Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new <see cref="Bitmap"/> instance using an array of <see cref="Color"/> pixels and the image width and height.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="colors"><see cref="Color"/> array containing the color of each pixel in the image.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the image.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the image.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="Bitmap"/> instance created using the data provided.</returns>
        public static Bitmap Create(Color[] colors, int width, int height)
            Bitmap     bitmap     = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits
                new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),

                byte *p = (byte *)bitmapData.Scan0;
                Parallel.For(0, height, y =>
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        int offset    = (x * 4) + y * bitmapData.Stride;
                        Color color   = colors[x + y * width];
                        p[offset]     = color.B;
                        p[offset + 1] = color.G;
                        p[offset + 2] = color.R;
                        p[offset + 3] = color.A;


Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read the pixel colors of a bitmap and return them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap to read the pixel colors of.</param>
        /// <returns>Array of <see cref="Color"/> containing the color of each pixel in the <see cref="Bitmap"/>.</returns>
        public static Color[] GetColors(Bitmap bitmap)
            int width  = bitmap.Width;
            int height = bitmap.Height;

            BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits
                new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),

            Color[] colors = new Color[height * width];

                byte *p = (byte *)bitmapData.Scan0;
                Parallel.For(0, height, y =>
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        int offset            = (x * 4) + y * bitmapData.Stride;
                        colors[x + y * width] = new Color
                            p[offset + 2], p[offset + 1], p[offset], p[offset + 3]

        // post/pre processing methods

        public static Color[] TilePalette(Color[] palette)
            var newPalette = new Color[palette.Length];
            int newIndex   = 0;
            int oldIndex   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    newPalette[newIndex++] = palette[oldIndex++];
                oldIndex += 8;
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    newPalette[newIndex++] = palette[oldIndex++];
                oldIndex -= 16;
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    newPalette[newIndex++] = palette[oldIndex++];
                oldIndex += 8;
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    newPalette[newIndex++] = palette[oldIndex++];

        public static Color[] ReadPSMCT24(BinaryReader reader, int width, int height)
            var colorArray = new Color[height * width];

            for (int i = 0; i < colorArray.Length; i++)
                colorArray[i] = new Color(reader.ReadByte(),

        public static Color[] ReadPSMCT16S(BinaryReader reader, int width, int height)
            var colorArray = new Color[width * height];

            for (int i = 0; i < colorArray.Length; i++)
                short color = reader.ReadInt16();
                colorArray[i] = new Color(( byte )((color & 0x001F) << 3),
                                          ( byte )(((color & 0x03E0) >> 5) << 3),
                                          ( byte )(((color & 0x7C00) >> 10) << 3));

        // read methods

        public static Color[] ReadPSMCT32(BinaryReader reader, int width, int height)
            var colorArray = new Color[height * width];

            for (int i = 0; i < colorArray.Length; i++)
                uint color = reader.ReadUInt32();
                colorArray[i] = new Color(( byte )(color & byte.MaxValue),
                                          ( byte )((color >> 8) & byte.MaxValue),
                                          ( byte )((color >> 16) & byte.MaxValue),
                                          ( byte )((color >> 24) & byte.MaxValue));

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the color palette of an indexed bitmap and returns a specified max limit of colors to return.
        /// The limit does not guarantee the amount of colors returned if the palette contains less colors than the specified limit.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitmap">The bitmap to read the palette palette of.</param>
        /// <param name="paletteColorCount">The max limit of palette colors to return.</param>
        /// <returns>Array of <see cref="Color"/> containing the palette colors of the <see cref="Bitmap"/>.</returns>
        public static Color[] GetPalette(Bitmap bitmap, int paletteColorCount)
            Color[] palette = new Color[paletteColorCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.Palette.Entries.Length; i++)
                if (i == paletteColorCount)

                palette[i] = bitmap.Palette.Entries[i];

Пример #8
 // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3064854/determine-if-alpha-channel-is-used-in-an-image/39013496#39013496
 public static bool HasTransparency(Bitmap bitmap)
     // not an alpha-capable color format.
     if ((bitmap.Flags & ( Int32 )ImageFlags.HasAlpha) == 0)
     // Indexed formats. Special case because one index on their palette is configured as THE transparent color.
     if (bitmap.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed || bitmap.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed)
         ColorPalette pal = bitmap.Palette;
         // Find the transparent index on the palette.
         Int32 transCol = -1;
         for (int i = 0; i < pal.Entries.Length; i++)
             Color col = pal.Entries[i];
             if (col.A != 255)
                 // Color palettes should only have one index acting as transparency. Not sure if there's a better way of getting it...
                 transCol = i;
         // none of the entries in the palette have transparency information.
         if (transCol == -1)
         // Check pixels for existence of the transparent index.
         Int32      colDepth = Image.GetPixelFormatSize(bitmap.PixelFormat);
         BitmapData data     = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bitmap.PixelFormat);
         Int32      stride   = data.Stride;
         Byte[]     bytes    = new Byte[bitmap.Height * stride];
         Marshal.Copy(data.Scan0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
         if (colDepth == 8)
             // Last line index.
             Int32 lineMax = bitmap.Width - 1;
             for (Int32 i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
                 // Last position to process.
                 Int32 linepos = i % stride;
                 // Passed last image byte of the line. Abort and go on with loop.
                 if (linepos > lineMax)
                 Byte b = bytes[i];
                 if (b == transCol)
         else if (colDepth == 4)
             // line size in bytes. 1-indexed for the moment.
             Int32 lineMax = bitmap.Width / 2;
             // Check if end of line ends on half a byte.
             Boolean halfByte = bitmap.Width % 2 != 0;
             // If it ends on half a byte, one more needs to be processed.
             // We subtract in the other case instead, to make it 0-indexed right away.
             if (!halfByte)
             for (Int32 i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
                 // Last position to process.
                 Int32 linepos = i % stride;
                 // Passed last image byte of the line. Abort and go on with loop.
                 if (linepos > lineMax)
                 Byte b = bytes[i];
                 if ((b & 0x0F) == transCol)
                 if (halfByte && linepos == lineMax)   // reached last byte of the line. If only half a byte to check on that, abort and go on with loop.
                 if (((b & 0xF0) >> 4) == transCol)
     if (bitmap.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb || bitmap.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb)
         BitmapData data  = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bitmap.PixelFormat);
         Byte[]     bytes = new Byte[bitmap.Height * data.Stride];
         Marshal.Copy(data.Scan0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
         for (Int32 p = 3; p < bytes.Length; p += 4)
             if (bytes[p] != 255)
     // Final "screw it all" method. This is pretty slow, but it won't ever be used, unless you
     // encounter some really esoteric types not handled above, like 16bppArgb1555 and 64bppArgb.
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < bitmap.Width; i++)
         for (Int32 j = 0; j < bitmap.Height; j++)
             if (bitmap.GetPixel(i, j).A != 255)