Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// This function use for lexing while the user is typing the input, it might significantly reduce
    /// the speed.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="beforTextEnter"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool getLastChar(TextPointer beforTextEnter)
        if (FirstTime == false)
        FirstTime = false;
        bool        lexError = false;
        TextPointer currentPosition;
        TextPointer endOfCurrent = workingBox.Selection.End;

        currentPosition = workingBox.Selection.End.GetInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward);

        TextPointer      enteredPosition = currentPosition;
        GroupWordPointer GroupOfWords    = new GroupWordPointer(enteredPosition);

        if (currentPosition == null)
            FirstTime = true;
        TextPointer startOFWord = getCurrentChar(workingBox.Selection.Start, LogicalDirection.Backward);
        TextRange   delemiter   = new TextRange(workingBox.Selection.Start, startOFWord);
        string      text        = workingBox.Selection.Text;

        if (delemiter.Text == "")    //a delimeter here
            if (startOFWord.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward) != null)
                if (new TextRange(startOFWord, startOFWord.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward)).GetPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty) == Brushes.DarkGreen)
                    Brush brush = Brushes.DarkGreen;
                    startOFWord = getColorPoint(startOFWord, LogicalDirection.Backward, enteredPosition, Brushes.DarkGreen);
                else if (new TextRange(startOFWord, startOFWord.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward)).GetPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty) == Brushes.DarkOrange)
                    Brush brush = Brushes.DarkOrange;
                    startOFWord = getColorPoint(startOFWord, LogicalDirection.Backward, enteredPosition, brush);
                    if (workingBox.Selection.Start.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward) != null)
                        startOFWord = getCurrentChar(workingBox.Selection.Start.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Backward), LogicalDirection.Backward);
            if (startOFWord.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward) != null)
                if (new TextRange(startOFWord, startOFWord.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward)).GetPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty) == Brushes.DarkGreen)
                    startOFWord = getColorPoint(startOFWord, LogicalDirection.Backward, enteredPosition, Brushes.DarkGreen);
                else if (new TextRange(startOFWord, startOFWord.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward)).GetPropertyValue(TextElement.ForegroundProperty) == Brushes.DarkOrange)
                    startOFWord = getColorPoint(startOFWord, LogicalDirection.Backward, enteredPosition, Brushes.DarkOrange);

        List <WordPointer> listOFWords = new List <WordPointer>();
        DFAOut             outPut      = new DFAOut();

        outPut.pointer = startOFWord;
        while (true)
            outPut = traceViaDFA(startOFWord);
            WordPointer current = new WordPointer(startOFWord, outPut.pointer);
            current.lexingOK = outPut.accept;
            if (outPut.text == "comment")
                current.isComment = true;
            if (outPut.text == "string")
                current.isString = true;

            if (current.text == "")   //traceDFA returns "" when encounters a delimeter
            current.Type = outPut.text;
            if (current.lexingOK == false)
                lexError = true;
            startOFWord = outPut.pointer;
        workingBox.Selection.Select(enteredPosition, enteredPosition);

        WordType text3 = new WordType();

        text3.type = WordType.boundType.TEXT;

        for (int i = 0; i < GroupOfWords.arrayIndex; i++)
            visual.ColorText(GroupOfWords.GroupOfWords[i], text3, enteredPosition);

        text3.type = WordType.boundType.LEXERROR;

        for (int i = 0; i < GroupOfWords.arrayIndex; i++)
            if (GroupOfWords.GroupOfWords[i].lexingOK == false)
                visual.ColorText(GroupOfWords.GroupOfWords[i], text3, enteredPosition);

        for (int i = 0; i < GroupOfWords.arrayIndex; i++)
            text3.type = WordType.boundType.KEYWORD;
            for (int j = 0; j < keyWords.Length; j++)
                if (GroupOfWords.GroupOfWords[i].text == keyWords[j])
                    GroupOfWords.GroupOfWords[i].Type = keyWords[j];
                    visual.ColorText(GroupOfWords.GroupOfWords[i], text3, enteredPosition);    // yani range keyWordColor

        text3.type = WordType.boundType.COMMENT;
        for (int i = 0; i < GroupOfWords.arrayIndex; i++)
            if (GroupOfWords.GroupOfWords[i].isComment == true)
                visual.ColorText(GroupOfWords.GroupOfWords[i], text3, enteredPosition);
        text3.type = WordType.boundType.STRING;
        for (int i = 0; i < GroupOfWords.arrayIndex; i++)
            if (GroupOfWords.GroupOfWords[i].isString == true)
                visual.ColorText(GroupOfWords.GroupOfWords[i], text3, enteredPosition);

        FirstTime = true;
Пример #2
    public bool staticLexer()
        FirstTime = false;
        bool lexError = false;

        currentTokenIndex = 0;
        if (listOfTokens.Count != 0)
            listOfTokens.RemoveRange(0, listOfTokens.Count);
        DFAOut output = new DFAOut();

        output.pointer = workingBox.Document.ContentStart.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
        TextPointer starOfWord = workingBox.Document.ContentStart.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
        WordPointer current;

        while (true)
            output           = traceViaDFA(output.pointer);
            current          = new WordPointer(starOfWord, output.pointer);
            current.lexingOK = output.accept;
            if (output.text == "comment")
                current.isComment = true;
            if (output.text == "string")
                current.isString = true;

            if (current.text == "")    //traceDFA return "" when encouters with a delimeter
            if (current.lexingOK == false)
                lexError = true;
            if (current.text.Contains(">"))
                current.text = current.text.Replace(">", "\\>");
            if (current.text.Contains("<"))
                current.text = current.text.Replace("<", "\\<");
            if (current.text.Contains("$"))
                current.text = current.text.Replace("<$", "\\$");

            current.Type = output.text;

            if (current.text != "\r\n" && current.isComment == false && current.text != " ")
            starOfWord = output.pointer;

        //This part is for coloring the text
        TextPointer enteredPosition = workingBox.Document.ContentStart;
        WordType    text3           = new WordType();

        text3.type = WordType.boundType.TEXT;

        for (int i = 0; i < listOfTokens.Count; i++)
            visual.ColorText(listOfTokens[i], text3, enteredPosition);    //aval hame matn ro siah mikonim

        text3.type = WordType.boundType.LEXERROR;

        for (int i = 0; i < listOfTokens.Count; i++)
            if (listOfTokens[i].lexingOK == false)
                visual.ColorText(listOfTokens[i], text3, enteredPosition);

        for (int i = 0; i < listOfTokens.Count; i++)
            text3.type = WordType.boundType.KEYWORD;
            for (int j = 0; j < keyWords.Length; j++)
                if (listOfTokens[i].text == keyWords[j])
                    listOfTokens[i].Type = keyWords[j];
                    visual.ColorText(listOfTokens[i], text3, enteredPosition);    // yani range keyWordColor

        text3.type = WordType.boundType.COMMENT;
        for (int i = 0; i < listOfTokens.Count; i++)
            if (listOfTokens[i].isComment == true)
                visual.ColorText(listOfTokens[i], text3, enteredPosition);
        text3.type = WordType.boundType.STRING;
        for (int i = 0; i < listOfTokens.Count; i++)
            if (listOfTokens[i].isString == true)
                visual.ColorText(listOfTokens[i], text3, enteredPosition);

        currentTokenIndex = 0;

        FirstTime = true;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// gets a startPoint and start lexing untill it found a token or gets error
        /// </summary>
        public DFAOut traceViaDFA(TextPointer startPoint)
            DFAOut outPut = new DFAOut();

            outPut.accept = false;

            TextPointer nextPostion;
            int         currentState    = 1;//Since 0 is used for rejecting, starting state is 1.
            int         charNumber      = 0;
            int         CurrentSateCopy = currentState;
            string      wholeText       = "";
            TextRange   text            = new TextRange(startPoint, startPoint);//just to avoid null exception
            TextRange   textNext;

            char currentChar;
            bool notEnd = true;

            while (notEnd)
                nextPostion = startPoint.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward);
                if (nextPostion == null)
                text = new TextRange(startPoint, nextPostion);

                if (text.Text == "\r\n")
                    currentChar = '\r';
                    currentChar = text.Text.ToCharArray()[0];
                charNumber = SearchForCharNum(currentChar);
                if (charNumber != -1)
                    currentState = DFA[currentState][charNumber];
                    //You can make the Lexer to accept any character on certains states . for example you might want the
                    //lexer to accept any character like persian language or ... on comments and inside strings. then you should
                    //uncomment the code below and replace the states with your own.
                    //Keep in mind that there is another part like this just a few lines below that you should change it too.

                    // startPoint = nextPostion;
                if (currentState == 0)
                if (isFinal(currentState))
                    outPut.accept = true;
                    if (nextPostion.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward) != null)
                        textNext = new TextRange(nextPostion, nextPostion.GetNextInsertionPosition(LogicalDirection.Forward));

                        if (textNext.Text == "\r\n")
                            currentChar = '\r';
                            currentChar = textNext.Text.ToCharArray()[0];

                        charNumber = SearchForCharNum(currentChar);
                        if (charNumber != -1)
                            CurrentSateCopy = DFA[currentState][charNumber];
                            //If you want lexer to accept any character on certain circumstance you should enter them here
                            //like you want any characters to be accepted inside comments or strings
                            //if (currentState != 14 && currentState != 15 && currentState != 6 && currentState != 7 && currentState != 8 && currentState != 10 && currentState != 11)

                            //  notEnd = false;

                        if (!isFinal(CurrentSateCopy))
                            notEnd = false;
                }//end of final
                    startPoint    = nextPostion;
                    outPut.accept = false;
                startPoint = nextPostion;
                wholeText += text.Text;
            //Decalaring types
            if ((currentState >= 6) && (currentState <= 12))
                outPut.text = "comment";
            else if ((currentState >= 14) && (currentState <= 16))
                outPut.text = "string";
            else if (currentState == 2)
                outPut.text = "id";
            else if (currentState == 0 || currentState == 1)
                outPut.text = "Lexer Error";
            else if (currentState == 3)
                outPut.text = "num";
                outPut.text = wholeText;
            outPut.pointer = startPoint;//noghte akhar ro bar migardune