protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int nRes = 0; SqlCommand oCmd = DBase.GetCommand(Config.DbSaveUserDetails); SqlParameterCollection oParams = oCmd.Parameters; //user Data oParams.Add("@ID", nUserID); oParams.Add("@FirstName", txtFirstName.Text); oParams.Add("@LastName", txtLastName.Text); oParams.Add("@Email", txtEmail.Text); oParams.Add("@Location", txtLocation.Text); oParams.Add("@StatusID", Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboStatus)); oParams.Add("@SexID", Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboSex)); oParams.Add("@LoginName", txtLogin.Text); oParams.Add("@Password", txtPassword.Text); //Mailing Address data oParams.Add("@Address", txtAddress.Text); oParams.Add("@City", txtCity.Text); oParams.Add("@Zip", txtZip.Text); oParams.Add("@Phone", txtPhone.Text); oParams.Add("@StateID", Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboState)); oParams.Add("@CountryID", Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboCountry)); oParams.Add("@ChatAccess", (ChatCheck.Checked ? 1: 0)); nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(oCmd); if (nRes > 0) { nUserID = nRes; hdnUserID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblInfo.Text = "User has been saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); ShowControls(); } else { switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Such login name already exists"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //1. Create new xml string xmlString = ""; ApiControl oEngine = Config.GetApIEngine(); try { DateTime actTime; try { actTime = DateTime.Parse(txtActivatedTime.Text, new CultureInfo("en-US")); } catch { lblInfo.Text = "Incorrect value for Activated Time. Please enter valid date."; return; } nEngineID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboEngine); xmlString = oEngine.GetDefaultProperty(nEngineID, ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Process); xmlString = oCom.getFormXml(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", Page); xmlString = oCom.setAttributeValue(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", "Tournament Type", (string)Session["Tournament Type Process"]); if (xmlString == null) { return; } //2. Save values in DB nCurrencyID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboCurrency); nSubCategoryID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboSubCategory); nActDispID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboActDisp); SqlCommand oCmd = DBase.GetCommand(Config.DbCreateFirstGameProcess); SqlParameterCollection oParams = oCmd.Parameters; oParams.Add("@Name", txtName.Text); oParams.Add("@GameEngineID", nEngineID); oParams.Add("@CurrencyTypeID", nCurrencyID); oParams.Add("@SubCategoryID", nSubCategoryID); oParams.Add("@SettingsXml", xmlString); oParams.Add("@ActionDispatcherID", nActDispID); oParams.Add("@ActivatedTime", actTime); oParams.Add("@ProtectedCode", txtProtCode.Text); oParams.Add("@RewardID", txtReward.Text); oParams.Add("@Visible", chVisible.Checked ? 1:0); oParams.Add("@CreatorUserID", SqlDbType.Int); oParams["@CreatorUserID"].Value = 0; oParams.Add("@ProtectedMode", Utils.GetInt(ddProtectedM.SelectedValue)); oParams.Add("@IsHighlighted", Utils.GetInt(ddHighlightedM.SelectedValue)); oParams.Add("@IsMassWatchingAllowed", Utils.GetInt(ddMassWatchingAllowed.SelectedValue)); SqlParameter oParam = new SqlParameter("@GameProcessID", SqlDbType.Int); oParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; oParams.Add(oParam); int Return = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(oCmd); if (Return <= 0) { if (Return < 0) { lblInfo.Text = "Such game process name already exists. Please try another one."; } else { lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; } oCom.FillTable(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", true, ref table); return; } int processID = Utils.GetInt(oParams["@GameProcessID"].Value); //3. Call InitGameProcess method of Com int pID = processID; if (!oEngine.InitGameProcess(nEngineID, (int)ApiMsg.enProcessFormTarget.Process, ref pID, xmlString, nActDispID)) { Log.Write(this, "Init game process error"); ShowError("Error occured. Game process wasn't created."); oCom.FillTable(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", true, ref table); return; } //4. Success message nGameProcessID = processID; hdnGameProcessID.Value = nGameProcessID.ToString(); lblInfo.Text = "Game process was created"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; oCom.FillTable(xmlString, "gameengine/properties/property", false, ref table); ShowControls(); } finally { oEngine = null; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string tranName = "UpdateSubCategoryStats"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); //1. Save/update Subcategory details SqlCommand oCmd = DBase.GetCommand(Config.DbSaveSubCategoryDetails); SqlParameterCollection oParams = oCmd.Parameters; oParams.Add("@ID", nSubCategoryID); oParams.Add("@Name", txtName.Text); oParams.Add("@StatusID", Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboStatus)); oParams.Add("@CategoryID", Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboCategory)); int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(oCmd); if (nRes <= 0) { lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Typed category name already exists"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; } DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } //2. update SubCategoryStats table DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTableBatch(string.Format(Config.DbUpdateSubCategoryStats, nRes)); DataColumn[] PrimaryKeyArray = new DataColumn[2]; PrimaryKeyArray[0] = oDT.Columns["SubCategoryID"]; PrimaryKeyArray[1] = oDT.Columns["StatsTypeID"]; oDT.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyArray; try { //a. Delete rows that are not any more in the list string[] statsList = hdnStatsList.Value.Split(','); int statsLen = statsList.Length; if (hdnStatsList.Value == "") { statsLen = 0; } int k = 0; while (k < oDT.Rows.Count) { DataRow oRow = oDT.Rows[k]; bool bFind = false; for (int i = 0; i < statsLen; i++) { if (oRow["StatsTypeID"].ToString() == statsList[i]) { bFind = true; } } if (!bFind) { oRow.Delete(); } k++; } //b. Add/update order for the list for (int i = 0; i < statsLen; i++) { DataRow oRow = oDT.Rows.Find(new object[] { nRes, statsList[i] }); if (oRow == null) { oDT.Rows.Add(new object[] { nSubCategoryID, statsList[i], i + 1 }); } else { if (Convert.ToInt32(oRow["Order"]) != i + 1) { oRow["Order"] = i + 1; } } } } catch (Exception oEx) { Log.Write(this, "DataTable operations Error: " + oEx.Message); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "DataBase error occured during updating table"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } bool bRes = DBase.Update(oDT); if (bRes) { DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); hdnSubCategoryID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblInfo.Text = "Category details have been saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); nSubCategoryID = nRes; BindStatsList(); rowRelatedProcesses.Visible = true; BindRelatedProcessList(); } else { DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "DataBase error occured during updating table"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //Invoke Com Api method to process outcomes ComProperty oCom = new ComProperty(); string comData = string.Format("<objects xmlns='nsAction'><object name='pobuddywager.buddywager'><actions xmlns='nsAction'><sbmovetoticker newsid='{0}'/></actions></object></objects>", nNewsID); string sResult = oCom.InvokeMember(Config.ComApi, Config.ComApiCreateRemind, 0, 0, DateTime.Now, comData, "", ""); if (sResult == null) { lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblInfo.Text = "Com Error occured."; return; } int nRes = 0; int nEventID = GetParamInt(Config.ParamEventID); if (nEventID <= 0) { nEventID = Utils.GetInt(hdnEventID.Value); } string strNewsDate = ""; if (nEventID > 0) { SqlCommand oCmd = DBase.GetCommand(Config.DbSaveEventNewsDetails); SqlParameterCollection oParams = oCmd.Parameters; oParams.Add("@EventNewsID", nNewsID); oParams.Add("@EventID", nEventID); oParams.Add("@Subject", txtSubject.Text); oParams.Add("@Body", txtBody.Text); SqlParameter oParam = new SqlParameter("@NewsDate", System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime); oParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; oParams.Add(oParam); nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(oCmd); strNewsDate = oParams["@NewsDate"].Value.ToString(); } else { nRes = -10; } if (nRes > 0) { hdnNewsID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblDate.Text = strNewsDate; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblInfo.Text = "News details have been saved"; Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); } else { switch (nRes) { case -10: lblInfo.Text = "Not specified event! (Parameter error)"; break; case 0: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Unknown error occured"; break; } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int nRes = 0; if (nEventID > 0) { SqlCommand oCmd = DBase.GetCommand(Config.DbSaveOutcomeDetails); SqlParameterCollection oParams = oCmd.Parameters; nTypeID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboType); decimal BetValue = Utils.GetDecimal(txtValue.Text); decimal WonValue = Utils.GetDecimal(txtWonValue.Text); nResultID = waitingResultID; if (nTypeID == straightTypeID) { nResultID = Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboResult); } else if ((txtValue.Text != "") && (txtWonValue.Text != "")) { nResultID = negativeResultID; if ((nTypeID == handicapTypeID) && (WonValue > BetValue)) { nResultID = positiveResultID; } if ((nTypeID == overTypeID) && (WonValue > BetValue)) { nResultID = positiveResultID; } if ((nTypeID == underTypeID) && (WonValue < BetValue)) { nResultID = positiveResultID; } } int factor = 1; if (nTypeID == underTypeID) { factor = -1; } if ((nTypeID == underTypeID) || (nTypeID == overTypeID)) { nTypeID = overUnderTypeID; } oParams.Add("@OutcomeID", nOutcomeID); oParams.Add("@Name", txtName.Text); oParams.Add("@EventID", nEventID); //oParams.Add("@Rate", Components.BetPriceConvert.Usa2Euro(txtRate.Text)); oParams.Add("@Rate", txtRate.Text); oParams.Add("@Description", txtDescription.Text); oParams.Add("@ResultID", nResultID); oParams.Add("@BetTypeID", nTypeID); if (txtValue.Text == "") { oParams.Add("@BetValue", System.DBNull.Value); } else { oParams.Add("@BetValue", Convert.ToString(BetValue * factor)); } if (txtWonValue.Text == "") { oParams.Add("@WonValue", System.DBNull.Value); } else { oParams.Add("@WonValue", Convert.ToString(WonValue * factor)); } nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(oCmd); } else { nRes = -10; } if (nRes > 0) { hdnID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblInfo.Text = "Outcome details have been saved"; Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); } else { switch (nRes) { case -10: lblInfo.Text = "Not specified event! (Parameter error)"; break; case 0: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Unknown error occured"; break; } } }