Part part)
     int crewCount = 0;
       if (!InstalledMods.IsDfApiReady) return crewCount + part.protoModuleCrew.Count;
       if (!part.Modules.Contains("DeepFreezer")) return crewCount + part.protoModuleCrew.Count;
       PartModule freezerModule = SMConditions.GetFreezerModule(part);
       // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
       DFWrapper.DeepFreezer freezer = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(freezerModule);
       crewCount += freezer.TotalFrozen;
       return crewCount + part.protoModuleCrew.Count;
Пример #8
        internal void Update()
            if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < 2.0f) // Check not loading level

            if (!DFWrapper.InstanceExists)  // Check if DFWrapper has been initialized or not. If not try to initialize.

            if (DFWrapper.APIReady)  // If the DeepFreeze API is Ready we do stuff with it.
                //Get the DeepFreeze Dictionary of all Frozen Kerbals in the current Game.
                DFFrozenKerbals = DFWrapper.DeepFreezeAPI.FrozenKerbals;

                //Go through the active vessel and get all the DeepFreezer partmodules.
                if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null)
                    //Get a List of all the PartModules that are DeepFreezer class and store in deepfreezers List.
                    List<Part> cryofreezers = (from p in FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.parts where p.Modules.Contains("DeepFreezer") select p).ToList();
                    foreach (Part part in cryofreezers)
                        PartModule deepFreezer = (from PartModule pm in part.Modules where pm.moduleName == "DeepFreezer" select pm).SingleOrDefault();
                        if (deepFreezer != null)

                    //If we found any DeepFreezer partmodules
                    if (deepfreezers.Count == 1)
                        foreach (PartModule module in deepfreezers)

                            //The DFWrapper.DeepFreezer class is a reflection class of the real DeepFreezer PartModule
                            DFWrapper.DeepFreezer freezer = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(module);

                            //Populate fields for GUI display - NB: This only works for ONE freezer module in active vessel
                            //But is only for example purposes. If you want to do this for multiple modules then
                            // you will have to create your own Lists, etc.
                            seats = freezer.FreezerSize;
                            isxferto = freezer.crewXferTOActive;
                            isxferfrom = freezer.crewXferFROMActive;
                            isfreezeact = freezer.IsFreezeActive;
                            isthawact = freezer.IsThawActive;
                            outofec = freezer.FreezerOutofEC;
                            partfull = freezer.PartFull;
                            freeseats = freezer.FreezerSpace;
                            tmpsts = freezer.FrzrTmp;
                            totfrozen = freezer.TotalFrozen;
                            frzncrewlst = freezer.StoredCrewList;
Пример #9
        private void windowDF(int id)
            //Init styles
            sectionTitleStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
            sectionTitleStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            sectionTitleStyle.stretchWidth = true;
            sectionTitleStyle.normal.textColor = Color.blue;
            sectionTitleStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;

            statusStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
            statusStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            statusStyle.stretchWidth = true;
            statusStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;

            GUIscrollViewVector = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(GUIscrollViewVector, false, false);

            GUILayout.Label("# of FrozenKerbals " + DFFrozenKerbals.Count.ToString(), statusStyle);
            GUILayout.Label("FreezerSize        " + seats, statusStyle);
            GUILayout.Label("FreezerSpace       " + freeseats, statusStyle);
            GUILayout.Label("TotalFrozen        " + totfrozen, statusStyle);
            GUILayout.Label("PartFull           " + partfull, statusStyle);
            GUILayout.Label("IsFreezeActive     " + isfreezeact, statusStyle);
            GUILayout.Label("IsThawActive       " + isthawact, statusStyle);
            GUILayout.Label("FreezerOutofEC     " + outofec, statusStyle);
            GUILayout.Label("crewXferTOActive   " + isxferto, statusStyle);
            GUILayout.Label("crewXferFROMActive " + isxferfrom, statusStyle);
            GUILayout.Label("FrzrTmp            " + tmpsts.ToString(), statusStyle);
            if (frzncrewlst.Count == 0)
                foreach (DFWrapper.FrznCrewMbr frzncrewmbr in frzncrewlst)
                    GUILayout.Label(frzncrewmbr.CrewName + " " + frzncrewmbr.SeatIdx + frzncrewmbr.VesselName);
                    if (GUILayout.Button("Thaw"))
                        //this is a nasty example. Assumes only one freezer module and crew is in that first module.
                        //if using this in your mod, you need to cleanly store and look-up the freezer module for the
                        //crewmember and instantiate a DFWrapper.DeepFreezer for that particular module first.
                        DFWrapper.DeepFreezer freezer = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(deepfreezers[0]);
            if (deepfreezers[0].part.vessel.GetCrewCount() == 0)
                foreach (ProtoCrewMember crew in deepfreezers[0].part.vessel.GetVesselCrew())
                    if (GUILayout.Button("Freeze"))
                        //this is a nasty example. Assumes only one freezer module and crew is in that first module.
                        //if using this in your mod, you need to cleanly store and look-up the freezer module for the
                        //crewmember and instantiate a DFWrapper.DeepFreezer for that particular module first.
                        DFWrapper.DeepFreezer freezer = new DFWrapper.DeepFreezer(deepfreezers[0]);
