Пример #1
        public virtual void TestReadFromOneDN()
            HdfsConfiguration configuration = new HdfsConfiguration();
            // One of the goals of this test is to verify that we don't open more
            // than one socket.  So use a different client context, so that we
            // get our own socket cache, rather than sharing with the other test
            // instances.  Also use a really long socket timeout so that nothing
            // gets closed before we get around to checking the cache size at the end.
            string contextName = "testReadFromOneDNContext";

            configuration.Set(DFSConfigKeys.DfsClientContext, contextName);
            configuration.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsClientSocketTimeoutKey, 100000000L);
            BlockReaderTestUtil util = new BlockReaderTestUtil(1, configuration);
            Path testFile            = new Path("/testConnCache.dat");

            byte[]    authenticData = util.WriteFile(testFile, FileSize / 1024);
            DFSClient client        = new DFSClient(new IPEndPoint("localhost", util.GetCluster().GetNameNodePort
                                                                       ()), util.GetConf());
            ClientContext  cacheContext = ClientContext.Get(contextName, client.GetConf());
            DFSInputStream @in          = client.Open(testFile.ToString());

            Log.Info("opened " + testFile.ToString());
            byte[] dataBuf = new byte[BlockSize];
            // Initial read
            Pread(@in, 0, dataBuf, 0, dataBuf.Length, authenticData);
            // Read again and verify that the socket is the same
            Pread(@in, FileSize - dataBuf.Length, dataBuf, 0, dataBuf.Length, authenticData);
            Pread(@in, 1024, dataBuf, 0, dataBuf.Length, authenticData);
            // No seek; just read
            Pread(@in, -1, dataBuf, 0, dataBuf.Length, authenticData);
            Pread(@in, 64, dataBuf, 0, dataBuf.Length / 2, authenticData);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, ClientContext.GetFromConf(configuration).GetPeerCache
Пример #2
		/// <summary>Start the parallel read with the given parameters.</summary>
		/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
		internal virtual bool RunParallelRead(int nFiles, int nWorkerEach, TestParallelReadUtil.ReadWorkerHelper
			TestParallelReadUtil.ReadWorker[] workers = new TestParallelReadUtil.ReadWorker[nFiles
				 * nWorkerEach];
			TestParallelReadUtil.TestFileInfo[] testInfoArr = new TestParallelReadUtil.TestFileInfo
			// Prepare the files and workers
			int nWorkers = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < nFiles; ++i)
				TestParallelReadUtil.TestFileInfo testInfo = new TestParallelReadUtil.TestFileInfo
				testInfoArr[i] = testInfo;
				testInfo.filepath = new Path("/TestParallelRead.dat." + i);
				testInfo.authenticData = util.WriteFile(testInfo.filepath, FileSizeK);
				testInfo.dis = dfsClient.Open(testInfo.filepath.ToString(), dfsClient.GetConf().ioBufferSize
					, verifyChecksums);
				for (int j = 0; j < nWorkerEach; ++j)
					workers[nWorkers++] = new TestParallelReadUtil.ReadWorker(testInfo, nWorkers, helper
			// Start the workers and wait
			long starttime = Time.MonotonicNow();
			foreach (TestParallelReadUtil.ReadWorker worker in workers)
			foreach (TestParallelReadUtil.ReadWorker worker_1 in workers)
				catch (Exception)
			long endtime = Time.MonotonicNow();
			// Cleanup
			foreach (TestParallelReadUtil.TestFileInfo testInfo_1 in testInfoArr)
			// Report
			bool res = true;
			long totalRead = 0;
			foreach (TestParallelReadUtil.ReadWorker worker_2 in workers)
				long nread = worker_2.GetBytesRead();
				Log.Info("--- Report: " + worker_2.GetName() + " read " + nread + " B; " + "average "
					 + nread / TestParallelReadUtil.ReadWorker.NIterations + " B per read");
				totalRead += nread;
				if (worker_2.HasError())
					res = false;
			double timeTakenSec = (endtime - starttime) / 1000.0;
			long totalReadKB = totalRead / 1024;
			Log.Info("=== Report: " + nWorkers + " threads read " + totalReadKB + " KB (across "
				 + nFiles + " file(s)) in " + timeTakenSec + "s; average " + totalReadKB / timeTakenSec
				 + " KB/s");
			return res;